AP Government

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Which amendment to the Constitution has made some of the arguments in Federalist 69 moot?

22nd amendment

A president is most likely to use an executive order to make an important policy when

A compromise cannot be reached with Congress

Which of these is part of the Executive Office of the President?

All of the above (CEA, OMB, NSC)

Which of these would be considered a regulatory agency?

All of the above (FEC, FCC, FDA)

Which of these is NOT allowed by the hatch act?

Allows bureaucrats to campaign for candidates while at work

Which of the following statements describe a difficulty presidents face in the policy implementation process?

Because of the civil service laws, it is not easy for the president to remove professional bureaucrats when they disagree with the president's agenda

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of Cabinet level departments and regulatory agencies?

Cabinet level: Fifteen cabinet depeartments, each with a secretary of head that serves on the president's cabinet. Regulatory agencies: Created and empowered by Congress to monitor particular industries and enforce unique laws

A federal agency has been accused of not enforcing laws it is charged with enforcing. Which is the most likely action the relevant House committee will first take?

Call for an oversight hearing to understand the problem

Based on the information in the line graph, which of the following is the most likely implication of entitlement and defense spending as a portion of the federal budget?

Changes on entitlement spending put pressure on discretionary spending.

Who is the leader of the Executive Office of the president?

Chief of Staff

Which statement would Hilary Clinton most likely agree on?

Congress should pass a law eliminating the electoral college.

Which is not an example of mandatory spending?

Defense budget

Which of the following statements about congressional reapportionment and redistricing are true?

Districts must be drawn so that within a state, every person's vote is roughly equal to every other person's vote.

When was the cartoon likely published?

During partisan gridlock in congress

What conclusion can you draw from the information in the graphic?

Each senator has to vote yes or no on a confirmation

Which bureaucratic authority is illustrated with this allegation?


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the information in the line graph?

Entitlement spending has steadily become a larger portion of the federal budget

A member of the HOR had introduced a bill to raise the minimum wage, but it has been in the committee for 36 days and is unlikely to make it to the floor. Which of the following is the best course of action for the representative to take to get a vote on a bill?

Filing for a discharge petition

What is an accurate comparison between the House of Representatives and the Senate?

HOR always have been directly elected by the people in the state, senate was originally selected by the state governments.

Members of the United States HOR Committee on Veteran's Affairs are concerned about the quality of service at hospitals ran by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Which of the following is an action the committee can take to address the problem?

Holding a hearing and subpoening high level officials in the Department of Veterans Affairs

Which of the following accurately describes the data presented in the table?

Homeland Security was a high federal priority requiring many workers during those years

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate?

House has more rules of procedure to guide its lawmaking process, Senate has authority over the ratification of treaties with other nations.

What is an accurate comparison between Shaw v Reno and Baker v Carr?

In Shaw v Reno, districts can't be directly established soley on race. In Baker v Carr, districts must be equal in population.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding congressional leadership?

In case of a tie vote in the Senate, the vice president breaks the tie.

Which type of power did President Trump exert in issuing this executive order (from passage)


What statement is true about the electoral college?

It can work against the principle of popular soverignty when a candidate wins without winning the most votes nationwide.

In what way did the 17th amendment broaden democracy?

It gave citizens greater impact on lawmaking in the US Senate

Which of these is NOT a reason for a bicameral legislature?

It would allow for more laws to be approved by the President

Which of the following is an accurate conclusion based on the data in the table above?

Levels of reelection in both the House and Senate are high.

Appointments to the federal judiciary are often contentious for which reason?

Life terms for federal judges mean that the presidential appointments will continue to have influence long after the president's term is over

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of McCulloch v Maryland and US v Lopez?

McCulloch v Maryland led to an increase in power for the national government, US v Lopez established limits to Congress's power under the commerce clause

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the House of Representatives and the Senate?

Members are elected by constituents in a local district based on population in the HOR, members are elected by constituents of an entire state in the Senate.

Registered voters directly elect which of the following?

Members of the senate and members of the house of representatives.

Which of the following strategies might a president follow to recieve greater support for Supreme court nominees

Naming ideologically moderate justices to the Supreme Court

Which of the following statements is reflected in the table above?

Newly elected senators were on average older than newly elected House members

A new president has been elected and has a number of new positions to fill within the federal bureaucracy. Which of the following is an example of filling a political position based on political patronage?

