Ancient Greece (Answer Key)

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How much of the land consists of mountains



A bad leader


A cruel ruler, someone who usually took control of a government illegally and ruled alone


A deadly sickness


A large fighting ship used by the Ancient Greeks and others beginning in the late 6th century B.C.


A long story-poem


A slave owned by the state in ancient Sparta


A small strip of land, with water on both sides that connects two larger areas of land


A walled fort built on a hill

How many islands are part of Greece

About 2,000


An agreement to cooperate


An open-air market and gathering place in Greek city-states

Explain the details surrounding either the Persian or Peloponnesian War. How did it start? Who was involved? What was the result?

Around 540 B.C. Persia conquered Greek cities in Asia Minor. About 500 B.C. the Greeks rebelled against Persia. Athens sent an army to help the colonies, but they couldn't defeat the Persians. Persia's King Darius I sent troops to attack Athens. Athenians met Persians on the plain of Marathon. Persia had more men, but Athens was able to defeat them in one day. Darius I died, and his son Xerxes took over as king. In 480 B.C. Xerxes sent about 300,000 soldiers in 800 ships to attack Greece. The Greek city-states joined their armies and navies to fight Persia. The Greeks won the war even though they had fewer men. Greek city-states formed leagues in case of future attacks. Sparta led the Peloponnesian League. Athens led the Delian League. Athens and Sparta were not satisfied with their power. The Peloponnesian League supported Sparta, and the Delian League supported Athens. The war lasted 27 years. Sparta attacked Athens. Citizens of Athens moved into the city. The city became crowded, and disease and starvation weakened the people. One fourth of the Athenian army died. Pericles also died. Demagogues (bad leaders) took over. Athens surrendered to Sparta in 404 B.C. Sparta replaced Athen's democracy with an oligarchy. Athens rebelled and returned to a democracy.

What city-state led the Delian League


On what peninsula is Greece located


Arthur Evans

Discovered the Minoan civilization

Name the three Greek columns

Doric, Corinthian, Ionic

What were their main crops

Grapes and olives

What is one key idea that Pericles developed for the Athenian people

He felt that every citizen had the right to vote - not just the wealthy. He arranged for jurors to paid so they would not lose money being away from their jobs

What type of climate does Greece have

Hot and dry

How does the Athenian culture differ from the Spartan culture? Describe at least 2 differences.

In Sparta, military strength was used to control the city-state. Boys were taken from home at age 7 for training. Training continued until age 18. Boys were often tortured by older boys, beaten in front of others without crying out, and made to sleep on bare floors to make them tough. Athenian men served in the army only during war times. Sparta had 2 kings. Kings had little authority except in war. Each king was part of a 30 member senate (all 60 years or older). All male citizens were allowed to participate in the assembly. Five wealthy landowners were elected to handle daily governing (euphors). Senators and euphors held the most power. A small group like this is an oligarchy. Athenian citizens were encouraged to participate in government (democracy - rule by the people). Every free man over the age of 20 had full political rights and took part in the assemblies. Each man had one vote, and the majority ruled.


Leader of Athens, believed jurors should be paid and believed in democracy


Son of King Darius, led Persians against the Greeks

Alexander the Great

Son of King Phillip, dreamed of world conquest, created largest empire of the time

What city-state led the Peloponnesian League



Spartan leader that led the Greeks against the Persians

What type of soil is in Greece


What type of people were the Mycenaeans



Wrote the Iliad and Odyssey

What is one difference between the Minoans and the Mycenaeans

Minoans were peaceful, and the Mycenaens were war-like

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