AP Euro AP Exam Study Guide

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sculptures-more violence, anger, instability -Self-portrait -Damned Soul -St. Teresa -The Four Rivers, Rome -David

Clerical immorality

sexual transgressions -drunkenness -gambling -indulgence in fancy dress

Ivan I (Moneybags)

-1328-1341 -tax extra & skim $ off the top→use to consolidate own power, princes come together, military

Ivan III

-1440-1505 -stops paying taxes -1st czar -Moscow conquers Ottomans, Poland-Lithuania, Mongol, rest of Russia →model after Mongols, kill off nobles →service nobility loyal to him`

When and where and by whom was movable type invented? How did it revolutionize life in Europe?

-1454 at Mainz- Johann Gutenberg, Johann Fust, and Peter Schöffer, experimented and the movable type came to be -govt switched quickly to print to announce declarations of war, public battle accounts, promulgate treaties, argue disputed points in pamphlet form -made propaganda possible→differences emphasized between opposing groups -stimulated literacy of laypeople -moralizing, medical, practical, travel manuals -new forms of pornography and piety -print bridged the gap between written and oral cultures

Intertwined religious fervor & overseas expansion of Europeans

-1492- Spain expels Moors & Jews →rechristianized Spain -new world →bring blessing of God with them →force Christianity on people

Hapsburg Valois Wars

-1519-1559 -battleground in Italy 1494- Charles VIII invades Italy 1527- Charles V sacks Rome

Hernando Cortez

-1520s conquered Aztec empire -founded Mexico City as capital of New Spain -extract gold and wealth

Ivan IV

-1533-1547 -"The Terrible" -raised in violent society -twisted in the head -continue expansion -enormous violence -continue service nobility -lost war w/ Poland-Lithuania →unleash Reign of Terror -exploit mines in Ural Mountains -kill own son -oprichniki-behave like Mongols, regulate in provinces -streltsy- police force for czars


-1624-1642 -Machiavellian leader -misunderstood -head of Catholic Church -3 Musketeers

Frederick William

-1640-1688 -"Great Elector" -wasn't a king- elector/prince -nobleman during 30 Years' War- convinces junkers to give into central authority/taxation →create military

Effects of Cromwell's commonwealth

-1651- Navigation Acts-English goods transported on English ships--mercantilism, undercut Dutch -Parliament corrupt →1653- Cromwell dissolves Parliament -1649-1660- rump parliament- vote to behead Charles -Cromwell- Puritanical society, ban Christmas, no fun lasts till 1658- Cromwell dies, Richard fired

Social and Religious tensions in Russia up to the reign of Peter the Great (1689)

-1652- religious reforms introduced by patriarch NIKON- dogmatic purist who wished to bring "corrupted" Russian practices of worship into line w/ Greek Orthodox model -"Old Believers"- illegal communities of those who left the church -1680s power struggles w/ Ivan IV- not fit for czar →coczars- Peter the Great, Ivan V, Sophia (1682-1725)

Nicholas I of Russia as counterrevolutionary force

-170,000 Russian troops poured into Hungary -some Magyars still in Russia- don't want them to revolt so Nick crushes in Hungary -liberal constitution put on hold

Werner Heisenberg

-1927- "principle of uncertainty"- b/c impossible to know position & speed of ind. electron then impossible to predict behavior

Great Depression affect German political life

-1927- Ger. stabilize w/ Dawes & Young Plan -1929- Ger. in crisis, depression→ Gers desperate for solution →w/ Hitler- military spending

Napoleon & clergy

-1st & 2nd phase- civil constitution of clergy →confiscate church lands →cathedrals turned into temples of reason -Concordat of 1801- Fr. Catholic Church →pope has no say

Juan Cabrillo

-1st European to set foot in California -1542- San Diego -part of Cortez mission -CA- mythical island- operates separate from rest of country- Sierras, desert →Native Americans look different than native Californians


-1st standing army in empire -start off as Christian slaves -serbs resist control- Ottomans crush →1 slave child for every 3 families for life in military →paid for service →strict discipline →supervised →can't marry →highest rank in military →retirement- highest class in society

Camp system

-Assembly- round up political prisoners -normally in west- Belgium, Fr, Neth where there was an honorable war -Transit- near train stations -Labor -Concentration -Death -Murder

Gustav Stresemann

-Aug 1923- assume leadership of govt as Ger pres. -called off passive resistance in Ruhr & agree in principle to pay reparations -deal w/ Charles Dawes -try to improve economy -Gers hate b/c feel sold out

Religious consequences of 30 Years' War

-Augsburg agreement stands permanently -religion loses- nation states win -Calvinism, Lutheranism, Catholicism legalized

Impact of science on study of society

-Auguste Comte- initially disciple of utopian socialist Saint-Simon →System of Positive Philosophy (1830-1842)- 6 volume →postulated all intellectual activity progresses through predictable stages -theological/fictious, metaphysical/abstract, scientific/positive -positivist method- new discipline of knowledge would soon discover the eternal laws of human relations

Asian imperialism

-Brit- India, Suez Canal imp. to get there -Fr- Indochina- Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos -Dutch- Indonesia -Russia- Mongolia -US- Philippines

Strain of war take its toll on countries

-Brit- Irish rebel -Aust- Czechs & Hungarians give up -Ger- radical socialist Karl Liebknecht wants overthrow govt -Italy & Fr troops mutiny in trenches -propaganda keeps war going

Asian front

-Japan declare war on Ger. →take control of Ger possessions in China -1915- Ger deep w/in Fr & Russ territory

German romantic writers influence Hitler

-Johann Fichte- Ger. superiority- context of 1808 try to create Ger. identity -Hegel- state reigns supreme -Nietzsche- superman- Führer, will to power

After Lenin's death, how did Stalin outmaneuver Trotsky to gain control of the Central Party

-Lenin left no chosen successor when died 1924 -1922- gen secretary of party's Central Committee- no one wants job, can make good friends, manipulative & cunning -socialism in 1 country -achieve supreme power, opportunist -no prob. get rid of enemies→ promotions=death sentence, fear allies power -all fabricated in his head -1922- change to USSR, capital back to Moscow -politburo- central committee of Pary →power struggle- Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Trotsky -head of secret police- Yagoda, Yezhov, Beria -Russ foreign minister- Molotov -Russ propaganda newspaper- Pravda- Bukharin -mainly Stalin vs Trotsky -Stalin: realist -Trotsky: NEP continue, Marxian intellectual, global rev→ unsettling for people, idealist

Reformation- revolution

-Protestantism rejected authority of Roman papacy -growth of new churches -radical discontinuity from religious situation of the past 1000 years

Scientific & religious implications of Copernicus' theory

-Protestantism- fundamental factor in rise of modern science→ not initially -further scientific discovery & question -role of church set aside

Long-term significance that Prussia absolutism was stronger & more effective than Austria

-Prussia is all German→same ethnicity -Austria doesn't have complete control

Enlightenment trilogy

-REASON, OPTIMISM, PROGRESS -Europeans look at world as their domain →head towards positive progression →rise of progress until 1914

Marcel Proust

-Remembrance of Things Past- memories as child to discover innermost meaning -live in apt for 10 yrs to remember life in past & hide from present

SR in context of history

-Renaissance -Reformation -printing press -universities in HMA -navigation -absolutism -religious wars -new world -mercantilist wars


-Renaissance political scholar, secular spirit -wrote in prison -Hobbes approach- men are wicked -concerned in ways things are/focus on reality of the time -Realpolitik -Legacy: →has to be room for morals and ethics in politics- can't be amoral →all acts are justifiable →effective leaders use Mach, loved leaders get overthrown

reform in church slow in coming

-Renaissance popes- materialism, secularism -preoccupation with political affairs in Italy -difficulty of reforming complicated bureaucracy -resisted calls for a council

Charles II help reestablish harmony btwn crown & Parliament

-Restoration period -constitutional monarch -1673- Test Act- those who refused to receive Eucharist of Church of England couldn't vote, hold public office, preach, teach, attend universities, assemble for meetings -Cabel-council of 5 men who served as major advisors & members of Parliament -1679-Habeas Corpus -Cromwell dug up, beheaded, burned -1664- Restoration colonies-took from Dutch but still let trade →NY, NJ, Delaware, Carolinas, Penn


-Revolutionary Etude- evoking surge of masses -stern patriotic -nationalistic Polish music -desperate for Fr. to support Polish cause but Poland isn't important

Potential advantages Russia stand to gain in general European war

-control Constantinople & Dardanelles Straits →war w/ Ottomans →greater influence in Balkans →pan-Slavism →need to win

Henry IV help end French religious warfare

-converted to Catholicism & sought better relations with the pope -EDICT OF NANTES 1598 -appointing duke of Sully as chief minister -SHARPLY LOWERED TAXES ON OVERBURDENED PEASANTS-CHICKEN IN EVERY POT

Importance of public opinion as new political force

-diverse but educated public could debate issues & form its own ideas -all who were educated & civilized had equal rights in elaboration go this new & powerful force


El Bosco -twisted themes and characteristics -religious themes, colorful imagery, peasant folk legends→confusion w/ end of M.A. -The Garden of Earthly Delight- past, present, future -Temptation of Saint Anthony -Concert in the Egg

Renaissance 1320-1648

French word meaning "rebirth", first used by an art historian and critic, Giorgio Vasari, to refer to the rebirth of the culture of classical antiquity- 14th-16th centuries

German states vs England

Germany: -from bottom up -reform church -indulgences -religious reform -genuine attempts -not smooth England: -from top down -power and personal gain- new heir, $ from monasteries -religious for divorce -independent from Rome -accessing church lands -money stays in England -no change in hierarchy

Van Eyck

Ghent Altarpiece Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride→realism, attention to human personalities


Gonzaga family of Mantua→realism dwarf- status symbol, royal courts has dwarves as advisors to interact with society as a whole, more intimidated by the king than someone of regular height

Bourbon dynasty kings

Henry IV- 9 wives, 13 kids Louis XIII Louis XIV- in 1685 revoked Edict of Nantes b/c there were states within states

Sequence of monarchs during English Reformation

Henry VIII (1509-1547) Edward VI (1547-1553) Mary Tudor (1553-1558) Elizabeth (1558-1603)

Little Entente

-Fr pathetic try at alliance system -want security -Czechs concern b/c Hungarians inside- Hungary encroach Czech territory -1921- Fr sign defense pact w/ Poland that joined w/ Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia -Maginot- build fortified trench- defensive, highly advanced for 1920s →Fr use 1920s tech in 1930s & 40s war- not effective


-"W/out breeches" - laboring poor & petty traders -Mtn. & Robespierre sympathize →join in popular uprising -mobs w/ Robespierre as leader -mob dictate the rev

New Physics challenge more comforting physics of Newton & his successors

-"heroic age of physics" -universe uncertain & undetermined -physics didn't provide any answers at all, people confused -space in continuously growing state

Amalgamated Society of Engineers

-"new model union" →represented skilled mechanists →won real benefits for members by fairly conservative means -became accepted part of industrial scene

Dual purposes of Stalin's 5 Yr Plans

-"rev from above" -generate new attitudes, loyalties, socialist humanity -planned econ focus on 2 things →industrialization →collectivization -dependent on massive propaganda -use of terror for people that resist


-"superrealism" -capture momentary overall feeling/impression of light falling on real life scene before eyes -Monet, Pierre Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro -less detail -jsut see color then paint way you see -more realistic of way you see -color more imp. than scene

Les Fauves

-"the wild beasts" -Henri Matisse→ vivid colors, Red Room -arrangement of color, line, form -expressionism

Incredible costs of Great War

-$332 billion -10 mil dead, 20 mil wounded -65 million mobilize →42 mil Allies →23 mil Central -6000 people dead/day -Aust- 7.5 mil troops mobilize, 7 mil dead -Fr- lose 1/2 male pop 18-32 yrs old -budgets to take care of soldiers strained -birthrate declined -war cemeteries -Turks- Armenian genocide/holocaust -1918- US- 675,000 die influenza outbreak- Spanish flu (6 mil dead) →global epidemic- 40-50 mil dead →ends quickly b/c mutations →spread more b/c war -Belle-Epoque- time before 1914 →good old days

Time period of SR

-1543 (heliocentric theory- Copernicus)-1687 (Principia/Principles of Mathematics- Newton)

"the times of troubles"

-1598-1613 -no heir -family fight each other, nobles kill each other -invaded by Poles -The False Dimitri I (1605-1606) →Ivan's younger son →people claim to be son -1st convinces & becomes czar for 1 year (Polish) -False Dimitri II →both married to Marinka the Witch -The Romanov Dynasty (1613-1917) →Michael Romanov (r. 1613-1645)

How did themes and techniques of Renaissance artists change?

-15th century→art became more secular -Renaissance portraits mirrored reality rather than reflecting a spiritual ideal -variety of human nature in statues and paintings -"international style"→great realism, narrative power, remarkably effective use of light and dark -perspective

Frederick I

-1688-1713 -"The Ostentatious" -1st king/kaiser -spends $ -sends troops to War of Spanish Succession -Prussia becomes a kingdom

Frederick William I

-1713-1740 -"Soldier King" -fetish w/ tall soldiers -invest heavily into military →increase 10 times -enlist junkers into army→commanded peasants in army & on estates -12th in population but 4th largest army by 1740 -loves soldiers but doesn't go to war

Napoleon's background

-1769- born in Corsica into impoverished noble family →French province, ethnically more Italian →Fr viewed Nap as foreign, outsider →turns Europe upside down -1785- left home & became lieutenant in French military -1789- brief & unsuccessful adventure fighting for Corsican independence -returned to France as patriot & dedicated revolutionary -1796 & 1797- placed in command of French forces in Italy and won -campaign in Egypt failure -1799- seized power

Junipero Serra

-1776- SF sighted

National Assembly action truly revolutionary

-1789-1791 -Declaration of Rights of Man -new govt established after Tennis Court Oath -king in charge of foreign affairs -declares revolution

Government of Louis XVIII liberal & anti-royalist

-1815- Restoration France- Bourbon -Louis not terrible- king to people, somewhat constitutional monarchy -dies 1824


-1st purely abstract work -abstract -symbolism -dadaism -focus on nature

Baroque Style

-2nd main artistic time period -overblown, unbalanced style -pear shaped, odd shaped -complicated- very different -overlap with Northern Renaissance -symbolic of time period, art reflects society

Old Aristotelian-medieval world view

-384 BC-322 BC -geocentric theory- motionless earth fixed at center of universe -10 separate transparent crystal spheres -beyond was Heaven w/ throne of God & souls of saved -angels kept spheres moving in perfect circles -spheres consisted of perfect, incorruptible "quintessence" -earth/sublunar world- 4 elements: air, fire, water, earth -fit neatly w/ Christian doctrines- unchallenged for 1500 years -uniform force moved object at constant speed & object would stop when force removed


-3rd symphony- bottomless despair of funeral march -used contrasting themes & tones to produce dramatic conflict & inspiring resolutions

Escorial palace

-45 miles outside Madrid -built to commemorate favorite patron saint- St. Lawrence -built to look like bbq -21 years to build

Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin (George Sand)

-8 yrs of unhappy marriage & abandoned husband, took 2 children to Paris to pursue writing →achieved fame & wealth, striking individualism -Léilia- shockingly modern, delving deep into quest for sexual & personal freedom

William Faulkner

-America's greatest 20th C novelist -The Sound & the Fury (1929)- seen through eyes of idiot -stream of consciousness


-American rev -honorary US citizen -Assembly of Notables -refused to become dictator of France

April/May 1945

-April 30- Hit dies -May 8- Ger falls, VE day

Borders of France

-Atlantic -Mediterranean -Pyrennes -Alps -Rhine

The Quadruple Alliance (1814)

-Austria, Prussia, Russia, Britain- Treaty of Chaumont → Quad Alliance -April 4, 1814- defeated Nap abdicated throne → grant him Elba as own state -restoration of Bourbon dynasty- Louis XVIII (1814-1824) →Constitutional Charter- rev changes & civil liberties, constitutional monarchy

3 distinct territories in Habsburg state consolidated after 1700

-Austria- Germans -Bohemia -Hungary- Magyars (unique, own ethnic group, maintain degree of autonomy)

Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot)))

-English -deeply felt, less sensational kind of realism -Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial Life (1871-1872)- examines masterfully the ways in which people are shaped bu their social medium as well as their own inner striving, conflicts, moral choices q


-European Hamiltonian figure -German -looking at best interest of Europe -statesman of Europe -Age of Metternich, isms/ideologies, revolutions →reestablish conservative order →signs that ideas of Fr Rev still there →reestablish monarch, conservative order, class system, remove rights→ stabilize Europe→ reality- suppressed ideas -Bavarian prince -Austrian foreign minister 1809-1848

Nazi domestic policy (1939)

-Euthanasia program- get rid of real/perceived defects, starts w/ 3 & under →T4 units- medical practitioners that carry out program →Zyklon B- poison gas, effective to euthanize →public outcry- out of hand, Hit become sympathetic to public opinion →Holocaust takes place in Poland -Sept 1st- enter into Poland, WW2 starts -design Einsatzgruppen Groups- 4 groups that are core SS task force→ clear areas out after army -St. Louis Affair- int. component of Holocaust- no 1 lets Jews in so have to go back to Ger

Rousseau (1712-1778)

-Swiss philosopher -most significant next to Locke -most important for Euro history -people born good →if bad b/c society -outsider, father left him during childhood -The Social Contract (1762)- GENERAL WILL always prevail in society →not free, enter rules of society, establish order & discipline →protect group as a whole, best interest →best interest- any rule -fear democracy- mobs -egalitarian society- laws treat everyone equally -social reform -POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY -people are selfish -noble savage→ natural man untouched by society →corrupted by society/civilization →evil impulses outgrowth of society -good of society must always take precedent- supercedes right of individual →no display of religious affiliation

International policy (Nov 1943)

-Tehran Conference- wartime conference w/ Big 3- Churchill, FDR, Stalin →Stalin want open 2nd front asap to divert troops →Churchill says should open in Italy from N. Africa- soft underbelly →Place troops strategically as east as possible for Cold War →delay to deplete Russ resources →fragile alliance, distrust

Attitudes and policies of James I that made him so unpopular with his subjects

-absolutism -divine right -Elizabeth-king and James-queen -homosexual, but still marries -Nov. 1605- Gunpowder plots-blow up Parliament w/ James inside, fanatic Catholics →plan falls apart →Guy Fawkes gets captured, burned -1607-founding of Jamestown- 1st permanent English settlement -1611- KJV bible

Effective occupation

-actually physically occupy area to claim, plant flag


-after 1924- some dadaists attracted to surrealism -fantastic world of wild dreams & complex symbols -refuse to depict ordinary visual reality

Declaration of Independence called the world's greatest political editorial

-all men created equal → transcend time -end w/ grievances → direct toward parliament when written monarch -necessary- no outside help w/out declaring independence →1715- Britain won, BoP obstructed -needs to be put in check -all countries assist in American Revolution

International policy (Sept 1938)

-appeasement: Nazi-Chamberlain →"Peace in our time" →mistake

John Calvin background

-born 1509 Noyon, France -originally intended to have ecclesiastical career, but studied law→ decisive impact on his mind and later thought -1533 religious crisis- awe inspired by nature- manifestation of God's power and wrath -went to Geneva b/c France would exile him for his beliefs -Theocracy- Christian society ruled by God through civil magistrates and reformed ministers →Geneva became model of a Christian community for 16th-century Protestant reformers Institutes of Christian Religion (1536)- systemize Protestant thought/doctrine into reformed Christianity

French (Paris) Revolution of 1848

-bourgeois monarch- stubborn inaction & complacency→ pop revolt in paris -Feb 24- Philippe abdicated in favor of grandson -new constitution- universal male suffrage, elections → conservatives win -Louis Blanc- national workshops- enormously expensive, satisfied no one -new socialist movement w/ industrial working class -liberals usher in change -Louis Napoleon win election Dec 1848 -2nd Republic of France- conservative (1848-1851) -1851- Louis named emperor →reforms based on conservatives

Hitler use propaganda to consolidate power

-brainwashing society -positive images of Ger. -negative images of Jews

New world view

-break away from old medieval world view -religion questioned, changed -break away from traditional/religious beliefs -scientists struggle to find meaning →secularism: here & now -birth of modern world -change in traditional way of thinking -interest in magic- Hermetic Alchemy→scientific advancement

Frank Lloyd Wright

-build series of radically new & truly modern house ft. low lines, open interiors, mass-produced building materials

William Blake

-called early factories "satanic mills" & protested against hard life of London poor -romantic poet

Czech nationalist demands as counterrevolutionary force

-came into conflict w/ German nationalists in Bohemia, Prague, Sudetenland -want country from Poland to Ukraine

Balance of power

-carried through w/ concert system (concert of Europe) -no one country can be more dominant than next -redraw map of Europe -need odd # to have majority

Appeal of pietism reflected in work & life of John Wesley

-catalyst for popular religious revival in England -Methodists- methodical in devotion 1738- mystical, emotional "conversation" →any person heartfelt conversation & game same blessed assurance -all men & women who earnestly sought salvation might be saved


-center of HRE -Catholic center -wants to recatholicize

Accepted views of the social tensions said to cause French Rev

-class rev btwn bourgeoisie & 2nd estate → up-down rev btwn classes

French classicism

-classical antiquity- order, clarity, moral purpose, good taste -Versailles-architecture baroque, inside classicism -Rococo age


-classicism -French bishop, theologian -defender of absolutism

Jean Racine

-classicism -French dramatist

Edwin Chadwick & role he played in health movement

-commissioner charged w/ administration of relief to paupers under Britain's revised Poor Law of 1834 -good Benthamite- follower of radical philosopher Jeremy Bentham →public problems ought to be dealt w/ on national, scientific basis & according to "greatest good for the greatest #" -convinced disease & death caused poverty, disease prevented by cleaning up urban environment ("sanitary idea") -believed stinking excrement of communal outhouses dependably carried off by water through sewers at less than 1/20 the cost of removing by hand →cheap iron pipes & tile drains → running water & sewerage for all sections of town

Poland-Lithuania reformation

-commonwealth, most powerful Eastern European country -Calvin-Lithuania, nobles -Luther- north Poland, Baltic States

Diderot (1713-1784)

-compile works of Enlightenment- Encyclopedia -popularize Enlightenment →upper middle class

Northern humanists

-concern with purifying the church, return to Christian piety -more diverse background -more possible with printing press -refine/retranslate Bible -change in education -by way of university students -believe human nature fundamentally good -ethical way of life -deep faith in use of reason

Slavic Writers

-concert spoken peasant languages into modern written languages -Aleksander Pushkin- reject 18th C attempts to force Russian poetry into classical straitjacket, used lyrical genius to mold modern literary language

Ivan Pavlov

-condition reflexes -psych occurrences conflict w/ physical

Generalizations possible concerning battles against conservatism across Europe

-conservative order (1815-1848) challenged on various fronts →liberal →nationalistic -first big challenge to congress system


-conservative order somehow survived -liberalism fails


-constitutional monarchy -some reforms


-constitutional monarchy achieved then rev over -become more radical →group disappears →new conservatives are the old radicals -right wing

Belgium govt effort in industrialization

-construct state-owned railroad system →stimulated development of heavy industry & made them early industrial leader

Camille Pissaro

-dean of impressionist painters

One of the favorite parlor games of 19th century Russian intellectuals

-debating whether Russia was a Western, European/ non-Western Asiatic society -divide Russia w/ Ural Mountains -unique, doesn't fit -St. Basils resembles Asia- Moscow -St. Petersburg- Europe


-declared war against Ger -make demands- greater access to China -don't get- leave in fit -had alliance w/ GB- lapse 1924 -ally w/ Ger- 1931 take Manchuria

High Middle Ages

-decline of church, growing nation state -collapsing church→chaos, confusion(freedom)→absolutist state(less freedom), take control of society

The Prince

-dedicated to Medici family -Cesare Borgia- ruthless prince who was major inspiration for Mach -amoral -separation between church and state -purpose- maintain stronger state, UNIFY Italy through work of strong leader b/c Italy was invaded repeatedly -morals in religion//state doesn't apply code of ethics--ends always justify the means, unify at all costs -STATE TAKES PRECEDENT OVER MORAL LAWS -inspired by Ancient Greece and Rome, Hanseatic League -Satire, based on observation and history, empiricism→scientific method, experiment based on what is happening in real world -Reason of state- do things to make the state better

Various theories about emergence of sexual division of labor

-deeply engrained sexist attitudes of "patriarchal tradition" -gender roles vary enormously w/ time & culture →combo of econ & bio factors to explain emergence -new & unfamiliar discipline of clock & machine especially hard on married women of laboring classes -running household in conditions of primitive urban poverty extremely demanding job → everything done on foot -desires of males to monopolize best opportunities & hold women down -Mines Act of 1842- prohibited underground work for all women & boys under 10

French/International Phase (1635-1648), 4th Phase

-defeat of Swedes & death of Adolphus prompted France to enter war -1635- Cardinal Richelieu declared war on Spain, financial & military assistance to Swedes and German Protestant princes -1648- France wins -FRANCE AGAINST OTHER CATHOLICS_ POLITICAL

France's political & cultural evolution btwn wars

-democratically elected govt →3rd Rep. (1871-1940)- based on 17 political parties →need coalitions to get majority vote →Fr can't function →bad system -controllable inflation -1929-1930- 40 diff changes in leadership -Fr can't fix until after WW2 -econ rebounding -never recover from Dreyfus affair

Lessons learned from WW2

-denazification successful -UN- everyone agree, include all countries esp big ones -int court of justice at the Hague -Ger treated very well in West -Euro cooperation

Joseph M.W. Turner

-depict nature's power & terror -very impressionist before impressionism →Monet stole -The Storm -forced to look at carefully- have to figure it out -way ahead of his time- Westminster Sunset & Scarlet Sunset -The Fighting Temeraire →replace by industrial age

Moroccan crisis a turning point in European diplomacy

-diplomatic rev -Morocco is colony of Fr, but Ger has protectorate in Morocco →threaten Fr to open to Ger trade -1905- Ger insist on international conference on whole of Moroccan question -Algeciras Conference (1906)- Brit, Fr, Russ, US see Ger as potential threat to Euro stability →Ger see sinister plots -Ger try to expand influence at expense of other powers

Inventions which, at first, solved problem of inadequate supply of cotton thread

-James Hargreaves- cotton-spinning jenny (1765) →simple & inexpensive →6-24 spindles mounted on sliding carriage, each spindle spun fine, slender thread →woman moved carriage back & forth w/ 1 hand & turned wheel to supply power w/ other -Richard Arkwright- water frame →acquired capacity of several 100 spindles & demanded much more power- water power →required large specialized mills, factories employed 1000 workers →spin only coarse, strong thread- respun on hand-powered cottage jennies →1790- alt. technique invented by Samuel Crompton began to require more power than human arm -1780s- explosion in infant cotton textile industry → increase value of output at rate of 13% per year -increase in demand→ factory system

Japanese background

-Japan forever in shadow of China- has it all wrong -won't fully unify until 1600s -lack natural resources only 12% -allow Euro trade in Nagasaki -first Euros are Portuguese- Jesuits come- very persuasive, challenge trad. Japanese beliefs- Shintoism -1638- Japanese expel Euros except 1 group →Rengoku- admire Dutch b/c like Japan very resourceful, learn to drink -very violent & ritualistic history -1640- 200 yrs of prosperity & peace

More effective attack on imperialism

-Joseph Conrad- Heart of Darkness →realist, exploration in inner Africa →explore human condition- people evil & wicked, find darkness →what Africans do to each other is evil -humanitarian efforts- morally wrong

International policy (1944)

-June 6- D-Day- main 2nd front opened →Normandy, Omaha →US get up on cliffs to take control →race for Berlin w/ SU upperhand

Origins, interests, goals of Labour & Liberal parties in Britain

-Labour party replace Liberal party as main opposition to conservatives -Labour party under Ramsay MacDonald -1922- Brit grant southern, Catholic Ireland full autonomy

What became of Luther after he posted 95 Theses?

-Leipzig Debate- Luther and Catholic debator Eck on whether pope is trustworthy →pope wrong when condemned Hus, indulgences -papacy responded with letter condemning some of Luther's propositions, books burned -Diet of Worms- doesn't recant -Frederick of Saxony protects Luther→ wants more power, $ drained out of German states to Rome, cut Church out of Saxony→ $ stays in Saxony

Hobbes (1588-1679)

-Leviathan- social contract →give up rights for stability & order -need centralized power -context of English Civil War

Phases of French Revolution

-Liberal/Bourgeois/Constitutional (1789-1792) -Reign of Terror/Terror/Radical (1792-1794) -Directory (1794-1799) -Napoleon/Modern dictatorship (1799-1814/5)

Eugene Delacroix

-Liberty Leading the People- popular revolution in general & in Fr. Rev of 1830 -Massacre at Chios & Greece on ruins of Missolonghi →championing lost cause

Charles V was a medieval emperor

-Like Charlemagne -wasn't born in German states→ born in Netherlands -German states secondary to Spain -hasn't read Machiavelli- too backwards -unify Europe under Catholicism -empire to vast- can't control

Key sources of 18th century liberalism which emphasized liberty & equality of opportunity

-Locke, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Voltaire, Smith -change existing systems to be more fair

European leader first modeled authoritarian nationalism that has been so often copied first by western & then by non-western leaders ever since

-Louis Napoleon (Nap. III) -govts could reconcile popular & conservative forces in authoritarian nationalism -can't keep crushing revs

War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713)

-Louis XIV accept Spanish crown- upset balance of power→ defeated after 12 yrs -Peace of Utrecht (1713)- cede Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay territory, asiento (W. African slave trade) →let Britain send 1 ship of merch into Spanish colonies annually, through Porto Bello on Isthmus of Panama

Ninety-Five Theses (1517)

-Luther troubled that ignorant people believed no further need for repentance once they had purchased an indulgence

Council of Trent obstacles

-Lutherans and Calvinists' insistence that Scriptures be sole basis for discussion -monarchs didn't want to lose power over the church -France worked against reconciliation b/c state controlled church

Gustavo Flaubert

-Madame Bovary (1857) →ordinary, even barrial, story of a frustrated middle-class housewife who has adulterous love affair & betrayed by her lover →portrays provincial middle class as petty, smug, hypocritical

Key episodes in China 1860-1912

-Manchu dynasty fall apart, end of mandate -try 1901- last time to get Euros out -US steps in- Teddy Roosevelt push open door policy to trade -1911- Manchu dynasty over & nationalist movements take over -China exploited by outside powers -communist movements -19202-302- communists vs nationalists -by 1937- Japan take Nanking- communists run away, nationalists think can crush -communists take over w/ Mao

Review earlier examples in Modern European history when confusion, chaos, uncertainty had pushed people toward accepting increased authoritarian rule

-Mett, Fr. Rev, Nap, Robespierre, religious wars →tendency of Euros, same in Russ now →people want stability

Don Quixote

-Miguel de Cervantes, 1610 -Spain living in past age -accepts reality and defeated

Insignificant princes of Moscow gain leadership in Russian politics

-Muscovy=area around Moscow -Mongol empire- too vast -operate independently of Mongols- pay taxes

Napoleon & HRE

-Nap dissolves HRE →300 semiautonomous states 1640s- Richelieu (30 Years')- keep German states divided -given 1st step of unification (politically tie) -2nd step- trade union- Zollverein -Bismarck unifies- ties politically

Edmund Burke

-Reflections of the Revolutions in France (1790) -claim rev fails b/c happening too fast- things don't settle in -conservative- gradual/evolutionary change -father of modern conservatism -right

How does The Prince demonstrate the values and preoccupations of the Renaissance secular spirit?

