anth 103 week 1 quiz

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All human beings belong to a discrete number of races. Select one: True False


Anthropologists only study contemporary, living peoples. Select one: True False


Franz Boas spent most of his professional career at the University of Berlin in Germany. Select one: True False


The American Anthropological Association's current Code of Ethics is well-tailored to situations of violence and political danger. Select one: True False


The fact that anthropologists working for government and industry often conduct secret research poses no ethical challenges to the discipline. Select one: True False


Most anthropological data comes in the form of extensive field notes, audio recordings, and photographs. Select one: True False


The gathering and interpretation of information based on intensive, firsthand study is called ethnography. Select one: True False


The most important ethical responsibility in anthropological fieldwork is to protect the interests of the people whom you are studying. Select one: True False


The Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) is: Select one: a. A database that provides cross-cultural data on a limited number of societies. b. A database on all cultures involved in global warfare. c. An institution that specializes in anthropological fieldwork. d. A group of anthropologists that works in more than a single culture. e. A database that provides cross-cultural data on all complex societies.

a. A database that provides cross-cultural data on a limited number of societies.

All of the following were considered the highest risk field dangers in a 1990 study of anthropologists, EXCEPT: Select one: a. Tuberculosis. b. Vehicle crashes. c. Malaria. d. Hepatitis.

a. Tuberculosis.

In anthropology, the issue of human rights: Select one: a. Is not relevant, because anthropologists believe in cultural relativism. b. Can be difficult, as different cultures define rights differently. c. Is at the forefront of doing anthropological research, as researchers are not allowed to work in countries where there is warfare. d. Is not important, because there are no inalienable human rights. e. Prevents anthropologists from doing research overseas.

b. Can be difficult, as different cultures define rights differently.

What do anthropologists call the feelings of alienation and helplessness that result from rapid immersion in a new and different culture? Select one: a. Cross-cultural shock. b. Culture shock. c. Cultural entropy. d. Alienation orientation. e. Psychological solipsism.

b. Culture shock.

Anthropologists say that human adaptation is biocultural. Which of the following best represents what is meant by this statement? Select one: a. Human adaptation is both biological and cultural, and anthropologists cannot distinguish between the meanings of these concepts. b. Human adaptation involves both biological and cultural dimensions and each influences the other. c. Human adaptation is unique among all animals because it is based exclusively on physiological adaptations. d. Human adaptation is the same as that of all animal because culture plays a role in the adaptation of all forms of life. e. Human adaptation is based exclusively on culture. Biology is subsumed within the cultural dimension and does not exert an independent influence on humans.

b. Human adaptation involves both biological and cultural dimensions and each influences the other.

Within the discipline of anthropology, globalization has: Select one: a. Decreased the need for anthropologists. b. Tended to increase the political involvement of some anthropologists. c. Enabled anthropologists to use technology to do fieldwork without leaving their offices. d. Allowed anthropologists to become members of native cultures to a greater extent than before. e. Made it easier for anthologists to publish their findings.

b. Tended to increase the political involvement of some anthropologists.

Which of the following problems would an applied anthropologist be most likely to study? Select one: a. The ways in which families are organized to carry out the basic tasks of farming in agricultural societies. b. The ways in which health care delivery to American minority communities might be improved. c. The ways in which a society's religious beliefs relate to its artwork. d. The relationship between the language members of a culture speak and the ways in which they understand the world. e. The percentage of goods and practices in a culture that have their origins in a different culture.

b. The ways in which health care delivery to American minority communities might be improved.

What is the name of the organization that maintains a statement of ethical guidelines for anthropologists? Select one: a. Association for American Anthropologists. b. American Anthropological Institute. c. American Anthropological Association. d. Anthropological Ethics Institute. e. American Association of Anthropologists.

c. American Anthropological Association.

Malinowski's and Boas' practices of anthropology were alike in many ways. All of the following are things that they shared, EXCEPT: Select one: a. Both were committed fieldworkers. b. Both saw other cultures/societies as fully rational. c. Both valued the study of history as essential to a deeper understanding of societies. d. Both were scholars who opposed racism. e. Both innovated the approach to fieldwork in anthropology.

c. Both valued the study of history as essential to a deeper understanding of societies.

What is ethnography? Select one: a. It is the reconstruction of past cultures based on material remains. b. It is the scientific study of the concept of culture and adaptation. c. It is the process of doing qualitative, fieldwork-based research. d. It is the protection and exhibition of cultural resources. e. It is the process of seeking laws and general principles that govern cultural phenomena.

c. It is the process of doing qualitative, fieldwork-based research.

One critical difference between Western ethnocentrism and the ethnocentrism of many other peoples is: Select one: a. Westerners are more ethnocentric than others. b. Westerners are less ethnocentric than others. c. Westerners have more often been in a position to impose their view of culture than have others. d. Western notions of ethnocentrism include religious superiority while others did not. e. Western notions of ethnocentrism were justified while others were not.

c. Westerners have more often been in a position to impose their view of culture than have others.

Archaeologists are principally interested in: Select one: a. Excavating sites and developing museums to preserve ancient landforms. b. Collecting artifacts made by ancient peoples. c. Tracing the course of human evolution through an examination of the fossilized remains. d. Understanding and reconstructing the cultures of past societies. e. Tracing the early development of Western civilization.

d. Understanding and reconstructing the cultures of past societies.

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