Anderson Midterm

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Read the following passage , then answer the questions: in many places, such is along The coast of the Gulf of Guinea, Africans held traditional beliefs. These involve a supreme creator supplemented by many spirit beings who inhabited every object and creature of the natural world. The people of west Africa believed, just as the American Indians did, that spirits lived in rain, trees, rocks, and animal life. Question: summarize the many west African religious beliefs

A spiritual connection exists between humans and the world in which we live

Resulted from the spread of European diseases among American Indians

An increase in number of imported enslaved Africans

Land did not belong to individuals as private property. Instead, land belonged to extended kinship networks derived from an ancient ancestor Question: what did West African attitudes towards private property reveal about social structure in the region?

Family wealth and kinship ties were more important than individual wealth.

Why were Columbus's voyages significant?

His explorations started the era of European exploitation of the Americas.

How did the settlement of Louisiana benefit France?

Louisiana became a significant military base.

What objection did American Indians most likely have to the work of the Spanish missionaries?

Missionaries forced the Indians to give up their traditions

Think about the Columbian Exchange. Why might some historians conclude that the seeds and plants of the Americas were very important for the population of Europe?

Nutritional changes increased the health and growth of European populations. The surplus population eventually peopled the Americas.

"They should be good servants and intelligent, for I observed that they quickly took in what was said to them, and I believe that they would easily be made Christian, as it appeared to me that they had no religion. I, our Lord being pleased, will take hence, at the time of my departure six natives..." - Journal of Christopher Columbus, October 1492 Question: what important Spanish goal is revealed in this excerpt?

They wanted to spread Christianity

The first English colonies in North America were set up in the hope of achieving... a. Financial gain for Investors b. Political freedom for settlers c. Religious freedom for settlers d. Military supremacy for England

a. A financial gain for investors

One of great Britain's weaknesses was... a. A large distance separating the two countries b. Few colonists supported the British c. The British were unable to raise enough money to finance the war d.France used this opportunity to start another war in Europe

a. A large distance separating the two countries

Based on the map, what geographic advantage did the colony of Virginia enjoy? a. Access to waterways b. Fertile land for farming c. Isolation from American Indians d. Protection of mountains

a. Access to waterways

The Treaty with the French in 1778 transformed the war, especially for the British. Increased French aid to the slower to happen. Meanwhile, the British were immediately faced with a global conflict with France. As a Continentals was very slow in coming; coordinated military activity between the two new allies was even result, the British changed their strategy yet again in 1778. Rather than mounting a full-scale military campaign against the Continental Army, the British decided to focus their efforts on the loyalists, who they still believed were the majority of the American population. -Library of Congress What change in the British war strategy is described in this excerpt? a. The British shifted military operations to the south b. The British begin drafting civilians to serve in the army c. The British change to an emphasis on naval operations d. British abandoned conventional warfare in favor of guerilla tactics

a. British shifted military operations to the south

Troops were sent to Lexington and Concorde to... a. Capture Hancock and Adams, as well as seize the colonist weapons b. Serve as his body guards during the kings visit to the colonies c. Intercept shipments of French weapons to the colonial militias d. Meet with George Washington and other colonial leaders to negotiate a cease-fire

a. Capture Hancock and Adams, as well as seize the colonists weapons

Great Britain's initial military strategy was to... a. Capture New York and cut off New England b. Attack from three sides-move south from Canada, west from the Atlantic Ocean, and north from Florida c. Enlist the aid of the French and Spanish d. Send troops to control all major cities to capture all of the patriot leaders

a. Capture New York and cut off New England

Mercantilism most directly resulted from which of the following circumstances? a. Competition for wealth among European nations b. Conflict between European nations and trading partners in Asia c. Lack of sufficient labor and industry in European nations d. Over population within European nations

a. Competition for wealth among European nations

When I contemplate these things-when I know that the Colonies in general owe little or nothing to any care of ours, and that they are not squeezed into this happy form by the constraints of watchful and suspicious government, but that, through a wise and salutary neglect, a generous nature has been suffered to take her own way to perfection-when I reflect upon these effects-when I see how profitable they have been to us, I feel all the pride of power sink, and all presumption in the wisdom of human contrivances melt and die away within me. -Edmund Burke, speech in the House of Commons, March 22, 1775 Which British policy towards the colony with the speaker most likely support? a. Continuing to ignore the laws taxing the colonies and regulating colonial commerce b. Spending more money on military protectionsfor trade between Britain and the colonies c.Abolishing slavery in the colonies and enforcing existing laws against the international slave trade d. Granting independence to the colonies to avoid further expenditures on governing a faraway territory

a. Continuing to ignore the laws taxing the colonies and regulating colonial commerce

