AP Bio Chapter 10

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Examine Figure 10.18 while we tally carbons. This figure is designed to show the production of one net G3P. That means the Calvin cycle must be turned three times. Each turn will require a starting molecule of ribulose bisphosphate, a five-carbon compound. This means we start with __________ carbons distributed in three RuBPs. After fixing three carbon dioxides using the enzyme _______________, the Calvin cycle forms six G3Ps with a total of _________ carbons. At this point the net gain of carbons is _________, or one net G3P molecule.

15; rubisco; 18; 3

Use both chemical symbols and words to write out the formula for photosynthesis (use the one that indicates only the net consumption of water). The formula is the opposite of cellular respiration. You should know both formulas from memory.

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Light energy → C6H12O6 + 6 O2

The net production of one G3P requires __________ molecules of ATP and __________ molecules of NADPH.

9; 6

What happens when a plant undergoes photorespiration?

During photorespiration, which is a metabolic process, the plant consumes oxygen and ATP, releases carbon dioxide, and decreases photosynthetic output. Photorespiration generally occurs on hot, dry, bright days, when stomata close and the O2/CO2 ratio in the leaf increases, favoring the binding of O2 rather than CO2 by rubisco.

As electrons fall between photosystem I and II, the cytochrome complex uses the energy to pump ________ ions. This builds a proton gradient that is used in chemiosmosis to produce what?


What compound is the source of electrons for linear electron flow? This compound is also the source of ___________ in the atmosphere.

H2O; O2

Describe how Englemann was able to form an action spectrum long before the invention of a spectrophotometer.

In 1883, Theodor W. Engelmann illuminated a filamentous alga with light that had been passed through a prism, exposing different segments of the alga to different wavelengths. He used aerobic bacteria, which concentrate near an oxygen source, to determine which segments of the alga were releasing the most O2 and thus photosynthesizing most. Bacteria congregated in greatest numbers around the parts of the alga illuminated with violet-blue or red light.

Three turns of the Calvin cycle nets one G3P because the other five must be recycled to RuBP. Explain how the regeneration of RuBP is accomplished.

In a complex series of reactions, the carbon skeletons of five molecules of G3P are rearranged by the last steps of the Calvin cycle into three molecules of RuBP. To accomplish this, the cycle spends three more molecules of ATP. The RuBP is now prepared to receive CO2 again, and the cycle continues.

Conceptually, it is important to know that the C4 pathway does not replace the Calvin cycle but works as a CO2 pump that prefaces the Calvin cycle. Explain how changes in leaf architecture help isolate rubisco in high CO2 areas but low O2 areas.

In effect, the mesophyll cells of a C4 plant pump CO2 into the bundle sheath, keeping the CO2 concentration in the bundle-sheath cells high enough for rubisco to bind carbon dioxide rather than oxygen.

Primary electron acceptor

In the thylakoid membrane of a chloroplast or in the membrane of some prokaryotes, the primary electron acceptor is a specialized molecule that shares the reaction center complex with a pair of chlorophyll a molecules and that accepts an electron from them.

Notice the colors and corresponding wavelengths and then explain the relationship between wavelength and energy.

Light is a form of energy known as electromagnetic energy, also called electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic energy travels in rhythmic waves analogous to those created by dropping a pebble into a pond. Electromagnetic waves, however, are disturbances of electric and magnetic fields rather than disturbances of a material medium such as water. The distance between the crests of electromagnetic wave sis called the wavelength.

The enzyme responsible for carbon fixation in the Calvin cycle, and possibly the most abundant protein on Earth, is __________________.


Explain the important events that occur in the carbon fixation stage of the Calvin cycle.

The Calvin cycle incorporates each CO2 molecule, one at a time, by attaching it to a five- carbon sugar named ribulose bisphosphate. The enzyme that catalyzes this first step is RuBP carboxylase, or rubisco. The product of the reaction is a six-carbon intermediate so unstable that it immediately splits in half, forming two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate

Calvin cycle is ________ because ___________and cellular respiration is ____________ because __________.

The Calvin cycle is a metabolic pathway in which each step is governed by an enzyme, much like the citric acid cycle from cellular respiration. However, keep in mind that the Calvin cycle uses energy (in the form of ATP and NADPH) and is therefore anabolic; in contrast, cellular respiration is catabolic and releases energy that is used to generate ATP and NADH.

