Anatomy Review: Skeletal muscle Tissue

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A band

(dark) contains both thick and thick filaments.

I band

(light) and contains only thin filaments.

H zone

Contains only thick filaments.

What type of contractile shape is the Skeletal Muscle cell?


The connective tissue which surrounds a muscle is called?


contains the contractile filaments within the skeletal muscle cell.

Myofibril ( elongated contractile threads)

Smallest structure to the largest Structure.

Myofiliments, myofibril, muscle cell (muscle fiber,) fascicle, muscle.

What are the characteristic of Skeletal muscle cells?

Presence of visible striations and multiply peripheral nuclei.

What is the characteristic of Cardiac Muscle Cells?

Presence of visible striations and single, centrally-located nuclei.

The regions of the myofibril between two Z lines that is contractile unit of a muscle cell is called a


Interconnecting tubules of endoplasmic reticulum that surround each myofibril.

Sacroplasmic reticulum.

Invaginantions of the sarcolemma that projecting deep into the cell.

T Tubule

Sac-like regions of the sarcoplasmic reticulum that contain calcium ions.

Terminal aster nae.

A group of one T tubule lying between two adjacent terminal cisternae


sites of ATP synthesis.


Plasma membrane of the muscle cell.


What is the function of endomysium.

separates and electrically insulates the muscle cells from each other.

List the three types of contractile cells of the body.

smooth, skeletal, cardiac muscle.

What type of contractile shape is Smooth muscle cells?

spindle shaped cell.

What is the name of the structure that attaches skeletal muscles to bones?


The M line connects thick (myosin) filaments


The Z lines connects thin (actin) filaments


What is the characteristic of Smooth muscle cells?

Absence of visible striations and single, centrally-located nuclei number of nuclei.

What are the two types of filament in a myfibril?

Actin (thin filament) and Myosin (thick filament)

What type of contractile shape is the Cardiac muscle cells?

Branching cell.

bundles of skeletal muscle cells are called?


What is the main function of skeletal muscles?

movement of the body.

Alternative name for skeletal muscle cells.

muscle fibers

And the connective tissue around the fascicles is called?


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