AP Euro Unit 6 Key Terms

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Serbian Independence

-Ottoman Empire, breaks free

Paris Commune

-Paris no longer had any interest to allow monarchists to run France--they tried to split Paris away from the rest of France


-"politics in the real world"



Bourbon Restoration:




Know Steps to Unification: Danish War, Austro-Prussian War, Franco-Prussian War =




Revolution in Mexico -


German Unification:

-1815 = 39 German states formed loosely unified, Austrian-dominated German Confederation -Prussia = largest population, strongest army, led effort towards unification -1848 = rioters in Berlin forced convention to craft liberal constitution for a unified Germany

Giuseppe Garibaldi -

-1860 = Giuseppe Garibaldi's red-shirted nationalists captured Sicily then marched north through the mainland -agreed to unite his southern conquests with the northern states under the monarchy's control--b/c nationalism

Kaiser Wilhelm I

-1861 = Prussia's liberal parliament challenged Kaiser Wilhelm I by denying him funds meant to strengthen his military -Prussia's conservative Junker class supported the kaiser -Otto von Bismarck (his prime minister) came to the rescue

Franco-Prussian War

-1870 = Bismarck manufactured a war with France to win resistant southern Catholic German states -Spain tried to declare a Catholic German their new king--France not okay with that, Bismarck fabricated notes (Ems Telegram) -France got dominated--Napoleon III captured -kaiser was declared emperor of Second Reich--at Versailles -Germany = biggest dog in the yard lol


-19th century: anyone or anything that challenged their own political, social, or religious values

Narodnaya Volya (The People's Will)

-Alexander Herzen's movement was not the end of protesting in Russia... -where Alexander Herzen's movement failed, the People's Will shall not -assassinated Alexander II in 1881--his successor Alexander III just tightened czarist control but did continue to champion industrialization in hopes of strengthening Russia (his next heir Nicholas II...)

Revolts in Russia -

-Alexander I (Champion of Conservatism) died, without clear heir -two brothers Constantine (older; more popular, regent of Poland, didn't want to rule) and Nicholas (younger; respected brother's right to rule)--neither wanted to be czar

Conservatism in Europe:

-Austria -Prussia -Great Britain -France -Spain -Ottoman Empire

Austria Struggles with Nationalism -

-Austria also struggling with food issues -luckily for Austria, all 3 revolts fail

Dual Monarchy

-Austria and Hungary--independent but united states under mutual leadership (Emperor Francis Joseph) -its creation didn't exactly solve all the nationalist issues in the country -now other nationalities wanted same treatment--particularly the Czechs (didn't get it)

And all the nationalism ever...

-Austria is a multinational empire in an age of growing nationalist sentiment -nationalism continued to grow in Austria during this period as people became more and more aware of their own national identities--largely stemming around growth of national languages

Klemens von Metternich -

-Austria--Hapsburg Dynasty -stomped out all signs of progress in nation when liberalism encouraged creation of representative gov't

British Reforms:

-Britain maintained relative period of peace and prosperity (while others didn't with revolution and change) -Britain was able to solve its issues with the institutions that had already existed (Parliament, monarchy, cabinet system)--while other nations were forced to create new political institutions and figure out how to live with them -many in Britain still wanted change--Reform League, Benjamin Disraeli, Second Reform Act

Chartist Movement (Chartism)

-British workers frustrated with troubled economic times for workers, come together to argue for new rights to make change -known for their proposed constitution called the Charter -6 primary goals: secret ballots, annual elections, universal male suffrage, Parliament gets paid, relaxed land requirements for Parliament, equal electoral districts -proposals EVENTUALLY adopted (except annual elections)--but takes almost 50 years before many of the changes take effect

Catholic Emancipation Act

-Catholics now allowed to participate in Parliament -designed to allow Irish to be active participants

July Revolution...

