AnSc 201

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What is necessary for maintaining milk quality during storage and handling?

-Cool temp under 40degrees F -sanitary -odor free environment -No exposure to fluorescent lighting or sunlight


-Loss of CO2 from albumen into atmosphere -Albumen binds less water -Yolk enlarges from water from albumen, becomes runnier -By adding CO2 to atmosphere helps reduce liquefaction

What factors does a consumer consider in determining egg quality?

-Sound shell- not cracked/broken all uniform -clean shells- free from imperfection -freedom from blood and meat spots -freedom from off-flavors-storing in odd places -Uniform size, shape, and color -Uniform yolk color -large amount of firm albumen

fiber structure

-cuticle in all wool fibers; scaly outer layer -cortex is needle like cells; ortho is soft, elastic and para is hard, less elastic. These determine the crimp of the wool fiber.

Primary Follicle

1st to develop, arranged in groups of 3, they are fully emerged at birth, accessory structures present, appear in bundles w/ Secondary fibers

Reduced fat milk

2% and lowfat 1%

Poultry lipids

2/3 unsaturated 1/3 saturated

condensed milk

7.5% fat 25% SNF water removed by preheating mainly used for industrial purposes

Egg Content

74% water 26% Dry matter 13% Proteins 11% Fats 1% carbohydrates/minerals

Chemical composition of meat

75%-water 19%- protein 4%-lipids 1% carbohydrates/minerals

Grade A milk

92% of US fluid milk- class 1

Skim milk

< 0.5% fat

what are the fat soluble vitamins in milk?

A, D, K, E- influenced by animal diet

What causes a "cowy" or "barny" flavor? Prevention?

Absorbed(transmitted) causes this flavor. Caused by transfer from feed/ air milk. Can be prevented by not feeding the animals while milking and proper ventilation. Weed such as onion and garlic.

Factors affecting follicle development

Adverse prenatal environment early postnatal environment

What is hydrolytic rancidity? Causes? Development? Prevention?

Also know as Lipolyzed, rancid. The flavor is bitter, or soapy. It is caused by enzymatic hydrolysis of triglycerides and the lipase enzyme liberates free fatty acids. Agitation, alternate heating and cooling, and excessive foaming activates the lipase enzyme. Can be prevented by proper handling and storage.

Grade systems

American systems(blood) Spinning count- hanks of yarn per pound of clean wool Micron Diameter based on actual fiber measurement; most accurate Length- longer are better noilage =very short fibers Color-white is preferred

The Chalazae?

Anchors yolk w/the rest of the albumin layers. Stabilizes position of yolk. and extends into the firm(dense) albumin

Secondary follicles

Associated with primary follicles, mainly emerged btw 1 and 3 weeks of age, incomplete set of accessory structures


At least 80% fat

what vitamins are water soluble in milk?

B complex, and C and are stable in composition.

Bacteria are normally present in milk. Why?

Bacteria is present in milk because it passes through the cow and is stored in the utters until the cow is milk and it leaves the utters.


Based on fiber diameter

Red meat

Beef, pork,veal,lamb/mutton, horse

Which milk product requires the largest amount of milk to manufacture?

Butter with 21.2lbs of milk


Ca,Cl, Fe, Mg, S, K, P, Na Ca,Mg,P are mostly found in the shell


Caseins are only found in milk and are 82% of total milk protein. Contained in micelles. Used when making cheese

List the conditions needed to maintain egg quality during storage.

Clean eggs clean and sanitary facility low temperature(45-55 degrees) high humidity (>80%

What are cultured dairy products? Name two.

Cultured dairy products are milk products that have been fortified with adding beneficial microbes such as yogurt and cultured buttermilk.

Acquired impurities

Dust, dirt, sand, manure, urine

Which has a higher percent protein, milk or eggs? Which has more fat?

Eggs have more proteins then milk. Milk has more fat and saturated fatty acids. Where as sterol is higher in eggs.

Connective tissue network

Endomysium- thin layer that surrounds each cell Perimysium- wrap around several muscle cells and form a bundle Epimysium- surrounds the entire muscle

Describe rennin curd formation and name a product made from it.

Enzyme also known as rennin or pepsin. Binds with Ca+ ions and caseins clot to form calcium paracaseinate. The paracaseinate contains casein, calcium, water, vitamins and enzymes. The sweet whey contains water, lactose, other minerals, albumins and globulins and vitamins. It forms a hard elastic curd, like cheese

Milk is deficient in several minerals which are these?

Fe, Si, Fl, Zn, Cu and trace amounts depend on diet such as Mn, Al, I

Fiber selection criteria

Fleece weight, fineness of hair, length of fibers

What are several internal factors that can influence egg quality?

Genetics, physiology, nutrition

What is the general structure of an amino acid and How does it differ from the structure of a fatty acid?

H O I II R- C -C- OH I NH2 it differs from a fatty acid because it contains a nitrogen.


High temp- short time 161 degrees for 15 sec

Describe reasons that person may be lactose or milk intolerant.

If a person is lactose intolerant they lack the lactose enzyme. Where as milk allergies are reactions to specific milk proteins

What minerals are found in large quantities in milk?

