ANTH 202 ch. 4 & 6

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Historically speaking, which of the following blood types have been more susceptible to smallpox?


What is NAGPRA?

Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

Which subfield of anthropology specializes in the study of the human past by studying material culture?


In order to reconstruct ancient human biological and cultural features, anthropologists study ceramics, casts, metals, and other manufactured items known as


Some biological anthropologists analyze human remains to provide legal evidence. This special type of anthropology is known as

forensic anthropology

Which of the following statements correctly describe what molecular anthropologists do?

-They reconstruct waves of human migration. -They examine evolutionary relationships among ancient and contemporary populations. -They study the genetic relationship between apes and humans.

Which of the following are cultural ways of adapting to a very cold environment?

-fur coats -central heating -well-insulated dwellings

Biological anthropologists use anthropometry to learn about which of the following aspects of humans?

-human growth -human development -nutritional status

According to Allen's rule, a person with short limbs and a stocky body

-is likely to live in a cold climate. -is more likely to live in Alaska than Africa.

Which of the following is true regarding maladaptive alleles?

Alleles that were once maladaptive may lose their disadvantage if the environment shifts.

Which of the following best explains why people in colder climates tend to have bigger bodies than people in warmer climates?

Big bodies retain heat better than small ones do.

Which of the following is most likely to develop rickets and osteoporosis?

East Asian in the northern U.K.

Based on skin color, which of the following would likely have the lowest incidence of folate deficiency?


Which of the following does palynology do?

It helps to determine an ancient site's environment at the time it was inhabited.

The fact that Eskimos are not as pale as one might expect for people who would benefit from pale skin (to maximize their UV absorption and vitamin D) is an example of how

a cultural can help overcome a disadvantageous biological trait.

The archaeological study of settlement patterns over a large area is known as

a systematic survey.

If an anthropologist needs a metric (quantitative) estimate of the age of a pottery shard, which method of dating should be used?

absolute dating

What is the term used to describe any method of dating fossils which establishes a precise age range?

absolute dating

The specialty in archaeology known as ______ is the study of human skeletons and associated artifacts, which are used to understand health, diet, and social status differences.


Which type of anthropologists study primate behavior and also the physical characteristics of ancient and modern humans?


What is the term for the study of bone as a biological tissue?

bone biology

What are fossils?

bones or other remains of ancient life forms

A technique called ______ measures radioactive decay and is commonly used to date fossilized plant or animal remains.

carbon-14 dating

The most useful dating technique to establish the age of tools made of deer antler and whale bone recovered at sites associated with the earliest inhabitants of North America would likely be

carbon-14 dating

The range of phenotypes characteristic of a population may change due to ______ rather than genetic changes.

changes in the environment

Which type of archaeologists are usually interested in styles of architecture and sculpture and work more in university departments with art historians rather than in anthropology departments?


A gradual shift in gene (allele) frequencies between neighboring populations is known as a ___.


Your skin has natural sunscreen properties in the tropics but reduced UV absorption outside the tropics, leaving you susceptible to developing rickets or osteoporosis. You have ______ skin color.


True or false: Fossils include the preserved remains of any object (building, container, tool, pottery, weapon, work of art) made, used, or modified in some way by human beings, which help us to understand how people lived in the past.

false Reason: Fossils are preserved bones, traces, and impressions of ancient life forms.

Which of the following became a major problem after food production emerged around 10,000 years ago?

infectious diseases

Which of the following plays a key role in determining human biological diversity?

natural selection

A haplogroup is a lineage or branch of a genetic tree marked by _____ specific genetic mutations.

one or more

Which of the following is the study of ancient pollen to identify the plant resources that were part of the ancient environment at a site being excavated by anthropologists?


An organism's evident traits, or its anatomy and physiology, are called


Biological plasticity, or our ability to change in response to the environments we encounter as we grow, makes which of the following possible?

phenotypical adaptation

Which of the following is a term for adaptive biological changes that occur during an individual's lifetime?

phenotypical adaptation

Microscopic crystals called ______ found at archaeological sites help identify wheat, maize, rice, or other early domesticated plants.


