AP Euro CH 17

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Immanuel Kant

A german philosopher who defined the enlightenment "mans leaving his self-cause immaturity"


A less brutal approach to justice and punishment in the 18th century

Travel accounts of different cultures

A major inspiration for travel literature in the 18th century were the pacific ocean adventures of james cook

The "Science of Man"

A topic in David Hume's 18th century experimental philosophy a treatise of human nature. Expanded the understanding of facets of human nature, including senses, impressions, ideas, imagination, passions, mortality, justice, and society.

Two countries protestant churchgoers chose new religious movements

England and Germany

John Locke's Tabula Ras

Locke's theory of knowledge especially influenced the philosophes of the enlightenment. tabula rasa = blank mind. the idea that knowledge is derived from our environment, not our heredity. this concept was published in his work essay concerning human understanding.

French Philosophies social class

Mostly included people from the nobility and the middle class

New form of literary expression used to attack the hypocrisies


Corporal and capital punishment

On the decline

Capital of the Enlightenment


The growth of reading and publishing in the 18th century

Was aided and characterized by the development of magazines for the general public

The punishment of crime in the 18th century

Was often public and very gruesome

The jews of the 18th century Europe

Won the right to publicly practice their religion in Austria with Joseph II toleration Patent of 1781

The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu

argued that the best political system in a modern society is one where power is divided the three branches of government.

Adam Smith

believed that government should not interfere in people's economic decisions.

The general will

for rousseau the general will was a socal consensus to which the individual must bow.


he was best known for his criticism of religious intolerance. An early female philosopher who published a translation of newton's principia and who was the mistress of voltaire as the marquise de chatelet

Johann Sebastian Bach

produced religious music as a way to worship god

The Progress of the Human Mind

the author of this book named condorcet became a victim of the french revolution.

Montesquieu' Persian Letters

was a method that allowed him to criticize the Catholic Church and the French Monarchy

Marquise du Chatelet

An early female philosopher who published a translation of newtons principal and who was the mistress of Voltaire

Enlightened thinkers are secularists

Can be understood as secularists because they strongly recommened the application of the scientific method to the analysis and understanding of all aspects of life


Celebrated in the weeks leading up to lent

European music in the later 18th century

Classical derived from neoclassicism

Jacques-Louis David

Death of socrates, big role in the neoclassicism art

Cheap and popular alcoholic drink


Baroque-Rococo artistic style

In the 1730's the Rococo style affected architecture and decorations all over Europe. Rococo art emphasized grace and gentle action; it often had many curves and no harsh geometric patterns. The Rococo style was based on pleasure, happiness, and love. Rococo architecture was easily used to decorate Baroque architecture.

A serious proposal to the ladies

Mary astell was an english writer who argued that women should become better educated in this


Rousseau' influential novel that dealt with these key enlightenment themes: proper child rearing and human education


Shifted the musical center from Italy to Germany to the Austrian empire. Considered most innovative and wrote the opera, The marriage of Figaro

Role of the catholic and Protestant churches in the 18th century Europe

Still played a major role in social and spiritual areas

Handel's Messiah

The 18th century musical composition that has been called one of those rare works that appeal immediately to everyone, and yet is indisputably a master piece of the highest order

Character of high culture in the 18th century Europe

The artifacts, values, knowledge, beliefs, and other cultural elements that elites in a society use to distinguish themselves from the masses


The belief that god created the universe but does not actively run it

European intellectual life in the 18th century was marked by

The emergence of secularization and a search to find the natural laws governing human life


The religious denomination founded by John Wesley in England to provide a more emotionally fulfilling religious alternative to the church of england

Bernard de Fontenelle

The scientist-philosopher who provides a link between between the scientists of the 17th century and the philosophies of the next. The works of fontenelle announce the enlightenment because they popularize a growing skepticism toward the claims of religion


Were instances of massacring and looting of Jewish communities

French Philosophers

Were literate intellectuals who meant to change the world through reason and rationality

Antoine Watteau

a french painter whose brief career spurred the revival of interest in color and movement, as seen in the tradition of correggio and rubens. Antoine Watteau was an artist who's artwork reflected upper-class pleasure, but also had a sadness to it, along with nature that resembled Rococo.

Issac Newton and John Locke

provided inspiration for the enightenment by arguing that through rational reasoning and the acquisition of knowledge one could discover natural laws governing all aspects of human society.

Diderot's Encyclopedia

the purpose, according to him, was to change the general way of thinking. His most famous contribution to the enlightenments battle agaist religious fanaticism, intolerance, and prudent was his 28-volume encyclopedia compiling articles by many influential philosophes.

According to Rousseau

the source of inequality and the chief cause of crimes was private property.

Mary Wollostonecraft

the strongest statement and vindication of women's rights during the enlightenment was made by her.

The leader of the Physiocrats

their advocacy of natural economic laws was Francois Quesnay.


where literary-minded gatherings that advanced ideas were discussed. Women were present.

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