-Charles X gone in France -Louis-Philippe becomes new king -creation of the July monarchy (the bourgeois)

Opposition to the Congress

-Congress of Vienna made decisions to rebuild Europe in vision of what it was prior to French Revolution -peoples of Europe felt abandoned by great powers of Europe -nations dominated by foreign powers, common ethnicities divided for foreign political power -people believed they deserved to have their own nation, those in control disagreed


-Duke of Orleans -liberal who stayed in France during the Revolution -new king of France following July Revolution -didn't live up to liberal standard either--no real changes made to improve lives of average worker -did keep Algeria--poor decision

Third Republic -

-France without Napoleon III as leader--France reverted back to a republic -not going to be easy -strong portions of France wanted to return to a monarchy (but who would lead?) -Paris Commune -Marshal Patrice MacMahon elected president--serve as stabilizing force until Chamber of Deputies (their Parliament) drove him to retire -Dreyfus Affair

Charles Fourier

-French Utopian socialist -factors of production(?) -created blueprint for cooperative community--rotating tasks

Dreyfus Affair

-French army captain Alfred Dreyfus falsely accused of selling military secrets to Germany--charged b/c Jew -tried, convicted, retried, convicted, ultimately pardoned for a crime he was FRAMED for (convicted TWICE) -made very apparent to everyone involved in rampant Anti-Semitism of Europe -rallied together efforts of liberals, socialists, and anarchists--realized only hope for survival was through their combined efforts in the republican gov't -case divided society in France--conservatism vs Dreyfus, support anti-Semitism, willing to throw innocent man in jail

Regions impacted by nationalism

-Great Britain -Germany -Italy -Eastern Europe -Ottoman Empire (Greece)

Revolution in Haiti -

-Haiti inspired by French and American revolutions -first Latin American territory to gain freedom -Saint Domingue (declared independence 1804) --> Haiti

Revolution in Spain

-King Ferdinand VII restored to throne--dissolved Cortes (Spanish Parliament), persecuted liberals who drew up liberal constitution -rebellion among army divisions to be sent to America to put down rebellions against Spanish Empire--small Spanish middle class soon joined army divisions in rebellion -Austria, France, Prussia, and Russia want to intervene, British didn't want five great powers involved in putting down internal rebellions in other nations -eventually French army with support of Russia, Prussia, and Austria restore Ferdinand to absolute power

Revolution in Prussia -

-King Frederick William IV dealing with political strife--people of Prussia looking for more inclusion in gov't -protests, crowding his palace, demanding new constitution, wanting a better one = Frederick does nothing

Reform Movements in Britain -

-King George IV dies -new King William IV--new liberal(ish) Parliament -growing Irish nationalist movement--Lord Liverpool enacts change (Catholic Emancipation Act, Great Reform Bill)

Latin American Revolutions:

-Latin American peoples motivated by popular discontent, Enlightenment ideas, revolutions in France and America, and resentment toward colonial rule--fought to overthrow their overlords -life in Latin America was awful--rigid race and class system determined person's occupation and authority

Vienna Uprising

-Louis Kossuth speaks out against Hapsburg dominance in Hungary--wants equal participation in gov't for Hungarians -Klemens von Metternich sends military to silence opposition (they fail, he quits)

Revolution in France -

-Louis XVIII died suddenly -his brother the Count of Artois (leader of ultraconservatives) becomes king of France (now Charles X)

Marxism -

-Marx and Engels (Friedrich Engels was his colleague)--organized Communist League to link far-flung German Socialists, wrote The Communist Manifesto -radical, socialism = communism -Tenants of Marxism (see "Revolution of the masses")

"bourgeoisie" vs "proletariat"

-Marx and Engels' -"haves" (owners) and "have-nots" (workers)


-Napoleon finally gone -he returned to monarchy in France -unable to undo changes brought by French Revolution entirely--decides to compromise on his terms (the Charter)

Danish War

-Otto von Bismarck's first step toward unification -Schleiswig and Holstein (1864)--made Prussia proud of German army/monarchy, set up necessary stakes for part 2...

