Anthropology final

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Which of the following statements about Inuit child-rearing is true?

.Inuit children are discouraged from asking direct questions and primarily learn experientially.

Child-rearing practices in all cultures are designed to:

.produce adults who know the cultural content.

In 2006, despite the relative wealth of many Western nations, about __________ people were living on less than one dollar a day.

1 billion

Following which period did population growth accelerate most dramatically?

10,000 BC

By 1999, world population had reached:

6 billion

Which of the following would NOT usually be considered a type of world music?

European classical

What are the Torajan tau taus?

Handmade effigies (like dolls) believed to contain the spirits of dead nobles

Which of the following is NOT a common theme in Paleolithic cave art?

Households and domestic scenes

Which statement about biology and culture is most correct?

Human biology and culture both shape and are shaped by each other.

The scientific nature of anthropology has been long debated in the discipline. Which aspect of the study of culture makes it most difficult to study as a science?

Humans are vitally dependent on their culture for their existence.

What is the significance of the opening story on the Nacirema people?

It illustrates how culture can be viewed from more than one perspective.

How would you best characterize a subculture?

It is a group within a dominant society that does not share the society's norms and values.

What is a pidgin language?

It is a language that combines features of two or more original languages that came into contact historically.

What is the "manhood puzzle"?

It is an approach that questions why attaining manhood is filled with obstacles in so many cultures.

Which of the following statements best illustrates the experience of mild autism?

It is an inability to intuitively understand the meaning and feelings that accompany very basic human interactions.

What is the World Bank?

It is an international agency that provides loans and technical assistance to promote trade and development.

What is a language "instinct?"

It is the instinct to acquire the language of the group into which you are first socialized as a child.

Why do the Nacirema place so much emphasis on the latipsoh?

It is the temple where individuals who are sick go for healing.

What do Bogota, Casablanca, Cairo, and Caracas have in common as an urban challenge?

More than half of their urban population lives in slums and squatter settlements.

What development approach is associated with free trade, individual initiative, and minimal government regulation?


The Nacirema are found in:

North America.

Which of the following statements about pollution is NOT correct?

Poorer nations tend to lack urban services to control pollution.

Which of the following is a weakness in using an organic analogy for human culture?

The organic analogy implies that properly functioning human societies are stable and conflict-free

What is unique about family relationships among the Na of China?

There is no marriage or paternity recognized in the culture; men only visit women temporarily and leave. Families consist of the women, their children, and their male relatives.

Why have anthropologists used the "dictator game" and the "ultimatum game" in their study of other cultures?

These games help anthropologists understand economic behavior in different cultures.

What do mahu, kathoey, and two-spirits have in common?

They are groups of individuals in different cultures who cross over the gender divide between male and female.

What do The Gap, Old Navy, and Banana Republic have in common?

They have all stocked consumer goods that were originally produced in sweatshops.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of all religions?

They involve sacred stories that members believe are important.

Among all living species, human language is unique


Which of the following statements is correct?

When religion does not meet the needs of its followers, prophets may come forth to create new religions.

How would scholars best depict the relationship between women's status and the global economy? .

Women have faced both advances and losses as a result of the global economy, but it has allowed more opportunity than traditional agriculture.

A cosmology is:

a framework for interpreting events and experiences.

The domestication of plants and animals led directly to:

a sedentary lifestyle.

Bhangra is:

a type of Punjabi folk music mixed with British pop music and reggae.

Anthropology courses do all of the following ways except:

advocate determining which culture is superior to another.

The belief that all living and non-living objects are imbued with spirit is called


Forms of creative expression guided by aesthetic principles that involve imagination, skill, and styles are collectively called:


The Kula ring is an example of:

balanced reciprocity.

When a couple can choose between living with the wife's or husband's family, it is called:

bilocal residence.

In the Hopi origin myth, what form of subsistence did the Hopi choose when they came to earth?

blue corn

The division of cultures into M-time and P-time cultures is an aspect of:


Which of the following is not commonly considered a subsystem of all languages?


The theoretical perspective focused on the relationship between mind and society is called:

cognitive anthropology.

In the United States, anthropology has traditionally included four subdisciplines:

cultural anthropology, anthropological linguistics, archaeology, biological anthropology.

The study of the development of contemporary social networks through the technology of Facebook is an example of research in:

cultural anthropology.

The ages at which sexual activity should begin and end are:

cultural constructions.

The primary means through which humans adapt to their environment is:


Marriage traditionally, and most commonly, extends social alliances between all of the following except:


Which specialty of Linguistic Anthropology focuses on the analysis of different parts within a single language?

descriptive linguistics

Since the 16th century, which of the following has been the most dramatic source of culture change?

development of a world economic system

In general, as population and social complexity increase:

differential access to resources develops.

