Anthropology Final Exam

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which of the following is a strepsirrhini a)a lemur b)an old world monkey c)a hominid d)a new world monkey

a)a lemur

which of the following is not a hominoid characteristic a)a tail b)specialization for suspensory locomotion c)short, broad trunks d)relatively large brains

a)a tail

gracile australopithecines include all of the following except a)aethiopicus b)africanus c)anamensis d)afarensis


complex societies are characterized by a)centralized political control b)equality in wealth, power, and prestige c)small populations d)all of the above

a)centralized political control

the ideal cultural patterns of a society a)consist of the ideas people have about how they ought to behave b)consist of the cultural patterns that most people always exhibit c)generally reflect the way a society was in the past d)are usually followed by the most respected members of a community, though not necessarily by others

a)consist of the ideas people have about how they ought to behave

values are a)expressions of desirable principles or qualities b)typical patterns of behavior c)something that arbitrarily stands for something d)all of the above

a)expressions of desirable principles or qualitites

the custom of allowing one man to marry more than one woman a)found in most societies anthropologists have studied b)found in a small minority of the world's societies c)unlikely to lead to jealousy among the co-wives d)results in fewer offspring being born

a)found in most societies anthropologists have studied

menels units of hereditary were what we now call a)genes b)mitosis c)meiosis d)dna


the first hominid species to be widely distributed in the old world was a)homo erectus b)australopithecus afarensis c)homo habilis d)homo rudolfensis

a)homo erectus

anthropology's understanding of skin pigmentation emphasizes that a)it is an adaptive response to ultraviolet light b)it has little relationship to the latitiude where one's ancestors spend a lot of time d)it helps some populations resist malaria

a)it is an adaptive response to ultraviolet light

culture is a)learned and shared b)inherited c)static and unchanging d)a product of individual psyschology

a)learned and shared

___ is the source of all new variation in a species a)mutation b)crossing over c)gene flow d)founder effect


the production model for the development of states assumes a)new social rules for craftspeople b)people want objects, foods, or raw materials c)trade creates alliances between groups d)all of the above

a)new social rules for craftspeople

a society is practicing which form of stratification when the members of the society have equal access to economic resources and power but not to prestige a)ranked b)egalitarian c)caste d)class


giving and taking without the use of money is a characteristic of a)reciprocity b)commercial exchange c)redistribution d)none of the above


the 2 general categories of dating are absolute and ___ a)relative b)chronometric c)uranium d)radiocarbon


the concept of ___ suggested that the earth is constantly subject to shaping and reshaping by natural forces working over vast stretches of time a)uniformitarianism b)geochemistry c)species d)rocks


the tool tradition identified with homo erectus is the a)mousterian b)acheulian c)oldowan d)none of the above


the oldest fossil hominins are found in a)americas b)africa c)asia d)europe


each member of a gene pair or group is called __ a)a gene b)an allele c)homozygous d)heterozygous

b)an allele

a key requirment for the formation of a complex society is a)an increased degree of sedentism b)an increased intensity of food production c)increased numbers of hunters d)increased numbers of complex trade networks

b)an increased intensity of food production

the term for seeing with both eyes is a)stereoscopic vision b)binocular vision c)biscopic vision d)double vision

b)binocular vision

which of the following hominin characteristics came first a)expansion of the brain b)bipedalism c)reduction of the face d)modification of the female pelvis


genes are located on rope-like structures called a)alleles b)chromosomes c)dna d)rna


generalized reciprocity is most likely between a)friendly neighboring groups b)close kin c)strangers and enemies d)acquaintances in modern societies

b)close kin

the anthropological attitude that a society's customs and ideas should be described objectively and understood in the context of that society's problems and opportunities is called a)empathetic b)cultural relativism c)humanistic d)ethnocentrism

b)cultural relativism

archaeologists speak of domestication only when there is evidence that plants and animals show a ___ wild plants and animals a)similarity to b)difference from c)relationship with d)none of the above

b)difference from

the probability that an individual will change class levels in an open class system is a)high b)extremely low c)about even d)impossible

b)extremely low

evidence of human activity is called a(n)__ a)artifact b)feature c)site d)context


which of the following is a trace fossil a)bog people b)footprint c)mosquito trapped in amber d)all of the above


when goods and services are given to another without any apparent expectation of a return gift, we call it a)negative reciprocity b)generalized reciprocity c)balanced reciprocity d)redistribution

b)generalized reciprocity

the genetic makeup of a pea plant is called its a)sterotype b)genotype c)prototype d)phenotype


