ap gov midterm

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Which of the following statements about trends in presidential approval ratings is true?

A president's popularity tends to fall during his term of office

What type of legislature did the United States have under the Articles of Confederation?

A single-chamber with each state receiving equal power

Which of the following scenarios would be considered an unconstitutional use of state power?

A state places a tax on the bank of the United States

Which of the following did alexander hamilton advocate for in Fed 70?

A strong, energetic executive

Which of the following did the Federalists prefer more than the Anti-Federalists?

A stronger national government

Why might the framers have had to justify the need for and strength of the executive branch?

Americans feared monarchical rule after the revolution

Why do Americans tend to think that red tape is more prevalent than it actually is?

Americans tend to notice the bureaucracy only when it is inefficient and not when it works well.

What is a congressional caucus?

An association of members of congress with similar characteristics or ideology, which acts like an interest group within Congress

Which of the following is the best example of the participatory model of democracy in the US today?

Ballot initiatives and referendums

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of federal block grants and categorical grants?

Block grants lead to loss of congressional oversight on spending grant money categorical grants require states are localities to meet certain criteria

Which of the following are not written by Alexander Hamilton?

Brutus 1 and Federalist 51

Which of the following is a method for proposing Constitutional Amendments?

By two-thirds vote in each house of Congress

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of bureaucratic agencies?

Cabinet level office-dep. of transportation; executive agency-food and drug admin

A federal agency has been accused of not enforcing laws it is charged with enforcing. Which is the most likely action the relevant house committee will first take?

Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem

What is the feature of the Constitution that allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches?

Checks and balances

If the president selected his cabinet from the same source as prime minister as a parliamentary system does the United States cabinet will be selected from


According to the Constitution how can a bill become a law without the president's signature?

Congress can override The veto with a 2/3 vote in both houses.

The president is NOT likely to use an executive order in which of the following scenarios?

Congress shares many of the same policy priorities as the president

A senator realizes a Senate vote on an immigration bill is coming up. The senator examines public opinion polls on the issue and carefully reads her inbox for constituents views on the bill and the issue. This Senator is following which model of representation?


How is the matter of congressional representation resolved based on the constitutional convention?

Delegates decided to compromise by adopting a bicameral legislature with each state receiving two senators and the house reflecting the population totals of each state.

Which of the following actions by a congressional representative is an example of pork-barrelling?

Directing federal funds into the representatives District through legislation

which of the following models of democracy does Alexander Hamilton advocate for?

Elite democracy

Why did the Federalists argue against inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution?

Explicit guarantee of some rights might imply the other rights did not exist.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's argument in Federalist 10?

Factions are inedible yet a natural product of a free society that need to be discouraged but not forbidden.

What section in the Constitution allows factions to exist?

First Amendment

Which of the following was the author's reason for writing Federalist 51?

He wanted to address people's concerns about the new government's power.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the US House of Representatives and the u.s. Senate?

House has more rules of procedure to guide its lawmaking process and the Senate has authority over the ratification of treaties with other nations

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding Congressional leaders?

In case of a tie vote in the Senate the vice president breaks the tie.

Why was United States v Lopez a landmark federalism case?

It established limits to congress's powers under the Commerce Clause

Which of the following is true about the pocket veto?

It occurs when the president takes no action on a bill for ten days during which congress is adjourned.

Which branch of government is responsible for interpreting laws?


______ tend to support a larger role for the national government


Which of the following statements best summarizes the argument in Federalist 10?

Liberty is essential to political life and factions are essential to maintaining Liberty.

Which of the following best describes Locke's social contract theory?

Locke maintains that the government can only govern with the consent of the governed.

The practice in Congress whereby representative A promises to vote for representative B's legislation provided that representative B will support representative A's legislation is referred to as?


In the United States pluralism suggests which of the following?

Many groups vie for power with no one group dominating politics.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two court cases?

McCulloch v. Maryland led to an increase in power for the national government and United States v. Lopez established limits on Congress's power under the Commerce Clause

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate?

Members represent localized districts in the House of Representatives and members represent the entire state in the Senate

How does Article 1 Section 7 exemplify the concept of checks and balances?

No one branch of single-handedly in control of making laws for the country

Which of the following identifies the formal procedure for ending a filibuster?

Pocket veto

In the Declaration of Independence which of the following ideas does Thomas Jefferson advocate for?

Popular sovereignty

Which of the following executive orders would be most likely to be upheld by the supreme court?

President eisnhower issues an executive order desegregating the US military

What constitutional principle did the author defend in Federalist number 51?

Separation of powers

Which step is missing in the line of presidential succession?

Speaker of the house

What was the fear of the Anti-Federalists during the Constitutional Convention and subsequent debate?

That a strong national government would infringe on the rights of the States

Which of the following is an accurate representation of the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution?

The Articles of Confederation had unanimous consent needed to amend the document, the US Constitution needed two-thirds of both houses of Congress or a National Convention requested by two-thirds of States plus 3/4 of state legislatures or state conventions in 3/4 of states needed to amend.

Which of the following most directly protects individuals civil liberties?

The Bill of Rights

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two documents?

The Declaration of Independence defined rights of colonists and all humans, United States Constitution created a federal system of government

Which of the following was/were written to encourage passage of the Constitution and remains of compelling source for determining the intent of the framers?

The Federalist Papers

Which federal law mandates that the states offer to register voters while they are at the DMV getting their driver's licenses?