-Shows that ruler should gain, maintain, and increase political power by whatever means he needs, but not anything to turn populace against him -human beings are selfish and our to advance their own interests

Effect of Calvinism

-Spreads- Huguenots, Presbyterian, Puritans→intolerance -never dominates one area -tend to be rich

Stream of consciousness

-explore psyche -limited, often confused viewpoint of 1 ind. -complexity & irrationality of human mind- feelings, memories, desires forever scrambled -reaction to realism where logical but not how mind operates -internal monologue, free write -write in way one thinks

Themes of romantic painters

-fairly difficult to identify →lense you look through →depends on perspective

New Germany a democracy?, where power reside in Germany of 1871

-fed union of Prussia & 24 smaller states -everyday business of govt conducted by separate states -strong national govt w/ chancellor (Bismarck) & popularly elected lower house- Reichstag -every state has own degree of independence -democratic components but still authoritarian -Bismarck knew obstruct BoP, stop wars through alliances →keep Fr. isolated →keep Russia & Fr. away from each other

Industrial rev not produce widespread improvement in European standards of living until after 1850

-few key industries experienced a technological rev -more industries continued to use old methods →held down increase in total production -increase in total population threatened to eat up growth in production & leave most people poorer than ever #1 invention- steam engine -take while to get to cont Europe -sim to Agr Rev- 100 yrs to develop -England provides model- what to do/NOT →England & US- trial & error

After summer of 1789, French peasant cease to be major force for change & become more a force for stability & new status quo

-filthy, dirty peasants get all land, become most conservative group -revolution over for them -peasants increase bread price →urban poor mad →mob dictates revolution →needs of urban poor not met so rev continues

Michael Montaigne

-finest representative of early modern skepticism -French skeptic writng during French Civil War & New World -humanist -ESSAY- assessment of topics/ideas, provide insight into mind of a remarkably civilized man -embrace tolerance, compassion, understanding -Enlightened philosphe in 1550 -accurate assessments of Native Americans -Europeans have morality like Native Americans without religion

Murder camps

-firing squad -Russ Jews, POW -in Soviet Union

Goals (culture) of middle class

-food largest item in household budget- liked to eat very well →10% earnings on meat, 25% on food & drink →dinner party favored social occasion -wife had both servants & money at her disposal →greater income, greater # of servants -well housed by 1900- many rented homes → apartment living w/ tiny rooms for servants under the eaves -quite clothes-conscious -education- parents tried to provide children w/ ever more crucial advanced education -loosely united by shared code of expected behavior & morality- strict & demanding →hard work, self-discipline, personal achievement

Masses wary of many 18th century liberals

-for common people=great questions not theoretical & political but immediate & economic -getting enough food crucial challenge, rights don't mean anything when poor

Combination Acts (1799)

-forbid unions/right to strike -undercut violent uprisings before begin -repressive

Changes occurred in child care & attitudes toward children in 19th C

-early emotional bonding & willingness to make real sacrifices for welfare of infant -mothers increasingly breast-fed their infants -fewer illegitimate babies abandoned as foundlings after 1850 -practice of swaddling disappeared →allowed babies freedom of movement & delighted in their spontaneity -greater concern for older children & adolescents -women began to limit # of children to adequately care for those they had -birthrate declining across Europe -parents' desire to improve econ & social position & that of their children →give children valuable advantages -use variety of contraceptive methods- rhythm method, withdrawal method, mechanical devices -excessive parental concern →children/adolescents feel trapped & in need of greater independence

Observers of how majority of new wealth was distributed

-econ & total pop were racing neck to neck w/ outcome very much in doubt -when govt gets involved- prove Malthus & Ricardo wrong -life initially get worse -life expectancy drops

Causes of Western imperialism in late 19th C

-econ motives →industrializing rapidly, tough competition for foreign markets & raw materials →quite limited: not every country has an India→ some areas can't be markets -ideological motive: Social Darwinism- racial superiority→ sense of entitlement →civilize more primitive nonwhite people -receive benefits of modern economics, cities, advanced medicine, higher standards of living →white man's burden- poem by Kipling -colonial issues divert popular attention from class struggle at home & create false sense of national unity -tech motive- did b/c they could -nationalism- empire building colonies correspond to status -special interest groups →shipping companies, white settlers demand more land, missionaries, De Beers diamond company, port facilities generate income

Bismarck relationship after 1871 w/ liberals

-embrace tariffs -industrialization -push for greater reforms but Bismarck reluctant


-emerges as major independent power -wants all Poland but gets reduced Polish kingdom →get Duchy of Warsaw -Bessarabia

effectiveness of Enlightened Despotism in Europe firing period of Enlightenment (1720-1790)

-encourage & spread cultural values of Enlightenment -skeptical in religion & intensely secular in basic orientation -here & now- sought happiness in enjoyment of it -proud of intellectual accomplishments & good taste -support knowledge, education, arts -believe in change from above & tried to enact needed reforms -REFORMS TO STRENGTHEN STATE & ALLOW TO COMPETE MILITARILY W/ NEIGHBORS →HUMANITARIAN OBJECTIVES SECOND -more humane laws & practices help populations become more productive & satisfied→ contribute more to welfare of state -MONARCH POWER DECLINES MOST IN FR. B?C NEVER REALLY ABSOLUTE

Society of Jesus/Jesuits

-founded by IGNATIUS LOYOLA- nobleman injured in battle→ became religious crusader -powerful INTERNATIONAL role -military leadership -SPREAD CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ALL OVER EUROPE -BRING PEOPLE BACK TO CHRISTIANITY -HELP/SAVE SOULS

Napoleon & peasants

-get to keep land -can go to military

Emile Zola

-giant of realist movement in literature -1868- defended violently criticized 1st novel against charges of pornography & corruption of morals -seamy, animalistic view of working-class life -gripping, carefully researched stories featuring stock exchange, big dept store, army, etc -Germinal (1885)- sympathize w/ socialism

Physical impact of WWI

-massive rationing→ low calorie diet→ serious health probs

Constitutional Charter of 1814

-maybe study -econ & social gains made by sections of middle class & peasants in Fr. Rev full protected -great intellectual & artistic freedom permitted -parliament w/ upper & lower houses created

Use of clocks

-measurement of time played a more urgent role for city people →needed precise measurement of the day's hours for buying and selling goods -mechanical clock allowed Europeans to divide time into equal hours, allowing the working day to be fixed in both winter and summer -1300s

Hume (1711-1776)

-member of prominent salon -nothing more than experiences & biological makeup -skepticism has powerful long term influence -human mind nothing but bundle of impressions, sense experiences

Economic effects of Spanish activities in the New World

-mercantilism -plantation system implemented →Native Americans- no domestic animals, lack of necessity

Decline of Dutch commercial dominance after 1715

-mercantilist wars -mercantilism-need less Dutch -1650s- English and France undercut prosperity -1715- Dutch Golden Age over

Liberty in late 18th century

-individual human rights -religion keeps from freedom/liberties→ deism -absolutism not fair→ more representative govt -mercantilism not fair, favorites→ Adam Smith

Key innovations of Renaissance art

-individual portrait emerged as distinct art genre→human ideals portrayed in more realistic style -Giotto led way in use of realism -"international style"- rich color, decorative detail, curvilinear rhythms, swaying forms -narrative artists→depicted body in more scientific and natural manner -perspective→ linear representation of distance and space of a flat surface -"mannerism" →distorted figures, exaggerated musculature, heightened color to express emotion and drama more intently

Signs of religious vitality in 15th and 16th century society

-individuals and groups worked actively for reform -Cardinal Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros visited religious houses- encouraged monks and friars to uphold rules/constitutions, set high standards for training of diocesan clergy -Julius II summoned ecumenical council- doctrinal reform

Age of Exploration

-migration of Europeans to other parts of the world

Traditional elites, especially in central & eastern Europe, react to dual revolution

-monarchs, noble landowners, bureaucrats -defend privileges using nationalism which greatly challenged by IR -problem- world passing this group by -later embrace nationalism →side w/ Mett. →nationalsim →govt promote econ growth

Church of England administratively different from Catholic

-monastic lands controlled by state -new bureaucratic machinery developed to manage properties -doesn't recognize pope -Archbishop of Canterbury runs church -modern centralized bureaucratic state -not initially Reformation- change in STRUCTURE


-moon not flat -experimental method -uniform force produced uniform acceleration -law of intertia -telescope to look at moon -4 moons of Jupiter

David Lloyd George

-most lvl headed -1916- make Ger pay for war -had to do it b/c he's stuck but knows wrong -expand brit empire -reluctant to support Fr demands

Negative side of nationalism

-lead to WWI →1919- didn't recognize nationalism in Europe caused, not Germany →1945- realize need to stop- create EU -we-them outlook- sense of national mission & sense of national superiority -"they" emerged as enemy -competition

Jean Piaget

-learning stages in children →sensory →preoperational →concrete operational →formal operational

Why moderates -rather than radical- socialists win during German Revolution of 1918

-most people want real political democracy & civil liberties, gradual elimination of capitalism →more nationalists -radical movement strong but not enough -Weimar Republic (1918-1929)- everyone hates but doing good job- govt has to accept war -Nov 4, 1918- Kiel Mutiny- sailors mutiny, breakdown of Ger. military -Kaiser step down Nov 9, leaves Nov 28 -govt hand over to Reichstag- socialists blamed for WWI -moderate socialists have control→ accept Ger. lose war -too strong Junker- middle class

Reasons for imperialism

-national prestige -pop. control -prison colonies -Christianity -becomes mechanism for surplus wealth -large scale investments internationally

background of agricultural revolution

-practical application of sci rev →transition of open field to enclosure/crop rotation themes -increase food supply→pop increase -people forced off land -increase in demand→ cottage industry- putting out system, job & product demand can't fufill →doesn't work so leads to factories →increase in unwanted babies

Middle class men marry late & effect on sexual behavior

-preoccupation w/ money -marriage was one of life's most crucial financial transactions -wait after they're established economically -choose women considerably younger than themselves →differences became source of tension in many marriages -middle class boys usually attained considerable sexual experience w/ maids/prostitutes by late adolescence

Potential advantages Germany stand to gain in general European war

-prestige -at 1871- most dominant but don't have recognition

American colonists & econ benefit/suffer from British mercantilistic colonial system

-privileged access to virtually free & unlimited land -farmers keep most of what they produced -big investors established valuable sugar plantations in Carribean & brought slave laborers -slavery uncommon in New England & middle colonies -exclusive privilege of supplying British Isles w/ their products -white men & women in mainland British colonies probably had highest avg income & standard of living in the world

Changes that brought open field system to an end

-progressive elimination of the fallow -agricultural revolution -alternating grain w/ certain nitrogen-storing crops- peas, beans, root crops (turnips & potatoes), clovers, grasses

Where modern agricultural revolution originate

-progressive elimination of the fallow→ way to stop exhaustion of soil w/out fallowing -sophisticated patterns of crop rotation to suit diff kinds of soils -experimentation→ more scientific farming -new crops=ideal feed for animals→ build small herds of cattle & sheep→ better meat 7 diet, more manure→ more grain for bread & porridge -enclosure: compact, fenced-in fields to farm more effectively

Napoleon's rule

-promote order- govt FOR people -attempt to restore slavery -1804- crowns himself emperor→ ends republic -1802-1812- largest empire →takes enormous amts of plunder →recruits very many people- costs of war offset -Enlightenment ideals transcend time -military strategy- divide & conquer -Coalitions to suspicious of each other -take old ruling families & get rid of them, give into Nap rule →Nap not royalty but able to put all in check -England outside Nap control- pest on outside →has to be involved in coalition -bring nationalism everywhere he goes

Louis XI

-promoted new industries- silk weaving at Lyons and Tours -welcomed foreign craftsmen -entered into commercial treaties with England, Portugal, towns of Hanseatic League -revenue from economic activities and severe taxation to improve the army -1477- invaded Burgundy and gained territories -extinction of Anjou house brought counties of Anjou, Bar, Maine, Provence

African imperialism

-provides lessons- complete control unrealistic- just control key industry -flaw in motives- Africa not better off, create probs w/ boundaries →looted not invest in Africa →doesn't leave anything in place →after WW2- decolonization

Puritans and conflict w/ James I

-purify Anglican church of Roman Catholic elements -Calvinist- Protestant work ethic -sympathetic to Roman Catholicism -James' personality, divine right

Diet of rich

-ra[acious carnivores -sauces, sweets, cheeses, nuts -fruits & veggies not often found -overdrinking -deficient in vitamins A&C -gout→ overfed & underexercised

English trade w/ rest of Europe decline during 18th C

-rapidly growing & increasingly wealthy agricultural populations of mainland colonies provided expanding market for English manufactured goods -late as 1700- woolen cloth only important manufactured good exported from England- 90% sold to Europeans, states of continental Europe develop own cottage textiles adopting mercantilist policies →1773- selling 2/3 as much woolen cloth -English exports to Atlantic economy soared from £500,000-4.0 mil

Francis I

-reached mutually satisfactory agreement in 1516 with Pope Leo X -Concordat of Bologna-rescinded the Pragmatic Sanction's assertion of superiority of general council

Northern Renaissance

-reaction/response to Italy→shift of trade/wealth to Atlantic →corruption of Church exposed- used money from people to commission works of art →repeated invasions -literature based -remained more distinctly Christian -larger population affected -improve society based on Christian ideals

Richelieu concept of "raison d'etat"

-reason of state -state takes precedent -Machiavellian -strengthen Protestants outside of France-don't want states to unify -internally strengthening state

Old methods of new monarchs from H.M.A.

-reasserted long-standing ideas and practices of strong monarchs in M.A. -seized on maxim of Justinian Code to advance their authority -rely on middle-class civil servants -pay taxes to reduce violence

Charles VII

-reconciled Burgundians and Armagnacs, who had been waging civil war for 30 years -French armies expelled English from French soil except in Calais -reorganized royal council, giving increased influence to middle-class men -strengthened royal finances through taxes -first permanent royal army- regular companies of cavalry and archers- recruited, paid, inspected by state -PRAGMATIC SANCTION OF BOURGES (1438)- superiority of general council over the papacy, giving French crown major control over the appointment of bishops, deprive pope of France ecclesiastical revenues, established Gallican liberties

Potential advantages France stand to gain in general European war

-recovery of Alsace-Lorraine -revenge on Germany

Louis XIV reorganize French army

-recruiting troops→dragooning(drunk people), conscription, lottery, foreign mercenaries -Jean Martinet- absolute adherence to rules -uniforms & weapons standardized -rational system of training & promotion -attempt to support from 2500-250,000 men army -20-25% spent on military budget-house, feed, healthcare

political development in Spain

-remained a conglomerate of independent kingdoms -legacy of Hispanic, Roman, Visigothic, Jewish, Muslim people made for rich cultural diversity//lacked common cultural tradition 1492-mistake to get rid of majority of merchant society, wealth dried up

Various impacts loss of faith in reason & progress had on 20th C Christianity

-renewed interest in Christian view of world -before 1914- some theologians (mostly Protestant) felt need to interpret Christian doctrine & Bible so it didn't contradict science, evolution, common sense -Christ primarily seen as greatest moral teacher -Christian existentialist- sinful nature, need for faith, mystery of God's forgiveness -Søren Kierkegaard -Karl Barth- recreate religious intensity of Reformation -Gabriel Marcel- Catholic church answer to postwar "broken world" -after 1914- religion more relevant & meaningful to thinking people than it had been before war


-revert back to 1st phase of rev →Nat Assembly was liberals -Directory enormously corrupt- system dependent on war →stop fighting → unemployment, can't crush urban poor →artificially keep war going →print more money to offset war costs →inflation -1795- middle class workers wrote constitution to benefit econ position & political supremacy →mass of pop voted for electors- men of substantial means →electors elected members of reorganized leg. Assembly & key officials throughout France →new assembly chose 5 man exec- Directory

Potential advantages Austria stand to gain in general European war

-revival of her waning prestige as a Great Power -loss of war w/ Prussia

Multinationalism in "Hungary" as counterrevolutionary force

-revolutionaries wanted unified, centralized Hungary -minorities- Croats, Serbs, Romanians- unacceptable -Habsburg monarchy exploited fears of minorites


-left dead but Austria oversee German Confederation -Prussia go to war w/ Austria

Conservative authoritarianism- as a theory & in its character in Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Portugal

-leftover feudalism- peasants ignorant, God appoint leaders -very limited- can't control all aspects of life -people pay taxes, recruited, passively support govt -agricultural societies -torn by ethnic conflicts that threatened existence -large landowners & church still powerful forces


-liberalism 1 step further -republic w/ no monarch, univeral male suffrage


-liberals don't usher in meaningful change- don't usher in change for greater society -BoP will stay- spare Europe multi-national war -conservatives learn- ideas of Fr Rev not dead, people conservative by nature →usher in change very complicated- appease 1 class other upset, ensure stability -conservative order can't crush opposition- need to address rev needs -method by nationalism→ new religion of Europe- unconditionally tie to state →bring people close/tear apart

Changes in church-state relations have on institutions of church

-local parish church- fulfilled many needs, administrative tasks→ responsibility of resident priest/pastor -German princes & northern European monarchs put themselves at head of official churches in their territories -bureaucratization of church & local religious life in Protestant Europe -increased practical power of Catholic rulers over "their" churches Spain- control of ecclesiastical appointments, Inquisition -weakness & fate of Jesuits -expropriated dissolved monasteries & used wealth for charitable purposes/higher salaries for ordinary priests

Effect of Catherine's reign on the position of Russia in European balance of power

-good press in West for herself & Russia -disturb BoP btwn Russia & Austria- victories against Turks (1768-1772) -partition of Poland btwn Russia, Prussia, Austria (1772,93,95)

Importance of potato in 18th C Europe

-good supply of carbohydrates, calories, vitamins A&C -higher caloric yield than grain -primary food replacing grain

Pierre Auguste Renoir

-impressionist -full of color/life -Belle Epoque

Necessities to industrialize in England

1. stable govt→ constitutional monarchy -England yrs before cont Europe -political instability→ no progress economically 2. natural resources -no more than 17 miles from water →river transportation 3. excess capital -sugar plantations fuel rev 4. stable banks -borrow concept from DUtch -invest, loan $ 5. population -interest in science -no energy- depend on Russia →find coal underground- has to dig holes -coal burns longer & hotter than coal -iron ore to produce steel

William Wordsworth with IR

-romantic poet -lamented destruction of rural way of life & pollution of land & water

Frederick the Great personality

-romantic relationship w/ Voltaire (rumor) -gonorrhea- accidentally gets castrated -accomplished musician (flute)

Impact of Louis XIV's wars on French economy and society

-ruins w/ war -end French expansionist policy -40,000 more offices sold-more tax exempt -can't recover, collapse

attracted 1/10 of all French citizens to Luther and Calvin during early 16th century

-sale of public offices- nobility of the robe, tax exempt class -few priests devoted scrupulous attention to the needs of parishioners -bishops unlikely to work to elevate intellectual and moral standards of the parish clergy -corruption within French Catholic Church -1559- France reformation takes effect when Henry II dies with lance through his head→weak leadership →had 3 sons equally incompetent- no heir to throne→power vacuum 1. Francis II (1559-1560) 2. Charles IX (1560-1574) 3. Henry III (1574-1589)

Some historians argue that the SR was core of modern world view

-scientific advancements -birth of modern Europe Why Europeans the first? -China- only control 2 rivers & society is fine -Euro- control environment/dominate →things work in balance and harmony

France govt effort in industrialization

-tariff protection- after end of Nap wars in 1815, France suddenly flooded w/ cheaper & better Brit. Goods →govt lay high tariffs on many Brit. Imports in order to protect French econ -shouldered all expense of acquiring & laying roadbed → bridges & tunnels

American view of reprensentation

-tax come by way of own houses -bad argument to have rep in Parliament -represented indirectly in Parliament -direct rep -taxed 2 shillings when they're some of the richest people in British empire

What allowed West such unprecedented success in subduing/exploiting non western cultures during late 19th C

-technology -superior military -steam -vaccines

Widespread disgust w/ Directory demonstrated by elections of 1797

-unprincipled action reinforced widespread disgust w/ war & starvation -1797 nat elections returned large # of conservative & monarchist deputies who favored peace at almost any price -members of Directory fearing for skins- used army to nullify elections & govern dictatorially -Nap ended Directory in coup d'etat & substituted strong dictatorship for weak one

Nationalism gain support of the broad masses of society

-urban masses increasingly loyal to govt -by 1914- uni male suffrage became rule -ordinary men felt had influence on govt -women began to demand right to vote →1913- vote in 12 US states, Wyoming 1st in 1869 →1914- Norway most women can vote -politicians & parties represented people more responsively -multiparty system & coalition govts more responsive- multiple govt make coalitions -primary schooling standard, public works, safety standards- people more tied b/c benefits

1815-1900- European masses experienced lifestyle change far more profound than all ideological arguments over who should have more power

-urbanization →growth of towns & cities →urban & industrial

Socialism (1793-1848)

-varies- extreme & minor forms -group comes before individual in needs -doesn't necessarily mean equal outcomes -goal to arrive at healthy society -how much socialism is there -anything for public good -comes from 1848 Karl Marx -1st seen in 2nd phase- Robespierre

Honoré de Balzac

-vastly ambitious panorama of post revolutionary French life -The Human Comedy →portrays over 2000 characters from virtually all sectors of French society →pictures urban society as grasping, amoral, brutal, Darwinian struggle for wealth & power -Le Père Goriot (1835) →hero- poor student from provinces eventually surrenders idealistic integrity to feverish ambition & society's pervasive greed

Diet of poor

-vegetables- peas, beans, cabbages, carrots, wild greens -fruit uncommon→ only in summer -less meat & eggs -milk rarely drunk -bread- whole-grain→ protein -not enough vitamins A&C→ scurvy

Cause of split in Estates General & National Assembly

-vote/representation problem -monarch wants tax reform →3rd estate demands to sit w/ 1st & 2nd estates so they lock the doors →Tennis Court Oath -endorse National Assembly -Bourgeoisie got what they wanted- Nat. Assembly → not a revolution yet -abbé Sieyès- What is the 3rd Estate? (1789) → nobles are tiny, overprivileged minority → neglected 3rd estate true strength of French nation → 3rd estate should be govt →National Assembly

Treaty of Luneville (1801)

-w/ Austria -Austria accepted loss of almost all Italian possessions, German territory on West Bank of Rhine incorporated into France

Treaty of Amiens (1802)

-w/ Britain -France remained in control of Holland, Austrian Netherlands, West Bank of Rhine, most of Italian peninsula -free to reshape German states as wished -Holland- very imp to all of Europe, no one could have it

Russian Revolution background

-w/ WWI- hope to be more democratic, progress -bad war effort- bad leaders, not modern -1900- Russ only grow in light industry -only w/ Stalin start w/ heavy industry

Leopold II of Belgium interested in Africa

-want Philippines from Spain, but Spain says no -send Henry Stanley to Congo basin for philanthropy & find out if good stuff →Rubber- force people to cut down trees & meet quotas -story of imperialism all for profit -set up mad land rush for colony -realize colony is liability & bequeath Congo to Belgium

David Ricardo (1772-1823)

-wealthy English stockbroker & leading economist -depressing iron law of wages posited that b/c of pressure of pop growth, wages always sink to subsistence level -wages would be just high enough to keep workers from starving →more people= more people willing to work for lower wages -people become nothing more than interchangeable parts -dark, econ view

Russian Treaty

-were Allies in WWI but now communist -should have given lost territory back -Cold War -Wilson attempt create buffer zone w/ new countries- Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland -Romania gets Bessarabia -self-determination -not viable countries created→ power vacuum during WW2

Social status of women btwn 1560-1648

-women subordinate/subservient to men- Eve tempted Adam→women punished→childbirth pain -marriage as women's highest calling -obedient, silent, pious -domestic servants, butchers, shopkeepers, nurses, goldsmiths, witches -no social status

Popular leisure in 18th C

-women- chat, sew, spin, laugh -men- drinking, talking w/ buddies -pleasure gardens, theaters, lending libraries -urban fairs- food, acrobats, freak shows, conjuring acts →commercialization, profit-oriented spectator sports -blood sports- bull-baiting, cockfighting -Carnival- preceded Lent, reveling & excess in Catholic Europe

Practical ways did breakthroughs in scientific inquiry transform life for general population in 19th C

-work of Louis Pasteur & followers in biology & medical sciences -thermodynamics- branch of physics- investigate relationship btwn heat & mechanical energy →fundamental laws applied to mechanical engineering, chemical processes, other fields →law of conservation of energy- energy can be converted but neither created nor destroyed -1869- Dmitri Mendeleev codified rules of chemistry in periodic law & periodic table -organic chemistry- study of compounds of carbon →transformó dirty, useless coal tar accumulated in coke ovens into beautiful, expensive synthetic dyes for fashion -Michael Faraday (1830s-1840s)- electromagnetism resulted in 1st dynamo generator →opened way for development of telegraph, electric motor, electric light, electric streetcar

Events of 1688-1689 victory for English democracy?

-yes but don't call democracy -end struggle btwn Parliament & crown -less than 6% vote

Friedrich Engels

-young, middle class German -study conditions in N. England -The Condition of the Working Class in England (1844)- blistering indictment of middle classes -new poverty of industrial workers worse than old poverty of cottage workers & agricultural laborers -culprit was industrial capitalism- relentless competition & constant technical change

"Fronde" results

1. govt compromise w/ bureaucrats & social elite that controlled local institutions & constituted state bureaucracy→tax exempt class 2. French economy badly disrupted & take years to rebuild 3. traumatic effect on young Louis XIV→runs away to Versailles from Louvre -monarchs on France put on notice, nobles exert power


Italian baroque style-black backdrop, staged, specific violent scene, emotion -fetish with decapitation -self portrait -David with the head of Goliath -Salome with the lead of John the Baptist

People who believed in absolutism

Jack Boussuet Thomas Hobbes- people evil→strong govt→social contract→lose rights for stability

International policy (1931)

Japan invade Manchuria, war underway -LoN condemn but can't do anything →expose West, Hit read as sign

Luther's sacraments vs Catholic dogma

L: scripture supports 3 sacraments- baptism, penance, Eucharist//contradicts faith alone →chruch as propaganda for princes C: 7 sacraments- baptism, penance, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders/Priesthood, Last Rights/Anointment of sick

Luther vs Calvin

L: starts in law, goes to theology//thunderstorm crisis//prince rule b/c he owed life to princes C: starts in theology, goes to law//nature crisis//theocracy

New Monarchs

Louis XI- France Henry VII- England Isabella and Ferdinand- Spain John I- Portugal -used Machiavelli tactics to centralize state →dealt with church and nobility

Reasons for Britain & Germany's love-hate relationship

Love: -both Germanic people -Kaiser is grandson of Queen Victoria of England -Eng crown must be Protestant so goes to nearest relative →now German Saxe-Coburg from Hanover Hate: -splendid isolationism of Eng. challenged -commercial rivalry -William gunship/dreadnoughts desire challenge naval superiority of Brit. -2 power rule- Eng will have 2x as many ships as rival -Eng. only solution to destroy navy -Brit leaders spend "People's Budget" on battleships rather than social welfare →guns (military) & butter (people): unlimited wants in limited resources Consequences: -heighten tensions btwn countries

Nazi domestic policy (1936)

Nuremberg rallies -propaganda actually working, reconditioning -Nuremberg is Nazi cultural center


The Duomo, Florence innovation in art→Realism→expressions on faces, realistic manner

Secular Spirit

basic concern with the material world instead of the eternal world of spirit, movement from sacred to profane, focus on here and now


committee of 6 cardinals w/ judicial authority over all Catholics and power to arrest, imprison, execute -root out inappropriate behavior -with Papal States

Anxiety in Calvinism

don't worry about number of good deeds because God already decided

Societal attitudes toward love, sex, rape

downward shift in women's status rape wasn't taken seriously- considered property crime against husband/father

Obstacles to royal authority faced by kings of France

drastically depopulated commercially ruined agriculturally weak

Minister of Henry IV

duke of Sully

Pico della Mirandola

humanism- stressed man possesses great dignity b/c he was made as Adam in the image of God before the Fall and as Christ after the Resurrection, man can freely choose whether to rise to realm of angels or descend to the realm of of animals -Dignity of man

Francesco Petrarch

humanist- believed recovery of classical texts would bring about a new golden age of intellectual achievement, father of humanism

Leon Alberti

individualism- autobiography describing personal qualities and accomplishments, "Renaissance man", jack of all trades "Men can do all things that they will"

Colloquy of Marburg

meeting between Luther and Zwingli to get uniform Protestant thought/Protestantism doctrine -can't agree on Eucharist L: spiritual presence of God Z: symbolic of Last Supper

Why did Anabaptist message attract the urban poor?

pacifism- no fighting b/c poor people died in war


perspective/depth in work The Life of Christ

Hierarchy of Catholic Church

pope cardinals-elect pope archbishops- oversee dioceses bishops priests


religious figures, rich color- red, blue

Hanseatic League

trade in Germany/Baltic States collapsed with rising nation states

Frederick II

-1740-1786 -"The Great" -uses army effectively

Some benefits Napoleon bestowed on his subjects

-encouraged new investment banks & massive railroad construction -general econ expansion through ambitious program of public works →rebuild Paris & improve urban environment

Status of ordinary women

stays the same

Charles Dickens

unsanitary conditions in urban society

The Imitation of Christ

urges Christians to take Christ as their model and seek perfection in simple way of life

George Orwell

-1984 (1949) -totalitarian society -anti-utopia

Victor Hugo

-Les Mis -Hunchback of Notre Dame -equated freedom in literature w/ liberty in politics & society

Psychological impact of WWI

-dark cloud descend on Europe

Mary Shelley

-daughter of Wollstonecraft -Frankenstein- science/industrialization producing monsters

Revolutions in German Confederation

-goal to unify 38 states -liberal & socialist demands

Decline of Witches

-stability- no need for scapegoat after religious wars -start of Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment →witches seemed absurd with reason

Paul Gauguin

-tranquility & mysticism -impressionist -most basic state-naked, nature

Christopher Columbus

-tyrant -best mariner/sailer of his time -easy to conquer Native Americans -Ptolemy- Earth 25000 mi estimate -didn't pay attention in school

Napoleon & urban poor

-want bread -provide mechanism to purchase bread -give them jobs→ build schools, libraries, statues →generate revenue & income

Overall family life improve in 19th C?

-yes- emotional ties w/in family increased →more love & affection w/in the family

Fourteen Points

1) end secret treaties→ open covenants 2) freedom of seas- no 1 country controls oceans 3) end tariffs 4) arms reduction- militarism cause of WWI 5) adjust colonial claims w/ fairness to colonial people- imperialism 6-13) self determination- redraw map of Europe, nationalism- idealistic 14) League of Nations- ensure stability

effect European discovery have on Native Americans and value of the African slave trade

1. European brought disease and 90% Native American died 2. Population decreased to slave trade 3. New world needed cash crop 4. At first, European slavery doesn't attach to race -doesn't like the new world 5. Change agricultural -sugar: labor intensive, expensive, need to save money 6. But natives Americans died, so African were sold -95% Caribbean, 5% American -attach to race and commodity -origin of modern racism 7. Control of slave=increase of wealth -civil war: southern depended on cotton needed Slaves; northern depended on food and clothing, but not as labor intensive

Austerlitz & victory over 3rd Coalition

3rd Coalition- Austria, Russia, Sweden, Britain -assumption of Italian crown convinced Alex I of Russia & Francis II of Austria that Nap a threat to their interests & BoP -Dec 1805- victory in Battle of Austerlitz

Absolutism vs Totalitarianism

Absolutism-lacked financial & military resources, technology -pre-industrial Totalitarianism-Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini -post-industrial Same-increase power of state -loyalty & devotion of people -war to increase own power

Social & econ position of women in 19th C- better off than in preindustrial society?

After 1850- work of wives increasingly distinct & separate from husbands →tended to stay home & manage households & care for children →factory employment for married women declined →men expected married women to work outside the home only in poor families -separate spheres- wife as mother & homemaker // husband as wage earner →women faced great injustice when needed/wanted to move into man's world of employment outside home →husbands unsympathetic/hostile →well-paying jobs off limits to women, wage almost always less than man's- even for same work -subordinate to husbands by law & lacked many basic legal rights -control & influence at home increasingly strong →generally determined how family's money spent -running home- full time occupation, effort directed toward pampering husband

Country that was innocent victim of war



Birth of Venus, La Primavera

Nazi domestic policy (1941)

Chelmo- 1st gassings

Charles V inherits vast European Empire- upset balance of power

Joanna (mother)- Spain, New World, parts of Italy Philip (father)- HRE -France is surrounded→Habsburg-Valois Wars 1556- Charles V vision of unified Christianity fails, ABDICATES- splits to Ferdinand-HRE and Philip- Spanish holdings -emerges same time as Luther- princes support to undercut power of potential threat


John I- courts elect kind 1385, secures independence

The Invasion of Russia (1812)

June 1812- army 600,000- only 1/3 of army French -reached Smolensk & recklessly pressed on toward Moscow -Battle of Borodino draw- Russians retreat & evacuate Moscow & burned -after 5 weeks Nap retreated- 1 of the greatest military disasters in history- 370,000 died, 200,000 prisoners

Diet of Speyer (1536-1529)

Lutheran Princes and Charles V- Anabaptists punished by death by way of 3rd Baptism

Philip II wives

Maria of Portugal Mary Tudor Elizabeth of Valois Anna of Austria

July 28, 1914

Russ partial mobilization, Ger, issue warnings to Russ to demobilize, Germany mobilize

Hermann Göring

SS leader of Luftwaffe


dominates Netherlands, has Amsterdam

Leonardo Bruni

humanism- first to divide history into 3 eras- ancient, medieval, modern//coined term humanism

Famous docs built on ideas of liberty

-The Declaration of the Rights of Man- do anything that doesn't harm another person -Declaration of Independence

What sense Germany in good shape by early 1929

-mid 1920s- Ger econ turn around- Dawes successful -see roaring 20s pos. effect -1927- Ger recovered

Thomas Hardy

-English -Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891) & The Return of the Native (1878) →depict men & women frustrated & crushed by fate & bad luck

Oswald Spengler

-The Decline of the West -every culture experiences life cycles of growth & decline -Western civ approaching death in form of conquest by yellow race

French absolutism under Richelieu severely limited

-can't tax nobles Richelieu is most absolute

Nazi domestic policy (1940)

Madagascar plan- relocate Jews, claim smoke screen -Jewish pop 2% in Ger so possible -millions Jews in conquered lands

Newton (1643-1727)

-gavity -invented calculus -"If I have seen further than others it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." -Principia (1687) -build off of other works

Short/long term impacts of SR

-scientific advancements -modern society more critical -experimentation -weakens church -scientific method -affects small group of people

John of Leiden (1509-1536)

1530- Dutch Anabaptist preacher- move from Leiden to Munster- turns city into millenarian Anabaptist theocracy proclaiming himself king

Purpose of education according to Vergerio

mold character, virtuous citizens, civic responsibility, education more accessible

State Church

money from church- sold religious offices→power and don't have to pay taxes


all people participate directly/indirectly →intimately tied up w/ vote

Anxiety in Catholicism

alleviate guilt with confession

Polish Szlachta

nobility, granted extensive rights in 15th century, monarchy weak and cooperate w/ them

View of sovereignty supported by Locke in Second Treatise of Civil Government//historical circumstances

-1690 -civil govt protect life, liberty, property -if tyranny-natural right to rebel -govt protects rights, consent of governed -post Cromwell, Glorious Revolution

Edwin Chadwick

"Whole mass of the laboring community" increasingly able "to buy more of the necessities & minor luxuries of life"

Fay thesis regarding war guilt

-Article 231 was an injustice

First Coalition and the war

-Austria & Prussia vs France Fall 1792- war terrible Spring 1793- war better


-France -St. Lawrence River Valley


-Italian baroque- black backdrop, shadowing, violence -Judith Slaying Holofernes -self portrait


-Napoleon defeated -end of Fr Rev -Mett. dominates

International policy (Oct 1938)

-Sudetenland→ violate Locarno Pact →self determination b/c 3 mil Ger

Potential advantages England stand to gain in general European war

-destruction of German naval danger -naval race


-gets some colonies

Evidence of extended families in Europe by 1700

-great rarity in W/central Europe -may never have been common in Europe→ few records survived so hard to know

Carl Jung

-modern depth- unconscious bias

Napoleon & nobles

-peasants took land -fled & became émigrés -welcomed back on condition of loyalty oath

Congress system

-resolve disputes diplomatically -go to war collectively

Hub dates

1453 1555 1648 1789 1914 1945 1989

June 28, 1914

Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

July 25, 1914

Austria mobilized


French National Anthem

Francois Rabelais

Gargantua and Pantagruel- comic masterpieces, satire to ridicule French customs

John Tetzel

Grand Commissioner for selling of indulgences


How to live Essay

Treasury of Merit

Jesus and apostles did extra good work →sold extra to get to heaven


Louis XIV dies


Radicals -left wing

Adolf Eichmann

SS colonel

Emily Bronte

Withering Heights

Act in Restraint of Appeals

declared king supreme sovereign in England, forbade judicial appeals to papacy, DENIES POPE AUTHORITY IN ENGLAND


depth in painting perfected


condemned but widespread petefilia common between man and boy

Catholic Reformation

before 1517, sought renewal basically through the stimulation of a new spiritual fervor -church dealt with own internal problems

Brethen of Common Life

carrying out gospel teaching for feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick

Index of Prohibited Books

catalogue of forbidden reading ex: The Prince

Act of Submission of Clergy

church people subordinate to king, no religious laws without support of king

Geoffrey Chaucer

father of English literature→ Canterbury Tales, first to write in English vernacular

Toleration Act

→1689 → Protestants right to worship →non-Anglicans excluded from universities →Catholics no rights, worship privately

Role Euro powers play in American victory

-England kept in check -French wants revenge from 7 Years' War -Catherine the Great of Russia helped organize League of Armed Neutrality to protect natural shipping rights -Spain & Dutch declare war on Britain

John Cabot

-English -Newfoundland

Treaty of Tilsit

-Prussia lost 1/2 of population -Russia accepted reorganization of W&C Europe & promised to enforce econ blockage against Brit goods -Alex rule east, Nap rule west Russia

US Senate reject Versailles Treaty

-Clemenceau knew treaty had to go through Congress -irreconcilables (reject) vs reservationists -no entangling alliances- goes back to Washington farewell address -revert towards isolationism 1920s -Wilson die 1920 trying to get it passed

Results of English Civil War

-Cromwell heads execution of King Charles for treason, Cromwell slaughtering 500,000 Irish -Interregnum (1649-1660)- separated 2 monarchial periods -Cromwell refuses king→Parliament rules


-The Sorrows of Young Werther →make women commit suicide

Franz Kafka

-The Trial (1925) -The Castle (1926) -portray helpless ind. crushed by inexplicably hostile forces

Bismarck's options for Prussia

-divide German states w/ Austria -alliance w/ Great Powers & go to war w/ Austria -use nationalism to get Austria out

Parliament in 1800s

-seats based on middle ages -not changing w/ IR & agricultural rev →Manchester, Birmingham don't have say -pocket boroughs/ rotten boroughs →overly rep in Parliament →Dunwich- underwater since 1200s but has seat, rotten →Old Sarum- seat in Parliament, rotten, doesn't exist anymore →in pocket of someone- seat passed on through generations

