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Code Switching

-Alternating between two or more languages in the context of a single conversation -Tells us about the aims and feelings of the speaker. Depending on the situation code-switching can have a different meaning. -Code-switching can help explain the relationships between people. -People might code-switch because it is easier to express something in one language than another. Could also depend on fluency. -Code-switching in the Whiteman jokes tells us about the informal situation, social status of the joker, and the established relationship with the ''butt" of the joke

Bilateral Descent

-Both mother's and father's relatives are equally important Ex: Tribes, every tribe member belongs to two clans - one through the father and one through the mother.)

Globalism and Local Cultures

-Globalism(pg.7): an essentially impossible condition that is said to prevail when people the world over share a homogenous, mutually intelligible culture -electronic communications and mass media will create a "global village" -Local culture(pg.9): shorthand for the experience of everyday life as lived by ordinary people in specific localities -attempt to capture appropriateness, comfort, and correctness that construct personal preferences -the problem with both "local" and "culture" = ignores the interval diversity of groups, particularly in terms of gender, class, and status differences EX: Watson, Golden Arches East.

Trobriand marriages can be described by the following

-Heterosexual -Exogamous -Virilocal


-How people are related to each other. __________ is the web of social relationships that form an important part of the lives of most humans in different societies. Ex: In the 21st century, ___________ was determined through affinal and consanguineal relationships.

Trobriander Islanders' fishing magic (Malinowski)

-Inner Lagoon fishing: fish are plentiful, no danger - no magic -Open Sea fishing: uncertainty of yield, risky - lots of magic rituals to ensure safety and increase their catch. -when there's uncertainty, people use magic.

Optative vs Non-Optative

-Inupiaq kinship contains ____a______ and _____b______ relations (how does one becomes a relative and what obligations does it entail) Ex: - _____b_______: parents, grandparents, siblings - ___a______: everyone else = kin who are kin because they act like kin = if the action ceases, so does the relationship = "he use to be my relative" ≠ non fictive - just as 'real' as blood cousin - biological relations are optative in inupiaq adoption

One may go through Rite of Passage to become a "man" or "women" in their society.

-Liminal period is often one of intense "communitas," bonding through shared experience. Upon return to their society, they are seen with higher/different status. -Modern Day examples may be superstitions in sports. For example baseball which includes repeating the same behavior or actions to seek gain control of performance. Ex) Batters' box, rally caps, meals,

Ethnography of Dialogic

-Meaning making between the speaker and listener, as well as the meaning of the observer and that of what is being observed. -The Limits of understanding and mutual regard of culture and history -For example, from the story "The Woman Who Loved a Snake", Jenny and Mabel are both having different views as to who/what the snake is. Jenny believes that the snake is symbolic of something while Mabel is seeing it as part of a coexistent reality, a reality located in historic time and subject to its structures. -Ethnographers interpret stories and the people they study, just like how Jenny saw something supernatural connected with the snake instead of something more literal.


-Of or Denoting a custom in marriage whereby the husband goes to live with the wife's community.


-Relating to or based on relationship to the father or descent through the male line.


-Relating to or concerning marriage. In anthropology, this term is often used with great emphasis in relation to structural kinship charts, but is a factor in practical kinship as well.


-Same blood or blood relation. Ex: A mother and her baby would have a consanguineal relationship.

Unilateral Descent

-Significant kin relationships traced either through mother or father, but not both. Ex: Clans, traditionally defined in terms of descent from a common ancestor.

Kinship Systems

-Systems that show how people are related to each other and their roles/responsibilities to one another Ex: Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity in the human family Lewis Henry Morgan - Gathered, synthesized compared data from various parts of the world based on questionnaires he sent to missionaries, explorers, and colonial officials. Two types: classificatory and descriptive. Placed Descriptive and classificatory into an evolutionary schema: from "primitive promiscuity" (Hawaiian) to civilized patriarchy (Roman)

Genealogical Method

-Well established procedure in ethnography established in the 20th century. It initiates to identify all important links of kinship, as well as shows how kinship is determined by marriage or descent. Used in pedigree to draw kinship charts. This was mostly used in the 20th century to depict kinships in the Eskimo and sundaes. Notable Figures: Lewis Henry Morgan


-Woman moves to her husband's home or family.


-________ (often seen as "irrational")- are prescribed behaviors in which there is no empirical connection between the means and the desired end- yet symbolically powerful -There are Initiation _______- life cycle transition -Another example is Rite of passage- three-part sequence- -Separation -Transition -Reintegration

Laurel Kendall

Anthropologist of Korea/Peace Corps volunteer in the late 1960s -Relationship to Yongsu's Mother/Changmi - key informant Fieldwork 1977-78, "Enduing Pine Village" outside of Seoul -spent everyday with her - teacher/student, master/apprentice -having a son in S.Korea traditionally is very good -Shamans, Housewives, and other restless spirits - 1985 A trend for women anthropologists studying women, especially spirit mediums, and the power the hold, despite the lack of women's power in society.

