Animal Test Chapters 1-10

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What is name the pigs give to Old Major's ideas?


What do the humans do that makes them evil in Old Major's eyes?

Man is the only creature that consumes without producing.

"The life of an animal is misery and slavery." Old Major says that. Do you think he was right about that? Why?

No, because dogs are animals, but they don't get slaved around.

What does Old Major warn the animals against doing after they defeat the men?

Only get rid of the men, then the produce of their own labor would be there's.

How did the humans view the rebellion at Animal Farm?

although the humans try their best to appear calm, they are concerned that the animals on their farms might usurp power.

How does Old Major inspire the animals?

beasts of England

Which animal was doing an enormous amount of work? What did the other animals think of him?

boxer did an enormous amount of work the other animals admired him.

Who inspired the animals to work on the windmill?

boxer inspired the animals to work on the windmill because of his strength and how he never fails.

Who was essential to the work of building the windmill?

boxer was essential to the building of the windmill because of his strength and hard work.

What was Boxer looking forward to at the beginning of the chapter? Did he get to realize his desire? What happened to Boxer in this chapter?

boxer was looking forward to retirement and living a comfortable life. his desire was to complete the windmill, but he was not able to see it completed because he got injured and was sold to a man who killed him.

What human customs did the animals adopt to celebrate the Battle of Cowshed? What is the purpose of these customs?

cartridges and they where designed for shooting a gun two times a year for the battle of cowshed

In his toast, what was it about Animal Farm that Mr. Pilkington admired?

he admires the efficiency and organization on animal farm.

In what ways were Napoleon and his family treated differently from the other animals?

he always had bodyguards and his children were separated from the other animals.

1. What happened to the name Animal Farm? Why?

it changed back to manor farm, which was the original name of the farm. maybe the humans came back.

What happened to the song "Beasts of England"? Why did this happen?

it was abolished because it was about the rebellion and they had already won it.

Why do you think Mollie leaves Animal Farm? What things are important to her? What kind of people in the real world might her character represent?

mollie wants to be pampered and objectified by people rather than independent. she represents the middle- class people in the russian revolution.

Who returned to the farm after being gone for a long time? Why do you think the pigs allowed him to stay?

moses returned to the farm. the pigs allowed him to stay because he gave the animals hope by telling them about the sugar candy mountain.

What clues are there in the account of the Battle of the Windmill that Napoleon might be a coward and that Squealer probably is a coward?

napoleon and squealer ran away, and they didn't help their comrades.

How did Napoleon and Squealer use Snowball to control the animals?

napoleon and squealer use snowball to control the animals by saying everything mistake and disaster was caused by snowball.

why do you think napoleon is so opposed to snowball's plan? why doesn't he fight harder to convince the animals not to vote for it?

napoleon is so opposed because he wants them to use his plan so he can be in charge.

In what ways is Napoleon treated like a very special animal? Why do the pigs want Napoleon to be considered special?

napoleon is treated like a very special human because he is the most powerful since snowball left. the pigs want napoleon to be considered special because he does have, the most power and could stop them from having extra food for unnecessary reasons.

What did Napoleon do with the nine puppies? Why do you think he did this?

napoleon took them to the loft and would their teacher. he did this because they acted like personal police protecting him after.

Which animals got to retire?

no one got to retirement. they were all lied to about retirement.

How did Napoleon treat the other animals?

not good at all. he controls them and has his dogs kill them if they confess something bad.

describe Boxer's character (personality) and give examples of things that show that

slow-moving, easy spirited, strong, quiet, complainer, and not very fun to be around.

What do you think it means when the author says? "Snowball.... was not considered to have the same depth of character."

snowball ahs more detailed , "in depth", well-spoken (but does not know to give reasoning to each point), better personality then napoleon.

Why do Snowball and Napoleon disagree so often? Think carefully about this. What tactic does Napoleon use repeatedly to disrupt Snowball's speeches and prevent discussion of certain subjects?

snowball and napoleon disagree so often because they both want the most power on the farm. he uses his guard dogs to force snowball out of the farm

What was Snowball's and Napoleon's relationship like?

snowball and napoleon were very competitive. when the animals had a debate, they would both be the two best debaters and they would argue a lot.

How was Snowball being used on Animal Farm?

snowball is being used as a scapegoat. meaning that if anything goes wrong its his fault.

What argument does Snowball use to get the animals to support his idea for building the windmill, despite all the hard work it will require? Do you think this argument is sincere? What counterargument does Napoleon make? Is this argument sincere?

snowball says everyone could have electricity. also, it would be more comfortable for them to have cold and hot water. napoleon says it will take to much time and be too expensive. both arguments are good points of view

What does the Battle of Cowshed show us about Snowball, Boxer, and Mollie?

snowball, boxer and mollie are all the opposite of each other. snowball wants to fight and kill if needed. boxer wants to fight but will not kill. mollie will not fight and will hide.

