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The rectangular land division scheme in the United States adopted after the American Revolution is quite unique. Its correct name is

"township and rage system

Birth and death rates are measured in number per

: 1000

The best example of a folk culture in the US is the

: Amish culture in Ohio and Pennsylvania

Dependency ratio measures

: the # of young plus the # of elderly per 100 workers

In India the breaking of a dowry contract may lead to

A Beating or Killing of the Wife (Dowry Death)

Which of the following would be considered material culture?

Any physical object that has social meaning can be considered a part of material culture

Which of the following European countries has a rather sharp division between Flemish speakers in the north and Walloon speakers in the south?


Which of the following countries is in Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model?

Both birth rates and death rates are low, fluctuating slightly, creating a steady population (ie UK)

The one country to have successfully reduced population growth through drastic government intervention is...


The faith that is most widely dispersed over the world is


Quarry workers, quarry owners, stone cutters, exporters, designers and architects, builders, tile and stone distributors, etc. represent an example of the links connecting producers and consumers in a world market. This is an example of

Commodity Chain

Fashion trends tend to diffusion quite quickly through which type of diffusion process?

Contagious diffusion

The expansion and adoption of a cultural element, from its place of origin to a wider area

Cultural Diffusion

Heartland, source area, innovation center; place of origin of a major culture.

Cultural hearth

Placelessness refers to

Defined by geographer Edward Relph as the loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next

The movement of power from the central government regional governments is referred to as


Sir Halford Mackinder developed what would become known as the heartland theory which suggested that interior Eurasia contained a critical "pivot area" that would generate a state capable of challenging for world domination. The key to the area according to Mackinder was

Eastern Europe

A hinterland reveals the _________ of each settlement.

Economic Reach

Nigeria chose __________ as its official language upon independence.


The most widely used Indo-European language today is


The revolution that destroyed the old order in Ethiopia created a new state on the African map called _____________, dominantly Muslim and culturally distinct from the old empire of which it had been a part.


These areas are pieces of national territory separated from the main body of a country by the territory of another...


A uniform area inhabited by people who have one or more cultural traits in common is called this type of region


When people in a local place mediate and alter regional, national, and global processes, this is known as...


What is not an example of a primary economic activity?

House Painting

Which country has the longest life expectancy?


When deciding where to go, often an immigrant is pulled to places where family and friends have had success.

Kinship links

When not all people within a state identify with the dominant sense of nationality, movements for separation of nation and territory may arise. For example the ______in ___________.

Kurds in Turkey and Basque of Spain

The core area suburbs are experiencing a process of the tearing down of existing suburban homes and the building of very large, standardized looking homes known as


In which of the following regions did urbanization develop first?


Who of the following is considered the last great prophet of Islam?


Two Russian scholars have established the core of what they believe is a pre-Proto-Indo-European language named


The five most populous countries are Brazil, the United States, China, India, and


What is an example of a stateless-nation?

Palestine and Kurdistan

Regions perceived to exist by their inhabitants are called

Perceptual Region

The density beyond which people cease to be nutritionally self-sufficient is called


The measurement of people per given unit of land

Population density

A religion that is actively seeking converts is called...

Proselytic Religion

Which is an example of an intrafaith (boundary) conflict?

Protestant-Catholic in Northern Ireland

Many geographers, such as Elder, Knopp, and Nast, refer to theories that explain or inform our understanding of sexuality and space as

Queer theory

In a model urban hierarchy, the population of a city, town or village is inversely proportional to its rank in the system (i.e. if the largest city is 4 million the second will be 2 million or 1/2 , the third will be 1/3 and so on). This is known as

Rank-Size Rule

The relative location of a city refers to it


The response of the urban system of the American South and Southwest to the influx of migrants over the past three decades conforms with predictions of central place theory. This is called the ________ phenomenon.


Adherents to the largest branch of Muslims, called the orthodox or traditionalist. They believe in the effectiveness of family and community in the solutions of life's problems.


What structures dominated the urban landscape of the ancient Mesopotamian cities?


material culture

The material character of the place, the complex of natural features, human structures, and other tangible objects that give a place a particular form.

