anthrbio 167 unit 3 cumulative quiz

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why does stunting happen?

Poor nutrition, disease exposure, and inadequate opportunities to play and learn

What happened in the study by Gibson and Mace when rural Ethiopian women didn't have to haul water anymore?

The interbirth intervals get shorter

Tinbergen's 4 questions

Two or more than modern medicine tends to address-> what is the selective advantage of this mechanism? What is the polygeny of this mechanism?

what event were the community members participating in at the beginning of chapter four?

death greetings and a festival to celebrate the death/life of an elder

in which region or group of countries is stunting lowest?

developed countries

What was Korotun the victim of? (this was the thing that Monique was surprised to hear also happens in the US)

domestic violence

What concerned Monique most about traveling to the US?

flying on the airplane

under a nuclear winter scenario, what would not happen?

most of the deaths would be from radiation

which of the following is false? -The US nuclear force is designed to be able to ride out a first strike nuclear attack and still be able to retaliate -None of these are false -Military officers are concerned about the vulnerability to cyber attack of missiles on high alert -If China decides to put its nuclear missiles on high alert this would increase the risk of accidental, unauthorized...

none of these are false

In this week's film, what type of products was the plant making?

paper products (toilet papers, towels)

Which of the following weren't actions the company took in regards to polluting?

paying off US EPA officials


probability that a hazard will cause harm given a certain level of exposure

Which of the following supports the concept that stunting is due to adaptation rather than constraint?

Feeding a stunted child does not easily reverse stunting

What are some reasons Kris Holloway says that the rainy season is the hardest season to be pregnant?

Fieldwork is exhausting and infectious diseases are prevalent

What event was hosted in John and Kris' honor before their departure?

dance party

Breast cancer risk factors and drivers

-Hormonal exposure -Natural estrogens are mutagenic and carcinogenic -Estrogen and progesterone hormones stimulate cell division in breast epithelium

Why do we get sick? Williams and Nesse study:

-Mismatch with the modern environment -Pathogens coevolve with hosts -Constraints on what selection can do -Trade-offs -Selection maximizes reproduction, not health -Defenses can be beneficial despite causing suffering and complications

what causes high blood pressure in Mali?

-Under-nutrition in childhood -Over-nutrition in adolescence and young adulthood -Urban migration -White coat hypertension and year of study -Gender

Which of the following is true about bilirubin? -it is a potentially toxic metabolite of hemoglobin -it is a difficult to excrete toxin -it is an effective antioxidant that protects against aging caused by oxidative damage -all of these are correct

-all of these are correct

What is exposure?

Coming into contact with a substance

Which of following made Kris hopeful that the military would come?

A coup d'etat

which of the following is not true about Mali? -It is where Timbuktu, an ancient Islamic center of learning is located -It is a low income country -Mali has a rich culture and diverse languages and religions -all of these are correct


what was not one of the sentiments expressed by interviewees of the film? -they wanted the plant to stop polluting toxic waste -they wanted the US EPA to force the company to comply with regulations -they wanted the company to clean up its act without closing down and firing all of its employees -all of these are true


where is stunting the highest?


What progress for women's rights does Kris say Mali made since she first arrived in 1989?

An increase in women's groups that address education and maternal and child care

Which of the following was presented as evidence that undernutrition in the Dogon contributes to high blood pressure later on?

As BMI increased by one unit, SBP actually decreased between the ages of 1 and 10 years (as shown by negative regression coefficients for BMI)

Which of the following is not true about the Danish study of hormonal contraception and breast cancer risk?

Breast cancer was higher in Danes due to their height which correlated with other aspects of body size

what were the mango rains?

Brief rains that come in Feb and March when the soil is dry

Which of the following is true?

COC users who get less exposure to synthetic ethinyl estradiol and progestins than to natural hormones are expected to have lower risk for breast cancer

In regard to the study of hypertension in the southeastern United States by Uchechukwu et al. 2014, which of the following is false?

Genetic differences between the races caused differences in the prevalence of hypertension

Hazard vs exposure:

Hazard is coming into contact with something that will cause harm

Bilirubin- why doesn't the body stop metabolizing hemoglobin at the stage of biliverdin, since bilirubin is toxic?

It defends against atherosclerosis

A demographic comparison of US and Dogon women indicates that Dogon women spend more time in postpartum amenorrhea, have only about ¼ as many menses, and start having periods at a later age. Why is this significant for breast cancer risk?

It means that Dogon women have less hormonal exposure than US women.

As discussed in lecture, what environmental exposure crisis happened in Michigan in the 1970's?

Millions of Michiganders consumed PBB-contaminated milk, beef, chicken, pork and eggs

In what sense does Professor Strassmann's research in Mali have the study design called a "natural experiment?"

She compared the blood pressure and other variables in the same cohort wherein half the participants stayed home in the villages and the other half moved to the city

What did Kris (aka Fatumata) give credit to the villagers for the work on the birthing house rather than accepting the accolades offered to her and Bakary?

