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Which of the following depictions is most consistent with signs of borderline disorder?

(D)Merle was getting along fine with his roommate Carl until Carl left the milk out of the refrigerator. Merle then dumped all of the food in the refrigerator onto the kitchen floor and changed the locks when Carl was away.

22. Mindy's colleagues were embarrassed when she arrived at the professional meeting dressed more appropriately for a nightclub. In addition, she continually drew attention to herself by talking loudly and dramatically, as though she was onstage. Mindy's behavior is most consistent with which of the following psychological disorders? (A)Histrionic personality disorder, because Mindy is exhibiting exaggerated and self-centered emoting. (B) Borderline personality disorder, because Mindy is exhibiting unpredictable emotion and rage. (C) Agoraphobia, because Mindy is exhibiting exaggerated and self-centered emoting. (D) Bipolar disorder, because Mindy is exhibiting disregard for others. (E) Antisocial personality disorder, because Mindy is exhibiting disregard for others.


30. A primary goal of humanistic therapy is to have clients (A)establish greater congruence between their actual and ideal selves (B) eliminate self-defeating thoughts (C) rely less on unconscious defense mechanisms (D imitate the therapist's level of assertiveness (E) reduce environmental stressors


Anthony thinks he will fail his math test because he believes he is terrible at math, even though he has passe previous math tests. Which of the following explanations would the cognitive approach use to explain Anth‹ behavior? (A) His irrational thoughts are causing him to doubt his abilities, even though he has evidence to show ot (B) He has not fully achieved self-actualization, even though he has evidence to show otherwise. (C) He has a conflict between his id and his superego, so it keeps him from studying appropriately. (D) He has been raised in a culture that promotes self-deprivation, so it keeps him from studying approp (E) He is using a defense mechanism, so it keeps him from studying appropriately.


During her psychotherapy sessions, Justine finds thather therapistofen paraphrases what she has said, asks for clarification, and seems to understand her feelings. The therapist's approach is most consistent with that of (A) Carl Rogers (B) Sigmund Freud (C) Albert Ellis (D) Erik Erikson (E) Fritz Perls


During the past few years, Lester has experienced several episodes of devastating sadness, weight loss, feelings of worthlessness, and an inability to concentrate. Recently, Lester is experiencing tremendous elation, excessive excitement, racing thoughts, and elevated self-esteem. He has not slept for several days, claiming that he no longer needs a fall night's sleep. Which diagnosis will Lester most likely receive from a clinical psychologist? (A)Bipolar disorder (B) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (C) Bulimia nervosa (D) Major depressive disorder (E) Conversion disorder


The original dopamine hypothesis refers to the view that schizophrenia is at least par (A) too much dopamine in the brain (B) too much dopamine in the spinal cord (C) too little dopamine in the brain (D) too little dopamine in the spinal cord (E) too little dopamine in the peripheral nervous system


Which of the following is an example of a cognitive distortion according to Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy model (A)"If I don't get all As in college, then my degree will be worth nothing." (B) "My mother had a difficult childhood and has difficulty showing affection." (C) "There is a girl in my class who does not talk to anyone because she is shy." (D) "If I don't go to the mall today, then I might miss the end-of-season sales." (E) "My brother does not like to hang out with me because I am so much younger than he."


Which of the following personality disorders is characterized by behavior that includes dishonesty, repeated troub with authority figures, and an absence of remorse for these types of conduct? (A) Antisocial (B) Histrionic (C) Passive-aggressive (D) Narcissistic (E) Borderline


Albert Ellis' view of psychological problems was that they (A) are due to unconscious, internal conflicts (B) are due to irrational thinking (C) should be treated with operant conditioning (D) should be treated with exposure therapy (E) should be treated with client-centered therapy


During a therapy session, a client acts very angry toward the therapist, just as she acts toward her mother. A psychoanalytically oriented therapist would say the client's behavior is an example of (A) resistance (B)) transference (C) countertransference D) catharsis (E) reaction formation


Jack believes that aliens are using electtical fields to steal thoughts from his head. It is most diagnosed with which of the following types of disorders? (A) Dissociative (B)Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic (C) Somatic symptom and related (D) Anxiety (E) Sleep-wake


Which contemporary approach asserts that psychological disorders occur when environmental factors negativ influence individuals who have genetic vulnerabilities to developing psychological disorders? (A) Biopsychosocial (B) ) Diathesis-stress (C) Cognitive (D) Biomedical (E) Behavioral


Which of the following statements best illustrates a social-cognitive explanation for the development of de (A) Carson has a genetic predisposition toward depression, so he is more likely to develop depression. Yolanda ruminates about her failures, so she is more likely to develop depression. (C) Zeke has low levels of norepinephrine, so he is more likely to develop depression. (D) Xander's ancestors were more likely to survive when they displayed symptoms of depression, so hi likely to develop depression. (E) Beatrice has not reached self-actualization, so she is more likely to develop depression.


20. Shandi has been diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. Which of the following statements is to be true of Shandi? (A) She views herself as unappealing and inferior. (B) She is impulsive and irresponsible. (C) She has a constant need to be admired. (D) She suspects other people are trying to harm her. (E) She does not desire close relationships.


