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Contagious Diffusion

The rapid widespread diffusion of a feature/trend. Ex. Ebola

Agricultural Density

The ratio of the number of farmers to arable land


The rebuilding of a product to specifications of the original manufactured product using a combination of reused, repaired and new parts.

Time-space Compression

The reduction in the time it takes for something to reach another place.

Spatial Association

The relationship between the distribution of one feature and the distribution of another feature.

Map Scale

The relationship between the size of an object on a map and the size of the actual feature on Earth's surface.

Cultural Nationalism

The resistance by a group of people against cultural imperialism and cultural convergence.


The ring surrounding a city from which milk can be supplied without spoiling

Uniform Signage

The same sign or logo for something.


The science of making maps

Expansion Diffusion

The spread of a feature or trend among people from one area to another in a snowballing process.


The system used to transfer locations from Earth's surface to a flat map.

Channelized Migration

The tendency for migration to flow between areas that are socially and economically allied. Snowbirds that move from cold to warm places.


The theory that the physical environment may set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physical environment and choose a course of action from many alternatives.

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

The total number of deaths in a year among infants under 1 year old for every 1,000 live births in a society.

Crude Death Rate (CDR)

The total number of deaths in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society.

Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

The total number of live births in a year for every 1,000 people alive in the society. Formula is (Live Births/ Total Population) x 1000

Arithmetic Density

The total number of people divided by the total land area.

Vineyard Terroir

The unique combination of soil, climate, and other characteristics. Vineyards require: Temperate climates (Moderate cold, rainy winters and long, hot summers), Planted on hillsides and close to water, and Soil must be coarse and well-drained.

Gross National Income (GNI)

The value of the output of goods & services produced in a year and money that leaves & enters the country. Goods+Services+(Exports-Imports)

Organic Theory (Friedrich Ratzel)

The view that states resemble biological organisms. Countries need water, food, and resources. Adolf Hitler used this to justify Nazi expansion. China is following this by doing the "China Belt and Road Initiative". Connects old Silk Road trade patterns.

World Bank

The world bank includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA). Around $270 billion worth of loans are outstanding. 14% are to India and 5% to each of China, Mexico, Turkey, Brazil, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Vietnam.


The years a woman can give birth. 15-49 y/o

Optimistic Viewpoint of Economic Development

There is an abundance of both renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Assumptions of the Von Thunen Model

There is only one market place and all the farmers sell there. Assumes land is arable. Assumes the only mode of transport is through carriage.

Language Extinction

This occurs when a language is no longer in use by any living people.

Fred Kniffen and Folk Housing

Three major hearths of folk housing in U.S. New England, Middle Atlantic, and Lower Chesapeake. Folk Structures include Igloos, Yurts, and Log Cabins.

Consumer Services

To provide services to individual consumers who desire them and can afford to pay for them. 1/2 the jobs in the U.S. are in consumer services 4 main types are retail, health, education, and leisure.

4 Toos-Toos

Too Hot, Too Cold, Too Dry, and Too Wet


Total separation of church from state. Laicite- French term for Secularism

Regional Diversity of Religions

Western Hemisphere is predominantly Christian. 90% of Latin Americans and 75% of Europeans & North Americans are Christians. Muslims comprise more than 90% of the pop of Central Asia, Southwest Asia, and North Africa. China has no religious bias. Indonesia has the largest number of Muslims.

Nomadic/Kurgan Warrior Theory

Warriors spread from the border of Russia and Kazakhstan throughout Europe and Southwest Asia with Horses. Spread Proto-Indo-European language

African Pop Clusters

West Africa, Nile River, and South Africa


a religion founded in India in the sixth century BC, whose members believe that everything in the universe has a soul and therefore shouldn't be harmed. Mahavira founded this religion.

Coup d'Etat

a sudden overthrow of the government by military force


a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.


a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a region at a particular time.


active during the day

Tobler's Law

all places are interrelated, but closer places are more related than farther ones


an area of Earth distinguished by a distinctive combination of cultural and physical features

Vernacular/Perceptual Region

an area that people believe exists as part of their cultural identity. Ex. Some people say Texas is part of the South and others say it isn't.

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

an organism that has been genetically altered by humans. "Terminator Seeds" are made to self-destruct the seeds so a farmer has to buy them again. Herbicides and Pesticides are often needed. 94% of Soybeans, 90% Cotton, and 88% of Maize were genetically modified in the U.S.

Prorupted State

an otherwise compact state with a large projecting extension. (Ex. D.R. Congo) Positives: Access to water Negatives: Poor Unity, Different Ethnicities.

Urbanized Area

an urban area with at least 50,000 inhabitants

Urban Cluster

an urban area with between 2,500 and 50,000 inhabitants

Time Zone

any of the 24 longitudinal areas of the world within which the same time is used. New zone every 15° longitude.

Tropical Zones

area between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer and between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, where the climate is generally hot. From 23°N to 23°S.

Sustainable Agriculture

attempts to integrate plant and animal production practices that will protect the ecosystem over the long term. Recycling crop water, making compost, growing rest crops, avoiding overusing water, using drought resistant crops, and reduced volume irrigation.

Business-Process Outsourcing

back office functions like claims processing, payroll, transcription work, routine clerical, billing, tech help Low wages compared to most MDCs India & the Philippines have English speakers so call centers are placed here.


belief based on conviction rather than on scientific evidence

Physical Boundaries

boundaries created with naturally occurring features like lakes and mountains.


commercial agriculture characterized by the integration of different steps in the food- processing industry, usually through ownership by large corporations Around 20% of U.S. laborers work in food production and services related to agribusiness like: Processing, Packaging, Storage, Distribution, and Retailing.

Footloose companies

companies that use little or no raw materials, and can therefore be based anywhere.


confined to a particular country or area

Urban Area

consists of a central city and its surrounding built-up suburbs.

Self-Sufficiency Path

countries encourage domestic production of goods, discourage foreign ownership of businesses and resources, and protect their businesses from international competition. India is highly self-sufficient and requires a license with lots or restrictions. India also helps out failing businesses. Iran is another example.

Potential Reserves

deposits that are undiscovered but thought to exist. Most likely under the ocean.

Rimland Theory (Nicholas Spykman)

mid 20th c. theory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia (the "rimland") would provide the base for world conquest (not the "heartland").


the relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole

Cultural Divergence

the restriction of a culture from outside influences

Uniform Landscape

the spatial expression of a popular custom in one location that will be similar to another

Hierarchical Diffusion

the spread of a feature or trend from one key person or node of authority or power to other persons or places

Cultural Geography

the study of people's lifestyles, their creations, and their relationships to the Earth and the supernatural.

Social Area Analysis

the study of where people of varying living standards, ethnic background, and lifestyle live within an urban area.


the transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to the states

Cultural Landscape

the visible imprint of human activity and culture on the landscape. Combination of cultural, economic, and physical features.

Literary Tradition

the written form of a language. *Remember: not all languages have a literary tradition.

Demographic Momentum

this is the tendency for growing population to continue growing after a fertility decline because of their young age distribution.

Some countries allow a large number of citizens to be in poverty because ____

to allow an elite class to rule over.


transnational corporation; multinational corporation)

Flow-line Maps

use lines of varying thickness to show the direction and volume of a particular geographic movement pattern


when an individual believes his or her culture is superior to other cultures

Cultural Convergence

when two cultures become more alike

Point Source Pollution

where pollution enters a body of water from a specific point.

Dogtrot House

wide with pass-through breezeway

White Flight

working and middle-class white people move away from racial-minority suburbs or inner-city neighborhoods to white suburbs and exurbs


worldwide epidemic

Top 8 U.S. Corporations

*Apple*, Exxon, Mobil, *Microsoft*, Alphabet (Google), *Berkashire Hathaway*, Johnson & Johnson, *Wells Fargo*, and General Electric.

Cold War

A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union. The nations never directly confronted each other. Lots of proxy wars (wars in a third party country)

Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

A decline of the total fertility rate to the point where the natural increase rate equals zero.


A description of surface features of land.


A division of a branch that unites a number of local congregations in a single legal and administrative body.

Trade Language

A fake made-up language made to trade.

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

A family of organic compounds whose properties make them ideal for use in refrigeration and air-conditioning. Are now banned to use as they hurt the atmosphere.

Suitcase Farming

A farm no one lives on

Collective Farms

A farm where one is told what, where, and when to farm; no incentive to grow a surplus.


A farming method involving the cutting of trees, then burning them to provide ash-enriched soil for the planting of crops

Life Expectancy

A figure indicating how long, on average, a person may be expected to live


A flooded field for growing rice

Pastoral Nomadism

A form of subsistence agriculture based on herding domesticated animals. Masai in East Africa. Bedouins of Saudi Arabia. Strong sense of territoriality. Some pastoral nomads practice transhumance.

Kuznets Curve

A formula showing that inequality increases during the early stages of capitalist development, then declines, and eventually stabilizes at a relatively low level


A government controlled by religious leaders

Specialty Farming

A heirloom, or exotic, food that is grown.


A language developed in Southern Africa; a mix of Dutch and Native languages.

Lingua Franca

A language mutually understood and commonly used in trade by people who have different native languages. Current global Lingua Franca is English.

Developing Language

A language spoken in daily use with a literary tradition that is not widely distributed.

Endangered Languages

A language that is at risk of falling out of use. 2,447 languages are endangered. 916 of those 2,446 are dying. Regions with most dying languages are: South Pacific and Western Hemisphere.

Isolated Language

A language that is unrelated to any other languages and therefore not attached to any language family.


A language that results from the mixing of a colonizer's language with the indigenous language of the people being dominated.

Extinct Language

A language that was once used by people in daily activities but is no longer used.

Institutional Language

A language used in education, work, mass media, and government.


A large amount of energy released from a small amount of materials. Nuclear power supplies 14% of the world's electricity. Only 30 out of 200 countries use nuclear energy. Big accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986. Radioactive waste can't be disposed of easily.


A large and fundamental division within a religion

Edge Cities

A large node of office and retail activities on the edge of an urban area.

