AP Euro chapter 20/21

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What was the key demand of the Chartist movement?

All men have the right vote

What did the Factory act of 1833 ban?

Banned children under 9 from employment

How did the industry grow in Continental Europe?

Belgium lead Continental Europe in adopting British tech for production

How did the labor in British families change in the 18th century?

Family members shifted labor away from unpaid household work towards work for pay

What was the function of the Crystal Palace?

Location of the Great Exhibition in 1851 London

How did railroads affect the nature production?

Markets became broader encouraging manufacturers to create larger factories with more sophisticated machines

What was the result of the development of the British economy between 1780 and 1851?

Much of the growth of the gross national product was eaten up by population growth

Which social groups compromise the Revolutionary alliance during the revolutions of 1848 in Central Europe?

Students in urban workers

What was the goal of the British Corn Laws of 1815?

The government of the import and export of grain which was revised in 1815 to prohibit the importation of foreign grain unless the price at home rose to improbable levels that's benefiting the aristocracy by making food prices high for working people

What did count Henri de Saint Simon believe in the 19th century?

The key to progress was proper social organization

David Richard's iron law of wages states what?

The pressure of population growth would always think wages to subsistence levels

What reform did Francis second republic institute in 1848?

The right to vote for all adult men

During the Prussian revolution in 1848 why did the alliance between middle class Liberals and workers dissolve?

The workers demanded a series of democratic and vaguely socialist reforms

What was Karl Marx most important criticism of the French Utopian socialists?

Their appeals to the wealthy to help the more were naive

According to the separate spheres pattern of gender relationships happened after a first child born?

Women stopped working outside of home

According to the doctrine of liaises faire, the government should intervene in what?

As little as possible

What were the allied powers at the Congress of Vienna determined to do?

Avoid the creation of hostility and resentment in France

In the 19 century how did Ireland's population grow despite extreme poverty?

Because all those so many people in Ireland work for it made sense to marry because a couple can manage world property better then one living alone and children meant more hands in the field

In 1850, in what occupational area did the largest number of British people work?

Farmers and Agriculture

In the War of Independence against the Ottoman Empire the Greeks ultimately won whose support?

Great Britain, France, and Russia

Charles Fourier a utopian socialist envisioned what?

He advocated for the creation of small model communities called Phalanxes. These are self-contained inconsistent ideally of 1620 people they would work and live together for mutual benefit work assignments would be rotated to relieve workers of undesirable tasks

What did the great reform bill of 1832 in Great Britain?

Increase the number of male voters by 50% and gave political representation to new industrial areas

Why did Klemens Von Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

It would threaten the dissolve of the empire because Austia was a multicultural empire

Who invented the spinning jenny?

James Hargreaves

What was the major breakthrough in energy and power supplies that catalyze the industrial revolution?

James Watts steam engine developed and marketed between the 1760s and 1780s

Why did factories hire entire families?

On the request of the family

Why were the young generally unmarried women who worked for wages outside the home confined to certain "women's jobs"?

Sexual division of labor replicated a long standard pattern of segregation and inequality

What was the result of June days in France in 1848?

The Republican army under General Lewis Cavaignac stood triumphant in a series of working-class blood and hatred

In the condition of working class in England Friedrich Engels stated what about the living conditions of the working class?

The living conditions were slowly improving

Why did Europeans and Americans embrace the Greek Revolution?

They cherish the classic culture Russians admiredthe piety of the Orthodox brethren and writers and artisans move by romantic impulse responded enthusiastically to the plight of the Greeks

Why did the 18th century Britain have a shortage of wood?

it had been over harvested being used for heat and a basic material in industry

Why were cottage workers accustomed to the putting out system reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received good wages?

Workers had to keep up with the machine and follow its tempo

How did cotton transform the textile industry?

cotton could be spun mechanically more efficiently than wool or flax, which solved the shortage of thread

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in 1848?

established national workshops to provide public works jobs

As the business world grew increasingly complex what did the wives and daughters of success businessmen discover in 18th century Europe?

few Job opportunities for women most middle class men assumed that women were avoiding work in offices and factories

The Romantic movement was characterized by what?

Belief in emotional exuberance unrestrained imagination and spontaneously in both art and in personal life

Who were the Luddites?

British handicraft workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work

How did Karl Marx argue socialism would be established?

By violent revolution

How did class consciousness from during the industrial Revolution?

Class consiousness formed because many individulals came to believe that cllasses exisited and developed a sense of class feeling

Which law outlawed labor unions and strikes in Britain?

Combination act of 1799

According to Marx what was the driving force in history in the 19 century?

Economic relationship between classes

In 1848 what reform did the French government reviews that create a sense of class injustice?

Electoral reform

Victor Hugo's political evolution was the opposite of wordsworth's who's youth radicalism gave way to what ?

He gave way to middle-aged conservatism

How did the origins of industrialists change as the Industrial Revolution progressed?

It became harder to form more new firms and instead industrialists became more likely to inherit wealth

What was the effect of France's constitutional charter in the post-Napoleonic period?

It was a liberal constitution it protected economic and social games made by sections of the middle class and the peasantry in the French revolution gave freedom and create a parliament with upper and lower houses

What was the most important influence on the peaceful mid century reforms in Great Britain?

Political competition between the aristocracy in the middle class?

What did Thomas Malthus' essay on the Principle of Population argue?

Population grew faster than food supply

What did Klemens Von Metternich and Alexander I proclaim at the Troppau Conference and set of values?

Principle of active intervention to maintain all autocratic regimes whenever they were threatened causes restoration of Italian regime

What did the mines act of 1842 prohibit?

Prohibited underground work for girls and boys under 10

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