AP Euro Chapter 19

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animal food, hay straw, or similar food for livestock

the agricultural revolution first manifested in the

low countries

between 100 and 1800, the most dramatic downturn in European population occurred in the

14th century

in 1790, African slaves made up about ____% of the US population


_______ led the revitalization of Spain in the 18th century

Philip V

gleaning of grain is

collection of single grains that fall to the ground during the harvest

the navigation acts are a form of economic warfare that initially targeted the


jethro tull's contributions to english agriculture were product of

empirical research

britains greatest rival for influence in India was


the English navigation acts mandated that all English imports be and exports be transported on English ships, and they also

gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with british colonies

between 1500 and 1600, the __________ were the major European players in the Indian ocean trade


by 1800, ________ had the largest population in europe


The major reason for the disappearance of the bubonic plague from western and central Europe after the early 1700's was probably

widespread quarantining of plague victims


working class

dutch commercial activities in Indonesia are centered on


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