Nominating a high level campaign fundraiser to serve as an ambassador to New Zealand

Which of the following is not a cabinet position?

Office of Management and Budget

Which of these is NOT a government corportation?

Office of Personnel and Management

Which of the following is a fair criticism of the federal bureaucracy?

Overlapping bureaucratic authority can cause wasteful spending and duplication

Which of the following actions may Congress take to limit the president's power?

Override a presidential veto with a two thirds vote

Which statement best summarizes Hamilton's argument in federalist 69?

People are protected from a dangerous president by elections every 4 years and a process the legislature can undertake

Which of the following describes President Trump's perspective in the executive order?

People who have already immigrated from the named countries may be trustworthy.

If Viacom disagrees with this notice, what is the most likely step it will take?

Pressure the president to fire the chair of the FCC

What following principle protects a citizen from imprisionment without the government taking certain prescribed steps?

Procederal due process

What may the president do to limit the Supreme Court's power?

Refuse to enforce a ruling by the court

Based on the infographic, which of the following is an identifiable trend?

Senators from the president's party vote to confirm nominated justices more than senators from the opposing party

The legislative process at the national level of government reflects the intent of the framers of the Constitution to create a legislature that would be

Slow and deliberate in the lawmaking process

The legislative process at the national level of government reflects the intent of the framers of the Constitution to create a legislature that would be?

Slow and deliberate in the lawmaking process

Which of the following statements best reflects the role of the Federal Communications Commission in this instance?

The FCC is acting to uphold the First Amendment and endorse what was broadcast during the super bowl.

Which of the following sequences accuratley follows the impeachment and removal process as outlined in the Constitution?

The House accuses an official; the Senate judges and decides whether to remove the official.

Which of the following statements best summarizes this excerpt from Senator Paul's speech?

The US Senate should decide on war-like action on its own merits, not with other legislation.

Which of the following accurately describes the information presented in the pie chart?

The United States Postal Service has the largest numbers of employees within the federal bureaucracy

Which foreign policy reality might limit what the Senate can do in this scenario?

The War Powers Act gives the president freedom to act with the military for a limited time.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about the necessary and proper clause?

The clause empowers Congress to act as required to carry out its expressed powers

Which of the following best explains the difference in the number of bureaucrats employed by the department of education and the department of homeland security?

The department of education primarily addresses state issues, whereas the department of homeland security primarily addresses national issues.

What statement best summarizes Hilary Clinton's argument?

The electoral college impedes citizen participation

Which power of congress is Senator Paul probably most concerned about based on the passage?

The expressed power to declare war

Members of congress are allowed to mail letters to their constituents at the government's expense because of

The franking privledge

Which statement about impeachment under the Constitution is true?

The house can impeach officials for "high crimes or misdemeanors"

In the McCulloch v Maryland decision, which two provisions in the Constitution were upheld and strengthened?

The necessary and proper clause and the supremacy act.

Senator Smith votes her conscience on bills that her constituents care little about, but she votes according to the wishes of the majority of her constituents on other bills. Which model of representation do her actions embody?

The politico model

Which of the following options represent the majority opinion in United States v Lopez?

The power of the federal government in relation to state governments is limited in this case

Which of the following may the president do to limit the power of Congress?

The president can veto a congressional bill that has passed the House and Senate

With which statements would supporters of this executive order most likely agree?

The president should make protecting the nation from foreign terrorism a top priority.

A member of the president's cabinet disagrees with the president on how executive branch policy should be carried out and has publicy expressed those views. Which of the following outcomes will likely happen?

The president will remmove the official from his or her administration

A republican president has nominated a federal judge for an opening on US Court. A number of senators have declared they are not supportive of the nominee, including many senators within the president's own party, which holds a simple majority of the Senate seats. No democrats support the candidate. What will most likely occur?

The president will withdraw the nominee or the nominee will withdrawl.

What conclusion can you draw from the patterns of change represented in the table?

The size of the federal bureaucracy is fairly stable

The cartoonist likely believes that the pointing fingers represent a conflict between which two entities?

The two political parties within Congress

A congress member and several other sponsors are ready to introduce a bill into the legislative process. The bill is designed to reduce tax rates on people with lower incomes. In which committee will these house members introduce their bill?

Ways and Means Committee

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