A language that is the product of a process of convergence which allows speakers of two or more languages to communicate is

a lingua franca

Many tourist areas in peripheral regions are beach resorts. In 2004 Thailand's beach resort areas were ravaged by

a tsunami

The position or place of an area using latitude and longitude.

absolute location

Places we routinely travel in the course of daily routines.

activity space

If a substantial number of enterprises all develop in, or move to, the same area the factor is called


A geographic boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs is called a/an

an isogloss

Bio-genetically engineering now allows the growing of new strains in more arid regions of the Plains States to meet the demand of the ___________ industry.

bio-diesel fuel

Which of the following is the strict social segregation of people—specifically in India's Hindu society—on the basis of ancestry and occupation?

caste system

The core of a city is called the

central business district (CBD)

Whatever disrupts internal order and encourages destruction of the country is called...

centrifugal force

Convergence processes yielding a synthesis of several languages produce a pidgin language. When this language becomes the first language of a population it is referred to as a

creole language

Which of the following is the process by which other countries adopt customs and knowledge and use them for their own benefit

cultural appropriation

Which of the following is a practice that a group of people routinely follows?


Population geographers study the spatial and ___________ aspects of demography.


Total Fertility Rate refers to...

estimate of the average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years has been an overall decline

Judaism and Hinduism may be called...

ethnic religions

The language tree diagram of language divergence has some branches with dead ends. These represent

extinct languages

The increase in time and cost with distance is referred to as

friction of distance

The regional variation in the appearance of humans in clustered populations probably results from

from a long history of adaption to different environments

In core areas of cities the practice of buying up and rehabilitating deteriorating housing which resulted in the raising of housing values and a social change in neighborhoods is called


The creation of districts that have a majority of voters favoring the group in power and a minority of opposition voters is called...


A set of processes that are increasing interactions, deepening relationships, and heightening interdependence without regard to country borders


In preindustrial societies, birth and death rates are both normally...


Popular culture is considered to have a _________ rate of diffusion.


Focuses on how people make places, how we organize space and society, how we interact with each other in places and across space, and how we make sense of others and ourselves in our locality, region, and world.

human geography

High levels of development can be determined by measurement of access to railways, roads, airline connections, telephones, radio, and television, etc. These are collectively referred to as


Which of the following best describes a group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective or a community, who share experiences, customs, and traits, and who work to preserve those traits and customs in order to claim uniqueness and to distinguish themselves from others?

local culture

Which of the following is not associated with core production processes?

low-wage labor

What term do urban geographers use to refer to huge agglomerations such as the Northeastern section of the United States?


The principal structuralist alternative to Rostow's model of economic development is known as

modernization model

Yugoslavia was a prime example of a...

multinational state

In the Latin American city, where are the homes of the most impoverished and unskilled residents?

outer ring (peripheral. Fringe)

A worldwide outbreak of disease.


According to Carl Sauer, the earliest plant domestication was

probably involved planting root crops

Gross domestic product measures only

production within a country

Segregation in the United States was reinforced by the financial practice known as


A place in relation to other human and physical features.

relative location

Wallerstein's three-tier regionalization of the world includes all of the following except


Race is

socially constructed

Population pyramids provide information about all of the following except...

spatial distribution

The physical location of geographic phenomena across space.

spatial distribution

At the global scale, political geographers study the spatial manifestations of political processes expressed in the organization of territories with permanent population, defined territory and a government. These spatial units are called...


The multiple nuclei model of urban structure developed by Harris and Ullman arose from the idea that _______ was losing its dominant position in the metropolitan city.

the CBD

Paris and Mexico City are many times larger than the second-ranked city in their respective countries. Their disproportionate size illustrates

the concept of the primate city

A large component of survival in countries with low per capita GNP is

the informal economy

England not only held a monopoly over products that were in world demand at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, but also a monopoly on

the skills necessary to make the machines that manufactured the products (how to make the machines)

The declining degree of acceptance of an idea or innovation with increasing time and distance from its point of origin or source.

time-distance decay

The Hajj, one of the "pillars of Islam," is

true, Pilgrimage to Mecca

The naming of sports stadiums and other facilities for corporations (e.g. Petco Park FedEx Field, Coors Field) is an example of


Which economic activity is not counted in GNP calculations?

unpaid labor of woman in household, nor work done by rural women

What term came into use to describe the spatial components of the metropolis of the late twentieth century?

urban realm

The decline in density and the spread of cities associated with the building of freeways in the second half of the twentieth century has been pejoratively referred to as

urban sprawl

The Far West and Deep South are

vernacular regions

Rostow's model, developed in the early 1960s, was based upon the experience of

western modernization

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