Ap Government

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How has Vladimir Putin concentrated his power as president of Russia?


Which of the following electing systems is most likely to produce the largest number of competitive political parties? (A) Plurality (B) First past the post (C) Proportional representation (D) Two-round majority (E) Referendum based


U.S impeachment process

2/3 vote to impeach in the house and 2/3 vote to convict in the Senate.

Devolution in the United Kingdom has allowed (A) separatist parties to have roles in Scotland and Wales (B) the union of Ireland and Northern Ireland (C) Scotland to join the European Union (D) Northern Ireland to establish a separate state (E) England and Wales to merge


Which of the following is a true statement about the adoption of competitive elections in Chinese villages? (A) They were initiated by the state to control local corruption and incompetent leaders. (B) They clearly mark the end of the Communist Party's control in China. (C) They provide an opportunity for serious national debate on rural policy in China. (D) They have given rise to a number of nationally organized opposition parties. (E) They were instituted as a consolation for income inequality with urban areas.


In what ways is a states constitution a "blueprint" for government?

A constitution is a document that explains how a country or state government will operate. It begins with a preamble, which lays out the reasons for its composition. Most include a series of articles that detail the organization and procedures of the government


A multiform process that occurs anytime businesses and governments make international deals, establish tariffs or quotas, or exchange economic information.

Why do you suppose Iran allows so many political parties to exist?

A multiparty system is more typical of a country with a high degree of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity. The government's decisions tend to reflect the diversity and the political parties are also forced to cooperate more because no one party had enough power to dominate.

Totalitarian regime

A regime that is organized around a central idea.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Iran's democracy?

A weakness in Iran's democracy is that the people are not really asked to speak against the government if it contradicts sharia. A strength is the increased amount of political participation after the 1979 revolution. Citizens found that they could participate in politics by working with religious institutions.

Presidential System

Always seperated from legislature.

Why did America support the government of the shah?

American government gave financial and other support to the shah because he was considered a bulwark against communism in the religion.

Coercive organization

An organization that forces people to join or a body that forces it's members to do things they might prefer not to do.


An organizational structure within a large institution. Promotes specialization, hierarchy, and rigid adherence to rules.

Since the 1970s, which civil society groups in the United Kingdom have increased and which have decreased their representation in Parliament? (A) Representation of trade unions has increased, while representation of the Anglican church and environmental groups has decreased. (B) Representation of trade unions and environmental groups has increased, while representation of the Anglican church has decreased. (C) Representation of the environmental groups has increased, while representation of the Anglican church and trade unions has decreased. (D) Representation of the Anglican church and environmental groups has increased, while representation of the trade unions has decreased. (E) Representation of the Anglican church has increased, while representation of trade unions and environmental groups has decreased.


Which of the following is true of both China and Russia? (A) Both have proportional-representation electoral systems. (B) Both have weak legislative branches compared with the executive branch. (C) Both have developed strong, independent militaries. (D) Both place more emphasis on ideological correctness then on technical expertise within the public bureaucracy. (E) Both have moved from nationalism to multiculturalism as a central plank in state legitimacy.


What are possible causes of nations being "undeveloped"?

Becauee their governments are shaky. This may stem from a lack of trust that the people have in the government. Also economies in an undeveloped nation only rely on a narrow range of exports.

Why have many Britains expressed dissatisfaction with the E.U?

Because although the union is supposed to be focused on economic benefit, the sovereignty of many member nations diminish because their legislatures have to align with European law. In some cases, European laws take precedence over the statutes of Parliament.

Why do you think "developed" and "developing" countries are more in favor today?

Because both countries have stable if not democratic governments. Developed countries have an economy madebof service, industrial and agricultural businesses and developing countries have lively manufacturing sectors.

