Ap Euro Finals

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what is Conservatism

the political idea in which the people regarded tradition as the basic source of human institutions and the proper state and society remained those before the French Revolution which rested on a judicious blend of monarchy, bureaucracy, aristocracy, and respectful commoners.

What was the Reign of Terror

-The period from 1793 to 1794 during which Robespierre's Committee of Public Safety tried and executed thousands suspected of treason and a new revolutionary culture was imposed.

What English monarch met a similar demise to Louis XVI?

Charles I - he was also beheaded

what are Montagnards?

French National Convention's radical faction, Led by Robespierre. Teamed up with the Sans-Culottes to storm the Convention and seize 29 Girondist deputies for treason. (radically opposed the girondists- liked monarchy)

What caused Napoleon to create the Continental System?

He wanted to cut off trade between Great Britain and the rest of Europe in hopes of damaging their economy.

What was Napoleon's Grand Empire?

His Grand Empire was composed of three major parts: the French Empire, dependent states, and allied states. The French Empire was the inner core of the Grand Empire.

what are Girondists?

The Girondists fought for the control of the French National Convention (1793) (tame abolitionists)

Napoleon's education system is a reflection of the policies of which of the following earlier European rulers?

Maria Therese of Austria.

What did Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety do?

Murdered thousands, called the reign of terror.

What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon's return to Paris on March 20, 1815 after his exile on Elba, and the second restoration of King Louis XVIII to the throne of France on July 8, 1815.

what is Liberalism?

Principle ideas of liberty and equality like: representative government, equality before the law, freedom of press, speech, assembly, from arbitrary arrest, called for unrestricted private enterprise, no government interference in the economy

How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France in the Napoleonic era?

The Catholic Church promised to promote French nationalism, while the French state agreed to abandon efforts to control church doctrine.

What impact did the Continental System have on the European economy?

The Continental System did strain the British economy, driving down exports and gold reserves. Decreased Napolean's popularity

On what was money being spent at the beginning of the Revolution?

The Debt of the American Revolution and the Seven Years War

Why did the Directory continue the French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments?

The directory continued to support French military expansion abroad because war was no longer so much a crusade as a response to economic problems. Large, victorious armies reduced unemployment at home.

How does this lead to Napoleon's downfall?

This event caused Napoleon to fall out of favor with Europe and was the start of his downfall.

What are sans-culottes?

Working poor of Paris. Demanded political action to defend the Revolution. Refused to wear the knee breeches of the middle class and aristocracy. (radical abolitionists)

what is Socialism?

a system of government in which the economy is controlled solely by the government

what is Nationalism?

identification and support of one's own nation

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