Emile Durkheim

-society as whole rather than ind. -positivist -scientific method

Causes of Great Depression

1) 1920s- overproduction, under consumption -after war→ econ downturn 2) 1920s disproportionate wealth gap- too much wealth in too few people 3) 1920s agricultural crisis- connects to #1, wartime econ -rural US never feels effects of prosperity 4) anemic foreign trade- no outlet for surplus products -markets can't purchase goods 5) 1920s- consumerism 6) need to meet & exceed demands of specific groups 7) Ruhr Crisis→ Dawes plan→ collapse of banks leads to crash→ should have regulated bank investment- low risk & investment →but regulations limit econ growth -extend credit b/c avg person needs to consume goods →everything bought on credit/borrowed $ -1988- larger crash but not depression -begins early 1929

2 fronts through which 19th C women's movement proceeded

1) following in steps of women like Wollstonecraft, organizations founded by middle-class feminists campaigned for equal legal rights for women & access to higher education & professional employment -argued unmarried/widows w/ inadequate incomes had to have more opportunities to support themselves -paid work could relieve monotony some women found in sheltered middle-class existence & put greater meaning into their lives 2) inspired by utopian & Marxian socialism argued liberation of working-class women would come only w/ liberation of entire working class through revolution

Federalists vs Antifederalists

Fed- strong central govt Antifed- protect individuals, state power, please w/ Bill of Rights

Marx's failures

1. doesn't understand people/human condition -people by very nature are conservative -avg person wants better life, comfort -are you willing to give up what you have for the unknown? →overthrow system→ no jobs? 2. message of revolutions in 1848- just give people a little change -people don't want to be that revolutionary -existing order start to usher in change 3. socialists reduce everything to econ terms -something's gotta give -doesn't realize other issues -fix econ problem 1st & others won't be as important

Bacon's 4 idols in Novum Organum that block science

1. tribe- deceptive beliefs→ error in thought 2. cave- lens we're looking through 3. marketplace- false significance/error in words 4. theatre- science, philosophy, religion

Socialist revolution

1. worker discontent 2. workers rise up 3. take over means of production 4. govt dissolves →all examples in history only get to 3rd phase

Genevan Consistory

12 laymen and company of pastors of which Calvin was permanent moderator


1400-power of nobility undercuts absolutism →republic, nobles retain power →not important like the Dutch→disappears

event that badly frightened Europeans and the effect it had on geographic orientation of European monarchs and merchants' allies

1453- TURKS TAKE CONSTANTINOPLE -Constantinople- center of Byzantine Empire, most important city in world, 3 continents trade -by 4th crusade- Europeans give up, go to Constantinople -Turks are tough, don't pursue trade w/ Europeans -Europeans addicted to spices →sail down coast of Africa- close to land b/c don't know what's out there, more dangerous, riptides, location →problems- used to calm Mediterranean sailing, not open ocean sailing -point of reference- North Star- lattitude -need accurate clock

Michael Sattler

1525-execution sentence

Vesalius (1514-1564)

1543- early science -dissect dead people -disprove Galen's theorem

Enlightenment time period

1690- Locke 1789- French Revolution

Subject matter of Chapter 21

1775- NA→ not a revolution, 1 phase- liberal phase 1789- France→ real revolutions, 4 phases- ultimately fails, full circle -Napoleon

Declaration of war April 1792

1792- bourgeoisie can't run govt -war goes badly

Antwerp and Amsterdam role in international commerce

Antwep- great entrepôt for overseas bullion & Portuguese spices →commercial & financial capital of Europe until Spanish make Catholic -end of 16th century- Amsterdam overtakes Antwerp -1602- Dutch East India Company- imperialism, expelled Portugal from Ceylon & other East Indian islands 1650- intruded on Spanish possessions in Americas

July 23, 1914

Austria issue ultimatum to Serb →Serb want to buy time to mobilize

July 26, 1914

Brit attempts to organize conference to sort out conflict →Fr, Italy, Russ agree →Germany refuses

Immediate and long range causes of English Civil War of 1642-1649

Charles I (1625-1649) & William Laud -11 year tyranny (1629-1640) -Scotland Revolts 1640 →conflict btwn monarch and parliament -Charles needs $ for 30 Years' War →fund Charles, but also Petition of Right →then dissolve parliament (1629) -Laud convinces Charles to get Scots under Anglican church →Charles needs $, parliament says no b/c don't want to crush other Protestants b/c Scots are presbyterian →raise army independent of Parliament →Parliament raises own army →The Long Parliament 1640-1660

Spain during SR

Charles V→Charles II -Habsburg inbreeding -decline of Spain

Minister of Louis XIV

Cardinal Mazarin Colbert

Minister of Louis XIII

Cardinal Richelieu

Cathedral vs Palace

Cathedral: town center, civic pride Palace: absolutist state, center of govt


Catholic- Bread and wine literally become body and blood of Christ

Catholic & Protestant churches retard/foster scientific investigation

Catholic- initially less hostile →Italian scientists played crucial role in scientific progress →Counter-Reformation- more hostile to science→ decline of science in Italy Protestants became "proscience" if country lacked strong religious authority →more threat b/c science disprove Bible -embrace science- separate the two

Majority of contemporary observers believe about how badly Britains first generation of industrial workers were exploited

Conditions getting far worse for working people


David- realism, individualism Sistine Chapel- 3 years, 10,000 square feet, scenes of the Bible, most famous work →centerpiece is creation of Adam

Robert Koch

Developed pure cultures of harmful bacteria & described their life cycles

Bartolome de las Casas

Dominican missionary -expose oppression of Native Americans by Europeans

Miguel de Cervantes

Don Quixote- Spanish Renaissance -Spain isn't embracing reality of the time

Main cause of Renaissance

Economic growth laid material basis for the Italian Renaissance- merchants gained political power, used money and power to buy luxuries and hire talent in a system of patronage

The Hundred Days War & Waterloo

Feb 1815- staged daring escape- in Fr issued appeals for support & marched on Paris w/ small bands of followers, officers & soldiers responded to call June 18, 1815-allies crushed forces at Waterloo -imprisoned on St. Helena -1815- defeated

Fate of English Reformation from Henry's death to Elizabethan Settlement

Edward VI: -strongly Protestant ideas→Calvinist doctrines in church -began doctrinal reformation -weak king -Archbishop Cranmer- simplified liturgy -Book of Common Prayer (1549)- order for all services of Church of England Mary Tudor: -sharp move back to Catholicism -rescinded Reformation legislation -persecutes many Protestants Elizabeth: -stability -shrewd politician -Politik- religious differences second to the state -establishes Anglican church

Literary masterpieces of this age

Elizabethan & Jacobean periods -immortal dramas of Shakespeare -stately prose of Authorized of King James Bible

Country emerged as leading nation of trade in early 18th C

England -mercantilism in 17th C- govt econ regulations could & should serve private interests of individuals & groups as well as public needs of state -navigation acts- goods imported from Europe into Europe & Scotland be carried on British owned ships w/ British crews/on ships of country producing article- monopoly on trade w/ British colonies

First factory act established & its terms

Factory Act of 1833 -limited factory workday for children btwn 9 & 13 to 8 hrs & adolescents btwn 14 & 18 to 12 hrs -no effort to regulate hrs of work at home/small businesses -children under 9 enrolled in elementary schools factory owners required to establish -employment of children declined rapidly →broke pattern of whole families working together in factory

Britain's average annual growth in wealth from 1780-1851

GNP rose fourfold at constant prices btwn 1780-1851

Reinhard Heydrich

Ger chaired Wannsee Conference

Rudolf Hess

Ger deputy führer

Joseph Goebbels

Ger minister of propaganda

July 5, 1914

Ger. chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg issue blank check

Thomas Muntzer (1489-1525)

German preacher and theologian -opposed Luther and Catholic Church 1521 →Luther's compromise with authority- 1525 peasant revolt -Anabaptist

International policy (1933)

Germany leaves LoN

How Germany arrived at 1 party system

Germany: -use democracy, burn Reichstag →Article 48 in Weimar Constitution- emergency dictatorial power, take away civil liberties

3 Houses with struggle of power

House of Guise- fanatically Catholic House of Montmorency- Catholic House of Bourbon- Protestant

Confessions of Augsburg Q&A

How a person saved- L: FAITH alone C: faith, sacraments, good works Religious authority L: Bible interpreted by one's conscience- literacy C: what Church says What is the church- L: community of Christian believers C: clergy and hierarchy Highest form of Christian life- L: all vocations EQUAL merit, serve God in own way, EQUAL in eyes of God, elevates status of women C: superiority of monastic/religious life

Dante Alighieri

Humanism- wrote the Divine Comedy which describes the 3 realms of the next world, Virgil takes him through heaven, hell, purgatory, first to write in Italian vernacular


Madonna and Child sculpter Sistine Madonna (and cherubs)→in a church staring at a cross- expression of worry and alarm b/c Jesus will be crucified


Mary Magdalene, David, Judith David- first bronze statue

Spanish reaction/1609- results of warfare

May 9, 1588- Spanish Armada lost to England, decisive defeat 1609- truce recognizing independence of United Provinces -10 lower provinces become Spanish Netherlands

Area experienced golden age


October action by poor women of Paris

Oct 5- 7000 desperate women march from Paris to Versailles to demand action →believed grain stored in Versailles -invaded royal apartments, slaughtered some royal bodyguards, searched for Marie Antoinette to kill her -intervention of Lafayette & National Guard saved royal family

PERSIA from middle ages and Renaissance important for Reformation

P- struggle between church and state E- church commission works of art, materialism of popes R- church becomes secular, power of church undercut, priests can't read, not changing with the times, not meeting spiritual needs→Protestantism S- new merchant class, literacy/printing press, social movement I- secularism, individualism, humanism A-art more secular

Risk capital

Partnership w/ wealthy English toy maker provided risk capital & manufacturing plant

Tennis Court Oath (June 20, 1789)

Pledge not to disband until written new constitution


Program of studies with the goal of understanding human nature and achievements, interested in Greek and Roman classical texts, revival of antiquity, new method of study away from Scholasticism, still religious


Protestant- Christ is present but bread and wine aren't transformed

Nation-state led the way in development of universal education

Prussia -inspired by old Protestant idea that every believer should be able to read & study the Bible in quest for personal salvation & by new idea of population capable of effectively serving the state -religious motives extremely important


Stressed personality, uniqueness, genius, and full development of ones capabilities and talents, taking pride and being different in oneself, glorification of the individual

Pressures forced govt limitations on the working hours of children

Robert Owen- raised age of employment in his mills, promoting education of younger children -workers provided graphic testimony at hearings as reformers pressed Parliament to pass corrective laws

Lorenzo Valla

Secular spirit, humanist(critical thinking), Indivudualism(own research)-defends pleasures of the senses as the highest good, father of modern historical criticism, materialism On the False Donation of Constantine- fraud by Catholic Church, proved by analyzing language that didn't exist in 4th century that was in the document

Trade union

Single large national union -led by social reformers like Robert Owen →1834- Grand National Consolidated Trades Union- largest & most visionary of early national unions -collapsed & Brit labor movement moved after 1851 in direction of craft unions

Effect of Luther's concept of state authority over church authority in Germany

Society: -all social classes became Lutheran -resentment of clerical privileges and immunities -condemned irregularitty and poor quality of sermons Peasants: -revolts- Luther initially supports, but then turns his back on them -Swabian Articles/12 Articles- grievances inspired by new religious events- $ hardships, restriction of independence, loss of hunting/fishing privileges -freedom from church, but still abide by princes Merchants: -appealed to literate -simpler, personal religion based on faith -envied church wealth -resented tithes and taxes Women: Status elevated inside of house Royalty: Nobles- $ not leaving estates, peasant revolts

4 areas of Europe that experienced serious chaos & economic difficulties

Spain, France, Germany, England -grain yields declined→food shortages & starvation→population decline -output of woolen textiles declined sharply -heavy taxes for armies -peasant revolts

Michael Cervetes

Spanish humanist- kicked out b/c denied trinity →Calvin hates him, burned

Church of England theologically different from Catholic

Still Catholic- retained traditional Catholic practices and doctrines→ confession, clerical celibacy, transubstantiation

Ponce de Leon

first in Florida- Fountain of Youth -Spanish

Luther- right place, right time

Time- post-printing press era- more literacy -Habsburg-Valois War btwn HRE and France b/c Charles V had land surrounding France -1453- Turks take Constantinople, getting close to HRE -Pope doesn't focus on Luther Place- Germany: princes undercut power of Charles V -Northern Renaissance- already try reform of church -Charles V needs $ from Saxony for war -Geopolitical location


Turks take city of Constantinople →control of Mediterranean shifts to Atlantic →find slave labor in Africa when sailing to Far East →find sugar-labor intensive, valuable →1490s- slaves in New World

medieval ideal died with Treaty of Westphalia (1648)

UNIFIED CHRISTIAN SOCIETY governed by 1 political ruler-emperor- and 1 church for all people -Charles V's vision

New social class developed in 12th century Italy

Urban nobility challenge feudalism- problems in city-states and leadership

Political evolution of northern Italian city-states rule by urban nobility, to republican government, and to rule by constitutional oligarchies

Urban nobility have power→ Popolo wanted equality in govt→ popolo used armed force and violence to take over city govts→ republican govt theoretically power resides in the people and exercised by chosen representatives→ popolo couldn't establish civil order→ merchant oligarchies reassert power→ restricted a class of wealthy merchants to exercise judicial, executive, legislative functions of govt

Five powers dominating Italian peninsula in 15th century

Venice, Milan, Florence, the Papal States, Kingdom of Naples

Da Vinci

Vitruvian Man→represents Da Vinci could do a lot of things→highlights interest in anatomy Mona Lisa- portrait, landscape, perspective Last Supper- religious, perspective

Caspar Frederick

Wanderer looking over sea of fog

Laura Cereta illustrates "the success and failure of educated women during the Renaissance"

extremely successful and educated before marriage but she had to make the decision of getting married which usually prevented women from fulfilling their scholarly potential

priesthood of all believers

invisible fellowship not fixed in any place or person

Louis XII

married Anne of Brittany→add large western duchy of Brittany

Supremacy Act

king supreme head of Church of England


know for sketches and detail The Hare


last Native American in California -by 1870 most of reserves -1810- last Indian- science experiment, dies of tuberculosis

Heinrich Himmler

leader of SS

Act of Succession

loyalty oath to king as head of church


make Protestant minority

1494 onward- Why were Italian city-states invited targets for invasion until unification of 1870

wealthy and divided wealth in Italy is a curse→nation-states invade

Italian city states contribute to modern diplomacy

with formation of alliances, Renaissance Italians invented machinery of modern diplomacy- permanent embassies with resident ambassadors in capitals where political relations and commercial ties needed continual monitering

Bill of Rights

→can't raise taxes w/out consent of Parliament →trial by jury →outlawed cruel/unusual punishment

Smallpox inoculation controversy

-1/50 died -people inoculated were infectious, spread dissease

Committee of Public Safety & Robespierre turn war from defeat to victory

-10 executives w/ Robespierre as leader -unleash Reign of Terror- target everyone -40,000 people killed -rev on verge of failure w/ Austria & Prussia invading -planned economy w/ egalitarian social overtones →govt set max allowable prices for key products →fix bread price -80% income on bread -get revolutionary bread →rationing introduced →worked mainly to produce arms & ammunition for war effort -Robespierre saves rev w/ great cause -leader of mobs/urban poor who want food →gives them food 1792- socialism- econ system benefit everyone →dictate production -republic- represent the people, your govt & land -unleash modern concept of nationalism- nuclear bomb of 20th C →willing to fight for concept →fighting against mercenaries 1793- people flocking to military →everything turns around

Eastern front

-1200 miles→ Baltic-Black Sea -Russ mobilize faster than expected -early on Russ. successful -1915- Russ start to retreat →2.5 mil casualties →25% go into battle w/out gun →last 3 yrs but then fall apart -Aug & Sept 1914- Battles of Tannenberg & Masurian Lakes →Russ very badly damaged & downhill for Russ.

Alexander Nevsky

-1221-1263 -tax collectors for Mongols -Grand Prince Vladimir

Causes of war of Spanish Succession

-1702-1713 -king of Spain (Charles II)- mentally defective & sexually impotent -throne to Philip of Anjou- Louis XIV's grandson, Bourbon →upset balance of power 1701- Dutch, English, Austrians, Prussians→Grand Alliance against Louis

enclosure movement great swindle of poor by the rich?

-1750- as much as 50% of English farmland already enclosed -after 1760- parliamentary enclosure -proportion of land-less laborers not substantially greater from 1700-1800 -tenant farmers- rent out land from big landowners, hire wage laborers, sold output to cash market →fenced fields, built drains, improved soil w/ fertilizers -increased employment opportunities for wage workers in some areas -eliminating common rights & reducing access of poor to land→ rise of market-oriented estate agriculture & emergence of landless rural proletariat -proletarianization- transformation of large #s of small peasant farmers into landless rural wage earners

Income gap btwn industrializing & non industrializing regions

-1750- avg standard of living no higher in Europe as a whole than in rest of world, Europe still poor agricultural society -1970- wealthiest countries had income 25x than received by avg person -India & China deindustrialize

Republics of France

-1792-1804- 1st Republic →until Nap crowned emperor -1848-1851- 2nd Republic →until Nap III crowned emperor -1871-1940- 3rd Republic →until Hitler invades France -1946-1958- 4th Republic →nothing happens, just bad -1958-now- 5th Republic

The Confederation of the Rhine

-1806- abolished many tiny German states & ancient HRE -German Confederation of the Rhine- union of 15 German states minus Austria, Prussia, Saxony →named "protector" of confederation, firmly controlled W. Germany

The Spanish Revolt (1808)

-1808- coalition of Catholics, monarchists, patriots rebelled against attempts to make Spain a Fr satellite w/ a Bonaparte as king -Fr armies occupied Madrid but foes of Nap fled to hills & waged uncompromising GUERRILLA WARFARE -THIRD OF MAY- GOIA- SIGNIFICANT ROMANTIC PAINTER →SUSPECTED SPANISH GUERILLAS W/ FR TROOPS →HIGHLIGHT BACKLASH ON NAP

Great Britain play leading role in expansion of world trade

-1815- colonial empire in India, Canada, Australia, etc -1820- export 50% of production- Euro 50%, India 6% -then Euro nations & US erected protective tariff barriers & promoted domestic industry -1850- India 25%, Europe 16% -1st to industrialize -Brit- best markets, has outlets for surplus wealth

Time period

-1815-1850 →very imp. stuff →lay foundations for what Europe is going to be →origins of WWI

Carlsbad Decrees

-1819 -German Confederation -prevent revolutionary ideas -undercut liberalism -censor press & universities -secret police

Some motives of both Brit merchants & Chinese govt in opium wars of 1839-1842 & 1856-1860

-1820s- going through dynastic cycle & Euros come in -Brit start import opium- illegal drug trade →Manchu dynasty try to resist →1840s war & China loses -Treaty of Nanking (1842)- force to cede Hong Kong forever, pay $100 million indemnity, open up 4 large cities to foreign trade w/ low tariffs- drug trade continues -1856-1860- occupation of Beijing →gave Euro mercahnts & missionaries greater privileges & forced Chinese to accept trade & investment on unfavorable terms →extraterritorial rights- Euros operate independently w/ Euro laws -1901- Boxer Rebellion- everyone crush Chinese -1911- last emperor, dynasties over

Charles X

-1824-1830 -believes in divine right- claim healing power of Jesus -revoke charter of 1814- limit suffrage to wealthiest 100,000 -reestablish old order -1830- put church back in charge of education -July Rev, Bourgeois Rev, Orleans Reign →"3 glorious days"- govt collapsed & Charles fled to London

2 time segments during 1800-1913 when international trade surge ahead

-1840s →IR, expand railroads, transportation -1900s →US & Germany unify & industrialize

Crimean War turning point in Russian history

-1853-1856 -dispute w/ Fr. over who should protect certain Christian shrines in Ottoman empire -Fr, GB, Sardinia, Ottoman Empire inflict humiliating defeat on Russia -1853- Russia attack Turkey (naval) -1st industrial war -romantic/religious war -public opinion shapes what happens -birth of modern nursing corp- Florence Nightingale, inspire Clara Barton- American Red Cross -thin red line- Charge of the Light Brigade, Scottish Highlanders -vast majority people died b/c disease & inadequate nursing -1856- Russia defeated, Ottomans survive -wake up call for Russia →old formula for winning wars doesn't work (last loss 1200 w/ Mongols)- winters & many people →falling behind West

Alexander II reforms in Russia

-1855- Nicholas I dies, Alex II comes -reforming tsar →free serfs leads to entrepreneurial class -same process in west: enclosures→cottage industry →right idea, wrong formula -ties into civil war →1865- right idea, wrong formula -sharecropping, in debt to slave lords -should have given land to slaves, not given anything to build on -failure of reconstruction -mirs aren't effective -1880s- gradual changes

Purpose of socialist internationals, to what degree did they represent working class unity?

-1864- Marx found 1st international of socialists- International Working Men's Association →meet to spread doctrines -Haymarket Riot- workers rise up- call for workers to unite -1889- 2nd International →May Day- commemorate struggles -3rd International -never that effective →most people not that revolutionary, only until needs met →WWI expose weakness of socialism

Impact of Congress of Berlin (1878) have on Balkan area

-1878- A-H get administrative control over Bosnia & Herzegovina- still belong to Ottos but A-H oversees -Serbia & Romania won independence- Hungary didn't like -Bulgaria reduce in size by 2/3 -Bismarck- 2 prob areas- Africa, Balkans primary concern -outgrowth of 3 emperors' league (1873) -Brit get Cyprus -Fr get Tunisia→ Italy unhappy b/c fear Fr will take Libya from Ottos →Italy declare war w/ Ottos & win to get Libya →opens floodgates for 1st Balkan War

Role of US in econ & political settlements of mid-1920s in Europe

-1925- leaders of Euro signed # of agreements at Locarno, Switzerland- pact →Ger & Fr solemnly pledge to accept common border →Brit & Italy agree to fight if Fr/Ger invade each other →Stresemann settle boundary disputes w/ Poland & Czech- agree to Versailles -"Spirit of Locarno"- spirit of growing security & stability in international affairs -1926- Ger join League of Nations at Geneva -1928- 64 nations sign Kellong-Briand Pact- outlaw war as system of diplomacy →Nazis violate

Progress Russia made toward industrialization from 1860 to WWI

-1881- Alex II assassinated, Alex III comes in -force through econ reforms -Sergei Witte- inspired by List, econ nationalism →govt built state-owned railroads- gigantic trans-Siberian line from Moscow-Vladivostok- 5000 miles →use West to catch up w/ West- foreigners use abundant capital & advanced tech to build factories →put on gold standard -open up Russia to foreign- invest & get $ back →greater return on investment -Fr. invest a lot, Germany worried -1890s- try to employ nationalism- start blaming Jews →Russia most ant- Semitic country →large Jewish pop migrate west- compete for jobs & anti-Semitism follows -1894- Alex III dies, Nick II takes over -industrialization not fast enough -1900- only growing in light/textile industry -1930s w/ Stalin get industrialization

Louis H. Sullivan

-1890- Chicago school of architects led by Louis H. Sullivan used cheap steel, reinforced concrete, electric elevators to build skyscrapers & office buildings lacking almost any exterior ornamentation -father of modernism -quantity

Schlieffen Plan

-1890- Ger construct plans for 2 front war -Fr driving into Alsace-Lorraine→ false front →Ger take Paris from NW→ get Fr surrounded →Belgians don't want Ger to violate neutrality so Brit come in

Origin of German social welfare laws

-1890- William II forced Bismarck to resign →Bismarck no interests in colonies →predict crash of kaiser, start of WWI -fear of socialists, avert rev movements


-18th century -follows baroque -soft pastels, ornate interiors, sentimental portraits, starry-eyed lovers protected by hovering cupids

Max Plank

-1900- subatomic energy emitted in uneven little spurts- "quanta" -E=hv -Quantum mechanics- energy in a photon

Progress Russia made toward political & social democratization before WWI

-1903- sphere of influence in Chinese Manchuria, wanted N. Korea -Feb 1904- Japan launched surprise attack, Russo-Japanese War -Sept 1905- Russia forced to accept humiliating defeat, Baltic fleet annihilated →US concrened b/c fight over colonies →Teddy Roosevelt regultes dispute btwn Russia & Japan -Revolutions of 1905 -like Nap III have to win wars but fail -Bloody Sunday Massacre -pogroms -October Manifesto- duma w/ real legislative power -Soviets establish creation of mass unions -1906 have no power →10 yrs duma vs soviets -1906- Peter Stolypin- chief minister for tsar- pushed through imp agrarian reforms to break down collective village ownership of land & encourage more enterprising peasants →coservative →wager on the strong- fix probs of 1861 →allow capitalism to take care of itself →entrepreneurial peasants- wealthy kulaks →killed at opera →foward thinking- may not have rev if didn't die

Pablo Picasso

-1907- cubism- complex geometry of zigzag lines & sharply angled overlapping planes -Guernica (1937)- Nazi bombing Sp Civil War, Sp challenge by R-wing fascists- micro cause of WW2

Bosnia Crisis (1908)

-1908- Aust formally annexed Bosnia & Herzegovina →Russ support in return for Aust endorse RUss/ to take Dardanelles Strait →Serbs angry at Russ. b/c sold out & Serbia wanted Bosnia →setback from Russ →Great Powers say no to Russ to get straits

Walter Gropius

-1911- design of Fagus Shoe Factory -Bauhaus- merge schools of fine & applied arts →pinnacle of functionalism

Rapid growth of socialist parties in Europe in last quarter of 19th C

-1912-largest party in Reichstag -factory system, industrialization -1873 & 93- massive market crash- gravitate towards socialist ideologies through 1912

Ottoman front

-1915- strains of war felt in Russ -Brit & Fr try to get to Dardanelles to get Russ supplies -Anzac troops fight for Brit -Ottomans hold ground & Gallipoli campaign fail -Brit more successful at inciting Arabs to revolt against Turks →Lawrence of Arabia help lead revolt -Ottoman empire collapse from inside -Brit gets Baghdad, Jerusalem, Damascus

Italian Front

-1917- Battle of Caporetto -Aust vs Italians →Aust. wins -Eng & Fr support Italy -divert troops from other areas

Ernest Rutherford

-1919- split atom -Gold Foil experiment -atom has small nucleus in center -1944- 7 subatomic particles identified→ neutron -neutrons capacity to pass through other atoms allowed for even more intense experimental bombardment of matter- chain rxns -road to atomic bomb

Rise in unemployment in early 1930's

-1920s- Brit unemployment 12% -1930-35- 18% -US: 1920s-5% // 1932-33%, 14 mil people -poverty incr. dramatically -unemployed- meager unemployment benefits/public aid prevented starvation -postponed marriages, birthrates fell sharply -incr. in suicide & mental illness

Well-supported political groups kept constant pressure on Weimar Republic

-1920s- Hitler Nat. Socialist Party fail revolt -unrepentant nationalists & monarchists populate right & army -Communist party on left -never stabilize politically since 1918- pressure on all sides -Frei Corp- ex-military people on right

US financial panic trigger world wide depression

-1920s- US bankers & investors lend large acts of capital to many countries →many short term so when panic broke many NY bankers recall -hard for Euro business people to borrow $ & panicky public began to w/draw savings from banks -1931- crash of largest bank in Aust. -crisis of production 1929-1933→ world output of goods fell about 38% -1931- Brit off gold standard & reduce value of $, also 20 others w/ US -1930- US raise protective tariffs to highest lvls -int. econ lacked leadership able to maintain stability when crisis came -poor nat. econ policy in almost every country →JMK- counter cyclical policy became well-est. weapon against downturn & depression

Ruhr Crisis (1923)

-1922- Weimar Republic in rapid inflation, political assassinations- inability to pay more -moratorium on reparations for 3 yrs →Brit accept, Fr refuse- Raymond Poincaré demand payments -Ger in serious trouble, collapsing- politically, economically -Jan 1923- armies of Fr & Belgium move into Ruhr district- heartland of industry →force Germans to work & pay Fr back -Ger govt order Ruhr people to stop working →Fr attempt to import Fr labor -Ger runaway/hyper inflation- govt print more $ & $ lost all value →Ger chancellor Ebert recall currency & destroy →1914- 4 marks/$1 →1921- 64 marks/$1 →1923- 800 million marks/$1 -Barter economy- currency not good for buying things

Italian Revolution

-1st war of Italian unification -force out foreign influence →Austria has Venice & Lombardy -Mazzini- vision to unify nation state -Pope opposed to rev- fight against other Catholics bad →Papal states back out -revolution fails

Britain's percentage of the world's manufactured goods by 1850

-2/3 of world's coal -more than 1/2 iron & cotton cloth -20% of entire world's output of industrial goods (1860) -attach industrialization to imperialism

Changes in west's share of total world population occurred from 1800 to WWI

-22% of world's total to 38% on eve of WWI -today 11-12%

When custom of late marriage began to change

-2nd half of 18th C -illegitimacy explosion- # of births soared btwn 1750-1850


-3 laws of planetary motion →1609- orbits of planets around sun elliptical →planets don't move at uniform speed in orbits →1619- time a planet takes to make complete orbit precisely related to distance from sun -proves Copernicus

Role war played in evolution of absolutism in eastern Europe

-30 Years' War- Austria, Prussia -war w/ Mongols- Russia, Ottomans -existence of Ottoman empire based on war

Thermidorian Reaction to Reign of Terror

-3rd Phase →Directory- least significant phase -winners in 1st Phase same as 3rd -liberals regain control lost from 2nd phase→respectable middle-class lawyers & professionals reasserted authority →1795- rewrite constitution -remove threat from right (Royalists), undercut Radicals -entrench liberal power 1) get rid of universal male suffrage- only property owners -electors 2) remove price controls/planned economy -prices rise sharply -collapse of econ controls & runaway inflation hit working poor hard →early 1795 & 1797- urban poor rises up in Paris -crush w/ military


-3rd of May →dark romantic →who individual is, propaganda -political stage- story of victims (Spain victim of Fr) -Tapestry- look darker as go on -dream of reason produces monsters -The Colossus- Nap stampeding through Europe

Revolutions of 1848

-56 revolutions -some severe, others over in few hrs -take place in urban centers →countryside more conservative -reaction to Mett's system -liberalism is catalyst for revs & reason why fail →liberalists don't follow up w/ meaningful reforms -nationalism- too many ethnic groups unhappy w/ status quo -practical reason- hungry b/c famine- 3 yrs of hardship -effects of IR- wealth not filtering down- wealth gap

Bolshevik civil war

-8 mil dead -strategically control center while whites always on fringes & disunited -cannibalism -conditions in Russ terrible -centralized state of Bolsheviks never go away -imprison political opposition- gulags- forced labor camp -Bolsheviks use nationalism→ control main cities -outside powers support -Trotsky's decisive leadership -Cheka- hunt down "class enemies"

Fragility of agrarian European peasant economy as late as 1720s, pop rise gradually from plague to 1720

-80% of people in W. Europe were agricultural, more in E. Europe -output distressingly low -every 8/9 years harvest poor/failed →may survive 1 bad harvest by eating less/reserves of grain →price of grain soared →provisions from other areas w/ better harvests hard to obtain -famine foods- chesnuts, bark, dandelions, grass, cannibalism →people weak & susceptible to disease →dysentery & intestinal ailments →flu, smallpox

Percentage of European society still "working class"//farmed

-80& belonged to working classes →people whose livelihoods depended on physical labor & who didn't employ domestic servants- in E. Europe many small landowning peasants & hired farm lands →GB- less than 8% worked in agriculture →Germany- 25% in agriculture & forestry →France- less than 50% depended on land in 1900

Mary Wollstonecraft

-A Vindication of the Rights of Man (1790) →widely read attack on Burke →entrenched power source never give up rights →violence -A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) →birth of modern women's movement for equal rights -right

Holy Alliance participants

-Alexander 1- Russia -Metternich- Austria -Hardenberg- Prussia -Castlereagh- England -Talleyrand- France →XYZ affairs, serve monarch, Robes, Directory, Nap, monarch

Causes & outcome of Dreyfus affair

-Alfred Dreyfus- Jewish captain in Fr. army- falsely accused & convicted of treason →enlist support of prominent republicans & intellectuals- Zola say injustice, more literates -Fr moving toward secular but this is religious -Fr never recovers from this- country divided →go into WWI complete mess, same in 1930 w/ Spanish Civil War

Trade policy Japanese successfully enforced on west from about 1640-1853 & what changed this policy

-American Commodore Mathew Perry stemmed into Edo Bay (Tokyo Harbor) in 1853 & demand diplomatic negotiations w/ emperor →agree to Treaty of Kanagawa (1854)- Japan open 2 ports for trade -see gunships & want- see at disadvantage- full industrialization- fast & effective

Hitler background

-April 20, 1889 -Braunau am Inn, Austria -wanted to be artist- rejected 1907-1908 from Academy of Fine Arts Vienna- Jews run school -WWI- loves comradery, heroic in efforts -1918- Ger. didn't lose, rise in stab in back legend -1920s- politcally Weimar opposition on all sides →$33 bil reparations- Ruhr crisis (1923)- hyper inflation -1923- Beer Hall Putsch→ Hit fail to overthrow in Munich →gets arrested, light & comfortable sentence→ Mein Kampf

Frederick the Great successes in the Seven Years War (1756-1763)

-Austria ally w/ France & Russia- goal to conquer Prussia & divide territory, take Silesia back →war on Prussia in Saxony →War for Prussian Survival -1762- Peter III called off attack- admired Frederick, dimwit, remove Russia from alliance →France busy w/ French-Indian War →Austria alone so Prussia survives

New political arrangement emerged in Austria after defeat by Prussia in 1866, success of Austria in defusing ethnic rivalries

-Austria falling apart -weak Austrian empire -become Austro-Hungarian empire →Hungary responsible for own region →both independent but collectively better off →lead to Serbian movement & WWI -1866- nationalistic Magyars gained virtual independence for Hungary →states joined by shared monarch & common ministry for foreign affairs -Magyar nobility restore constitution of 1848 & used to dominates other ethnic groups

Historical time period and circumstances which gave eastern monarchs a chance to establish absolutism

-Austria- 30 Years' War, has HRE in Vienna →Bohemia & Danish phase victory allow absolutism/centralized power →external threat of Ottomans -Prussia-effects of 30 Years' War-invasions in provinces →can't defend North, nobles give in to military state -Ottomans-emerge in Muslim world as power →control trade route →Sultans control everything →by 1000 they're threatening →Muslims fled from Mongols in Middle east -Russia-1200 w/ Muslims →Mongols rule

How Germany was unified with Bismarck's methods

-Austro-Prussian War of 1866- 7 weeks- crush Austria →defeat at Battle of Sadowa -offered Austria realistic generous peace terms →lost no territory to Austria →Venetia cede to Italy- complete Italian unification →Ger Confed dissolved & Austria agree to w/draw from Ger. affairs -Germany conquered- expansion of Prussia power -ensure neutrality from other countries -1870- issue about Spanish throne- Hohenzollern →Nap send letter to Kaiser- EMS telegram- Bismarck edits- insulting of Fr., release to press on July 13 in Fr →France demand war →Prussia surround Paris after 6 wks →Parisians won't give up so Fr. army crush →Ger. unified at Versailles- Hall of Mirrors- France biggest nightmare →take Alsace-Lorraine -1871- BoP obstructed -maintain stability w/ Bismarck as puppet master, Prussia dominates

English Glorious Revolution (1688-1689)

-Battle of Boyne- James in Ireland →William wins →James retired to France -1701- Act of Settlement→protestant monarch, 1714- German monarch -1689- Toleration Act -Bill of Rights-protect Parliament from monarch

International policy (Aug 1942-Feb 1943)

-Battle of Stalingrad- invest everything, Stalin wins →Hit denial about resources, Ger in retreat, bad destruction so when Russ see great Ger land they loot it


-Bernie Sanders→ socialism -socialism is still here

Congo/Berlin Conference in Africa

-Bismarck arrange international conference on Africa in Berlin (1884-5) -recognize Leopold's personal rule over Congo -scramble for Africa, race for colonies -Bismarck knows colony scramble will cause probs -address anticipated probs→ doesn't want war -Germany does acquire colonies- SW Africa, East Africa, Cameroon, Togoland (MAP!)