Health care, pensions, unemployment insurance, and direct economic assistance to those in need are (A) impossible to study comparatively because of international diversity (B) basic values of new social movements (C) examples of provision of public policies (D) common features of unofficial patron-client networks (E) widely seen as being absent under the Soviet style of socialism


In which of the following pairs of countries does the press enjoy the greatest freedom? (A) China and Great Britain (B) China and Iran (C) Great Britain and Nigeria (D) Iran and Nigeria (E) Russia and Iran


Which of the following principles did President Mohammad Khatami put at the center of his domestic agenda in his first term? (A) Strengthened clerical supremacy (B) Neoliberal economic reforms (C) Increased freedom of the press (D) Minority rights (E) Coeducational schools


Third world countries

Can be categorized into deception and undeveloped countries. Developing countries have stable governments and vibrant manufacturing sectors. Undeveloped countries have shaky governments and rely on a narrow range of exports.


Central government gives power to the sub-national governments.


Conflict or division within a political system. Race, gender, class, religion, social, media, or ethnicity

A successful vote of no confidence in a parliamentary system means that (A) new elections for the legislature are called (B) the head of state will dissolve the national legislature (C) all laws passed by the legislature in that session are voided (D) the government steps down and a new government must be formed (E) the heads of both state and government must step down from their posts


The nature of the social and political cleavages in China and Russia are different because in China (A) there are no significant ethnic cleavages or conflicts, while Russia ethnicity is a central cleavage (B) regional differences have not led to secessionist movements, while in Russia this is a major source of upheaval (C) the government has managed to maintain the gap between rich and poor close to premarket reform levels, while in Russia inequality has grown enormously (D) the Communist Party is still one important and stable channel of upward mobility, while in Russia it is not (E) there is no system of public education after primary school, while in Russia education is free through the university level for anyone who can pass the tests


Which of the following is true about the current legal system in China? (A) It is still largely based on Confucianism. (B) The judiciary is independent. (C) Capital punishment is not allowed under the constitution. (D) Economic reform has led to judicial reform. (E) It is based on common law.


Which of the following pairs of countries has a bicameral national legislature? (A) Britain and Iran (B) Mexico and China (C) China and Russia (D) Russia and Britain (E) Iran and Nigeria


Impeachment in Russia

Duma initiates process with the formation of a special investigation committee. 2/3 vote by Duma to proceed and 2 / 3 vote needed in federation council. Supreme Court must find president guilty of serious crime against the nation.

Chinese leaders Hu Jintao and Jiang Zemin gained their political authority and effective political power from which of the following? (A) Their position as president or head of state (B) The process of popular election (C) Their close ties with former Soviet leaders (D) The power, prestige, and wealth of their families in the precommunist era (E) Their position as general secretary


In a comparison of authoritarian and democratic regimes, it is accurate to say authoritarian regimes (A) are more likely to be characterized by strong civil societies (B) concentrate more power in legislative assembles (C) tend to be more inefficient decision makers (D) are unstable and therefore more likely to be short-term (E) probably lack well-established rule of law


Political participation in authoritarian regimes differs from that in democratic regimes in which of the following ways (A) Voluntary political participation in authoritarian regimes and does occur in democratic regimes. (B) There are no avenues for political participation in authoritarian regimes and there are in democratic regimes. (C) Authoritarian regimes do not respond to citizen participation while democratic regimes do respond. (D) State organized participation is more likely to occur in authoritarian regimes than in democratic regimes. (E) Grassroots political participation does not occur in authoritarian regimes but does occur in democratic regimes.


This cartoon above suggests that globalization has (A) grown to a point such that rising population is going to destabilize many world economies (B) worn out the United States economy because too many other economies are based on consumer goods (C) stoked the greed of corporations that will soon lead to their downfall and the start of a workers' revolution (D) prompted the United States to push other countries to move their economies to become more market based (E) entwined global economies to a point such that economic weakness in one affects the others


Which of the following is true of a unitary system? (A) It had no local or subnational governments at all. (B) It constitutionally protects local and subnational governments. (C) It must implement policy uniformaly across subnational units. (D) It is more decentralized than a federal system. (E) It can have competitive local elections.