In order to understand how human behavior differs from the behavior of the animals most similar to humans, some biological anthropologists in the subfield of ______ study animals such as apes, monkeys, and lemurs in their natural rain forest habitats.


Which of the following is one approach, now largely abandoned, that scientists once used to study human biological diversity?

racial classification

Assigning humans to discrete categories based on common ancestry is known as

racial classification.

With _____ data, archaeologists can address many questions about the prehistoric communities that lived in a given area.


A dark-skinned person in a cold, northern climate has a higher risk (than a light-skinned person) of developing ______ (a condition that softens and deforms the bones) due to a vitamin D deficiency.



search for evidence about human origins.

Which of the following is a cultural alternative that permits a dark-skinned person to live effectively in a cold, northern climate?

take vitamin D supplements

The study of the processes that affect the remains of dead animals is known as


Which of the following illustrates Bergmann's rule?

the value of the HbS heterozygote in malarial environments

When archaeologists excavate at home or abroad and when biological anthropologists conduct research with primates, they must take steps to ensure the protection of the materials, remains, and animals involved. Government agencies and other agencies grant permission to these anthropologists by giving

their informed consent

The compounds on type A cells trigger the production of _____ in type B blood (and vice versa).


When construction sites reveal artifacts, impact studies may be required to assess the historical importance of the site. In this case, "salvage archaeology," also called ______, analyzes what is found at the site.

cultural resource management

To study the ancient human past, archaeologists and physical anthropologists work with scientists in the field of ______ who study animal fossils.


Archaeologists study settlement patterns primarily to reveal what kinds of information about prehistoric communities?

population estimates and degrees of social complexity

The most useful dating technique to establish the age of a fossil skull identified with Homo erectus, a species that originated about 1.9 million years ago, would likely be ______ of associated rock.

potassium-argon (K/A) dating

In 1692, a major earthquake caused part of the city of Port Royal, Jamaica, to fall into the Kingston Harbor. ______ archaeologists now study the submerged city.


Which of the following are reasons why food production favors infection?

-Domesticated animals can transmit infectious diseases to humans. -Cultivation sustains larger, denser populations, making it easier for microbes to find hosts.

Which of the following statements about dendrochronology are true?

-It is a type of absolute dating. -It involves the study and comparison of patterns of tree-ring growth.

Which of the following statements are true regarding typical skin color in various geographical regions?

-It is darker in southern Europe than in northern Europe. -It is lighter south of the tropics than in the tropics. -It is lighter in southern Europe than in the Middle East.

Which of the following correctly describes the flotation technique in archaeology?

-It uses a series of very fine meshes and water. -It is expensive. -Carbonized plant remains are the particles that float.

Which of the following are advantages to light skin color?

-Light skin color absorbs UV outside the tropics. -Light skin color maximizes the body's manufacture of vitamin D.

The surfaces of some microbes have compounds similar to ABO blood group compounds. How is that advantageous for microbes?

-Microbes are able to "trick" the hosts by appearing similar to the body's own biochemistry. -We don't produce antibodies to compounds similar to those on our own blood cells.

Which of the following are problems with basing racial classifications on a combination of physical traits?

-Physical features do not go together in a coherent and consistent bundle. -The amount that heredity contributes to phenotypical traits is often unclear.

Which of the following are studied as part of taphonomy?

-the distortion of remains by natural forces -the scattering of remains by carnivores and scavengers -the possible fossilization of remains

Which of the following best describes how the subfield of archaeology differs from that of biological anthropology?

Archaeologists study the past by analyzing objects from dig sites; biological anthropologists study ancient human skeletons or living humans.

Which of the following best defines Thomson's nose rule?

Average nose length increases in cold areas.

True or false: Scientists have determined that using a combination of physical traits is a much more accurate approach to racial classification.

False Reason: Recall that relying on physical traits for racial classification is not an accurate or feasible approach and that racial classification itself has fallen out of favor in the scientific community.

Jiro is Japanese and cannot digest lactose very well. He decides to try to carefully increase his consumption of dairy products to see if he can increase his tolerance. What is likely to happen to his lactose tolerance?

He is likely to increase his lactose tolerance.

Which of the following statements best describes the principle of superposition?