The articles of confederation give the national government the power to... a. Declare war b. Collect tax c. Regulate forage d. Regulate interstate trade

a. Declare war

What method of colonial protest proved the most effective? a. Economic boycott b. Violence c. Intellectual protests d. All were equally effective

a. Economic boycott

The French and Indian war was fought... a. For control of the land west of the Appalachian Mountains b. So the native Americans could regain lost territory c. To evict the Spanish from North America d. Because the French attacked British colonists

a. For control of the land west of the Appalachian mountains

The terms of the treaty of Paris ending the French and Indian war included which of the following? a. Great Britain claimed all land east of the Mississippi River b. Spain received Florida, and the Pacific Northwest c. France was allowed to remain in the Louisiana territory d. France retained the right to control the Mississippi River

a. Great Britain claimed all land east of the Mississippi River

Who's concepts did Jefferson draw upon as he drafted the declaration of independence? a. John locke b. Benjamin Franklin c. Samuel Adams d. Marquis de Lafayette

a. John Locke

According to the views and values of most Native Americans, an individual could NOT claim ownership rights to... a. land b. crops c. medicines d. household items

a. Land

To encourage settlers to come to Jamestown, the head right system offered them... a. Land b. Employment c. Profit-sharing d. Passage to Virginia

a. Land

Which section of the colonies had the highest literacy rate and life expectancy? a. New England b. Southern c. Middle d. They were all relatively the same

a. New England

Under the articles of confederation, each states power in Congress was based on... a. One vote per state b. The states size c. The states total population d. States voting population

a. One vote per state

Which of the following was the most widespread form of protest against the new laws passed by Parliament after the French and Indian war? a. Refusing to buy British made goods b. Quitting jobs with the British government c. Attacking the homes of wealthy British merchants d. Destroying shipments of weapons for the British

a. Refusing to buy British made goods

The president must have been a US citizen... a. Since birth b. Since the age of 18 c. For a minimum of 10 years d. For a minimum of 25 years

a. Since birth

Pontiac rebuild after the French and Indian war because... a. The British allowed colonist to move onto their land b. The French cut off all trading supplies to their former allies c. The Native Americans were angry that they didn't receive payment for their assistance in the war d. The incurred tremendous loss in the war and feared for their continued existence

a. The British allowed colonist to move onto their land

Which of the following is an outcome of the French and Indian war that contributed to future tensions between the British and American colonists? a. The British government had a large war debt to pay off b. British defenses against the Spanish were significantly weakened c. American settlers in the west had to pay for the land taken from the Indians d. The number of British troops stationed in North America was increased significantly

a. The British government had a large war debt to pay off

Why did Thomas Paine believe it was common sense to declare independence? a. The colonies had greater economic potential on their own then subjugated to Great Britain b. Great Britain was ignoring the colonies and focusing on European affairs c. As a colony of great Britain, they were too vulnerable to conflict with European powers d. Pains commonsense assertive the belief that it would be foolish to declare independence

a. The colonies had a greater economic potential on their own then subjugated to Great Britain

In what way did the New England colonies most resemble the Southern Colonies? a. They colonized lands claimed by American Indians b. They established colonial governments grounded in religious belief c. They experimented with forms of republican government d. They served as refuges for English dissenters

a. The colonized lands claimed by American Indians

The "supreme law of the land" is... a. The constitution b. The bill of rights c. The articles of confederacy d. The preamble

a. The constitution

"One of the first decisions made at the Constitutional Convention was to keep the discussions secret. Several of the delegates took extensive notes, but these notes were not published until decades later." "Exploring Constitutional Conflicts," University of Missouri at Kansas City Which of these statements best explains why the delegates adopted this rule? a. The delegates could speak freely without fearing the consequences of what they said b. Foreign governments would not be able to gain an advantage in diplomatic negotiations c. The new plan of government could be crafted to benefit the nations elite without offending common people d. Opponents of the new constitution would have a little information about the new plan of government until it was too late to launch their attacks

a. The delegates could speak freely without hearing the consequences of what they said

The Boston massacre was a response to... a. The stationing of British soldiers in Boston b. The dumping of British tea in Boston c. An editorial written by Samuel d. The British seizure of the ship liberty

a. The stationing of British soldiers in Boston

Which statement explains why federalists promised to add a Bill of Rights once the Constitution was ratified? a. They wanted to assure anti-federalist that the new federal government would respect individual liberties b. They wanted to demonstrate that the system of checks and balances would effectively limate the power of federal government c. They wanted to make sure that the new system went into effect with a minimum set of civil and criminal laws already in existence d. They wanted to show that the constitution truly embodied the Republican principles for which the revolutionary war had been fought

a. They wanted to assure anti-federalist that the new federal government would respect individual liberties

