Anthropology ; CH 2

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True or false: a human child is brown with culture


Which of the following list best summarizes the primate characteristics that laid the foundation for human culture

Manual dexterity and a large brain size

Globalization is defined as

Worldwide connectedness, involving production, communication and technology

Which of the following statements about nonhuman primate are true

- If you mail chimp and gorillas tend to migrate to find mates - primates other than homo tend to Disburse at adolescence

Which of the following are ways in which culture is transmitted and learned?

- It is transmitted through observation - It is taught directly - It is absorbed unconsciously

Which of the following are biologically-based universals

- a complex brain - year-round sexuality - a long period of infant dependency

Which of the following are accurate ways to describe human rights

- international - inalienable

Which of the following types of traits are likely to move from particularity to generality

- traits that have the capacity to please large audiences - Traits that are useful

Which of the following to anthropologists consider when studying human diversity in time and space

-generalized traits -Particular traits and patterns - Universal traits

Which of the following are social universals

-life in groups -life in some kind of family

Which of the following traits are more developed among humans than other primates

-sharing - cooperation

Which of the following statements about generalities are true

-they occur in certain times and places but not in all cultures -They may be widespread

Which of the following statements regarding primate hunting behaviors is true

Absent humans hunt but only humans bring back food to the camp to share

The term blank refers to the actions that individuals take, both alone and in groups, and forming and transforming cultural identities


Permanence have elaborated the capacity to blink which facilitated the development of projectile technology and weaponry

Aim and throw

Which of the following statements best describes the anthropological approach to culture

All people have culture which includes everything that is part of every day of life from fast food to symphony music

According to practice theory, individuals

Are both constrained by and participate in the creation of culture and social systems

According to practice theory, individuals

Are both constrained by and practice in the creation of culture and social systems

Which of the following statements describes a case revealing the integrated nature of culture

As more American women attend and college and obtain jobs in the workplace believes about marriage and divorce change

Which of the following examples bust illustrates the relationship between human biological needs and culture?

Biology requires that humans eat a certain amount each day but culture teaches us what we want to eat when we want to eat it and how we want to eat it

And primates especially humans the ratio of brain size to body size exceeds that of most mammals. More importantly, the blank is relatively larger

Brains outer layer

Which of the following is an example of cultural particularities?

Chicago style hot dogs

Which of the following has/have elaborated cultural abilities


Which anthropologist discussed cultural rules as similar to computer programs?

Clifford Geertz

Unlike other primates females ovulation is


Clifford Geertz describes cultures as sets of

Control mechanisms

There is a set of dominant believes in the United States such a believe in the rights of the individual and believe in the value of hard work. Such sets of values are called blank values


Intellectual property rights are meant to conserve a society's

Core beliefs and principles

In the United States a strong work ethic and a individualism are

Core values

The idea of the nuclear family, a kinship group consisting of parents and children, is a

Cultural generality

Some people bury the dead by cremating the bodies and placing the ashes in a sacred river. Others believe that the body must remain entact and be buried in the ground. An anthropologist must use blank to not view either of these traditions as inferior or disgusting

Cultural relativism

The goal of anthropologists is to understand different cultural practices through the eyes of the people in that culture, an approach known as

Cultural relativism

The idea of the nuclear family, and can ship group consisting of parents and children, is a

Culturally generality

Although an individual resident of a southern city in the United States may not like to eat grits and cornbread these foods are considered a part of southern culture what does this reveal about our culture

Culture is a shared attribute

What does it mean when one says the culture is integrated

Cultures are interrelated systems of that believes in behavior

In the United States today we wear pajamas (which originated in ancient Persia), use mirrors (which originated in ancient Egypt), and eat with forks (which originated in Ancient Rome). What mechanism of cultural change does this represent?


A child begins to learn cultural rules and habits, such as how to take turns speaking, how far apart to stand, and when to make eye contact, through a process known as


Which of the following is the teen anthropologists use to describe the process by which a child learns culture?


What is the term that anthropologists developed to describe the tendency to see ones own cultural customs as superior


During one period of history in the British Isles, school children who spoke their native Irish language were severely punished, and only English was permitted at school. Which mechanism of cultural change does this represent?

Forced diffusion

Which of the following is an example of a symbol?

Golden Arches to identify a hamburger chain

Which term refers to the group that leads to humans but not to African great apes and encompasses all of the human species that have ever existed


Animals, such as wolves learn behavior patterns, such as hunting techniques. What makes human cultural learning different from that?

Human culture is based on ideas shared through symbols.

What is the difference between human ties among parents and offspring and those found among chimpanzees and gorillas

Humans maintain life long ties with sons and daughters where as nonhuman primates generally do not

Which of the following statements best describes how human sexual behavior different from that of other primates

Humans meet you around in the repair bonds are more enduring than those of primates

A cultural right that allows indigenous groups to control who may know and use their collective knowledge and applications is referred to


Plant cultivation developed in the America's and the Middle East at about the same time (about 10,000 years ago) and it developed in India and China separately. What mechanism of cultural change do these examples represent?

Independent invention

When two cultures trade, intermarry, or wage war on one another, diffusion is blank, but when one culture subjugates another and imposed its customs on the dominated group, diffusion is blank


Which of the following best describes how a government policy that promotes prenatal healthcare in large families could become maladaptive

It could encourage overpopulation

According to Sir Edward Tylor's definition of culture from 1871, what is the critical defining feature of culture?

It includes patterns of behavior acquired by people as members of society

Which of the following is true of culture, according to anthropologists?

It is all-encompassing.

Which anthropologist stress the culture originated when human ancestors develop the ability to use symbols to make tools and clothing and to create meaning in our in language

Leslie White

Who was the earliest anthropologist to stress that culture is symbolic?

Leslie White

Which of the following is an example of international culture


Excluded from the list of natural limitations that culture has allowed humans to overcome is

Natural disasters

Peoples actual behavior as observed by the anthropologist is referred to as blank culture


In acculturation, groups

Remain distinct

Which of the following examples best describes how culture influences the ways in which humans interact with the natural environment

Science invention and discovery or parts of culture and an able humans to control many natural limitations

Whose definition of culture includes the complex hall which includes knowledge believe arts morals claw custom and any other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society?

Sir Edward Tylor

No one has explained to you that you must stand facing the door while riding in an elevator, yet you know what to do. What does this reveal about the process of enculturation?

Some cultural learning takes place through observation.

What is the term by anthropologists to describe the existence of diverse cultural traditions within a nation?


Which of the following lists best describes the human abilities that had to develop before culture could exist?

The ability to use symbols, language, and tools

Children learn to avoid fire by being told that it is dangerous wild animals learn to avoid fire by discovering that it burns them the difference between the two is that the human cultural learning depends on

The capacity to use symbols

Which of the following statements best describes cultural rights

The right of groups to maintain their own traditions and languages

Which of the following cultural abilities have been found among chimpanzees and/or other apes?

They build nests aim and throw sticks and hunt

True or false; adaptive cultural traits can become maladaptive traits


When studying human diversity in time and space, anthropologist distinguish among the blink, which are features found in every culture, the blank, but your comment to several but not all groups, and the blank, which are unique to certain cultural traditions

Universal; general; particular

Cultural rights are

Vested in groups

What is a symbol?

anything verbal or nonverbal that stands for something else

Hip-hop music has spread through popular culture and the media from urban America to China and Japan. Which mechanism of cultural change does this phenomenon represent?


The process by which humans innovate, creatively finding solutions to problems, is a mechanism of cultural change known as

independent invention

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