Zoning Ordinance

A law that limits the permitted uses of land and maximum density of development in a community. Only in the U.S.

Break of Bulk Point

A location where transfer is possible from one mode of transportation to another. Ex. Seaports imports from ships and then exports via trucks and trains.

Azimuthal Projection

A map projection in which the plane is the most developable surface.

Gini Coefficient

A measure of income inequality within a population. A score of 0 means there is no income disparity. A score of 1 means there is a high income disparity.


A movement from one country or region to another. 30% of people who migrate go back to their home countries.

Stateless Nation

A nationality that is not represented by a state.

Stimulus Diffusion

A person or group who take an idea from another and then twist it to make it their own. Aka copying hw from your friend, but not word for word.


A person who believes in the strict interpretation of religious laws


A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster

Place Utility

A person's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a place

Ethnic Enclave

A place with a high concentration of an ethnic group that is distinct from those in the surrounding area. Usually neighborhoods in small cities like Little Havana and Little Haiti in Miami.

Pro-Naturalist Policy

A policy encouraging the bearing of children, especially government in support birth rate.


A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones

Iron Curtain

A political barrier that isolated the peoples of Eastern Europe after WWII, restricting their ability to travel outside the region


A process by which banks draw lines on a map and refuse to lend money to purchase or improve property within the boundaries.


A process by which real estate agents convince white property owners to sell their houses at low prices because of fear that persons of color will soon move into the neighborhood


A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class owner-occupied area.

Urban Hierarchy

A ranking of settlements (hamlet, village, town, city, metropolis) according to their size and economic functions. *Hamlet*- A small cluster of farm houses with 1 general store and 1 gas station. *Village*- Several dozen services that are more specialized like 1 church, supermarket, and/or doctor's office. *Town*- Larger than a village and more specialized services like a school(s), library, a hospital, and a bank. Some hinterland. *City*- Large pop; more specialized services; larger hinterland; suburbs surround city. *Megalopolis*- Multiple cities having grown together in the same general area. (ex. BosNYWash)


A regional variety of a language distinguished by vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation.


A relatively small group that has broken away from an established denomination.

Universalizing/ Proselytizing/ Evangelizing

A religion that tries to go global. 3 Biggest are Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.


A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. Tanakh is an acronym for the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim.

Food Taboos

A restriction on behavior due to religious law or social custom. Example: Muslims have a taboo on pork.


A set of beliefs, values, and practices that binds believers in a relationship with God and with other believers. Involved in 40% of all wars in the past 3 millenias

Pidgin Language

A simplified form of a lingua franca.

Culture Trait

A single element of normal practice in a culture.

Ethnic Island

A small ethnic settlement centered in the middle of a larger group of the population


A small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into one or more stable states because it was inhabited by many ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other


A sovereign state comprising a city and its surrounding farmland.


A special kind of map that distorts the shapes and sizes of countries in relation to the influence of something in an area


A specific point on Earth distinguished by a particular character.

Compact State

A state in which the distance from the center to any boundary does not vary significantly. (Ex. Poland) Positives: Easy transportation, communication, and unity. Negatives: Easy to attack

Multiethnic State

A state that contains more than one ethnicity. (Ex. the U.S.)

Landlocked State

A state that does not have a direct outlet to the sea. Negative: No water trade.

Fragmented State

A state that includes several discontinuous pieces of territory. (Ex. Alaska and Hawaii) Positives: More resources Negatives: Poor communication and unity.


A state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity. Ex. Japan is inhabited by the Japanese

Elongated State

A state with a long, narrow shape. (Ex. Chile) Positives: Resources Negatives: Poor Unity and Communication.

Failed State

A state with no functioning Government (Ex. Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and South Sudan).

Territorial Morphology

A state's geographical shape.

Political Enclave

A state, or part of a state, that is completely surrounded by another state. (Ex. Lesotho) A piece of territory separated by land from the main part of the state. (Ex. Kaliningrad and the rest of Russia)


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country


A suburban area with a cluster of a particular ethnic population


A system of communication through speech, and symbols used to make a written language.

Long Lots

A system of farming where lots up to a half mile or more extend back from a river, which farmers use as their primary means of hauling their agricultural products to the market.

Ridge Tillage

A system of planting crops on ridge tops. Crops are planted on the same rows, year after year.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

A system that determines the precise position of something on Earth through a series of satellites, tracking stations, and receivers.


An area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government with control over its internal and foreign affairs.

Centripetal Force

An attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state

Peters Projection

An equal-area projection purposely centered on Africa in an attempt to treat all regions of Earth equally.


An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.

Labor-Intensive Industry

An industry for which labor costs comprise a high percentage of total expenses.

Bulk-Reducing Industry

An industry in which the final product weighs less or comprises a lower volume than the inputs. Usually are in proximity to inputs.

Bulk-Gaining Industry

An industry in which the final product weighs more or comprises a greater volume than the inputs. Usually are in proximity to outputs.

African Union (AU)

An organization of African nations pursuing greater political and economic integration across the continent. Encompasses 54 African countries.

Central City

An urban settlement that has been legally incorporated into an independent, self-governing unit known as a municipality. (ex. New York City) Elected officials, ability to raise taxes, and essential services.


Ancestor of the family is most likely Nostralic. Hearth in a cold area.

Cultural Hearths

Andean America- Andes Mountain civilizations diffuses through South America. MesoAmerica- Southern Mexico and most of Central America. Diffuses through North America. West Africa- Diffused throughout Africa. Nile River Valley- In Egypt, diffused south to Sudan. Mesopotamia- In Middle East between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Known as the origin of Civilization. Indus River- In India and Pakistan along the Indus River. Ganges River Delta- In India and Bangladesh, diffused throughout South Asia. Wei and Huang Rivers- In China, diffused to southeast China.

Boundary Evolution

Antecedent: Boundary before humans settled. Physical Boundaries. Subsequent: Boundary after a cultural landscape is set. ex. Northern Ireland and Ireland Consequent: Drawn to accommodate different ethinicities. Superimposed: Forcing boundaries onto an existing one. Relic(t): A former boundary.

Criticisms of the WTO

Antidemocratic decisions are made behind closed doors in the interest of corporations. WTO comes into countries and changes laws on taxes.


Any activity that fulfills a human want or need and returns money to those who provide it. Services Generate more than two-thirds of GDP in most MDCs. Services Generate less than one-half of GDP in most LDCs.

Pop Housing

Apartments, Condos, and Skyscrapers.

Armenia and Azerbaijan

Armenians: Christians and suffered genocide from Turkey. Azeris: Muslim and have Turkish roots. Small enclave called 'Nagorno-Karabakh' inside Azerbaijan. Predominantly Armenian. Governs itself and called Artsakh.

Invasion Succession Movement

As one family comes in, another goes out.

Folk Food

Asia grows rice in milder, hot, moist regions. Northern Europe has a lot of wood to cook slowly thus making stews. Southern Europe fried quickly from little wood.

80% of humans live where?

Asia, Africa, and Latin America


Attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory. British and French were the biggest colonizers.

Organic Farming

Australia is the leader with 17 million hectares of organic farmland, or 40% of the global amount. Argentina accounts for 8% of the worldwide total. No herbicides, pesticides, or GMO seeds. Animals consume crops grown on the farm and they're not confined to small pens.

Other Language Families Include:

Austronesian: Javanese Austro-Asiatic: Vietnamese Tai-Kaidai: Thai Japanese Korean Dravidians: Southern Indian Telugu and Tamil Altaic: Turkish Uralic: Finnish, Hungarian, and Estonian. Afro-Asiatic: Arabic Niger-Congo: Yoruba, Igbo, and Swahili Quenchuan: Andes Mountains in South America

Preserving Languages

Celtic languages are being preserved in Wales, Ireland, and Scotland. Many language changes like road signs, media, and music have taken place.

Distribution of Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa

Central Africa more Catholic and South is more protestant.


Central Business District; sometimes referred to as Downtown


Creating ownership over a defined space. U.S. examples: Guam, Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands.

Dr. Norman Borlaug

Credited with discovering a wheat seed that grows very quickly. Pretty much resolved Mexico's food issue in the 50s. Mexico became a wheat importer to exporter.


Croatia declared independence in 1991. Serbs, who made up 12% of the pop, rebelled.

Rest Crops

Crops that put nutrients back into the soil. Examples: Alfalfa, rye, turnips, peanuts, and radishes.

Cultural Realm

Cultural regions have enough on common to be merged together. Ex. Latin America

Folk Culture

Culture traditionally practiced by a small, homogeneous, rural group living in relative isolation from other groups.

Types of Projections

Cylindrical- a rectangle map Conical- a semi-spherical map Planar- shows a side of the globe Conformal- Preserves angle; Distorts size Equidistant- Preserves distance; nothing else Equal-area- Preserves size; nothing else

Dietary Needs

Daily Recommended Calorie count is 1,884 KCal. In MDCs, 3,400 KCal is consumed on average.

Depletion of Natural Resources

Decrease in water, food and fuel supplies. Animals are endangered because of hunting for skins. Meat is inefficient to produce as it takes a lot of grain to make.


Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals


Degradation of land, especially in semiarid areas, primarily because of human actions like excessive crop planting, animal grazing, and tree cutting. Places like Idaho, Montana, and Colorado are at risk. Caused by global warming.


Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group

Just in Time Delivery

Deliver only when a product is needed. No need for warehouses or storage. Can be disrupted by traffic, natural hazards, and labor unrest.

Authoritarian/ Autocratic/ Dictator

Examples of these leaders are: Putin (Russia), Xi Jinping (China), Erdogan (Turkey), Duterte (Philippines), Orban (Hungary), Mohammed bin Salman (Saudi Arabia), Elsi-si (Egypt), Bolsannaro (Brazil), and Maduro (Venezuela).

Multiplier Effect

Explains the number of nonbasic jobs when compared to basic businesses. Usually 2 Nonbasic jobs for every basic. Nonbasic jobs make even more nonbasic jobs as stores need custodians as an example. Base Multiplier= Total employment/ Basic employment.

