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When presidential candidate "X" ran for the primary, s/he told the press to go ahead and follow along because "they would be bored." The resulting scandal that arose is an example of the media's role as A. a scorekeeper who keeps track of and helps make political reputations B. a ref who carefully balances coverage of all the candidates C. A watchdog who closely scrutinizes candidates' backgrounds and activities D. a gatekeeper who influences what subjects become national political issues and for how long

A watchdog who closely scrutinizes candidates' backgrounds and activities

Turnout among registered voters in presidential elections is generally between A. 65 to 70 percent B. 75 to 80 percent C. 85 to 90 percent D. 55 to 60 percent

A. 65 to 70 percent

Which of the following is most likely to help an incumbent president get reelected A. Good economic times B. a strong vice president C. the addition of new groups of voters D. their stance on abortion

A. Good economic times

When the mediafocus on the relative standing of candidates rather than their policy proposals, they are engaged in: A. Horse race coverage B. filtering C. hard news D. soft news

A. Horse race coverage

The quality and types of news sources vary most in which media format? A. Internet B. radio C. television D. magazines

A. Internet

Which of the following statements is true about the political parties in the government over the last fifty years? A. Members of each party do not have uniform ideaologies B. members of each party have become increasingly similar in terms of ideology

A. Members of each party do not have uniform ideologies

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the leadership of the two major political parties? A. Party leadership is dispersed among numerous officials at the national, state and local levels B. all major decisions concerning party activities are made by the incumbent members of congress C. The national party organization controls all facets of party activity throughout the country D. Prominent former officeholders such as ex-presidents lead their respective political parties

A. Party leadership is dispersed among numerous officials at the national, state, and local levels.

The fact that politicians and bureaucrats work hard to get news coverage that is in line with their preferred policy outcomes suggests: A. a link exists between media coverage and public policy B. editors have no control over content C. there is no link D. reporters rely on the government to tell them what is news

A. a link exists between media coverage and public policy

Which of the following stories would most likely receive coverage? A. a story about a missing woman and her romantic relationship with a member of congress B. a discussion of the detailed party platforms of each presidential candidate C. a discussion of the leading economic indicators D. a report about the safety recommendations made for all new vehicles

A. a story about a missing woman and her romantic relationship with a member of congress

A district with no sitting legislator who runs for reelection is called A. an open seat B. a contested seat C. a party seat D. a safe seat

A. an open seat

When the parties select their nominees for president A. citizens vote for delegates at a national nominating convention, which then selects the candidate B. so called superdelegates decide the nominee C. citizens votes do not really matter because of the electoral college D. citizens determine the nominee by voting on the last night of the nomination

A. citizens vote for delegates at a national nominating convention, which then selects the candidate

Although the increase in people who identified as independents was initially considered as evidence of ______, a more recent interpretation is that many of these voters do have __________ A. dealignment; weak partisan attachments B. realignment; weak partisan attatchments C. reconfiguration; an interest in politics D. dealignment; an interest in politics

A. dealignment; weak partisan attachments

Soft money cannot be used to A. elect or defeat a specific candidate B. fund 527 organizations C.promote point of view D. mobilize voters

A. elect or defeat a specific candidate

Runoff elections only occur in states that use _______ A. majority voting B. absentee votes C. primary elections D. plurality voting

A. majority voting

GOTV and "ground game" refer to a candidates attempts to ______ A. mobilize supporters B. deter opposition C. boost name recongnition D. win endorsements

A. mobilize supporters

It is difficult to link media coverage to changes in public policy for all of the following reasons except: A. most citizens ignore political news B. politicians may learn about a story on their own and act without public pressure C. citizens have numerous sources of political information and their opinions on specific policies are shaped from news coverage D. the chain of events when reporting a story is complex and it is difficult to point out a specific cause and effect relationship

A. most citizens ignore political news

Which of the following restrictions on voter eligibility is true for all Americans? A. must be 18 years or older B. cannot be a convicted felon C. cannot be in jail D. must swear an oath to the constitution

A. must be 18 years or older

Independent expenditures: A. must not be controlled, directed, or approved by any candidate's campaign B. cannot pay for campaign ads C. are considered hard money contributions D. cannot be used to attack a candidate

