ap gov unit 1

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What are organizations called in which government power is exercised and where political struggle takes place?


The break with the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500s that helped pave the way for new ideas about the world was ______.

the Protestant Reformation

Which of the following countries is an advanced industrial democracy?

the United States

Power is defined in your text as ______.

the ability to get other people to do what you want

In socialist economies, control over economic decisions is exercised by ______.

the government

The key difference between pure capitalist economies and pure socialist economies is that ______.

the market controls economic decisions in capitalist economies, whereas politicians make economic decisions in socialist economies

Politics is determined by "______" gets power and resources in society and "______" they get them.

who; how

For mediated citizens access to information and interaction are facilitated through multiple channels.


Philosophical anarchists would prefer a system in which there was no government.


In what way were Athenian and colonial American democracy similar?

Both restricted political participation to a very small group of people.

What is the key difference between a citizen and a subject?

Citizens have rights as well as obligations, but subjects have only obligations.

______ implies that humans are rational beings with the ability to unlock nature's secrets and manipulate the world to their own ends.

Enlightenment philosophy

Authoritarian capitalism, like that practiced in Singapore and China, requires the combination of a free-market economy with an open political system.


Rules can be thought of as "where" politics happen.


______ can be described as a system or an organization for exercising authority over a body of people.


A Populist would support which of the following viewpoints?

In a democracy power is concentrated among the elite at the expense of ordinary people.

According to the text, what are the competing views of citizenship that exist today in the United States?

One view holds that individual participation in government should be limited because human nature is overly self-interested, whereas the other view places faith in the citizen's ability to act virtuously.

Laws against theft are an example of which of the following?

Restrictions on collective life typically found in democracies.

______ refers to a particular view of how we ought to organize and live our collective lives.

Social order

Which of the following is an example of a benefit enjoyed by today's mediated citizenry?

They have unprecedented access to power.

Which of the following occurs when we customize our personal social media in such a way that it only reinforces what we already think?

We find ourselves in an information bubble.

The Enlightenment led to the theory that government is based on ______.

a social contract

The concept of republican virtue is what scholars such as Madison call the ______.

ability of democratic man to put the community's interests ahead of his own

The absence of government and laws is a characteristic of ______.


In a(n) ______ system, government allows people complete economic freedom but maintains stringent social regulations to limit noneconomic behavior.

authoritarian capitalist

A political system in which the state holds all power over the social order is ______.

authoritarian government

According to the authors, which of the following can often easily exploit Populist movements?

authoritarian groups or individuals

The market controls economic decisions in a(n) ______ economy


According to the social contract, what is the source of government's legitimacy?

citizen consent

The central concept of the pluralist theory of democracy is that ______ is(are) the key to political power.

citizen participation in groups

Unlike citizens of America's founding generation, modern, mediated citizens have the capacity to do which of the following?

create and disseminate their own narratives

Which of the following is a way that the American political system can be assessed for how well it works?

determining in what type of actions citizens engage

People who were born in the twenty-first century and whose lives are almost completely mediated are known as ______.

digital natives

In the Middle Ages, some monarchs claimed to take their authority from God, a principle called ______.

divine right of kings

The role of citizens is limited to choosing among competing leaders in the ______ theory of democracy.


Given the colonial history of the United States, the Founders' decisions about the shape of the American government were natural and inevitable.


Madison wrote that republican governments could not function in large states.


Social democracy is identical to socialism.


Thomas Hobbes defined politics as "who gets what, when and how."


The major goal of the text is to ______.

get students to think critically about American politics

In authoritarian systems ______, whereas in nonauthoritarian systems ______.

government makes substantive decisions about how people ought to live their lives; government merely guarantees that there are fair rules and leaves the rest to individual control

Viral calls that lead to political activism are known as ______.

hashtag activism

Analysis is important for students of politics because ______.

it helps us understand how something works

Which of the following is one of the things people must have in order to possess a reasonable understanding of a political situation?

knowing who is involved

Anarchists value ______.

liberty over order and security

Those people whose personal and professional relationships typically involve third-party channels are known as ______.

mediated citizens

Which of the following are tacit guidelines that help determine acceptable political behavior?


A theory of democracy that holds that citizens should actively and directly control all aspects of their lives is ______.

participatory democracy

When combined, contention, assumptions, evidence, conclusion, and consequences form the basis for which of the following?

political argument

Which of the following was primarily responsible for mediating information during the colonial era?

political elites

In a socialist economy, economic decisions are determined by ______.

political leaders, on the basis of what society needs

The Declaration of Independence is an example of which of the following?

political narrative

What is defined as a story that people believe about who has power, who wants power, who deserves power, and what someone has done to get and maintain power?

political narrative

In the relationship between politics and government, ______.

politics is the process or activity through which power is gained and lost, whereas government is a system for exercising authority over a body of people

Which of the following reflects the type of economic system found in the United States?

regulated capitalism, in which business has substantial freedom from government interference, but the government does step in and regulate the economy to guarantee individual rights

The major difference between the elitist, pluralist, and participatory theories of democracy is related to the ______.

role of the people in decision making

How do rules fit into the concept of "who gets what, and how"?

rules can be thought of as the "how"

The two competing views of citizenship that exist today in the United States see humans acting out of ______.

self-interest versus common good

Many European countries follow the theory of ______, which is a hybrid system combining a capitalist economy and a government that supports equality.

social democracy

Individuals who are obliged to submit to a government authority against which they have no rights are ______.


Government assurances of particular outcomes or results are ______.

substantive guarantees

The doctrine that society is based on an agreement between government and the governed, in which people agree to give up some rights in exchange for the protection of others, is called ______.

the social contract

The major difference between anarchy and democracy is that in anarchy, ______.

there is no government

What is the most basic obligation of a citizen in a democracy?

to obey the law

A ______ government combines an authoritarian government with a socialist economy.


Some scholars argue that political ideas created by Native Americans influenced the formation of the American system of democratic government.


James Madison thought that average citizens ______.

were not likely to put the community's interests above their individual interests

Politics is defined in your text as ______.

who gets what, when, and how

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