Business Services

Facilitate the activities of other businesses 1/4 US jobs Professional services, transportation services, and financial services

Push Factors

Factors that induce people to leave old residences. Economic: No Jobs Political: Unstable Governments Environmental: Natural Disaster Social: Gangs & Cartels. Discrimination

Pull Factors

Factors that induce people to move to a new location. Economic: Lots of Jobs Political: Supporting Government; Rights Environmental: Nice Weather Social: Friends and Family

Three ways to get into the U.S.

Family Reunification Skilled Workers Diversity (questionable)

Language Family Tree

Family form Trunks. Language Branches form Branches. Separate Languages are Leaves.

Open Lot

Farmers all work on a community plot of land in feudal times.

Heartland Theory (Mackinder)

Felt that a land based power in present day Russia will dominate the world.


Female Labor Force Participation Rate- Percentage of women holding full time jobs outside the home. South Asia and North Africa and SW Asia has big gaps in work force because of Sharia Law. Sub-Saharan Africa has lots of women in the work force as they work in agriculture.

Variable Revenue Analysis

Firm's ability to capture a market that bring it more money & customers than it competitors.

Least Cost Theory (Weber)

Firms are located in the cheapest spots. 2 issues with transportation costs: distance of transportation to the market and weight of goods.

Forced Migration from Africa

First Africans brought over in 1619 400,000 Africans were brought over by Britain Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, English, and French were a part of the slave trade Between 1710-1810, 10 million Africans were uprooted from their homes.

U.S. Immigration

First Era (1607-1800s): British and African Slaves Second Era (1840s-1880s): Irish (Famine) and German (War) Third Era (1890s-1920s): Southern and Easter Europe Fourth Era (1960s-Present): Asians and Latin Americans.

Levels of Development

First World Country- Industrialized & Service based economies; MDCs. Second World Country- Communist countries like Cuba and North Korea. Third World Country- Agricultural & Resource based economies; LDCs. Fourth World Country- In a status of economic crisis. Ex. Syria and Yemen. Fifth World Country- Economic crisis and no formal government. Ex. Somalia.

Industrial Regions

First was Europe. Then North America after Samuel Slater arrived. Then eastern Asia in the second half of the 20th century with Japan and later China in the 21st century. China, U.S., Japan, and Germany produce 1/2 of the world's industrial output.

Origin of each culture

Folk Culture has no exact origin or hearth. Pop Culture does have an exact origin. Usually from developing countries.

Distribution of each culture

Folk Culture is dependent on on local physical and cultural factors. Pop Culture is rapid and is not affected by physical or cultural barriers; only obstacle is money.

Diffusion of each culture

Folk Culture is transmitted slowly from one location to another very slowly via relocation diffusion. Pop Culture spreads through hierarchical diffusion; spreading rapidly.

Supply and Demand

Food Prices has been a bigger issue than food shortages in the 21st Century. Food price doubled from 2006-08; Record high in 2014. Causes are: Poor weather, Higher demand, smaller growth in productivity, and use of crops as biofuel rather than food. Sub-Saharan Africa is struggling to keep food production ahead of population growth. Horn of Africa has famine.

Cultural Preferences

Food preferences may determine what is grown in an area.

Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

Foreign firms are allowed into Chinese port cities with the permission of the Chinese country in the 1980s. Many countries now have SEZs TNCs receive tax breaks, low cost workers, and pre-built transportation like train tracks and roads.

Fordist Production

Form of mass production in which each worker is assigned one specific task to perform repeatedly.

Organization of American States (OAS)

Formed in 1948 to promote democracy, economic cooperation, & human rights. Every state in the western hemisphere is involved. Cuba is suspended.

Internal Migration of African Americans

Former Slaves became Sharecroppers Sharecroppers- Worked on fields for rent and food and little to no money. Often were in debt to their boss(es). African Americans moved to Urban Cities like Pittsburgh, Detroit, New York, Boston, San Fran, Etc. Traveled before and after WWI and WWII

Energy Supply

Fossil Fuels: Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas. *Coal*- China #1, U.S. #2 *Petroleum*- Russia #1, Saudi Arabia #2, U.S. #3. *Natural Gas*- U.S. #1, Russia #2. 19th Century: Wood Early 20th Century: Coal Late 20th Century: Petroleum and Natural Gas.

Intensive Subsistence

Found in East, South, and SE Asia. Families produce food in a small piece of land. Minimal Tech; lots of manpower All the land is used no matter the shape of the landscape. Double-Cropping is only done in places with warm winters.

Subsistance Agriculture

Found in LDCs to maintain a farmer's family.

Commercial Agriculture

Found in MDCs and food is grown to sell.

Origin of Islam

Founder Muhammad, Hearth Makkah (Mecca), and Doctrine is the Quran. 5 Pillars: Shahadah: Recite belief Salat: Pray 5 times a day Zakat: Giving to charity Sawm of Ramadan: Only feast at night. Hajj: Pilgrimage to Makkah.

Origin of Christianity

Founder is Jesus Christ, Hearth is Bethlehem, Doctrine is Bible.

Paris and Banlieus

French for Suburb The poorest people in Paris live here Representation of the racial segregation between the French and immigrants from the Middle East and Africa.

Deindustrialized Rust Belt

From Illinois to Buffalo, New York. Cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, etc.

Clash of Civilizations (Huntington)

Future conflicts will be determined by ideology rather than clashes of civilizations. 8 Areas of the World: 1) The West- Western Hemisphere and Western Europe 2) Orthodox- Russia and Eastern Europe 3) Muslim countries 4)Latin America 5) Hindu World 6) Sinic- Chinese 7) Africa 8) Japan

Informal Sector

Gaining money but not reporting it. Ex. Street sales, Illegal goods, and illegal services. Big in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Wind Power

Generated by wind turbines. Works in between 9 mph and 55 mph winds. Spain and Germany use it a lot.

Golden Rice

Genetically modified rice that produces edible beta-carotene, which the body can turn into vitamin A.

Distribution of Indo-European Family

Germanic: German, Dutch, English, and Scandinavian languages. Romance: Biggest ones are Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Italian. Indo-Iranian: Farsi in Iran, Pashto in Afghan. and Pakistan, and Kurdish by the Kurds. Also, Hindi and Urdu. Balto-Slavic: Russian, Polish, Czech, and Slovak are biggest.

Multiethnic Revival Post WWII

Germany was split into Western Democratic and Eastern Communism. Czechoslovakia split peacefully into Czech Republic and Slovakia. Yugoslavia fell apart.

India with Gender Preference

Girls are sent away to, while men aren't, and the girl must bring a dowry.

HDI: Consumer Goods

Goods and services related to transportation, communications, and etc. 630 out of 1000 persons have motor vehicles in MDCs; only 80 out of 1000 in LDCs. Worldwide 800 of 1000 persons have a phone, 1,100 out of 1000 in MDCs, and 700 out of 1000 in LDCs.

U.S. Policies

Government encourages farmers to avoid growing crops in excess supply. The government gives subsidies to farmers when food prices are low. $20 billion in subsidies Government buys the surplus and either donates or exports it.

Banned Technology

Governments can regulate what technology is available, block certain models and apps. Many countries are banning Huawei because it connects to the Chinese government.


Greek for God


Greeks in the Southwest and Turks in the Northeast divided by U.N. Peacekeeping forces. There are two British bases; one in the Greek portion and one in the Turkish portion.

Fair Trade

Growing food organically in a sustainable way and the cultivator gets better paid for not using pesticides.

Failures of Loans

Half of the projects in Africa fails. Reasons: faulty engineering, money is invested into military, or the money is stolen. Some countries cannot afford to pay back the loans and the debt may exceed the annual income.

Problems with GMOs

Health Problems: May reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics Export Problems: E.U. countries don't like GMOs.

Industrial Revolution

Hearth is in the U.K. during in the 1760s. James Watt made the Steam Engine. Coal became the leading fuel supply. First Conveyor belts in the U.K. Samuel Slater brought the Industrial Revolution to the 13 colonies and made the first factory in the U.S.

Issues with Shifting Cultivation

Many farmers are switching to logging, cattle ranching, and cultivation of cash crops. Deforestation is becoming an issue. Defenders of shifting cultivation say it's better for the environment than clearing land for cash crops. Countries are being paid or cleared of their debt to protect their forests.

Dividing Ethnicities with Kurds

Kurds are distributed along North Syria, North Iraq, West Iran, and East Turkey. Mostly Sunni Muslim and Distinct Folk Culture Turkey no like Kurds.

Dependency Theory (Raul Prebisch)

Many poor countries today are poor because of colonization. Specifically in Latin America, Africa, and Asia. These countries still depend on their mother country.

Isoline Map

Map displaying lines that connect points of equal value; for example, a map showing average temperature in areas.

Criticisms of the Least Cost Theory

Markets & Labors are mobile and varies in skill, age, gender, etc. Some transportation cost are dependent on a number of variables.

Periodic Markets

Markets that happens of certain times of the year like weekly, monthly, or annually.

Protestant Branch

Martin Luther King protested Catholic Church with his 95 theses because they did indulgences. Indulgences: Paying to remove sins.

Activities excluded from the CBD (in the U.S.)

Lack of Manufacturing and lack of residents due to high rent costs. CBD harbors are now becoming tourist spots like in Boston and San Fran. Now many people want to move into CBDs


Language developed nearly 2,500,000 years ago. All original speakers communicated in the proto-tongue or original language. As people relocated, different languages formed from different environments needing new words.

Growing Language

Language that is being spoken more. Hebrew is a prime example.

The Gravity Model of Migration

Larger places attract more people. Closer places attract more people.

Gravity Model

Larger places bring together people, ideas, and goods more than smaller places. Places closer together have more in common. *Formula for attraction*(Pop of City A x Pop of City B)/ Distance of cities^2

Forced Migration in Europe

Largest forced migration occurred after WWII. Germans, Poles, Russians, and other groups had to migrate after displacement and boundary changes.