A. must not be controlled, directed, or approved by any candidate's campaign

Which of the following is not a part of the democratic or republican party's processes for selecting a presidential candidate? A. Nominating convention B. political caucuses C. primary elctions D. closed primary

A. nominating convention

An ____ Is when legislative reelection rates are high and the issues are relatively local A. normal election B. Incumbent election C. popular vote D. geberal election

A. normal election

Any organization that uses unofficial patronage to secure political power for a group of leaders and workers is called a: A. Party in government B. Political Machine C..Political party D. National party commitee

A. party in government

A group of elected officials if the same party who come together to organize and strategize is called a _______ A. political action committee (PAC) B. cabal C. conditional party government D. caucus

A. political action committee (PAC)

Voters hold incumbents accountable through A. retrospective evaluation B. campaign contributions C. personal evaluation D. prospective evalutaion

A. retrospective evaluation

Independent voters are those who A. say they do not belong to a political party B. are the smallest group of voters in the U.S. C. are not concerned with issues in an election D. only vote when they like a particular candidate

A. say they do not belong to a political party

Since the 1970's Americans have seen _______ in the ideologies of the republican and democratic parties A. slight differences B. no difference C. no change D. increasing closeness

A. slight differences

All of the following relationships exist in political parties except A. the party and the courts B. a party and the individual C. the party and government D. the party and the electorate

A. the party and the courts

The internet has not created a better informed citizenry for all of the following except A. the speed to which information is downloaded from the internet B. due to the normalization hypothesis C. the need to check the reliability of the internet D. not everyone has internet

A. the speed to which information is downloaded from the internet

The party in government is comprised of A. those politicians who have been elected into office under a party label B. groups or individuals who share a party label C. members who organize the political party's federal campaign D. the members of the party that has the most elected officials

A. those politicians who have been elected into office under a party label

Which of the following groups became even more likely to support the democratic party during the sixth party system? A. Asian Americans B. African Americans C. white Protestants D. white Southerners

African Americans

THe watergate story, as originally reported by Woodward and Bernstein, is an example of A. a trial ballon B. Investigative journalism C. yellow journalism D. broadcast journalism

B. Investigative journalism

When the federal emergency management market agency held a press conference about California wildfires but did not invite reporters who could ask questions, they were A. giving exclusive coverage to print media B. Staging the news C. providing the background D. protecting the sources

B. Staging the news

A candidate's ground game is: A. candidate's ability to raise money B. The campaigns effort to get out the vote on election day C. campaign's emphasis on retail politics D. the campaign platform

B. The campaigns effort to get out the vote on election day

What impact have communications technologies like cable television and the Internet had on government regulation of the broadcast media? A. they led to stricter enforcement of the fairness doctrine B. They changed the assumption that each and every broadcast outlet needs to be fair and unbiased C. they led to expansion of the equal time provision D. they led to suspension of the fairness doctrine

B. They changed the assumption that each and every broadcast outlet needs to be fair and unbiased

The major nationwide talk radio shows generally offer: A. a politically liberal point of view B. a diversity of viewpoints C. a politically conservative point of view D. extensive news coverage throughout the day

B. a diversity of viewpoints

An organization that supports candidates for public office and tries to unify elected officials behind common goals is best known as: A. the spoils system B. a party styem C. a node D. a politcal party

B. a party system

Which if the following individuals would be most likely to register to vote? A. a senior citizen living in a nursing home B. a person with a college degree C. a homeless person D. an unemployed person on welfare

B. a person with a college degree

What does it take to be a part of the party in the electorate? A. be a registered voter B. be a citizen who identifies with a political party C. be a dues paying member of a political party D. be a campaign worker for a political party

B. be a citizen who identifies with a political party

Why do most candidates support their party platforms? A. because both major parties' platforms are essentially the same B. because most candidates and their constituents generally agree with the platform C. because candidates are required to support the platforms D. because all candidates vote on the platform that are written

B. because most candidates and their constituents generally agree with the platform

Which of the following is the principal effect of campaign financing in elections? A.the candidate with the most money is going to win B. being able to raise large amounts of money gives candidate a realistic chance of winning C. it leads regular voters to refrain from donating D. it alters the behavior of the politicians in office

B. being able to raise large amounts of money gives candidate a realistic chance of winning

Which of the following is NOT considered a key effect of the Internet A. enhancement of "home grown" media B. created a foundation for better informed citizenry C. increased access to original sources for political information D. increased competition among different media outlets