How did the middle colonies foreshadow the future of the United States? a. They were both ethnically diverse and tolerant of various religions b. Their economy relied more on industry than agriculture c. All of their constitutions protected freedom of speech, press, religion, and property d. None of them permitted slavery

a. They were both ethnically diverse and tolerant of various religions

Why did the British decide to tax their American colonies? a. To pay off war debts b. To increase the standard of living in great Britain c. To teach colonists a lesson d. To finance westward expansion

a. To pay off war debts

Which of the following was NOT part of the Quakers belief system? a. Women were politically equal to men b. Quakers are pacifists c. They did not have a tax supported church d. Quakers have no formal clergy

a. Women were politically equal to men

As more and more settlers arrived in Jamestown, relations between the settlers in Powhatan peoples... a. Worsened b. Stayed about the same c. Improved slightly d. Improved dramatically

a. Worsened

How did most states continue their colonial traditions? a. There were no property requirements to vote b. All continued to exclude women and freed slaves from voting c. Governors were appointed by the national government d. All states had unicameral legislators

b. All continued to exclude women and free slaves from voting

The Colony of Georgia lying about the same latitude with part of China, Persia, Palestine, and the Madeiras, it is highly probable that when hereafter it shall be well-peopled and rightly cultivated, England may be supplied from thence with raw Silk, Wine, Oil, Dyes, Drugs, and many other materials for manufactures, which she is obliged to purchase from Southern countries. As towns are established and grow populous along the rivers Savannah and Alatamaha, they will make such a barrier as will render the southern frontier of the British Colonies on the Continent of America, safe from Indian and other enemies.... James Oglethorpe, 1733 Which of the following conclusions does the statement by James Oglethorpe best support? a. A relatively small American Indian population encouraged Britain to expand its colonies. b. Among varied reasons for colonization, wealth, resources, and trade were greatest. c. Because of trade wars in Asia, Britain sought American colonies to distract its enemies. d. Most British colonies in North America began his military outpost to defend traders.

b. Among varied reasons for colonization, wealth, resources, and trade were greatest.

According to the chart, in what way did both the Puritans and separatists most differ from the Anglicans? a. Both wanted to separate from the Anglican church b. Both sought a less hierarchical, more congregational practice of their faith c. Both believed that they could do little to alter God's will regarding salvation d. Both supported the traditional hierarchy and the ways of the Anglican Church

b. Both sought a less hierarchical, more congregational practice of their faith

[B]e it enacted... that ... no goods or commodities whatsoever of the growth, production or manufacture of Asia, Africa or America, or of any part thereof; or of any islands belonging to them, ... shall be imported or brought into this Commonwealth of England, or into Ireland, or any other lands, islands, plantations, or territories to this Commonwealth belonging, or in their possession, in any other ship or ships, vessel or vessels whatsoever, but only in such as do truly and without fraud belong only to the people of this Commonwealth.... -Navigation Act, 1651 This excerpt best supports which of the following conclusions? a. Britain depended on legal statute to secure needed raw materials from its colonies b. British navigation laws favored British merchants and restricted colonial trade c. Colonists benefited from trade with diverse foreign nations under British law d. Naval conflict on the Atlantic resulted from the British attempts to control sea travel

b. British navigation laws favored British merchants and restricted colonial trade

The first Drudgery of Settling new Colonies, which confines the now pretty well over; and there are many in every But as from the Extent of the Country, such Persons are widely separated, ... It is, to remedy this and afford Leisure to cultivate the finer Arts and improve the common Stock of Knowledge. ... Province [colony] in Circumstances that set them at Ease, Attention of People to mere Necessaries, is Inconvenience for the future, proposed, -Benjamin Franklin, A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge among the British Plantations in American Philosophical Society, who are to maintain a constant Correspondence. THAT One Society be formed of Virtuosi or ingenious Men residing in the several Colonies, to be called The America, 1743 This excerpt suggests that Benjamin Franklin help to encourage which of the following? a. Abolition of slavery in the colonies b. Communication of scientific and philosophical thought c. Institution of public school and libraries d. Pursuit of political reforms in government

b. Communication of scientific philosophical thought

Upon receiving The olive branch petition, the king... a.Apologized to the colonists b. Declared the colonies in rebellion c.Instituted martial law in Massachusetts d. Ordered the royal governors to return to great Britain

b. Declared the colonies in rebellion

We know our Lands are now become more valuable The white People think we do not know their value; but we are sensible [aware] that the Land is everlasting and the few Goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone.... Besides, we are not well used ſtreated) with respect to the lands still unsold by us. Your people daily settle on these lands, and spoil our hunting,... Your horses and cows have eaten the grass our deer used to feed on. -Canasatego, Iroquois leader, July 7, 1742 Which conclusion about British American Indian land agreements is best supported by this quotation? a. American Indians believed they could not profit from trade with Europeans b. European colonist frequently seized land from the Indians without paying for it c.American Indians had trouble understanding European ideas about property d. European colonists typically paid high prices for the land they purchased from Indians

b. European colonist frequently seized land from the Indians without paying for it

