Animal Tissues lab

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cardiac muscle

Muscle of the heart

Muscle tissue

body tissue that specialized for contraction and the performance of mechanical work


bone cells

pseudostratified epithelium tissue

consist of a single layer, yet superficially appears to be stratified because not all the cells extend all the way to the free surface

cuboidal epithelial cells

cubical in shape, found in the more highly specialized organs of the body, such as the ovary and the kidney note: think cube

______________ type of fibers are stretchable.

elastic fibers

_________________ tissue is tightly packed together.

epithelial tissue - image is from an aerial view

4 major types of animal tissues

epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue


fat cell found in adipose tissue

Most of the cell space in the adipocytes in occupied by the ______________________.

fat vacuole Note: the clear areas are the fat vacuoles

In what organelle are the triglycerides in adipose tissue stored in?

fat vacuoles

Elastic fibers

fibers made of elastin proteins

_______________ is a stronger type of cartilage and is able to withstand greater pressure than hyaline cartilage.

fibrocartilage ex. found in spinal disks

squamous epithelial cells

flat cells note: think squashed

Stratified epithelial tissues are named by the shape of the cells in the _________________.

free space/ the ones on top

The basement membrane acts as the ________.


Haversian canal (central canal)

houses blood vessels and nerves that supply to the bone

What is the easiest way to identify cardiac muscle?

intercalate disk

Cardiac muscle contractions are _______________.


All vertebrates except __________________ have blood that has a nucleus.


The extracellular material making up the connective tissue is called the _______.


collagenous fibers and elastic fibers are found in the connective tissues ____________.


The ground substance in dense fiber connective tissues is ________________________.

minimal and is mostly dominated by collagenous fibers

amoeboid cells

mobile cells that search for and engulf foreign cells/material -think of them as bodyguards

simple epithelium

one layer of cells


produce fibers and ground substance


protein in blood; maintains the proper amount of water in the blood

dense fibrous connective tissue

provides great strength through parallel bundles of collagenic fibers; found in tendons found: tendons


red blood cells

Tightly packed epithelial tissue helps ______________ and limits materials passageway.



rings around the central canal, sites of lacunae

Goblet cells

secrete mucus to lubricate and protect the intestinal lining note: they look like plant vases

When viewing a specimen through a microscope, the ___________ of the cell tends to mimic the shapes of the entire cell.

shape of nuclei ex. the image shows simple columnar epithelial

_______________ epithelium is usually found on surfaces where materials must pass through the cells fairly readily, as in areas where substances are absorbed and/or secreted.

simple ex. lungs

What are the two types of layers in epithelial tissue called?

simple and stratified


solid, crystalline matrix that has imbedded within it a matrix of collagenous fibers

Animals are made up of cells that are highly __________for different functions.

specialized ex. muscle cells

What are the 3 shapes of epithelial cells?

squamous, cuboidal, and columnar

_____________ epithelium normally occurs where the surface is subject to frictional stresses where the cells can easily scrape off.

stratified ex. inside of mouth


structural unit of compact bone


study of tissue structure and function

stratified epithelium

2+ layers of cells

nervous tissue

A body tissue that carries electrical messages back and forth between the brain and every other part of the body.

connective tissue

A body tissue that provides support for the body and connects all of its parts


Branchlike parts of a neuron that are specialized to receive information.

collagenous fibers

Fibers of collagen proteins

What is the difference between frog and human blood?

Frogs have a nucleus in their red blood cells

What are the two purposes of adipose tissue?

1) Stores high amounts of energy 2) cushion material for delicate parts of the body (ex. kidneys)

Naming epithelial tissue

1) number of cell layers 2) shape of the cell ex. stratified squamous epithelium

Epithelial tissue

Tissue that covers outside of the body and lines organs and cavities.

Adipose tissue

Tissue that stores fat.

All epithelial tissue rests upon a ________ composed of secreted proteins and glycoproteins.

basement membrane (look at the tip of yellow arrow)

loose connective tissue

connects and softly packes other tissues together within organs.

Schwann cells

wrap themselves around the axons and help neurons to increase the speed of the nervous impulses.

What is the purpose of schwann cell?

-helps insulate -make up the myelin sheath

What are some feature of smooth muscle?

-nonstriated -unbranched -spindle shaped (tapering towards their ends) -uninucleated

What are the characteristics of cardiac muscle?

-short -stocky cells that are sometimes branched -uninucleate

What are some characteristics of skeletal muscle?

-very long -unbranched -cylinder-shaped cell with multinucleated


A connective tissue that is more flexible than bone and that protects the ends of bones and keeps them from rubbing together.

skeletal muscle

A muscle that is attached to the bones of the skeleton and provides the force that moves the bones.


A threadlike extension of a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.


Amoeboid cells that roam connective tissue and engulf foreign particles and debris of dead cells.


Connective tissue made of plasma, erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets.


Hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal

smooth muscle tissue

Involuntary muscle is found in the intestines where it pushes food along the digestive tract. Also found in arteries and veins.

hyalin cartilage

Packed with Collegen Fibers, Tough but somewhat flexible. Found in: connecting ribs to sternum, respiratory passageways, covering bones at joints, bridge of nose, voice box.

ground substance

a dense liquid of gelatinous mixture of glycoproteins and polysaccharides.


a nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system


alternate dark and light bands found on skeletal and cardiac muscle


cartilage cells Note: when you find 2 cells together, that means that they recently divided.

What does -cyte mean?


glial cell

cells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons Note: these are the little dots floating around near the axon.

columar epithelial cells

cells that are taller than they are wide note: think columbs...the ones on older buildings

What is the gelatin like substance in cartilage called?


What secrets a dense, gelatinous ground substance/condrin and collagenous fibers?


____________________ type of fibers are very tough and resistant to stretch.

collagen fibers

Skeletal muscle is the only muscle that can _________________ contract.



white blood cells

The loose connective tissue cells are _________ spaced out.

widely Note: each blue dot/ nucleous represents the cell.

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