In large quantities you have Ca, K, Na, S, P, Mg, Cl. Phosphorus is the most mineral in milk.

Attributes used in assigning a quality grade

Interior factors: -Condition of yolk -condition of and thickness of albumen -size of air cell -abnormalities Exterior factors: -shell soundness -shell cleanliness -shape

Primary Constituent in fibers

Keratin(a protein), building block of wool fiber. The chemical composition is sulfur, containing amino acids. Arrangement are long flexible polypeptides and the sulfide bonds hold chains together. they are helical structure

Which disaccharides is found only in milk?

Lactose is a unique carbohydrate that contributes 30% of calories in whole milk. Its composed of glucose and galatose. It in a true molecular solution and has a lower solubility and less sweet than sucrose.

LTLT Pasteurization

Low temp- Long time batch pasteurization 145 degrees for 30 mins

Why is milk homogenized?

Milk is homogenized so the fat doesn't separate in the milk fluid. It is done by pumping the milk through a series of screens under pressure to change the nature and size of fat globules.

Why are facilities and equipment used in the production and handling of milk held to rigid sanitary standards?

Milk is single source of dietary elements needed for the maintenance of proper health, especially in children and older citizens. Milk has a potential to serve as a vehicle of disease transmission and has, in the past, been associated with disease outbreaks of major proportions.

What is the general structure of a fatty acid?

O II R - C - OH

What is oxidative rancidity? Causes? Development? Prevention?

Oxidative rancidity or light induced give off a papery or cardboardy flavor. Oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids copper and iron cataylsts as well as UV light also causes chemical changes. Can be prevented by stainless steal equipment, proper packagaing and storage condition

What are phospholipids? What is unique about these molecules?

Phospholipids are good emulsifying agents because a portion of the molecule is soluble in water and the other portion is soluble in fats. An example would be Lecithin

Natural Impurities

Produced my sheep, grease wool

Adenosine triphosphate

Relaxtion- keep actin and myosin relaxed contraction- provide energy

What is the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid? Which type predominates in milk?

Saturated fatty acids will not have a carbon/carbon double bond in the carbon chain where as an unsaturated fatty acid does contain a carbon/carbon double bond. Saturated fatty acid predominate milk with 66%.

Percent of total egg

Shell, shell membranes- 11% yolk- 31% albumen-58%

Describe the structural arrangement of an avian egg beginning with the cuticle and ending with the yolk.

Shell: Cuticle, spongy layer, mammillary layer, membrane: air cell, outer shell membrane, inner shell membrane, albumen: outer thin, firm(dense), inner thin, chalaziterous, chalazae, yolk: germinal disc(blastoderm), latabra, light yolk layer, dark yolk layer, yolk membrane

What is the difference between shrinkage and liquefaction?

Shrinkage is the loss of water Liquefaction is when the albumen becomes runny.


Shrinkage- loss of weight due to impurities

What is the difference in composition between skim milk and low fat milk?

Skim milk is fat free and has less than .5% fat. Low fat milk contains less than or equal to 1% fat.

High quality egg vs Low quality egg

Small air cell faintly or not visible yolk firm albumen absent blood spot shell soundness

What genetic and environmental factors can cause variation in the composition of milk?

Some factors are feed, proper ventalation and packaging. Also feeding the cow while milking can change the compositon.

What is the difference between acid whey and sweet whey?

Sweet whey is made during the making of rennet types of hard cheese like cheddar or Swiss cheese. Acid whey is a by-product produced during the making of acid types of dairy products such as cottage cheese or strained yogurt.

What are several external factors that can influence egg quality?

Temperature(yolk flattens), Humidity(transfer of gases), Contamination

Describe the visual characteristics of a blastodisk and of a blastoderm. which would you find in a fertilized egg?

The blastodisk is white, circular, opaque(3-4mm), found in an unfertile egg. The Blastoderm is oval transparent center, opaque margins where eggs begin to develop.

What is the function and composition of the albumen?

The function of the albumin is insulation- the volume of protein that doesn't change in temp mostly. Shock absorption- help yolk remain stable in egg and prevent yolk breakage. Nutrient source-high in protein

Wool and Mohair

The hair from a sheep Fleece- of angora goat Australia-wool US- mohair(texas)

What are the major constituents contained in milk. Which are higher in colostrum?

The major constituents are water, fat

The shell of an egg performs what functions?

The shell structure is composed of the cuticle layer, spongy layer, mammillary layer. It permits gaseous exchange, prevent the loss of egg contents and entrance of bacteria, and a nutrition source

What determines shell strength?

The thickness correlated w/weight of bird

What two general types of proteins are present in milk?

To general types of proteins are caseins and whey proteins.

Milk lipids are composed primarily of triglycerides. What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are a major lipid in fat. they are composed of three fatty acids and a glycerol.


Ultra high temp 280 degrees for 2 seconds

Why is vitamin D added to milk?

Vitamin D is added to milk to help with preventing osteoporosis.


absent in fine wool, hollow


account for 22% of calories in whole milk and 38% of SNF. They exist in colloidal dispersion like sand in water. Composed of amino acids.