zoonotic diseases are diseases that a)infect only animals b)have animals as the primary host c)occur in only domestic animals d)all of the above

b)have animals as the primary host

anthropologists speculate that earliest stone tools found in east africa were made by a)paranthropus robustus b)homo habilis c)homo sapiens d)australopithecus afarensis

b)homo habilis

if 2 genes or alleles for a fruit are the same, the organism is ___ for the fruit a)bizygous b)homozygous c)heterozygous d)monozygous


when people grow foods using simple tools in the absence of permanently cultivated fields, we call this _____ a)agriculture b)horticulture c)xeroculture d)slash and burn agriculture


the horse drawn plow is associated with which subsistence activity a)horticulture b)intensive agriculture c)shifting cultivation d)pastoralism

b)intensive agriculture

the decline in human stature in the post-paleolithic period has been attributed to a)better and more varied diet b)less selection pressure for large bodies to throw spears c)the hunting of the megafauna d)all of the above

b)less selection pressure for large bodies to throw spears

which of the following primates do not practice vertical clinging and leaping a)lemurs b)lorises c)tarsiers d)bushbabies


large scale evolutionary changes (e.g. speciation) is termed a)microevolution b)macroevolution c)gradual evolution d)supersized evolution


___ is the main evidence used to support the recent african origin model for the origin of homo sapiens sapiens a)extinction of other hominin species b)mtdna studies c)interbreeding between hominin species d)continuity in traits over time

b)mtdna studies

which of the following fossil hominins had a sagittal crest a)australopithecus afarensis b)paranthropus boisei c)austalopithecus africanus d)australopithecus anamensis


the most common form of marriage is a)monogamy b)polygyny c)polyandry d)group marriage


one important adaptation found in new world monkeys is the presence of a)a longer thumb b)a prehensile tail c)a wet nose d)color that blends into the surrounding habitat

b)prehensile tail

direct constraints are a)acceptable ways of behaving b)punishments for inappropriate behaviors c) outside the range of acceptable behaviors d)none of the above

b)punishments for inappropriate behaviors

_____is the accumulation of goods by a particular person, or in particular place, for the purpose of subsequent distribution a)reciprocity b)redistribution c)commercial exchange d)balanced reciprocity


mitosis a)is known as reduction division b)results in the production of 2 identical daughter cells c)results in the production of gametes d)is also known as oogenesis in females

b)results in the production of 2 identical daughter cells

neanderthals are characterized by all of the following except a)sloping foreheads b)small brow ridge c)no chin d)larger brains over 1450cc

b)small brow ridge

which of the following is not a distribution system a)reciprocity b)stealing c)redistribution d)commercial exchange


to explain the hebrew prohibition against pork as a reaction to pigs not fitting stereotypes about how animals behave is a ___explanation a)materialistic b)symbolic c)ethnocentric d)none of the above


the 3rd epidemiological transition is associated with a)rise of chronic degenerative diseases b)the adaptation of microbes to our cultural practices c)the reemergence of zoonotic diseases d)the establishment of public health measures

b)the adaptation of microbes to our cultural practices

informants' statements about culture may not always be true because a)culture is difficult to talk about b)the informant may lack a full understanding of his/her own culture c)the anthropologist may not have understood the information correctly d)all of the above

b)the informant may lack a full understanding of his/her own culture

evidence for possible ritualistic behavior among homo erectus includes a)deliberate burial b)the use of red ochre c)cave paintings d)all of the above

b)the use of red ochre

by "market exchange" anthropologists mean a)food items are being exchanged b)transactions in which prices are subject to supply and demand, whether or not the transaction takes place in the marketplace c)money is always used in economic transactions d)money has been set aside for a rainy day

b)transactions in which prices are subject to supply and demand, whether or not the transaction takes place in the marketplace

___ involves physiological adjustments to the environment a)climate b)adaptation c)acclimatization d)mutation


robust australopithecines include all of the following except a)robustus b)boisei c)africanus d)aethiopicus


individual families in pastoral societies are most likely to own a)grazing lands b)permanent dwelling places c)animals d)land for cultivating crops


fossil hominins that display a mix of erectus-like and sapiens-like traits are called a)h. ergaster b)h. heidelbergensis c)archaic sapiens d)h. neandertalensis

c)archic sapiens

the earliest fossil that is a definite hominin is a)paranthropus robustus b)homo habilis c)australopithecus anamensis d)australopithecus afarensis

c)australopithecus anamensis

one of the central ideas of darwin's theory of evolution was the idea that a)all organisms change over time regardless of their environment b)organisms changed only as a result of not interacting with their envrionment c)change in organisms was related to their adaptability to a particular environment d)biblical forces were responsible for the changes we see in organisms