The president is elected to a term of... a. Two years b. Four years c. Six years d. Seven years

b. Four years

Roger Williams disagreed with other Puritans since he believed... a. Women should be allowed to own property b. Land should be purchased, not taken, from the Native American Indians c. The Puritans should be allowed to remain in the colony d. Education should not be a voting requirement

b. Land should be purchased, not taken, from the Native American Indians

The number of states needed to ratify the constitution before it could go into effect was... a. Seven b. Nine c. Eleven d.thirteen

b. Nine

Many loyalists agreed with which of these claims made by the patriots? a. Parliament did not have the right to pass laws for the colonies b. Parliament should repeal the new taxes levied on the colonies c.The colonists had the right to declare independence from Britain d. The colonists had the military strength to defeat the British army

b. Parliament should repeal the new taxes levied on the colonies

Although not an official Ally, Spain... a.Was instrumental in persuading British troops to surrender in Louisiana b. Prevented the British from entering the Mississippi river through New Orleans c. Used Native Americans and runaway slaves in Florida against the British d. Sent money and supplies to both the British and the colonials

b. Prevented the British from entering the Mississippi river through New Orleans

How did Congress under the articles of confederation differ from the state legislators that operate in the United States during the 1780s? a. Delegates in Congress did not represent a particular constituency b. Representation in Congress was not proportional to the population c. State legislators could not pass the kind of trade laws that Congress could d. Congress required only a bear majority rather than a super majority to pass laws

b. Representation in Congress was not proportional to the population

What principle did the colonist raise in protesting the Townshend act? a.One man, one vote b. Taxation without representation c. Liberty, equality, fraternity d. Freedom of speech

b. Taxation without representation

Which section of the colonies suffered the greatest negative impact due to mercantilism? a. The Southern Colonies b. The New England colonies c. The middle colonies d. All of the colonies were equally impacted

b. The New England colonies

According to the Declaration of Independence, from where does the government get its power to govern? a. God, the creator b. The consent of the governed c. Written written constitution d. All of the above

b. The consent of the governed

Despite powers given to the royal governors by the king they're "real" power was hindered because... a. The governors were on educated b. The governor salaries were paid by the colonial assemblies c. It took to long to get messages back-and-forth to Great Britain d. The colonist did not believe the British should control them

b. The governor's salaries were paid by the colonial assemblies

Shays rebellion contributed to the belief among political leaders that... a. The articles of confederation were working well b. The nation needed a stronger central government c. Big states and small states should be represented equally in Congress d. Slaves should not be counted as people in determining representation

b. The nation needed a stronger central government

The trend that transformed the status of African Americans in the colonies was... a. The increasing number of African-American indentured servant's b. The passing of laws enforcing permanent enslavement c. The rising number of indentured servant's in the colonies d. The decline in immigration from England

b. The passing of laws enforcing permanent enslavement

Which of the following was NOT a reason for the patriots victory in their war for independence? a. The patriots were fighting for a cause b. The patriots had the advantage of being familiar with the land c. The British made a tactical mistakes and underestimated the patriots d. The British misunderstood the political nature of the conflict

b. The patriots had the advantage of being familiar with the land

Which of these events had the most direct influence over the writing of the Declaration of Independence? a. Passage of the coercive acts b. The publication of common sense c. Announcement of the Albany plan d. The meeting of the first continental Congress

b. The publication of common sense

Which of the following best describes the status and the role of the most colonial women? a.They could not on property but they could participate in government b. They focused on raising children and engaged in few other economic activities c. They had numerous economic opportunities and other rights but lacked suffrage d. They contributed to the economic activities of their families but had no political rights

b. They focused on raising children and engaged in few other economic activities

Which statement best summarizes the position of enslaved African-Americans in the colonies? a. They formed only a small fraction of the population b. They were treated by law mostly as property c. They allied mostly with regional native peoples d. They were indentured servant's

b. They were treated by law mostly as property

Duties on materials imported from Britain such as glass, lead, paint, and paper went into effect after Parliament passed the... a. Stamp act b. Townshend act c. Intolerable acts d. Quartering act

b. Townshend act

The Continental Army scored it's first and much needed victory at... a. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania b. Trenton, New Jersey c. New York city d. Albany, New York

b. Trenton, New Jersey

The house of burgesses in Jamestown was significant because it... a. What is the largest home in the colonies b. Was the first representative body c. Was the primary meeting place for all of the religious leaders d. Acted as a bank for the colonists

b. Was the first representative body

and who live under our Protection, should reserved to them, or any of them, as their Hunting Grounds. not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of our Dominions and Territories as... are several Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected, And whereas it is just and reasonable, and essential to our Interest, and to the Security of our Colonies, ...the -Proclamation of 1763 Which statement best explains the British rationale for the proclamation of 1763? a. Preserving Indian hunting grounds would provide the government with steady supply of food for it's fast growing colonies b. Halting the westward progress of colonial settlement would reduce further conflict between American Indians and colonists c. Setting aside territory for American Indians to occupy in the interior would make it easier to purchase Indian lands along the Atlantic coast d. Protecting American Indian leaders from attack would prevent French fur traders from reestablishing their dominance in the Ohio River Valley

b. halting the westward progress of colonial settlement would reduce further conflict between American Indians and Colonists

