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Mass Journalism

Product of imperial and industrial development. Now information could spread faster than ever. Journalism created a national community of up-to-date citizens, whether or not they could vote. This means that the everyday man had more and more power.

Japanese modernization

Rapidly transformed in the late 19th century. Endorsed western-style modernization in preparation for gaining its own empire. Copied Germany's government and Britain's navy to become the undisputed power in that area, quickly dominating Korea and China.


Replaced village games. Large audiences now supported a particular team, bringing all of the social classes together. Often acted as a form of military training for younger members. Soon the middle class began to support mountain climbing, believing it to be healing for both the mind and body.

Booms and Busts of 1870-1900

Series of deflation and inflation which refocused entrepreneur policy on finding ways to enhance sales and distribution and to control markets and prices. Also, businesses were much more expensive to start up.

Social Darwinism

States that strong civilizations have to adapt to changing conditions to prevent their weakening, decay and collapse.

Match girl's strike

Strived to end the deduction of a full day's pay if a girl was even a tiny bit (like one minute) late. Supported by the press.


Tin from colonial trade caused large scale commercial canning, which made many foods available year-round to people in the cities.


Used to counteract the effects of malaria. The development of this allowed the Europeans to invade Africa and dominate it.

Willhelm II vs Bismark

Wilhelm II was a young Kaiser who came to the German throne in 1888 who resented Bismarck's power, and was goaded by his peers to think of him was a rival. He dismissed Bismarck in 1890 and let the Reinsurance treaty with Russia lapse in favor of a strong relationship with Austria, thus destabilizing the diplomatic scene just as imperial rivalries were intensifying antagonisms among the European nation-states and empires.

Division of Labor

Women did less labour jobs and instead became WHITE COLLARS

Blurring of Aristocrats and Industrialists


Child wellness societies


Japanese fad


Social Democrats in Germany




1st and 2nd Industrial revolution

1st: Focused more on textiles + steam manufacturing 2nd: More steel + heavy metal manufacturing This is mostly in Britain.


After cameras were produced, realistic painting became expensive and a waste of time, so writers strived to stray as far wa\\away from that as possible


Allowed fruits vegetables and meat to be transported without spoiling, increasing urban food supply.

Dual alliance

Austria and Germany team up against Russia in order to protect the Balkans from its rule. Later they were joined by Italy in 1882.

Chemical Fertilizer

Boosted crop yields for more food.

Cecil Rhodes in south Africa

Cecil Rhodes was a British businessman and politician who was sent to South Africa for his health in 1870, but discovered the diamond market and claimed a huge amount of African territory hundreds of miles into the interior with the help of the British government.

Department Stores and Mail order

Department stores featured sales and other marketing techniques that caused people to buy other items that they might not have considered beforehand. Also predominantly browsed by women, since men didn't have time to shop. Mail order was delivered to rural regions that allowed them to order things in large quantities.

Indian national congress

Elite Indians form this, but they are split in their support for Britain. Some accepted British liberalism in economic and social policy, welcoming their changes. Others, however, challenged Britain's right to rule.

Scramble for Africa

Everyone wants a piece of Africa! Raw resources are all over the place within the continent and people have final begun to develop Quinine, which fought against the disease malaria (predominant in Africa). Increases in technology made it that much easier to invade it as well. Every bit of it was fair game, and tension quickly rose in Europe. A meeting was called by Bismarck at Berlin, which divvied up the land to all of the powers in Europe.

Rates of industrialization

Faster: Britain begins to slow down since its technologies are less up-to-date than other countries. Germany, however, spends as much on education as military in 1870's and 80's, resulting in highly skilled engineers and technical workers. In addition, the US begins to take advantage of all its raw resources and also competes. Slower: France businesses' sizes begin to seem small in comparison to others, lose steam. Spain, Austria-Hungary, and Italy all have only small regions where developments take place.

Limited liability corporations

Formed as a result of the booms and busts of 1870-1900. Issued by the government, which protected investors from personal responsibility for a firm's debt. This caused investing in stocks and bonds to expand with the need for more capital. Promoted trading of stock.

Second international

Formed to combat the growing nationalism and imperial competition that separated workers rather than binding them in a common cause. Committed to Marxian socialism.

French Algeria + Tunisia

France gets this

Free trade vs Protectionism

Governments began to impose tariffs in the belief that doing so would help protect domestic industries. This was supported by the people. France and Germany both approved tariffs to make foreign goods highly taxed and expensive. By early 1890's everyone except Belgium, Britain, and Netherlands got rid of free trade.

White man's burden

Help everyone :D

Capital Intensive Industry

Huge financial payment was required to begin businesses, since all of the new high-tech machines now costed a ton of money

Fabian society/labour party

In London. Committed to a kind of socialism based on study, state planning, and reform rather than revolution. Founded the labour party in order to make it a political issue


Increased productivity in both agriculture and industry led to rapidly declining prices. ex: Wheat

Belgian atrocities in the Congo

King Leopold II of Belgium took advantage of the people of the Congo and drained every last resource from their state, ruling extremely unfairly. Examples include the killing of workers whose quotas were even slightly short or the amputation of hands for the same offense.

Emigration from Italy and Ireland

Land could not produce enough to support a rapidly expanding population. Also, the potato famine in Ireland along with being kicked out by English landlords

William Gladstone

Leader of the British Liberals. Campaigned for a seat in the House of Commons, arguing that the Indians and Africans should have more basic rights (criticized British Imperialism). Despised by Queen Victoria, who hated his speaking to ordinary people and his attacks on her empire. However, he did become prime minister.

Nationalism, empire, and prosperity

Motto of expanding countries.

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