c)change in organisms was related to their adaptability to a particular environment

closely related species that quickly become more morphological divergent due to different evolutionary pressures is a)parallel evolution b)convergent evolution c)divergent evolution d)darwinian evolution

c)divergent evolution

if all social groups in a society have equal access to wealth, prestige, and power, then anthropologists call that society a)socialistic b)communistic c)egalitarian d)a chiefdom


sharing is most common in a)stratified societies b)societies suffering from severe famine c)egalitarian societies d)pastoral societies

c)egalitarian societies

diseases in urban populations are primarily due to a)changes in the environment b)a shift from a well-balanced diet to one with fewer types of food c)establishment of populations large enough to maintain disease in endemic form d)all of the above

c)establishment of populations large enough to maintain disease in endemic form

the subsistence strategy that characterized most of human history was a)horticulture b)irrigation agriculture c)food collecting d)pastoralism

c)food collecting

in general, which type of economic activity provides the most leisure time a)intensive agriculture b)industrial agriculture c)food-collecting d)pastoralism


an indirect form of ____is taxation a)balanced reciprocity b)generalized reciprocity c)forced labor d)voluntary labor

c)forced labor

all societies divide labor by ____and____ a)service/custom b)value/service c)gender/age d)value/productivity


gregor mendel was a pioneer in the field of ___ a)rocket science b)speciation c)genetics d)chemistry


the rule that predicts that populations of birds and mammals in warmer climates will have more melanin and therefore darker skin, fur, or feathers is known as a)bergmann's rule b)allen's rule c)gloger's rule d)glaton's rule

c)gloger's rule

which of the following is the so called hobbit fossil found only in indonesia a)h. ergaster b)h. heidelbergensis c)h. floresiensis d)h. neandertalensis

c)h. floresiensis

recent nuclear dna studies of neanderthal fossils supports the conclusion that a)h. sapiens and neanderthals diverged about 600,000ya b)h. sapiens arose in africa and then replaced all archaic sapiens including the neanderthals c)h. sapiens and neanderthals interbred d)h. sapiens and neanderthals were incapable of interbreeding

c)h.sapiens and neanderthals interbred

which of the following is not a food production system a)slash and burn horticulture b)intensive agriculture c)hunting and gathering d)pastoralism

c)hunting and gathering

the famous footprints of australopithecus were found at a)alexandria b)nairobi c)laetoli d)addis ababa


which of the following is not a haplorrhine a)monkeys b)chimpanzees c)loris d)gorilla


the observable appearance of a pea plant is called its ___ a)genotype b)stereotype c)phenotype d)prototype


___ study human variation a)archaeologists b)historical linguists c)physical anthropologists d)cultural anthropologists

c)physical anthropologists

which of the following is not characteristic of food-collecting societies a)sparsely populated territories b)absence of specialized full time political leaders c)recognition of individual rights to land d)a nomadic lifestyle

c)recognition of individual rights to land

anthropologists have concluded that the physical environment by itself has a _____, rather than a____, effect on the major types of subsistence a)definitive/restraining b)definitive/determining c)restraining/determining d)positive/negative


societies with politcal and economic control over a territory and its inhabitants are called a)cities b)city-states c)states d)empires


of the following, which is not a consequence of horticulture a)the beginning of social differentiation b)more sedentary way of life c)strict egalitarianism d)denser populations

c)strict egalitarianism

the study of the geological and biological processes that accumulate, modify, and bury remains is known as a)archaeology b)stratification c)taphonomy d)fossilization


in which region are hunter-gatherers least likely to be found today a)deserts b)dense tropical forests c)temperate climates d)the arctic

c)temperate climates

what we know about ancient despots is affected by the fact that a)scribes at that time did not use the same script from year to year b)archaeologists do not completely understand the written language used at that time c)the despots exerted control over what was written d)all of the above

c)the despots exerted control over what was written

the evolution of bipedalism in hominins involved changes in all of the following except a)the foramen magnum b)the pelvic (hip) bones c)the size of the brain d)the foot

c)the size of the brain

the struggle for existence was first proposed by ___ to explain the natural regulation of animal population size a)charles darwin b)georges cuvier c)thomas malthus d)jean baptiste lamarck

c)thomas malthus

the most enduring and ritualized aspects of culture are referred to as a)customs b)norms c)traditions d)symbols


the rise in population growth that accompanies the adoption of agriculture can partly be explained by a)longer birth spacing b)the economic costs of children c)use of supplementary foods for nursing infants d)none of the above