Revolution in Greece

-Ottoman Empire, breaks free

Crimean War:

-Russia = dominant power in Europe (fall of Napoleon, British civil issues) -Russian hopes for continued expansion at expense of Ottoman Empire (no one cares about them, owed Russia for dealing w/ liberalist/nationalist movements) -France + Britain + Ottoman Empire vs. Russia (after they involved Ottoman provinces of Moldavia and Walachia)--no Austria and Prussia involved -British/French victory--Russia signs Treaty of Paris in 1856

Austro-Prussian War

-Seven Weeks War -Bismarck provoked Austria to declare war on Prussia in 1866 -Austria lost Venetia--ceded to Italy -Prussia's victory allowed northern Germany to unite its eastern and western parts -1867 = remaining northern states joined the North German Confederation, dominated by Prussia

Augustin de Iturbide

-Spain's viceroy in Mexico -overthrown in 1823 -Central American declared absolute independence

Impacts of the conflict

-Treaty of Paris--Russia lost control of Black Sea and Danube River (no access to Mediterranean), lost claim as protectorate nation of Orthodox Christian Church, shattered their aura of invincibility -ended the Concert of Europe--everyone on their own, no one actively stopping rebellions in Europe -Ottoman Empire makes one last attempt to repair their fragile empire

Robert Owen

-Utopianism -British factory owner, improved working conditions for his employees (built low-rent houses, prohibited child labor, created free education) -founded a short-lived utopian community in Indiana in 1825 -created industrial unions that pulled together workers from disparate industries

Steps to Italian Unification

-Venetia (from Austria) joined Italy in 1866--thanks Germany -Italian forces took Papal States (including Rome) in 1870--thanks Germany -Italy officially unified under King Victor Emmanuel II -pope retained control of Vatican City

Victor Emmanuel I and II

-Victor Emmanuel II = Sardinian king, named Cavour Prime Minister in 1852

Prussian Reform

-War of Liberation (end of Napoleonic Wars--really hated him lol) -Prussian king Frederick William III promised new constitution limiting royal power--he didn't (instead, Diets led by Junkers)

Benjamin Disraeli

-a conservative leader in Parliament (one of most remarkable prime ministers) -helped push through a series of reforms that dramatically changed Britain forever -many improvements and reforms in Britain--but replaced by liberal William Gladstone, but then brought back again lol

Jose de San Martin

-a creole -led revolutionaries in Argentina to independence in 1816 -turned to Spanish threat in neighboring Chile -San Martin and Bolivar's combined forces defeated Spanish at 1824 Battle of Ayacucho--modern Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador united as Gran Colombia

Miguel Hidalgo

-a priest inspired by Enlightenment ideals -launched revolt in Mexico in 1810--Native Americans and mestizos marched on Mexican City (failed)

Simon Bolivar

-a wealthy creole ("libertador") -led revolution in Venezuela--Venezuela declared independence in 1811 but still had to defeat Spanish -surprise attack at Bogota won him a decisive victory in 1819--led to Venezuelan independence in 1821 -then marched south into Ecuador (Jose de San Martin)

Prison Reform

-all prisons in Europe at this point had been regional prisons used at King's discretion (Bastille) -awful conditions--Auburn and Philadelphia Systems -transporting became popular (to Australia)


-any political philosophy that favors tradition (in the sense of various religious, cultural, or nationally-defined beliefs and customs) in the face of external forces for change -conservative goals: legitimate monarchies, landed aristocracies, established churches

Romantic Republicanism

-approach to Italian unification -secret republican societies founded throughout Italy -singularly ineffective -Carbonari (most famous of societies)--Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi

Czech Nationalism =

-attempt to create a Pan-Slavic nation in Europe--Czechs attempt to unite with other Slavic nations of Europe (Czech Uprising) -stopped by general lack of interest by other powers to create it

Napoleon III

-authoritarian ruler with much success -after issues with Italian unification, began making domestic reforms to keep control of France (covering up foreign political mistakes)--liberalization didn't really work out -gave up/left after Franco-Prussian War disaster

