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ureter and/or kidney discomfort

"Loin-to-groin" pain typically means ______.


A mechanism that is effective in maintaining a normal glomerular blood pressure only if the systemic mean arterial pressure remains between 80 and 180 mm Hg is called _______ autoregulation.

countercurrent multiplier

A positive feedback mechanism called the _____ ______involves the nephron loop and is partially responsible for establishing the salt concentration gradient within the interstitial fluid.

cardiac output

At least 20- 25% of the resting ______ normally flows through the kidney via the renal artery.

-urine storage -acid-base balance -erythropoietin production

Besides removing waste products from the bloodstream, the urinary system performs many other functions, including which of the following?

capsular space

Between the visceral and parietal layers of the glomerular capsule is a ________ ________


Blood enters the glomerulus by the _______arteriole.


Blood flows from the renal artery to the ______ arteries in the area of the renal sinus.


Blood leaves the glomerulus by way of the ______ arteriole.

simple epithelium

Both collecting tubules and collecting ducts are lined by ______.

renal medulla; renal papilla

Collecting tubules and collecting ducts project through the ______ toward the ______.

descending limb; ascending limb of the loop

Countercurrent in the countercurrent multiplier refers to the tubular fluid's reversing its relative direction as it moves first through the ______ and then through the ______.

amino acids water glucose ions

During urine formation, which substances escape into the filtrate?


Each kidney usually contains ______ major calyces.

descending, ascending

Each nephron loop has two limbs, a(n) ________ limb that extends from the cortex to the medulla and a(n) __________ limb that returns back into the renal cortex.


Filtrate is produced due to the difference between ______ pressure of the blood in the glomerulus and the opposing pressures of the osmotic blood pressure and fluid pressure in the capsular space.


GFR can be decreased with extensive ______ stimulation.

diameter of the afferent arteriole

Glomerular filtration is influenced by changing the ______.

renal autoregulation

Glomerular filtration regulation involves intrinsic control which could best be described as ______.

smooth muscle

Granular or juxtaglomerular cells are modified _____ _____cells.


In females, the urinary bladder is anteroinferior to the ______ and directly anterior to the vagina.


In males, the urinary bladder is anterior to the ______and directly superior to the _____gland.


Interlobular veins merge to form ______ veins.

does not

Normally urine ______ contains red blood cells.

collecting duct

Once the tubular fluid leaves the ______, it is called urine.

granular cells

One component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus is which of the following?


Renal _____ is the intrinsic ability of the kidney to maintain constant blood pressure.


Renal arteries branch directly into ______ arteries.


Renal autoregulation functions by two mechanisms, the ______mechanism, and the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism.


Renal autoregulation is effective in maintaining a normal glomerular blood pressure only if the systemic mean arterial pressure remains between ______ and ______ mm Hg.

minor, major

Several ______ calyces merge to form larger spaces called ______ calyces.


Substances are _____ when they move from the tubular fluid back into the blood.

renal fascia

The ____ ____ is composed of dense irregular connective tissue that covers the outside of the kidney.

macula densa

The ____ _____ is a group of modified epithelial cells in the distal convoluted tubule that touch the granular or juxtaglomerular cells.

endothelium of glomerulus

The ______ allows plasma and its dissolved substances to be filtered while restricting the passage of large structures, such as formed elements.

peritubular capillaries

The ______ are associated with the convoluted tubules and primarily reside in the cortex of the kidney.

vasa recta

The ______ are associated with the nephron loop and primarily reside in the medulla of the kidney.

afferent, efferent

The ______ arteriole leads to the glomerulus and the ______ arteriole leads away from the glomerulus.

endothelium of glomerulus

The ______ is fenestrated.

proximal convoluted tubule

The ______ is lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with tall microvilli for maximum reabsorption.

renal plasma clearance

The ______ measures the volume of plasma that can be completely cleared of substance in a given period of time.


The adventitia of the ureter is formed from _____ connective tissue.


The anterior surface of the kidneys is covered with ______ and the posterior surface lies directly against the posterior abdominal wall.


The apex of the renal pyramid is called the renal ______and it projects toward the renal sinus.

distal convoluted

The ascending limb of the nephron loop returns to the renal cortex and terminates at the ___ ____tubule.


The average daily urine volume is normally ______ liters.


The capsular space receives the _______, which is then modified to form urine.

taller, narrower

The cells of the macula densa are easy to recognize because they are ______ and ______ than the other cells of the DCT.


The constricted ______ of the urinary bladder is connected to the urethra.