Trobriand marriages can be described by the following terms EXCEPT


Kendall's usage of the term "little wife" signifies

Changmi's father had a second wife


Definiton: Ritual practices that have no scientific effects but are believed to have influence on the outcome of some activity/event. Examples: - [Weiner] Trobiand contagious magic. One must come in contact with vehicle of magic in order to receive love or beauty spells. -[Malinowski] Trobiand Fishing magic. Open sea fishing is risky and the yield is uncertain. In order to ensure a plentiful catch rituals see performed.

Key Informant

People who become one of the prime sources of information in an anthropologist's research. Often chosen by an anthropologist based on social position and status in relation to the research being conducted. Yongsu's Mother, a Korean Shaman, is the key informant for Kendall's research into Korean Shamans.


Physical movements that carry a meaning to enhance what you are trying to convey, i.e body language, gestures. Ex: The Apache use over dramatic gestures to portray a white man because that is how they interpret them. Metacommunication can also happen through tone of voice, ie being demanding, base of question, or demanding A whiteman may say "How you doing? How you feeling? You feeling good?" An Apache may interpret it as that Anglos have an unnatural curiosity about the inner feelings of other people.

Linguistic anthropology

the study of language and how it is used to understand a culture. Ex: Basso's study of the Apache and the jokes of the "whiteman" demonstrates an example of what linguistic anthropology is.


the ways in which differences between men and women are socially and culturally defined. It refers to the sociocultural norms that are related with those biological traits, considered to be learned.

What does Gmelch identify as a fetish within the context of baseball

wearing a lucky uniform number

Is, "western women's activism against FGM in Africa" an example of cultural imperialism?


imitative magic (trobriand)

you're imitating something to get something to get something from it (sports players picking jersey numbers after GOATS)


"describes a condition by which people, commodities, and ideas literally cross- transgress- national boundaries and are not identified with a single place of origin." (as many immigrants now today build social fields that are cross cultural, geographical, political borders. It is made possible through advanced technologies that ease communication as well as transportation. Examples of transnationalism include the McDonald, even if it is based on America except that it is not slowly considered as "American" anymore because you can find McDonalds almost anywhere in the world.


- In a unilineal line of descent, matrilineal lines prioritize the mother's side of the relationship -principle of descent in which people are primarily related through the mother's line (not the same as matriarchal) Ex: According to traditional Jewish Law, Jewishness is passed down matrilineally.

Kinship Diagrams

-A chart anthropologists use to illustrate consanguineal and affinal relationships of a person. The person who the diagram is centered around is labeled as "ego". These diagrams date back to the late 20th century when anthropologists began to question what the difference was between kinship and biology.


-A marriage rule that requires people to marry outside of the lineage (otherwise considered incestuous) Ex: Trobriand Islander's practices.


-A response to contemporary trends: Kinship in the West is increasingly grounded in choice, displaces biological bias and privileges practice and agency, resists biological or genetic determinism and Western ethnocentrism, from kinship charts to practice centered, focusing on meaning and discourse Ex: From structural to practical kinships


-A type of worldview, it's the primary way people view themselves and the world. -People need religion in order to deal with uncertainty. -Religion also provides social solidarity.

In Golden Arches East, Watson argues that McdDonald's

has been localized


shaman, honorific title -Medium between the living and the dead -Can exorcise evil or unhappy spirits, and also reconcile the living with those who have passed away -When misfortune befalls a person or a family, the shaman is asked to help -Can be male or female and typically come from lower socio-economic status


original producers of a commodity do not necessarily control its consumption. Anthropologists use this term deterritorialized to refer to a weakening of ties between culture and place. It somehow means the removal of objects (cultural) from their native locations and populations. Example of deterritorialization include when a new area or location of the world obtains new access to the internet, the community also obtains access to every other community that has access to the internet. At that moment the deterritorializing process starts as the global community surrounds the local culture.


our perspective is oriented around the normative subject who is male (think ethnocentrism) -biological male body is taken as the yardstick against which female bodies are measured


period marked with a shift from traditional culture to a more industrialized, advanced modern culture -decline in birthrates -rising incomes and white-collar jobs - disposable income -women's employment and consumer choice -youth culture/children as powerful agents of cultural change -EX: East Asian Modernity -family evolution and consumer power of children made it possible for McDonald's success in East Asia


refers to a spirit that young babies swim in trobriand island looking for women to become mothers. The __________ spirit enters into women's womb so that women would be pregnant. _______ is a combination of women's blood and ancestors spirit, so this takes on the mother's matrilineal identity.

