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. The Mother's Index A. demonstrates a link between women's health and religion. B. demonstrates a link between violent conflict and newborn survival. C. helps governments design school buildings. D. indicates that the United States has a ranking above most other developed countries. E. indicates that China has a ranking below most other developing countries.


. The arithmetic population density figure for Egypt is subject to criticism because A. most Egyptian women over the age of fifty are illiterate. B. most Egyptians live in the valley and delta of the Nile River. C. Cairo is one of the world's largest cities. D. it does not take migration into account. E. it does not take birth rates into account.


. Which of the following statements is false? A. In countries with "population chimneys," men will take younger and younger brides, thus increasing the rate of AIDS in younger females. B. AIDS is the leading cause of death in Africa. C. AIDS diffused worldwide in the 1980s. D. AIDS is a vectored disease. E. All of the above are false.


1. What do geographers contribute to the study of population? A. Geographers identify differences in population problems across space. B. Geographers understand that what happens at one scale affects what goes on at other scales. C. Geographers understand how different cultures approach population questions. D. Geographers recognize the influence of government policies on population. E. All of these choices are correct.


10. . Governments affect population change through A. expansive population policies. B. eugenic population policies. C. restrictive population policies. D. financial incentives. E. All of the above.


10. This population pyramid of China males and females (Fig. 2.26) shows that: A. between 2010 and 2050, the percentage of the Chinese population that is under age 5 will increase. B. between 210 and 2050, the percentage of the Chinese population that is over the age of 70 will decrease. C. in 2010, about 60% of Chinese are under the age of 4. D. in 2010, about 10% of all Chinese are between the ages of 20 and 30. E. In 2050, about 5% of the Chinese population will consist of males over the age of 80.


2. Population data collected by the United States Census Bureau A. are used to distribute federal funding to state and city governments. B. have been criticized for undercounting disadvantaged groups. C. provide useful information about American immigration. D. can be used to analyze cities and counties. E. All of the above.


3. This photograph of a bustling city (Fig. 2.3) is a good illustration of: A. the effect of climate on architecture. B. population density. C. physiologic population density. D. infant mortality rate E. life expectancy.


4. Since the 18th century, A. Great Britain's population growth has been stable. B. the world's population doubling time has dropped dramatically. C. the world's major population clusters have developed in rich agricultural regions. D. most Asian states have entered stage five of the demographic transition. E. birth rates have fallen while death rates have risen.


4. This map of world population distribution (Fig. 2.5) indicates: A. where fertility rates are high. B. where the world's largest cities are located. C. where people live. D. where cattle are raised. E. where population is decreasing.


5. This map of world population density (Fig. 2.6) shows: A. the range of population densities on Earth. B. population clusters in western Europe, south Asia, east Asia, and northeast North America. C. low population densities in central Australia, northern Canada, and in the Sahara. D. that Brazil's population density varies from more than 250 per square mile to less than 2. E. All of the above.


6. This graph of population increase (Fig. 2.10) indicates that: A. Earth's population has declined since 1700. B. Earth's population doubled between 1650 and 1750. C. Earth's population doubled from 1820 to 1975. D. Earth's population is predicted to double between the year 2000 and 2015. E. Earth's population grew by about 500,000 between 1650 and 1820.


7. This photograph of an ultrasound clinic (Fig. 2.12) suggests that: A. there is no medical technology available in India. B. the Indian government historically used sterilization as part of a family planning policy. C. the Indian government historically subsidized the production of hammocks. D. Indians do not use English in everyday life. E. doctors have offices only in hospitals.


8. This map of the United States infant mortality rates (Fig. 2.19) indicates that: A. Hawaii has a higher infant mortality rate than West Virginia. B. in Pacific coast states, the infant mortality rate is very high. C. Minnesota has a higher infant mortality rate than Texas. D. in Louisiana, more than 9 out of every 1,000 infants die. E. in Vermont, 7 out of every 1,000 infants dies.


China once encouraged expansive population policies, but now encourages restrictive population policies. A. True B. False


Demographic change in a territory is best calculated by A. using natural increase, immigration, and emigration rates. B. using data from the World Bank. C. using the formulas developed by Paul Ehrlich and Thomas Malthus. D. subtracting deaths from births. E. dividing the total population by the number of immigrants.


Describe the influence of the geography of health on population dynamics. 9. Life expectancy around the world A. is highest in tropical climates. B. is higher in sub-Saharan Africa than in north Africa. C. is lowest in sub-Saharan Africa. D. varies little between continents. E. varies little within regions.


Every country goes through all four stages of the Demographic Transition Model. A. True B. False


Every country's population doubles in approximately 14 years. A. True B. False


Infant mortality rate and child mortality rate are the same measurement. A. True B. False


Mosquitoes are to malaria as a kiss is to influenza. This analogy illustrates A. why the average life span is longer in Asia than in Europe. B. why tuberculosis is common in tropical climates. C. why HIV/AIDS is a chronic disease. D. the similarity between endemic and epidemic diseases. E. the difference between a vectored and nonvectored disease.


Most undeveloped countries will be in which stage of the Demographic Transition Model? A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. somewhere between 3rd and 4th


The country with the longest life expectancy is: A. Japan B. United States C. Indonesia D. France


The infant mortality rate in the United States A. is lower than anywhere else in the world. B. is the same as the rates in Italy and France. C. does not vary by state. D. varies by region, ethnicity, and social class. E. is higher than an average rate for South America.


The lowest infant mortality rate among larger populations has long been reported by: A. United States B. Japan C. France D. Sweden


There are more than 60 countries with population levels that had fallen below the replacement level. A. True B. False


This map of life expectancy of birth by country (Fig. 2.21) indicates that: A. Russia has a lower life expectancy than South Africa. B. the United States has a significantly higher life expectancy than Mexico. C. most residents of sub-Saharan Africa can expect to live less than sixty years. D. Brazil, Algeria, and Madagascar have very low life expectancies. E. on average, Kenyans live very long lives.


What did Malthus believe regarding population growth? A. Population grew exponentially and food resources grew linearly. B. Food resources grew exponentially and populations grew linearly. C. Population and food resources grew at the same rate. D. None of the above


What do the United States, Spain, and Japan have in common? A. All three countries have total fertility rates below replacement level. B. All three countries have total fertility rates above replacement level. C. All three countries border countries with total fertility rates above replacement level. D. All three countries have populations greater than 200 million. E. All three countries have government policies discouraging large families.


What is physiological population density? A. It relates the total population of a country or region to the area of arable land it contains. B. It relates the total population of a country or region to the entire area of land. C. It relates the total population of a country or region to the area in which people live. D. Both b and c.


What term do urban geographers use to refer to huge agglomerations of cities such as the northeastern section of the United States? A. megacity B. monopoly C. clusteropolis D. megalopolis


Where are the three largest population clusters in the world? A. Australia, South Asia, East Asia. B. Africa, South Asia, East Asia. C. East Asia, South Asia, South America D. East Asia, South Asia, Europe


Which continent has the highest rate of natural increase? A. Asia B. Africa C. South America D. North America


Which of the following countries is in Stage 4 of the Demographic Transition Model? A. Mexico B. Kenya C. Japan D. Laos


Which of the following countries would most likely have a population pyramid with a wide bottom and narrow top? A. Uganda B. United States C. Australia D. Canada

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