The Motor Voter Act

In the following scenario the Senate has 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats and the president is Republican. What would be the result if one Republican senator changed their affiliation to become an independent and no longer caucused with another party?

The Republican committee heads would be replaced with Democrats

What did the Connecticut Compromise help to establish?

The Senate and the House of Representatives

Which of the following is accurate regarding the Virginia and New Jersey Plans?

The Virginia Plan State should send proportional numbers of representatives to Congress and the New Jersey Plan, states should send equal numbers of representatives to Congress.

After a bill is introduced in the House of Representatives what is the next step in the legislative process?

The bill is referred to a committee

Which of the following is true when the house and the senate pass legislation that is similar but not identical?

The bills go to a conference committee.

What distinguishes the contemporary presidency from the institution originally envisioned by the framers of the constitution?

The contemporary presidency is much more powerful

Which of the following arguments would a federalist make in support of ratification of the Constitution?

The lack of a federal court system makes legal jurisdiction between states and possible so issues like interstate commerce are likely to go unresolved.

Which of the following situations best illustrates the meaning of divided government in the United States political system?

The majority of senators and the majority of representatives are from one party but the president from another.

In June 2015 in the case of Obergefell v Hidgens, the Supreme Court decided that the issue of gay marriage should be controlled by _______ because it was an _____ issue:

The national government;civil rights

Which of the following is an executive check on the judiciary?

The power to grant clemency to individuals convicted of crimes

According to explicit language contained in the US constitution, which of the following may the president do to limit the power of congress?

The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed the house and senate

Based on his arguments in fed. 51, which of the following statements would madison most likely agree with?

The veto power of the POTUS should act as a check on the legislatures power to pass law.

According to the author of federalist number 51 which of the following is a reason for government to control itself?

To prevent any one branch overpowering others

What is the VP only constitutionally defined job?

To serve as president of senate

From how many states did the Articles of Confederation required consent for ratification of amendments to the Articles?


Authority in the United States comes from the

United States Constitution

An example of a Confederal System would be

United States under the Articles of Confederation

Which Constitutional Plan called for representation in Congress to be based on State population?

Virginia Plan

Bill sponsoring members of Congress are ready to introduce a bill into the legislative process. The bill is designed to reduce tax rates on people with lower incomes. In which committee will this house members introduced their bill?

Welfare committee

All democracies regardless of governmental structure have the following in common

a focus on the worth of the individual

Laissez-faire capitalism is synonymous with

a free market/free enterprise system

In a parliamentary system, executive power is in the hands of

a prime minister or Premier Which of the following is true? All dictatorships are unitary governments

A state in which power is concentrated at the national level is

a unitary system

The president does not need to seek the advice and consent of the senate in performing which of the following roles:

appointing advisors in the white house office

The now-defunct national afdc program is now a ______program

block grant

We're Federalists and warned of the dangers of factions among the_______, Federalist 51 warned of the dangers of factions among the________

citizens, government

The doctrine of dual federalism grew out of a protracted debate on


The US Congress has offered Federal Highway money to states that adopted the uniform drinking of 21. This provides an example of

conditions of aid

An important outcome of Marshall's ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland was to

confirm the supremacy of the federal government in the exercise of the Constitutional Powers granted to Congress

In determining congressional representation and Taxation the Constitution,

counted slaves as three-fifths of a person.

The house rules committee is an important part of the legislative process because it

determines the terms and conditions of debate when a bill goes to the house floor

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of constitutional provisions:

enhanced Federal power-Commerce Clause; enhanced state power-10th Amendment

The term bicameralism refers to the

establishment of two legislative chambers that have different structures and rules

The Constitution limits the government's ability to pass laws after the time that an action has been committed. In other words the Constitution prohibits

ex post facto laws

The power to enforce laws

executive power

Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight?

holding hearings for the review of an executive agencies activities

The primary difference between an autocracy and an oligarchy is

in an autocracy one person rules as a dictator while in an oligarchy a small group of people hold power.

The primary difference between a parliamentary and a presidential government lies

in the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government

The power to interpret laws, decide the constitutionality, and balance competing rights and liberties

judicial power

The power to make laws

legislative power

Judges have ordered Massachusetts to change the way it hires firefighters even though the state does not receive aid from the federal government for firefighting. Such an order is referred to as a


An advantage of Federalism is that it allows states to be?

policy innovators

The supreme court decided in the case of US v Nixon that

presidents have only qualified executive privilege of immunity from the judicial process

The type of democracy participated in the United States is

representative and direct

Powers held solely by the national government include all of the following except


Regarding terms of office the pattern among most early presidents was to

serve one term and then failed to get reelected

Most of the work of legislating in Congress takes place in

standing committees or subcommittees

The position of acting president, as fulfilled by George HW Bush while Reagan was under anesthesia in 1985, was created by

the 25th amendment

Because the framers were concerned about direct popular election of presidents, they decided that

the electoral college would choose the president

The Devolution Revolution was fueled by

the overwhelming election of Republicans into Congress in 1994

If a product is in high demand

the price of that product is probably going to be high.

Which of the following is a right afforded to the states in the Constitution?

the right to be represented by two senators

Major difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate is that

there is unlimited debate in the Senate but not in the house

If appointed officials have discretionary authority

they have the ability to choose courses of action and make policies that are not spelled out in advance by laws

At a time when other Western nations were debating whether the national government ought to provide pensions or regulate business the question in the United States was

whether the national government had the right to do these things

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