Anatomy Final part 3

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*__________ Area is the sensory speech area that is used for auditory and visual memories.* a. Broca's b. Wilbur's c. Wernicke's d. Diencephalon


*Which types of nerves in the peripheral nervous system carry sensory impulses toward the spinal cord?* a. somatic b. afferent c. efferent


*In the reflex arc, a muscle or gland is considered to be the* a. motor neuron. b. receptor. c. integration center. d. effector.


*The tissue that forms the innermost layer of the heart is the* a. epicardium. b. myocardium. c. endocardium.


*Which neuroglial cells line the ventricles of the brain making and secreting cerebrospinal fluid?* a. microglia b. ependymal c. oligodendrocytes d. astrocytes


*Which part of the body does not contain lymph nodes?* a. neck b. feet c. knees d. armpits


*The longest vein in the body is the* a. inferior vena cava. b. subclavian vein. c. external jugular vein. d. great saphenous vein.

great saphenous vein.

*Which cortex of the cerebrum is directly related to receiving information associated with different smells?* a. visual b. olfactory c. auditory d. gustatory


*The most important action of plasma fibrinogen is* a. acting as antibodies of immunity. b. helping to maintain blood osmotic pressure. c. serving as energy sources. d. helping to control bleeding.

helping to control bleeding

*Which area of the brain is mostly concerned with homeostasis?* a. cerebellum b. thalamus c. hypothalamus d. cerebrum


*Within the meninges, cerebrospinal fluid occupies the* a. epidural space. b. gray commissure. c. lumbar enlargement. d. subarachnoid space.

subarachnoid space

*A __________ is a junction between two neurons.* a. synapse b. motor end plate c. nucleus d. motor unit


*Which of the following is the space between the end of one axon and a dendrite of another neuron?* a. synaptic vesicle b. synaptic cleft c. axon terminal d. vestibule

synaptic cleft

*The __________ sorts and distributes (relays) all sensory information to the cerebrum.* a. hypothalamus b. occipital lobe c. thalamus d. corpus callosum


*The first heart sound that marks the start of ventricular contraction is produced as the ___________________.* a. blood is flowing into the superior vena cava b. semilunar valves close c. AV valves close d. blood is flowing into the inferior vena cava

AV valves close

*__________ have the thickest walls.* a. Arteries b. Veins c. Capillaries


*Which area of the brain is responsible for consciousness and awareness?* a. cerebrum b. thalamus c. cerebellum d. hypothalamus


*_________ is a wide, flat bundle of nerve fibers that connects the right and left cerebral hemispheres.* a. Cerebellum b. Cerebral cortex c. Corpus callosum d. Thalamus

Corpus callosum

*__________ is a branching of intersecting nerves from certain areas of the spinal column* a. Ganglia b. Cutaneous Trigones c. Dermatomes d. Nerve Plexuses

Nerve Plexuses

*What does Rh in blood typing mean?* a. Rheumatoid arthritis b. Rhogam injection c. Rhesus monkey antigen

Rhesus monkey antigen

*Which of the following is the primary pacemaker for the heart?* a. both AV node and Purkinje fibers b. SA Node c. Purkinje fibers d. AV node

SA Node

*Sheaths of __________ cells often enclose the axons of neurons in the Peripheral Nervous System.* a. nissl b. pigmented c. oligodendrocyte d. Schwann


*Which division of the nervous system contains nerves that bring sensory information to the brain and spinal cord from receptors in peripheral tissues and organs?* a. efferent division b. afferent division c. none of the choices are correct d. postganglionic division

afferent division

*Plasma proteins that remain in the blood that help osmotic pressure among tissues are __________.* a. albumins. b. fibrinogen. c. globulins. d. none of the above.


*Cytotoxic T cells may attack* a. all choices are correct b. antigen-bearing cells. c. cancer cells. d. infected cells.

all choices are correct

*Hemoglobin* a. all choices are correct. b. contains iron. c. is in red blood cells. d. carries O2.

all choices are correct

*T and B cells are found in __________.* a. spleen b. lymph nodes c. blood d. all choices are correct

all choices are correct

*What is the function of the lymphatic system?* a. absorbs fat molecules b. defend the body against disease c. returns fluid to the bloodstream d. all choices are correct

all choices are correct

*What protects the spinal cord?* a. meninges b. vertebrae c. all choices are correct d. cerebrospinal fluid

all choices are correct

*Which are in lymph nodes?* a. lymphocytes b. macrophages c. NK cells d. all choices are correct

all choices are correct

*Which of the following is a function of the Nodes of Ranvier?* a. all choices are correct b. allows action potential to jump along the axon c. allows sodium and potassium to create voltage of electricity d. increases speed of electrical impulses

all choices are correct

*Which of the following is a lymphoid tissue?* a. appendix b. tonsils c. adenoids d. all choices are correct

all choices are correct

*The limbic system is concerned with* a. our deepest emotions, such as rage and pleasure. b. all of these choices are correct. c. relating feelings to experiences. d. learning and memory.

all of these choices are correct.

