AP Euro--Ch. 13

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Opposition to the clergy


What was Luther's doctrine of salvation?

Salvation through faith

What was the Reformation in England?

Henry VIII--break from Church/implemented Protestant reforms; Edward VI--continued Protestant reforms; Mary Tudor--return to Catholicism; Elizabeth I--return to Protestant reforms, more middle ground

What was Calvin's belief on free will?

Humans did not have free will

What was the Polish view on Lutheranism?

Opposed Lutheranism (anti-German)

Treaty that officially recognized Lutheranism in Germany; gave German princes the right to choose the official religion of their province

Peace of Augsburg


People used by the Devil for his doing

Largest religious rebellion in North England caused by opposition to religious change

Pilgrimage of Grace

How did Lutheranism develop in Hungry?

Students from Wittenberg learned/spread it; nobles fear it; Hungry conquered/divided among world powers; nobles eventually accept Lutheranism

What was Luther's connection to the printing press?

Authorized printing of his works to help spread them

Luther and Roman exploration of Germany


What was an indulgence? How did Luther's theology of salvation reject indulgences?

A document from the Church lessening penance or time in purgatory, widely believed to bring forgiveness of all sins; salvation came through faith not human action, so one could not buy their salvation

What are the differences between inquisitorial and accusatorial legal procedures?

Accusatorial--accuser/charges known to accused; accuser responsible for trial Inquisitorial--legal authorities brought the case; accuser never known/responsible

Who were the politiques? What role did the play in France?

Catholic and Protestant moderates who held that only a strong monarchy could save France from total collapse, wanted to recognize Huguenots as a official organized group; Henry of Navarre--politique king; policies helped bring France peace/saved France from collapse, Edict of Nantes--Huguenots protected worship

What was the choice religion of the Holy Roman Empire?


What happened between Luther and Charles V at the Diet of Worms?

Charles V summoned Luther; Luther refused to recant his ideas; Diet gave a broader audience to his reforms

1529 meeting summoned to unite the Protestants; failed to solve the differences in thought about the Eucharist

Colloquy of Marburg

Series of meetings between 1545-1563 that reaffirmed Catholic teaching and reformed the Church's practices

Council of Trent

What was the influence of the Catholic Inquisition?

Destroyed heresy; little effect out of papal states

What happened to English monasteries during the Reformation?

Dissolved under Henry VIII for their wealth

What was the Protestant view on the dissolution of marriage?

Divorce and remarriage allowed

French edict that recognized the Huguenots and allowed them safe practice in 150 towns

Edict of Nantes


French Protestants

What were Calvinist beliefs on work/labor?

Hard work was a sign of "elect"; any occupation was a "God-given" calling and should be performed with diligence

What was Luther's position during the German Peasant War?

Initially sided with peasants; sided with the nobles when violence broke out

What was the Lutheran vs Calvinist view of secular rulers?

Lutheran--secular leaders should lead reforms Calvinism--Consistory--group of men who severely punished those who broke Calvinist doctrine

Elizabeth I vs Mary, Queen of Scots

Mary, Queen of Scots--Catholic/heir to English throne; imprisoned by Elizabeth I; beheaded after implicated in assassination attempt

What was Luther's view on celibacy?

Priests did not need to be celibate

How did Martin Luther's position as a university professor affect the spread of the Reformation?

Professorship as justification for his reforming work

What was the religious policy of Elizabeth I?

Protestant; supreme in religion and politics; Church of England official religion; subjects had to attend services

What was the purpose of Catholic religious orders?

Raising the moral and intellectual level of the clergy and people

How did the Council of Trent reform the priesthood?

Required seminaries in each diocese; seminary professors had to decide if a candidate had the vocation; bishops had to reside in their diocese; ended simony and pluralism; imposed clerical celibacy

What was Luther's belief on the make-up of the church?

Spiritual priesthood of believers; an invisible fellowship not centered on a single person/place

The slaughter of Huguenot guests at the wedding of Margaret of Valois and Henry of Navarre; the widespread killing of Protestants in mobs throughout France on the same day

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre

What effects did closing the monasteries/convents have on the upper class?

Strengthened the upper class; tied them to the Tudor dynasty/Protestant Church

Why did France support the German princes?

Wanted Germany to remain politically unstable due to religious devision

Treaty between France and Spain that ended the Habsburg-Valois wars

Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis

T/F: Calvinists believed in predestination


Religious order founded by Angela Merici that focused on the education of women

Ursuline Order

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