AP gov mass media

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What effect did Vietnam and watergate have on the media

As result of government coverups and less than complete information, they no longer believed everything that came from the seat of power.

What makes up a news story

Factual, timely and compelling Notice, nothing about being able to sell air time

What is the correlation between news and trust in the government

It seems the more information we have (good, accurate, or misleading though it may be), the less we trust in our government.

What effect has the internet had on traditional news sources

Its weakened the control of traditional media outlets like network TV, and provides a different avenue for the dissemination of factual (and not so factual) information, perhaps even more informed

What are gate keepers

Media executives, news editors, the higher ups who decide which events occur during the day, which ones they present and how they present them.

How are reporters accountable to the public

Not in the same manner as elected officials, who we can vote out of office, but we can turn them off, watch someone else, let their ratings tank, and then the bosses will take them off the air.

President George bush's "mission accomplished" announcement from the deck of an aircraft carrier can be described as

Public perception on the war on terror was helped by a strong symbolic message. I mean aircraft carrier are huge, plus bush flew the plane onto the carrier deck

Sound bites

Short video clips of approximately 10 seconds. Typically, they are all that is shown from a politician's speech on the nightly television news, politicians now use them to state a theme or idea of their campaign ex: "make america great again"

The supreme court has sided with the government when reporter knows of a crime

That has been committed. A reporter's "confidentiality" promise to someone doesn't count if a crime as been committed, or will be

What is the FCC

The Federal Communications Commission, the regulatory agency that regulate broadcast TV and the Radio, but not cable

What is the signaling role of the press

The Press seeks to alert the public to important developments as soon after they happen, well equipped for this role as they have outlets all over the world

New York Times co v. Sullivan

The coverage of many southern leaders during the civil rights era was not flattering for some southern leaders, even still, it made it harder to sue reporters and newspapers for libel, as malice had to be proven

How is the press protected by the first amendment

The first amendments protection of freedom of the press isnt a law, its how the laws regarding the press are measured. The right of the press to report without the hindrance of the government is fundamental

What is the watch dog role of the press

Their responsibility for protecting us from deceitful, careless, incompetent officials. They're eager to expose any official who violates the public trust

Why is the idea of a free press so important

There is noting more important to a strong democracy than a well- informed electorate, discussion, debate allows people to better chose their candidates.

What's the medias common carrier role

They provide political leaders a channel through which to communicate to the public, press conferences and press releases

What's so special about CNN and CSPAN

They were the first 24-hr cable news networks

Public representative role of the press

They're the spokesperson and advocate for the public. They speak for us

How is the press a linking institution

Through information, making us informed, putting our thoughts to the nation, they link us to the political process.

How can the press be regulated, if this is a free society

Through the slander and libel laws, shield laws help to protect a reporters source. We have the FCC which regulates frequencies and in some areas content. Information that affects our national security can be regulated etc.

What is the major conflict in the media today

To entertain or to inform? They need advertisers, but they want to inform, though lately, some feel this entertaining has become the thing.


Using the written word to write something untrue and malicious against a person in order to hurt their reputation

How are politicians different from the media when it comes to accountability

We can vote the politicians out of office, with the media, we turn them off and stop watching - affecting their ratings.

What is a media event

a staged event for the purpose of being covered by the media, it may look impromptu but its usually a very carefully scripted event

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