The carbohydrate produced directly from the Calvin cycle is not glucose, but the three-carbon compound __________________________. Each turn of the Calvin cycle fixes one molecule of CO2; therefore, it will take ___________ turns of the Calvin cycle to net one G3P.

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P)

Explain what is meant by a C4 plant.

A plant in which the Calvin cycle is preceded by reactions that incorporate CO2 into a four-carbon compound, the end product of which supplies CO2 for the Calvin cycle.

Explain what is meant by a C3 plant.

A plant that uses the Calvin cycle for the initial steps that incorporate CO2 into organic material, forming a three-carbon compound as the first stable intermediate.

WHat two high energy compounds that have been produced by the light reactions will be used in the Calvin cycle?


As a review, note that the light reactions store chemical energy in __________ and __________, which shuttle the energy to the carbohydrate-producing __________ cycle.

ATP; NADPH; Calvin Cycle

Read Figure 10.9 carefully; then explain the correlation between an absorbtion spectra and an action spectrum.

- Absorption spectrum is the range of a pigment's ability to absorb various wavelengths of light; also a graph of such a range. - Action spectrum is a graph that profiles the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of radiation in driving a particular process.

Using Figure 10.19 as a guide, explain the three key events—indicated by the arrows below— in the C4 pathway.

1. In mesophyll cells, the enzyme PEP carboxylase adds carbon dioxide to PEP. 2. A four-carbon compound conveys the atoms of the CO2 into a bundle-sheath cell via plasmodesmata. 3. In bundle-sheath cells, CO2 is released and enters the Calvin cycle.

The last idea in this challenging concept is how chemiosmosis works in photosynthesis. Use four examples to compare how chemiosmosis is similar in photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

1. In photosynthesis and cellular respiration, an electron transport chain assembled in a membrane pumps protons across the membrane as electrons are passed through a series of carriers that are progressively more electronegative. 2. In photosynthesis and cellular respiration, ATP synthase complex couples the diffusion of hydrogen ions down their gradient to the phosphorylation of ADP. 3. The inner membrane of the mitochondrion pumps protons from the mitochondrial matrix out to the intermembrane space, which then serves as a reservoir of hydrogen ions. The thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast pumps protons from the stroma into the thylakoid space (interior of the thylakoid), which functions as the H+ reservoir. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. - 5 - 4. In the mitochondrion, protons diffuse down their concentration gradient from the inter- membrane space through ATP synthase to the matrix, driving ATP synthesis. In the chloroplast, ATP is synthesized as the hydrogen ions diffuse from the thylakoid space back to the stroma through ATP synthase complexes, whose catalytic knobs are on the stroma side of the membrane.

List the three places in the light reactions where a proton-motive force is generated.

1. Water is split by photosystem II on the side of the membrane facing the thylakoid space 2. As plastoquinone (Pq), a mobile carrier, transfers electrons to the cytochrome complex, four protons are translocated across the membrane into the thylakoid space 3. A hydrogen ion is removed from the stroma when it is taken up by NADP+.

Compare and contrast C4 plants with CAM plants. In your explanation, give two key similarities and two key differences.

Both C4 and CAM plants thrive in hot, dry conditions. Both have evolved methods to reduce water loss and to "fix" carbon dioxide in an intermediate compound before it enters the Calvin cycle. C4 plants have Kranz anatomy, with thick-walled bundle-sheath cells. CO2 is added to PEP to make a four-carbon intermediate so that CO2 will not be lost through photorespiration. CAM plants prevent water loss by closing their stomata during the day, but in order to have CO2 available, it is fixed in crassulacean acid when the stomata are open at night. In C4 plants, the initial steps of carbon fixation are separated structurally from the Calvin cycle. In CAM plants, the two steps occur at different times (temporal separation of steps.)

Mitochondria and chloroplasts and do both...

Cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

In phase two, the reduction stage, the reducing power of _________________ will donate electrons to the low-energy acid 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate to form the three-carbon sugar _________________________.


In photosystem II, the excited electron is eventually used by NADP+ reductase to join NADP+ and a H+ to form ___________.


Cyclic electron flow can be visualized in Figure 10.15. Cyclic electron flow is thought to be similar to the first forms of photosynthesis to evolve. In cyclic electron flow no water is split, there is no production of __________, and there is no release of __________.


What is the source of energy that requires the electron in photosystem II?


Photosystem I is referred to by the wavelength at which its reaction center best absorbs light, or P__________; photosystem II is also known by this characteristic, or P__________.