Social Unrest =

-back in 1830, Poland tried to break away from Russia to declare their own state--Nicholas I stopped it -new Polish attempt to revolt in 1863 = Alexander stops it (but stomping out a revolution wasn't enough...) -czar instituted policy of Russification to maintain rule over ethnic minorities--Russian lifestyle forced on all members of Russian society... -Alexander's repressive policies sparked resistance throughout Russia--Alexander Herzen published his anti-czarist paper The Bell to encourage students to protest against actions of czar (they did and were thrown in jail)


-belief in no government or structured society -born out of distrust of capitalism -belief that society needs either capitalism or government to work(?) -two methods: violent (revolution), non-violent (cooperative communities)


-belief that interests of particular nation-state are of primary importance -belief that people who share common language, history, and culture should constitute an independent nation, free of foreign domination -broke out throughout Europe following installation of Napoleon's family throughout European nations -nationalists believed that qualities of people, not ruler, determine nation's character -language was key

David Ricardo

-believed that a permanent underclass would remain poor -Comparative Advantage, *Iron Law of Wages (in market system, more workers mean wages would go down--competition for jobs)*

Revolution of the masses

-bourgeoisie accumulates massive majority of wealth of nation, proletariat struggle for years w/out any hope of overthrowing bourgeoisie, proletariat start violent revolution, bourgeoisie overthrown, proletariat redistribute wealth equally among people, proletariat enter period of re-education to abolish ideas of self-gain and profit and adopt ideas of working for sustained survival and improvement of all...repeat, once existent across globe abolish all nations and develop pure democratic communities, live without violence and war (utopia)


-capitalism isn't working (struggles w/ income equality for working/middle classes)--necessary for state to intervene and help workers achieve economic justice -Jeremy Bentham (utilitarian socialist) -government should promote greatest good for greatest number -judge ideas and actions based on usefulness to society

Legal and Administrative Reforms

-created zemstvos (district assemblies) to replace administrative powers of serf landowners -implemented Western European legal practices to Russia (revival of legal system)

Revolution in South America -

-creole-led independence movements

Creole Leadership =

-creoles were best educated and least oppressed of Latin American colonists, enlightenment ideals inspired Latin American revolutionaries -Latin American colonists felt no loyalty to Joseph Bonaparte (argued when king was removed, power shifted to people)

Frederick William IV =

-deals with political strife in Prussia -does nothing practically

Count Camillo Cavour

-determined to unite Italy -won northern Italy for Piedmont through smart diplomacy and alliances -allied with Napoleon III in 1858 then provoked war with Austria--the French-Piedmont force drove Austria out of northern Italy (except Venetia) -unifying the north, secretly aiding nationalists in south -meets Garibaldi

Thomas Malthus

-disciple of Adam Smith -supported free market capitalism--everything is based around making profit -*argued that, unless family size was regulated, famine would become globally epidemic and eventually consume Man* -said that capitalism breeds inequality and poverty(?)

Economic Goals

-driven by educated manufacturers and business owners -allow them to run their business however they saw fit (laissez faire economics)

Political Goals

-driven by ideas of Enlightenment -liberals looked for rights espoused in documents (Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen, U.S. Constitution/Bill of Rights) -extend participation, but not democratize gov't -eliminate needless control of people by monarchs--gov't from consent of people

Lord Liverpool -

-end of fighting led to mass influx of former sailors/soldiers returning home w/out jobs or homes -Corn Act -eventually post-war taxes broke down barriers b/w aristocracy and common man--but also took away protections labor class had

Labor in Europe:

-factory labor still not predominant form of work for most people as of 1830 -skilled artisans and cottage industries still vital to Europe, but that was changing

Claude Henri de Saint-Simon

-failed entrepreneur in France during French Revolution -Saint-Simonianism--believed business should be run by group of intellectuals who would make decisions that benefit society as opposed to personal gain; movement never really gained traction globally but these communities will be some of most socially progressive societies in Europe (feminism, women's rights, sexual freedom) -believed society needed to be organized in scientific basis--hierarchical society

Russia Reforms??:

-failure of Crimean War--new czar of Russia Alexander II forced to try and fix Russia