Carrying Capacity

Largest number of individuals of a population that a environment can support.

Indo-European Family

Largest used language family. Spoken in western hemisphere, Europe, and South Asia.

Big International Migration Flows

Latin America to North America, South Asia to Europe, and South Asia to Middle East.

Rural to Urban in regions

Latin America: 80% of pop in urban areas Asia: 47% of pop in urban areas Sub-Saharan Africa: 38% of pop in urban areas.

Law of the Sea

Law establishing states rights and responsibilities concerning the ownership and use of the earth's seas and oceans and their resources.

No tillage

Leaving the soil undisturbed and the residue of the previous year's harvest is left untouched and becomes fertilizer.

Wet-Rice not Dominant

Locations where winters are harsh and lack of rain. Found in North India and NE India. Wheat is the most important crop. Other grains includes millet, oats, corn, sorghum, and soybeans.

Gender Inequality

Long standing cultural and legal obstacles can limit women's participation in development.

Intensive Agriculture

Lots of labor Small land Little Technology

Voluntary Migration from Latin America and Asia

Lots of migrants after 1960 policies allowed a lot of Latin Americans and Asians to come in.


Made by Confucius (551 B.C. to 479 B.C.) Chinese tradition of "li" which can be translated to propriety or correct behavior.


Made by Lao-Zi (604 B.C. to 631 B.C.) Emphasizes mystical and magical aspects of life. Ying-Yang: Life is a balance Feng Shui: Living in harmony with the environment.

Brazil's Ethanol

Made from Sugar Cane

Agricultural Hearths: Latin America

Maize. Potato & Sweet Potato from Peru. Cotton from Mexico.

Intraregional Shifts in Europe's Industry

Manufacturers are moving from the West and North to South and East. Barcelona is an example. Central Europe are less-skilled and have lower wages than western workers, but are higher skilled than those in LDCs.

Cultural System

Many cultural complexes that share a common trait merge to form a cultural system.

Reproductive Health

Maternal Mortality Rate is the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Adolescent Fertility Rate- Number of births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19. Lowest in Europe; highest in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Net National Product (NNP)

Measure of all goods and services produced by a country in one year, including production from its investments abroad, minus loss or degradation of natural resource capital as a result of productivity.

Gender Development Index (GDI)

Measures gender gaps in three dimensions: Income, Education, and Life Expectancy. True equality is 1; no equality is 0.

Gender Inequality Index (GII)

Measures the gender gap in the level of achievement in three dimensions: Reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market. Score of 0 means that men and women are equal; 1 means that means no equality.


Members are Britain and many of Britain's former colonies.

Non-Material Components

Mentifacts- Things not written down. Ex. Stories, Songs, and Religion Sociofacts- Government, family structure, and education.


Middle; Hub; Origin; Hearth

Age of Migrants

Migrants to the U.S. are more likely to be young adults between the ages of 25 and 39.


Minimum amount of people needed to support a service. A store that only sells chips will need more customers than a dealership that only sells luxury cars.

Limitations of the Models

Models are too simple Fail to consider the variety of reasons that lead people to select particular residential locations.


Modern people who believe and apply the teachings of Thomas Malthus today. Don't belive earth has enough resources, more countries are becoming MDCs (which means they consume more food), and don't think the earth can sustain 10 mil people.

Modern European States

Modern states are molded by various emperors and monarchs who controlled significant portions of Europe.

Inequality-adjusted HDI (IHDI)

Modification of the HDI to account for inequality within a country. Low score means lots of inequality; high score means little inequality. Lowest scores in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and North Africa & SW Asia. Turkey has inequalities between the Kurds and Turks. Brazil has racism between the Brancos against the Pardos and Preto.

Old Four Asian Tiger

South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Small areas with little resources made Entreports, where goods are brought for importing and exporting purposes.

Oceania Pop Clusters

Southeast Coast of Australia: Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane.

Combining English with Other Languages

Spanglish- Real Academia Espanola is trying to stop the merging of the two languages. Franglais- Academia Francaise is trying to stop the merging of the two languages. Denglish- German and English

Dividing Ethnicities in Lebanon

Split among 54% Muslims, 41% Christians, and 5% Druze. Lots of issues with Catholic and Orthodoxs and Shiites and Sunnies. Lebanon had split power in the government among the different ethnicities to avoid issues, but this only lasted until 1970 where there have been fights since.

Epidemiologic Transition

Stage 1: Infectious & Parasitic Diseases. Ex. Bubonic Plague. Stage 2: Receding Pandemics. Ex. Cholera Stage 3: Degenerative Diseases. Ex. Cancer Stage 4: Delayed Degenerative Diseases Ex. Diabetes. Possible Stage 5s: Evolution of diseases, Poverty, and Connection (People moving around)

Technology Gap

The contrast between the technology available in developed core regions and that present in peripheral areas of underdevelopment.


The deliberate effort to modify a portion of Earth's surface through the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for sustenance or economic gain.


The development of suburbs at relatively low density and at locations that are not contiguous to the existing built-up area.

Received Pronunciation

The dialect of English associated with upper-class Britons living in London and now considered standard in the United Kingdom.

Net Migration

The difference between the level of immigration and the level of emigration.

Distance Decay

The diminishing in importance and eventual disappearance of a phenomenon with increasing distance from its origin.

Cultural Imperialism

The dominance of one culture over another.

Density Gradient

The farther you go from a city, the less dense the population. However, over time more people move from the city to the suburbs.

Sense of Place

The feeling that an area has a distinct and meaningful character

Standard Language

The form of a language used for official government business, education, and mass communications.


The frequency with which something exists within a given unit of area

Endangered Languages in New Zealand

The government is working to protect Maori, the native language.

Cultural Complex

The group of traits that define a particular culture.


The growing of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Colombia and the Netherlands are famous for flowers.

Greenhouse Effect

The increase of the world's temperature as a result of trapped carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.


The increasing interconnection of regions in the world through communication, transportation, marketing, manufacturing, and social and cultural influences. Advantages: Rapid diffusion of innovations, improvements to quality of life, and information/ news transmitted quickly. Disadvantages: Loss of Folk Culture.


The killing off of a landscape to build a new one.

Official Language

The language adopted for use by the government for the conduct of business and publication of documents. *54 countries have English as an official language

Primate City Rule

The largest settlement has more than twice as many people as the second-ranking settlement. (ex. Mexico City, Mexico; Paris, France; Seoul, South Korea.) Services are not found evenly distributed among a country. Wealth is not evenly distributed

Doubling Rate

The length of time needed to double the population. 70/NIR is the formula.


The maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service. -Range is small for things like food -Range is large for things like stadiums and events.

How clean is out produce?

The most pesticide-ridden foods are apples, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, and grapes. The least pesticide-ridden foods are avocados, Corn, Pineapples, Cabbage, and frozen Sweet Peas.


The name given to a portion of Earth's surface.

Sex Ratio

The number of males per 100 females in the population.


The number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living.

Physiological Density

The number of people per unit of area of arable land, which is land suitable for agriculture.

Dependency Ratio

The number of people under age 15 and over age 64 compared to the number of people active in the labor force

Elderly Support Ratio

The number of working-age people (ages 15 to 64) divided by the number of persons 65 and older.

Natural Increase Rate (NIR)

The percentage growth of a population in a year, computed as the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate over 10


The physical character of a place. Ex. Weather, soil, etc.


The physical gap or interval between two objects


The planting of crops between the main crop.

Crop Rotation

The practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year, to avoid exhausting the soil. Each crops takes and gives the soil nutrients.


The process of change in the use of a house, from single-family, owner-occupancy to rented apartments and ultimately to abandonment.

Enclosure Movement

The process of consolidating small landholdings into a smaller number of larger farms in England during the eighteenth century. An example of how the land survey pattern can change.


The process of improving the conditions of people through diffusion of knowledge and technology.


The proportion of the earth inhabited by humans and the land they can live on.

Dividing Ethnicities in India and Pakistan

"Line of Control" in the Kashmir region has lots of problems along the Indian-Pakistani border. Kashmir people are Muslim and want to be either an independent state or united under Pakistani control.

Sino-Tibetan Family

"Sino" means Chinese. There is no single Chinese language. Most Popular is Mandarin.

Top 5 Native Tongues

#1: Mandarin #2: Spanish #3: English #4: Hindi #5: Arab

Technology Stages of Growth Model

*1) Initiation Stage*- Tech is used sparingly; few users. *2) Contagious Stage*- Tech begins to spread to more users, but lots of problems & no one wants to invest. *3) Control Stage*- frustration over how to use technology, but people see how the tech can be important. *4) Integration Stage*- Tech is accepted with practical use. *5) Data Admin Stage*- Collection of data; storage of data. *6) Maturity Stage*- Integration everywhere.

Modernization Theory/ Take-off Model/ Rostow Model

*1) Traditional Society*- All about agriculture and no development. *2) Preconditions for takeoff*- Small elite groups start development. Investments in technology & infrastructure. *3) Takeoff*- Economy is booming in limited economic activities; rapid growth in development. *4) Drive to Maturity*- Technology diffuses to other industries. *5) Age of Mass Consumption*- Economy shifts from heavy industry to appliances.

Evolving Distribution of World Cities

*1600s*- London, Lisbon, Amsterdam; Imperialistic *1700s*- Rome and Paris *1800s*- Berlin, New York, Chicago, and St. Petersburg.

Government housing

*1950's-1960's *Government owned housing rented to low income individuals. *Torn Down *These houses were in run down neighborhoods and full of crime

Residential Segregation

*1980s-2000*- Middle class African Americans & Hispanics move into suburbs; Asians move to California. *2000-On*- Movement of some whites going back into black tract neighborhoods; gentrification.

Feminization of Poverty

*83%, and increasing, of single-parent homes are by women *Women who have jobs have less paying jobs *Single-parent families are forced to live in CBDs (poor and rundown neighborhoods)


*A group in society prevented from participating in material benefits of a more developed society because of a variety of social and economic hardships *Inadequate job skills, culture of poverty, homelessness, drugs, crime, municipal financing.