The purpose of the "praying towns" was... a. Help Puritan children learn about their faith b. "Americanize" the Native Americans c. Punish colonists for their sins d. Provide a safe place for people of other religions to worship

b." Americanize" the Native Americans

Shays rebellion was a protest by farmers who faced problems from... a. In oversupply of paper currency b. Debts they owed to creditors c. Debts owed to them by Congress d. Debts owed to them by the state of Massachusetts

b.Debts they owed to creditors

Sir Edmund Andros alienated the colonists by... a. Eliminating taxes needed to pay for constructing churches b. Allowing women to participate in colonial assemblies c. Questioning the lawfulness of the Puritan religion d. Forcing the Puritans to buy, not take, The natives land

c) questioning the lawfulness of the Puritan religion

The Puritans did not have a democracy, but... a. All church members could vote b. All property owners can vote, regardless of religion c. All adult male church members could vote d. Those with an elementary education, both male and female, could vote

c. All adult male church members could vote

The involvement of the Marquis de Lafayette in the war meant that... a. George Washington had failed as a leader b. American troops would now be better trained c. American troops would gain reinforcements d.France would dictate the terms of the peace treaty

c. American troops would gain reinforcements

What was great Britain's response to colonial protest against the stamp act? a. Britain sent troops to Boston and passed the quartering act b. Britain ordered a naval blockade of the colonies c. Britain repealed the stamp act and passed the Declaratory act d. The king ordered diplomats to negotiate colonial representation

c. Britain repealed the stamp and passed the Declaratory act

The government under the articles of confederation was in capable of addressing the countries major problem because... a. Foreign governments had too much influence b. States with small populations were threatening to secede c. Changes could not be made without unanimous approval d. There were not enough men interested in holding political office

c. Changes cannot be made without unanimous approval

The three main branches of the US government are... a. The house of representatives, Senate, and Supreme Court b. The president, Senate, and Supreme Court c. Executive, legislative, and judiciary d. State, local, and federal

c. Executive, legislative, and judiciary

During the revolutionary war, what did the Continental Army lack? a. Indian allies b. Motivation to fight c. Food and ammunition d. Good military leadership

c. Food and ammunition

89. Where-ever therefore any number of men are so united into one society, as to quit every one his executive power of the law of nature, and to resign it to the public, there and there only is a political, or civil society. And this is done, where-ever any number of men, in the state of nature, enter into society to make one people, one body politic, under one supreme government; ... for hereby he authorizes the society, or which is all one, the legislative thereof, to make laws for him, as the public good of the society shall require; ...Sec. 90. Hence it is evident, that absolute monarchy, which by some men is counted the only government in the world, is indeed inconsistent with civil society, and so can be no form of civil-government at all. -John Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 1690 According to the excerpt, from which of the following does government in a civil society derive its political power? a. From absolute monarchs b. From God c. From its people d. From natural forces

c. From its people

In this excerpt, written with the non-standard spelling of the time, James Oglethorpe discusses the beginnings of the Georgia colony: His Majesty ... [hath] been graciously pleased to grant a charter for incorporating a number of gentlemen by the name of The Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia in America.... By such a Colony, many families, who would otherwise starve, will be provided for, and made masters of houses and lands; the people in Great Britain to whom these necessitous families were a burthen, will be relieved; numbers of manufacturers will be here employed, for supplying them with clothes, working tools, and other necessaries; and by giving refuge to the distressed Saltzburghers, and other persecuted Protestants, the power of Britain, as a reward for its hospitality, will be encreased by the addition of so many religious and industrious subjects. -James Oglethorpe, 1733 The statement by James Oglethorpe the most clearly demonstrates which of the following main ideas? a. Britain established Georgia to defend against Spanish invasion. b. Colonist in the Carolinas hope to use Georgia as a buffer against American Indians. c. Georgia began as a refuge for English debtors and European religious refugees d. Other colonies lacked sufficient resources, resulting in the founding of Georgia.

c. Georgia began as a refuge for English debtors and European religious refugees.