Perhaps you caught that the reaction center molecules for photosystem I are a special pair of chlorophyll molecules called P700. So, the question has a mistake—but the response should be either to note this error, and explain what is meant by P700, or note the error and explain that P680 molecules form the reaction center for photosystem II. These reaction center molecules (either P680 or P700) are named for the wavelengths of light that are most effectively absorbed by each (680 nm or 700 nm)

A photosystem is composed of a protein complex called a ___________-__________ complex surrounded by several __________-____________ complexes.

Reaction center; light-harvesting

Some of the types of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum will be familiar, such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves. The most important part of the spectrum in photosynthesis is visible light. What are the colors of the visible spectrum?

Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

Explain how photorespiration can be a problem in agriculture.

Rice, wheat, and soybeans are C3 plants that are important in agriculture. When their stomata partially close on hot, dry days, C3 plants produce less sugar because the declining level of CO2 in the leaf starves the Calvin cycle, limiting growth.

Explain the Calvin cycle, utilizing the term carbon fixation in your discussion.

The cycle begins by incorporating CO2 from the air into organic molecules already present in the chloroplast. This initial incorporation of carbon into organic compounds is known as carbon fixation. The Calvin cycle then reduces the fixed carbon to carbohydrate by the addition of electrons. The reducing power is provided by NADPH, which acquired its cargo of electrons in the light reactions. To convert CO2 to carbohydrate, the Calvin cycle also requires chemical energy in the form of ATP, which is also generated by the light reactions.

Using 18 O as the basis of your discussion, explain how we know that the oxygen released in photosynthesis comes from water.

Scientists confirmed van Niel's hypothesis that oxygen released from photosynthesis comes from water with the use of 18O, a heavy isotope, as a tracer to follow the fate of oxygen atoms during photosynthesis. The experiments showed that the O2 from plants was labeled with 18O only if water was the source of the tracer. If the 18O was introduced to the plant in the form of CO2, the label did not turn up in the released O2.

Explain the statement that only the green cells of a plant are the autotroph while the rest of the plant is a heterotroph.

Technically, green cells are the only autotrophic parts of the plant. The rest of the plant depends on organic molecules exported from leaves via veins. In most plants, carbohydrate is transported out of the leaves in the form of sucrose, a disaccharide.

Explain what occurs in the light reactions stage of photosynthesis. Be sure to use NADP+ and photophosphorylation in your discussion.

The light reactions are the steps of photosynthesis that convert solar energy to chemical energy. Water is split, providing a source of electrons and protons (hydrogen ions, H+) and giving off O2 as a by-product. Light absorbed by chlorophyll drives a transfer of the electrons and hydrogen ions from water to an acceptor called NADP+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate), where they are temporarily stored. The light reactions use solar power to reduce NADP+ to NADPH by adding a pair of electrons along with an H+. The light reactions also generate ATP, using chemiosmosis to power the addition of a phosphate group to ADP, a process called photophosphorylation.

Use two key differences to explain how chemiosmosis is different in photosynthesis and cellular respiration. (These two questions are another example of compare and contrast.)

There are noteworthy differences between oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and photophosphorylation in chloroplasts. In mitochondria, the high-energy electrons dropped down the transport chain are extracted from organic molecules (which are thus oxidized), whereas in chloroplasts, the source of electrons is water. Chloroplasts do not need molecules from food to make ATP; their photosystems capture light energy and use it to drive the electrons from water to the top of the transport chain. In other words, mitochondria use chemiosmosis to transfer chemical energy from food molecules to ATP, whereas chloroplasts transform light energy into chemical energy in ATP.

Reaction center complex

This complex of proteins associated with a special pair of chlorophyll a molecules and a primary electron acceptor. Located centrally in a photosystem, this complex triggers the light reactions of photosynthesis. Excited by light energy, the pair of chlorophylls donates an electron to the primary electron acceptor, which passes an electron to an electron transport chain.

Light-harvesting complex—

This complex of proteins associated with pigment molecules (including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids) that captures light energy and transfers it to reactioncenter pigments in a photosystem.

Explain the role of PEP carboxylase in C4 plants, including key differences between it and rubisco.

This enzyme adds CO2 to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), forming the four-carbon product oxaloacetate. PEP carboxylase has a much higher affinity for CO2 than does rubisco and no affinity for O2. Therefore, PEP carboxylase can fix carbon efficiently when rubisco cannot—that is, when it is hot and dry and stomata are partially closed, causing CO2 concentration in the leaf to fall and O2 concentration to rise.

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