B. created a foundation for better informed citizenry

The media plays a key role in politics by A. determining who gets elected to state and federal offices B. helping to set the issues that political leaders need to address C. reinforcing values such as patriotism and family D. paying candidates for exclusive stories

B. helping to set the issues that political leaders need to address

THe winner-take-all method of allocating most states'electoral votes results in candidates focusing on states and _______ states A. safe; swing B. high population; swing C. high popularion; safe D. low population; swing

B. high population; swing

Long-standing minor parties, such as the socialist, libertarian and communist parties are examples of A.factional parties B. ideological parties C. one-issue parties D. candidate-centered parties

B. ideological parties

one of the practical reasons that virtually all prominent candidates for the presidency and congress run as democrats or republicans is that; A. most Americans want either a genuine liberal or conservative to represent them B. it is easier to get on the general election ballot C. a minor-party candidate have never won federal office D. the constitution was specifically designed with the two-party system in mind

B. it is easier to get on the general election ballot

The modern Congress is ______; the distance between the parties has ______ over the past 60 years A. polarized; stayed the same B. polarized; increased C. not polarized; decreased D. not polarized; stayed the same

B. polarized; increased

Which of the following is not a responsibility of a political party? A. Educate voters on the issues B. represent special interest groups C. Recruit candidates D. raise campaign money

B. represent special interest groups

527 organizations can accept unlimited amounts of _______ but cannot use that money on behalf of a specific ________ A. soft money; issue B. soft money; candidate C. hard money; candidate D. hard money; issue

B. soft money; candidate

All of the following help a candidate survive early primary contests EXCEPT A. politicicial endorsements B. superdelegates C. media coverage D. campaign volunteers

B. superdelegates

Which of the following is NOT a strategy the government uses to stop certain stories from being published? A. enforcing laws preventing publication of classified material B. suspending press credentials to unfriendly media C. using judicial order that allows prior restraint D. appealing to the press, asking them to voluntarily not publish the content

B. suspending press credentials to unfriendly media

Which of the following contemporary news outlets is most similar to the yellow journalism of the late nineteenth century? A. all-news cable stations B. tabloid press like The National Enquirer C. radio talk shows D. network news programs

B. tabloid press like The National Enquirer

When it comes to issues in campaigns, candidates should A. provide detailed policy solutions B. take simple positions on issues voters already tend to agree with them on C. mainly attack their opponents rather than provide their own views on the issues D. refuse to debate each other so as not to reveal inconsistence

B. take simple positions on issues voters already tend to agree with them on

The government's willingness to regulate broadcast media more heavily than print media reflects: A. the history of partisan ownership of newspapers B. the belief that the airways are public property C. the creation of the 24 hour news D. public demands for a better political balanced on television

B. the belief that the airways are public property

Frontloading is: A. the trend toward holding more primaries and caucuses on the same day B. the increasingly early scheduling if primaries and caucuses C. the insistence on holding new hampshires and iowa's contests early in the nomination D. the trend to hold more regional primaries

B. the increasingly early scheduling if primaries and caucuses

What has recent analysis of political independents concluded? A. Independents are not better informed on candidates, parties, or policy B. the number of independents has grown substantially in the past 20 years C. They are in the process of changing parties D. More and more people regard themselves as independent

B. the number of independents has grown substantially in the past 20 years

Rewarding party supporters with benefits, like government jobs, is known as: A. the party machine B. the spoils system C. the party principle D. the civil service system

B. the spoils system

Swing states are so important to a presidential candidate's general election strategy because A. they are always small states, so they do not provide that many electoral college votes B. they can potentially be won by either major party candidate C. they can be ignored D. they provide better opportunities for fund-raising

B. they can potentially be won by either major party candidate

What is the by-product theory of political information? A. B.Most Americans learn about politics accidently C. D.

B.Most Americans learn about politics accidently

A tracker is A. a device to count hits on the candidate's web page B. a poll that is continuous on support of a candidate C. A campaign staff member who follows an opponent in order to record opponents slipups and embarrassments D. a press term for a reporter that knows a travel schedule

C. A campaign staff member who follows an opponent in order to record opponents slipups and embarrassments

Which of the following best describes the history of American political parties? A. America has always responded to a multi-partied system B. America has had a one-party system with two branches C. America has had two parties that have consistently dominated the political arena D. America has always had a three party sytem

C. America has had two parties that have consistently dominated the political arena

Which of the following would not be a task of someone who works for a party organization? A. fundraising B. developing voter mobilization strategies C. Conducting research on the opponents D.