Reasons for the reemergence of serfdom in eastern Europe in early modern period

-Black Death→population & economy declined -kings & princes issued laws that restricted/eliminated peasants' right of free movement -peasants tied to the land -no one looks out for the peasants

Police state in Italy

-Black Shirts -Italian secret police- Ovra

Other romantic poets

-Blake -Coleridge- wrote poems w/ Wordsworth -Stael- Germany -Percy Shelley -Lord Byron →die when experience nature →never really experience nature they write about

30 Years' War & invasion by Ottoman Turks help Habsburgs consolidate power

-Bohemia during Battle of the White Mountain -fear of Ottoman Turks →external threat -foundations of centralized state- internal & external factors

Reasons Bolsheviks gained power

-Bolsheviks- translate to majority, but minority -Mensheviks- translate to minority but majority -Bolsheviks very organized -Lenin- stabilize Russ- power to Soviets →econ reform- land to peasants →end war w/ peace →refuse to work w/ liberals in Duma -Kerensky vs ? ?- head of military, attempt coup & get arrest →discredit each other -Lenin emerge in power vacuum -Oct/Nov-storm Winter Palace & take over

Absolutist Prussia

-Brandenburg in HRE-confederation of princes →Prussia was sister state, part of Polish confederation -ruled by Hohenzollerns →Frederick William- "Great Elector"- not king →Frederick William I- "Soldier King"-built absolutist, militaristic empire -great power→strong military -efficient army, Prussian model -Sparta of the north- lived the army -raise militaristic country→discipline→banned comedies, operas, ballets -despise luxury, lead simple life, emphasis on military -no mistresses→fetish w/ tall soldiers -Potsdam Giants- treat like toy soldiers- no battle, just show -Calvinists governing Lutheran →tolerate Protestants- weakens state religion -cooperate w/ nobility- Junkers- service nobility- allowed free reign of peasants -taxation by decree -compulsory public education- learn to be good citizen -Junkers go to military academy

John Maynard Keynes

-Brit delegate at Versailles -The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919)- outline mistakes made at Versailles →widely read -revenge lead to more econ hardship -take Ger industrial capacity→ put Ger in situation can't recover from -Keynsian econ- dring econ crisis govt need to spend more $ →stimulate econ growth →anti Keynesian view- govt shouldn't be involved in govt

"Perfect Renaissance man" in Castiglione's The Courtier? How is this an example of humanism?

-Broad background in many academic subjects -Spiritual, physical, intellectual capabilities trained -compose a sonnet, wrestle, sing a song, accompany himself on an instrument, ride expertly, solve difficult mathematical problems, speak and write eloquently -influenced social mores and patterns of conduct of elite groups in Renaissance and early modern Europe

Circumstances leading to Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)

-Calvinist ignored Augsburg settlement -Lutherans steadily acquired German bishoprics -Jesuits reconverted Lutheran princes to Catholicism -1608- Lutheran princes formed PROTESTANT UNION -Catholics formed CATHOLIC LEAGUE -1617- Ferdinand of Styria- new Catholic king of Bohemia May 1618- "defenestration of Prague", beginning of 30 Years' War--Protestants hurled 2 of Ferdinand's officals from castle window and they survived →C: angels →P: fell on horse manure

Fascism video notes?

-Caporetto- defeat →It. divided & frustrated -1918- uni male suffrage, coalition govt, strikes -Black shirts- Fascis- leader Muss.→ became politcal party -Muss believe parl. produce corruption, democracy short lived -Muss.= Il Duce -yearning for superman -Fr.- constitution block Nap. govt, political division →1918-1940- 40 govts →1936- leftish govt, devaluation of franc →family, edu, army keys →Petain -Brit- Oswald Mosely

Danish Phase (1625-1629), 2nd Phase

-Catholic- imperial army- ALBERT OF WALLENSTEIN-scored smashing victories -King CHRISTIAN IV OF DENMARK- ineffective leader of Protestant cause 1629- EDICT OF RESTITUTION- all Catholic properties lost since 1552 be restored, only Catholics & Lutherans allowed to practice faith

tension worse after Charles V abdicates in favor of his son Philip II

-Charles V son- Philip inherits Low Countries -couldn't forget Philip was Spanish and couldn't speak Flemish or French -1560s- strong militant minority of Calvinists in most cities of Netherlands -Philip- crusader, fanatic Catholic, married 4 times -Battle of Lepanto- Spanish defeat Ottomans -Escorial -revolts in Netherlands -Philip declares bankruptcy 5 times →gold coming into Spain →expelled merchants →Spain never recovers from this mess →raises taxes in Netherlands →imposes Inquisition in Netherlands →Calvinist revolt- deface Catholic property →send in Spanish army to crush people he's taking $ from -10 provinces become Catholic, financially ineffective →Antwerp collapses- shift to Amsterdam →Europe going into economic recession -England devastated →fear Philip invade England →England defends 7 Northern Provinces

Pragmatic Sanction (1713)

-Charles VI (HRE) issues- Austrian lands are indivisible →concern people won't accept Austria →doesn't have male heir- daughter Maria Theresa

Compromises of constitution

-Connecticut/Great compromise- senate: equal rep//house of rep: population -3/5 compromise- for tax & representation →table talk about slavery for 20 years -Electoral College- prevent mob rule →system one step removed from common people →impression of voice in govt →no deep faith in common person

Bernard de Fontenelle (1657-1757)

-Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) →natural law- get power from people →turn SR into trashy romance novel to popularize ideas of SR -modern thinker in Louis XIV courts -Eulogies of Scientists- rational, progressive scientists vs prejudiced, reactionary priests

Phenomenal success and political stability of Dutch republic

-DEIC (1602-1749)- Holland →massive company, dominates →1st joint stock company→merchants pool $ together -1492- new trade network -religious toleration -industrious people -strong middle class -middle men of Europe -mercantilism -strong trade network -resourceful b/c land not good -banking -fishing -intelligent -create modern world

Three sets of religious wars 1559-1648

-DUTCH REVOLT, 80 YEARS' WAR- 1568-1588, but 1648 issues carry on until Netherlands independent -FRENCH WARS OF RELIGION- initially religious- Huguenots vs Catholics -ENGLISH CIVIL WAR -THIRTY YEARS' WAR- 1618-1648 →begin religious, end far more political

Nazi domestic policy (1933)

-Dachau- 1st Ger. concentration camp→ model camp →designed to house political prisoners -Jewish boycott of businesses, last not even 1 day →Ger. not conditioned, propa has to continue

Karl Marx

-Das Kapital -The Communist Manifesto- bible of socialism -last of classical economists -label Utopian socialist- unscientific/unsystematic →ridule them →attempt to work w/in existing system →power structure won't let things change -only way is to destroy -violence is answer/way for change -capitalism is necessary/critical →people naturally competitive/selfish →produce wealth to be distributed -similar to Newton by borrow ideas from people before

Western Front

-Dec 1914- trench warfare →600 mi of trenches -Ger. in Fr. territory -area btwn trenches- no man's land -1.5 mil Brit/Fr vs 1.1 mil Ger -elan- spirit in battle for Fr. -1915- Ger. on verge of victory -Battle of the Marne (Sept 6, 1914) →taxis of Paris rush troops & Ger fell back -Battle of the Somme (summer 1916) -unsuccessful campaign against Verdun cost 700,000 lives on both sides -All Quiet on the Western Front- Remarque→ Ger experience of WWI →Battle of Passiondale

English Reformation almost purely act of state power

-Henry VIII used Parliament to legalize Reformation in England -based on emotional life- wanted divorce to get a son from someone else, no problems with Catholic Church, didn't really need reformation -power between church and state intertwined -confiscate 55% of church lands 1536-1540- seized monastery lands and wealth →some land went to loyal nobles →most went to wealthy merchants- new class of nobles


-Dutch -"peasant Brugel" -Battle Between Carnival and Lent -Hunters in the Snow -The Tower of Babel -Mad Meg -1565- The Massacre of the Innocent -self portrait -The Cripples -Children's Games


-Dutch -landscape paintings -merchant/middle class -silence, stillness -Girl with the Wine Glass -Girl with a Pearl Earring


-Dutch -self portrait -details in paintings -Dutch Protestant painting -The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp -Night Watch -Carcasse de boeuf

Peter Paul Rubens

-Dutch -self portrait -fat lady art-lots of flesh, violence -The Massacre of the Innocent -The Judgement of Paris -The Three Graces

French Mercantilism

-ECONOMIC NATIONALISM -wealth of world is finite/limited -series of govt. programs designed to benefit state -self-sufficient -favorable balance of trade: export>import -amass gold & silver, don't let wealth leave country -bring down internal tariffs -put up high protective tariffs→protect domestic manufacturing -incentives for people producing to continue, subsidies -roads contructed -Canal du Midi-connect goods from Mediterranean to Atlantic -acquire colonies →1608-Quebec-furs, timber, crawfish, raw materials →export to France, export back as finished goods →Colbert dumps 4,000 peasants in Canada to sell stuff to →colonies aren't stable, no one wants to live there, only allow Catholics to migrate →70,000 people-not a market →sell to British colonies-not mercantilism -everyone doing mercantilism→competition/conflict

Eastern Europe reformation

-ETHNIC FACTORS -complex -religious based

British rulers from 1588-1689

-Elizabeth I (1558-1603)- last of Tudors -James I (1603-1625)- Scottish, Stuart -Charles I (1625-1649) -Parliament (1649-1653) -Oliver Cromwell (1653-1658) -Richard Cromwell (1658-1659) -Charles II (1660-1685) -James II (1685-1688) -William III (1689-1702) & Mary II (1689-1694)

Hitler use terror to consolidate power

-Enabling act- abs dictatorial power for 4 yrs→ only Hindenburg can take away but dies -eliminate all other parties -1933- Reichstag Fire- blame comm. but probably Nazis -late 1938- "Kristallnacht"- smashed windows, looted shops, destroyed homes & synagogues →Ger. Jews rounded up to pay for damage →not govt sponsored but they don't stop it

African Front

-Eng & Fr. take control of all Ger. colonies except Tanzania

Sir Francis Drake

-England -sail around the world


-England emerges in chaos, then stability (France opposite) -limitation of govt by law (1215-Magna Carta)

John Locke

-Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690) →tabula rasa=blank slate→ideas derive from experience, direct attack on religion- born w/out original sin -good individuals→ good society -people choose ruler, consent of governed -disagree w/ Descartes -not born good/evil -2nd Treatise of Civil Govt (1690) →life, liberty, property (most important for Locke) →govt protects rights →govt institutions by men →based on Thomas More →individual rights protected but can conflict w/ each other

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834)

-Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) -argued population always tend to grow faster than food supply -only hope of warding off such "positive checks" to pop growth as war, famine, disease was "prudential restraint" -marry later in life, fewer kids →unrealistic in nature b/c people more independent -Malthusian theory- pop grows at rate of multiples of 2, food supply doesn't -dark, econ view- dismal science

Areas in Africa that stay independent

-Ethiopia- mans, Italians want & fail, succeed 1935 -Liberia- named after liberty, poorest, American protectorate

New Deal & WPA

-FDR (1932) -1929-1932- indust. production fell 50% -reform capitalism in order to preserve it -forceful govt intervention in economy- plan & regulate -innovative programs promote agricultural recovery -Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933- raise prices & farm income by limiting production -Nat. Recovery Admin (NRA)- intend to reduce competition & fix prices & wages for everyone's benefit →dec. unconstitutional 1935 -1935- WPA→ US labor force in 1930s→ construct public buildings, bridges, highways -1935- national social security system -Nat. Labor Relations Act (1935)- collective bargaining policy of US -Union membership doubled- 1935- 4 mil//1940-9 mil -only partly successful →1933- 15 mil →1937- 7 mil unemp.

Sully lay foundations for public order and economic prosperity in France

-FRENCH MERCANTILISM FOUNDATION -flat tax- everyone pay same amount -intendants-appointed from newer nobility of robe →recruit soldiers →supervise tax collection →eye on local nobility -subsidized industry -canals, roads -lower taxes 1608- Quebec

Eric Hobsbawm mean by dual revolution

-Fr Rev & IR -Fr Rev 1789-1848→ viewed as block →failed b/c happen too early →ideas good but fails b/c IR hasn't happened →mob directs rev until 3rd phase→ ideas from group that wasn't large enough, didn't have factory system→ urbanization→ urban mass→ revolt & can't crush→ crush in 1848, but can't continue →1848- success of Fr Rev, but every rev in 1848 fails -rev explodes & fails -survive 1848 but continue unless usher in change →conservative govt- establish public schools

Congress of Vienna (1815)

-Fr take active role -don't punish Fr -BoP -fair settlement -concert of Europe -confident leaders -Metternich

Liberal revolts

-France 1830 -Swiss 1847 -Russia 1825 -Italy Spain -Portugal 1820s -German States (early on but nationalistic by 1848)

Political consequences of 30 Years' War

-France is dominant power -Spain & Austria lose

Le Corbusier

-Franco-Swiss architect -Towards a New Architecture (1923) -brutalist- use "raw" concrete -"A house is a machine for living in" -Founded Congrès International d'Architecture Moderne

End 1848-1849 attempts at German unification & liberalization

-Fred William tried to get small monarchs of Germany to elect him emperor →Austria balked, Russia & Austria force Prussia to renounce all schemes of unification in late 1850 -German Confederation reestablished -attempts to unite Germans in liberal national state & conservative Russian empire failed completely

War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748)

-Fred the Great of Prussia seized Silesia from Austria's Maria Theresa -world war included Anglo-French conflicts in India & N. America -no change in territorial situation in NA


-French aristocrat -Progress of the Human Mind (1793/1795) →9 stages of human progress →10th is utopia -subject to reign of terror -leader of legislative assembly- Jacobins -embrace constitutional monarch, reform -complete equality 1792 of everyone -free public education

Montesquieu (1689-1755)

-French baron -The Persian Letters (1721)- satire, criticize French society- preach tolerance, open mind -The Spirit of Laws (1748)- apply critical method to problem of govt -separation of powers -best form of govt?- observe many govt, conclude England b/c sep of power →checks & balances →more judiciary powers

American Revolution (1776-1783)

-French help w/ negotiation of no other treaty →bail & accept British deal -invoked Dec of Independence →violate property →1786 Annapolis Convention →commit treason- revise articles, lock the door, destroy govt -1786- Spain shuts off Miss R. →bullied by weak Spain -Daniel Shay- rebels b/c farmers losing farms -1786-1789- critical period →terrible, will they survive?

Why most philosophes French

-French was international language of educated classes in 18th C -wealth -religious toleration- deists -use of reason -faith in progress -secularization of society -censorship in France

Catherine the Great (1762-1796) personal story so intriguing

-GERMAN princess from Anhalt-Zerbst→ totally insignificant principality -father commanded regiment of Prussian army -mother related to Romanovs of Russia -Peter the Great abolished hereditary succession of tsars →Elizabeth came to throne -named nephew Peter the heir & chose Catherine to be his wife (1744) →most beautiful woman in Europe marry ugliest man- no one likes him -Catherine carefully studied Russian, endlessly read writers like Bayle & Voltaire, made friends at court -w/ her military conspirators- deposed Peter III in palace revolution & murdered him -new lover Gregory Orlov- tall, dashing young officer -bedroom for political gain -greatest czarina of Russia

Nature & significance of Garibaldi's liberation of Sicily & Naples in 1860, why Cavour so nervous about Garibaldi

-Garibaldi: superpatriot, member of Carbonari, want no foreign occupation -Cavour secretly supported plan to "liberate" kingdom of 2 Sicilies to use him & get rid -May 1860- guerilla band of 1000 Red Shirts captured imagination of Sicilian peasantry →outwit 20,000 royal army, took Sicily →prepared to attack Rome & pope -Catholic countries will defend pope →Cavour quickly sent Sardinian forces to occupy most Papal States (not Rome) & intercept Garibaldi -Cavour realized attack on Rome would bring war w/ Fr. -Garibaldi & Victor Emmanuel rode through Naples to cheering crowds- symbolically sealed union of N & S →Garibaldi present boot to Victor -1871- Rome capital

England during SR

-Henry VIII→James II -reformation -spanish armada -Glorious Revolution

Treaty of Versailles

-Ger not invited -winners thought too lenient, losers too harsh -lose Alsace Lorraine (ethnic Ger but Fr)→ agricultural →Hitler takes, Fr get back -Saar- given to Fr 15 yrs- coal area- LoN control →pebiscite- 1934- decide go to Ger. -permanently demilitarized Rhine -Malmody- Belgium -Schleswig parts to Denmark -Posen- give to Poland- Polish Corrider →Danzig- port city, LoN protectorate, int. city →east Prussia cut from from Ger -Sudetenland- part of Czech -Ger don't care much about colonial losses →territories in Africa LoN mandates →lose Shandong Peninsula in China -disarming- left w/ 100,000 domestic police force -conscription forbidden -can't wage war -no war industries -navy just small ships- brown water fleet -expected to hand over fleet to Brit- Ger sink ships/ Scapa Flow -Article 231- Ger accept full responsibility to justify severe reparations →Ger initially refuse ToV but forced to comply

International policy (March 1938)

-Ger occupy Aust & they don't mind→ violate ToV →also self determination

German govt

-Ger president symbolic seat- figurehead→ chancellor does job -Jan 30, 1933- Hit. legally appointed chancellor by Hindenburg →has strong support base, puppet for corporations, tough against comm. -2nddary people power struggle →Hit appoints people w/ little experience

2nd Moroccan Crisis (1911)

-Ger send gunships to protect Ger. interests -Ger has only Aust- unconditionally tied -tensions heightened starting 1905→ each war could have started WWI -tabloids sensationalize everything

How Great War finally ended

-Ger unrestricted sub warfare, try to take Paris→ put everything in →knows resources running out -Ger. sign armistice- ceasefire, draw, not loss -peace settlement based on 14 points -war w/out victors/losers -shouldn't have armistice -Ger was going to be defeated eventually -should have taken Berlin -Ger didn't lose -stab in back legend- socialists agree to treaty, turn on army in verge of victory →Hitler uses as propaganda →Ger would collapse on inside →Allies not in Ger. territory

Dawes Plan (1924)

-Ger yearly reparations reduced & depended on Ger econ prosperity -Ger receive large loans from US to promote Ger recovery -Ger pay reparations to Fr & Brit- they pay debt to US -depends on banks in US that get $ back w/ interest -sponsored by private individuals -stimulate econ growth, everyone benefits -restructure into Young Plan

Determination regarding war guilt was made in Article 231 of Treaty of Versailles

-Germany & allies were solely responsible -someone had to pay $30 billion reparation -Germany forced to accept

Economic consequences of 30 Years' War

-Germany decimated -25-50% population lost -long time to recover

Textbook's version of main cause of Great War

-Germany pushed & goaded A-H -Pan-slavism -Pan-germanism​

Groups in Legislative Assembly

-Girondists -Moderates -Feuillants

Netherlands during SR

-Golden Age -80 Years' War

Suleiman the Magnificent

-Golden age of Ottoman empire -leads conquests, reform -marry Christian convert -dies 1566

Chartist Movement

-Great Reform Bill didn't go far enough -gain signatures of chart -People's Charter (1838)- change to allow poor people to enter Parliament →universal male suffrage →secret ballot/ Australian ballot →abolition of property reqs for members of Parl. →salaries for members in Parl. -equal electoral districts -annual meetings in Parl. w/ yearly elections -1848- present to Parliament & gets rejected →claim create Nat Assembly of England -failed w/ Chartist demands but learned valuable lesson in mass politics -by 1914 all demands met

Major political developments & issues in Britain & Ireland in late 19th C

-Great Reform Bill of 1867 & 83- uni male suffrage →cater to needs of working class more -change in political parties -Whigs- liberals →led by William Gladstone- anti imperialist, religious, morally wrong w/ colonies, soliciting prostitutes -Tories- conservatives →led by Benjamin Disraeli- Jewish, Eng more secular -power go back & forth for 20 yrs

El Greco

-Greek/Spain -exaggerations in paintings, expressions on faces -The View of Toledo -The Burial of Count Orgaz

Cateau-Cambresis (1559)

-HABSBURG-VALOIS WARS ENDED -ENDED ERA OF DYNASTIC WARS(war btwn 2 families)- now larger btwn nation states -initiated period of conflicts where politics and religion played dominant roles →govt used religious faith to persuade people to heavier taxation →religious differences served as motivation for ordinary people to participate in wars -religious passions conditioned mindsets of all elements of society Wars- large armies- 50,000 men -reorganize administrations to finance -gunpowder -used propaganda, pulpits, printing press to arouse public opinion -WATERSHED EVENT -FRANCE SURVIVES, CHARLES V FAILS→TRUCE

Personal journey of Luther

-Hans Luther intended him to proceed to study of law →frightened by thunderstorm- prays for Saint Anne to save him →vows to become friar →anxiety about sins-doubt his faith--didn't fulfill promise to father of going to law school →1505- entered monastery of Augustinian friars at Erfurt →1507- ordained priest, earned doctorate of theology →studied St. Paul's letters →new understanding of saved by faith alone- direct attack on Catholic church

France during SR

-Henry II→Louis XIV -St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre -War of 3 Henry's -Edict of Nantes & revocation -Richelieu


-Henry IV comes to power, 1st Bourbon monarch, foundation of French absolutism -126 years- 3 monarchs→stability

Secret treaty signed among GB, Austria, France

-January 1815 -Tsar Alexander 1 of Russia wanted Poland →Galicia would be taken away from Austria -Prussians agreed if they could get Saxony -agreement to keep Russia & Prussia in check

Ferdinand and Isabella consolidate power

-Hermandades- old medieval institution which were popular groups in the towns given authority to act as local police forces and judicial tribunals→repressed violence with savage punishments →disbanded 1498 -restructuring royal council →rigorously excluded aristocrats and great territorial magnates- influence of nobility on state policy reduced greatly →Full executive, judicial, legislative powers →supervision of local authorities →people of middle-class background -diplomatic alliance with Spanish pope Alexander VI→right to appoint bishops in Spain and Hispanic territories in America -national church

Nazi domestic policy (1942-1945)

-Holocaust begins -10 mil dead -Romani/Gypsies- die in largest #s b/c no one wants (200,000-1.5 mil) -#s vary b/c Russ controls murder, Auschwitz after war -Holocaust genocide unique b/c in advanced Ger, doesn't make sense →meticulous process, bizarre →collective guilt- int. event, govt made serious failures- could have saved mil lives by bombing train tracks

Parliamentarians (Roundheads)

-House of Commons -S&E England -puritans -merchants -townspeople -more urban -led by Cromwell

Parliament in 1600s

-House of Lords -House of Commons →Puritan powerful minority →no divine right →parliament takes power

Royalists (Cavaliers)

-House of Lords -N&W England -aristocracy -large landowners -church officials -more rural

Pierre Balle (1647-1706)

-Huguenot -Historical & Critical Dictionary (1697) -skepticism -challenge religious authority -open-minded toleration

origins of troubles in France 1515-1559 that resulted in 30 years of civil war from 1559-1589

-Hundred Years' War- labor shortage and serfdom almost disappeared -declining buying power of money hurt nobility- inflation b/c of wealth from New World -division of property among sons meant peasant holdings mostly very small -Habsburg-Valois Wars cost more than govt could afford- debt passed -sale of public offices -treaty with the papacy- Concordat of Bologna -population loss from Black Plague -tax nobles during times of war, can't during times of peace -nobles don't like monarch b/c Henry II strong Machiavellian ruler→wait for weakness, ruthless but not very good, centralizing monarch -devout Catholic-state corrupting church →gravitate towards Calvinism to undercut political power of king

JA Hobson attack on imperialism

-Imperialism (1902) -special interet groups profited from them at expense to taxpayers & natives -most imp historian on imperialism -avg person didn't benefit -special interest controls govt so continue colonies -divert public attention away from domestic reform & need to reduce great gap btwn rich & poor

Advantages of Brit rule for Indians

-India benefit by far -largest railway system in world -invest in infrastructure, govt, education -has something to build from

Great Rebellion in India (1857-1858)

-Indians hired to be sepoys to protect Brit investment- Hindu (cow sacred) & Muslim (no pork) -gun cartridge coated in fat→ create prob -Sepoy Rebellion- successful, but then realize hate each other so fight each other, not unified -Sikhs- loyal to Brit, Hindus that take on Muslim characteristics -Brit survives until 1947, Sepoy Mutiny failed

Adam Smith

-Inquiry into the Natures & Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) -free competition, self interest -govt limit to 3 duties →provide defense against foreign invasion →maintain civil order w/ courts & police protection →sponsor certain indespensible public works & institutions that could never adequately profit private investors -"invisible hand" of free competition

What happened to Catholic Church in Ireland 1536?

-Irish parliament (ruled by English landlords) approved laws severing church from Rome, make English king sovereign over ecclesiastical organization and practice -most Irish remained Roman Catholic→political reasons, devoted to pope -English didn't kill Irish b/c too expensive

Nationalist revolts

-Italy 1848 -Germany 1848 -Belgium 1831 -Greece 1830 -Poland 1825

Results of Italian unification

-Italy conquered- Trieste, Tyrol- get WWI -lots of republican resentment -clerical resentment -south feels colony of north, look down upon -weakens France -role of pope changes- lose all temporal power -lot of govt debt

March 1945

-Italy falls -April 28- Muss dies

Russia during SR

-Ivan the Terrible→Peter the Great -Reign of Terror -Times of Troubles

Scotland end up Calvinist (Presbyterian)

-JOHN KNOX dominated movement for reform →STUDIED AND WORKED WITH CALVIN IN GENEVA →STRUCTURE SCOTTISH CHURCH AFTER CALVIN'S GENEVA →1560-PERSUADED SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT TO ENACT LEGISLATION ENDING PAPAL AUTHORITY →Mass abolished →established Presbyterian Church of Scotland→ PRESBYTERS/MINISTERS governed →strictly Calvinist doctrine→simple/dignified service of worship, emphasis on preaching →BOOK OF COMMON ORDER-liturgical directory of church →national/state church →close relations with English Puritans

Virginia Woolf

-Jacob's Room (1922): ideas & emotions from diff time periods bubble up as randomly as from a patient on a psychoanalyst's couch -explore human psyche

National Convention groups

-Jacobins (Mountain) →political club in southwest France →radical group →dominate -Girondists →moderates

Outcome of war of Spanish Succession

-Louis XIV defeated -treaty of Utrecht -France and Spain don't unite -Philip remains king -England: Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay, Gibralter, Asiento(African slave trade) -Austria: Spanish Netherlands

Origins of anti-semitism

-Luther anti-Semitic -always present -goes back to Jesus- Jews blamed for killing Jesus -Jewish Diaspora- migration of Jews out of Holy Land & take jobs, exclude political jobs, become bankers→ econ downturns blame Jews -Russ. pogroms→ Jews move west

Makeup of Austrian Empire

-Magyars (Hungarians)- substantially smaller group, dominated kingdom of Hungary -Germans long dominated -Czechs- concentrated in Bohemia & Moravia -large #s of Italians, Poles, Ukrainians -smaller groups of Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Ruthenians, Romanians

International policy (1941)

-March- ABC 1 agreement- arm west powers →Churchill & Roosevelt- victory in Europe 1st, keep Jap. at bay -Dec 7- Jap bombs Pearl Harbor→ big debate -June (scheduled for April)- Operation Barbarossa on SU- by June not enough time b4 winter →mistake- SU army in retreat, Russ peasants view as liberators but Einsatzgruppen kill →should have gone Middle East for oil but instead take Stalingrad -Italians want to invade Greece- Hit has to bail out Muss., resources down to Balkans

7 Years' War (1756-1763)

-Maria Theresa sought to win back Silesia & crush Prussia, re-establishing Habsburgs' traditional leadership in German affairs -Prussia survives w/ boundaries intact -Franco-British competition for colonial empire→British victory, Treaty of Paris (1763)- France lost all possessions on mainland of NA- Canada & east of Miss. R to Britain, Lousiana to Spain, holdings of India to Britain

Richelieu gains power, symbolize absolutism, achievements

-Marie de' Medici appoints to head of state -total subordination of all groups & institutions to French monarchy 1624-reshuffled royal council→redistrict France, new provinces -leveled castles→feudal independence -crushed aristocratic conspiracies w/ executions -intendants→merchants, not from own province -topples Protestant strongholds→state w/in state -La Rochelle siege -centralizes power -1 state, 1 religion, 1 language→target Protestant & nobles -ensured dominance in 30 Years' War →undercut Habsburg power, increase territory -French academy→Parisian French, French dictionary -nationalism foundation

Attempt to invade Britain & Battle of Trafalgar

-May 1803- renew war w/ Britain- concentrated armies in Fr ports on Channel in fall of 1803 -Nap tried to bring Mediterranean fleet around Gibraltar to N. Fr- combined Fr. & Spanish fleet virtually annihilated by Lord Nelson at Battle of Trafalgar Oct 21, 1805 -late 1804- Nap proclaimed emperor -Nelson dies- person who defeats Nap is dead- shove into pickle barrel, people drink rum

Peace of Paris

-May 30, 1814 -gave to Fr. boundaries it possessed in 1792- larger than 1789 -Prussia received territory on Fr. eastern border to stand as "sentinel/watch on the Rhine"

Meiji Restoration in Japan

-Meiji= enlightened one -1860s- civil war btwn old & new samurai -1868- Tokugawa Shogun steps down- rescind power to Meiji emperor -unique Jap. govt- emperor (in Kyoto, figurehead) & shogun (military, Kamakura) -both samurai serve state →old- maintain trad & customs- have to be crushed b/c if win then divided like China →new- become industrialists -most impressive industrialization in 30 yrs all by themselves →send people to model modern navy, army, education →have people show how to do

Protocol/conference at Troppau

-Mett & Alex proclaimed principle of active intervention to maintain all autocratic regimes whenever threatened -1821- Austrian forces marched into Naples & restored Ferdinand 1 to throne of 2 Sicilies →Fr armies restored Spanish regimes

International policy (Aug 1939)

-Molotov-Ribbentrop- Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact →Hit 1 front war w/ west →Stalin read Mein Kampf & knows "living space" territory in SU & racial superiority w/ Slavs at bottom w/ Jews -needs time to mobilize- quotas to meet that impressive on paper but bad quality

Russian history during 1250-1450

-Mongol Yoke- isolation →Genghis Khan →known for fear, tough →control everything →brutality, violence →1230s- Khanate Golden Horde in Sarai, sack of Kiev →leave Moscow alone b/c like warmth- just pay taxes =>establish absolutist state by learning how to be Mongols →Czars operate same as Mongols-kill oposition -Eastern Orthodox Church →protectors of true Christianity after fall of Constantinople →Moscow is 3rd Rome -Geography- Moscow is over 1000 miles removed from Western Europe →no ports for trade- no warm water ports -war w/ Sweden & Ottomans

Reasons for rebuilding Paris & who was responsible for this change

-Napoleon III- sought to stand above class conflict & promote welfare of all subjects through govt action -provide employment, improve living conditions, testify to glory & power of empire -Georges Haussmann- aggressive, impatient Alsatian- authoritarian planner capable to bulldozing both buildings & opposition -Paris 1850- labyrinth of narrow, dark streets- desperate overcrowding, terrible slum conditions, extremely high death rates, few open spaces, only 2 public parks -razed old buildings in order to cut broad, straight, tree-lined boulevards →prevent easy construction & defense of barricades by revolutionary crowds, permitted traffic to flow freely & afforded impressive vistas -zoning expropriation laws- allowed majority of owners of land in given quarter to city to impose major street/sanitation improvements on reluctant minority

What offered to Frederick William IV in March 1849

-Nat Assembly completed draft of liberal constitution & elected him emperor of new German nat. state -refuse crown from the gutter →disband assembly, rule by divine right -1848- liberals fail -Germans unified not by liberal constitution but by blood & iron

Napoleon & bourgeoisie

-National Bank- help commerce in Fr, statewide currency -merchants want to sell everywhere→ conquer to expand markets

What stimulated slave trade in Europe after 1400?

