Ap Euro unit 2 and 3

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The heightened central control established by absolutist and constitutional governments led to which outcome?

Growth in armed forces

France's strong economy was created by the mercantilist policies of

Jean-Baptiste Colbert.

In eastern Europe between 1500 and 1650, the growth of commercial agriculture was facilitated by the

consolidation of serfdom.

Early-sixteenth-century Europeans were, for the most part,

deeply pious.

Both Frederick William and Peter the Great exploited the peasants for their own gain by forcing them

into their respective armies.

France supported the Protestant princes of Germany in order to

prevent Holy Roman emperor Charles V from increasing his power.

French foreign policy under Cardinal Richelieu focused primarily on the

preventing the Habsburgs from unifying the territories surrounding France

The guiding force behind Cardinal Richelieu's domestic policies was

the subordination of all institutions to the monarchy.

Luther viewed celibacy as

opposed to human nature and God's commandments.

The dissolution of the English monasteries

resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth.

Which new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century?

Ursuline order

The baroque style flourished in the context of the

Catholic Reformation.

Believing that only sacraments mentioned in Scripture were valid, Martin Luther supported the validity of which two

Baptism and the Eucharist

The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a

confidence among Calvinists in their own salvation.

In addition to reforming the church, the other, unrealized goal of the Council of Trent was

reconciling with the Protestants.

The trivial rituals performed at the court of Versailles were important because they gave nobles

access to Louis XIV.

Louis XIV's controller general, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, sponsored French exploratory missions in

Canada and along the Mississippi River.

Louis XIV selected councilors from

capable men of modest birth.

Why did the English government arrive at a crisis by 1640?

Charles I imposed unwelcome laws and reforms on the country.

In music, the baroque style reached its culmination in the work of

Johann Sebastian Bach.

After his victory in 1709 at Poltava, Peter the Great built a new, Western-style capital on the Baltic called

St. Petersburg.

One of the largest rebellions in seventeenth-century Russia was led by

Stenka Razin.

John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

detract from the sovereignty of God.

Mercantilist theory postulated that

economic activity should be regulated by and for the state.

The Ursuline order of nuns focused on

educating women.

Which name was given to the Catholic and Huguenot moderates in France?


Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir, Mary, Queen of Scots, executed?

Mary was implicated in a conspiracy to assassinate Elizabeth.

Which was a social consequence of Peter the Great's bureaucratic system?

People of non-noble origin were able to rise to high positions.

Which of these was a consequence of the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre?

A continuation of religious warfare

In the seventeenth century, why did rulers hesitate to crush rebellions?

Armies were expensive to deploy, and rulers feared creating martyrs.

Martin Luther's claim that the papacy was exploiting Germany

appealed to the national sentiment of German princes.

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of

the dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII.

The English political philosopher Thomas Hobbes held that

the power of the ruler was absolute and prevented civil war.

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

adopted a middle course between Catholic and Protestant extremes.

Which commonality could one find in both 1695 England and the Netherlands?

A tolerant environment for Jews

Which name was given to French Calvinists?


Which Catholic religious order was founded in 1540 by Ignatius Loyola?


How did the Peace of Westphalia mark a turning point in European history?

Large-scale armed conflicts over religious faith came to an end.

After a defeat at Narva, Peter the Great constructed a new army and eventually beat the Swedish in 1709 at


Why was the pope unable to grant Henry VIII of England the annulment he desired?

The pope was effectively the prisoner of Emperor Charles V.

Within the Ottoman government, which group staffed the top levels of the bureaucracy?

The sultan's slave corps

How did the princes of Moscow seek to legitimize their authority as rulers of an independent state?

They modeled their rule on the Mongol khans.

Which statement best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation?

Through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace.

The primary cause of the 1688-1689 Glorious Revolution in England was

a fear that James II would establish Catholic absolutism.

The Holy Roman emperor Charles V was

a fierce defender of the Catholic faith.

Martin Luther believed that the church consisted of

a spiritual priesthood of all Christians.

Domestic political power in the Dutch Republic in the late seventeenth century was held by

an oligarchy of wealthy businessmen.

As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany

became either Lutheran or Catholic, depending on the of their prince.

Luther's reforms spread rapidly, in part because the Holy Roman Empire was

made up of hundreds of largely independent states.

Oliver Cromwell's Protectorate was ultimately a

military dictatorship.

The Ottomans divided their subjects into religious communities or


In Hungary, Lutheranism was

spread by students who had studied at the University of Wittenberg.

Cardinal Mazarin's struggle to increase revenues to meet the cost of war led to the uprisings of 1648-1653, known as

the Fronde.

In the late 17th century Netherlands, tensions were always present between the republican Estates and supporters of

the House of Orange.

The overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the sixteenth century was

to morally uplift both clergy and laity.

Martin Luther's first response to the Peasants' War, before the fighting broke out, was

to side with the peasants.

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