C. Conducting research on the opponents

Which of the following is NOT considered a key effect of the internet A. increased competition among different media outlets B. increased access to original sources for political information C. Created a foundation for better informed citizenry D. provided easy access to videos of important political events

C. Created a foundation for better informed citizenry

Space limitations mean that some _____ is inevitable A. slant B. framing C. Filtering D. Priming

C. Filtering

Which of the following is NOT a trend experienced by newspapers in recent years? A. reductions in number of reporters B. increase of online readers C. Increased competition within markets from other papers D. decreasing circulation

C. Increased competition within markets from other papers

What is one problem with research on media bias A. Few scholars are interested in studying media bias B. There's little chance that the media is baised C. It is difficult to measure bias D. No journalist will admit bias

C. It is difficult to measure bias

Modern American political parties are best described as: A. unitary organizations B. cohesive organizations C. Loosely connected groups with similar goals D. political machines

C. Loosely connected groups with similar goals

When someone within the government anonymously gives information to the press, it is: A. illegal B. because of sheild laws C. Off the record D. a leak

C. Off the record

Which choices shows what occurred to the party system after Roosevelt's new deal A. those who do belong to a party are more likely to belong to the party that matches their ideology B. party loyalty has declinded C. party loyalty has increased

C. Party loyalty has increased

Any voting system in which the candidate with the most votes wins is called A. majority voting B. democratic C. Plurality voting D. republican

C. Plurality voting

"Staging the news" refers to A. reporter's choices to delay a story B. the media's attempt to frame public opinion C. Politicians attempting to influence coverage by providing select information D. sources' attempt to remain confidential

C. Politicians attempting to influence coverage by providing select information

Which of the following is a true statement A. Media coverage most likely affects those with little political interest B. The news media did not become active in this country until after the bill of rights was passed. C. Talk shows and comedy shows are highly influential to citizens on their media coverage

C. Talk shows and comedy shows are highly influential to citizens on their media coverage

Which of the following is a true statement? A. When we have divided government, the party in power is the same as the presidents party unless the other party controls both the house and senate B. American political parties rarely, if ever, have much effect on either elections or public policy C. The easiest way to get on a general election ballot is to secure the nomination of a major political party.

C. The easiest way to get on a general election ballot is to secure the nomination of a major political party.

Which of the following features have encouraged the development of a two-party system in the united states? A. The fact that the house of representatives is based upon a state's' population B. The winner take all feature of the electoral college

C. The winner take all feature of the electoral college

What is priming? A. the particular way that a journalist decides to present and describe the story B. the decision to prioritize one story over another C. When a journalist's story affects the importance people place on the issue being covered D. a journalist's decision about which story to report on and which story to skip

C. When a journalist's story affects the importance people place on the issue being covered

Which of the following is NOT among the many things that political parties do in American elections? A. develop campaign platforms B. develop close coordination between candidate on issues C. assist candidates in learning campaign tactics D. provide direct access to the ballot

C. assist candidates in learning campaign tactics

Which of the following groups is most likely to run positive campaign advertisements A. PAC B. 527 groups C. candidates D. interest groups

C. candidates

Which of the following is NOT associated with the decline of American newspapers in recent years? A. decline in readership B. competition from other outlets C. competition from one or more newspapers within large cities D. loss of ad revenue

C. competition from one or more newspapers within large cities

The number of people identifying themselves with either major political party decline between 1960 and 1980. One of the reasons for this is: A. The increasing trend towards court- based solutions B. Split-ticket voting C. Decentralization of the major party organizations D. less media coverage of elections and campaings

C. decentralization of the major party organizations

Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of the national conventions? A. developing a party platform B. selecting the party's presidential nominee C. nominating state-level candidates D. selecting the party's vice president nominee

C. nominating state-level candidates

Issue voters A. have high interest in politics and are knowledgeable about candidate positions B. focus on single issues C. only vote when a particular issue is discussed during the campaign D. are independents who do not register with either major party