-Native Americans dying off- African slaves -majority go to Brazil & Caribbean →more brutal than in North America -sugar plantations- shortage of labor

Hitler attracts young people

-Nazi movement of mass young Ger. -last thing young people gravitate but people desperate

Reasons for Russian Revolution in March 1917

-Nick travel to front to lead & rally Russ' armies -Tsarina Alexandra & Rasputin rule -Rasputin- peasant, power over hemophiliac Alexis so royal fam dependent on him -members of aristocracy worry and try many times to murder Rasputin -March 12, 1917-Duma declare provisional govt led by Alexander Kerensky -3 days later Nick abdicates -rev not inevitable, just progress at snail pace -inevitable w/ WWI- tip over edge

What enabled North to defeat South in Civil War (1861-1865), new American nationalism grow out of war

-North doesn't really care about cause -vastly superior population, industry, transportation of North -South- better generals, people believe in cause, have to become everything they detest to win →oppose central govt & industrialization- way of life needs to change →South wanted help from Eng. & Fr. for resources in exchange for cotton for IR -North doesn't need help- has resources -South just had to not lose- if fight to draw then is win -North has to conquer South -if South held on, North would give up (fear slaves b/c lose jobs) -14th amendment- fed power supersedes state power -resolve issues of constitution -still weird system of govt -leads to great industrial growth 1870

Territorial expansion & issue of slavery related in US

-North: most Euro immigrants- joined Union army -nationalism in US -civil war inevitable- house divided, goes back to constitution- compromises, can't be specific →Jefferson: Compact Theory- states have right to nullify fed acts, states decide whether constitutional or not →nullification crises -1814- federalists nullify -1828-1833- S. states nullify fed acts on tariffs -manifest destiny- as moving west, slavery byproduct of states' rights -civil war: competition of N vs S over control of West →political power in congress →new states slave/free? →1820- Missouri- above Mason-Dixon line- S. boundary of Missouri is line -confused sstate- think they're southern -come in as slave state→ obstruct BoP -create Maine to balance -forcing slavery where doesn't belong- slavery goes w/ cotton →1860- Lincoln elected- position on slavery- opposed to expansion of slavery outside south -1861- South decide to secede- shouldn't b/c govt can't do anything about slavery, would have eventually been gone by 1900s

Nazi domestic policy (1938)

-Nov 9th/10th- Kristallnacht

Nazi domestic policy (1935)

-Nuremberg Laws →protection of Ger. blood & honor →Ger women can't work in Jewish home →reich citizenship →define what being Jewish means

1945-1946 in Germany

-Nuremberg trials →int court tried 22 people →11 guilty by hanging, 3 acquited, 3 life term, 3 10-20 yr →ex-post facto laws- laws created after & tried Nazis on new laws →Kangeroo court →Nazi defense- fuhrer orders →Denazification- eradicate officials →crimes against humanity →int. tribunal

Charles Darwin

-On the Origin of Species by the Means of Natural Selection (1859) -chance differences among members of given species help some survive while others die -variations that prove useful in struggle for survival selected naturally & gradually spread to entire species through reproduction -"Newton of Biology"

Turkish Treaty

-Otto empire -1916- Sykes-Picot Agreement- Eng & Fr divide up land in Otto based on oil -mess of Middle East -LoN mandates- divide Middle East -create countries w/ ethnic & religious differences -Brit oversee= Iraq, Palestine, Transjordan -Fr oversee= Syria, Lebanon -Turkey independent- mess, Kurds mose progressive, fight ISIS -Arabia, Persia independent


-Peter's son -bring back old traditions -tortured and killed

Aug 1945

-Potsdam conference- Truman, Atlee, Stalin →Truman vs Stalin →Manhattan project w/ success in NM→ Truman keep secret but Stalin knows from spies →Stalin says any govt as long as comm. →Truman use atomic bomb to bully Stalin- Stalin says use it, starts arms race -Aug 6-15- Jap surrender- Hiroshima, Nagasaki →no surrender if don't give up emperor but we don't care

Desiderius Erasmus

-Prince of humanists -Pious life -Church reform through education -The Education of a Christian Prince(1504)- idealistic and practical suggestions for the formation of a ruler's character -The Praise of Folly(1509)- satire of worldly wisdom and plea for simple and spontaneous Christian faith of children


-Revolutions of 1848 -begin series of revolutions/crises -50 different revolutions -London, Stockholm, Moscow- only major cities that didn't experience revolutions -Mett. run away to England →revolutions are failure to system -ideas of Fr Rev still very present

French workers trying to accomplish that connected so closely to Socialist writing

-Robespierre- govt fairly effective for people in times of war -embrace concept of active govt

Henry VII

-Royal council- center of royal authority which governed at national level →handled any business-executive, legislative, judicial →Star Chamber- applied principles of Roman Law -justices of the peace-handled all work of local govt -encouraged cloth industry and built up the English merchant marine -crushed invasion from Ireland and secured peace with Scotland

Count Leo Tolstoy

-Russian -combined realism in description & character development w/ atypical moralizing -War and Peace (1864-1869) →monumental novel set against historical background of Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 →regards free will as illusion & achievements as only the channeling of historical necessity →themes of human love, trust, everyday family ties are life's enduring values

Police state in Germany

-SA (Brown Shirts)- police force -Gestapo- offshoot of SS, secret police -SS- Hitler on personal guard -1934- Operation Hummingbird- Night of Long Knives- purge SA b/c could overthrow Hitler & kill leader Ernst Rohm

International policy (Sept 1939)

-Sept 1- Blitzkrieg- airfare, tanks, infantry→ full scale assault on Poland →Polish response- Stalin also come in on east, attempt to take a stand -Sept 3- Eng & Fr declare war on Ger

Scandinavian response of economic crisis most successful one among western democracies

-Social Democrats largest political party in Sweden & Norway after WWI -1920s- passed imp. social reform leg. for peasants & workers, gained practical admin experience, develop unique kind of socialism -strong trad. of coop. community action -Swed.- large scale deficits to finance public works & maintain production & employment -incr. social welfare benefits

Motivations of European explorers

-Spain & Portugal- God, Gold, Glory -1494-Pope steps in: Treaty of Tordesillas (east: Portugal, west: Spain) English- 1600s in North America →leave England for P,E,R,S reasons →establish more permanent settlements -French- Quebec, St Lawrence river valley, Mississippi→New Orleans -Russia- 1700s Alaska→Fort Ross, CA


-Spanish painter -painted Habsburgs of Spain -recognized when alive -freedom to do own paintings -Self portrait -Philip IV -Triumph of Bacchus -Sebastian the Dwarf-favorite dwarf -Las Meninas- different perspectives

States that are dictatorships

-Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler -less degree: Franco in Spain, Iron Guard in Romania, Arrow Cross in Hungary

Dutch system of govt

-States General-federal assembly handled foreign affairs, meets in The Hague -Stadtholders- reps of States General -regents-local governors, more power -provinces operate independently -middle class values -republican system -has to work b/c valuable land -not effective

1898- Brit army faced Fr. army at Fashoda in north-central Africa

-Sudan→ Eng & Fr almost go to war -below Egypt, on Nile, strategic location -France there first -Brit want connect Egypt to SA- dream to connect Cairo to Cape Town by railroad →connect by Rhodes' Colossus telegraph -1900- Boer War- ENg vs DUtch →Boers fight very well, expose vulnerability of Brit -Fr backed down b/c Dreyfus affair & humiliating defeats -1904- Fr want to support Russia in war against Japan so Brit say join Japan -everyone wanted WWI

Swedish Phase (1630-1635), 3rd Phase

-Swedish king GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS- 1635 TREATY OF PRAGUE -1632- Lützen won (Adolphus killed)

Zwingli (1484-1531)

-Swiss humanist and admirer of Erasmus -introduced Reformation in Switzerland -elected People's Priest at the New Minister in Zurich -Christian life rested on Scriptures- pure words of God, sole basis of religious truth -attacked indulgences, Mass, institution of monasticism, clerical celibacy -Lent 1522- Affair of Sausages starts reformation- passes out free sausages

d'Holbach (1723-1789)

-System of Nature (1770)- human beings were machines completely determined by outside forces -no such thing as freewill, God -aggressive atheism, determinism, deep hostility toward religion -ignorance & fear created gods -God was created by people →people distort what God means -member of prominent salon

Irish potato famine

-The Hungry 40s -famine hits all Europe -worse for Irish b/c dependent of potato -potato blight 1846- 4 yrs of famine -increase tension btwn England & Ireland- England takes away little Irish has -Ireland country of peasants- no one wants to go back -leads to Irish Diaspora -pop. 8 mil (1845) -when over- 2 mil→ many die & flee →pop never recovers

Characteristics of Ottoman rule

-absence of private property -rank based on service to sultan -top officials were sultan's slaves- serve sultan -no hereditary nobility

Basic patterns of government emerged in Europe

-absolute monarchy -constitutional state -republicanism

International policy (1940)

-The Phony War (Sitzkrieg) →offensive maneuvers in WWI didn't do anything so just sit around -April 9- invade Denmark, Norway- north Eng. is vulnerable -Dunkirk (Hit 1st mistake)- heroic effort for Brit, if Hit bomb Brit the war would be over -Fr collapse- Vichy France (Marshall Petain)- conservative, authoritarian, corporate, Catholic state in south→ countryside, Fr doesn't surrender →benefit to everyone →Eng strength in navy & air force, defensive war -Free Fr movement- Charles de Gaulle -July- Brit sink Fr. fleet at Mers-el-Kebir, 1300 Fr die→ can't have Fr ships fall into Ger hands -Operation Sea Lion to invade Brit- need to gain aerial superiority →Battle of Britain- Brit better pilots but Ger more planes--- RAF, Luftwaffe →"Never was so much..."- Churchill Aug 24- (Accidental) bombing of London- mistake →try to break Brit morale but opposite →massive exodus from London, Churchill speeches -Aug 26- Brit bomb Berlin (mid of Ger)- break Ger morale

T.S. Elliot

-The Waste Land (1922) -world of growing desolation hope cautiously for humanity's salvation -people are lazy & non-spiritual

Programs & efforts allow France to slowly form some stable sense of national unity after disasters of 1870-1871

-Thiers' destruction of radical Commune & other firm measures showed fearful provinces & middle class that 3rd republic might be moderate & socially conservative -after loss result in stability for 20 yrs -move toward secular society -Léon Gambetta- pop. need to heal themselves as a whole -Jules Ferry- free compulsory elementary education for boys & girls →legalize trade unions & strikes

April 1946

-Tokyo Trials →Unit 731, human experiments, Jap in denial

Earlier flexible British political power structures become increasingly rigid during Fr. Rev

-Tory Party- completed controlled by landed aristocracy →maintain status quo →4 generations removed from Glorious rev -govt passes series of laws/acts


-Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922)- philosophy only logical clarification of thoughts→ study of language→ expresses thoughts

Big Four

-US -GB -Fr -Italy (not really)

James Joyce

-Ulysses (1922)- language mirror modern life itself →contemp. take on Odessey →own take of epic poem -more of attack on Odessey -1 day- epic poem of Leopold Bloom →probs, Irish Jew →thought process →real hero is everyday person, just good person -Finnegan's way

Theodore Dreiser

-United States -Sister Carie (1900) →story of ordinary farm girl who does well going wrong in Chicago →outraged conventional morality that publisher w/drew the book

Thomas More

-Utopia(1516)- man through own efforts can create perfect world, society needs reform -promote education and literature -problems in society caused by greed

Less than laudable aspects of Napoleon's domestic rule

-WOMEN LOST MANY GAINS MADE IN 1790S -Nap Code- women dependents of father/husband, can't make contracts/have bank accounts in own names -family monarchy- power of husband/father absolute over wife & children -FREE SPEECH & FREEDOM OF PRESS CONTINUALLY VIOLATED- thrown in jail →1811- only 4 newspapers left- govt propaganda -occasional elections were a farce, later laws prescribed harsh penalties for political offenses -police state under Joseph Fouché- organized ruthless efficient spy system keeping 1000s of citizens under continual police surveillance →people suspected of subversive activities arbitrarily detained, house arrest, in same asylums →1810- political suspects held in state prisons →1814- 2500 political prisoners

WWI background

-WWI most debated topics in history -origins of WWI go back 100 yrs -Euro countries innocent & guilty at same time -causes extremely complex & simple -pinnacle of Euro civilization -by 1914 Euros control everything -results of WWI do more to change history →inspire Russ. Rev →Alex de Tocqueville- Fr philosopher, tour US 1830s-40s -there is coming a time w/ bipolar world- US & Russ -look at land masses →WWI spawns communism, Cold War

Nazi domestic policy (Jan 1942)

-Wannsee Conference -final solution to Jew question plan→ no documentation

French Indian War

-Washington attacks French fort in Ohio Valley → England respond to French threat → English defeat French & Indians- 1763- Treaty of Paris- French threat removed from colonies -American colonists don't invest effort 1763- period of salutary neglect over → Britain wants to take independence → Proclamation of 1763- colonies can't settle west of Appalachian Mtns -colonists say violate liberty -Brit don't settle until negotiate treaty w/ NA - Brit debt- colonists should pay share of defense costs

Pierre Joseph Proudhon

-What is Property? (1840)- nothing but theft →property was profit stolen from worker who was source of all wealth -anarchist→ carry neg connotation →don't need to have govt →own social awareness should keep you safe→ just need social conscious

Feb 1945

-Yalta Conference -division of Ger into 3 occupation zones, Brit insist Fr get one →Cold war strategy, SU get less -Berlin divide 4 ways- western dem. enclave for 45 yrs -Saar becomes indep protectorate for 10 yrs until into West Ger -Spheres in influence- east vs west -unconditional surrender- Allies control fate -Denazification -Reparations to Russ from Ger -Dem elections in Poland- won't get -SU help w/ Jap

Peasants as counterrevolutionary force

-abolished serfdom -get land & lost interest in political & social questions agitating cities


-absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God →no free will -total weakness of humanity -predestination- God decided at the beginning of time whether would be saved -high standard of morality based on Bible -recognized noblemen had influence and power -hard work, well done was pleasing to God -aggressive, vigorous activism -structured society- look at good deeds- God made you that way, invest money wisely, follow rules, don't spend on frivolous things, fear of damnation -PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC -bridge between wealth and heaven- MERCHANTS- humble, meek, work hard -fundamental Christian fanaticism -killing is speeding up the process of one going to hell

Effect of war on power of labor & women

-advent of women's liberation movement -standard for women to have vote after war -women take over clerical, secretarial, teaching -African Americans go to Europe to fight & treated equal →go back to US & demand more rights

Path to war began as early as 1871

-after Franco Prussian War→ BoP obstructed by Ger. -Bismarck try to establish peace through alliances


-after Rev of 1905- expand power base -Duma challenged -Soviets undermine Duma power -Duma & Soviets tokenized system of govt in 1905

Joseph II (1780-1790)

-ahead of his time -truly Enlightened -fails b/c Europe still in Mach age -improve agricultural production -controlled Catholic church more closely in attempt to ensure that produce better citizens -granted religious toleration & civic rights to Protestants & Jews→ in an overwhelming Catholic state -1781- abolished serfdom -1789- all peasant labor obligations be converted into tax payments →violently rejected by nobles & peasants -serfs treated the best & now have to pay taxes -don't want freedom -Leopold II- cancel Joseph's radical edicts to re-establish order

Nationalism connections

-all other ideologies attach to nationalism -conservatism- Germany & Bismarck -liberalism- create identity -socialism- Hitler -romanticism

Necessary pathways to industrialization

-alt. paths to industrial world in 19th C →today no need to follow a rigid, predetermined British model -diff patterns suggest process of industrialization far from automatic -follow Brit model -how govt steers industrial progress

Freud's ideas contribute to attack on human reason & notion of progress

-analysis of dreams & hysteria -free association therapy/talking therapy -human behavior basically irrational -key to understanding mind is primitive, irrational unconscious- "id" -unconscious driven by desires & locked in constant battle w/ other parts of mind →sexual energy always present →rationalizing conscious- ego, can do →ingrained moral values- superego, should do -mechanisms of rational thinking & trad. moral values too strong→ cripple people w/ guilt & neurotic fears -analyzed differences btwn middle class & working class→ working more happy b/c less econ dependent -Freudian slip- unconscious mind answer b4 can be stopped by conscious ego

Descartes (1596-1650)

-analytical geometry -deductive reasoning- doubt everything: info, pattern, tentative hypothesis, theory -Cartesian dualism- mind & matter -"I think, therefore I am." -skeptic -foundation of modern philosophy

Josef Mengele

-angel of death -human experiments esp. on twins -escapes

Hitler's Mein Kampf

-anti-Semitism- scapegoating -"living space" w/ war & conquered territory -Führer

James II cause open rebellion

-appointed Catholics to positions in army, universities, local govt -baptized kid as Catholic 1689-throne to Protestant sister Mary and Dutch husband William of Orange →want Dutch

Albert Speer

-architect -light sentence at Nuremberg -design concentration camps

At first Nap viewed as liberator by common people in lands he conquered but later viewed as tyrant

-areas incorporated into Fr & satellites →introduced many Fr laws, abolishing feudal dues & serfdom →some peasants & middle class benefited -put prosperity & special interests of Fr first to safeguard power base →levy heavy taxes in money & men for armies -sparked patriotic upheavals & encouraged growth of reactive nationalisms -FR PEOPLE LOVE NAP -FR ARMY MOSTLY FOREIGN -PROMOTION BASED ON MERIT -END FEUDALISM -DESTRUCTION OF EUROPE

Obstacles to royal authority caused disorder in England

-aristocracy dominated the government of Henry IV and indulged in mischievous violence at the local level -population continued to decline after being decimated by the Black Death -1455-1471→adherents of the ducal houses of York and Lancaster waged civil war→War of Roses -Chronic disorder hurt trade, agriculture, domestic industry -authority of the monarchy sank lower under the pious but mentally disturbed Henry VI

International policy (1936)

-armies into demilitarized Rhine→ if Fr resistance turn around but Fr didn't act→ Hit. green light →first act of expansion -Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis -Berlin Olympics, Jesse Owens vs Ger→ goves Owens 4th gold medal -Joe Louis vs Max Schmeling→ racial conflict, Ger win →Louis: becomes poor & Schmeling takes care of him →Schmeling→ membership in party if accomplishment, but hids Jews in war -Spanish Civil War- Repub. L-wing govt challenge by Franco →Hitler aid →fascism successful →Valley of the Fallen- fascist arch, controversial b/c slave labor

Great Depression background

-around 1810- market economy →survival depends on obscure outside area →market for good est. →interconnected country →impact by things elsewhere -boom bust cycles →every 20 yrs bust econ →1816- 1st bust →1836-7- 2nd →1873- econ collapse w/ Egypt →1893- 4th -people tend to get overly optimistic then econ downturns -how to get out- L & R division

What kind of individual was Louis XIV?/relationship with nobility

-arrogant brat, vain -threatened & treated as prisoners by aristocratic factions -devout Catholic -divine right -keep enemies closer -32/50 years in war→expensive -expand France to natural borders

Why was Renaissance art almost purely a manifestation of the elite not the masses?

-art manifested corporate power→ powerful urban groups commissioned works of art -later 15th century→patrician merchants and bankers, popes and princes supported the arts as a means of glorifying themselves and their families -powerful men wanted to exalt themselves, their families, and their offices

Class divisions btwn urban poor & urban middle class as counterrevolutionary force

-artisan workers & urban poor rose in arms & presented own demands for socialist workshops & universal voting rights for men & prosperous middle classes recoiled in alarm

Incident was immediate spark for war

-assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Princip

Jean Baptiste Lamarck

-asserted all forms of life had arisen through long process of continuous adjustment to the environment -characteristics parents acquired in course of their lives could be inherited by children →false

Marie Curie

-atoms composed of far-smaller, fast-moving particles→ electrons, protons -radium constantly emits subatomic particles & doesn't have constant atomic weight→ radioactivity -portable x-rays -Polish physicist


-attacked all accepted standards of art & behavior→ delight in outrageous conduct -dada- Fr for hobby horse, nonsensical -da Vinci's Mona Lisa

Typical marriage of preindustrial Europe/ people don't marry at all

-avg person married late- 27 yrs or older in 17th/18th C -substantial portion never married at all -couples couldn't marry until they could support themselves economically -peasant son needed to wait until father's death to inherit family farm & marry -peasant daughter & family needed to accumulate small dowry to help fiancé buy land/build house -lead & community controls to temper impetuous love & physical attraction -some areas, couples needed legal permission/tacit approval of local lord/landowner to marry

Election of the Legislative Assembly in Oct 1791

-avoid entrenched political system →new blood brought into assembly every year 1791- Leg Assembly lasts 1 year →transition to Nat Convention- more radical 1791- stop short of creating republic →call for new govt 1792- National Convention

Louis XIV's wars produced desperation among some segments of French society

-bad harvests -price of wheat skyrocketed -starvation, death rate rose -more taxes -last Habsburg of Spain- Charles II (1661-1700) →impotent, bewitched (sorcery, cursed) →end result of inbreeding

Treaty of Utrecht

-balance of power preserved→England oversees -Spain loses -France stopped in tracks

Why Estates General called in 1788

-bankruptcy & debt -5% tax

Forms in which popular religious culture remained in Catholic Europe

-baroque art remained in church -> 95% attended church for Easter Communion -confessed sins to priests -religious festivals to celebrate passage of liturgical year -compromise btwn theological purity & people's piety

France is administrative monarchy not absolutism

-became stronger in that it could achieve more of its goals -myth by royal govt -DOESN'T HAVE CONTROL OVER NOBLES

Origins of North American racism

-before 1650- slavery not associated with race -1683- Virginia law- all people arriving by way of ship have to serve -1680s-race & slavery

Chief intellectual beliefs of modern Western culture

-before 1914- progress, reason, rights of individual -progress in rising standard of living, taming of city, steady increase in pop. edu. -logical universe of Newtonian physics & faith in ability of rational human mind to understand universe through intellectual investigation -rights of individual increasing, new "social rights" -moderately optimistic world view

Edward IV

-began establishing domestic tranquility -defeated the Lancastrian forces -1471→began to reconstruct the monarchy -conducted foreign policy on the basis of the diplomacy, avoiding expensive wars -monarchy didn't depend on Parliament for money→undercut source of aristocratic influence


-began in Germany→ Protestant revival 1. warm, emotional religion everyone could experience, enthusiasm 2. priesthood of all believers, Bible reading & study 3. Christian rebirth in everyday affairs

Austrian Revolution of 1848

-began in Hungary w/ nationalists demanding national autonomy, full civil liberties, universal suffrage -written constitution- most liberal, only for Magyars -anti conservative movement -begins in Budapest by students then urban workers -Ferdinand I give in & promise reforms & liberal constitution -Mett fled to London -1848 succeed

Miasmatic theory of disease & how it retarded progress in treatment of disease

-belief that people contract disease when they breathe bad odors of decay & putrefying excrement -1840s & 18502- keen observation by doctors & public health officials pinpointed role of bad drinking water in transmission of disease & suggested contagion spread through filth & not caused by it →weakened miasmatic idea

Mistakes of WWI

-believe Ger. responsible & lead to WW2 →simplify & blame Ger -Versailles settlement biggest blunder of 20th C →Middle East- create countries that shouldn't exist- greed w/ oil →Blakans explode in violence & still as mess -thought war would be over by Christmas →based on historical precedent, past wars were short →model should have looked at Crimean, Civil -after WW2 countries emerge better off

revival of Latin American colonial economy

-better leadership- Philip V (1700-1746) -defend numerous British attacks -Louisiana in 1763 -missionaries & ranchers extend influence to N. Cali

Extended family and advantages that provide to agrarian peasants

-big, 3/4 generation clan headed by a patriarch/matriarch & encompassing everyone from youngest infant to oldest grandparent -provide security for adults & children→ everyone has a place -young couples normally established own households, lived separately from parents

Attitude & action craft workers in particular take toward Combo Acts & eventual result

-bitterly resented by many craft workers- played important part in GB & other countries in gradually building modern labor movement to improve working conditions & serve worker needs -Combo Acts widely disregarded by workers -printers, papermakers, carpenters, tailors, others continued to take collective action, societies of skilled factory workers also organized unions 1824- Parliament repealed Combo Acts 1825- unions tolerated but not fully accepted

Effect of American Revolution on France

-born out of Enlightenment ideas -1st true practical app of enlightenment -last straw for finance if Fr- bankruptcy -financial component send France over the edge

Circumstances which, by 1786, forces French govt to try raising taxes

-borrowed excessive sums of $ & never paid it back -1516- Pragmatic Sanction- tax exempt class, but ok b/c peasants & merchants well off, but not anymore -aristocracy won't give into taxes, taxes are for the poor -church too powerful -old regime doesn't have power -Marie Antoinette didn't bankrupt country -50% for increasing interest payments on debt- goes on forever b/c can't pay it off -25% to maintain military of 250,000 people -6% to Versailles -20% for productive functions of the state -banks don't lend $ b/c they know he won't pay them back -deficit spending -Assembly of Notables- establish 5% tax, but can't do w/out authorization of Estates General →Estates compile list of grievances

Problems of declining nutrition caused by wealth & fashion in mid-18th C

-bread changed- decline in nutritional value →high-roughage bran & dark, high-vitamin germ sifted out - Growing consumption of sugar →Dropped rapidly in price as slave-based production increased in Americas →Became more widely used in the 18th century →Increase in cavities & other ailments -semitropical fruits→ oranges & lemons from Portugal & West Indies -rapacious carnivores, little fruits & veggies -overdrinking- English squire -sweets →deficient in vitamins A&C →gout

Albert Einstein

-break from Newtonian physics -theory of special relativity- time & space relative to viewpoint of observer, only speed of light constant -time dilation- faster objects experience slower time -length contraction- faster something move, shorter it looks -mass expansion- mass gained as move faster -E=mc² -Einsteinian physics- unified apparently infinite universe w/ incredibly small, fast-moving subatomic world -matter & energy interchangeable -particle of matter contain enormous lvls of potential energy

Mercantilist Wars

-btwn France, England, Dutch-change alliances -Second Anglo Dutch War (1665-1667) -War of Devolution (1667-1668) -Franco-Dutch War (1672-1678) -War of Reunions (1683-1684) -9 Years' War (1688-1697) →lead to war of Spanish succession

British response to depression

-budget balanced but unemployment. workers received barely enough welfare to live -1920s worse than after 1932 -1932- protective tariffs -concentrate on incr. nat. market→ new industries- autos & electrical appliances -low interest rates

Fritz Harkort

-business pioneer in German machinery industry -"religious calling" to build steam engines & become "Watt of Germany" -turned to England for experienced & expensive mechanics, import thick iron boilers 1832- forced out of company by financial brokers

Balance of power shifted by these wars

-by 1763- British naval power, built large part on rapid growth of British shipping industry after passage of Navigation Acts, triumphed decisively -monopolizing vast trading & colonial empire for its exclusive benefit

Positives of European urbanization during 19th C

-by 1850, working conditions improving -real wages rising for mass of population until 1914

How well did Japanese copy Euros?

-by 1900- on war w/ Europe -naval power rivals US & Fr -military rivals everyone except Germany -doesn't ahve resources →1904- want Manchuria & beat Russia →make Americans worried →1905- stop Japan from taking too much from Russia -state controls industry -1880s- take part of China, go into Korea

What was old about call for reform?

-calls for reform -heresy movements -corruption of the church

Reformation- continuation

-calls for reform began HMA -Luther is continuation- right place, right time -printing press

International policy (US 1939)

-cash & carry policy →pay upfront & come get materials →mistake: Br & Fr can't fully mobilize & Ger at advantage

Disadvantages of Brit rule for Indians

-caste system -Hindu & Muslim minority same size as US -divide Hindu India w/ Pakistan Muslim -still being occupied, 2nd class sysmte -racial component

Purposes of Escorial

-center of state/govt center- far away from capital- doesn't have tough w/ what's happening -church -monastery -cemetery- in basement w/ every Spanish king since Charles V -morgue

Political impact of WWI

-changes in govt- more centralized for wartime economy -govt more responsive to needs of people, people more dependable on govt →communism viable option -kings & queens gone- role diminished

Engel's & Marx

-charges of terrible oppression of new class of factory workers in England -factories were satanic mills -Marx gets lots of $ from him

Electric streetcar so important in improving urban life

-cheaper, faster, more dependable, more comfortable than horse-drawn street cars -millions of Europeans hopped on board during workweek -helped great'y in struggle for decent housing -new boulevards & horse-drawn streetcars facilitated middle class move to better housing in 1860s & 1870s -after 1890- gave people of modest means access to new, improved housing

Police state in Soviet Union

-cheka→ GPU (1920s)→ NKVD (1930s)→ KGB

General reality of 18th century govt hampered all Enlightened Monarchs in their attempts at reform

-choose improve power of state over people -religious toleration to undercut power of church -degree of reform -Joseph II of Austria- truly enlightened

Fr emerge from diplomatic isolation so quickly

-circumstances dictate→ need Fr so get recognized -threat of war→ Russia & Prussia moderate their demands -enabled Fr to regain Great Power status

Action of National Assembly a culmination of the Enlightenment/ first failure

-civil constitution of clergy →seize church lands →Church becomes department of state -loyalty oath to new govt (only 1/2 people) →France still Catholic →unpopular move →Assignats- new paper currency- sold church property

"Fronde" causes

-civil war of 1648-1653 -Mazarin couldn't control nobles like Richelieu →raise royal revenue, new way to extract $, continue policies of Richelieu →nobles started refusing taxes→rebel b/c tax during peace, regain power


-classical -most imp. of time period, move history forward, cause all problems -freedom from govt intervention -no taxes/high tariffs -oppose censorship -ideal political system- constitutional monarchy -rights of individual -Adam Smith & Locke →law of self interest →legitimate for time period -focus on needs of individual -bourgeosie- have no say- cause of Fr. Rev, Rev of 1848 -powerful philosophy becomes existing order

Cause of socialism in 19th C Europe

-classical liberalism predates Fr Rev & becomes formative philosophy →2nd phase- socialism -econ planning →self-serving individual at expense of collective whole -outgrowth of IR -list of theories to arrive at healthy society -urgent need for reorganization of society to establish cooperation & new sense of community -desire to help poor -private property regulated/abolished

Being a liberal in this era

-classical liberalism specific group- upper middle class →issues w/ mercantilism, govt →embrace Enlightenment -merchants bourgeoisie → gain rights for their specific groups


-classicism -The Adoration of the Golden Calf -The Rape of the Sabine Women

Pierre Corneille

-classicism -dramatist, tragedies

François Couperin

-classicism -harpsichord, organ

Jean-Baptiste Lully

-classicism -orchestra, court ballets


-classicism -playwright, actor

Marc-Antoine Charpentier

-classicism -solemn religious music

1st Estate

-clergy -10% land -0.5% population -no tax

3 estates in France

-clergy -nobles -everyone else

Clerical pluralism/absenteeism

-clerics held several benefices simultaneously but seldom visited them -rarely performed spiritual responsibilities offices entailed -just collected revenue and hired poor priest and paid fraction of income

Reforms of Muhammad Ali in Egypt from 1800-1849

-commercial agriculture- focus on cotton -emerges in power vacuum after Fr leave -new monarch- Mach, kill opposition -modern army -single cash crop industry -peasants suffer -based on agricultural production

Symphonic music parallel direction taken by modern art

-composers attracted by emotional intensity of expressionism -Igor Stravinsky- ballet The Rite of Spring- shocking enactment of primitive fertility -Alban Berg- opera Wozzeck- gruesome tale of soldier driven by Kafka-like inner terrors & vague suspicions of unfaithfulness to murder his mistress -Arnold Schönberg- abandon trad. harmony & tranquility →12 tone music- arrange 12 notes in abstract =, math pattern- "tone row"

Treaty of Westphalia

-conflicts over religious faiths ended -what was decided at Augsburg stays --recognized sovereign, independent authority of 300+ German princes to govern own territory, make war/peace -France never allows German states to unify -independence of UNITED PROVINCES acknowledged -FRANCE acquisition of ALSACE LORRAINE- most important border region, ethnically German -SWEDEN received large cash indemnity, POMERANIA till 1679 -DENIED PAPACY RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE IN GERMAN RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS -GERMANY LOSES 1/3 POPULATION -ECONOMICALLY DESTROYED -GERMAN STATES CAN'T DEFEND THEMSELVES -SWITZERLAND INDEPENDENT

Joseph Lister

-connection btwn aerial bacteria & problem of wound infection -antiseptic principle- chemical disinfectant applied to wound dressing 1880s- German surgeons developed sterilizing

1815 political philosophy seemed in control on continent/many willing to accept this control

-conservatism →all others produce chaos→ Europe not ready →1815- easy path, Fr. backwards

Cavour's hope for a unified Northern Italy saved after Napoleon III abandoned him

-consolidate Sardinia as liberal constitution state capable of leading northern Italy, possibly central -couldn't drive out Austria w/out Nap III- secret diplomatic alliance (1853)- Fr, Eng, against Russia →July 1858- need to provoke Austria- Cavour does military exercises along Austria border so Austria attacks →Nap III came to defense -compromise peace w/ Austrians at Villafranca July 1859- Sardinia only get Lombardy & Cavour resign -pro-Sardinian nationalists drive out easily toppled princes & called for fusion of C. Italy w/ Sardinia -early 1860 Cavour return to power- gained Nap III support by ceding Savoy & Nice to Fr -unify rich part of Italy- problem Austria controls north

Climate of fear Stalin created in USSR

-constant state of fear- love-fear relationship -propaganda, history rewritten to glorify past -cult of personality- Stalin is god -1953- state of mourning when Stalin dies, need to recondition Russ society -no assassination attempts on him -1932- great purges →old Bolsheviks potential threat →show trials →carry on to military to replace w/ his people →disastrous effect -1939- Winter War- want Finland to cede territory b/c Leningrad to close to Finland →Russ struggles w/ bad leadership →Molotov cocktails- bombs

3 parts of Grand Empire

-core/1st- ever-expanding Fr- 1810 included Belgium, Holland, parts of Italy, German territory on east bank of Rhine →direct control -2nd- # of dependent satellite kingdoms- thrones he replaced/placed members of his large family →Spain, German Confederation, Poland, Naples 3rd- independent but allied Austria, Prussia, Russia, Sweden

Pauper children used by early cotton mill owners & when Parliament outlaw this practice

-cottage workers' reluctance to work in factories → turn to abandoned & pauper children for labor →owners contracted w/ local officials to employ large #s of children who had no say →often badly mistreated & terribly overworked in mills →1802- use of pauper apprentices forbidden by Parliament

Machine production of massive amounts of cotton thread of great social significance

-cotton goods much cheaper- bought & treasured by all classes →could afford underwear/body linen made from expensive linen cloth -families using cotton in cottage industry freed from constant search for adequate yarn from scattered, part-time spinners, since all thread obtained from nearby factory -wage of weavers rose markedly until 1792 →among best paid workers in England -working conditions in early factories less satisfactory

Skilled crafts workers & mechanics

-could install, regulate, repair sophisticated engines -Watt gradually able to purchase precision parts →create an effective vacuum & regulate complex engine -late 1780s- steam engine became practical & commercial success in Britain

What was new about call for reform?