*The spleen* a. is responsive to low oxygen concentration. b. contains numerous macrophages. c. all of these choices are correct. d. functions as a blood reservoir

all of these choices are correct.

*Plasma cells (immunoglobulins) produce* a. antibodies. b. antigens. c. histamines. d. T cells.


*A foreign substance to the body that triggers an immune response is called a (an) _________.* a. renin b. antibody c. antigen d. immunoglobulin


*Blood type is determined by* a. antigens in the plasma. b. antibodies on red blood cells. c. antigens on red blood cells. d. antibodies in the plasma.

antigens on red blood cells.

*The largest artery of the body is the* a. aorta. b. femoral artery. c. subclavian. d. radial artery.


*Where do the coronary arteries originate?* a. pulmonary trunk b. coronary sinus c. pulmonary veins d. aorta


*Which blood vessel(s) has high oxygen content?* a. pulmonary vein b. aorta c. pulmonary artery d. aorta and pulmonary vein

aorta and pulmonary vein

*Where is blood pressure the greatest?* a. capillaries b. arterioles c. arteries d. all choices the same


*Which neuron is used for reflexes by carrying sensory information to a motor neuron?* a. bipolar neuron b. unipolar neuron c. multipolar neuron d. association neuron

association neuron

*Which of the following neuroglial cells forms a blood-brain-barrier?* a. astrocytes b. oligodendrocytes c. schwann cells d. ependymal cells


*When the bicuspid and tricuspid valves close, the* a. atria are relaxing and the ventricles are contracting b. right atria contracts while the left atria relaxes. c. ventricles are relaxing and the atria are contracting. d. right ventricle contracts while the left ventricle relaxes.

atria are relaxing and the ventricles are contracting

*Covering the right and left atria are wrinkled pouch-like structures called _________.* a. atrial cortex b. auricles c. chordae tendinae d. perichondrium


*The part of the neuron that propels an action potential that ultimately affects the activity of another neuron or effector is the __________.* a. axon hillock b. dendrites c. axon d. cell body


*In which direction does an impulse go across a synapse?* a. axon to dendrite b. axon to dendrite and dendrite to axon c. dendrite to axon

axon to dendrite

*Which of the following granular white blood cells discharges histamine to cause inflammation?* a. T-cells b. neutrophils c. B-cells d. basophils


*The type of neuron that has a cell body between dendritic and axonal processes and allows for special sensory information (e.g. seeing and hearing) to be delivered is known as a __________ neuron.* a. unipolar b. bipolar c. multipolar d. tripolar


*A normal immune response requires the presence of* a. B-cells only. b. both T- and B-cells. c. T-cells only. d. neither T- nor B-cells.

both T - and B-cells

*The motor neuron carries an impulse* a. to smooth muscle. b. to cerebrum. c. both skeletal and smooth muscle. d. to skeletal muscle.

both skeletal and smooth muscle.

*The thickest part of the artery is the __________.* a. endothelium b. smooth muscle c. both smooth muscle and tunica media d. tunica media

both smooth muscle and tunica media

*Which artery of the body is typically used to measure blood pressure?* a. carotid b. femoral c. brachial d. aorta


*Which nerve plexus services the brachial and antebrachial regions?* a. sacral b. thoracic c. brachial d. cervical


*The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system has preganglionic nerve fibers that arise from the _________ region(s) of the spinal cord.* a. lumbar b. cervical c. thoracic d. brain stem and sacral

brain stem and sacral

*What are the only blood vessels whose walls permit exchange between the blood and interstitial fluid?* a. veins b. arterioles c. venules d. capillaries


*Arbor vitae is white matter that is part of the __________.* a. corpus callosum b. brain stem c. cerebellum d. cerebrum


*Which is not a component of the brain stem?* a. midbrain b. medulla oblongata c. cerebellum d. pons


*Which part of the brain adjusts ongoing movements of the body's equilibrium and balance?* a. midbrain b. cerebrum c. diencephalon d. cerebellum


*The part of the brain that functions to originate and coordinate voluntary muscle movements is the:* a. corpus callosum b. cerebellum c. brain stem d. cerebrum


*Which portion of the brain has hemispheres?* a. medulla oblongata b. brainstem c. hypothalamus d. cerebrum


*Which of the following is NOT a function of the hypothalamus?* a. wakefulness and attention b. controls of skeletal muscles c. secretes hormones d. regulates body temperature

controls of skeletal muscles

*The collection of cardiac veins that brings deoxygenated blood into an opening in the right atrium is known as the _________.* a. aortic sinus b. fossa ovalis c. ligamentum arteriosum d. coronary sinus

coronary sinus

*Platelets are best defined as* a. immature leukocytes. b. cytoplasmic fragments of cells. c. lymphoid cells. d. biconcave disc cells.

cytoplasmic fragments of cells.