*A process of converting an urban neighborhood from a predominantly low-income renter-occupied area to a predominantly middle-class owner-occupied area. *Positives: High tax pay Helps economy Raises population Better schools Better services and infrastructure *Negatives Becomes too expensive for the poor living there

Southeast Asian City Model (T.G. McGee)

*All cities are based near a water source to build a port.* Big focus on economic export. *Alien commercial zone & the western commercial zones are in close proximity to the port.* Alien commercial zones houses immigrant workers. *Squatters live near new suburban areas.* Market Gardening Zone is where people go everyday to buy food and other products in the market.

Global Public Transit

*All of Europe uses public transport* Suburban Explosion in the 20th century relied on motor vehicles rather than railroads. China doesn't allow personal commute to CBDs on workdays.

Gamma Cities

*Amsterdam (Dutch TNCs)*, Dallas (Oil), *Houston (Oil)*, Fort Worth (Oil), *Boston (Education)*, Melbourne (Business), Jakarta (Capital of Indonesia), *Minela (I)*, Bangkok (Give), *Johanesburg (Up)*, Miami (Business).

Geographic Information System (GIS)

A computer system that stores, organizes, analyzes, and displays geographic data.

Functional Region (Nodal Region)

An area organized around a node or focal point. Ex. Local news stations.

Language Family

A collection of languages related to each other through a common ancestor.

Economic Base

*Basic Business*- Exports primarily to customers. Brings money into a city and gives the city their primary function. Defines the city. Ex. Nashville is the home of country music. *Nonbasic Business*- Moves money within a city without taking it out. Supports Basic Businesses. The larger the city the more Nonbasic Businesses there are.

Public Transport in the U.S.

*Cities with lots of transport:* Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, D.C., Portland. *Commuter Fares:* toll/express lanes; pay a toll to use (ex. Sunpass on the Turnpike) *Congestion Charges:* going into a CBD with personal transport on a work day costs a fee. Used to influence workers to use public transportation. *(ex. London charges £10, £15, and even £20)* Manhattan is soon going to apply congestion charges. *Public transport reached its peak in the U.S. in the 1940s.* Trolley (Fixed light-rail transit)- once used as a tourist attraction in New Orleans and San Fran; making a return now.

Urban Canyons

*Cities with tall buildings that block cool winds and sunlight *Pollution doesn't circulate

Clustered and Dispersed Rural Settlements

*Clustered Rural Settlements*- A number of families live in close proximity to each other, with fields surrounding the collection of houses. *Dispersed Rural Settlements*- Farmers live miles apart.

City Types

*Colonial Cities*- Cities with origins as centers of colonial trade or administration. Colonizers impact the architecture of a city. *Fall-line Cities*- A city on a river where ships can only go so far up a river as the rivers becomes rocky. (Ex. Boston, Albany, Baltimore). *Medieval Cities*- Urban centers that predate the European Renaissance of roughly 1400 C.E. (Ex. Rome, Paris, London, Cologne, Marseille) *Gateway Cities*- Places where immigrants make their way into a country (Ex. NYC, Miami, Boston, L.A., San Fran, Chicago) *Megacities*- Cities with a population over 10 million. (Ex. Tokyo, Dehli, Mexico City, Shanghai, Sao Paulo, Mumbai, Osaka, Beijing, NYC, Cairo).

Benefits to the costs of motor vehicles

*Comfort, Choice, Flexibility* Perceived Costs- Americans believe the costs of using personal vehicles is less than public transport; it's actually the opposite. *U.S. government subsidies use of cars by paying 70% of the highway costs.* Huge amounts of valuable urban land into CBDs could be converted from roads to housing.

Suggestions of each model

*Concentric Zone Model Suggests:* That a family in a new house lives in the outer ring while a family in an old house lives in one of the inner rings. *Sector Model Suggests:* A high-class family will not want to live in the same sector as a low-income family. *Multiple Nuclei Model:* People with the same ethnic background are more likely to live near each other.

Examples of Core, Semi-Periphery, and Periphery Countries.

*Core Countries*- U.S., Germany, France, Australia, Japan. MDCs *Semi-Periphery*- Brazil, Mexico, and India. NICs *Periphery*- Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America, parts of Asia. LDCs.

Criticisms of Structural Adjustment Programs

*Cuts in health, education, and social services that benefit the poor.* Higher Unemployment *Loss of jobs in state enterprises and civil services.* Less support for those in need

sustainable development

*Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Free vs Fair Trade

*Free*: Companies can trade as much as they want *Fair*: Restrictions on trade on companies

Islamic City Model

*Great Mosque in the Middle* Around the Mosque is the Bazzar or Suk. *Segregation between genders.* Houses have interior courtyards where one can eat dinner and women can where whatever they want. *No windows on the exterior of the house for privacy.* Winding roads cut down on hot winds. *Narrow Walkways*


*Growth of areas of concentrated poverty in urban places. *Immigrants lived here *20th century: African americans moved there before and after WW2 *80's: Latinos and Asians moved there *Blockbusting and redlining *Racial Steering: Moving ethnicity's to similar ethnic neighborhoods to keep them together *Leads to middle class flight: *People with money leave because the poor move in, leads to more ghettoization

Suburban Segregation

*Housing is usually built for people of a single social class.* Segregation by race and ethnicity *Segregation of land uses- Residents are separated from commercial and manufacturing*

Urban hydrology

*How a city deals with getting clean water to its citizens, removing dirty water and cleaning it, and then putting it back into the worlds rivers and oceans Ex: Flint, Michigan

Counter-urbanization (deurbanization)

*Increase in rural pop. resulting from out migration from cities. *Families usual to move to be in quiet areas *High Class *Families work from home due to modern tech *For physical geography

Areas in North America

*Industrial Core*- Used to be BOSNYWASH and the Rust Belt in the U.S. Toronto, Montreal, and Ottowa in Canada. *Upward Transition*- U.S. industry has moved to the South, Southwest, and West. Canada industry has moved to the west to Alberta, British Colombia, and Saskatchewan. *Downward Transition*- The U.S. has the Rust Belt around the great lakes. Canada has the maritime provinces which are failing because of overfishing. *Resource Frontier*- In the U.S., North Dakota and Alaska. Canada has the Northern Provinces in Nunavet and Northwest territories.

5 Agricultural Regions in LDCs

*Intensive Subsistence, Wet-Rice Dominant*: large concentrations of East & South Asia. *Intensive Subsistence- Crops other than rice*: large concentrations of East and South Asia where Rice is difficult to grow. *Pastoral Nomadism*: Drylands of SW Asia, North Africa, Central Asia, and East Asia. *Shifting Cultivation*: Tropical regions of Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia. *Plantation*: Commercial Agriculture found in LDCs in tropical and sub-tropical areas.

Inventors during the Second Agricultural Revolution

*Jethro Tull*- Made the Seed Drill. Plants Seeds *Cyros McCormick*- Made the Reaper. Collects Crops. *Eli Whitney*- Made the Cotton Gin. Picked thorns out of cotton balls.

Language Group

A collection of languages within a branch that share a recent common ancestor.


A colony can only trade with their mother country.

Alpha Cities

*L.A. (Entertainment)*, Chicago (TNCs), *Washington (Capital)*, Frankfurt (German TNCs), *Milan (Fashion)*, Paris (Fashion), *Brussels (E.U. Headquarters)*, Zurich (TNCs), *Hong Kong (Business)*, Singapore (Entreport), *Beijing (China's Capital)*, and Sao Paulo (Financial)

G.I. Bill

*Law passed in 1944 to help returning veterans from WWII buy homes and pay for higher educations. * This led to Suburbs growing. *Lots of these new suburbs were called Levittowns.* Baby Boomers were born post-WWII

Latin American City Model (Ford & Griffin)

*Laws of the Indies (1573)*- A central plaza with a church is surrounded by neighborhoods and smaller plazas. Was enforced by the Spanish onto their colonized cities. *CBD is a plaza with a church.* Wealth decreases as you leave the center; poorest is the periferico. *Spine is the commercial sector comprised of one or more streets coming out from the CBD.* High-Class lives next to the spine. *Zone of in Situ is a mix of people* Disamenities are sectors in which the government has no control of. The sector is full of crime and squatters.


*Legally adding land area to a city in the United States* Many areas preferred to be annexed as they received roads, waste management, water, firemen, police, and more. *Today, many communities prefer to organize their own services than pay city fees.*

Smart Growth

*Legislation and regulations to limit suburban sprawl and preserve farmland. (ex. Portland, Oregon)* Greenbelt- land around an urban area that cannot be built on.

HDI: Health Factors

*Life Expectancy*- Average number of years one is projected to live. A baby born today is expected to live for 71 years worldwide, 80 in MDCs, and 57 in Sub-Saharan Africa. MDCs have health benefits. In LDCs, 6% of children don't live past 1.

Work rights: MDCs vs LDCs

*MDC*- better benefits, unions, high-skill, government regulations, no child labor, but high labor costs. *LDC*- Low labor costs, no worker rights, no benefits, low-skill, no government regulations

Metropolitan Area

*Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)*- -An urbanized area with a population of at least 50,000. -The country within which the city is located -Adjacent countries with a high population density and large percentage of residents working in the central city's county. -(ex. Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach).

6 Agricultural Regions in Developed Countries

*Mixed Crop and Livestock*: U.S. Midwest & Central Europe. *Dairying*: Near pop clusters in NE U.S., SE Canada, and NW Europe. *Grain*: North-Central U.S., South-Central Canada, and Eastern Europe. *Ranching*: Drylands of Western North America, SE Latin America, Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Pacific. *Mediterranean*- Lands surrounding the Med. Sea, Western U.S., Southern tip of Africa, and Chile. *Commercial Gardening*- SE U.S.and SE Australia.


*Movement in urbanization in the 1990's *Reduce sprawl *Close proximity

Assumptions of Central Place Theory

*No topographic barriers* No differences in productivity; all land is equally arable *Evenly dispersed population* People all have similar lifestyles and incomes *Different thresholds for different products* People will buy goods and services in the nearest location.