According to psychoanalytic theory, the bases for the development of mental disorders are (A) maladaptive, learned patterns of behavior (B) social, economic, and cultural factors (C) unconscious conflicts that produce anxiety (D) physiological events that cause chemical imbalances in the brain (E) inherent moral weakness and lack of willpower


Delusional thinking is central to which of the following? (A) Fugue states (B). Panic attacks (C)Schizophrenic disorders (D) Dissociative disorders (E) Affective disorders


Phobic and panic disturbances are examples of which of the following kinds of disorder? (A) Personality (B) Schizophrenic (C Anxiety (D) Somatoform (E)Dissociative


A person who experiences prolonged episodes of severe unhappiness and lo: be diagnosed with (A) agoraphobia (B) specific phobia (C) generalized anxiety disorder (D)major depressive disorder (E) hypochondriasis


Alan is sure something is wrong with him, even though his doctor has not found any physiological basis fo complaints. He returns to the doctor every few weeks to report symptoms of new illnesses based on inform reads. Alan is most likely to be diagnosed with which of the following types of disorders? (A) Mood (B) Anxiety (C) Dissociative D) Somatoform (E) Personality


Ever since she was a child, Henrietta has had an intense fear of clowns, even though she has never been hurt by one. She runs screaming whenever she sees one. Henrietta most likely has what psychological disorder? (A) Major depressive disorder (B) Posttraumatic stress disorder (C) Generalized anxiety disorder (D) A specific phobia (E) Histrionic personality disorder


Mary rarely expresses her opinions, needs, or desires. Whenever anyone asks for her opinion, she simply defers to the wishes of others. Which of the following personality disorders is most representative of Mary's behavior? (A) Obsessive-compulsive B) Paranoid (C) Antisocial (D)Dependent (E) Narcissistic


Robert has a persistent fear of having a heart attack in public that has resulted in his not wanting to leave his house. Therefore, he severely limits the time he spends out in public. Robert's condition is most similar to which of the following disorders? (A) Social anxiety (B) Obsessive-compulsive (C Generalized anxiety (D)Agoraphobia (E) Separation anxiety


The cognitive theory of depression states that depression results from (A) anger directed toward the self and significant others (B) an excess of certain neurotransmitters in the brain (C) failure in adult love relationships (D)maladaptive interpretations of life events (E) oral fixations from disturbed mother-infant relationships


The precipitous decline of the inpatient populations of state and county mental hospitals since the 1950's can be attributed to which of the following? I. Declining incidence of severe mental illness II. A policy of deinstitutionalization III. New drug therapies (A) I only (B) I only (C) I only (D) Il and III only (E) I, I, and IT


Token economies are based on which theoretical perspective? (A) Psychodynamic (B) Humanistic (C) Cognitive (D) Behavioral (E) Gestalt


When Betty lost her job, she kept returning to work each morning because she did not remember that s fired. She saw a doctor, who found no brain injury or other neurological condition that would prevent h remembering. Which psychological disorder is Betty most likely experiencing? (A) Bipolar disorder (B) Schizophrenia (C) Obsessive-compulsive disorder ) Dissociative amnesia (E) Antisocial personality disorder


Which of the following psychological theories would explain posttraumatic stress disorder as being the r irrational beliefs and ideas?

D Cognitive

31. Dr. Norton puts a cat in the room with Karl and prevents Karl from avoiding or escaping the cat until Karl's anx naturally dissipates. The treatment is called (A) systematic desensitization (B) participant modeling (C) aversion therapy (D) counterconditioning (E)flooding


According to rational-emotive behavior therapists, the source of much unhappiness is the individual's (A) fixation at one of the early childhood stages (B) subconscious fear of achieving happiness (C) denial of the emotional consequences of an event (D)) attempts to create self-actualizing events (E)system of inappropriate beliefs


Joan displays anxiety, irritability, inability to concentrate, and apathy. She also reexperiences a disastrous ever through nightmares and vivid memories. Joan is experiencing (A) burnout (B) hypochondriasis (C) exhaustion (D) generalized anxiety disorder (E)posttraumatic stress disorder


Ted is hiking along a mountain trail when he sees a large snake slithering across the path ahead of him. 29. After the incident, Ted develops a specific phobia of snakes. Which of the following therapeutic techniques will be most effective for eliminating Ted's phobia? (A) Token economy (B) Active listening (C) Drug therapy (D) Rational-emotive behavioral therapy (E) Systematic desensitization


Thomas is thirty years old and is very shy. He becomes anxious in social situations, so he avoids them. Thomas does not have close friends and rarely leaves his apartment. However, he writes a very successful and popular Internet blog, is usually content and calm while working at home, and has a positive relationship with his famil Psychologists would be hesitant to label Thomas as psychologically disordered because his behavior (A) is a conscious choice, rational, and predictable (B) was learned through principles of operant conditioning (C) was learned through principles of classical conditioning (D) does not appear to be deviant from the norm (E) doesnot appear to cause distress or impair his day-to-day functioning


Which of the following is considered a positive symptom of schizophrenia? (A) Flat affect (B) Difficulty reading others' emotions (C) Increased family interaction (D) Difficulty with attention (E)Delusions


man who experiences sudden blindness on witnessing the death of his wife is probably suffering (A) type of paraphilia (B) psychosis (C) multiple personality disorder (D) panic disorder (E conversion disorder


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