The difference between the hydrostatic pressure of the blood in the glomerulus and the opposing pressures of the osmotic blood pressure and fluid pressure in the capsular space determines the amount of _______formed.

thick ascending limb of the nephron loop

The distal convoluted tubule originates in the renal cortex at the end of the ______.

cuboidal, columnar

The epithelial cells of the collecting tubules are ______ but are ______ cells in the collecting ducts near the renal papilla.


The external layer of the ureter wall is the


The female urethra has ______ function(s) and is about ______ centimeters long.


The female urethra opens to the outside of the body at the external urethral orifice located in the female ______.

protects it from trauma maintains the kidney's shape protects it from pathogens

The fibrous or renal capsule has which of the following function(s)?


The fluid that is formed when blood flows through the glomerulus and some components of the plasma enter the capsular space is called


The granular cells of the JGA, synthesize, store and release ______.


The innermost portion of a kidney is called the ______.


The juxtaglomerular cells are modified smooth muscle cells of the _____ arteriole located near the renal corpuscle.


The kidneys are located along the ______ abdominal wall.

The kidneys are posterior to the peritoneum.

The kidneys are retroperitoneal. Which description below describes what this means?


The layer of the ureter called the ______ consists of 2 layers of smooth muscle.


The layer that lines the urinary bladder lumen is called the

NaCl concentration

The macula densa cells continuously monitor ______ in the tubular fluid.


The major calyces merge to form a large funnel-shaped renal ______.


The middle muscularis of the ureter consists of an inner ________ layer and an outer circular layer.


The mucosa of the ureter is formed from ______ epithelium.

cortex; medulla; cortex

The nephron loop originates in the ______ and descends down into the ______ and then ascends back into the ______.

T11-L2 dermatomes

The pain from the ureter, as might be felt from a kidney stone, is referred to as the ______.


The renal corpuscle has a thick tangle of capillaries called the ______.


The renal corpuscle has an epithelial capsule surrounding the ______ called the glomerular capsule.


The renal pelvis merges at the ______ edge of the kidney with the ureter.

distal convoluted tubule nephron loop proximal convoluted tubule

The renal tubule consists of which of the following?


The right kidney is ______ to the left kidney.


The segmental arteries branch to form the ______ arteries that travel through the renal columns.


The structure that is formed by imaginary lines connecting the two ureter openings and the urethral opening is the ______of the bladder.


The structure that originates at the neck of the urinary bladder and conducts urine to the exterior of the body is the _____

efferent arteriole juxtaglomerular apparatus afferent arteriole

The sympathetic axons extend to which blood vessels of the kidney?


The thin part of the ascending limb of the nephron loop is lined with simple _______ epithelium and the thick part, is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium

urinary bladder

The ureters originate at the renal pelvis and extend to the _____ ______.


The urinary tract consists of ______ , urinary bladder, and urethra.

mucosa adventitia muscularis

The wall of the ureter is composed of a series of tunics. Which are these tunics?


The wide base of a renal pyramid lies next to the ______.


There are two types of nephrons, cortical nephrons, and _______ nephrons.


To conduct a measurement of filtration rate, an individual is injected with


True or false: GFR can be increased with atrial natriuretic peptide stimulation.


True or false: If urine production drops below 0.40 L per day, wastes will accumulate in the blood.


True or false: The DCT is lined with simple cuboidal epithelium but the cells are larger than those of the PCT and the microvilli are denser.


True or false: The main function of the urinary system is to remove oxygen from the bloodstream.


True or false: The mucosa of the ureter is distensible (stretchy) and impermeable to the passage of urine.


True or false: The trigone moves as the urinary bladder fills and functions as a funnel to direct the stored urine into the urethra.


Ureters enter the posterolateral wall of the urinary bladder through the ______ openings.


Urine flows from the renal papilla through the calyces into the renal pelvis and then directly into the ____


Urine is mostly composed of ______.

renal clearance rate

We may infer from the ______ whether a substance is reabsorbed or secreted.

simple cuboidal epithelium

What type of tissue line the PCT?

cortex, medulla

When a kidney is sectioned along a coronal plane, there is an outer renal ______ and an inner renal ______.

collecting tubules; collecting ducts

When the tubular fluid leaves the distal convoluted tubules, it must travel through a series of small ______ that empty into ______.

mucosa adventitia muscularis submucosa

Which form the wall of the urinary bladder?

macula densa

Which is a component of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?

tubular reabsorption tubular secretion filtration

Which of the following are the processes by which urine is formed?


Which of the following happens first?

platelets erythrocytes leukocytes

Which substances are not filtered through the kidneys?


Which type of nephron plays the more important role in establishing a salt concentration gradient?


______ nerves extend from the spinal cord to the blood vessels of the kidney.

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