Pontiacs rebellion ended when... a. The natives were massacred at the battle of Detroit b. The native surrendered when they ran out of food and ammunition c. Governor Gage recognized the need to respect the Natives and it would be less costly the more d. The British me to deal with natives to pay war reparations

c. Governor Gage recognized the need to respect the Natives and it would be less costly than war

The Puritans views and attitudes led them to promote the idea of... a. Social equality b. Religious tolerance c. Hard work for common goals d. Separation of church and state

c. Hard work for common goals

What angered the colonists the most about king James? a. He wanted to rule without parliament b. He was Catholic c. He created the dominion of New England d. He restricted immigration

c. He created the dominion of New England

Despite what seemed like a success, the Treaty of Paris [1763] ultimately encouraged dissension between Anglo-American colonists and the British Government because their interests in North America no longer coincided. The British Government no longer wanted to maintain an expensive military presence, and its attempts to manage a post-treaty frontier policy that would balance colonists' and Indians' interests would prove ineffective and even counterproductive. -U.S. Department of State, Office of the Historian How did the British government attempt to solve the problem described in this excerpt? a. It provided weapons and supplies to both groups b. It organized frontier settlers into a citizen militia c.It banned colonial settlement west of the Appalachians d. It created self governing assemblies for frontier regions

c. It band colonial settlement west of the Appalachians

One of the reasons our founding fathers created a confederation... a. It was the most similar to the strong central government like Great Britain b. It was the only form of government the citizens would tolerate c. It best reflected the principles of the Declaration of Independence d. By definition, it insured the states will be unified

c. It best reflected the principles of the Declaration of Independence

All of the following were reasons the ordinances pertaining to the northwest territory were necessary EXCEPT... a. Many Americans were moving into the area and there were conflicts with Indians b. The government did not have enough money to protect the Americans c. It was meant to encourage Americans to settle the territory d. The government feared the Americans would secede and look for protection from great Britain

c. It was meant to encourage Americans to settle the territory

Which of the following are included in the process for a territory to be able to apply for statehood? a. It must have at least 60,000 people who are eligible to vote b. It must set aside land for schools and hospitals c. It's constitution must be compatible with those of the original 13 states d. It must prove economic potential

c. Its constitution must be compatible with those of the original 13 states

As a result of the Stono rebellion... a. Most Northern slaves were allowed to attend school b. Southern Native Americans ceased to be a threat to the colonists c. Laws became stricter and punishments harsher for southern slaves d. Indentured servant's were no longer eligible to receive payment for their services

c. Laws became stricter and punishments harsher for southern slaves

wD The following laws are excerpted from The General Laws and Liberties of the Massachusetts Colony, 1672. Idolatry If any man after Legal Conviction shall have or worship any other God but the Lord God, he shall be put to death, Exod. 22.20. Deut 13. 6, 10. Deut 17. 2, 6. Witch-craft If any Man or Woman be a Witch, that is, Hath or Consulteth with a familiar Spirit they shall be put to death, Exod. 22, 18. Levit. 20. 27. Deut. 18.10, 11 The laws shown in the excerpt best support which of the following conclusions? a. Few people participated in the courts of the Massachusetts colony b. Justice in the Massachusetts colony was carried out by priests c. Laws in the Massachusetts colonies were heavily influenced by religion d. The Massachusetts colony was a dangerous place to live

c. Laws in the Massachusetts colonies were heavily influenced by religion

The Virginia statute for religious freedom... a. Upheld tax supported churches b. Supported the religious requirements for voter eligibility c. Prohibited states from collecting taxes in support of one religion d. Argued that tax money should be distributed to all recognized religions

c. Prohibited states from collecting taxes in support of one religion

Changes brought by the treaty of Paris did the most to expand the political power of... a. Free blacks b. Unmarried women c. Property owning men d. Native peoples on frontier

c. Property owning men

Which patriot in the 2nd continental Congress finally made the motion to declare independence? a. George Washington b. Patrick Henry c. Richard Henry Lee d. Thomas Jefferson

c. Richard Henry Lee

In this excerpt, written with the non-standard spelling of the time, Roger Williams shares some of his beliefs: God requireth not an uniformity of Religion to be inacted and inforced in any civill state; which inforced uniformity (sooner or later) is the greatest occasion of civill Warre, ravishing of conscience, persecution of Christ Jesus in his servants, and of hypocrisy and destruction of millions of souls. Roger Williams, 1636 In the statement, Roger Williams makes in early plea for what political principal? a. Democracy b. Representative government c. Separation of church and state d. Separation of powers

c. Separation of church and state

A US senator serves for a term of... a. Two years b. Four years c. Six years d. Eight years

c. Six years

Major foreign relations problem under the articles of confederation was... a. Britain formed a naval blockade along the coast b. France threatened an alliance with Great Britain against the United States in order to collect debts owed c. Spain closed the Mississippi river to American Commerce d. Spain and Great Britain began to amass troops in preparation to declare war against the United States