Charles X =

-former Count of Artois -ultraconservative, wasn't big fan of change or reform -indemnified (repowered) nobility, enacted laws to punish sacrilege with death (Law of Sacrilege), reinstalled aristocratic primogeniture (hereditary passing on of noble rights/privileges--oldest male child inherits)--all pretty much opposite of liberalism/reform/common sense, more revolution -rule France until 1830 (new electors fill Chamber of Deputies w/ liberals) -fabricates invasion of Ottoman Control Algeria--France wins, Charles passes Four July Ordinances (ulrarepressive laws--no more freedom of press, Chamber of Deputies gone, only wealthiest allowed to vote)

Great Potato Famine

-fungus in Irish potato crop -drastic decrease in food supply -affected Ireland today--millions starved to death

Education Act of 1870

-government will take responsibility for education in England -great improvement--but Disraeli is back

Jose Maria Morelos

-his revival attempt was also defeated

Italian Struggles

-hopes of preparing Italy for unification--Venetians team up with Kingdom of Piedmont in fight against Austrians -Giuseppe Garibaldi, Giuseppe Mazzini = strong nationalist leaders in Italy -thwarted with help of French and Napoleon III

Home rule

-hopes/dreams of Irish home rule persisted since long before the Great Famine -Irish Voting Blockade would eventually lead Britain to have to address Irish home rule as they were unable to function in the gov't w/out Irish support--eventually helping Ireland get home rule (but not until 1914, more to come)

Irish Issues =

-hopes/dreams of Irish home rule persisted since long before the Great Famine--now issue could no longer be avoided -Irish representation not led by Charles Steward Parnell -Irish Voting Blockade--would eventually lead Britain to have to address Irish home rule as they were unable to function in the gov't w/out Irish support


-idea that there should be one nation for all slavic peoples

Red Shirts

-in 1860 they captured Sicily then marched north through the mainland

Six Acts

-in response to Peterloo Massacre -British gov't enacted legislation to prevent it from ever happening again -forbade large unauthorized public meetings, raised fines for seditious libel, sped up trails against political agitators, increased newspaper taxes, prohibited training of armed groups, allowed local officials to search homes in certain disturbed counties

Strain of Population Growth

-increase in unemployment caused by shift to factories -crime increased throughout Europe

Concert of Europe:

-informal discussions among European powers to prevent conflict among members of Quadruple Alliance--also guarantee success of conservatism around world -conservatism expanding, Congress of Vienna closed -originally try to prevent future wars (future French aggression), eventually try to prevent spread of nationalism and liberalism altogether

Independence in Belgium

-inspired by nationalism everywhere else -Belgium people try to break away from Dutch -Belgium declares independence 1830--none of major powers step in, Britain supports it

Toussaint L'Overture

-led African slaves in revolt against French masters in 1791 -former slave -French troops arrived in 1802 to oust him--he died in a French prison in 1803 -revolution could not be stopped, carried on by Jean-Jacques Dessalines

William Gladstone =

-liberal who replaced conservative Benjamin Disraeli -going to continue work of Disraeli but in more liberal way--Education Act of 1870, Public Health Act of 1875, Artisan Dwelling Act of 1875

Nicholas I

-made aware of Russian military intentions (Decembrist revolt) -declared himself czar, stomped out members of army that plotted to overthrow gov't -hyper-conservatism (opposite of liberalism)--no change, no new rights, no progress of Russia to modern age

Ottoman Empire:

-makes one last attempt to repair their fragile empire -sent out emissaries around Europe to learn of ideas to fix their empire--they returned and the Sultan implemented Hatt-I Sharif of Gulhane

Crime in Cities -

-massive rise of population, increase in unemployment caused by shift to factories = crime increased throughout Europe -new civilian forces designated to prevent crime (police)

Otto von Bismarck -

-master of "realpolitik" -ruled not with parliament's consent or a legal budget but with "blood and iron" -willing to manipulate course of European events for advantage of Germany -his first step toward unification was war against Denmark to win

Frankfurt Parliament

-members of German Confederation meet to redesign German Confederation (want it unified) -elected representatives from all German states gathered in Frankfurt to participate in what they thought was to be the birth of nation--but major disagreements arose (monarchy or republic?) -lost opportunity to build a German nation under a liberal parliament--future would have been different...