Urban Heat Island

*Pollution and congestion in a city, which raises the temperature of the city. *Buildings and cars can block out air flow.

Economic Structure

*Primary Sector*- Activities that directly extracts from the earth. *Secondary Sector*- Industry; taking raw materials and manufacturing *Tertiary Sector*- Goods & Services; retailing, banking, law, etc. *Quaternary Sector*- Information & Knowledge processing; Education & Technology; Ex. Boston has lots of Colleges. *Quinary Sector*- Government & high ranks in corporations.


*Rings of wealthier rural communities just outside the suburbs *Extra urban areas *Very Rich

Borchet's Model of Urban Evolution (Epochs)

*Sail-Wagon Epoch (1790-1830)*- Travel by wooden ships & wagons. *Iron-horse Epoch (1830-1870)*- Steam Engine allowed for trains. Canals. *Steel Rail Epoch (1870-1920)*- Trains can cross countries. Trans-continental. *Auto-Air-Amenity Epoch (1920-1970)*- Cars & Planes. Roads are built. *Satellite-Electronic-Jet Propulsion (1970-?)*- Ability to communicate electronically.

Beta Cities

*San Fran (Tech)*, Sydney (Financial & Business), *Toronto (Business & Finance)*, Madrid (Spain's Capital), *Mexico City (Financial)*, Moscow (Russia's Capital), and *Seoul (TNCs)*

Suburban Malls

*Started in the 70s* Malls are headed to becoming their own CBDs in Suburban Areas *Ohio represents middle America; everything released to the public is tested there first.* Many malls are trying to recreate an urban feel by placing stores outside.

Stimulus vs. Austerity Strategy

*Stimulus*- a country spends money to make money *Austerity*- Government cuts government programs.


*The American suburban landscape is characterized by single-family housing* Suburbs are predominantly middle-class *First suburban area appeared in the 1890s with Riverside, Illinois outside of Chicago.* Original Suburbs were populated by WASPs. Then Catholics and non-white middle-class moved in around the late 60s. *In 2010, over 50% of Americans lived in Suburbs.* Suburbs are the largest zones as they continue to expand

U.S. Personal Motor Vehicles statistics

*The average american drives 36 miles a day Public transport is cheaper, less polluting, more efficient than cars *83% of US trips are by car *Cars have comfort, choice, flexibility, perceivably cheaper *The US government encourages car use by covering 90% of road costs *Cars take a lot of land with roads and parking garages *The average American wastes 18 gallons or 42 hours a year sitting in traffic

Urban Morphology

*The layout of a city, its physical form and structure.

Vertical Features of the CBD

*Underground CBD*- Pipes for water and sewage, subways, and underground shopping centers. *Skyscrapers*- hearth for skyscrapers is Chicago. -China has 14,000 skyscrapers; more than the U.S. and Japan combined.


*Using plants to treat environmental problems without excavating contaminant material and disposing it. Ex: Needed on gas stations

Culture of Poverty

*Where poverty is persistent over time and generations *A way of living that reflects lack of income and hereditary wealth *Shortage of inexpensive housing, forcing more to pay expensive rent *Adequately funded schools *Individuals live in places from from entry level jobs *People have trouble getting credit for loans

Brown fields

*a former industrial or commercial site where future use is affected by real or perceived environmental contamination. *Can't be built on


*a residential or commercial district located on the outskirts of a city.* In 1950, 20% of Americans lived in Suburbs *In 2000, 50% of all Americans lived in suburbs* Suburbs offer detached single family housing, private land, space to park, and higher opportunity for home ownership. *families with children are attracted by the safety of a private space.*

green building

*construction and operational designs that promote resource and energy efficiency, and provide a better environment for occupants *The design, maintenance, construction, renovation, and demolition must be green and non polluting. Ex: Passive and active solar power. *Vegetation is grown on roof, collect rainwater runoff on sides, pack gravel and permial concrete to collect water

symbolic landscape

*landscapes that express values, beliefs, and meanings of a particular culture. NY: Statue of Liberty London: Big Ben Paris: Eiffel Tower Rome: Colosseum Sydney: Opera House Washington D.C: White house San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge

Festival landscape

*space within an urban environment that can accommodate a large number of people for entertainment and leisure *Ex: Parks, Concert arenas

Uneven development

*urban development that is not spread equally among a city's areas, leaving some areas richly developed and others continually poor and decrepit *Often caused by cumulative causation: *When money flows to areas of greatest development, rather than those that need it. *EX: Money going to the beach instead of run down city

Transportation: Truck

+ Short-distance, can be loaded & unloaded quickly, and decent cargo sizes. - Rest stops, diesel is expensive, bad for environment, traffic, and maintenance.

Transportation: Airplanes

+ fastest transportation - expensive, little cargo, and weather.

Transportation: Pipelines

+Best for liquids & gases, Last for decades. - Long time to build, could leak.

Transportation: Ships

+Crosses oceans, cheapest form of transportation, lots of cargo, and fuel efficient. - super slow, can only go to ports.

Transportation: Trains

+No stops, tons of cargo, fuel efficient. -Loading trains takes a while, limited to tracks.

Criticisms of Rostow's Model

- based only on patterns of Western Europe and and Anglo-American countries - does not consider issues that might limit a country's ability to develop (eg. post-colonial dependency)

Difference between U.S. and European CBDs

-U.S. CBDs are sprawled out; E.U. Compact -U.S. workers have personal transportation; E.U. workers use public transportation as some cities lay tolls on those who use personal transportation in the CBD -U.S. has zoning restrictions on where to build and not to build certain activities; E.U. does not -U.S. workers work in CBDs and leave to the suburbs; E.U. does not. ^U.S. workers that live in the CBD are "empty nesters"; Don't live with children.

Law of Intervening Opportunities

-by Stouffer -opportunities: change of plan during migration, generally positives -ex: destination NY but move to South FL

Adobe House

-made from earth and other organic materials

Prime Meridian

0 degrees longitude - passes through Greenwich, England

Four Largest Religions

1) Christianity (2.2 Billion; 31.5 of world pop) 2) Islam (1.6 Billion, 23.2% of world pop) 3) Hinduism (1 Billion, 15% of world pop) 4) Buddhism (500 Million, 7.1% of world pop)

Cleansing Steps

1) Move military equipment into a village with no strategic value. 2) Round up all the people and segregate men, women and children. Men are put into detention camps and sometimes killed. 3) Force people out. 4) Destroy village.

Language Statistics

1) There are about 6,500- 7,100 languages that exist. 2) 90% of those languages will go extinct in the next 100 years.

Types of Boundary Disputes

1)Definitional/ Positional- fighting over language of the treaty. 2)Locational- Parties don't agree on location of boundary. 3) Operational- Conflict on how the border should function. 4) Allocational- Fight over resources on the boundary.

Third Party Provider

A company that is independent and not a part of another country.

Ravenstein's Laws of Migration

1. Most migration is over a short distance. 2. Migration occurs in steps. 3. Long-range migrants usually move to urban areas. 4. Each migration produces a movement in the opposite direction (although not necessarily of the same volume). 5. Rural dwellers are more migratory than urban dwellers. 6. Within their own country females are more migratory than males, but males are more migratory over long distances. 7. Most migrants are young adults. 8. Large towns grow more by migration than by natural increase. 9. Migration increases with economic development. 10. Migration is mostly due to economic causes.

Contiguous Waters

12 to 24 Nautical Miles. States can set regulations over pollution, tax, customs, and immigration.

World Trade Organization (WTO)

164 member states; 97% of world trade involves WTO. Reduce barriers by negotiating reduction or elimination of international trade restrictions. Reduced or eliminated restrictions on the movement of money. One country can bring another country to the WTO if they have broken a WTO agreement.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

17 goals, examples: no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well being, quality education

American Migration

1790s- East Coast 1800-1840s- Moves west via canals 1850-1890s- Gold Rush settles Cali 1900-1940s- Great Plains are settled by railroads and farming. 1950-2010s- Moving South for weather.

Fishing Production

18 major fishing regions 2 major regions are the Pacific Northeast and Asia's inland waterways.

Definition of a City (Louis Wirth)

1930s Cities have 3 characteristics: Large size, high population density, and social heterogeneity. *Large Size*- -Lots of People -Different Social relationships than those formed in rural settlements *Pop Density*- -Lots of people in a small area. -People live in the apartments *Social Heterogeneity*- -Greater Social Freedom -Tolerance of diverse social behavior -people with similar interests.

Sector Model (Homer Hoyt)

1939 Chicago A model based on sectors that expand outward in a wedge from the CBD. *Zone 1:* CBD *Zone 2:* Transportation & Industry- Railroads, roads, and factories. *Zone 3:* Low-Class Residential- Live close to factories *Zone 4:* Middle-Class Residential- In proximity to CBD; some transportation. Different neighborhoods that correspond to the low-middle class and high-middle class. *Zone 5:* High-Class Residential- Far from CBD, transportation, and industry.

Multiple Nuclei Model (C.D. Harris & E.L. Ullman)

1945 L.A. All about different nodes with different activities Incompatible land-use activities avoid clustering together. (ex. heavy industry will very rarely cluster with high-income houses).

Carl Sauer

20th century geographer. Said that wherever a human culture exists, a cultural landscape exists as that culture's unique fingerprint on that space on the earth.

African Traditional Folk Religions

27 million, 2% of African Pop, follow folk religions.

Sub-Saharan African City Model (deBlij)

3 CBDs: *Colonial CBD* made by the former colonizers, *Traditional CBD* with big businesses, and *Market zone* that is primarily selling in the informal sector of the economy (don't report sells to government). CBDs are surrounded by ethnic neighborhoods. After that is the mining and manufacturing zone. Last are the informal satellite townships with squatters and bad-quality housing.