c. Spain closed the Mississippi river to American commerce

As a consequence of the French and Indian war, the greatest lost for the Native Americans was... a. The extraordinary number of natives that were killed b. The incredible financial cost c. That, with the defeat of the French, they lost their greatest European ally d. They lost control of the Mississippi River

c. That, with the defeat of the French, they lost their greatest European ally

Which of the following was NOT included among the intolerable acts ? a. The closing of Boston port b. The quartering act c. The confiscation of colonial printing presses d. Boston was placed under martial law

c. The confiscation of colonial printing presses

The person who serves as the president of the Senate is also... a. The Senate majority leader b. A member elected by senate c.The vice President of the United States d. The chief justice of the Supreme Court

c. The vice president of the United States

During the war, the patriots greatest strength was probably... a. Their superior military leaders b. Their ability to attract foreign mercenaries to fight with them c. Their determination in fighting for a just cause d. That the Native Americans assisted them

c. Their determination in fighting for a just cause

In what way were states accountable to the people? a. They shrunk their legislators by increasing the number of people in each district b. Voters elected both houses of legislators, but not the governors c. They enlarged their legislators by creating more districts d. Voters elected the governors, in the house members, but not the senators

c. They inlarhed their legislators by creating more districts

The said States hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common derense, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist eacn made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, other, against all force offered to, or attacks sovereignty, trade, or any other pretense whatever." -Articles of Confederation, Article III This excerpt indicates that the states entered into the articles of confederation for which of these purposes? a. To protect the rights of citizens b. To ensure uniformity of the laws c. To protect each other against attacks d. To guarantee republican governance

c. To protect each other against attacks

In this excerpt, written with the non-standard spelling of the time John Smith discusses the colonists' first action in Virginia: The first land they made they called Cape Henry; where thirty of them recreating themselves on shore, were assaulted by five Salvages [Savages, term for American Indians], who hurt two of the English very dangerously. That night was the box opened, and the orders read, in which Bartholomew Gosnoll, John Smith, Edward Wingfield, Christopher Newport, John Ratliffe, John Martin, and George Kendall, were named to be the Council, and to choose a President amongst them for a year, who with the Council should governe..... Untill the 13 of May they sought a place to plant in, then the Council was sworn.... Now [fall] every man to work, the Council contrive the Fort, the rest cut downe trees to make place to pitch their Tents; some provide clapboard to reload the ships, some make gardens, some nets, etc. -John Smith, June 15, 1607 according to the excerpt, which of the following did the colonists at Jamestown do first after making landfall? a. attack American Indians b. begin building a fort c. Establish a government d. survey the land

c. establish a government

What effect did the American revolution have on the world? a. The idea of overthrowing an old regime seemed impossible b. Many European nations were inspired to rewrite their existing constitutions c. French soldiers who fought with the Americans return to France determined to support existing monarchy d. Achieving liberty and equality became realistic goals and inspired other revolutions

d. Achieving liberty and equality became realistic goals and inspired other revolutions

According to the declaration of independence, when can the governed form a new government? a.When the government fails to protect the unalienable rights b. Only for the most serious reasons c. When the government becomes destructive d. All of the above are valid reasons

d. All of the Above are Valid reasons

In the early years of Virginia colony, the field of labor was most likely to be... a. Slave b. A Powhatan c. A land holder d. An indentured servant or a former indentured servant

d. And indentured servant or a former indentured servant

The qualifications for US senator or representative requires all of the following except that he or she... a. Be a U.S citizen b. Be at least a certain age c. Live in the state here she represents d. Belong to a registered political party

d. Belong to a registered political party

What potential problem can you predict will most likely result from the data shown? a. Colonial forces will need more troops to keep order b. Colonial governments will have to invite Morick civic participation c. Colonies were develop new diseases if they do not slow immigration d. Colonist will want to settle more American Indian territory

d. Colonists will want to settle more American Indian territory

Bacons rebellion resulted from Nathaniel Bacons sympathy with the problems faced by... a. Religious separatists b. Wealthy planters and landowners c . Native American peoples d. English settlers on the frontier

d. English settlers on the frontier

One of the accomplishments of the Northwest ordinance of 1787 was to... a. Set up a plan for surveying Western lands b. Challenge Spains claim the Mississippi river c. Transfer ownership of Western lands from states to the national government d. Establish requirements for admitting new states to the union

d. Established requirements for admitting new states to the union

I thank God, there are no free schools nor printing [in Virginia], and I hope we shall not have these [for a] hundred years; for learning has brought disobedience and heresy ... into the world, and printing has divulged [spread] them, and libels [untruths] against the best government. God keep us from both! flo da William Berkeley, 1671 Berkeley is opposed to education because he... a. does not want to educate the poor. b. Sees no need for it in farming communities c. Wants everyone to be Anglican. d. Fears freedom of thought.

d. Fears freedom of thought.

