Ancient Maya

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"middle America" the region extending from modern day Mexico through Central America


Also known as corn. Primary crop of the Mayan people.


An independent city and its surrounding farmland.


An underground well which was the main source of water for the Mayans.

peasant class

In Mayan social structure, this class had the largest number of people. Responsible for building temples and farming. They were at the bottom of the social pyramid.

Occupation of most Mayan Peasants

Farmers and food preparation


Giving up something as a tribute to the gods. Could be food, prized possessions, or even humans.


Jungle cat which was sacred to the Mayans. Could travel in the trees, on the ground, and the water.

List some key crops grown by the Ancient Mayans?

Maize (corn), cocoa beans, avocados, plantains, mangos.

Mayan King

Mayan King led daily life and was a political and religious leader. He was a descendent of the gods and led sacrifices.


Mayan book. Made from bark which was folded like an accordion.

Chichen Itza

Mayan city-state in the Mexican Yucatan peninsula that known for its famous pyramid.


Mayan city-state in the rainforests of northern Guatemala that flourished between 200 and 850 A.D. and was later abandoned.

Son of the ruler

Most likely person to gain leadership of a city-state after a ruler dies


Noble class, Only ones who could read the Mayan calendar, predict the future, and map the stars

List the three theories as to why the Ancient Mayan civilization disappeared.

People no longer believed in leaders, land was overused and destroyed, and fighting between the city states.


Performed in order to bring balance and order to the universe; a gift of an animal for slaughter as a way to honor gods


Protective covering worn by the ball players around the waist.


Pyramids created by the Ancient Mayans. Used as tombs and to impress people. They were also used as places to worship and observe the sky.

Makes up Mayan Culture

Religion, calendar, language, and social system

Farming, harvesting crops, building temples

Responsibilities of Mayan men

Preparing the foods like tortillas and tamales, weaving clothing, and tending the home

Responsibility of Mayan women


Sacred ball game used to keep warriors in shape and to please the gods.

List some ways in which the Mayan culture is still seen in Mesoamerica today.

Some people in Mesoamerica still speak the same language, build houses same way, still plant corn same way, use bees for honey, play same games/sports, and weave clothing in ancient way.


The Maya did not use money, instead they traded items like feathers, cacao beans, and obsidian


The Maya grew foods like maize, beans, squash, chili peppers to support their population

How did the Mayans advance math and science?

The Mayans studied planets, predicted eclipses, developed calendar for seasons and crops. Their calendar were based off the stars and had 365 days (like ours today). They also developed a base 20 number system.

Why was the Ancient Mayan city-states like a doughnut?

The city-states are like a doughnut, because in the center is the city were reserved for political and religious purposes. The center of the city held the palace for the king. On the outside is the rural area where most housing and people live.

tropical wet/dry

The climate in the Yucatan Peninsula where the Maya lived.


The top of the Maya social pyramid. He was responsible for deciding with whom and when to go to war.

Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua

These modern-day countries are located where the Maya civilization once stood


This is a stone column covered in writing.

Yucatan Peninsula

This piece of land is in Mexico and surrounded by water on three sides.

Slash and Burn Agriculture, Terrace farming, and Chinampas

Types of agriculture techniques used by the Maya.


Volcanic stone Mayans used to grind maize on to create tortillas.

Mayan Civilization

Was divided into separate city-states and NOT one unified government.

Yucatan peninsula

Where Mayan city states were located


Writing implement used to write by many cultures. Often dipped in ink.


Writing of the Mayan civilization. Made of picture symbols which represent sounds.


a Mayan ball game that had religious and political significance

slash-and-burn agriculture

a farming technique in which vegetation is cut away and burned to clear land for growing crops


a set of actions that is always performed the same way as part of a religious ceremony

social pyramid

a social structure with layers representing social classes of different rank or status


also known as corn


writing that uses pictures as symbols. The Maya had over 800.

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