c)use of supplementary foods for nursing infants

one example of convergent evolution is a)new world monkeys/old world monkeys b)humans/chimpanzees c)wings of bats/wings of birds d)all of the above

c)wings of bats/wings of birds

advantages of polygyny include a)large families provide plenty of farm labor and extra food b)co-wives help with child care and household work c)large families tend to be influential in communities d)all of the above

d)all of the above

archaeologists are able to infer social distinctions through analysis of a)monuments b)land use patterns c)mortuary practices d)all of the above

d)all of the above

archaeologists are able to infer social inequality through a)settlement patterns b)burial practices c)artifact distributions d)all of the above

d)all of the above

diseases associated with the first epidemiological transition are partly due to a)using feces fertilizer b)a shift from a varied, well-balanced diet to one with fewer types of food c)domestic animals increased contact with insect vectors d)all of the above

d)all of the above

fossils are a)rare b)usually incomplete c)can be composed of soft tissue d)all of the above

d)all of the above

hypothesized reasons for the decline and collapse of prehistoric states include a)lack of strong central institution b)envrionmental change c)more powerful enemies d)all of the above

d)all of the above

lamarck's theory of transformism proposed a)the inheritance of acquired characteristics b)that organs develop to satisfy needs of the organism c)organic forms interact with their environment d)all of the above

d)all of the above

symbols a)are particulary stable b)are easily remembered c)preserve a culture's conventional meanings d)all of the above

d)all of the above

the environmental change that is associated with the appearance of bipedal hominins in africa is a)the forest giving way to woodlands and grasslands b)the formation of lakes c)a warming up of the climate d)all of the above

d)all of the above

the mesolithic is characterized by a)broad spectrum collecting b)microliths c)more sedentary populations d)all of the above

d)all of the above

the rise of a food production led to a)accelerated population growth b)declining health c)elaboration of material possessions d)all of the above

d)all of the above

variation in species is the result of a)mutation b)recombination c)crossing over d)all of the above

d)all of the above

which of the following factors determines how often mutations can arise in a population a)reproduction rate b)population size c)mutation rate d)all of the above

d)all of the above

which of the following is required for natural selection to occur a)variation in the species b)time c)selective advantage of certain traits d)all of the above

d)all of the above

many individuals have difficulty digesting milk because a)they have too much lactose in their dna b)they don't have enough lactose in their blood systems c)they cannot process the hemoglobin in milk d)as adults, they lack the enzyme lactase

d)as adults, they lack the enzyme lactase

which is not put forth as a possible reason for broad-spectrum collecting a)population growth b)overkill c)climate change d)average height of the population

d)average height of the population

which of the following men did not believe in change in the natural world a)georges cuvier b)jean baptiste lamarck c)charles darwin d)carolus linnaeus

d)carolus linnaeus

____ is the exchange of sections of chromosomes between one chromosome and another a)segregation b)speciation c)mutation d)crossing over

d)crossing over

the natufians did all of the following except a)live in pit houses b)have village cemeteries c)were the first to store extra grain d)did not exploit any other natural resources besides grains

d)did not exploit any other natural resources besides grains

in what geographical region(s) are neanderthal fossils found a)africa (including madagascar) b)australia and southeast asia c)china and malaysia d)europe and middle east

d)europe an middle east

as understood by anthropologists, horticulture includes all of the following EXCEPT a)shifting cultivation b)long growing tree crops c)dependence on hunting or fishing for part of the food supply d)greenhouses for growing plants

d)greenhouses for growing plants

private ownership of land would most likely be found where people make their living through a)specialized pastoralism b)horticulture c)shifting agriculture d)intensive agriculture

d)intensive agriculture

which of the following is not a primate trait a)large brain size b)opposable thumb c)reduction of the snout d)keen sense of smell

d)keen sense of smell

the main process that increases the frequency of adaptive traits through time is called a)catastrophism b)mutual adjustment c)creationism d)natural selection

d)natural selection

a pandemic is a)a sudden raise in the number of new cases of a disease b)diseases that are caused by animals c)diseases that are always present in a population d)none of the above

d)none of the above

contemporary food collectors a)are relics of the past b)have no interaction with the modern world c)live in all types of environments d)none of the above

d)none of the above

standards or rules about what is acceptable behavior are referred to by social scientists as a)major rules b)mores c)laws d)norms


marriage includes 2 major factors, these are a)sexual and kinship considerations b)economic and land ownership considerations c)economic and kinship considerations d)sexual and economic considerations

d)sexual and economic considerations

of the following, which is not a consequence of intensive agriculture a)high degree of craft specialization b)large differences in wealth and power c)complex political organization d)smaller population groups

d)smaller population groups

the order primates is usually subdivided into 2 suborders: the haplorrhini and the ___ a)hominoids b)hominins c)lemurs d)strepsirrhini


the context of an artifact is a)anything made or modified by humans b)the trace of a plant or animal from the past c)the study of geologic and biological processes that modify and bury remains d)the spatial and temporal association between and among artifacts

d)the spatial and temporal association between and among artifacts

T or F: all of the evidence supports the theory that hominins at olduvia gorge were hunters