C. only vote when a particular issue is discussed during the campaign

Research shows that a party identification is a running tally, meaning that: A. it is irrelevant to current political events B. Iit permanently changes because of things that are happening on a day to day basis C. People update their views in response to the political events D. it is deep psychological attachment developed early in life

C. people update their views in response to the political events

Shield Laws A. only exist at federal level B. require the press to protect their anonymous sources C. protect reporters who have confidential sources D. ensure that government employees protect confidential information

C. protect reporters who have confidential sources

During campaigns, a candidate should A. take simple issue positions on which the voters and candidate agree B. ignore opponents and focus on themselves C. provide detailed policy solutions D. attack opponents rather than provide the candidate's own views on the issues

C. provide detailed policy solutions

The primary source of news for young people (ages 18 to 29) is: A. radio B. newspapers C. the Internet D. television

C. the Internet

Newspapers are "prisoners of the news cycle" because A. editors have little control over news content B. qualified reporters are hard to find C. they only publish once per day D. they do not have enough readers

C. they only publish once per day

A candidate's platform is important for all of the following reasons except A. mobilize supporters B. gain interest group endorsements C. to gain ballot access D. attract campaign volunteers

C. to gain ballot access

What type of people are most likely to be influenced by new political information A. people who are not at all interested in politics B. no one is really influenced by media information C. young adults who use the internet D. people who are somewhat interested in politics

C. young adults who use the internet

What is the impact of third parties on the American political system? A. Minor parties create new coalitions within the major parties, often resulting in party realignment B. Minor parties have had no significant impact on the American political system C. Minor parties usually get enough votes to prevent a majority vote in the electoral college D. Minor parties usually develop ideas that the major parties later come to adopt

C.Minor parties usually get enough votes to prevent a majority vote in the electoral college

Which of the following is NOT necessarily a characteristic of nationalized election A. There is a seat shift from one party to the other B. Important issues are similar across legislature C. There is higher turnover in the house and senate D. A new party controls at least one house in congress

D. A new party controls at least one house in congress

While ________ many dues-paying members, ________ a loose connection with its supporters. A. American Political parties have; the european political party system has B. the democratic party has; the republican party has C. the republican party has; the democratic party has D. European political parties have; the american political party system has

D. European political parties have: the American political party system has

Which of the following statements is true of congressional members who run for reelection? A. over the last 20 years, the majority of congressional incumbents have failed in their reelection attempts B. Incumbent senators are more likely to be reelected than are incumbent members of the House of representatives C. incumbents are prohibited by law from spending more on their reelection campaigns than their challengers spend D. Incumbents have a great advantage over challengers because they can raise campaign funds more easily

D. Incumbents have a great advantage over challengers because they can raise campaign funds more easily

What effect does fund-raising have for incumbents A. it has no effect B. it ensures potential for an aggressive campaign, but it does deter opposition C. it ensures potential for an aggressive campaign, but it does not deter opposition D. It ensures the potential for an aggressive campaign, and it deters opposition

D. It ensures the potential for an aggressive campaign, and it deters opposition

While the _____ is primarily responsible for recruiting candidates and finding their funds, they have little impact on ________ A. party in the electorate; party organization B. party in government; proposing and debating lesgislation C. party in government' the party organization D. Party organization; the party in the electorate

D. Party organization; the party in the electorate

Who is more likely to be influenced by new political information A. people with little interest in politics B. no one C. people who have no interest in politics D. People who are somewhat interested in politics

D. People who are somewhat interested in politics

Concerns about media concentration and cross-ownership are based on: A. interpretations of the freedom of the press B. the for-profit motive for the news corporations C. government hostility toward privately owned media D. Public standards about what constitutes quality news programming

D. Public standards about what constitutes quality news programming

The leaders and workers of a party at the national, state, and local levels are known as: A. The party in government B. the party bosses C. the party in the electorate D. The party organization

D. The party organization

Political parties exist in American politics because: A. They were enthusiastically embraced by the authors of the Federalist Papers B. They have been an essential part of democratic governance since ancient times C. political elites, such as politicians and activists, want them to D. They arose from the political machines in the pre-colonial era

D. They arose from the political machines in the pre-colonial era

The idea prior restraint refers to A. information that comes from within the government to stop it from doing something of which the public would not approve B. the ability of the press to stop the government from taking an unconstitutional action C. the willingness of the press to refrain from publishing sensitive information D. a judicial order allowing government to stop the press from publishing something