In an undisturbed set of strata, the oldest layer is deepest.

Which of the following statements best describes the limitations of potassium-argon (K/A) dating?

It cannot be used to directly date bone or plant remains, but instead it is limited to use on ash layers that are older than 500,000 years.

Which of the following best explains why long noses seem to be adaptive in cold climates?

Long noses help protect the brain from cold outer air, because blood vessels warm the air as it is breathed in.

Which of the following best explains why natural selection did not eliminate the A allele, considering its susceptibility to smallpox?

Other blood types are susceptible to diseases that the A type is not susceptible to.

How does paleoanthropology differ from paleontology?

Paleoanthropology focuses on the study of ancient human life forms, while paleontology includes the study of all kinds of ancient life forms.

Some scientists have classified the San ("Bushmen") of the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa as Asians because of their "yellow" skin. Why is this a problem?

People of the same race should share recent common ancestry, and there is no evidence of this between the San and Asians.

In the methods of archaeology, what is the difference between systematic survey and excavation?

Systematic survey involves gathering information about settlement patterns across a region; excavation involves digging in selected sites.

Which of the following best explains why tropical populations in the Americas don't have very dark skin?

The settlement of the Americas by light-skinned Asian ancestors of Native Americans was relatively recent.

Why have scientists largely abandoned the tripartite scheme of three great races?

The tripartite scheme is overly simplistic.

Which of the following is true of phytoliths?

They do not decay.

Which of the following statements best describes how archaeologists do their work?

They systematically survey a region and excavate by digging through the layers at archaeological sites.

Which of the following is the current approach favored by scientists to study human biological diversity?

an explanatory approach

Measuring human proportions on skeletal remains from ancient sites as well as among modern human populations is known as


Equal-size sections of a grid in an archaeological excavation are called

collection units.

The most common way in which archaeologists work locally is


When archaeologists systematically dig through the layers at a site, this process is known as


Some archaeologists make tools of deer antler to look like the tools used by PaleoIndians about 10,000 years ago. Which of the following specialties in archaeology would this work represent?

experimental archaeology

One technique for comparing the ages of fossilized bone fragments involves measuring the amount of a key element absorbed from the groundwater. This technique, called ______ analysis, revealed what has become known as "the Piltdown hoax."


Archaeologists who study ancient societies by using written records as guides and supplements to research are referred to as ______ archaeologists.


When archaeologists excavate early colonial settlements in Jamestown, Virginia, this type of archaeology is known as


Test pits are used to determine

how deep a site's deposits go.

Which of the following best explains what biological anthropologists study?

living and recent humans and primates as well as ancient humans and primates

By blocking UV, _____ help(s) conserve folate, offering protection against neural tube disorders (NTDs).


Which of the following types of anthropology compares and analyzes DNA from various primates such as chimpanzees and other apes, extinct human groups such as Neandertals, and various modern human groups to determine evolutionary relationships?

molecular anthropology

For bioarchaeologists, the remains of taller people can indicate

more fortunate members of a society.

What kind of physical anthropologists specialize in the study of human evolution?


The study of ancient life through the fossil record is known as


Human skeletal remains from archaeological sites can be analyzed to identify specific types of disease and bodily afflictions. This specialty within biological anthropology is known as


Sources of information for archaeologists studying sites primarily include

plant and animal remains, ceramics, and other artifacts.

One commonly used radiometric dating technique is used to date layers of volcanic ash found above and below strata containing fossil remains in Africa's Great Rift Valley, especially for a significant time period in human evolution dating to around 2 million years ago. That dating technique is known as

potassium-argon (K/A) dating.

Aerial photos and satellite images are forms of _____ used in site location, which is very valuable to anthropologists.

remote sensing

We know from geology that layers in the earth are sequenced in such a way that the oldest layers are the deepest, and on this basis we can date artifacts and fossils found in shallower layers as younger than those found in the deeper layers by using the principle of


Smallpox had been endemic in India and Africa, where there were low frequencies of the allele for type A blood. What did this suggest to scientists?

that type A blood increased susceptibility to smallpox

Cultural resource management focuses on managing the preservation of archaeological sites that are

threatened by modern development.

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