*Which of the meningeal membranes is the thickest consisting of tough connective tissue?* a. subarachnoid space b. pia mater c. arachnoid mater d. dura mater

dura mater

*Which of the following elements is included in hemoglobin molecules? * a. iodine b. iron c. cobalt d. copper


*Which controls the functions of internal visceral organs?* a. medulla oblongata b. hypothalamus c. medulla oblongata and hypothalamus d. cerebellum

medulla oblongata and hypothalamus

*Which of the following neuroglial cell is phagocytic toward bacteria?* a. schwann cell b. ependymal cell c. oligodendrocytes d. microglial cell

microglial cell

*The part of the brain stem that responds to auditory and visual stimuli is the _________.* a. midbrain b. thalamus c. medulla oblongata d. pons


*Which of the following is an agranulocyte?* a. eosinophil b. basophil c. neutrophil d. monocyte


*Broca's area is the part of the cerebrum that regulates __________.* a. long term memory b. short term memory c. smell, sight, and hearing d. motor speech

motor speech

*The movement of lymph through lymphatic vessels is caused largely by* a. blood pressure. b. muscular activity. c. osmotic pressure. d. activity of the lymphatic heart.

muscular activity.

*Which of the following is phagocytic and kills bacteria?* a. thrombocytes b. neutrophils c. erythrocytes d. basophils


*Which of the following is NOT a type of neuroglial cell? * a. ependymal cell b. astrocyte c. nissl cell d. Schwann cell

nissl cell

*What is the area of the optic nerves crossing over each other called?* a. optic tracts b. optic chiasma c. infundibulum d. corpus callosum

optic chiasma

*The autonomic nervous system is the* a. parasympathetic nervous system. b. sympathetic nervous system. c. parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system.

parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system

*The cranial nerves are part of the __________ system.* a. central nervous b. limbic c. peripheral nervous d. respiratory

peripheral nervous

*The inner most layer of the meninges is the __________.* a. pia mater b. arachnoid c. subarachnoid d. dura mater

pia mater

*The two minerals needed to carry electrical impulses within the axon of a neuron are* a. potassium and sodium. b. sodium and calcium. c. sodium and magnesium. d. calcium and phosphorus.

potassium and sodium.

*Which of the following is not a branch of the aorta?* a. left subclavian artery b. right coronary artery c. pulmonary artery d. brachiocephalic artery

pulmonary artery

*The right atrium* a. receives blood from the body tissues. b. carries blood to the coronary arteries. c. receives blood from lungs. d. carries blood toward the body tissues.

receives blood from the body tissues

*Which of the following lists the parts of a reflex arc in the correct sequence?* a. receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, effector, interneuron b. effector, sensory neuron, receptor, interneuron, motor neuron c. receptor, sensory neuron, motor neuron, interneuron, effector d. receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector

receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector

*The hematocrit is composed mainly of* a. plasma. b. red blood cells. c. white blood cells. d. platelets.

red blood cells

*The presumption that pain originates at the site of that pain is often an incorrect one is due to __________ pain.* a. dilapidated b. weight-bearing c. referred d. conducive


*What are the main functions of the spinal cord?* a. reflex center and relay center between brain and peripheral nerves b. relay center between brain and peripheral nerves c. reflex center

reflex center and relay center between brain and peripheral nerves

*Which of the following represents the correct sequence of parts through which blood moves in passing from the vena cava to the lungs?* a. pulmonary semilunar valve, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle b. right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve c. tricuspid valve, right atrium, pulmonary semilunar valve, right ventricle d. right atrium, pulmonary semilunar valve, right ventricle, tricuspid valve

right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary semilunar valve

*The __________ nerve plexus supplies the spinal nerves for parts of the pelvis, most of the lower leg and entire foot .* a. lumbar b. cervical c. brachial d. sacral


*The first line of defense the body has against microorganisms including bacteria is (are) the _________.* a. monocytes b. skin c. lymphocytes


*Which is a largest lymphatic organ?* a. lymph node b. tonsil c. spleen d. thymus


*What is the function of the valves?* a. to stimulate the heart b. to push blood c. to give support to the heart d. to prevent backflow

to prevent backflow

*Which of the following is the outermost layer of a blood vessel that forms a connective tissue sheath?* a. tunica interna b. tunica externa c. tunica media d. tunica vastus

tunica externa

*Which layer of an artery wall is primarily smooth muscle tissue?* a. tunica media b. tunica externa c. tunica interna

tunica media

*What is the process by which arterial smooth muscles relax thereby increasing the diameter of an artery?* a. vascular squeezing b. vasoconstriction c. vascular relaxation d. vasodilatation


*The structure of a lymphatic vessel is most similar to that of a (an)* a. capillary. b. arteriole. c. vein. d. artery.


*In the systemic circuit, __________ carry blood to the heart.* a. arteries b. veins c. capillaries


*From a spinal nerve, the __________ carries motor information away the spinal cord.* a. ventral root b. dorsal root c. none of theses are correct d. anterior horn

ventral root

*Which are the strongest pumping chambers?* a. atria b. ventricles


*The blood pressure in the systemic arteries is greatest during* a. atrial systole. b. arterial diastole. c. ventricular systole. d. ventricular diastole.

ventricular systole.

*Masses of myelinated nerve fibers microscopically appear* a. brown b. white c. gray d. transparent


*The ascending and descending tracts contains* a. gray matter and white matter. b. gray matter. c. white matter.

white matter

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