AP Gov Test 2

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Which amendment to the constitution has made some of the argument above moot?

22nd amendment

Which of the following statements in relation to the bureaucracy would Stevens most likely support?

A degree of discretion is necessary when bureaucracy agencies must apply laws that are imperfectly written.

If Viacom disagrees with this notice, what is the most likely step it will take?

Appeal the ruling to the appropriate Circuit Court of Appeals.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Cabinet-level departments and regulatory agencies?

Cabinet-Level Departments: 15 Cabinet departments, each with a secretary or head that serves on the president's cabinet. Regulatory Agencies: Created and empowered by Congress to monitor particular industries and enforce unique laws.

A federal agency has been accused of not enforcing laws it is charged with enforcing. Which is the most likely action the relevant House committee will first take?

Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem.

A senator realizes that a Senate vote on an immigration bill is coming up. The senator examines public opinion polls on the issue and carefully reads her inbox for constituents' views on the bill and the issue. This senator is following which model of representation?


Which of the following statements about congressional reappointment and redistricting is true?

Districts must be drawn so that, within a state, every person's vote is roughly equal to every other person's vote.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of changes in the scope of the presidency?

Earlier Presidents:Times of national stability led to a contraction of presidential scope under James Buchanan. Later Presidents: Times of crisis such as during the Great Depression led to the expansion of the president's power under Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Which bureaucratic authority is illustrated with this allegation?


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S Senate?

House: Has more rules of procedure to guide its lawmaking process. Senate: Has authority over the ratification of treaties with other nations.

Which type of power did President Trump exert in issuing this executive order?


In what why did the 17th amendment broaden democracy?

It gave citizens greater impact on law making in the U.S. Senate.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the Court's decision in Marbury vs. Madision (1803)?

It overturned part of an act of Congress.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of judicial activism and judicial restraint?

Judicial Activism: Is practices when courts overrule legislative acts or shape policy. Judicial Restraint: Is exercised when courts refrain from interfering with policies created by elected bodies.

With which statement would a 17th amendment supporter agree?

Legislatures should be representative bodies

Which of the following statements is reflected in the table above?

Newly elected senators were on average older than newly elected House members.

Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on the data in the table above?

Older people vote more frequently, and they want older people serving them.

Which of the following best describes the message of the cartoon?

One president's appointment was replaced by another president's.

Which of the following statements best summarizes the author's argument?

People are protected from a dangerous presidents by elections every four years and a process the legislation can undertake.

Which of the following describes President Trump's perspective in the executive order?

People who have already immigrated from the named countries may be untrustworthy.

Which of the following methods is the most certain way to override a Supreme Court decision?

Proposing and ratifying a constitutional amendment that counters the decision.

Which of the following is a potential cause of the trend illustrated in the bar graph with the presidents after Truman?

Recent presidents may be trying to control the public information people receive so they have limited press conferences.

Which of the following principles does Hamilton suggest thew new federal judiciary will establish?

Stability in the law.

Which of the following statements best reflects the role of the Federal Communications in this instance?

The FCC in fining Viacom for the actions of one of its companies that violated broadcast regulations.

Which of the following is true regarding the impeachment process?

The House can impeach a president and the senate can remove a president on conviction of bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Which of the following constitutional principles allowed the events shown in the cartoon?

The Senate's advice and consent role.

Which of the following accurately describes the data in these graphs?

The Supreme Court overturns more federal laws each year than it overturns prier Supreme Court precedents.

Which of the following statements best summarizes this excerpt from Senator Paul's speech?

The U.S. Senate should decide on war-like action on its merits, not with other legislation.

Which foreign policy reality might limit what the senate can do in this scenario?

The War Powers Act gives the president freedom to act with the military for a limited time.

Which of the following statements is supported by the data in the chart?

The average number of press conferences per year varies from administration to administration.

Based on the information in the charts, which of the following conclusions can you draw?

The court has issued more conservative rulings than it overturns prior Supreme Court precedents.

Which power of congress is Senator Paul probably most concerned about based on this passage?

The expressed power to declare war

A U.S. district judge in Alabama has a dispute in his court in which an employee is suing her employer over improper termination. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. District Court of Kansas have both ruled on highly similar cases under the same law and sided with the employee. Which of the following is the likely action this federal judge will take?

The judge will read the other two courts' opinions and consider them before making a ruling.

Those who disagree with the above Supreme Court's opinion would likely point to which facts?

The lawmaking process becomes less dramatic when bureaucratic agencies can regulate beyond their defined jurisdiction.

Which of the following may the president do to limit the power of congress?

The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed the House and Senate.

With which statement would supporters of this executive order most likely agree?

The president should make protecting the nation from foreign terrorism a top priority.

Which of the following statements best summarizes Hamilton's argument?

The proposed federal courts and the Supreme Court will provide national consistency in law.

Which of the following statements can be determined from the data in the chart?

The ration of men to women working in the Senior Executive Service has stayed similar over the years depicted in the chart.

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