Who selects the head of the British government? (A) The departing prime minister (B) The house of Lords (C) A committee comprised of the majority and minority party MPs (D) The electorate (E) The majority party in the House of Commons


Parliamentary Government

Executive and legislative functions in the legislative. The executive enforces laws, the legislative makes the laws. The chief executive comes from the legislative. Prime Minister is chosen by the majority party.

True or False. Iran has a unicameral legislature.

False. A unicameral legislature had one body. The Majlis, Iran's legislative body, is composed of 290 members selected by means of the single member district plurality system, whereby the country is divided into two districts of roughly equal populations. The Council of Mullahs and the Council of Guardians.

True or False. The president and supreme leader are equal in power.

False. The supreme leader, or ayatollah, is the most powerful politician and the president is the second most powerful politician.


Geographical units have all the power


Have not been able to establish stability and it's economy and government can easily be overthrown.

Which of Weber's "7 principles" would you say is most important for a government bureaucracy to run well?

I think 3 is the most important for a government bureaucracy to run well because without higher authorities there would be no order or organizing.

Coalition Government

If no part holds majority a coalition alliance is formed.

Informal dual executive

In Russia. According to its constitution, Russia has a strong single executive.

How can media be a threat and a tool to an authoritarian regime? In Iran?

In authoritarian, or totalitarian, regime, there is no media independence and certain views cannot be disseminated. The media acts as a watchdog on behalf of the public.

In the U.S, no law can violate the U.S constitution. Compare and contrast the role of Islam and sharia in Iran.

In the U.S any law that violates the constitution is deemed unconstitutional. Iran's constitution is based on sharia, Islamic law. Any law that violates the constitution, violates the religion as well.

Powers of presidency in Russia

Introduce legislation and he can pass decrees to get around the Duma if it's not passed. Introduce budget and push through interim budgets if faced with Duma in flexibility. Can dissolve the Duma.

In what way is the government of Iran legitimate?

Iran derives legitimacy from the size of its economy and the relative stability of its religious authoritarian government.

Does Iran have a single or dual executive?

Iran has a dual executive because in Iran, the president is only the second most powerful politician. The most powerful politician is the supreme leader, ayatollah, who is the most important Islamic cleric in the nation.

Is Iran a liberal or conservative state? Explain.

Iran is a conservative state because although Iran's tolerant of the practice of other religions, the laws of the nations are based on sharia, Islamic laws.

How would you describe Iran's method of Elite Recruitment?

Iran's method of Elite Recruitment can be described as effective in the the selection of the most important political actor in the country, the supreme religious leader, is made by a collection of 86 religious leaders, each of whom is elected to on 8-year term.

How would yoy describe Iran's public policy?

Iran's public policy is a front. Iran claims to be an industrial democracy but is in fact a fundamentalist Islamic theocracy. Citizens are not allowed to speak against the government. The nation tries very hard to make sure only the ideas of the government can be expressed without consequence.


Iranians who support the intermingling of religion and politics.

Is the religious origin of the Iranian government's authority a good thing or not? Explain.

It is a good thing because of the stability of the economy and the government. Iranians are allowed to practice Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity and non-Iranians are treated with respect as long as they do not go against Iran or Islam.

First world countries

Known as liberal democracies or developed countries. These democracies have a high standard of living for tier citizens and have significant international power. The government's generally promote individual rights and protection of private property. The economies are made up of service, agriculture and industrial businesses.

In what ways was the Soviet Union a totalitarian regime?

Leaders like Lenin and Stalin based a totalitarian regime ariund the idea of a class struggle.

Multiparty system

More typical of a country with a high degree of cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.

Did Iran have a legitimate government before the 1978-1979 revolution?

No it did not because the shah behaved inappropriately which many religious Iranians found offensive. The shah's treatment of the impoverished also contributed to the publics lack of interest in him.