Characteristics of Suburbs

3 Rings: -*First Ring*: Older neighborhoods that once housed the higher-class. Now house lower-class -*Second Ring*: Growing and invading farmland. Process of growth is known as suburban sprawl. 2-3 decades old; middle-class. -*Third Ring*: Close to rural areas. Planned communities (developer builds entire neighborhood). Connects to gated communities.

Distribution of Islam

4 biggest Muslim Pops are Indonesia, Pakistan, Islam, and Bangladesh. Makes up 40% of the Islamic Pop.

Energy Demand

4 principle types of consumption: Industries, Transportation, Homes, & Commercial. Developing countries account for more energy usage than developed countries for the first time in 2006.

Europe's Immigration

40 mil immigrants (20 mil from within europe and 20 mil from outside of europe). Nearly all of eastern europe is net out and western europe is net in. Refugees from Middle-east, North Africa, and West Africa.

Dividing Ethnicities in Iraq

55% Shiites, 21% Kurds, and 19% Sunni U.S. went into Iraq because they believed there were weapons of mass destruction, but nothing was there.

Endangered Languages in the U.S.

61 languages are in trouble; 142 are dying.

Size of Urban Settlements

7 out of the 10 most populous cities are in LDCs. Jakarta, Dehli, Manila, Shanghai, Karachi, Beijing, and Guangzhou. All but 3 of the 100 fastest-growing urban settlements are in LDCs. Tokyo is the world's largest urban settlement.


71% Georgians, 8% Armenian, 6% Azeri, 6% Russian, 3% Ossetian, and 2% other. Minority Abkhazians and Ossetians broke away with the help of Russian Troops.


82% Albanian; 10% Serb Serbia has historical claim in Kosovo. Serbia took control of Kosovo and tried to ethnically cleanse the Albanians. NATO stepped in to stop this.

Distribution of Hinduism

97% of Hindus are in India.


A "minority" ethnic group wants to break away from one country to form its own sovereign nation or join another country.


A Japanese religion whose followers believe that all things in the natural world are filled with divine spirits. Japanese government says that 78% of Japan's pop practices Shintoism, but only 3% identify as that.

Population Pyramid

A bar graph representing the distribution of population by age and sex.


A boundary that separates regions in which different language usages predominate. Ex. Pop is used in the North, Soda is used in Urban Areas along the West Coast, New England, and Florida.


A chain of communication that connects places

Language Branch

A collection of languages related through a common ancestor in the same Language Family.


A territory that is legally tied to a sovereign state rather than completely independent. There are 17 colonies today with most of them being owned by Britain. Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth. Greenland is an Autonomous Unit. Hong Kong and Macau are administrative region.

Choropleth Map

A thematic map that uses tones or colors to represent spatial data as average values per unit area.

Guyana & Ethnicity

A third of the pop is of African Descent 43% from India 9% Indigenous.

California Central Valley

A third of vegetables in the U.S. are grown here. 2/3s of all nuts and fruits are cultivated here.

Mercator Projection

A true conformal cylindrical map projection, the Mercator projection is useful for navigation because it maintains accurate direction. Mercator projections are famous for their distortion. Ex. Greenland.


A two-dimensional, or flat, representation of Earth's surface or a portion of it.

Seasonal Mobility

A type of circulation mobility in which people move in a cyclical pattern


A type of map that signifies a thing's impact by using size.


A variation of a language. Ex. American English vs. British English.


A zone separating two states in which neither state exercises political control.


Ability of a state to govern its territory free from control of its internal affairs by other states.


Able to speak two languages *Ex. Canada speaks English and French

First Agricultural Revolution (Neolithic Revolution)

About 12,000 years ago Change from Nomads to Sedentary Farmers Stage 2 of the DTM Model Start of Job Specialization (i.e. Blacksmiths, farmers). Start of Gender Roles with Men farming and Women taking care of children. Could've happened by accident by dropping a seed and learning how to cultivate with water.

Pew Hispanic Center

Accurate Info, don't report to ICE.


Acts of violence designed to promote a specific ideology or agenda by creating panic among an enemy population. Domestic Examples: 9/11, Oklahoma bombing, Boston Marathon, etc.


Adapting plants and animals from the wild to human usage. Animal must be Docile, Strong, and Speedy.

Post-Fordist Production

Adoption by companies of flexible work rules, such as the allocation of workers to teams that perform a variety of tasks and problem solve.

Africa and Ethnicities

Africa contains several thousand ethnicities with distinct languages, religions, and customs. European colonies in Africa have influenced present day borders in Africa.

South Africa Apartheid

Afrikaan word means "separateness" A system of racial segregation in South Africa that was in effect for more than 50 years. Intended to protect white South African minority. Ended in 1991 at the same time Nelson Mandela release.

Anti-Naturalist Policy

Against high population growth. Ex. Indian and Chinese Policies

Global Terrorism

Al-Qaeda: Osama bin Laden. Pretty much over, but son of bin Laden is trying to start again. ISIS: Territory in Middle East is gone, but branches still exist outside the region. Boko-Haram: Founded by Mohammed Yusuf in 2009 in Northeaster Nigeria.

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania

All Baltic states that are part of N.A.T.O. Scared that Russia will attack them.

What is Latin America?

All Spanish speaking countries in the Western Hemisphere


All power is given to local governments. Little to no power in the central government.


All types of movement from one location to another.


Alliance formed to oppose Communism in Southeast Asia

Commercial Gardening and Fruit Farming

Also called Truck farming. Predominant type of agriculture in the SE U.S. Large number of consumers from NE U.S. Long growing seasons and humid climates. Some crops include: Strawberries, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Asparagus, and Peanuts.


Alternate to loans; provision of small loans and other financial services to individual and small businesses in developing countries. Ex. The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh loaned out money to women by giving them phones and the women made businesses by charging for calls and the women went to make enough money to make proper businesses.


American pronounce unaccented syllables more clearly than British.

Expendable Income

Amount of money left over after all of the bills have been paid.

Warsaw Pact

An alliance between the Soviet Union and other Eastern European nations. This was in response to the NATO.

Mr. Feinstein

An amazing teacher that deserves a lot more than we give him. You are great and keep up the good work. We know you are stressed 24/7 and we would like say thank you. You need a break, write a book while we are baking cookies. Thank you for everything - From Everyone

International Date Line

An arc that for the most part follows 180° longitude, although it deviates in several places to avoid dividing land areas. Going west results in a different day.

Census Tract

An area delineated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census for which statistics are published. 5,000 people and usually correlates to a neighborhood

Formal Region (Uniform Region)

An area in which everyone shares in one or more distinctive characteristics.

Transport Statistics

Average American travels 36 miles a day. *In Urban areas, public transport is cheaper, less polluting, and more energy efficient.* Nonetheless, 83% of trips in the U.S. are still made by car or truck.

Gross National Income Per Capita

Average wealth per person.

Agricultural Hearths: Southwest Asia

Barley, Wheat, Lentil, Olives were domesticated 10,000 years ago. Domestication of cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep 8,000-9,000 years ago. Dogs were domesticated 12,000 years ago.

Concentric Model (E.W. Burgess)

Based on 1920s Chicago A model of the internal structure of cities in which social groups are spatially arranged in a series of rings. *Zone 1:* CBD- Downtown area *Zone 2:* Zone of Transition- immigrants come in, manufacturing, cheap, run-down housing. *Zone 3:* Blue Collar Residential- Working-class homes. *Zone 4:* Middle income residential- More expensive housing, more spacious housing, possibly 1 family house. *Zone 5:* Commuter Residential- Live in small communities, nice houses, longer commute to CBD.

Cottage Industry

Before industrial revolution, cotton was made at home.


Belief in many gods. Ex. Hinduism


Belief in one god (Judaism, Christianity, Islam)


Belief that there is no god.

T.V. Distribution

Biggest leisure activity in the world. Average woman watched 3 hours. Popped up in multiple places at once: U.S., U.K., U.S.S.R., France, Germany, and Japan. Took half a century to diffuse throughout the world.

U.S.-Mexico Border Issues

Border is 2,000 miles long, 1/4th of it has barriers, and there is a lot of border patrol. There is a joint U.S.-Mexican International Boundary and Water Commissions.

Cultural Boundaries

Borders based on culture traits, like language and religion. (ex. Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan).

North American Pop Clusters

BosNYWash Chicagoland South Florida Californian Cities T.O.M.- Toronto Ottowa Montreal

Brazil & Ethnicity

Brazil classifies people into color: Branco (White), Pardo (Brown), Preto (Black), Amarelo (Yellow), and Indigenous. Brancos live in the south, Indigenous live in the north, Pretos live in the northeast, and Pretos live in the West-Central.

BRIC Countries

Brazil, Russia, India, China. These 4 countries are expected to lead manufacturing in the future, if they can get there stuff together.

South American Pop Clusters

Brazil: Rio de Jainero to Sao Paulo

Metes and Bounds

Breaking up land using physical boundaries like mountains, rivers, and trees.

Orthodox Branch

Broke away from Catholicism. Follow 7 Sacraments, but not the pope's orders.

Cumulative Causation (Myrdal)

Build up process of the advantageous benefits & flow of money and people goes into the area. Surrounding area suffers the backwash effects.

Motor Vehicle

Bulk-gaining and close to markets. China makes the most cars.

Pop Foods

Burgers, French Fries, and Fast Food.


Business owners must keep labor costs low. China has around 1/4 of the world's manufacturing workers; India 1/5; all MDCs 1/5. Average wage paid to manufacturing workers is about $35/ hour; in China & Taiwan it's $2/hour.

Proximity to outputes

Businesses locate near the market because the cost of transporting to the market is higher than transporting from the natural resources.

Locational Interdependence Theory (Hotelling)

Businesses tend to locate close to their competitors.

Proximity to inputs

Businesses that locate manufacturing near natural resources because the cost of transporting the resources is more than transporting to the market.

Percentage in Urban Settlements

By 2030, 60% of all humans will live in urban cities. 77% of people live in urban areas in MDCs; 48% in LDCs Latin America has a greater percentage in urban areas than other LDCs. Almost the same as MDCs.