T or F: among hunters and gatherers there is usually no division of labor in food collecting


T or F: an understanding of the germ theory of disease is partly responsible for the second epidemiological transition


T or F: australopithecus africanus had curved fingers and toe bones which indicate that it lived a partially arboreal lifestyle


T or F: bishop james ussher determined that the earth was millions of years old


T or F: cats are the earliest domesticated animal


T or F: cultural relativisim is regarding other cultures as inferior


T or F: cultural relativism is regarding other cultures as inferior


T or F: culture never changes


T or F: ethnocentrism is regarding other cultures as suprerior to yours


T or F: exchanges of equal value are known as generalized reciprocity


T or F: food collectors often suffer from famine and food shortages


T or F: food collectors who rely on fishing tend to be more egalitarian


T or F: homo habilis is the first hominin species to be anatomically modern from the neck down


T or F: humans are the only primates that make or use tools


T or F: in dna, adenine is complimentary base to cytosine


T or F: individual ownership of land most important among pastoralists


T or F: lactose intolerance occurs in greatest frequiencies among populations with pastoralist background


T or F: money is a medium of exchange that is always inherently valuable


T or F: most primates rely extensively on their sense of smell


T or F: mutations are always adaptive


T or F: natural selection produces variation in a population


T or F: old world monkeys are exclusively terrestrial dwellers


T or F: paranthropus boisei had a sagittal keel


T or F: subsistence economies are associated with the motivation to generate a surplus


T or F: the ancient pueblo peoples disappeared due to envrionmental collapse


T or F: the australopithecines are large bodied, bipedal hominids


T or F: the different distribution systems rarely coexist in a society


T or F: the mesolithic is a cultural period characterized by the population of agriculture


T or F: the most interesting fact about human skin color is that there appears to be no adaptive significance whatsoever to population-level variations in skin color


T or F: the purpose of balanced reciprocity is to develop long term relationships among the participants


T or F: the slash and burn technique is often used by intensive agriculturalists


T or F: the studies of the mtdna extracted from the original neanderthal fossil suggest that neanderthals are directly ancestral to modern humans


T or F: the younger dryas is a period of sudden warming in the post ice age world


T or F: acclimatization does not require changes int eh genotype


T or F: australopithecus afarensis had large, ape like canines


T or F: corvee is a system of forced labor


T or F: culture is generally adaptive


T or F: domestication of dogs predates agriculture and domestication of food animals


T or F: dwarfism is a known phenomenon in isolated populations with no predators


T or F: genetic recombination occurs through segregation and crossing over


T or F: hydraulic despotism is the theory that empires were built around control of water resources by all powerful leaders


T or F: in polygamous societies, most men are still monogamous


T or F: in the extensive herding system of the lapps, reindeer herds are allowed to roam freely


T or F: meiosis only occurs in sex cells


T or F: mosaic evolution means that functional systems evolve at different rates


T or F: norms are acceptable behaviors


T or F: pastoralism is a type of food production system


T or F: sharing is more likely when resources are unpredictible


T or F: social complexity can be inferred from burial patterns


T or F: symbols are easily remembered


T or F: the collapse of mesa verde may have been a strategy of the anasazi migrate and take advantage of opportunities elsewhere


T or F: the exchange of genetic material from one breeding population to another is known as genetic drift


T or F: the great chain of being was a hierarchical sequence


T or F: the relatively large number of hominin species in africa between 4 mya and 1.8 mya can be explained as an adaptive radiation of small bipedal hominin species due to changes in the environment


T or F: when analyzing fossil bones, cut marks on top of teeth marks would be considered evidence for hominid scavenging


T or F: with the adoption of agriculture, human populations experienced periodic food shortages and famines


sexual dimorphism is an example of disruptive selection


T or F: biological variation is uniformly distributed in any species

true false if worded different for final exam

T or F: carolus linnaeus developed a system of classification for animals and plants


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