Military Reforms

-military service reduced from 25 to 15 to eventual 6 year requirement

Italian Unification:

-nationalism! -Sardinia leads Italian unification -1815-1848 = Italians determined to govern themselves

Conservatism Fails in Europe:

-nationalist revolutions in Greece and Latin America -European powers on high alert for any more liberal/nationalist movements in Europe


-nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon III) -taking power away from Second Republic (people didn't care) -in 1851 National Assembly attempted to keep him from running for re-election--he held a plebiscite to declare himself emperor

Magyar Revolt

-no Metternich to lead Austria, Austrian king Ferdinand forced to deal with Hungarian situation (he doesn't) -Hungarians attempt to create separate Hungarian state w/ Hapsburg domain (conquer outlying areas of Transylvania, Croatia, and parts of Romania and bring all under control of Hungary)--demonstrate importance of Hungary guarantee their equal partnership in empire -stopped due to assistance of Nicholas I of Russia

Emperor Francis Joseph -

-no longer capable of relying on Russian help w/ Hungarians--finally going to have to deal with issue -Creation of the Reichsrat (not good enough), Compromise of 1867/Ausgleich (might be good enough, an agreement with Magyars in Hungary--dual monarchy establishment)


-not everyone in France was okay w/ Louis bending to will of people -former members of aristocracy that suffered at hands of French Revolution wanted vengeance -Count of Artois--led movement of people who wanted all aspects of revolution GONE (gets bit out of control)

Great Reform Bill

-opened up voting for another 200,000 votes -not pure democracy--still needed land to vote -but showed political reform was possible in Great Britain

Carlsbad Decrees

-outlawed the student movement and provided for on campus censorship of students and university "inspectors" -sponsored by Metternich -set stage for secret police forces moving throughout Germany eliminating political opposition to monarchies

Utopian Socialists -

-phrase coined by Karl Marx b/c he believed they offered non-scientific/unrealistic solutions to the problems of modern society -believe expansive possibilities were possible to mankind, poor environments corrupted human nature -believe capitalism over-emphasized corruption, under-emphasized distribution, other flaws (unemployment, low wages)

Goals of liberalism: political, economic

-political: legal equality, religious toleration, freedom of speech/press -economic: abolish mercantilism, free manufacture of goods and services, end regulation on trade, end regulation on wages for workers

Attributes of a nation

-popular sovereignty--nationalists believed qualities of people, not ruler, determine nation's character -nationalism developed by the people (stories, teachers) -language was key (embraced one developed by people, not one imposed on by other nations)

Population and Migration:

-population in Europe grows at remarkable rate during 1800s -people began migration to industrial centers sprouting up in Europe (different than England)

Communist Manifesto...

-predicted that workers would rise up and overthrow owners--share the wealth among the people -pro-proletariat--rise over capitalists

Hatt-I Sharif of Gulhane

-provided civic equality for all religions -delineated rights of all people within empire -made easier for Muslims and non-Muslims to go into business together -abolished torture -provided for state schools -allowed foreigners to own property


-public ownership of the factors of production (land, capital, labor, entrepreneurs), which operate for the common good--shared ownership -emerged as alternative to harsh industrialization--optimistic view of humanity, progress -believe gov't control of economy, factories, mines, etc would end poverty and promote equality--but all should happen within current gov't systems that exist

Impact of Railroads

-railroads were the key to the new migration of people in Europe -railroad mass production--steam engine technology spread across Europe to power factories and trains (despite British attempts to prevent other nations from developing it, learned from British mistakes)


-reign of Napoleon III began as authoritarian ruler--much success -issues with Italian unification scene = Napoleon making domestic reforms to keep control of France (covering up foreign political mistakes)--capped off with Franco-Prussian War disaster (he gave up/left after that)

Classical Economics:

-remember Adam Smith (laissez faire economy; Wealth of Nations, three natural laws of economics) -evolution of economics