Structural Kinship vs Practical Kinship

-______a_________ is based on affinal and consanguinity relationships (blood and by marriage), it is static, seen as given and privileges biological kinship as universally significant. -On the other and ____b______ is based on one's social circles. It may include consanguinity and affinal relationships, however, it changes based on one's relationship towards others -A practical relationship is based on choice, who one chooses to be in his/her "family". A father will always be included in structural kinship, however, if the son does not have a relationship with the father, the father will not be included in the practical kinship.

Korean Shamanism

-misfortune is the result of restless ancestors, ghosts, and angry household gods bringing affliction to the home

Signs of Trobriand Marriage

-spending the night together and being seen -one night stand: sharing food together (sign of commitment) -bride and groom eating yams together -bride and groom remove necklaces

Martha Kaplan

-spent many years in Fiji doing ethnographic research -a biography of bottled water - tracing flows of water from Fiji to New York -Multisited Ethnography: i)not sticking to one place ii)from globalization and free trade agreements, anthropologists like tracing stuff across different sites.

Edward E. Evans-Pritchard

-studied Azande witchcraft -British social anthropologist -studied under Malinowski -Fieldwork in the southern Sudan -1937: Witchcraft Oracles, and Magic among the Azande -can already see the effects of western colonialism in the photo of Evans-Pritchard with native children holding sticks as guns and saluting


A continuously evolving system of concepts and beliefs, oftentimes unquestioned assumptions created by members of a society to define their own realm of reality and explain phenomena they cannot directly observe. Western Culture's ___________ is based upon science and mankind's dominance over nature whereas Trobriand's ______________ include good luck fishing charms and love magic. The Azande's _________________ involves witchcraft to explain the unknown. ________________ also includes rituals; circumcision as a right of passage

Manifest Destiny

A doctrine or belief that whites were ordained by god to spread across the land, to make it fruitful and to prosper - Indians were in the way of progress. Ex: Ishi lived in a museum and was forced to perform shows as the last indian of his tribe to entertain white folks. Preserved his brain instead of typical Native american custom that the body must be whole in order to reach the land of the dead.


A method of qualitative research frequently used by anthropologist. It allows researcher to explore a person's experiences within a macro-historical framework (life time). In other words, life-history is an overall picture of the informant's life. This method challenges the researcher to comprehend and grasp the attitudes and behaviors of the informant and how these changes might have been influenced by the life challenges he or she might have had. This method was first used when indigenous people of the Americas were interviewed.


Amplified and Intensified flows of capital, goods, people, media, and ideas, around the world -Single, global economic system, dominated by the US, and free market ideology -Transportation - air travel, shipping -Telecommunications - the Internet


Fathers nurturance of fetus through intercourse amongst the Trobrianders.

Professional Baseball

Geroge Gmelch: "...professional baseball is like Trobriand fishing..." -Fielding: lagoon fishing -pitching and batting: open sea fishing -risky, uncertain of result ex)rally claps, eating same meals before games, preparations in the batter's box

Two major methods of ethnographic fieldwork

Interviews and participant observation


Is a shamanic ritual. Held to address misfortunes- financial troubles, family relations, sickness illness, death. Dead family members who die with unfulfilled desires (han)- people who die too soon- are more dangerous than other dead. Gods and ancestors possess the shamans, and they vent their grievances, provide divinations, receive tribute or sustenance, and shower blessings on each member of the family many different kinds of _______ for different purposes, different gods, spirits, and ancestors.

Partial Knowledge

Knowledge is partial and nothing is ever complete without context or by being a part of the culture. It is guided by our own interpretation. By simply collecting data and recording, you are only gathering the visuals and not the feelings behind it. You have to understand what the body language means. You cannot learn about culture by data alone, you have to be within the culture. Ex: For Sarris, "The Woman who Loved a Snake" isn't about metacommentary revealing a moral lesson about cultural values as in Basso, but is about interpersonal and intercultural discourse and orality McKay: Remember that when you head and tell my stories there's more to me and you that is the story (p 46)

What is the rule of descent in the Trobriand Islands?


McDonald's and East Asian Globalization

McDonalds's sells a system, not a product. Although McDonald's is a company that comes from the US, by providing the familiarity factor that accompanies every McDonalds, and by using adaptive menus, McDonald's has become a company that is recognized globally. The rapid globalization of McDonald's in East Asia can be seen through their adaptive menus that include specific foods that are representative of a certain area. For example, in McDonald's in South Korea, they have Bulgogi Burgers and in Japan, they have the Juicy Chicken Akatougarashi burger.