-criticisms of educated laypeople whose religious needs weren't met -printing press -materialism of Catholic church

Pattern began to change in mid-18th C/ famous treatise called for greater love & compassion toward children

-critics led by Rousseau in 1762 in famous & influential treatise Emile- called for greater love & tenderness towards children & proposed imaginative new teaching methods that also constructed rigid gender differences →supporting foundling homes to discourage infanticide & urge wealthy women to nurse own child →ridiculed practice of swaddling →growth of humanitarianism & cautious optimism about human potential that characterized 18th C Enlightenment

Mental illness regarded & treated in 18th C

-customary treatment was bleeding & cold water→ more to maintain discipline -violent persons were chained to wall & forgotten 1790s- William Tuke founded 1st humane sanatorium in England 1793- Philippe Pinel- took chains off mentally disturbed & tried to treat them as patients rather than as prisoners -moonlight created madness- lunatic- someone harmed by lunar light -masturbation caused madness, acne, epilepsy, premature ejaculation -Celestial Bed- decorated w/ magnets & electrical devices

French civil war end

-death of Catherine de' Medici -assassinations of Henry of Guise and King Henry III -accession of Henry of Navarre (IV)- Protestant-1589- start Bourbon Dynasty till 1789 →sacrifice religious principles to political necessity →Edict of Nantes (1598)- granted Huguenots liberty of conscience and liberty of public worship in 150 fortified towns, religious truce not tolerance

Enlightened Monarch

-degree of embracing enlightenment -don't have deep faith in people -improve lives of common people -Voltaire lives w/ Fred the Great

Rise of Witches

-degree of independence/education →ability to speak out →attempt to maintain subservient status -women not under a man's supervision highly suspect -susceptibility of women to the Devil -upset social balance if women have power -explain the unexplainable→simple solution to complex problems→inflation, religious wars, slavery

Impact of war on the people

-democracy close to fail -miracle that countries survive -govt run econ well- rationing, propaganda

French response to depression

-depression stayed -decline steady til 1935 -no stability in govt -Feb 1934- fascists & semi fascists noted & threatened to overturn republic -May 1936 nat. elections- communists, socialists, radicals alliance- Popular Front →Comm. seats 10→32 →Socialists w/ Léon Blum- 146 seats -Blum govt encourage union movement & launched far-reaching program of social reform →sabotaged by rapid inflation, cries of rev. from fascists & comm. -Spanish Civil War encouraged political dissension →comm. demanded Fr. support Sp. republicans →Fr. conservatives join Hitler & Mussolini →extremism grew -Blum resign in June 1937 & Pop. Front collapsed

Congress system failures

-didn't recognize minor ethnic groups

Ludwig Hies van der Rohe

-director of Bauhaus in 1930 -after Hitler destroy Bauhaus, fled to US -Lake Shore Apartments (1948-51)

Period of Fr. Rev. (1789-1815) disastrous for continental Europe in its competition w/ Britain for making & selling manufactured goods

-disrupt trade, create runaway inflation, foster social anxiety -WAR SEVERED NORMAL COMMUNICATIONS BTWN BRITAIN & CONTINENT- severely handicap continental efforts to use new Brit machinery & tech -1789-1815- even for privileged Fr econ receiving special favors from Nap- time of "national catastrophe" -Brit goods produced economically- goods dominate world markets, tech became so complicated that very few engineers/skilled technicians outside England understood -steam power grown more expensive- large investments in iron & coal industries, required railroads -continental business people difficulty finding large sums of $, shortage of laborers accustomed to working in factories -landowners & govt officials suspicious of new form of industry & changes it brought -continental system- blockade goods & ideas

How Italy arrived at 1 party system

-dissolve parliament -get Fascist Grand Council- chamber of Fasi & Corps →reps from various econ sectors -syndicalism- Left wing political concept from Sorel- power to workers

What sense were US Constitution & Bill of Rights a nearly perfect political statement of "classical liberalism"

-distrust common people -illusion of say in govt but not really -protect govt against mob

Open field system

-divided land to be cultivated by peasants of given village into several large fields, cut up into long, narrow strips -fields open, strips not enclosed into small plots by fences/hedges -problem: exhaustion of soil, supply of manure for fertilizer limited→ field lie fallow for period of time, 3 yr rotations on more fertile lands -maintained open meadows for hay & natural pasture →common lands- draft horses, oxen, cows, pigs

Congress of Vienna

-do everything right 1815 →leads to 100 yrs of peace & prosperity →had Metternich -collective whole of Europe -approach to Fr. brilliant -Fr. treated as equal power- hardest to figure out →need to punish Napoleonic Fr. w/out punish Bourbon Fr. →after 100 dasy- need to control Fr. →need to pay reparations, but won't hurt Fr. economy →COT- occupation troops in Fr. around 10 yrs- Russian troops →when troops go back bring ideas→ Decembrist revolt (1825) -look past minor ethnic groups

Treaty of Versailles compared to Vienna

-do everything wrong 1918 -Wilson- self-determination for people we don't care about →great concept, but not feasible -don't have Mett-like figure

Circumstances under which Muss. rose to power in Italy

-doesn't get what want at ToV -econ, politics, social bad -no progress -rise in comm. movement inspired by SU -1922- thug w/ Black Shirts -force workers back to factories w/ violence -famous march on Rome -1922-Victor Emmanuel give him prime minister -1926- complete power -parliamentary govt bitterly disappointed Italian nationalists w/ modest gains at Versailles


-dominant tribe -savages -sacrifices to sun god (10,000 people) -with 600 men Cortez manipulates →interpreted as gods- submit to Cortez


-don't have Mett-like figure →should have been Wilson b/c US has responsibility -countries left out- Ger, Russ -dictated settlement -guiding principle of revenge/self-interest -weak leadership -emotional toll so scars of war too deep -no real winners -create instability

English adaptations of Dutch farming practices

-drainage & water control →drain extensive marshes/fens of wet & rainy England →Cornelius Vermuyden- large drainage projects in Yorkshire & Cambridgeshire -Jethro Tull (1674-1741) →using horses for plowing →sow seed w/ drilling equipment →selective breeding of ordinary livestock by 1870 -300% more food than 1700 -# of people working land increased 14%

How Watt's steam engine transform mining, factory system, iron industry

-drained mines & made possible the production of ever more coal to feed steam engines elsewhere -steam-power plant began to replace water power in cotton-spinning mills during 1780s -steam took place of water power in flour mills, malt mills used in breweries, flint mills supplying china industry, mills exported by Britain to West Indies to crush sugar cane -British iron industry radically transformed →use of powerful, steam-driven bellows in blast furnaces helped iron makers switch rapidly to unlimited coke (made from coal) in smelting of pig iron after 1770 1780s- Henry Cort developed pudding furnace- allowed out iron to be refined in turn w/ coke →developed heavy duty, steam powered rolling mills capable of spewing out finished iron in every shape & form -Brit iron production →1740- 17,000 tons Spread of coke smelting & Cort's inventions →1788- 68,000 tons →1796- 125,000 tons →1806- 260,000 tons →1844- 3 million tons

James Watt

-drawn to critical study of steam engine -employed by University of Glasgow as skilled craftsman making scientific instruments -1763- called to repair Newcomen engine being used in physics course →engine's waste of energy reduced by adding separate condenser- patented 1769- greatly increased efficiency of steam engine

Louis Philippe

-duke of Orléans -last of French monarchs -liberal tendencies -face challenges from all sides →right- legitimists- Louis not legitimate →left- radicals- liberal reforms not far enough -face 2 assassination attempts -not popular king -face 2 invasions- both fail -1848- Louis Napoleon elected

Comeback of French nobility under Louis XV (1715-1774)

-duke of Orléans governed as regent until 1723- nobility made strong comeback →1715- restored high courts of France- parlements- ancient right to evaluate royal decrees publicly in writing before they were registered & given force of law →high court judges from middle class risen to become hereditary nobles -protest of Parlement of Paris→ monarchy retreated, new tax on every individual regardless of social status dropped -doesn't have same authority as Louis XIV →inherit all problems→ debt -attempts 5% tax- rich say no -lose in French Indian War -help in American Rev -nobles no taxes


-emerge 1520s -millenarians/anti-Trinitarians (against Trinity) -believed 2nd coming was near→end of world meant 1000 years of joy -break from Zwingli b/c Zurich passed law requiring infant baptism -Swiss Brethren founded by Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock (all dead by 1530)


-empirical, nature was rational, God is rational →lead to tolerant society→ maintain moral behavior →encourages virtuous living, don't need to read Bible- natural laws -Europeans believed morality derived from Christianity →remove God- no order →Deists say this not true


-empiricism- based on observation, data collection -scientific method/inductive reasoning- theory, hypothesis, observation, confirmation -Baconian method- info from natural world -religious idols were clear impediments to scientific thinking- how to reconcile science w/ church →forget religion & focus on science for ultimate truth -attaches science to material progress -practical application- useful in day to day life →preserve meat in refrigerator

Romanticism & nature

-enchanted by nature -awesome & tempestuous -source of spiritual inspiration -growth of modern industry as ugly, brutal attack on beloved nature & human personality -saw escape in the unspoiled

Reasons for Bolshevik victory in civil war

-end WWI -stability -better leaders -food -Duma only cause chaos -Leon Trotsky- organize seizure of power →military division of Petrograd Soviet →Bolshevik propaganda →name Lenin leader -accept peace at any price -Treaty of Brest Litovsk March 1918- 1/3 of old Russ pop- ethnic minority groups →know MAP →highly unpop →Lenin agree to give up non-Russ Slavs →w/ communist state- proles rise up globally so it doesn't matter that land lost b/c temporary -Nov 1917- Freely elect Constituent Assembly w/ new constitution- Bolsheviks 29% vote b/c peasants →permanently disbanded by Bolshevik soldiers→ 1 party govt→ civil war- Red vs White

What led to Peace of Augsburg (1555)?

-ends disputes between Protestants and Catholics -recognizes Lutheranism -prince determines religion of subjects- Catholic/Lutheran -doesn't recognize Calvinism/other denominations -peace only lasts 4 years 1559- end of dynastic wars- Cateau Cambresis- Italian, Habsburg-Valois

Adam Smith in the Enlightenment

-enlightened philosopher for economy -1776- Wealth of Nations →direct attack on mercantilism- unfair system -3 laws of economy →law of self interest- seek out what's best for you →competition- everyone benefits →supply & demand- if demand, then supply -invisible hand- guides market mechanism→ determines what's produced -Laissez-Faire economy →remove govt from economic sector -foundations of capitalism

The "Battle of Peterloo"

-enormous but orderly protest at St. Peter's Fields in Manchester -savagely broken up by armed cavalry- unleash terror- 11-15 dead, 100s injured -nicknamed in scornful reference to Brit victory in Waterloo -demonstrated govt determination to repress & stand fast -cause by corn laws, famine, unemployment, unfair rep -lead to passage of 6 Acts -follow Carlsbad Decrees in Germany

Two significances of the triumph of absolutism in Austria, Prussia, and Russia in the 17th century

-enormous influence until 1918, created authoritarian tradition that lasted into late 20th century in eastern & central Europe -powerful impact on society→culture, baroque style in architecture & arts

Aspects of modern Western Culture proven by Great War & Russian Rev to be no longer sustainable

-enormous prosperity & peace -1914 watershed event -Euro in middle ages very backwards but get to IR 1st & dominate →Euro throw away all of this w/ war -in US- enter into war w/ great debt to become world's creditor -Russo-Japanese- beginning of end, inspiration for nonwestern world -challenges to Euro colonialism→ Canada, NZ -BoP from Italy drives Euro history→ destroy system forever -Russia goes from most authoritarian→communism -Greatest tragedy- result of WWI- WTF just happened? →dismiss it as Germany →scars of war too deep →at WW2 figure out mistakes


-equal power, but still greatest power, can't punish -need to hem Fr. in -1679- border w/ Spain established -unify Neth- most imp area in Europe, Dutch king →Belgians unhappy b/c not Dutch -Walloons- diff ethnic/religiously →Austrians not happy b/c take away Neth- give Venice & Lombardy -Dalmation​ Coastline- Croatia//Galicia- part of Poland →Concert of Europe oversee -Piedmont-Sardinia get Savoy to increase size →COT Italy gets unified by Piedmont-Sardinia under Cavour -Switzerland- recognized as independent- Nap organize →23 cantons loosely tied- operate independently

Social impact of WWI

-equalizing effect -everyone die same way -women enter into workplace -women get right to vote (1918-1930)

18th century liberals wary of democracy

-equate w/ mob rule- mob can outnumber & take property -founding fathers are liberals -voting for reps restricted to those who owned property -better life for themselves

Balkans predictable location for outbreak of Great War

-ethnic mess -1830s- independence, collapse of Ottos -1866- Aust has to look S. to expand -Russ still has desire for warm water port -Serb desire to unify all Serbs

Demonic view of disease

-evil spirits lodge in people →proper treatment was to exorcise/drive out offending devil -strongest in countryside -healing power of religious relics, prayer, laying on of hands -faith healing effective in treating mental disorders like hysteria & depression→ link btwn attitude & illness most direct

Ethnic rivalries & growing anti-Semitism related in Austria-Hungary

-exodus of Jews in US & Jerusalem -minor ethnic groups oppressed & now challenged by Jews -Austria has 10% Jew pop- compete for jobs →rise in Anti-Semitic movement -Jewish intellectuals threatened, Marx, Freud -rise of Jewish nationalism- Zionism & creation of Jewish state- Holy Land occupied by Muslim -Balfour- Jewish home state -1948- establish Israel -wave of violent pogroms commenced in S. Russia

Rise of anti-imperialist leaders in almost every corner of non-western world from 1900 on

-exploited nature of imperialism- people understand being taken advantage of -education for natives- read Euro works -anti imperialist movement- hypocrisy of Euros

Age of Reconnaissance

-extensive map making -increasing knowledge of world around them -1650- sketched fairly accurately the physical outline of earth

German fascism

-extreme nationalism, racism -power achieved democratically -support by mid class & industrialists -fear of communism→ fascism -acquisition of wealth possible w/ directed econ (socialist) -private property protected -industry regulated

Exploitation in Britain

-extremely long hrs,- 12 hrs/day -easily replaceable, dehumanize

Post-1848 changes in European/American civilization introduced

-exuberant romanticism gave way to hardheaded realism →romanticism- philosophy expressed through art- past age, ways should be, highlight failures →realism- how things actually are, harsh reality, Machiavellian age -Edward Munch- The Scream (1894) →depict Hegelian undercurrent →100 yr period of false stability →intellectuals- Europe not heading in right direction →breakdown in Euro civilization

Exploitation of labor grew as direct result of cotton weaving factories

-factory owners turn to young children abandoned by parents & put in care of local parishes -parish officers "apprenticed" foundling to factory owners →parish saved $ & factory owners gained workers over whom exercised authority of slave owners →apprenticed as young as 5/6 years- forced by law to labor for their "masters" for as many as 14 years →housed, fed, locked up nightly in factory dormitories, received little/no pay →13-14 hrs/day, 6 days/week →harsh physical punishment maintained brutal discipline →exploitation piqued conscience of reformers & reinforced more humanitarian attitudes toward children & labor in early 19th C

Bismarck relationship after 1871 w/ Catholic Church

-fail attack on Catholic Church- Kulturkampf -Nat. Liberals & Bismarck alarmed by Pius IX's declaration of papal infallibility in 1870 →Ger. Catholics put loyalty to church above nation -religion vs nationalism -Catholics generally voted for Catholic Center party- blocked passage of national laws hostile to church →rise of party -Bismarck want secular state & control over edu. -Catholics in S.- high protective tariffs to benefit agricultural center, econ interests→ get loyalty


-fall of Berlin Wall -collapse communism in E. Europe, Soviet Union -assume communism fail

Sexual division of labor

-family employment collapsed as child labor restricted & new attitudes emerged →new sexual division "separate spheres"- man-primary wage earner // woman- limited job opportunities, concentrate on unpaid housework, childcare, craft work at home Women: -married women from working class less likely to work full time for wages outside house after 1st child →earned small amts doing putting-out handicrafts at home & taking in boarders -when work outside house- husband poorly paid, sick, unemployed, missing -joined by legions of young women who worked full time in certain jobs -generally confined to low paying dead-end jobs

Madame Geoffrin

-famous salon -unofficial godmother of Encyclopedia →generous financial aid -correspond w/ king of Sweden & Catherine the Great

How did Florence gain leadership of the Italian Renaissance

-favorable location- commercial hub, grew wealthy buying and selling all types of goods throughout Europe and the Mediterranean -merchants loaned and invested money, acquired control of papal banking towards end of 13th century -mercantile families began to dominate European banking on both sides of the Alps; profits went to urban industries -economic foundations strong enough that severe crises couldn't destroy the city- Black Death, bankruptcy of some bankers -wool

Many Russians in 1920s & 30s willingly worked harder & were happier despite falling standard of living

-fear, see results- electricity, cheap food, everyone working, everyone living standards incr -hope that life would get better -old age pensions, free medical services, free edu, day care centers -unemp. almost unknown -possibility of personal advancement w/ edu -communist?- no→ classes in society- govt positions have upper class but access to class available to everyone -literacy rates sky high

Frankfurt National Assembly

-fed/liberal constitution for unified German state -small Germany vs large unified Germany -Prussia in charge of this -Austria oppose b/c oversee German Confederation

Emotional detachment many adults displayed toward children, including their own

-feelings towards children greatly influenced by terrible frequency of death among children of all classes →doctors & clergymen urged parents not to become too emotionally involved w/ children who were so unlikely to survive -medical establishment seldom interested in care of children →best hope often treatment by women healers & midwives -shaded into abuse- discipline & control them

Political effects of Spanish activities in the New World

-feudal order challenged by new merchant class →transplant feudal order in New World- viceroys, conquistadors -don=feudal lord

Anabaptists radical beliefs

-few people receive inner light -Christian community≠Christian state -religious toleration -admitted women into ministry- women treated equally -pacifism- peace, shouldn't fight -good deeds- imitate Christ -fanatical hatred, bitter persecution, banished, cruelly executed by burning, beating, drowning -baptizing children not in Scripture- Jesus was adult when he was baptized -allowed polygamy -literal/strict interpretation -based on choice/free will -reject transubstantiation, predestination -political anarchism- no govt., don't need laws, just moral compass

Brandenburg (and Hohenzollern family) unlikely candidates to establish absolutist hegemony in north Germany

-first among equals, no diff than other nobles -control 1 seat that chooses HRE -lacked defensible natural frontiers -completely cut off from sea -land was poor→ sand & swamp→ "sandbox of HRE" -Germany not unified, doesn't have 1 main city, no real center- very regional


-offspring of Spanish men & Indian women -large middle group -aspired to join Creaoles -if they have enough wealth & power- considered white

Frederick the Great successes in War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748)

-forced Maria Theresa to cede almost all of Silesia to Prussia →Prussia doubled population to 6 million →Prussia towered above all other German states & stood as European Great Power →1748- Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle

Paul Cézanne

-form & ordered design -expressionism -2-D plane -cubism

What rather than raw talent & drive became more important means of advancement

-formal education (for sons & males) more important as means of success & advancement →expensive at advanced level -Britain (1830) & France/Germany (1860)- leading industrialists more likely to inherit well-established enterprises →financially more secure than parents had been →greater sense of class-consciousness- fully aware ongoing industrial development widened gap btwn themselves & workers -wives & daughters of successful businessmen fewer opportunities for active participation in increasing complex business world →valued for ladylike gentility →should steer clear of undignified work in offices & factories →should protect & enhance femininity →concentrate on proper role as wife & mother, preferably in elegant residential area

Soviets role in Bolshevik Revolution

-formidable rival of provisional govt -Soviets issue contradictory orders -Army Order No. 1 →stripped officers of authority & placed power in hands of elected committees of common soldiers →collective power- democracy in military- people don't want →led to total collapse of army discipline/military -people vote w/ feet by leaving -March 1917- Petrograd Soviet start rev

Ottoman Turks

-founded 1299 -settled in Anatolia/Turkey-starts in NW Turkey & spreads till 1600s -1453-Sultan Mehmed II takes Constantinople, start of expansion -Mongol invasions- Muslims move west towards Turkey -1920-collapse -Sultanate of Rum in Persia-subsidiary of main area of Muslim control, becomes more powerful b/c trade -convert to Islam for econ reasons -emerge in power vacuum- when powerful area loses power, in Balkans b/c Byzantine empire collapsing, threat of Mongols

Ursuline order of nuns

-founded by Angela Merici -EDUCATION OF WOMEN -EDUCATION OF NUNS -HELP SICK AND POOR combat heresy through Christian education -train future wives and mothers

American constitution

-founding fathers- classical liberals → wary of masses -constitution- bundle of compromises →not specific where necessary b/c then no one would ratify -judicial branch → appointment by pres based on approval of Senate →Supreme Court serves for life -congress → upper house senate- 6 yr, state legislature → representatives- 2 yr, voice in govt -executive- changes depending on pres →undefined in how it operates -no one copies, only works for us -flaws → civil war, 14th amendment (fed power supercedes state power)

Putting out system for merchants

-free from guild standards -pay workers less b/c unemployment high -rural labor cheap, scattered, poorly organized→ hard to control

How beneficial was reform of 1861 to the serfs

-free serfs -received about 1/2 land →pay fairly high prices for land, collective peasant village →problem community get bad land →establish mirs- peasant communes →difficult to improve agricultural methods/leave villages -1864- local govt-zemstvos- highly ineffective

Effect of Catherine's reign on Russian serfs

-freeing serfs leads to rebellion -Pugachev's (Cossack serf claiming to be deposed Peter III) rebellion (1773)- uprising of serfs →crushed w/ noble-led regular army -peasants dangerous→ empire support of nobles -extend serfdom into new areas- Ukraine

Interests, motives, lifestyle of working class & how they were changing by late 19th C

-frowned on heavy drinking & sexual permissiveness -quick to find fault w/ those below them who failed to meet their standards -definite political & philosophical beliefs -drinking remained unquestionably favorite leisure-time activity →declined as it became less & less socially acceptable -moral leadership of upper working classes →more public & social- cafés & pubs -sports- decline in "cruel sports" , filled w/ modern spectator sports -music halls & vaudeville theaters -religious revival, decline in church attendance & donations → became more secular →saw churches as conservative institutions defending social order & custom, defending what they wished to change & allied w/ political opponents

Modern architecture

-functionalism- buildings should be useful, serve as well as possible purpose for which made -had to work w/ engineers, town planners, sanitation experts -find beauty & aesthetic pleasure in clean lines of practical constructions & efficient machinery -US pioneer new architecture -concern w/ max use of space -old architecture not efficient

Women in Stalinist Russian state

-gain status & power -complete equality of rights for women -1920s- divorce & abortion made easily available -women urged to work outside home -75% all doctors were women -vast majority had to work outside home & inside- 2x as much work -equal access to edu

John Constable

-gentle Wordsworthian landscapes -countryside of unspoiled rural England -massive paintings -all the same stuff -awe-inspiring nature

Hungary reformation

-geography made reform complex -Catholic- west -Lutheran- Germans, Slovaks -Calvinist- ethnic Hungarians -Muslim- east Ottoman control →most accepting of other religions

Charles Lyell

-geology -principle of uniformitarianism- same geological processes at work today slowly formed earth's surface over immensely long time

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)

-germ theory -study fermentation in 1854 at request of brewers →fermentation depended on growth of living organisms & their activity could be suppressed by heating beverage → pasteurization -specific diseases caused by specific living organisms (germs) & could be controlled in people, beer, wine, milk


-given area along Rhine →doesn't want to get involved w/ Nap →didn't want, but didn't know Rhine value →get coal & iron for IR -Posen region- Danzig- Polish Corridor →had to take away from Sweden- Swedish Pomerania →give Sweden- Norway to compensate for Finland (to Russia) & Sweden →connect east Prussia w/ Brandenburg -wants all Saxony but would obstruct BoP so get reduced Saxony

Chinese background

-goes back several 1000 yrs -far more advanced than others -500 BC- Axial Age- formative philosophies emerge- Confucianism, Hindu -need to control rivers, Yangtze, Yellow→ prone to flooding -around Jesus time- manage rivers, prosperous -view history as cycical- 250 yr cycle →dynastic cycles go back to rivers control -early civilization- middle kingdom to north plain -Mandate of Heaven- conditional right to rule- rule in best interest of people →good rule- period of prosperity- taxes to help peasants, dykes control rivers from overflowing →ruling dynasty job →corruption sets in- no dykes→ flood→ famine→ chaos→ civil war→ lose mandate→ tribes fight→ new mandate -cultural arrogance- view outside world as barbs -so rich & outside world wants -encounter bad lands when expand -shut off outside world

Difficult economic times→tax burdens increase? Who paid most of taxes in France? How did this segment of French populace react?

-govt increase spending for state armies -3rd estate pays most taxes in France, lower classes→not the case in the East -nobles tax exempt-tax in times in war- Louis doesn't want revolt- 2nd estate →nobility of the sword/race (ancient lineages) →nobility of the robe (purchased titles) -taxing merchants & peasants→can survive for 200 years until burden too heavy →unfair, poor in France but not as bad as Russia

Modern liberals

-govt role very large- taxes, institutions → socialism

Deficit spending

-govt spend more than takes in -borrows money -deficit starts to accumulate -everyone knows there's a crisis that can only be fixed w/ taxes but won't pay taxes

"Unstable" Frederick William IV agree on March 21

-grant Prussia liberal constitution & merge Prussia into new national German state that was to be created

Vittorio Orlando

-great demands- all Croatia -get Trieste, Tyrol -doesn't speak English -believe efforts deserve more -fascism on rise by 1922 w/ Mussolini

Why voters of France elect Louis Napoleon president in 1848 & why they elect him emperor a few years later

-great name of uncle- romantics transformed from dictator into demigod- created Napoleonic legend after 1820, romantic view of old Nap. -middle class & peasant property owners feared socialist challenges of urban workers -positive "program for France" -believe govt should represent the people -strong man & forward looking champion of their interests -move Fr. forward→ appease all groups -stand above class conflict w/ govt action -new approach to conservatism w/ nationalism -rebuild Paris in 2 yrs -people love him -Dec 2, 1851- illegally dismissed Assembly & seized power in coup d'etat →armed resistance in Paris & widespread insurrection on countryside in S. France- crushed by army -restore universal male suffrage -92% vote pres for 10 yrs -97% hereditary emperor after 1 yr →mistake to have for life →can't go up in popularity, only down →attempt to keep popularity -war, but need to win- could beat Prussia but Prussia beat them -very good leader- new conservatism model

Frank Liszt

-greatest pianist of age -people swooned for him

Soviet Union totalitarianism

-grew out of extreme Marxist Socialism -Bolsheviks supported by working class -goal to seize all private property & destroy mid class -depend on nationalism -terror as means to control pop. -complete loyalty to leader -violent rev to get power

Other groups w/in middle class

-growing demand for experts w/ specialized knowledge- engineering, architects, chemists, accountants, surveyors -management of large public & private institutions

Few illegitimate children prior to 1750 but growth of illegitimacy afterward

-growth of cottage industry created new opportunities for earning a living- not tied to the land →young people didn't have to wait to inherit farm to get married -peasant marriage often dictated by needs of couple's families -needs of growing population sent many young villagers to towns & cities in search of temporary/permanent employment →mobility→ encouraged new sexual/marital relationships→ more illegitimate births

Energy crisis that developed in England during 18th C, why charcoal of crucial importance, how energy crisis solved

-growth of pop most of great forests replaced by fields of grain & hay -wood in ever-shorter supply yet remained tremendously important →served as primary source of heat & basic raw material →processed wood (charcoal)- fuel mixed w/ ion ore in blast furnace to produce pig iron 1740- Brit iron industry stagnating -vast forests in Russia enabled them to become world's leading producer of iron- much exported to Britain →potential for growth limited & reach barrier of inadequate energy in few decades -looked toward abundant & widely scattered reserves of coal as alt. to wood →1640- most homes in London heated w/ it -coal problem underground →filled w/ impurities -Joseph Derby- cook impurities out of coal to get coke →valuable source of energy

Prussia govt effort in industrialization

-guaranteed state treasury pay interest & principal on railroad bonds if closely regulated private companies unable to do so →railroad investors ran little risk, capital quickly raised

Factory work a completely new human experience

-had to keep up w/ machine & follow tempo -show up to work everyday for long, monotonous hours -not used to that kind of life & discipline


-handicraft workers who attacked whole factories in N. England in 1812 & after- smashed new machines believed were putting them out of work -anti-industrial

Relationship btwn development of steam engine & coal mining, by when were Savery's & Newcomen's engines in common use

-hard-working miner can dig 500 lbs of coal/day using hand tools- 1 horsepower-hour -extremely inefficient converter- 27 horsepower-hours of work -more coal produced →mines dig deeper & constantly filling w/ water →mechanical pumps- powered by animals walking in circles at surface- had to be installed -Thomas Savery (1698) & Thomas Newcomen (1705)- invented 1st primitive steam engines →extremely inefficient, burn coal to produce steam & then used to operate a pump -many Savery & 100s of Newcomen operating successfully through inefficiently in English & Scottish mines (early 1770s)

"Labor aristocracy"- interests, how they differ from rest of working class

-highly skilled laborers, 15% of working classes -earned 2/3 of income of bottom ranks of servant-keeping classes but 2x earnings of unskilled workers -most "aristocratic" were construction bosses & factory foremen- men who had risen from the ranks & fiercely proud of achievement -members of traditional highly skilled handicraft trades that hadn't been mechanized/placed in factories -many skilled artisans being replace by lower-paid semiskilled factory workers -consistently being enlarged by new kinds of skilled workers -strongly committed to family & econ development -saved $ regularly, worried about children's education, valued good housing -viewed themselves as pacesetters & natural leaders of all working classes

Charles Fourier

-hippy -socialist utopia of mathematically precise self-sufficient communities w/ 1620 people for every 5000 acres devoted to agriculture & industry -emancipation of women→ marriage another kind of prostitution -abolition of marriage, free unions based on love & sexual freedom -utopian communities pop up -perfect societies all fail b/c teens haven't lived bad experiences & want to get out

Romanticism & history

-history of the people matters →epic poem, hero struggle -relevant still today -certain dark quality of romanticism -romantics hold on to past age -nostalgia isn't always positive -cause matters more than religion for terrorists

Purchasing power not fully satisfying measure of worker happiness

-hours in avg work week increased →earned more b/c worked more →1760- 250 days/yr →1830- 300 days/yr →work 6 days rather than 5 days/week -wartime decline in avg worker's standard of living very important →difficult war years formative years for new factory labor force -ate somewhat more food of higher nutritional quality as IR progressed except during wartime →diets more varied -clothing improved, but housing for working people probably deteriorated somewhat

Jean-Paul Sartre

-human beings simply exist -honest human beings terribly alone -necessity of giving meaning to life through actions -free in choices →younger people more choices, make more decisions that define life →older→ less choices

Herbert Spencer

-human race as driven forward to ever-greater specialization & progress by brutal econ struggle -efficiently determined "survival of the fittest" -Social Darwinist -popular w/ upper middle class

Earlier themes that led to SR

-humanism, individualism, secularism -rebirth of classics, math science -alchemy- turn base metals into gold→ interest in magic

Carl Rogers

-humanistic, patient based therapy -phenomenal field therapy -self actualization

Premarital sex and the consequences for illegitimate births up to 1750

-illegitimate babies were a rarity -premarital sex clearly commonplace -community controls of trad village w/ pattern of cooperation & common action -premarital sex limited to those contemplating marriage


-immediate experience & intuition were as imp as rational & scientific thinking for understanding reality

Background for Imperialism

-imperialism closely tied to nationalism -competition btwn countries -IR & raw materials- get markets & more raw materials -#1 product- COTTON w/ IR & textile manufacturing -not everyone benefits -indirectly all English benefit but some more -cost effective? taxpayers pay for system that benefits some people -potential that oppressed country can benefit w/ industrialization

Edgar Degas

-impressionist, realist -people & things -admire human form -ballerinas, dancers

How common was prostitution in 19th C

-in Paris 155,000 women registered btwn 1871-1903 & 780,000 others suspected -men of all classes visited prostitutes- middle & upper supplied much of motivating class -My Secret Life- anonymous 11-volume autobiography of English sexual adventure from servant-keeping classes →reveal dark side of sex & class in urban society -men think of wives largely in terms of $, family, social position →purchased sex & affection from poor girls before & after marriage -great continuing differences btwn rich & poor made for every kind of debauchery & sexual exploitation -for many poor women it was a stage of life & not permanent employment

Romantic music radical departure from last, purpose of romantic music

-in music- goals of free expression & emotional intensity -abandon well-defined structures -wide range of forms to create 1000 musical landscapes & evoke a host of powerful emotions -transformed small classical orchestra- 3x size, add wind, percussion, brass, strings -range & intensity gave music & musicians much greater prestige →became subline end in itself

Marx's problems

-in theory Marx correct b/c class struggle should be greater →people's self interest differ -working conditions better in 1880 -argument has to take place in industrial society →Russia is last place b/c too agricultural/to many peasants -dictatorship of proletariat unclear -on paper looks good, in reality not


-in theory all citizens have identical rights & civil liberties & nobility had no right to special privileges based on accident of birth -equal opportunity → not equal econ, level playing field -end mercantilism

Lower middle class

-independent shopkeepers, small traders, tiny manufacturers -industrialization expanded & diversified →white collar employees- traveling salesmen, bookkeepers, store managers, clerks who staffed offices & branch stores of large corporations, property-less, earned no more than better-paid skilled/semiskilled workers

New interpretation (paradigm) of social relationships grew along/ industrialization

-individuals members of economically determined classes which had conflicting interests →comfortable, well-educated "public" of 18th C- backbone of middle class →"people"- modern working class -individuals came to believe they existed & developed sense of class feeling- Marxists call class-consciousness

What on display at Britain's famous Great Exhibition of 1851 in newly built Crystal Palace in London

-industrial fair -companies & countries displayed products -juries awarded prizes in strikingly modern Crystal Palace -built using cheap iron & glass of Industrial Age -Britain "workshop of the world" -bragging -showcase IR

Voltaire (1694-1778)

-influential religious views→ distant, deistic God- great clockmaker -enlightened despotism- well read, generous, tolerant, enlightened -little faith in people- too stupid to govern themselves -Candide- satirical look on European society →addresses nature of humans -corresponds w/ Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great -focus of attack on organized religion- nothing more than superstitious childish myths →witnessed Revocation of Edict of Nantes -disagrees w/ "habit of the mind"- conditioned through religion, buy into beliefs -deist -most famous philosophe at the time

Cause of the Declaration of Pillnitz

-initial response of rev positive, but then view as cancer →stop rev from spreading -Austria interest in rev b/c Louis XVI marries Marie Antoinette (Austrian) -Declaration of Pillnitz -New Brunswick Manifesto- restore French monarchy -France declare war on Austria & Prussia


-initially accompany penance, purchase for dead one who didn't go to heaven -started buying when alive -Church in debt from art in Vatican- owed $ to Fuggers →pope authorizes selling of indulgences

improvements in 18th C contributed to decline of disease & famine

-inoculation against smallpox- confined to England, did little to reduce deaths throughout Europe until latter part of century -improvements in water supply & sewage →reduce disease (typhoid, typhus), reduce large insect population -filthy flies & mosquitoes spread epidemics & transmit common diseases -considerable canal & road building in W. Europe →lessened impact of local crop failure & famine -wars became more gentlemanly & less destructive →spread fewer epidemics -new foods introduced→ potato -years of abnormal death rates less catastrophic

Archduchess Sophia as counterrevolutionary force

-insisted Frederick abdicated in favor of her son Francis Joseph

The Belgian Revolt 1830

-inspired by July Revolution -opera in Brussels about Italian nationalists- after people decide to revolt -Dutch fail to crush -congress system fail →Fr- July Rev →Eng.- internal probs →Russia- Decembrist revolt, Poland -weakens Neth. -recognize Belgian independence -Leopold 1 (1831)

Declaration of the Rights of Man

-inspired by philosophes -cowritten by Lafayette & Jefferson -culmination of Enlightenment -men born free & remain free & equal in rights -natural rights- liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression -presumed innocent until proven guilty -law is expression of general will -free expression of thoughts & opinions -equality before law, rep govt for sovereign people, individual freedom

What is SR

-intellectual revolution

monarchs of France always short of revenues

-intendants become corrupt -richest people don't pay taxes -cost of expanding professional bureaucracy, Versailles, military

New methods of new monarchs

-invested kingship with a strong sense of royal authority and national purpose -stressed monarchy was the one institution that linked all classes and people within definite territorial boundaries -emphasized royal majesty and sovereignty -insisted on respect and loyalty of all subjects -ruthlessly suppressed opposition and rebellion, especially from the nobility

Count Henri de Saint-Simon

-key to progress- proper social organization →required parasites- court, aristocracy, lawyers, churchmen- give way to doers- leading scientists, engineers, industrialists →parasites only take from society -every social institution have main goal to improve conditions for poor→ society as a whole will improve

Absolutist state

-kings claim to rule by "divine right"→responsible to God alone -control competing jurisdictions, institutions, interest groups in their territories -regulated religious sects -abolished liberties long held by certain areas, groups, provinces -cooperation of nobility -creation of new state bureaucracies -maintained permanent standing armies -secret police -COMPLETE CONTROL -BATTLES WON →1516- STRUGGLE BTWN CHURCH & STATE, STATE WINS →NOBILITY DEAL- NO TAX NOBLES, GIVEN IN TO CENTRALIZED AUTHORITY →SOFT UNDERBELLY OF FRENCH ABSOLUTISM →MERCHANTS-OVERSEAS TRADE→MORE TAXES→ECONOMIC GROWTH →PEASANT-CRUSH W/ ARMY

David Ricardo & Marx

-labor was source of all value in the world -profits really wages stolen from workers -if wealth it's b/c of workers

Reasons for the fall of Spanish Empire

-lack of strong middle class-expulsion of Jews and Moors (1492), continue w/ Protestants -poor leadership-Philip II, Philip IV, Charles II -intellectual isolation-Europe passing them by, blinded by wealth -psychological malaise- indefinite feeling of debility/lack of health often indicative of/accompanying onset of illness -commitments in New World too great, struggles -wealth is curse, can't see anything until too late -Escorial -failed mercantilist policy →can't subsidize industry -can't amass gold & silver

Typical life for young boys who temporarily went for work elsewhere

-lad apprenticed to craftsman for 7-14 yrs to learn trade →not permitted to marry →earned little & worked hard →if lucky- eventually admitted to guild & establish econ independence →drift from 1 tough job to another

Newton's "synthesis"

-law of universal gravitation- every body in universe attracts every other body in universe in a precise mathematical relationship→ force of attraction is proportional to quantity of matter of the objecst & inversely proportional to square of distance btwn them

What degree was Versailles Peace Treaty major cause of WWII twenty years later

-lays foundation for WW2- punish Ger -Ger still survives -treaty less imp 1920s, but in 1930s more imp again

Who invited Napoleon to overthrow Directory & why?