Whey Protein

also known as serum proteins such as Lactalbumin and Lactoglobulin. They are about 18% of total milk protein


amount of wool from a sheep when shorn

Ice cream

at least 10% fat

Biologically why is milk important?

biologically milk is important because female mammals provide nourishment to their youngs

How can blood spots be detected in a shell egg?

by the use of candling

Negative wool cloth

can shrink, make people itch

Woolen and worsted

capture air/moisture; sweaters better insulation long fibers arrange in a parallel way; suits


chicken, turkey, duck

Diameter or fineness of fiber

consumer prefer secondary fibers(finer)


created by heating cuticle and matting together

Air cell

forms at the blunt of the egg/store blunt end up. As egg cools, liquids contract its function is to supply air to embryo when respiration is initated


functions has nutrients, Blastodisk, and blastoderm, vitelline membrane


glycogen (before rigor) lactic acid (rigor)


half and half- milk and cream mixture btw 10.5%-18% fat Light cream- btw 18-30% fat Light whipping cream- Btw 30-36% fat Heavy cream- >36% fat

Describe acid curd formation and name a product made from it.

isoelectric point equals the number of + and - charges and as they combine and caseins precipitate out at a pH of 4.67. Forming a soft curd. like cottage cheese

Why does cream rise to the top?

its due to specific gravity


large fibers w/o a solid core(hollow). A lot of breakage.

imitation products/ substitute products

look like and taste like but are nutritionally inferior products. Often contain water, corn syrup, and vegetable fats


loss of water when stored in low humidity air cell enlarges

Sherbet/frozen yogurt

low in fat and solids, but more sugar than ice cream

Grade B milk

mainly for products such as cheese, yogurt, and butter- Class 2


major protein in meat, myosin makes up the most

What is milk ash?

milk ash are the minerals in milk. They exist in a true solution and as parts of salts and other minerals.

Why is milk pasteurized

milk is pasteurized to kill pathogenic bacteria in milk.


milk products, eggs, and sweetner at least 6% fat

Color and texture of meat

more myoglobin- dark color; used muscles unused muscle- light color- less myoglobin color is affected by pH of muscle

Ruminant lipids

more uniform cow fatty acids 46% unsaturated and 54% saturated

Double yolk

most common defect, two yolks meet in oviduct and are included in same shell

Muscle cell

myofibers- structural units of muscle sarcolemma- excitable outer cell membrane nuclei Myofibrils- long fibers of contractile filaments in myofibers Sarcoplasm- liquid portion of cell

Factors that affect the amount of wool produced

nutrition- sheep need adequate protein and energy for wool production Breeding program- yelld has genetic component


over 400 varieties microorganisms provide desired products


permit each cell to do work a) actin- thin layer filaments; light bands b) myosin- thick filament; dark bands

Germicidal properties

physical properties help kill/ prevent growth of bacteria -shell is the first line of defense, calcium carbonate is a drying agent - shell membranes act as a filter(pores are smaller than those in shell) - Avidin is in the albumen and interferes with bacterial growth -Lysozyme is also in the albumen and dissolves bacteria.

Meat proteins

ranks 3rd nutrition value of protein in different species is about the same Cut of meat has little influence on nutritional protein value.

Monogastric lipids

reflect diet pig fatty acids 54% unsaturated and 46% saturated

Sliding filament theory

regulated by Ca+ concentration calcium held in sarcoplasmic reticulum surrounding myofibrils

Atricial Birds

requiring large amounts of parental care after hatching. tend to have eggs w/less yolk and higher albumen contents.

Precocial bird

requiring little parental care after hatching: able to function independtly

Evaporated milk

sealed and further heat treated doesn't require refrigeration.

fortified milk

skim milk and lowfat milk solids added back to bring SNF up to 10.25%. Also improves flavor


smallest functional contractile unit. Contains several 100 fliaments

Primary muscle types

smooth-walls of digestive tract, capillaries,etc involuntary striated(cardiac)- heart voluntary striated(skeletal)- muscles have alternating dark and white bands

Applied impurities

sprays, dips, and dyes


stabilizes composition of commercially available milk by adding additional milk to achieve desired fat content

Rigor mortis

stiffening of the carcass by intense shortening of muscle fibers

What represents the largest portion of the egg?

the egg white

Shell membranes

tough mats of protein fibers help give structure to egg and membranes separate at blunt end, air cell forms


transports O2 and CO2 w/in muscle tissue


tube like structure and layers of nutrients deposit on the outside

Scouring impurities

use of soapy solution to remove natural and applied impurities


uses acid to remove organic matter(particles containing carbon)

Ice Milk

usually has more sugar but less total solids than ice cream(fat and protein)

Blood spot

vessel rupture in yolk follicle at time of ovulation and leaves spot on surface of yolk

What are the minor constituents in milk?

vitamins, enzymes, somatic cells, and leucocytes.

Positive wool cloth

warm, non-flammable, can absorb moisture, excellent insulator


wetness produced by release of meat fluids, then sustained moisture by saliva stimulation 2nd tenderness in importance as a palatability factor

Does egg quality affect its nutritional value?

yes it does.

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