Women Labor

-stayed at home, no longer needed to work to support family -"homemaker" mentality (vs "breadwinner" mentality) -no husband = cottage industry work (awful pay), female only factories, maid work, prostitution

Family Life in the Industrial Revolution -

-still important, survives spread of Industrial Revolution (desire to maintain family life/structure leads to eventual improvements in working conditions for adults--shorter work days to be home with kids longer) -Europe adapted to factory life much better than Britain did initially -roles within the family did change

Revolutions of 1848:

-still struggling with fight b/w liberalism, conservatism, and nationalism -now: food shortages (bad harvests), increasing challenges of industrialization, civil unrest (poor leadership) -impacts: France (under new leadership by Napoleon III, working and middle classes never unite again), Austria (Hungarian issue not going away, Pan-Slavism becomes important movement later, Italian peoples finally interested in unification), Prussia (liberalism takes control kinda, path to unification has begun)


-student organizations who wanted more change--took it a little far -Prussia's constitution wasn't going, lower German states (Baden, Bavaria, and Wurtemburg) did--but students wanted more

The Second Republic -

-stuggle for food and jobs in France, no help from Louis-Philippe's French Republic (he's driven out) -national election for new National Assembly--moderate and conservative, violence... -new national gov't in France looking for new president to solidify/stabilize country


-the creation of a wage labor work force -the death of the guild work force -need work, human rights!

Karl Marx =

-the most significant strand in socialist thought--offered "scientific socialism" -worked with Engels to form Communist League and Communist Manifesto -believed all of history has been dominated by the struggle between social classes

Hapsburg Empire:

-things haven't gotten better (Austria) -issues with Hungarians--Emperor Francis Joseph

Second Reform Act -

-this bill increased voting rights to another million in Britain (urban heads of households)--thanks Disraeli (then heads of households in countryside--thanks Gladstone)

Abolition of Serfdom

-to begin his reformation, Alexander II freed the serfs in 1861 -but not really--he tied them to the land, they had to pay back their debts (peasants were free but had to pay the nobles back for the land in the next 49 years...)

Alexander II -

-to begin reformation--freed serfs in 1861 (but he didn't--see "Abolition of Serfdom") -began to work on repairing other parts of his outdated Russia (see "Legal and Administrative Reforms" and "Military Reforms")

The Charter

-two house legislature--House of Peers (upper house, appointed by Louis), Chamber of Deputies (lower house, elected from landowners) -new rules--religious toleration (kinda--no popular sovereignty), new land holding (from nationalized Church property) get to stay (angered many royalists) -king held most power--only he could introduce legislation, ministers responsible to him

Child Labor

-wage increases for men, children no longer needed to work -started going to schools -more likely to work than women if dad didn't make enough -couldn't do everything women could at home -no more ridiculous child work days--Factory Act of 1833 (limited child work day to 9 hours, factory forced to pay for 2 hours of school for each day per child)

Dom Pedro and Brazilian Independence

-when Napoleon invaded Portugal in 1807, royals fled to and ruled from Brazil -when Napoleon was defeated, most royals returned to Portugal -Brazil to return to colonial status--creoles demanded independence in 1822 -in 1822, king's son Dom Pedro accepted petition for Brazil's independence with him as its ruler w/out violence or bloodshed

Grossdeutsch vs Kleindeutsch

-where to draw borders of new Germany? -those who favored Grossdeutsch plan wanted all German lands (including Austria and Bohemia) united under German rule -those who favored Kleindeutsch plan felt the more realistic solution would be to include only Prussia and the smaller German states -Frederick William refuses the offer

Peterloo Massacre

-without protection, the labor class became unsettled with unrest--doubt ruler's ability to rule -gathered in St. Peter's field in 1819 to demand fundamental political changes (universal male suffrage, annual parliaments)--peaceful but soldiers on hand shot at crowd -Coercion Acts of March 1817--suspended Habeas Corpus, outlawed "seditious" meetings

Congress System

Congress of VIenna, Concert of Europe--coming together to solve issues

Giuseppe Mazzini

see term later

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