Anthropology 101 Final Quiz Q/A

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What is communitas?

A feeling of great social solidarity, equality, and togetherness

What did Handsome Lake initiate among the Iroquois at the beginning of the 19th century?

A revitalization movement

Westernization has most often been described as a form of what kind of cultural change?


The recent emergence and spread of which of the following diseases is NOT the result of things people have done to their environments

All of these diseases are impacted by human actions on the environment

The fact that chimpanzees and other nonhuman primates engage in masturbation and same-sex sexual activity suggests that

flexibility in sexual expression is part of humans' primate heritage.

When a dominant group compels a minority group to adopt the dominant culture, this is known as

forced assimilation

The Holocaust is one example of


In World Systems Theory, peripheral nations

have economies that are shaped to serve the interests of the core.

In general, the status of women

higher in matrilineal societies than it is in patrilineal societies.

Cross-cultural studies indicate that

in most societies women tend to be the primary child caregivers

In general, societies with the patrilineal-patrilocal complex are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

inheritance of land and prestige through female lines.

Which statement about nonhuman primate calls is NOT true?

Calls regularly demonstrate linguistic productivity.

What kind of magic is based on the belief that whatever is done to an object will affect a person who once had contact with it?


What term refers to the rapid spread or advance of one culture at the expense of others, or its imposition on other cultures?

Cultural imperialism

Which of the following is one of the main differences between descent groups and nuclear families?

Descent groups are permanent, while nuclear families are not

In what sense are nationalities "imagined communities"?

Despite their shared feeling of comradeship, most members of a nationality will never meet

The Industrial Revolution began in


What term refers to the practice of marrying a person outside of the group to which one belongs?


What term refers to the specialized set of terms and distinctions that are particularly important to certain groups?

Focal vocabulary

What term refers to the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to the sexes?

Gender roles

Which of the following statements about Marx is NOT true?

He viewed socioeconomic stratification in terms of several classes with different but complementary interests.

What is a priority issue to the Malagasy, the people of Madagascar?

Human poverty

Which of the following is a major difference between Brazilian and American racial classifications?

In the United States, social race is determined at birth and does not change, but in Brazil, racial identity can change from day to day.

Which of the following statements about the world system is NOT true?

It depends on each nation producing all that is needed by its own population.

In what way is exogamy adaptive?

It increases the number of individuals that one can rely on in times of need.

Which of the following statements about polyandry is true?

It is a cultural adaptation to mobility associated with male travel for trade, commerce, and warfare.

The study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures, and expressions is called


What term refers to a custom or social action that operates to reduce status differences and bring standouts in line with community norms?

Leveling mechanism

Belief in mana is especially prominent in


What does it mean for people to live multilocally?

Migrants maintain ties with their native lands through phoning, e-mailing, visiting, sending money, and watching ethnic TV.

Which linguist has argued that all human languages have a common structural basis and that all humans have similar linguistic abilities?

Noam Chomsky

In which region of the United States do people not speak with an accent?

Regional speech variations exist throughout the United States.

What frequently occurs during the liminal phase of a rite of passage?

Reversals of ordinary behavior

Rites of passage usually consist of what phases?

Separation, liminality, and incorporation

People may occupy many different social statuses during their lives, or even during the course of a day. What term refers to a person's ability to emphasize different identities in different social contexts?

Situational negotiation of identity

Which of the following statements about social race is true?

Social races are groups assumed to have a biological basis but actually are defined in a culturally arbitrary manner.

What is the domestic-public dichotomy?

Strong differentiation between the home and the outside world

Which of the following statements about the incest taboo is true?

The incest taboo does not eliminate incest.

What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argue?

The languages people speak influence the way they think.

According to Weber, what are the three dimensions of social stratification?

Wealth, power, prestige

Cargo cults are

a type of revitalization movement in response to new contact with industrial societies.

Kottak argues that the relatively high incidence of expanded family households among poorer North Americans is

an adaptation to poverty.

Polytheism refers to

belief in multiple gods.

The political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended period of time is known as


The dominance of Russian culture, language, and people in the former Soviet empire is an example of

cultural colonialism

What term refers to languages that have descended from the same ancestral language?

daughter languages

Discrimination that is not legally sanctioned is known as _________ discrimination.

de facto

Segregation in the southern United States under the "Jim Crow laws" and apartheid in South Africa are examples of

de jure discrimination

In matrilineal societies

descent groups include only the children of the group's women.

Given the mobility of people today, anthropologists increasingly are shifting their attention from local communities to


The gift that a wife's group gives to her husband's family is known as


The rise of industrialization world wide

means that many other countries are repeating the process of resource depletion that started in Europe

According to Marx, classes are

opposed to one another on the basis of conflicting economic interests.

Which of the following is a minimal pair in Standard American English?


Induction into the U.S. Marine Corps and the Native American vision quest are examples of

rites of passage.

Which of the following is NOT culturally constructed?


Linguistic displacement is

the ability to talk about things that are not present.

An examination of racial classifications from around the world indicates that

the classification of racial types is an arbitrary, culturally specific process.

Among foragers

the lack of a clear public-domestic dichotomy contributes to reduced gender inequality.

Linguists believe that

the world's linguistic diversity has been cut in half over the past 500 years.

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