Capitalist party

Places control of the means of production and land in the hands of private interests.

The Federal Government

Power is divided between the national and lower level governments.

What considerations cone into play when s nation formulates is public policies?

Public policies can be affected by both domestic and international factors. A few of these factors are political ideology, media, constituents, imports & exports and effects on economy.


Richest people in Russia


Served as president 2000-2008. Obligated by term limits to not run after 2 terms, he "arranges" for Dmitry Medvedev to run and win. Is then made prime minister (and holds all the real power). Medvedev serves one term. He runs again & appoints Medvedev prime minister.

Public policy

System of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action and funding priorities promoted by government.

Political power

The ability to make decisions in the government. Also evident in the ability to shape the preferences of the populace. The group that is in power can provide information that will lead most people to support the furtherance of that group's agenda. Belongs to the people.


The amount of corruption in a government that the people know about. The best way to ensure it is by holding an emergency election because it allows the people to elect someone that represents their ideas.

In what ways is Iran an "Islamic Republic"?

The constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran is overtly religious. All the laws in Iran must be based on Islamic ideas. Iranians are allowed to practice Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Christianity. Non-Iranians will be respected as long as they do not go against the interests of Iran or Islam. The most powerful person is their religious leader.

The State

The country, the nation. The geographic area in which the people live and where a government has been established.

How did Gorbachev's reforms contribute to the Soviet Union's disintegration?

The industrial system of the Soviet Union was full of corruption. He tried to bake this by giving me authority to factory managers. Instead of having production goals set by the government, the managers would be allowed to make reasonable predictions. The Soviet industrial system had been in decline for so long that workers were not prepared to take on added responsibility.


The institutions established in a county through which a society makes and carries out public policies.

Communist party

The means of production and land are owned by the state, but it is typical for political life to be dominated by one party, often in a totalitarian manner.

What protocols had the state put in place to control their impact?

The parties that exist in Iran don't wield much power, therfore, only any legislation they are able to pass can be vetoed.


The seperation of a whole into parts to aid examination and understanding.

Civil society

The set of organization in the nation that are not affiliated with any government office.


The supreme leader of Iran.

Elite Recruitment

The system for filling positions of power and influence in the government.

Why do you suppose conservatives in Iran have been wary of a vibrant civil society developing in Iran?

They believe that the development of a vibrant civil society would be contrary to Islamic law. These groups have no legislative authority, are distinct from businesses, need not respect national boundaries, and they may operate throughout the world.

Formal dual executive

This is in Iran. Enumerated role for both the president and the supreme leader.

What is the role of the news media?

To convey important information to the general public so that voters can make good decisions and government activity can be scrutinized.


When the constitution and government ate respected by the citizens and leaders.

Judicial Autonomy

When the judiciary's decisions are free from the legislative and executive branches.

Why is the multiparty system more democratic?

When there are many poultice parties the government's decisions tend to reflect that diversity. Political parties are also forced to cooperate much more in a multiparty system because no one party has enough power to dominate.

How did Russia's post Soviet constitution create an executive that was a danger to democratic governments?

Whenever a national emergency was claimed the president was allowed to seize control, dissolving the legislature and, if he desired, initiating national referenda or elections. Even though this government was ruled by the legislature, the executive could maneuver his way to a preeminent position easily.

What do you suppose the relationship is between laws in Iran that discriminate against women & economic difficulties?

Women could not be on the radio and theycould not sing on television. Women were were forbidden from entering certain university classes. These policies were reversed because of their disasterous effects on the economy.

Does America have a legitimate government?

Yes because even though many Americans do not agree with ideas and policies of the government, the majority of the population pots their trust in the government thus allowing it to be stable.

What are the rules of both positions in Iran's dual executive?

the ayatollah is responsible for appointing the top judges, military officials, national security officials and media members. The president can promote legislation and name new members to the Council of Ministers.

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