One effect of the development of the south plantation economy was... a.The southern colonies quickly became less reliant on Great Britain b. The standard of living was lower in the Southern Colonies than that which exist in Great Britain c. Most of the seven colonies became bankrupt and needed Great Britain to stimulate their economy d. Few cities or towns arose as the plantations were self-sufficient

d. Few cities or towns arose as the plantations were self-sufficient

All of the following are guaranteed by the first amendment EXCEPT... a. Freedom of speech b. Freedom of religion c. Freedom of the press d. Freedom from illegal search

d. Freedom from illegal search

What change in British policy resulted from the end of the French and Indian war? a. Colonists were given free land west of the Appalachian Mountains b. Royal governors were replaced with governors elected by the colonists c. Frontier settlements were required to organize and maintain citizen militias d. The government began enforcing tax laws that had largely been ignored in the past

d. Government begin forcing tax laws that had largely been ignored in the past

Most graduates of the few colleges in the colonies became... a. Doctors b. Lawyer c. Professors d. Ministers

d. Ministers

Passage of the stamp act led the colonist to begin making which of these arguments? a. Citizens should be prepared to join a local militia b. No government has the right to engage in censorship c. The colonies would be better off with a unified government d. Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonies directly

d. Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonies directly

Which problem led many American Indians to support the loyalist cause during the revolutionary war? a. Food shortages brought on by trade restrictions b. The violation of treaties with colonial assemblies c. The enslavement of Indians by southern colonists d. Pressure on land from American settlers moving west

d. Pressure on land from American settlers moving west

English colonies benefited most directly from which of the following events? a. Ascension of King James II b. Trade competition with the Dutch c. Founding of the dominion of New England d. Reforms of the glorious revolution

d. Reforms of the glorious revolution

Frontier farmers tended to support the constitution because they... a. Needed a strong national government to expand commerce b. We were promised price supports on their crops c. Would have a greater representation in Congress d. Required government assistance with Indian conflicts

d. Required government a assistance with Indian conflicts

To John Smith dismay, the settlers in Jamestown directed most of their energy towards... a. Clearing land b. Worshiping God c. Trading with Powhatan d. Searching for gold and other riches

d. Searching for gold and other riches

All of the following are true regarding African Americans after the war EXCEPT.. a. Northern slaves petitioned state legislators and sued their owners for freedom b. Since slaves made up approximately 1/3 of the southern population, laws were passed forbidding manumission c. Many northerners sold their slaves to the south prior to emancipation laws going into effect d. Slaves who fought with the patriots were automatically granted their freedom

d. Slaves who fought with the patriots were automatically granted their freedom

What was the main difference between the Virginia plan and New Jersey plan? a. The types of powers given to Congress b. The number of branches of the federal government c. The method for electing members of the two houses of Congress d. The number of representatives in Congress each state would have

d. The number of representatives in Congress each state would have

Why did most enslaved Africans live in the Southern Colonies? a. Enslaved Africans only agreed to work in that region b. New England in the middle colonies did not permit slavery c. Spanish and Portuguese slave ships would not sail farther north d. The southern colonies depended more heavily on labor intensive agriculture

d. The southern colonies depended more heavily on labor intensive agriculture

The low point of the revolutionary war for the Continental Army was... a. The battle of Saratoga, New York b. Boston massacre c. The battle of Cowpens, South Carolina d. The winter at Valley Forge

d. The winter at Valley Forge

The committees of correspondence were created for all of the following reasons EXCEPT... a. To provide leadership b. As a propaganda tool c. To promote cooperation d. To keep parliament informed of colonists activities

d. To keep parliament informed of colonists activities

Which of the following turned Jamestown into a profitable enterprise? a. Gold b. Corn c. Timber d. Tobacco

d. Tobacco

Battle of Vincennes was critical because... a. This British victory resulted in many native Americans joining the ranks b. The patriots captured and much needed weapons, including cannons c. This victory swayed many neutral colonists to join the patriots d. Ultimately gave the patriots claim to the Ohio River Valley

d. Ultimately gave the patriots claim to the Ohio River Valley

I long to hear that you have declared an independency -and by the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. If particuliar care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment [incite; instigate] a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation. -Abigail Adams, in a letter to John Adams, 1776 This letter represents which of the following cultural changes that resulted from the revolution? a. Woman's new awareness of their importance to The war effort b. Women's new belief that they could Abandon traditional domestic roles c. Women's new sense that they would make better political leaders than men d. Women's new assertiveness about their important role in a Republican society

d. Women's new assertiveness about their important role in a Republican society

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