-learned prominent members of legislature plotting against Directory b/c weak dictatorship -abbé Sieyès wanted strong military leader -Nov 9, 1799- conspirators & Nap ousted Directors & following day soldiers disbanded leg. at bayonet point -establish Consul of 3 -Nap named 1st consul of republic- new constitution consolidating his position overwhelmingly approved in plebiscite in Dec 1799

Whigs & Great Reform Bill of 1832

-led by great aristocracy & more responsive to commercial & manufacturing interests -Act defeated then passed by House of Commons, but rejected by Lords →1832- Whigs got king to promise to create enough new peers to pass law, House of Lords gave in -House of Commons emerged as all important legislative body- has $ to win, to this say, ability to control Lords -new industrial areas gained rep -many rotten boroughs eliminated -redistribution of seats reflected shift to urban society -# of voters 6%→12% of men -Whigs vs Tories- 2 party system & expand voting range- compete for vote & each other→ appeal to people→ avert rev →working class make temporary alliances w/ either to better own conditions

Population growth nearly flat in Europe during 17th C

-less food per person -food prices rose more rapidly than wages -inflow of precious metals from Americas -European price revolution →substantial decline in living standards for majority -births & deaths, fertility & mortality in crude but effective balance

Experience & memory of Fr. Rev exercise a pervasive influence on EUrope (& even the world) for all of 19th C & much of 20th C

-liberalism -nationalism -Enlightenment ideas -socialism

Themes from French Revolution

-liberalism -nationalism -radicalism/republicanism -socialism -romanticism

Life of common people not well documented in history texts

-life embedded w/ rich complex of family organization, community practices, everyday experiences, collective attitudes -regional variations abounded -common people left few written records -based on myth rather than solid historical research & interpretation

Initial goals of all 3 estates similar

-list of grievances -meeting of Estates General a step towards Fr Rev -limited/constitutional monarchy →laws & taxes require consent of EG meeting regularly -individual liberties protected -econ position of parish clergy improved -further econ development -women's rights

Holy Roman Empire

-loose confederation-- not holy, Roman, nor empire -centered in Vienna -comprises of semi-autonomous states- range in size, limited power, somewhat independent -emperor can't levy taxes outside own province -German Particularism- unique nature of the provincial sovereignty-- independence of states- no 1 leader overbearing, unifying Germany difficult b/c cultural differences, nationalism emperors- protector of Christianity 600- rise/fear of Islam- united to prevent spread 942- nobles elect leader

Why didn't conflict between king and vassals result in gains for the common man in eastern Europe?

-lords had greater political power -monarchs didn't want to resist lords -political power of peasants declined

Bulgarian Treaty

-lose territory to Romania, new Yugoslavia, Ger -$500 mil reparations

Status and image of blacks in Europe

-loss of freedom, separation from societal roots, forced labor without compensation -westerners knew all sub-Saharan Africans as "blacks" even though they're more than 600 ethnic groups -status symbol to own black slaves, display, show wealth

European immigration

-lot of people migrate in large #s →50% to US -push-pull factors of immigration →people leave, draw people- concept of opportunity →famine, religion, corrupt govt -vast majority make wealth & intend to go home but don't -really don't want to go back- Irish, Russian Jews

Technological developments in overseas exploration

-magnetic compass- determine & position at sea -astrolabe- determine altitude of sun & other celestial bodies, plot lattitude, used south of the equator

Concentration camps

-mainly in GERMANY →Bergen-Belsen →Buchenwald →Ravensbrück →Dachau -CZECH →Theresienstadt →after war over, model for women & child →Red Cross see →collect art from children- I never saw another butterfly -AUSTRIA →Mauthausen →most brutal, 120,000 people die →most violent


-maintain existing order/status quo -Burke- Fr. Rev fails b/c happen too fast, explains conservatism -tend to resist change, but if change then gradual -Mett is prince →maintain existing order →reestablish classes in society, privileges, take away rights -1789-1848→existing order much diff than conservative order -gradual change by maintaining privileges -Mett- Austria has 10 diff. ethnic groups→ cause WWI -1848- neoconservative movement -usher in change -change on conservative's terms -rise in conservative order internationally

Goals of Bismarck's diplomacy

-maintain peace in Euro -Fr diplomatically isolated & w/out military allies -threat to peace from A-H & Russ →conflicting interests in Balkans -1873- 3 Emperors' League- A-H, Ger, Russ -ensure Ger. has several friends in Euro- create very complicated alliance that no one understands -encourage Fr. imperial ventures →Brit view Fr as primary opponent -1883- alliance w/ Romania -1879- Dual Alliance w/ Austria- direct against Russ, but also allies w/: defensive alliance -1882- Rome, Berlin, Vienna alliance against Fr -secret alliance w/ Russ- Ger remain neutral unless fo to war against Aust & Ger will back Aust.

Sub-contract system- pos/neg effect on working class life

-many manufacturers & builders hired workers through subcontractors →paid subcontractors on basis of what they & their crews produced →subcontractors hired & fired own workers- many friends & relations -relationships close & personal →more acceptable to many workers impersonal factory discipline →provided people w/ easy way to find job

Clerical ignorance

-many priests barely able to read and write -churches and service books in deplorable state -parish priests not as educated as educated laity

St. Bartholomew's Day 1572

-marriage of king's sister Margaret of Valois to Protestant Henry of Navarre →attempt to reconcile Catholics and Huguenots -Admiral Gaspard de Coligny- leader of Huguenot party, head of one of the great noble families of France -Henry of Guise- leader of Catholic aristocracy- Coligny attacked night before -rioting/slaughtering followed, Huguenot gentry in Paris massacred→ 12,000 Huguenots killed -lasts 6 weeks→War of 3 Henrys- Henry of Navarre, Henry III, Henry of Guise


-married/widowed women btwn 50-70 years old -crippled/bent with age -older women

Putting out system

-merchant capitalist & rural worker -merchant loaned/"put out" raw materials to serveral cottage workers who processed raw materials in own homes & returned finished product to merchant, merchant paid outworkers for work by the piece & proceeded to sell finished product competitive advantages -underemployed labor abundant- poor peasants & landless laborers work for low wages -production in countryside unregulated- workers & merchants could change prodedures & experiment as they saw fit -didn't need to meet rigid guild standards- capable of producing many kinds of goods

System of religious toleration employed by the Ottomans

-millet system- divide subjects into religious communities -degree of religious toleration- state w/in state- become merchant class, pay high taxes that are affordable b/c of wealth -32 provinces w/ center at Constantinople -1830- don't collapse b/c France and England don't want Russia to get

How Italy control edu, media, social institutions w/ indoctrination

-ministry of pop culture, fascist youth

Middle middle class

-moderately successful industrialists & merchants, professionals in law & medicine →solid, quite comfortable, lacking great wealth

Why 2/5 to 1/2 of French nobility convert to Calvinism

-monarchial weakness -religious cloak for their independence -Calvin's Institutes written in French→ "reformed religion" Huguenots→French Calvinists

Eastern absolutism

-more east→more absolute, greater degree of control over nobles

William Wordsworth

-most famous of Brit romantic poets, national poet of England -lived in Lake District- in Dove cottage -attachment to nature →people want to visit & develop whole area -Lyrical Ballads (1798)


-most imp. founding father -right vision of America- not American →context of the whole country

Eric Hobsbawm

-most imp. historian of 20th C -coins term "dual rev" -neoMarxian historian

French determined to force strict implementation of all provisions of Versailles Treaty

-most of war in west fought on Fr soil→ greatest destruction -massive Ger reparations vital econ necessity -Brit suspicious of Fr army -Fr turn to E. Europe for diplomatic support -felt deserted -Brit & US distance -Brit foolish to think Eng. Channel enough protection -Fr 40 mil people vs Ger 60 mil -Brit & some Fr look at ToV as injustice →Brit ready to revise

Upper middle class

-most successful business families from banking, industry, large-scale commerce →irresistibly drawn toward aristocratic lifestyle

Political & social impact of film

-moving pictures 1st shown in naughty peepshows & penny arcades in 1890s- esp Paris -1st movie house in LA (1902) -Great Train Robbery (1903)- short, silent action films -"movie factories"- 2 short films/wk -Charlie Chaplin- king of "silver screen" in 1920s -early 1920s- Ger. films protected & developed during war- bizarre expressionist dramas →offered temp. escape from hard realities of everyday life -motion pictures became powerful tools of indoctrination- esp. in countries w/ dictatorial regimes

Kinship ties disappear in new urban environment?

-much stronger than many social observers have recognized -most newlyweds tried to live near parents but not in same house -turn to families for help in coping w/ sickness, unemployment, death, old age -if couple poor, aged relation moved in to cook & mind children so wife could earn badly needed income outside home -shared Sunday dinners, outgrown clothing, useful info -members of large family group all lived in same neighborhood

Potential advantages Serbia stand to gain in general European war

-national unity -Bosnia controversy- Serbia want -want access to sea b/c landlocked

Underlying causes of war identified by Fay

-nationalism- militarism, imperialism -public opinion -alliances →1890s- breakdown of Bismarck's alliances

Effect of factory system in Britain on family life

-often came to mills & mines as family units -preservation of family as econ unit in factories from 1790s on made new surroundings more tolerable →parents disciplined children- firm measures socially accepted & directed upbringing →children & adults worked same long hours →some very young children employed solely to keep family together

Background of Chapter 21 (Fr Rev)

-old existing order shattered -Fr. Rev culminate of theme -new themes emerge till WWI (1914)

Greek Independence

-nationalist, but liberal components -since 15th C- Greeks living under dominance of Ottoman Turks →1453- Turks take Constantinople & continue -Greeks survived as people- united by language & Greek Orthodox religion -Alexander Ypsilanti →Greek patriot & general in Russian army →Society of Friends- push for Greek independence & lead 1821 revolt -potential to destroy congress system →Great powers initial reaction to do nothing →Holy Alliance- rule of legitimate monarchs -Ottomans legitimately rule Greece -Great powers support Ottomans -romantics support/champion lost cause- Delacroix, Shelley, Byron →embrace cause, public opinion shifts -religious war b/c Christianity -educated Americans & Euros in love w/ classical Greek culture -Russians stirred by piety of Orthodox brethren -writers & artists responded -Russia wants Constantinople →declare periodic war of expansion against Turks →stop Russian encroachment- Eng involved b/c protect colonies -1827- GB, Fr, Russia directed Turkey to accept armistice- Treaty of London →Turks refused & navies trapped Turkish fleet at Navarino & destroyed it -1830- Greek independent -1832- German prince as king- Otto I

Where early cotton weaving factories located- why

-near rivers & streams →water remained primary source of power for new factories -advent of coal →cities come from coal- Manchester

Frederick the Great NOT a true Enlightened Monarch

-never changed existing social structure →accepted serfdom & didn't free own serfs on estates →accepted & extended privileges of nobility -primary ally in defense & extension of realm -didn't listen to thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) →Jews be given freedom & civil rights →Jews remained oppressed group -confined to tiny, overcrowded ghettos -excluded by law from most business & professional activities -war not enlightened -religious toleration only for state power

Western European history during 1250-1450

-never experience Mongol brutality -crusades→trade→towns→merchants

Nationalism become universal faith in Europe btwn 1850-1914

-new religion of Europe -unify people around nationalistic cause

Change over time

-new, big COT w/ ideologies -Euro experience minor revolutions -100 yrs of relative peace & enormous prosperity →nothing destroys entire fabric of Europe →embrace IR & dominate -but leads to WWI


-nightmare visions of things to come -dystopia -pessimistic vision -decline of W. society

Marx predicted that as result of industrialization there would be increasing polarization of society into rich & poor- facts of 2nd half of 19th C agree?

-no -econ specialization enables society to produce more effectively & create more new social groups than it destroyed -tiny elite of very rich & sizable mass of dreadfully poor separated by range of subclasses -neither middle classes nor working classes acted as unified force -social occupational hierarchy developed enormous variation but age-old pattern of great econ inequality remained firmly intact

Medical care of poor better off than rich b/c couldn't afford doctors/hospitals

-no isolation of patients -operations performed on patient's bed -nurses were old, ignorant, greedy, drunk women -fresh air considered harmful -infections of every kind rampant

Brahe (1546-1601)

-no one likes him -last of naked eye astronomers- witnessed shooting star -crystal sphere not wrong -can't prove w/out math -most sophisticated observatory -all planets revolved around sun, sun & planets revolved around earth-moon system

Petition of Right (1628)

-no taxes levied w/out Parliament consent -no imprisonment w/out just cause- Habeas Corpus -no quartering of soldiers -no martial law in times of peace

2nd Estate

-nobles -20% land -1.5% population -2/3 rural, conservative, poor nobles →countryside, live off inherited land -1/3 liberals who want change

Louis XIV undermine power of nobility

-nobles aren't in provinces -respect king b/c living at his palace -entertainment occupied time & attention

Versailles political and cultural center

-nobles at Versailles -Versailles-make nobles want to be there, center of France/Europe, entertain -nobles are guests-respect Louis-people see this -perception of absolutism -French becomes international language -Prussia, Austria, Russia copy Versailles -6% of national budget


-northern humanist -stimulated reformation -printing of New Testament -English Bible printed -disagree with concept of sacraments -individual interpretation of the Bible as only basis of faith -anti-clerical -opposed ecclesiastical wealth -gets burned -Lutheran

Revocation of Edict of Nantes a great error for Louis XIV

-not as big of economic impact as Spain -Huguenots leave & go everywhere b/c they're hardworking -Louis XIV dumb to think fine w/out them→don't see full impact

George Hegel & Marx

-not socialist, just philosopher -each age characterized by dominant set of ideas/status quo/existing order/thesis which produce opposing ideas/antithesis/undercurrent & eventually a new synthesis →undercurrent rises up & clashes w/ status quo to produce new status quo/conservative order -history progresses through these clashes -every dominant age→ property, wealth, power →when have all 3- no discontent -every undercurrent→ those w/out look at Hegel in econ terms 1789-liberalism undercurrent 1815- proletariat undercurrent -history as dialectic process of change -econ relationships btwn classes were driving force -all history is history of class struggle/warfare -logical progression towards socialism -no undercurrent=no history

Polish nationalism

-once a main power, but get divided- Partitions (1772-1795) -1815- Congress Poland reestablished- oversee by Russia →Poles don't like →Poles can create 2 house parliament →1825- Russia Decembrist revolt -Alex I dies -movement to endorse Alex bro Constantine vs son Nick- wins -Poland views as opportunity -nobles fear arming peasants -try to have revolution w/out peasants -crushed & Poland doesn't exist


-one of most intelligent presidents -idealist dealing w/ realists -14 Pts →difficult to conclude b/c objectives of Fr & Eng →seems tangible, war to end all wars -but Wilson arrogant, didn't bring republicans→ party politics- senate control by republicans and vote no for treaty


-only new ideology -synthesis left & right→ govt regulate econ -oppose of comm./liberalism→ anti L-wing -paint as R-wing movement -ind. part of whole country -ultra nationalist -militaristic components nonsense -corporate state: all groups have same goal to improve state collectively -syndicalism- Sorel- compartmentalize state- prominent ind. run field →could be effective, Muss. on top, not democratic


-open forum to discuss b/c France is censored society -same as cafés in England -shape way people are thinking -informal schools where established hostesses bonded w/ younger women & passed on skills

The continental system (1810)

-organized to exclude Brit goods from continent & force "nation of shopkeepers" to its knees → FAIL -Fr suffered from Brit counter-blockade- hard times for Fr artisans & middle class -Alex I of Russia 1811 repudiated war of prohibitions against Brit goods -HURT EUROPE MORE THAN ENGLAND -BRIT PRODUCING GOODS- KEEP IDEAS OF IR TO THEMSELVES -FR SAYS EURO CAN'T HAVE →BETTER APPROACH- can buy but tariff on imported goods →COUNTRIES VIOLATE POLICIES, BRING IN SMUGGLED REVOLT -CAUSE WAR OF 1812- BRIT vs AMERICA


-originality of characterizations, diversity of plots, understanding of human psychology, unexcelled gift for language -classical culture, individualism, humanism

Russian Revolution create one of key breaks with modern Western Culture

-origins of Cold War w/ communism -1918- US send troops to overthrow Bolsheviks -1200-1860- authoritarian tsar, little change -1860- Russ gradual change -still most backward country -most religious -far left wing communist state- still authoritarian →atheists →tsar regime over

Causes & consequences of 3 Balkan Wars

-outgrowth of 2nd Moroccan Crisis -1912- 1st Balkan War- Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria, Montenegro to attack Ottoman Empire & Ottos lose →take Macedonia -1913- 2nd Balkan War- Gr, Montenegro, Serb, Aust, Ottos, Romanians declare war on Bulgaria for Macedonia -June 28, 1914- Archduke Franz Ferdinand concern of growing Serb threat & assassinated in Sarajevo →3rd Balkan war began

Elizabethan Settlement

-outward conformity to the Church of England and uniformity in all ceremonies -"don't ask, don't tell" policy -Revolution of 1559 →Supremacy Act- monarch is head of church, independent from Rome →Act of Uniformity- preach from Book of Common Prayer

Idea of BoP in WWI

-over and done -bipolar war the norm- premonition become reality

Putting out system for workers

-paid by piece, not by hours -tended to work in spurts

Effect railroads have on art

-painters Joseph M. W. Turner (1775-1851) & Claude Monet (1840-1926) express sense of power & awe -MASSIVE NEW TRAIN STATIONS- THE CATHEDRALS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE -leading railway engineers Isambard Kingdom Brunel & Thomas Brassey- tunnels pierced mtns & bridges spanned valley →became public idols -everyday speech absorbed images of railroading

Pressure on church beginning with 14th century

-papal conflict with German emperor Frederick III -Babylonian captivity -Great Schism 1054- divide between Eastern Orthodox and Western Catholic -conciliar movement reflected educated public opinion for reform -humanists denounced corruption of church -prestige of church leaders badly damaged

Schleswig & Holstein "hypnotize" Frankfurt National Assembly & hurt momentum toward German unification

-part of German Confederation -provinces inhabited primarily by Germans but ruled by king of Denmark -Fred VII of Denmark tries to integrate provinces into rest of state -Prussia began war w/ Denmark & win →Great Powers say have to back down


-part of greater whole, tried together in some way -new force emerge modern sense during Fr. Rev- spirit of 93- fighting for something you have a vote in -give-take relationship -COT- nationalism most powerful -must be crushed at time -culture, language, etc to tie together -creation of an identity →us vs them mentality -completely fabricated construct- artificial -need to convince people part of greater whole -neg impact on European history

"Econ & political revolutions worked at cross purpose & even neutralized each other"

-peace in 1815→ econ & political changes began to fuse reinforcing each other -can't have econ prosperity w/out political stability -Congress of Vienna- stabilize Europe→ enormous prosperity, dominate world

1st Phase of revolution outcome

-peasants become counter rev force throughout history →get in the way of progress →right to vote- conservative group →France doesn't industrialize to same degree

Stalin's Five-Year Plans

-peasants have quotas to meet -collectivize- get rid of small farms →less peasants →take private farms -1938- over 90% farms collectivized -reluctantly give family plots -limited resistance→ sent to gulags -prob: 90% pop. peasants -goal to have agricultural production incr 150% -works well for industry -Kulaks- better off peasants- burn things, starve to death- 8 mil, liquidated -output of grain barely incr. 1928-1938


-peasants who maintained degree of independence -migrate south, more Ukrainian -rise up in rebellion w/ centralizing control

Consequences of rise of modern science

-rise of new & expanding social group- international science community -social- everyone can find truth, new way of obtaining knowledge about nature -politcal- science=power→ govt embrace science

Causes & outcomes of the Parisian workers uprising in summer of 1789 & how they saved National Assembly

-people hungry & angry -Bastille- armory & prison July 14, 1789- hundreds march to Bastille for weapons & gunpowder →Storm of Bastille -symbolic start of rev -kill Swiss guard -people die -urban poor revolt -broke power monopoly of royal army & saved National Assembly

Up to 1750, typical communities handle domestic disputes & birth control

-people in peasant communities gave affairs loudest & most unfavorable publicity at time of event/during Carnival season -degrading public rituals -community's far-reaching effort to police personal behavior & maintain community standards -birth control w/in marriage not unknown in W & central Europe but primitive & quite undependable →coitus interruptus- w/drawal by male before ejaculation →contraception


-people of Spanish blood born in America -wealthy merchants handle trade -often relied on smuggled goods from Great Britain -controlled much of land -debt peonage- form of serfdom

Deplorable urban conditions that existed prior to mid 19th C reform efforts

-people suffered from bad housing, lack of sanitation, sense of hopelessness -cities were congested, dirty, unhealthy -eople packed as tighty as possible w/in city limits -typical "walking city" except for wealthiest classes -infectious disease spread w/ deadly speed →more likely to die in city than countryside


-people turn toward extreme during crisis, desperate situation→ totalitarianism -1920s learn govt have to be involved→ role of govt in econ→ Keynes -context of 1930s- totalitarian countries survive depression best w/ great costs -create system that benefit majority, but attacks minority

Origins & momentum of SR in terms of its own "internal logic"

-people want answers, curious


-perpetual peace through universal democracy -reason source of all morality -Critique of Pure Reason


-philosophy -emerge as reaction to Enlightenment →everything apply reason →argues ridiculoius →things can just be -reaction to IR →effects & conditions -reaction to Metternich -emerges different times for diff countries →early 1800s in England/W. Europe →1830s followint IR -emotion before reason -romantic music, literature, art -initially don't get credit, but have profound effect -individual can be group -glorify individual cause -emphasis on individual→ important -big differences in approach

Tension btwn Charles V and 17 Low Country Provinces to the north

-pivot around which European money, diplomacy, war revolved- ECONOMIC HEART OF EUROPE -Charles V united provinces, limited sense of federation -corruption in Roman Church and critical spirit of Renaissance provoked pressure for reform -Charles loyalty to Flemings checked spread of Lutheranism →identified with Flemish, left it alone -can't grow anything in Low Countries- have to be smart, doesn't have resources, industrious, agricultural revolution begins here -middles men of Europe- commerce, banking, corporations -religious toleration- live there if hard worker- 1st middle class country

Life expectancy improve in 18th C

-plague & starvation gradually disappeared→ Europeans lived longer -improvements in diets & nutrition -agricultural rev→more food→ better health & nutrition

Spain, France, England best position to explore outside Europe

-political centralization -dumb luck of geography


-postimpressionists -desire to know & depict worlds other than visible world of fact→ unseen, inner worlds of emotion & imagination -Vincent Van Gogh- The Starry Night (1889)

Edmund Cartwright's invention- why, when, how did it lead directly to factory system

-power loom (1785) →didn't work well until 1800 →mechanics & capitalists sought to invent power loom to save on labor costs →weavers hard-pressed to keep up w/ spinners

View of sovereignty supported by Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan (1649)/ historical circumstances of his view

-power of ruler is absolute -social contract -people are selfish/evil by nature -witnessed execution of king -people give up rights & liberties for stability & order -post English Civil War

Factors facilitated intercontinental trade in late 19th C

-power of steam revolutionized transportation by sea & land -1869- Suez Canal by French -1914- Panama Canal by US -modern port facilities -telegraph -3/4 of total European investment went to developed countries -refrigeration

Serbian Independence

-power vacuum -1830- Ottoman empire should be done but continue -Serbia fight guerrilla war (1500s) w/ Ottomans- all mtn areas →Janissaries- slave tax →Milos- serb nationalist -1832- Turks grant Serbs independence -power vacuum-divide btwn 2 groups- Russians vs Austria →Russia- protect all Slavs →Austria- annex everything, Bosnia Herzegovina→ Serbia wanted, but not recognized as power -Serbia landlocked, middle of everything

Hitler's plans for reform

-public works- more effective than US -automotive industry, highway system, propa -people buy into programs -racial policies hurt Ger. in long run

Stock market

-publically traded -market & book value →market gets inflated -everyone can make $ -never invest in what you can't afford to lose -artificially inflated values for stocks -rich people remove $ before -poor people can't sell stock -bank lose $, people lose $

Skepticism- faith and religion begin to come to an end

-question everything -decades of religious fanaticism, famine, civil anarchy, death→Catholics & Protestants doubt any one faith contained absolute truth -foundation of Scientific Revolution

Catherine de' Medici

-ruler behind throne, regent of France -"shopkeeper's wife"- merchant family, not royalty -Italian -Prince negative connotation because dedicated to family -cunning and manipulative -Huguenots, no economic advisors

Freud's view that human beings are basically irrational→ relationship btwn psychology & science

-question power & potential of human mind -old ways: professional, "scientific" psychologists assumed single, unified conscious mind processed sense experiences in rational & logical way →human behavior result of "thinking" by conscious mind -after 1918- receive pop attention in Protestant countries, skeptical -some enthusiasts interpret as saying 1st req. for mental health is uninhibited sex life -new way people view mental illness -shell shock/PTSD- psychotherapy

Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht

-radicals tried to seize control -moderate socialists called army to crush uprising -1918- arrested & brutally murdered by army leaders -communist movements still strong -1915- Spartacus League- communist party attempt to overthrow -1920s- anti communist

Political & social impact of radio

-radio possible w/ transatlantic "wireless" communications of Guglielmo Marconi in 1901 & vacuum tube (1904)→ transmission of speech & music -1920- 1st major public broadcasts of special events in GB & US -late 1930s- 3/4 households had at least 1 cheap, mass-produced radio -radio well suited for political propaganda

Reading Revolution

-reading more -create public opinion


-realist -goal to punish/DESTROY Ger. -lasting security & peace -revenge of Alsace-Lorraine & WWI -creation of buffer state btwn Fr & Ger -permanent demilitarization of Ger -vast Ger reparations -not realistic but get all demands -gets fired b/c Fr want more

Bohemia reformation

-really first reformation -Jan Hus inspiration for Luther -Hussite wars against Catholics Petr Chelcicky- passive resistance, non-violence →rejected by Aussites -ethnic grievances of Czech majority led to resentment of Roman Catholic Church

Lenin's New Economic Policy

-reestablished limited econ freedom in attempt to rebuild agriculture & industry -peasant producers permitted to sell surpluses in free markets→ prob peasant keep grain & prices go up→ black market -heavy industry, railroads, banks remained nationalized -add incentives to work -open govt positions to qualified →class of NEP men -degrees of foreign investment -allow small enterprise -after Russ civ war- bad shape→ famine, 8 mil dead, pop put off by rev -Lenin makes deal- state capitalism- NEP- experiment w/ cap & comm →need to give peasants bonus from taking their stuff during civ war -abolish quota system but need to pay taxes

Frederick List (1789-1846)

-reflects govt greater role in industrialization on continent than in England -growth of modern industry of utmost importance b/c manufacturing primary means of increasing well-being & relieving poverty -dedicated nationalist → to promote industry was to defend nation -NATIONAL SYSTEM OF POLITICAL ECONOMY (1841)- practical policies- railroad building & tariff →how to industrialize when arrive late in process -SUPPORT FORMATION OF CUSTOMS UNION- ZOLLVEREIN (1834)- ALLOW GOODS TO MORE BTWN 15 GERMAN MEMBER STATES W/OUT TARIFFS, SINGLE UNIFORM TARIFF AGAINST OTHER NATIONS -high protective tariff encourage infant industries- allow to develop & hold their own against more advanced British counterparts -denounced British doctrine of free trade -by 1840s- econ nationalism increasingly popular in Germany & elsewhere -model all nations follow -contrast preindustrial (Smith) vs Industrial (List)- govt involved -govt must force citizens to suffer- work hard & long hrs so kids won't work as hard -govt must lead way toward industrialization- plant seed for corruption/econ nationalism -wider gap btwn industrial & non states, wider risk/become slaves

Repeal of the Corn Laws (1846)

-reform -Anti-Corn Law League (1839) →Whigs push for repeal to get pop. support -Tory prime minister Robert Peel→ allow free imports of grain

Great Reform Bill (1832)

-reform -just as significant as 1689- revolution w/in Parliament -redistrict England

Ten Hours Act (1847)

-reform -limit workday for women & young people in factories to 10 hrs -Tories pass to hurt Whigs

Factory Act (1833)

-reform -limited factory workday for children btwn 9 & 13 to 8 hrs & adolescents btwn 14 & 18 to 12 hrs -no effort to regulate hrs of work at home/small businesses -children under 9 enrolled in elementary schools factory owners required to establish -employment of children declined rapidly →broke pattern of whole families working together in factory

Mines Act (1842)

-reform -prohibited underground work for all women & boys under 10

Repeal of Combinations Acts (1824)

-reform -unions tolerated but not fully accepted

Reforms called for by manufacturing groups & their working class allies

-reform town govt, organization of new police force, more rights for Catholics & dissenters, reform of Poor Laws -1820s- less frightened Tory govt some changes -reform of antiquated Parliamentary system

Revisionists views of the social tensions said to cause French Rev

-reform within estates

HRE during SR

-reformation & religious wars -westphalia -to Frederick William

Decline in illegitimacy after 1850

-regions little touched by industrialization & urbanization & certain churches & religious communities that strictly prohibited premarital sex didn't experience illegitimacy explosion -growth of Puritanism & lessening of sexual permissiveness among unmarried →explanation unconvincing -pregnancy for young single woman led increasingly to marriage & establishment of 2 parent household -unmarried people almost certainly used cheap condoms & diaphragms -skipping out less acceptable & marriage less of econ challenge

Causes & outcomes of peasant uprisings in countryside in summer of 1789

-rumors of royal retaliation → GREAT FEAR -storm manor houses to burn docs/destroy feudal doc that tied them to land -August 4th Decree- 3rd estate renounces privileged position, ends feudalism, scared to death of peasants, peasants get land

Napoleon III allow any political opposition to exist- explain political system & why it eventually broke down

-regulation of pawnshops →poor neighborhoods, increase in crime →document to ensure not stolen →increase standards -support of credit unions →poor people access $/funds w/ reasonable price -increase in socialist ideologies →socialists push for more →creation of consumer society →increase in standard of living & family size →increase in sensationalized tabloid publications -people read b/c increase literacy -primary cause of WWI- pop. gets more behind causes, heighten tensions -media getting behind it -better housing -granted workers right to form unions & right to strike -political power remain in hands of emperor →restricted Assembly- members elected by universal male suffrage every 6 yrs -sensitive to public mood →Assembly greater powers, opposition candidates greater freedom →new constitution- parliamentary regime w/ hereditary emperor -steps towards democracy -people want more & in yrs opposition starts increasing

Council of Trent achievements

-reinforce theology -education of priests -absenteeism/pluralism -clerical celibacy -reaffirmed idea of Purgatory -stronger Catholic church →centralized, organized, agressive, strong popes -equal validity to Scriptures and tradition -reaffirmed 7 sacraments -forbade sale of indulgences -transubstantiation Tridentine decree Tametsi- marriage valid with witnesses and priest


-reject Christianity -question all values -accept meaningless of human existence & make that a source of self-defined personal integrity & liberation -God is dead b/c he's changed for someone's interests -people fallen into slave mentality→ sheep following -concept of God distorted & destroyed b/c slave mentality -rise up as individuals & take form of god -hate nationalism →will to power- individuals have to achieve greatness -crazy by end of life -well known in late 19th C -offended everyone & wasn't published -few friends if any -mental collapse & dies in 1900 -criticize humanitarian efforts to be for weak people -all philosophers are giving new sense of reality -no defined meaning to life other than what someone does

Holy Alliance

-religion not dead, attach religious connotation to meeting- divine intervention -suppress ideas of rev -last until 1848 -symbol of repression of liberal & revolutionary movements all over Europe -Austria, Prussia, Russia

Medieval world view

-religious & theological -political theory relied on divine right of kings -dependence on God -God is everywhere/always present

European phenomenon first stimulated large increase in popular literacy

-religious struggle unleashed by Protestants & Catholic Reformations served as catalyst in promoting popular literacy btwn 1500-1800 →pushed reading as means of instilling teachings more effectively

Siege of Vienna in 1683

-religious war -doorstep of Vienna -Christian vs Muslim -Ottomans fail→start recession→vacate Hungary & Romania

English Civil War

-religious war: Calvinist vs. Anglican -Royalists initially have upper hand, but don't have finances -Cromwell makes a deal- Charles stays king, but limited monarch -Charles raises Irish army

Nazi domestic policy (1939-1942)

-relocate Jewish population to ghettos -confiscate property, freeze accounts, ask to leave -move Jewish $ to Switzerland

British view of representation

-rep for all English subjects -virtual rep -impose taxes on colonies -1765- Stamp Act- on things that should have govt proof & also playing cards → violate mercantilism, unjustified -taxed 26 shillings

Revision of the Corn Laws (1815)

-repressive -1815- post war recession- keep price artificially high so aristocracy can stay rich -regulate foreign grain trade- not needed during generation of war w/ Fr. b/c unable to import cheap grain from E. Europe→ continental system -prohibited importation of foreign grain unless price at home rose to improbable lvls

The Six Acts (1819)

-repressive -placed controls on heavily taxed press -practically eliminated all mass meetings -can't publish anti-govt stuff -suspend writ of habeas corpus -prohibit training of militia unless part of millitary -officials search private homes -increase newspaper price

Poor Laws (1834)

-repressive & reform -revise welfare system -finance charity organizations instead of giving to individual

Grimm Brothers

-rescue German fairytales from oblivion -collection of fairytales/folklore -create German identity→ same stories

September massacres

-retaliation & revival of nobility -ushers in Reign of Terror

Extent industrialization responsible for deplorable conditions of cities in early 19th C

-reveal conditions more nakedly than ever before -steam engine freed industrialists from dependence on energy of streams & rivers so by 1800 there was every incentive to build new factories in urban areas -cities held better shipping facilities →supplies of coal & raw materials -drew people like a magnet -great advantage for manufacturer to have other factories nearby to supply business' needs & buy its products => rapid expansion of already over-crowded & unhealthy cities

General arguments of revisionist socialists

-revisionist socialism/Marxism -just get vote & tax rich people -coalitions -usher in change -less toward revolution -Edward Bernstein- Evolutionary Socialism (1899)- Marx's prediction of ever-greater poverty for workers & ever greater concentration of wealth in ever fewer hands proven false

Lenin's ideas popular w/ peasants & urban workers that made him a successful revolutionary

-revolutionary faith in Marxian socialism -exiled to Siberia- studied Marxian doctrines religiously -Kaiser deliver back to Russ on train & unleash him like a cancer →help force Russ to collapse w/in -agree w/ Marx- capitalism destroy by violent rev, oppose revisionist socialists -disagree that under certain conditions socialist rev work in backwards agricultural Russ. →peasants could be the proles -dedicated elite of intellectuals -slogan: Peace. Land. Bread →slogan reaffirm what's already happening


