Ap Bio EQT

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What is the expected percent change in the DNA content of a typical eukaryotic cell as it progresses through the cell cycle from the start of the G1 phase to the end of the G2 phase?


Cancer can result from a variety of different mutational events. Which of the following is LEAST likely to result in the initiation of a cancerous tumor?

A defect in a cell-cycle checkpoint prevents a cell from entering the S phase.

Mitochondria are found in most eukaryotic cells and contain their own DNA and ribosomes that are similar to those typical of many prokaryotic cells. Which of the following statements is justified by these observation?

An ancestral cell most likely engulfed an aerobic prokaryote in a relationship that proved beneficial for both cells.

Which of the following groups of cellular components are found in eukaryotic cells but nit prokaryotic cells?

An endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and a nucleus

Which of the following presents a correct interpretation of the changes in chromosome number depicted in Figure 1?

Chromosomes enter metaphase containing two chromatids attached by a centromere. During anaphase, the chromatids are separated, each becoming a chromosome. Cytokinesis distributes the chromosomes into two seperate cells.

In the S stage of interphase_______________

DNA is replicated

Which of the following best describes the role of mitosis in the cell cycle?

Distributing replicated chromosomes to daughter nuclei

The results for treatment groups V and VI could suggest which of the following questions about the design of the excitement?

Does the aquarium water contain living microorganisms?

The process depicted in the image is best summarized by which of the following descriptions?

During meiosis, crossing over leads to recombination of alleles between homologous chromosomes.

Which of the following statements correctly described the chromosomes in each daughter cell at the end of meiosis 1?

Each daughter cell contains 12 chromosomes, each composed of two chromatids. Each chromosome is one of a pair of homologous chromosomes from the parent cell, with the other homologue found in the other daughter cell.

The most probable cause for the difference in mean stem length between plants in dish A and plants in dish B is what of the following?

Elongation of seedlings in response to the lack of light.

Stages of interphase in order

G1, S, G2

To investigate whether an organism in the study is capable of both photosynthesis and respiration, a comparison of which treatment groups is most appropriate?

I and 2

Which of the following modifications to the experimental design will best help reduce the standard errors of the means?

Increasing the sample size of each treatment group

Which of the following statements regarding the movement of substance across cell membrane?

Ions are unable to move through the phospholipid bilayer because the nonpolar tail regions of the phospholipids are hydrophobic

Which of the following is true about the structure of the prokarytic cell represented in the figure?

It has a cell wall exterior to the plasma membrane and contain ribosomes

Which of the following is true of mitosis?

It maintains the same chromosome number in the daughter cells as in the parent cell.

All of the following are true statements about meiosis in mammals except

It produces four genetically identical gametes.

Which of the following processes is most likely to occur as a result of an animal cell receiving a signal to initiate apoptosis?

Lysosomes will release digestive enzymes into the cytosol

Both mitosis and meiosis begin with a parent cell that is diploid. Which of the following best describes mitosis and meiosis result in daughter cells with different chromosomes?

Mitosis produces two identical diploid daughter cells after one round of division. Meiosis produces four haploid daughter cells after two rounds of division.

A researcher examining a root tip observes a cell with condensed sister chromatids, kinetochores with attached microtubules, and individual chromosomes that are aligned at the equatorial plate of the cell. Which of the following best describes what the next process will be in the cell?

Paired chromatids will separate, and the new daughter chromosomes will move toward opposite poles of the cell

If ATP breakdown (hydrolysis) is inhibited, which of the following types of movement across cell membranes is also inhibited?

Passage of a solute against its concentration gradient

Which of the following occurs in both meiosis and mitosis?

Separation of sister chromatids

Which of the following best describes how the amount of DNA in the cell changes during M phase?

The amount of DNA is halved as the cell divides into two daughter cells.

A scientist is evaluating a proposal for raising large numbers of fish in ocean pens for human consumption. As part of the evaluation, the scientist is designing a plan for investigating how the fish in the ocean pens might affect nearby ecosystems. Which of the following is the most appropriate factor to use as the dependent variable in the experimental investigation?

The amount of metabolic wastes in the water where the fish are being raised.

Intravenous (IV) solutions administered to patients ae normally isotonic. Which of the following is most likely if an IV ofdistilled water is administered to a patient?

The cells that are exposed to hypotonic solutions will expand as water moves osmotically into the cells from the blood

Which of the following occurs during mitosis but not during meiosis 1?

The chromatids of each chromosome seperated

Which of the following best addresses the validity of the conclusion made by the students?

The conclusion is invalid because other variables in the experiment affected the results.

Cancer cells behave differently than normal body cells. For example, they ignore signals that tell them to stop dividing. Which of the following conditions will most likely cause a normal body cell to become a cancer cell?

The environment contains mutagens that induce mutations that affect cell-cycle regulator proteins.

Which of the following best supports the hypothesis that the difference in leaf color is genetically controlled?

The existence of yellow-leaved seedlings as well as green-leaved ones on day 14 in dish B.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a diploid yeast species that can reproduce either sexually or asexually. An experiment was performed to induce mitotically dividing S. cerevisiae cells in G2 to undergo meiosis. Which of the following best describes the steps these cells will follow to form gametes?