D. a judicial order allowing government to stop the press from publishing something

When someone votes against an incumbent House member or senator because of a failure to provide federal funds to the district, it is an example of using _____ to make a voting decision A. partisianship B. incumbency C. a personal vote D. a retrospective evaluation

D. a retrospective evaluation

The fairness doctrine required A. equal coverage of the democratic and republican parties B. the media to be balanced in their coverage of anyone, giving both the good and the bad C. giving all companies a reasonable chance of owning multiple media outlets D. a variety of political views to be covered by the broadcast media

D. a variety of political views to be covered by the broadcast media

How is the president of the United States usually elected? A. by the senate B. by the House of representatives C. by direct popular vote D. by the electoral college

D. by the electoral college

In order for an issue to trigger a party realignment, it has to be _______ A. salient B. controversial C. important D. cross-cutting

D. cross-cutting

Which of the following terms means that people are gradually moving away from both parties? A. realignment B. reevaluation C. gerrymandering D. dealignment

D. dealignment

A primary difference between hard news and soft news is: A. the emphasis on emotional content in the news B. the type of medium in which the reporting occurs C. the amount of political bias D. how much focus there is on political facts

D. how much focus there is on political facts

Which of the following is not an important consequence of Internet growth for all politics? A. ability to access a wide variety of information sources quickly B. access to analytic information C. free content from sources that otherwise cost money D. increased circulation of newspapers and magazines

D. increased circulation of newspapers and magazines

The quality and types of news stories vary most in which media format? A. newspaper B. radio C. wire service D. internet

D. internet

Because concerns such as economic worries cause voters to lower evaluation of incumbent politicians, those concerns A. create instability in party control of the legislature B. cause incumbents to spend more money on ads C. create conditions for normal elections D. lead to retrospective voting and create conditions for nationalized elections

D. lead to retrospective voting and create conditions for nationalized elections

Which of the following can contribute to an incumbent president facing competition for the party's nomination during a reelection bid A.open primaries B. frontloading C. closed primaries D. low approval ratings

D. low approval ratings

Weak coattails and split tickets serve as indicators that ________ A. most voters use incumbency as their dominant voting cue B. most voters use political parties as their dominant voting one C. most elections are determined by nation issues D. most elections are determined by local issues

D. most elections are determined by local issues

Which of the following terms refers to a journalism that seeks to expose corruption and inspire political reform? A. penny press B. soft news C. yellow-journalism D. muckraking

D. muckraking

Which of the following has the most direct impact on government policy? A. party organizations B. party in principle C. party in service D. party in government

D. party in government

The shifting of voting patterns and formation of new coalitions of party supporters is knows as? A. alignment B. party positioning C. dealignment D. realignment

D. realignment

_________ involves candidates reaching out to voters directly; _________ involves candidates contacting voters indirectly through mass media A. wholesale politics; retail politics B. retail politics; wholesale politics

D. retail politics; wholesale politics

Which types of voters have the most impact on an election A. voters are more interested in foreign affairs than in domestic policy B. prospective voters, who cast their ballots for the person they think has the best ides for handling matters in the future C. split-ticket voters, who cast their ballots for the person they think has the best ideas for handling matters in the future D. retrospective voters, who look at how things have gone in the past

D. retrospective voters, who look at how things have gone in the past

Which of the following determines the party platform A. the party bosses B. the local party C. the state party D. the national convention

D. the national convention

Which of the following is a principal effect of campaign contributions in American legislative elections A. Legislators give contributors favorable policies B. they alter legislature behavior C. they favor republicans over democrats D. they help legislators, who are already favored by contributors to win

D. they help legislators, who are already favored by contributors to win

Incumbents would be most likely be successful in their reelection campaigns because of which one of the following factors? A. rejection of PAC money B. an aggressive campaign by a younger opponent C. limited services to their constituents D. voter mobilization

D. voter mobilization

Reporters sometimes do not publish a good story right away because A. there is threat of being sued B. the fear of prior restraint C. they are part of the political establishment, just like those inside the government D. they agree that it is sensitive for national security, and they will get rewards for cooperating with government in the form of other stories

they agree that it is sensitive for national security, and they will get rewards for cooperating with government in the form of other stories

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