Specific to Trobriand society, ___________ is the spirit of the dead. ___________ plays a key role in maintaining the matrilineal descent system by replacing the role of the male sperm with that of a spirit.

Cultural Imperialism

Spreading your culture using power (Power is used in the sense of economic and political power. ____________ normally comes about due to more politically powerful societies. So overall, _________________ is promoting your own culture and imposing it upon the "lesser" society.) Ex: McDonalds, US using money to spread to other countries Hybrid Cultures: Mixing of cultures Ex: Hip-Hop in Japan, different from cultural, mixing US culture and Japanese culture


Taking into account one culture into account and doing practices of that culture like it should be normal everywhere else. similar to ethnocentrism in a sense that a culture can think that its normal and natural to thier own culture but other cultures doing different practices is unnormal. An example of this would be the issue of circumcision. In Western culture, it is considered immoral and violence for females to get circumcision while for other cultures it's percectly normal for females to get circumcision so the western culture is trying to make everyone else believe that its bad for females to get circumcision. That is the process of ______________


The social and cultural commentary that underlies what is being said or done on the surface. Ex: The whiteman jokes are more than just jokes. They comment on the behavior of white men as seen by the Apaches.

Cultural Imperialist Theory of Globalization

Transnational processes eliminate local cultures

Fiji Water

Where does it come from? -water's source: underground water in Vatukaloko territory, Kauvadara mountain range. -Since 1860s: Vatukaloko people under charismatic leader, Navosavakadua, asserted independence from Christianity and British colonialism, based on sacred mountains/land and autochthonous(indigenous) identity. -British displaced Vatukaloko people and land registered to other ethnic groups. -1926: White settlers who acquired the land sold it to the sugar monopoly as a cattle -1970: Fiji becomes independent, land returned to indigenous Fijians -1990s: 99 year land lease to David Gilmour, a Canadian resort owner, under the company's name, "Natural Waters of Fiji," a private company. -1998: Gilmour built bottling plant, and many Vatukaloko people work for the company or are subcontractors. -Fiji like many parts of the world, since the early 19th century has been involved in lots of trade i)sugar was a mainstay of the colonial economy ii)imported a lot of laborers from India into Fiji

Does the role of the father (in Trobriand society) include making beautiful necklaces and earrings



a shaman in the Korean indigenous religion. _________, who are mostly female, perform gut ceremonies where they would cure any illness, get rid of any evil spirits, and ask help from the gods. They were able to communicate with spirits and help one's soul find its way to heaven.


a term used to explain why some events occur. In the Azande tribe, __________ is a part of everyday life. It is expected, and it is not a sole cause of phenomena, but an explanation for misfortunes. It helps the Azande explain why it happened, but not how it happened. -doesn't exclude natural causality Ex: A boy stubbing his toe would be considered __________ to the Azande. Evans Pritchard explains how the Azande use ________, by giving us the example of the boy who knocked his foot against a stump of wood he explains that ____________ had nothing to do with the stump of wood being there, rather if he had not been bewitched he would have seem the stump as he always walks carefully, because the wound took many days to heal this boy was assertive that ______________ was the "Why" he stumped his toe. In Azande culture ______________ is related with "the second spear", when Azande go hunting there is a division of meat between the man who first speared the animal and the one who speared it second, because it is believed that both caused the death of the animal, in the same way. When someone dies for instance because they where stomped by an elephant the elephant was the first spear and ______________ in the second i.e. they are both causes of death.

Factors that made the success of McDonald's possible in East Asi

a)family revolution: shift from extended family units to married couples and nuclear families b)consumer power of children: powerful in countries with periods of rapid change


charms that embody supernatural powers ex) good luck charms, lucky uniform numbers, wearing the same clothes

Rite of Passage

is when an individual in a society makes the passage from one state of identity to another in a social group, such as: birth, puberty, adulthood, marital status, death, or an occupation. There are three stages of a Rite of Passage. Example would look at a ritual and parse it out into the phases. Let's use [a very oversimplified version of] college: separation: the youth is removed from the family and goes to live at the college (in a dorm) Transition: the youth lives and studies at the university--no longer considered a child, but not yet considered an adult. He or she might be partially responsible for their finances, but they still receive some support from their parents. Reintegration: the youth graduates from college and joins the workforce as an adult

Trobriand society can be described as

matrilineal and patriarchal

contagious magic (trobriand)

one must come into contact with the vehicle of magic (coconut oil, tobacco) the magical object

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