-scientific basis for everything -scientists apply scientific method→ scientific truth →apply method to society→ doesn't work, good concept→ end result questionable →not truth- just what good for society -comes w/ SR -REORIENTATION OF THOUGHT →court of Louis XIV -ancient thinkers: smartest people- Greek & Roman -modern thinkers- smartest are ones in present -CRITICISM OF RELIGION →1 true religion →change interpretation of God →deism- deity created universe, God steps away, world operates on natural laws→ world in our hands -monarchs used to have power from God →challenges to political authority →distant God -deism challenges... →divine right →authority of organized religion -REJECTION OF EUROCENTRISM →Europeans look at other civilizations -morals w/out Christianity -REJECTION IN BELIEF OF CENTRAL AUTHORITY →reason is foundation of truth →religion put aside →rationalism takes precedent →Bible, God, authority take precedent

Modern world view

-secular & scientific terms -change in approach to God -material world -here & now -mountain of knowledge→ Enlightenment -science to find truth→ God less important

Common mid-18th C practices of nursing infants for aristocracy & upper middle class

-seldom nursed own children- crude, common, undignified →hired wet nurse to suckle child

Austrian Treaty- St. Germain

-self-determination -Aust & Hungary independent states -Poland receive territory from Aust -create Czechoslovakia- ethnic mess -Yugoslavia- Balkans, many Slavs -Romania double size -Anschluss- forbidden union of Ger & Aust →Aust now ethnically Ger- might seek to unify w/ Ger

Regulations Manchu Dynasty successfully place on Euro merchants up to 1820

-self-sufficient -more interested in controlling strange "sea barbs" than in pursuing commercial exchange -require all foreign merchants live in S. city of Canton during certain months of yr

Cultural interests of the elite and the masses

-separate love from sexuality -women's sex restricted to marriage -women had role of wife and mother in politically arranged marriage -men could pursue sensual indulgence outside marriage

Typical life for young girls who temporarily left home for work elsewhere

-service in another family's household →little real independence, wages sent directly to parents →endless work- no laws to limit exploitation →complaints of physical mistreatment by their mistresses →pressure of seducers & sexual attack

Basic institutions used by monarchs of H.M.A. to centralize national power

-sheriffs -representative assemblies -juries -inquests -circuit judges -professional bureaucracies

Besides Bible, what other kinds of books became popular w/ increasingly literate public

-short pamphlets- chapbooks→ printed on cheapest paper, dealt w/ religious subjecst -devotional literature- intensely practical, promising happiness after death →gave believer moral teachings & confidence in God that helped in daily living -fairy tales, medieval romances, fictionalized history, fantastic adventures -desire for pure escapism & temporary flight from harsh everyday reality -reflecting ancient folk wisdom & counseling prudence in world full of danger & evil -rural crafts, household repairs, useful plants→ almanacs- universal, noncontroversial, highly appreciated

Louis XVI (1774-1792) ill equipped psychologically to control French nobility

-shy, 20 years old -EAGER-TO-PLEASE- WANTS TO BE LOVED -dismissed Maupeou- repudiated strong-willed minister's work -old parlements reinstated -weakened but unreformed monarchy faced judicial opposition that claimed to speak for entire French nation -renewed financial crisis & political upheaval

Britain gain control over Egypt

-significantly worse b/c Ali- left w/out cotton that no one wants -no longer self sufficient Brit occupy until 1956

What prewar period did small group of European intellectuals begin to challenge optimism of modern Western culture

-since 1880s- small band of serious thinkers & creative writiers attack well-worn optimistic ideas -reject faith in progress & power of raional human mind -disorientation & pessimism acute in 1930s -Paul Valéry- "crisis of the mind"


-small group of moderates of both faiths -restoration of strong monarchy could reverse trend toward collapse -nobles -put religious issues aside for stability -economic reasons


-socialism come to power through great gen strike of all working people which would shatter capitalist society -reject democracy- masses of socialist society need to be tightly controlled by small rev elite

Italy before 1860 merely a "geographical expression"

-some ties are together but enough to create nation state- too many differences -identify regionally -glaring diffs btwn N & S →N: industrial, tied in w/ Europe, rich →S: very poor, agriculture (not advanced), crime ridden

dramatic growth of European population from approximately 1720 onward, grip of deadly bubonic plague finally broken

-some women have more babies b/c employment in rural industry allowed to marry at earlier age -bubonic plague mysteriously disappeared →stricter measures of quarantine in Mediterranean ports & along Austrian border w/ Turkey- human carriers of plague carefully isolated →new rat of Asiastic origin- brown wander rat- began to drive out & eventually eliminate its black competitor that spreads major epidemics

Goals & accomplishments of the Chartists

-sought political democracy -key demand- all men be given right to vote- great hope of millions of aroused people -active in campaigns to limit work day in factories to 10 hrs & permit duty free importation of wheat into Great Britain to secure cheap bread -developed sense of own identity & played active role in shaping new industrial system

Craft union

-sought to control # of skilled workers -limit apprenticeship to members' own children -bargain w/ owners over wages -not afraid to strike

Claude Monet

-start w/ caricatures -landscape painting

Counter Reformation

-started 1540s -reaction/response to rise and spread of Protestantism -Catholic efforts to bring people back to church

privileges of Europe's ruling elites weighed heavily on people of the land

-state & landlord levy taxes & high rents →stripped peasants of much of their meager earnings -few limitations on amount of forced labor the lord could require -serfs bound to lords in hereditary service -individual Russian serfs & families regularly sold w/ & w/out land

Chief characteristic of so-called "Age of Anxiety"

-strange, uncertain, uncontrollable world -age of continual crisis -last at least until early 1950s -people search for ways that put meaning back into life

How Germany control edu, media, social institutions w/ indoctrination

-strength through joy- revamp edu system, Hitler Youth


-stressed individual's reading and interpretation of Bible→only standard of Christian faith and holiness -no stock value of sacraments -vigorously anticlerical -opposed ecclesiastical wealth, veneration of saints, prayers for dead, war -individual soul's direct responsibility to God

Expressionist architecture

-style of architecture created in Ger. -rebelled against functionalism -evoke emotion/ideas

Freud repression

-subconscious retains everything -never fully forget

Period of religious warfare full of contrasting attitudes

-supposed to be return to Christian piety, but resulted in war -people confused -chao- Christians kill each other in name of GOd -Augsburg lasts only 4 years

"Local war" that Austria sought impossible

-system of alliances -big countries get involved →Russia help Serbia →Germay sent blank check


-system of economic regulations aimed at increasing power of state, favorable balance of foreign trade to increase country's stock of gold -navigation acts form of econ warfare- target Dutch initially -3 Anglo-Dutch wars -wars btwn Britain & France- leading maritime power, lion's share of profits of expansion

International policy (March 1939)

-takes rump of Czech, 1st act that shouldn't be justified, war should have started here →not self-determination →Czech 1 of only viable democracies →viable military but can't fight alone →alliance w/ Fr & Poland→ Little Entente →Ger heading east to comm. Russ to ok

"Riding a tiger"

-taking yourself into a prob you can't get out of -tiger is WWI for provisional govt

3rd Estate

-taxed excessively -bourgeoisie -petite-bourgeoisie/sans-culottes -urban poor- worst off -peasants -75-80%, tax to crown, nobles, church →landowners revive feudal dues

Origins & momentum of SR in terms of external & nonscientific causes

-technology -navigational problems of long sea voyages in age of overseas expansion -Renaissance stimulated scientific progress →recovery of Greek math →patronage- govt. sponser- England- Royal Society of London (661) -major discipline at universities

Political & economic situation in German Confederation after failure of Frankfurt Assembly

-tension grew btwn Austria & Prussia -modern industry grew rapidly w/in German customs union Zollverein- doesn't include Austria -nation state gets colonies -blood & iron -inspired by Italy 1859

War WWI inevitable?

-tensions heightened -had to happen in Balkans b/c toxic area→ last unsettled area of Euro -3rd Balkan war end up starting WWI

When IR grab hold in England & first continental countries

-term first coined in 1830s to describe burst of major inventions & tech changes witnessed in certain industries Britain- industry growth- 0.7% (1700-1760) // 3% (1801-1831) -not complete in Brit until 1850 at earliest -no real impact on continental countries until after 1815 -same time as cottage industry -start in 1780s w/ steam engine -cont Europe- mid 1800s


-thoroughgoing realism=naturalism -believed literature should depict life exactly as it was -simply observed & recorded -focused extraordinary powers of observation pm contemporary everyday life -strict determinists →human beings components of physical world & all human actions caused by unalterable natural laws →heredity & environment determined behavior →good & evil merely social conventions

Mett defend conservatism & hate liberalism

-threat of liberalism generally went w/ national aspirations -oversee what takes place in Europe

Freud sublimation

-through subconscious -aggressive tendencies into something less harmful -release violence→ sports

Frederick the Great a true Enlightened Monarch

-tolerantly allowed subjects to believe as they wished in religious & philosophical matters →undercut power of church -promoted advancement of knowledge →improve schools →permit scholars to publish findings -tried to improve lives of subjects more directly →laws simplified →torture or prisoners abolished →judges decided cases quickly & impartially -promoted reconstruction of agriculture & industry -said nothing of divine right of kings -ESTABLISH NATIONAL SET OF LAWS -bureaucratic & judicial reform -territorial expansion →Prussia dominate states

How did Scandinavia end up Lutheran?

-top down reformation -monarchy took initiative→Lutheran state churches -Olaus Petri-translated New Testament into Swedish, organized church along strict Lutheran lines w/ Gustav Vasa -Vasa→revolt and seize church lands -Christian III- king of Denmark & Norway- secularized church property, set up Lutheran church

Irish question

-toxic relationship forever, oppressive -should Ireland have home-rule? →liberals in favor, conservatives oppose -1912- looks like Ireland get home rule but then WWI & Eng can't deal w/ -Easter rebellion 1916- Irish revolt -1922- Ireland modified independence →Ulster remain in England b/c Protestant & don't want Catholic rule →lead IRA (Irish Rep. Army) & Sinn Fein- Brit view as terrorists, want independent Ireland

May be argued that Industrial Revolution, while not as focused & dramatic as the French Revolution, has been more profound in its effects

-transform econ & social life -began in 1780s Great Brtiain, continental Europe 1815 -rapid & brought numerous radical changes -changed patterns of work -transformed social class structure & way people thought about class -eventually altered international balance of political power -helped ordinary people gain higher standard of living →widespread poverty of preindustrial world gradually reduced -hits cont Europe→ entire world changes -not arrive at IR→ Euro take over→ Imperialism

Walter Scott

-translated Goethe's famous Gotz von Berlichingen -composed long narrative poems & series of historical novels -recreate spirit of bygone ages & great historical events -Ivan Hoe

Congress system successes

-treaties made btwn countries, not individuals →don't end when person dies -new framework- 5 dominant countries work together

Why German-Russian Reinsurance Treaty end in 1890

-treaty was to ensure neutrality -1890- Bismarck dismissed- Kaiser mistake #1 -Kaiser mistake #2- fail to renew treaty -to simplify: Ger only needs 1 alliance w/ Brit to control all Europe -Leon Caprivi succeeds Bismarck- invest everything in alliance w/ Brit & Eng says no →Russia looks to Fr →Ger- 2 front war, only ally is Aust- has to support

Bismarck relationship after 1871 w/ socialists

-tried to stop growth b/c fear rev language & allegiance to movement transcending nation state →workers of world unite →beyond his control of Germany →need to be very worried about →has to go after them but give into demands when keep asking for more -law strictly controlled socialist meetings & publications & outlawed Social Democratic party -modern social security laws to help wage earners →1883- accidental insurance →1884- national sickness insurance →1889- old age pensions & retirement benefits →Germany 1st country to put in play

Chaos period in Europe

-turn to religion, scapegoats, economics -social breakdown of fabric of Europe, Christianity collapsing -very confusing time period, control falling apart

Prussian liberals make about-face & support old enemy Bismarck after 1866

-under Bismarck's conservative system they benefit →IR- econ growth →unify- expand commerce -1871- new constitution- Reichstag- parliament w/ 2 houses- based on uni male suffrage →pass, amend, reject legislation, can't initiate- only chancellor can -compromise btwn old aristocracy (control power) & middle class (degree of power through Reichstag) to avoid future probs

Duke of Sully

-under Henry IV -French mercantilism -create roads, canals, public works, colonies -lower taxes

Problems faced Brit governments of the 1920's & w/ what ideas did Labour party approach these problems

-unemployment →June 1921- 23% of labor force →1920s- around 13% -state provide unemployment benefits -1921- Labour party- determined champion of working classes →take votes from liberal power →stay like this until 2010 →want to tax rich but can't do -can't go after rich to give to poor -make promises can't keep -cont. Europe can't afford Brit goods -colonies have nationalists- military can't suppress -have oldest that aren't destroyed so can't rebuild -welfare state- going on the dole

Louis Blanc

-universal voting rights -healthy society- all you need is universal voting -everyone vote in self-interest -most people not rich so vote to improve conditions →makes sense, but fails -divide based on issues- religion, race, etc →power structure stays same -reduce everything to econ argument→ don't take into account other issues

Attacks on Royal Palace in August 1792

-urban mob still there -rumor of treason by king & queen -Robespierre becomes spokesperson of mob →runs govt

2nd Phase of revolution

-urban poor not pleased →2nd phase- Reign of Terror →40,000 people died → Robespierre saves revolution -appeals to urban mob →socialism -planned economy →80% income on bread →law of maxima on bread- very popular act-feed everyone -Spirit of 93- modern nationalism -2nd constitution- universal male suffrage, republic →origins of real democracy →create sense of identity for people →mass conscription-people sign up for military- 2 million- fighting for a cause →power Robespierre has goes to his head- abuse power -Danton questions him & got killed (his best friend) → Committee of Public Safety arrests Robespierre- tries to suicide but guillotined

Berlin workers demands & how they affect Prussian landowning class- Junkers

-urban workers wanted much more & Prussian aristocracy wanted much less than moderate constitutional liberalism king conceded -workers issued series of democratic & vaguely socialist demands (workshops) that troubled middle calss allies -conservative clique gathered around king to urge counter rev

Modern totalitarianism

-use modern tech & communications to exercise complete political power -state take over & control -radical revolt against liberalism→ parliamentary sys led to chaos -constant rev- rapid, profound change imposed from on high went on forever→ external threat, can't survive that long →make people suffer, need goals & war →5 yr plans- Stalin →no rewards outweighing sacrifices -use of extreme nationalism -politically neutral concept- can be L/R -set of beliefs that society based on -follow orders of strong leader -leaders made object of worship, godlike→ propaganda -creation of cults -periodic elections where nothing changes -outgrowth of total war -react against classical liberalism→ too self centered

Common mid-18th C practices of nursing infants for urban class

-used wet nurse to facilitate full time work in shop

Edward Jenner

-vaccination -treatment spread rapidly -smallpox soon declined to point of disappearance -lay foundation for science of immunology in 19th C

Paris Commune

-vaguely radical, leaders wanted to govern Paris w/out interference from conservative Fr. countryside -Nat Assembly would here none of it →ordered Fr. army into Paris & brutally crushed commune →20,000 people died fighting -can't progress- conservative groups very powerful -never win another war b/c can't fully industrialize

Ferdinand Magellan

-verified theory that earth is round -info on vastness of Pacific -proved earth much larger than Columbus estimated -first to circumnavigate globe

Maria Theresa (1740-1780)

-very good monarch for Austria- control most difficult area to control -limit papacy's political influence in realm -administrative reforms strengthened central bureaucracy, smoothed out some provincial differences, revamped tax system- tax noble lands w/out special exemptions -improve lot of agricultural revolution- cautiously reducing power of lords over hereditary serfs & partially free peasant tenants -revise judiciary & bureaucratic system -tax nobles -religious & educational reform

Importance of 18th C advances in medical science in extending lifespan

-very small part in improving health of most people =Enlightenment→ research & experimentation -rise in # of medical practitioners

19th C view of masturbation

-viewed w/ horror -represented act of independence & defiance -girls discouraged from riding horses & bicycling b/c rhythmic friction stimulated masturbation -boys dressed in trousers w/ shallow & widely separated socketed -btwn 1850-1880- surgical operations for children persisted in masturbating -until 1905- various restraining apparatuses more pften used

International policy (1935)

-violate ToV conscription clause by rearming→ people sign up for military, Wehrmacht -Anglo-Ger naval agreement→ Ger start build navy -Muss take Ethiopia- LoN condemns -1930s- idea that Ger punished unjustly w/ Keynes →fascism unknown


-want to keep US out of war -fear that WWI could lead to civil war →largest ethnic group German but support Eng. →initially claim neutral in war -Ger start to use poisonous mustard gas→ unfair -Brit passenger liner- Lusitania- luxury liner →NY to Liverpool →Americans go on luxury cruise during WWI →Ger sink ship that carry arms & munitions -Brit set up embargo- upset US but they agree to cover cost of embargo →makes US want to support Eng in war b/c indebted -Brit fly American flags on ships then Ger declare unrestricted sub warfare -1917- Zimmerman telegram- Ger govt offer Mexico lost provinces of 1848 if declare war on US →relationship btwn Mexico & US bad- Ger try to occupy US before mobilize -April 1, 1917- US delcare war on Ger -April 1918- US fully mobilize & war almost over

What became of Nap III in France & why?

-war w/ Prussia undid efforts -patriot republicans proclaim 3rd Republic (1871-1940) after refuse to admit defeat -Jan 1871- starved into submission by Ger. armies -national elections sent large majority of conservatives & monarchists to Nat. Assembly -Nap III flee to London

circumstances surrounding Elizabeth's decision to aid United Provinces in war against Spain

-wars badly hurt English economy -murder of William the Silent eliminated great Protestant leader, chief military check of Farnese advance -collapse of Antwerp- signal Catholic sweep through the Netherlands

Severe inflation in 16th century

-wealth comes into Spain→rich -price revolution (1540s-1640s) -inflation higher in Spain, but other countries have also -more $ in circulation, more $ in Spain →more $ paid for goods →increase in cost for labor -cost too much to produce in Spain →dependent on other countries for goods →wealth leaving Spain

Why did IR begin in England around 1780s

-wealthiest & dominant part of country- Scotland, Wales, England 1) expanding Atlantic econ of 18th C served mercantilist Brit well -colonial empire Brit aggressively built, strong position in Latin America & African slave trade →growing market for Brit manufactured goods -1770s- canal-building boom enhanced natural advantage, cheaper to ship goods by water than by land →easy movement of deposits of iron & coal →no tariffs w/in country to hinder trade 2) agriculture- English farmers 2nd to Dutch in productivity in 1700 -period of bountiful crops & low food prices -ordinary English family could spend more on manufactured goods 3) effective central bank & well-developed credit markets -monarchy & aristocratic oligarchy since 1688 provided stable & predictable govt -govt let domestic econ operate w/ few controls →personal initiative, technical change, free market -large class of hired agricultural laborers, rural proletarians- relatively mobile →potential industrial labor force for enterprises

Certain groups usually successful in jumping at new opportunities

-well-established merchant families- rich network of contacts & support // of modest means -ethnic & religious groups discriminated against in trad occupations controlled by landed aristocracy jumped →Britain: Scots, Quakers, other Protestant dissenters →Protestants & Jews- banking in Catholic France

Effect of Catherine's reign on Russian nobility

-westernized thinking -1775- nobles absolute control over serfs -1785- formalized privileged position- free nobles forever from taxes & state service -nobles live in new territories w/ absolute control over serfs

Positive & negative effects of Khedive Ismail's rule in Egypt

-westernizing autocrat -just along Nile productive but somehow expand Nile out→ irrigation -large irrigation networks →turn to foreign investments →offer accept b/c make $$$$ -1865- civil war, S. no cotton -1873 & 93- recession- no demand →now owe a lot & not making enough $


-widespread & flourishing business in 18th C →little/no contact w/ family that hired her →often nurses negligent & greedy →large #s of killing nurses- child die quickly to take another child & fee

Bismarck's temperament, political views, and training prior to 1862 when became chief minister for Prussia

-wild & tempestuous student given to duels & drinking, Junker heritage -like Mett- look at collective whole, nationalism to tie German states -realpolitik -master politician -"One must always have 2 irons in the fire" -needs 3 wars so unify Germany -had bureaucracy collect taxes w/out Parliamentary consent & reorganized army- military spending -Prussia joined Austria in short & successful war against Denmark- Schleswig & Holstein →doesn't need Austria, but knows need to have war w/ Austria later so can make it about territories →other Great Powers step aside- will disagree about Schleswig & Holstein

Declaration of Pillnitz

-willingness to intervene in Fr in certain circumstances & was expected to have sobering effect of revolution w/out causing war -Austria & Prussia

Common mid-18th C practices of nursing infants for lower class

-women generally treat-fed their infant for much longer period than customary today →decreases likelihood of pregnancy for avg woman -limited fertility & spaced their children

Napoleon's domestic reforms

-work out unwritten agreements w/ powerful groups in France where groups received favors in return for loyal service →CIVIL CODE OF 1804/NAP CODE- bargain w/ solid middle class -reasserted 2 fundamental principles of LIBERAL & essentially moderate rev of 1789- EQUALITY OF ALL MALE CITIZENS before law & ABSOLUTE SECURITY OF WEALTH & PRIVATE PROPERTY -GOVT RANK BASED ON MERIT -PUBLIC SCHOOLS -GOES TO ALL EUROPE -ENDS FEUDALISM →Nap & leading bankers of Fr established privately owned BANK OF FRANCE- loyally served interests of state & financial oligarchy -appealed successfully to peasants -accepted & strengthened position of Fr bureaucracy- perfected thoroughly centralized state →consolidated rule by recruiting disillusioned revolutionaries for network of ministers, prefects, centrally appointed mayors that depended on him & came to serve him well →1800 & 1802- granted AMNESTY to 100,000 ÉMIGRÉS on condition that return to Fr & LOYALTY OATH →new imperial nobility to reward most talented generals & officials -Nap & Pope Pius VII signed CONCORDAT OF 1801- POPE GAINED FR. CATHOLICS RIGHT TO PRACTICE RELIGION FREELY, GOVT NOMINATED BISHOPS, PAID CLERGY, EXERTED GREAT INFLUENCE OVER CHURCH IN FR -stability & national unity

Provisional govt riding a tiger in trying to govern Russia during spring & summer of 1917

-workers expect better wages -prob was that prov. govt filled w/ liberals & pink socialists -good- Russ most democratic -bad- continue war→ breakdown of Russ civilization, highly unpopular -freest country in world- equality before law, freedom of speech, religion, assembly, right of unions to organize & strike →too much change too quick→ Russ descends in anarchy

Negatives of European urbanization during 19th C

-young factory workers confronting relentless discipline -aristocratic elites maneuvering to retain political power

Foundling homes

-young women who couldn't provide for child could bundle up newborn & leave on doorstep of church so baby might at least get baptized -St. Vincent de Paul so distressed by # of babies brought to steps of Notre Dame that he established home for foundlings in late 17th C -foundling homes 1st took hold in Italy, Spain, France & after 1700 spread to N/central Europe -by end of C, foundling hospitals admitting annually 100,000 abandoned children -emerged as favorite charity of rich & powerful- great sums spent on them -tremendous increase b/c explosive growth of unwanted illegitimate children

Death Camps

-young/old people -gas chambers -Poland →Chelmo (1941) →Treblinka →Sobibor →Belzec →Auschwitz Birkenau (largest, 12 camps)

3 phases of "aggressive" expansion by west into non-western world

1) Crusades- 1095 1st crusade -reclaim Holy Land -1097-98- get Jerusalem -3rd & 4th- just get to Constantinople 2) Old Imperialism (1453-1600) -1453- Turks take Constantinople -shift to Atlantic econ -God, Gold, Glory -Europeans come to civilizations more advanced 3) New Imperialism (1850-1915) -w/ England possibly earlier

Catherine the Great

1) brought sophisticated culture of W. Europe to backward Russia -imported Western architects, sculptors, musicians, intellectuals, art, Voltaire, Diderot 2) domestic reform -1767- appointed special legislative commission to prepare new law code →Nakaz- new legal code →modernize Russian law →RESTRICT PRACTICE OF TORTURE, limited religious tolerance -improve education -strengthen local govt 3) territorial expansion -subjugated last descendants of Mongols- Crimean Tartars -partition of Poland -Ottoman territory -wants Constantinople MAKES RUSSIA LEGIT EUROPEAN POWER

Basic approaches to Italian unification

1) radical program of idealistic patriot Giuseppe Mazzini- Carbonari, romantic -put aside differences -fall 1848 2) Vincenzo Gioberti- Catholic priest called for federation of existing states under presidency of progressive pope 3) program of those who looked for leadership to autocratic kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia -Sardinia's monarch Victor Emmanuel retained liberal constitution in March 1848 -appeared to be liberal, progressive state -CoV strengthen, has Genoa, industrial, wealth -Mach- goal unify Italy by strong leadership

Advantages continental Europe- especially France & Russia- have in catching Britain's industrialization after 1815

1) rich tradition of putting out enterprise, merchant capitalists, skilled urban artisans -gave continental firms ability to adapt & survive in face of new market conditions 2) Capitalists didn't T need to develop own advanced tech -"borrow" new methods developed in Great Britain, engineers, financial resources 3) France & Russia had strong independent govt which didn't fall under foreign political control -govt could fashion econ policies to serve own interests & promote industry

2 changes in Western intellectual thought closely connected w/ urbanization of Europe from 1815 on

1) scientific knowledge expanded rapidly- influencing Western world-view even more profoundly than ever before & spurring creation of new products & whole industries 2) 1840s-1890s- European literature underwent shift from soaring romanticism to tough-minded realism

Scourges guaranteed that European population would not soar

1. famine- inevitable result of poor farming methods & periodic crop failures, accompanied w/ disease 2. disease- could ravage population independent of famine 3. war- spread disease, armies requisitioned scarce food supplies & disrupted agricultural cycle

Portuguese explorations

1497- Bartholomew Diaz- rounded Cape of Good Hope, doesn't go to India 1497-1499- Vasco da Gama- reached India- spices, samples of Indian cloth -people, sugar -islands: Macronesia- sugar (labor intensive), Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira, Cape Verde -Muslims control slave trade in Africa -1460-70- plantation agriculture -1492- valuable in New World -sugar cultivation→wealth

Profound social changes that occurred in English society since the 16th century

1530- sale of monastic land to merchants →gentry (like nobility of robe) →protestants →Parliament →Puritans →PER reasons for New World

Francisco Pizzaro

1533- crushed Inca Empire -established viceroyalty of Peru -Potosí richest silver mines in the New World

Holy Office

1542- established by Pope Paul III- jurisdiction over Roman Inqusition- powerful instrument of Counter Reformation -target Jewish population

Copernicus (1473-1543)

1543- On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres -heliocentric theory- stars at rest, universe of staggering size, characterize earth as planet, earth revolved around sun -devoutly religious -shares w/ Catholic Church →church knows that he's right →can't prove his theory -Luther- "The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside down" →Coperican Revolution- validated by Galileo & Kepler

Council of Trent

1545-1563 -popes promised reform through council in 1530s -pope Paul III- Inquisition 1530s- target Jewish population- forced to live in ghettos, wear identification -reform Catholic Churh -reconciliation with Protestants

Charles V abdicates

1556 -brother Ferdinand- HRE -son Philip II- Netherlands, New World, Italy, Spain

America as British colony

1607- Jamestown 1600s in England problematic- century of chaos →concerned w/ internal conflicts -salutary neglect- colonies left to develop independently →create own political institutions -econ system → trade internally/externally →develop sense of colonial identity → influx of people from various parts of Europe

Henry Hudson

1611- Dutch East India Company, joint-stock company

Mistake Charles made to ruin harmony with Parliament

1670- Charles entered into secret agreement w/ Louis XIV- give Charles 200,000 pounds annually, Charles gradually recatholicize England

Peter the Great

1672-1725 -Westernization- orient Russia towards Europe -Warm Water ports- naval & commercial power -military reform →based on Prussia model →Azov Campaign vs. Ottoman Empire -brings land force- FAIL -returns w/ fleet of ships- WIN →"Father of the Russian Navy" →national flag -1678-1698 European tour →Amsterdam & England- build ships, tobacco →England gift to king- picture of Peter →brought troop of dwarves -Cultural Revolution →tax on beard →paid for sons of nobles to study in Western Europe →western attire →exploit mines in Ural Mountains →1700- new year starts on actual new year -Resistance to Westernization →Boyars, Streltsy, Russian Orthodox Church -Streltsy rebellion crushed & disbanded -Gen. Patrick Gordon- taken care of when dying -Church →Peter was pious but church had too much power →led by patriarch- didn't support Peter's reform -doesn't replace patriarch -replaces w/ Holy Synod- council of bishops →no figurehead 1917- patriarch reinstated -Christian toleration for foreigners attracts westerners -tax on soules- individuals -divides into 50 administrative districts w/ governor -Turn boyars to service nobility →table of ranks- 14 ranks →meritocracy- based on merit, start from bottom -Great Northern War vs. Sweden (Charles XII) →1700- Battle of Narva LOSE →1709- Battle of Poltava- WINS →acquires land for St. Petersburg -1712- St. Petersburg- "Window to the West" →brand new capital →baroque →force peasants to build →force nobles to live there →Peter lives in cabin- simplicity -1725- Peter dies→no heir, Russian empire

Learned from studies of comparable rates in industrialization up to 1913 w/in the western world & btwn the western & non-western world

1750- all countries fairly close together & Britain slightly ahead of archenemy France -Brit opened up noticeable lead over all continental countries by 1800 →gap progressively widened as Brit IR accelerated to 1830 & full maturity by 1860 →1830- Brit lvl of per capita industrialization 2x France & ex in 1860 →all other large countries (except US) fallen even further behind -Belgium led adopting Brit's new tech- independent in 1831, rich in iron & coal -Fr developed factory production more gradually →relatively good pattern of early industrial growth, unjustly tarnished by Germany & US -1913- Germany rapidly closing in on Britain -US passed 1st industrial nation in per capita production -all Euro states, US, Canada, Japan- raise per capita industrial lvls in 19th C -LARGE & TRAGIC DECREASES IN MOST NON-WESTERN COUNTRIES- CHINA & INDIA →they produce →after Eng take over, purchase Eng goods

Purchasing power of English & Scottish workers from 1780-1820 & by 1850

1780-1820- little/no increase in purchasing power of avg British worker 1792-1815- constant warfare w/ France, particularly difficult →food prices rose faster than wages, living conditions of laboring poor declined -after 1820 & especially after 1840- real wages rose substantially →avg worker consumed 50% more in 1850 than in 1770

William Cockerill

1790- He & his sons build cotton-spanning equipment in French occupied Belgium 1817- John Cockerill purchased old summer palace of deposed bishops of Liege in S. Belgium →convert into large industrial enterprise- produced machinery, steam engines, railway locomotives -established modern ironworks & coal mines

National Convention

1792- take over for republic -monarch no more than Fr citizen that is great threat -w/ changes can't go backwards -Enlightenment gone crazy -Robespierre embrace rationalism -2nd phase- embrace Enlightenment -attack church →dissolve Christianity →deism →temples of reason -new revolutionary calendar →start 1793 as year 1- lasts until 1805 -metric system → 1 lasting impact -get rid of playing cards

Liberal economic philosophy reflected in 1799 Combinations Act & the 1813 & 1814 repeal of 1663 law regulating wages of artisans & conditions of apprenticeship

1799- Parliament passed Combination Acts- outlawed unions & strikes 1813 & 1814- Parliament repealed old & often disregarded law of 1563- regulate wages of artisans & conditions of apprenticeship →skilled artisans found aggressive capitalists ignoring trad work rules & flooded trades w/ unorganized women workers & children to beat down wages

Railroads transform factory system, rural workers, outlook & values of society

1825- George Stephenson built effective locomotive →1830- Rocket sped down track of just-completed Liverpool & Manchester Railway at 16 mph -world's 1st important railroad -dramatically reduced cost of uncertainty of shipping freight overland -larger markets → larger factories w/ more sophisticated machinery →make goods more cheaply & gradually subjected most cottage workers & many urban artisans to severe competitive pressures -construction of railroads created strong demand for unskilled labor & growth of class of urban workers -railroad dramatically revealed power & increased speed of new age

Larger role banks play in industrialization of continental Europe

1830s- 2 important Belgian banks received permission from growth-oriented govt to establish themselves as corporations enjoying limited liability →stockholder only lose original investment in bank's common stock & couldn't be assessed for any additional losses -corporate banks important in France & Germany in 1850s & 18602- work in collab w/ govt- established & developed many railroads, many companies organized as limited liability corporations →Credit Mobilier of Paris (Isaac & Emile Pereire) -advertised extensively- used savings of 1000s of small investors & resources of big ones

Andrew Ure

1835- conditions in most factories not harsh & even quite good

1850- largest occupations in Britain- how it made transition to industrial society earlier for Britain than for countries that would industrialize later & faster

1850- more Brit people work on farms →2nd largest occupation- domestic service- 1 mil household servants (90% women) -many old, familiar jobs outside industry lived on & provided alts for individual workers -pattern of artisans working w/ hand tools in small shops remained unchanged in many trades -survival of small workshops gave many workers an alt to factory employment -working-class solidarity & class-consciousness developed in small workshops & large factories →1000s of workers vs minority of managers & owners

Key areas of control in Africa before 1880

1880- outskirts of Africa as ports to stop on way to India/Far East →Euros didn't have tech -to conquer Africa →steam power- steamships up rivers- Congo & Nile →vaccines for malaria →machine guns -Africa valuable for diamonds (not precious)- need time, pressure, heat→ Pangea- Africa moved least →cartels control & mine diamonds- conflict/blood diamonds in Sierra Leone -Africa- Great unknown -1850s- Livingstone- go in search of source of Nile, disappear 6 yrs →send Henry Stanley to search & find at Lake Victoria

The Peace of Paris (1919)

5 treaties -Turkish -Bulgarian -Russian -Austrian -Versailles

Golden Bull of 1356

7 electors- 4 princes, 3 archbishops 1438-1740- Habsburg held position- paid for title HRE never really works/no one cares until- 1519- Charles V takes throne, starts tightening control

Britain's growth in population from 1780-1851

9 million → 21 million


Concordat of Bologna- Francis I →tax exempt class →France takes control of church→sells offices

Social structure upon which Eastern monarchs built absolutism different from France

France: -well-developed medieval monarchy -power of nobility somewhat limited-don't pay taxes -middle class relatively strong-dependent for taxing -peasants generally free from serfdom -based on deals w/ merchants- subsidies, commerce -if nobles dies- serfs→peasants→towns Eastern: -powerful nobility -serfs can't get to towns -weak middle class -lack towns→lack trade→no merchant class -based on being able to tax nobles

Bevenuto Cellini

Individualism- wrote autobiography so that whole world might appreciate it


Lives of the Artists

People whose personal stories change history

Luther Napoleon- position based on MERIT, ends feudalism Hitler

July 31, 1914

Russ fully mobilize on Germany, not A-H -war began -cause of war transportation system →partial mobi on Ger. borders & Ger act

Giovanni Boccaccio

Secular spirit- tales in The Decameron describe ambitious merchants, lecherous friars, and cuckolded husbands→portrays a frankly acquisitive, sensual, worldly society

Status of upper class women

declined-work performed, access to property and political power, role in shaping the outlook of their society -staying inside→stop producing wealth -improvement in access to EDUCATION

Churches natural focus of rebellion against ever-centralizing European nation-states

state tried to control the church when centralizing

Why did African slave trade expand so rapidly after 1500?


Bohemian Phase (1618-1625), 1st Phase

→civil war btwn Catholic League (Ferdinand) and Protestant Union (Frederick) →Bohemians fought for religious liberty and independence from Habsburg rule 1620- Frederick defeated at Battle of White Mountain -Bohemia Catholic b/c HRE Ferdinand II

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