She didn't want to take the "white boss" label

Which of the following is NOT true about the author's Peace Corp experience?

She would have preferred to take advantage of her fluent Spanish and be posted to Latin America

What is the global situation with respect to blood pressure?

Single greatest contributor to the global burden of disease and to global mortality (9.4 million deaths per year)

Which of the following is true of stunting?

Stunting shortens the lifespan

Which of the following is not true of the Pima study?

The difference between non-Pima Mexicans and Pima Mexicans was large

Which of the following illustrates mismatches between past and modern environments as a reason for why we get sick?

The modern diet of sugar fat and salt

When discussing environmental exposures, what do we mean by the term "risk"? Please choose the best answer.

The probability that a hazard will cause harm based on given level of exposure

Which of the following is true?

There is a dose-dependent relationship between ovarian steroid hormones and breast cancer risk

What happened between Kris and Monique's children once Kris left Nampossela?

They stayed in touch with cell phones

Which is true of the issues that state and environmental regulatory agency?

They were slow to enforce regulations and when they did the fines were small compared to company profits

How did Monique say the women in the village responded to the new birthing house?

They were so receptive of it that Monique worried about available space for new patients

Sugar, fat, and salt- why do we consume them in excess?

They're novel and usually indicators of nutrient rich foods

Why did Mr. Mariko travel to Nampossela (Monique's village) from koutiala?

To assert Monique's right to her own salary

Why did Monique leave the village for a week to stay with her uncle?

To take a vacation from Nampossela

Which of the following were not an impact from pollution as mentioned in the film?

Violations of the Endangered Species Act

What happened in the Gibson and Mace study?

Women carried water up to 30 km/day in clay pots...this resulted in energy saved led to increased maternal fertility, shorter interbirth intervals, and increased childhood malnutrition

What project in the village in Mali was successfully funded by USAID?

a new maternity ward

What projects in the village in Mali was successfully funded by USAID?

a new maternity ward

Evolutionarily, who receives the most nutritional resources?

adult males

what are the mediums?

air, food, water, soil, sediment, etc. etc.

What does Monique say the supposed utility of koloboil, or female genital mutilation, is? -All of these are correct -To rid of parts that aren't needed -To help with childbirth -To help girls become good wives

all of these are correct

Which of the following is true about ParaGard, a copper IUD that is inserted into the uterus? -All of these are correct -The copper is toxic to sperm and kills them before they can swim to the oviducts and fertilize an egg -It is an effective emergency contraceptive and is not something that causes the abortion of early stage embryos -It has no hormonal side effects from exogenous hormones as it does not contain hormones in the first place

all of these are correct

which of these actually happened? -A Russian early warning radar mislook the launch of a Norwegian scientific rocket for a US... -Increased risk due to an unstable individual high in the chain of ... -All of these are correct -The reflection of the sun on the tops of clouds fooled the satellites into falsely detecting nuclear missile launches.

all of these are correct

Which of the following is not an environmental medium of exposure? -All of these are media of environmental exposure -Water -Air -Soil gas -Sediment

all of these are media of environmental exposure

What was not one of the sentiments expressed by interviewees of the film? -All of these are true -They wanted the company to clean up its act without closing down -Etc -Etc

all of these are true

Which exciting project would the world village fund?

birth control pills

What is the number one public health problem (illness)


what is stunting?

impaired growth and development; poor cognitive function which leads to less education which leads to less income

In regard to the interview you heard with Dr. Porter, which of the following was not something she said? -She made all of these statements -Breast cancer is increasing in low-income countries -Westernization is reaching low income countries and has raised the incidence of breast cancer -Demographic factors like earlier age at menarche increase risk for breast cancer

she made all of these statements

The prevalence of childhood stunting is an indicator of what?

social inequalities

what is true of stunting ?

stunting shortens the lifespan

according to Daniel Ellsberg, which of the following is false?

terrorism poses the gravest nuclear threat of them all

which is true of the issues with the state environmental regulatory agency, ADEQ?

the ADEQ was slow to enforce regulations and when they did the fines were small compared to company profits

What was the important project that Holloway wanted to start working on and was looking for funding for?

to repair the birthing house

According to the article, what is the gravest threat today in terms of nuclear weapons? -The lack of adequate decision time in a crisis when decisions to launch or not are made -Two of these are correct -The danger of a terrorist getting a nuclear weapon -The risk of mistaken, ill considered and accidental launch

two of these are correct

which is the primary mechanism for birth control among women in Mali? -Birth control pills -Two of these are correct -Herbs -Abstinence

two of these are correct...birth control pills and abstinence

which of the following was not an impact from the pollution as mentioned in the film?

violations of the endangered species act

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists what needs to happen now that the cold war is over yet there are growing tensions between the US and Russia?

we need to take nuclear weapons off of high alert

What was the big concern of the villagers as summer approached?

whether heavy rains would come or not

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