The first division will reduce the number of chromosomes by half for each daughter cell, and the second division will move single chromatids to each daughter cell

The table below provides a comparison of nitrogenous waste production in selected organisms.

The kidneys of reptiles and birds are highly efficient because little water is needed to excrete uric acid.

Which of the following observations provides the best evidence that photosynthesis occurred in treatment group 1?

The mean PH of the samples increased after one hour.

The diagram above represents a typical rod-shaped bacteria. Which of the following best describe a feature shown in the diagram that is unique to archaea and bacteria?

The organism does not have a nuclear membrane surrounding its genetic material.

Which of the following best predicts the effect of the cell cycle arrest on proliferating yeast cells?

The yeast cells will replicate their chromosomes but will fail to complete cytokinesis

Which of the following best describes the cells that result from the process of meiosis in mammals?

They are genetically different from the parent cell

The diagram below show cells during stages of mitosis and meiosis. Which statement best explains where variation is introduced into daughter cells?

Variation is introduced at stage 1 and stage 2 of meiosis 1 because during stage one, crossing over occurs, and during stage two, chromosomes or randomly arranged in the middle of the cell and independent assortment occurs.

Which of the following best predicts which diagrammed microscope view the laboratory worker would see and best explains why?

View 2 because the rate of water movement into the RBCs equals the rate of water movement out of the cells

DNA replication occurs

during S phase

A human cell in prophase of mitosis can be disintrigued from a human cell in prophase 1 of meiosis by the presence of

paired homologous chromosomes in the meiotic cell

Additional observations were made on day 21, and no seedlings were found alive in either dish. This is most likely because

yellow-leaved seedlings were unable to convert light energy to chemical energy.

The cell cycle of yeast cells grown in the nutrient poor environment is approximately what percent of yeast cells grown in the nutrientrich environment?


If 2n=48 for a particular cell, then the chromosome number in each cell after meiosis would be


Based on Figure 1, what percent of time required to complete a full cycle do the cells typically spend in interphase?


The processes illustrated in the models above all result in which of following?

An increase in genetic variation

Which of the following descriptions of cell type 1 and cell type 2 are most consistent with the data?

Animal cell surrounded by a plasma membrane only. Plasma cell surrounded by a plasma membrane and a cell wall.

Which of the following accurately describes one of the movements taking place?

Na+ transport out of the cell requires ATP hydrolysis

Which of the following best explains how these processes often produce offspring that have traits not present in the parents?

New traits often observed in offspring because homologous chromosomes are seperated during process A and then combined during process B, resulting in the expression of recessive genes in the offsping

During mitosis, which of the following normally occurs?

Replicated chromosomes line up on the equatorial plate.

Most cells that have become transformed into cancer cells have which of the following characteristics when compared to normal, healthy cells?

Shorter cell cycle

Cell communication is critical for the function of both unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes. Which of the following is likely true of cell signaling?

Similar cell signaling pathways in diverse eukaryoted are evidence of conserved evolutionary processes.

The salinity of a small inland lake has recently started to increase. Researchers are planning to study the lake over several decades to investigate how freshwater organisms survive significant changes in their natural habitat. Which of the following physiological mechanisms will the researchers are most likely observe among the surviving organisms in the lake?

Single celled organisms will use various mechanisms to counteract the increased flow of water from cells to the environment. Hint: Hi goes to Lo

The figure above represents a rough endoplasmic reticulum. Which of the following best describes the role of the structure labeled Y?

Structure Y is the located where proteins are synthesized.

Shown in the table from before and after an abrupt change in the cattle's diet. Based on the results, which of the following best explains why the initial hypothesis should be revised?

The abundance of one of the bacterial species increased in response to the change in diet.

Based on the model of eukaryotic cell cycle regulation shown in the figure, which of the following best describes the effect of a drug that blocks the production of the mitotic cyclin?

The cell would be prevented from enter mitosis, and the cell would stop dividing.

Which predistion explains how meiosis will most likely be altered in the insect's sex cells when its reproductive organs are exposed to the chemicals?

The insect will produce two haploid sex cells that are genetically different from the parent cell.

The figure below illustrates a eukaryotic cell. Which of the following best describes how the three structures indicated by the arrows work together?

To synthesize and isolate proteins for secretion or for use in the cell.

Membrane-bound organelles have been an important component in the evolution of complex, multicellular organisms. What best summarizes an advantage of eukaryotic cells having internal membranes

Organelles isolate specific reactions, increasing metabolic efficiency.

Function of G1 and G2 phases in cell cycle

Gap or Growth (duplication of cell contents, cell growth)

The hydrolytic enzymes are most likely to accumulate in which of the following components?

Golgi complex

Sometimes use observable evidence to direct their questions about phenomena. For which question would the karyotype provide the most evidence?

Since the person is missing one sex chromosomes, did nondisjunction occur during meiosis when forming gametes before fertilization?

Which of the following scientific questions is most relevant to the model represented in the figure above?

Which molecular substance is actively transported across the plasma membrane?

If chemical signals in the cytoplasm control the progression of a cell to the M phase of the cell cycle, then fusion of a cell in G1 with a cell in early M phase would most likely result in the

condensation of chromatin in preparation of nuclear division in both cells

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