The human ability to speak about different times and places is called:


The process of learning to be a member of a specific cultural group is called:


In the United States, racial groups and social classes tend to be:


Which of the following best describes the anthropological approach to other cultures?


The Nacirema essay at the chapter opening is an example of a(n):

ethnological perspective.

All societies practice some form of the levirate and sororate.


Anthropologists today are primarily searching for the origins of religion.


In Balinese cockfighting, both men and women participate.


In all human societies, young boys must "prove" themselves at puberty. This is a cultural universal.


Learned behavior is found exclusively in humans beings.


Most Inuit today now base their livelihoods solely on the cash economy.


Multinational corporations have enormous economic power, but they are not a significant political force.


People constantly create new words and sentences in any human language. This is known as displacement. True


The American Museum of Natural History began as an anthropological museum devoted to the study of human science.


The battle at Little Big Horn effectively ended the Ghost Dance movement, although some small groups continued into the 20th century.


The global economic network has resulted in creating a global village.


Tourism always has a negative impact on traditional art styles.


Western technical languages are more sophisticated than indigenous languages because they serve a larger population of people.


Which of the following is the oldest form of human subsistence?


What term do we use to identify the environmental impact that individual products have in our food chain?

fossil fuel impact

Nonverbal communication includes all of the following except:


The total value of all of a nation's production and its estimate of national prosperity is called the:

gross national income.

The main constraint on the Pintupi foragers of Australia is:


Proponents of _______________ argue that development fails when it focuses on large-scale projects and technological change and pays too little attention to improving the lives of the poor.

human needs approaches

The rise of fundamentalism raises all of the following questions for anthropologists except:

is fundamentalism right or wrong?

The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis argues that:

language conditions our perception of reality.

The cultural importance of henna in Morocco is primarily associated with:


The customs, rules, and obligations that establish a socially-endorsed relationship between adults and children and between the kin groups of the married partners is called:


The Ghost Dance is a type of:

nativistic movement.

What part of speech is found in all human languages?


Prophecy and the founding of new religions often occurs among the:

poor and oppressed.

All human societies have an economic system in which people must:

produce, distribute, and consume

The anthropological perspective on indigenous art includes all of the following EXCEPT:

promoting the exhibit as a multicultural project.

Artistic representations of the "other:"

reveal the artist's mind-set about other cultural identities.

Rituals directed toward reinforcing the values and norms of the community and strengthening group identity and well-being are called:

rites of intensification.

In what kinds of rituals do we tend to find liminality?

rites of passage

The subsystem of a language that relates words to meanings is called:


Prior to the arrival of Europeans, the Tahitians initiated and expressed sexual intimacy by:

smelling each other.

Balinese cockfighting is associated with all of the following EXCEPT

the idea of a punitive deity.

The artistic depiction of the trickster culture-hero is most associated with:

the resistance of social hierarchy.

In anthropology, "culture" refers to:

the way members of a society adapt to their environment and give meaning to their lives.

All people alive today have exactly the same ancestors at a time depth of 5,000 years.


Along with the rise in fundamentalism in Europe, there has also been a rise in secularism in Europe.


An insider's point of view that explains the meaning of a cultural practice is called the emic perspective.


Anthropologists do not all agree on a single way to study culture in human beings.


As a discipline, anthropology focuses on understanding other groups of people, variability of human culture, and what it means to be human.


Between now and 2050, almost all of the urban population growth is expected to occur in the world's poorer nations.


Cultural context establishes what is produced and how it is produced.


Cultural innovations tend to move by means of diffusion.


Donor governments did not like basic human needs approach-type development because it had high overhead and little publicity.


Gender roles and relationships were a central theme in Orientalist art.


Human beings almost everywhere are ethnocentric.


Human infants have the biological ability to make all the sounds of all human languages.


Language is a symbolic system.


Marriage is a cultural construction.


Most scholars believe that it is likely there was a single original human language.


Potlatching is a considered a form of redistribution.


Prayer, magic, and sacrifice do work in certain situations. They can reduce anxiety and preserve lives.


Societies organized primarily by capitalism are a late development in the history of humankind.


Syncretism occurs when two or more religious traditions are merged.


The Tlingit today continue to have gender egalitarianism despite, and also because of, European influence.


The belief that cultures should be understood with reference to their own history and values is known as cultural relativism.


The highest levels of inequality are generated by industrialized societies.


The public/private dichotomy is not universal.


Under the impact of globalization, traditional art changes.


Very few human behaviors are under direct genetic or biological control.


The main constraint on the Pintupi foragers of Australia is:


Subsistence strategies are defined best as:

ways that societies transform the material resources of the environment into food.

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