What happened at the Battle of Cowshed?

snowballs lead the attacks. the animals fight off the men and end up chasing mr. jones and them off the farm.

after napoleon announces that the windmill will be built after all, how does squealer explain napoleon's former opposition to it? why do the animals accept his explanation?

squealer explained how napoleon just wanted to be more in charge. the animals accept it because they were afraid of the dogs.

How does Squealer "spin" the Battle of the Windmill to make the animals happy and proud? Why does he do this?

squealer fires a gun for the ones they lot and for their victory. he does this to make the animals feel like they won.

What did Squealer tell the animals about Boxer's fate? How did Squealer and Napoleon twist the truth about Boxer in order to strengthen themselves? How did the pigs use Boxer's body?

squealer told the animals he died at the hospital willingdon. they twisted the truth by saying that boxer's last words were to follow napoleon and that napoleon was great. the pigs used boxer's body to buy more alcohol.

What are two things Molly is scared she will lose after the revolution?

sugar and ribbons.

How do the animals respond to Snowball and Napoleon's debates—how does each speech affect their opinion? How do they always respond to Squealer's reassurances? What does this show about the animals, and how might this relate to the real world?

the animals are not sure who to pick. electricity made them want snowball more. the animals think squealer is exaggerated. this shows the animals may want snowball back.

How did animals who were not on Animal Farm view the rebellion at Animal Farm?

the animals feel encouraged and hopeful when they receive the news about animal farm.

Describe how the animals felt after the first harvest. Had the work habits or behavior of all the animals changed after the rebellion?

the animals felt very happy and accomplished. they enjoyed working and getting what they produced. every animal except benjamin worked harder then they ever had before.

How did the animals feel after all the executions of the traitors?

the animals felt very shaken and miserable because no animal should kill another.

why are the animals goin to the farm?

the animals want to talk in secret and old major needs to talk to them about his dream.

What are some objections the other animals have to working for the revolution?

the animals were scared to starve to death and some didn't want to work for the rebellion.

How did the animals conceal the fact that they were running out of food? Why did they do this?

the animals would fill bins with sand then put a little bit of food on the top so people would assume they are fully full. the animals concealed this because they did not want the outside world to make more rumors about animal farm.

Why did the dogs attack Boxer?

the dogs attacked boxer because he had defended snowball by saying he did not believe he was a traitor.

What was the first harvest like after the rebellion? Who did not do any of the hard work and why?

the first harvest after the rebellion was a very big success. the pigs did not do any of the hard work because with their knowledge they were there for leadership.

Why do you think the hens were working with Snowball? If not, why did they confess to being with Snowball?

the hens were working with snowball because napoleon was selling their eggs and not feeding as much of them to the animals. they confessed because they may have not liked being controlled so they would rather die.

What did the humans think caused the windmill to fall? What did the animals think caused the windmill to fall? Did all the animals agree on what caused the windmill to fall?

the humans think it has fallen because the walls were to thin. the animals think snowball caused the windmill to fall. all the animals think its snowball because they saw his footprints.

In what ways were the original commandments being broken? Who was breaking them?

the original commandments are being broken because the pigs are sleeping in the beds now.

Which animals' rations were not reduced? Why?

the pigs and the dogs because they were in charge of the rebellion.

Which animals benefited from the rebellion and which did not?

the pigs and the dogs benefited but none of other animals.

In what ways do the pigs use the other animals' illiteracy and lack of intelligence to keep the animals from rebelling against the pigs?

the pigs explain their actions by explaining how amazing they are. they explain how they are the smartest and need nutrition to continue to be smart.

Who was drinking the milk? Who were the windfall apples for? How did the others feel about this? What did Squealer say that made the animals who did not get to eat the windfall apples satisfied?

the pigs were drinking the milk. the windfall apples were for the pigs. some animals murmured over the fact that everyone could not have the apples. squealer said that the pigs don't even really like milk and apples, but the milk and apples help them preserve their health.

What are the animals preparing for? When do they think it will happen?

the rebellion against farmer jones and they think it could be difficult.

What rules are set out for the animals, who thought of them, and who writes them?

the seven commandments. snowball wrote them and the pigs thought of them.

The pigs starting walking on their hind legs in this chapter and they began carrying whips. What do these things symbolize? Why was it important for the sheep to learn "Four legs good, two legs better"?

the whips symbolize how the pigs were the masters of the farm and the animals were like slaves. the pigs started walking n two loges, so it meant that they were better or more advanced than the animals that walked on four legs.

Why do they destroy the horse ribbons?

they are a symbol or slavery

What techniques did the pigs use to make the animals think their lives were okay? How did they get the animals to forget their problems?

they lied to them and told them that the farm was a lot better and the animals were living better lives then they were before.

What finally convinces the animals to fight?

when mr. jones gets drunk and neither he nor his men feed the animals on saturday or sunday (midsummers day), the animals break into the feed storage shed. they attack the men when they come with whips to drive the animals away from the food.

Was working on Sunday in fact voluntary for the animals?

working on sunday was considered voluntary but if you chose not too you would only get half-rations.

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