Calculated the circumference of the earth Invented the word Geography Broke earth down into 5 climates Had a concept of the earth being spherical

California Conservation

California's limited water supply from 2 sources: Surface Water (from bodies of waters) and Groundwater (pumped from the ground). Water Supply in the north. Agriculture in the Central and South. 80% of California's water supply goes to central Cali.


Capture of wild fish and other seafood living in the waters. Aquaculture (aquafarming)- is the cultivation of seafood under controlled conditions. This is less healthy as the fish swim in their own feces and require lots of antibiotics.

Dialects become languages

Catalan: Catalan has split from Spanish. Moldovan: Identical to Romanian, but written in cyrillic letters. Italy: Lombard, Napoletano-Calebrese, Piemontese, Sicilian, and Venetian dialects in Italy.

Localization Economy

Category that occurs when many firms of the same industry benefit from clustering together as they share skilled labor & costs. Ex. Silicon Valley & Research triangle of North Carolina.

Catholic Branch

Catholicism: Original branch. Hierarchy with Pope at the top. 7 Sacraments: Baptism, the Eucharist, Penance, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Anointing the Sick.

Von Thunen Model

Central Circle is the village, town, or city. The first ring is vegetables and dairying. The second ring is forests for wood. The third ring is for grain crops. The fourth ring is ranching & livestock. Going outwards the labor goes from intensive to extensive.


Cheese, Butter, and dried, evaporated, and condensed milk. California has a big milkshed. India has the biggest milk production, but is all domestic. New Zealand exports the most dairy products in the world. Don't sell much liquid milk.

Agricultural Hearths: Central and South Asia

Chickens diffused from South Asia 4,000 years ago. Horse domesticated in Central. Sheep.


China produces 1/3 of the world's yield of fish. Other producers include Japan, Indonesia, Peru, and Chile.

Top 5 most populated countries and Global Pop

China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil in order. 7.7 Billion People.

Senkaku/ Diaoyu Islands Sovereignty Issues

China, Japan, and Taiwan all claim the same set of islands in the East China Sea. Mostly want it for the resources.

Distribution of Islam and Christianity

Christianity is the major religion in the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Oceania. Islam is the major religion in North Africa, Southwest Asia, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia.

Sanctuary Cities

Cities with politically liberal electorates that do not enforce federal immigration laws

Physical Conditions

Climate conditions that contribute to what is grown in that area

Perishable-Products Companies

Close to markets. Ex. Milkshed Primarily deals with food.

Open Shop vs Closed Shop

Closed Shop- no requirement to join a union. Open Shop- must join a union.

Fossil Fuel

Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fuels that are ancient remains of plants and animals. 5/6 of the world's energy comes from fossil fuels.

Drug Trade

Cocaine, derived from the coca leaf, most of which comes from Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Heroin, derived from the opium poppy plant. 90% comes from Afghanistan and the Taliban controls it. Also grown in Burma and Laos. Marijuana, derived from cannabis sativa plant. Grown in Mexico and goes to U.S. but Marijuana is becoming legal in many U.S. states.

Agricultural Hearths: Southeast Asia

Coconut, Mango, Taro, and Sugar.

Nonpoint Source Pollution

Comes from a large, diffused area. Diseases in water include: Cholera, Typhoid, and Dysentery.

China and Taiwan Sovereignty Issues

Commies and Nationalists were fighting in China and the Nationalists fled to Taiwan. There they proclaimed that they still ruled mainland China. China still claims to own Taiwan. Taiwan wants to be completely sovereign.

Korea Sovereignty Issues

Communist "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" (North Korea) vs. Democratic "Republic of Korea (South Korea). Both want to unite the Korean Peninsula under the full control of themselves. North Korea has Nukes

Air pollution

Concentration of trace substances at a greater level than occurs in average air. *Burning coal* produces Sulfur dioxide & solid particulates. *Burning petroleum* produces carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, & particulates.


Concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves

Second Agricultural Revolution (No Name)

Connects to the Industrial Revolution. Began in Europe in the 1600s. Rich Land owners kicked poor farmers off open lots. Poor Farmers with no farms went to cities to work in factories. Crop Rotation Starts Better Irrigation (Watering) Systems. Start of Chemical Fertilizers. Some improvements with field drainage.

Folk Clothing

Connects to the environment and Culture. Examples: Hijabs, monk robes, and Burqas.

Soviet Union

Consisted of 15 republics based on the 15 biggest ethinicities. This Includes: Russia Three Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Three European states of Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. Five Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Three Caucasus states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia.

Central Business District (CBD)

Consists of less than 1% of the urban land, but contains a large percentage of the public, business, and consumer services. *Public Services*- City hall, courts, county and state agencies, and libraries. *Business Services*- Advertising, banking, finance, journalism, and law. *Consumer Services*- Retailers with high thresholds, retailers with high ranges, and retailers that serve people working in a CBD.

Geometric Boundaries

Constructed by humans usually using Longitude and Latitude. (ex. American-Canadian Border runs for 2,100 km on 49N Latitude.

Substitution Principle

Contrasts to Weber's Least Cost Theory. Suggests that business owners can juggle expenses as long as labor, land, and transportational does not all rise at once.

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Controls price & amount of petroleum. Primarily in SW Asia & North Africa. 15 members starting in 1960. Limits oil production with quotas.

Planned Economy

Country where the government controls food production.

Rank Size Rule (Zipf)

Country's nth-largest settlement has 1/n the population of the largest settlement. Ex. if the largest city has 300 people, the 3rd largest city will have 100 people. Connects to MDCs with a federal form of government. Services can be found evenly distributed throughout the country. Wealth is distributed throughout the country. (ex. U.S., Canada, Australia)

Consequences of Gerrymandering

Creates Gridlocks in Congress where decisions can't be made. Representatives don't reflect the socioeconomic or ethnicity of the district. Voters don't want to vote.

Government Types

Democracy- People elect representatives Autocracy- Leader leads country with their interest. Anocracy- Mixture of Democracy and Autocracy. Oligarchy- Run by the Rich Absolute Monarchy- King or Queen have full control. Constitutional Monarchy- King or Queen with no power. Ran by a legislative government. (Ex. U.K. has the royal family w/ no power and Parliament.

World System Analysis Theory (Wallerstein)

Describes relationship between developed and developing countries. Core= Developed; Periphery= Developing. Every country is interconnected. Gunderfrank made the dependency theory: old colonies depend on their former colonizers. Wallerstein says that colonization by Western European Countries led to the domination that led to exploitation by the core countries.

Origin and Diffusion of Romance Languages

Developed from the Roman's Latin. Common folk spoke "vulgar Latin". Once Roman Empire fell, vulgar Latin became seperate languages. Spread more during colonization by European powers in the colonization era.


Dialect spoken by some African Americans. Some African words have diffused into English.


Dietary energy consumption that is continuously below the minimum requirement for maintaining a healthy life and carrying out light physical activity. Largest numbers seen in India and China.

CBDs in Europe

Different Land Uses *Residencies:* CBDs are smaller but more people live in them. Need public transport. Rich live in CBD. *Consumer:* Everything is in the CBD like Bakeries, Butchers, night life, etc. *Public Services:* Church & Royal Palaces *Business:* Workers live in the CDB

Diffusion of Internet

Diffused in a 1-2 decades. Similar diffusion pattern to the T.V.


Distance east or west of the prime meridian, measured in degrees. Aka the vertical lines on the map.

Electoral Geography in the U.S.

Drawing of legislative boundaries after each census.

Durable vs Non-Durable Goods

Durable- Military grade gear, Spam, MREs (Meals Ready to Eat). Nondurable- Fresh Food

Russian Migration:

During Soviet Union people were moved to Siberia. Now people are going back to the west.

Inequality Within Developed Countries

During the 20th century, the gap between the rich and poor narrowed in MDCs. Bezos, Gates, and Buffet have a combined worth equal to 50% of the U.S. population.


Early factories were in cities as there was proximity to a close market, convenience to shipping by train, large supply of labor, and sources to capital. Had multiple floors. Now many factories are 1 story buildings that are long.

4 Global Pop Cultures

East Asia: China, Japan, The Koreas, and Tawain. 1/4 of world pop lives here. South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. 1/4 of world pop lives here. Europe: Four dozen countries; predominantly urban. Southeast Asia: 600 million people.

Regional Lingua Franca

East Asia: Mandarin Southeast Asia: Javanese South Asia: Hindi Former Soviet Union: Russian Africa: Swahili

Structural Adjustment Program

Economic policies imposed on LDCs by an international agency to create conditions that encourage international trade. *Requirements*- Spending only what a country can afford, *directing benefit to the poor*, diverting investments from military spending to health & education spending, *investing resources where they will have the most impact*, encouraging a more productive private sector, and *making civil service more efficient*.

Comprised Modernity

Economic, Political, and Cultural changes that occur in a rapidly condensed manner. A country grows in development and climbs up in the DTM model at a rapid pace.

Thomas Malthus

Eighteenth-century English intellectual who warned that population growth would exceed food supply. Wanted the rich to have abstinance and the poor to die off.


Empowerment of GII is measured by 2 things: percentage of women in legislature & percentage of women who have completed secondary school. Usually more men in legislature than women; Rwanda is the exception. 54% of women complete high school worldwide compared to 64% of men. In North America, women are more likely to graduate than men.

Geothermal Energy

Energy from hot water or steam from volcanic activity. Philippines, Indonesia, and Iceland use it the most.

Ethnicity and Nationality in the UK

English are descendants of Germanic tribes Welsh, Scots, and Irish are Celtic.

Endangered Languages in Australia

English has seen the fall of many Aboriginal languages.

Soccer from Folk to Pop

English started by kicking the skull of a danish soldier. Later Entire villages started to play against each other. Associations started to form.

3 Gs

Europeans wanted Gold, Glory, and to spread the word of God.

Chinese Migration:

Everyone is going to the eastern coast. Hokou is a passport but for use inside of China. Migrants don't receive government benefits.

Absolute Location

Exact location of a place on the earth described by global coordinates

Agricultural Hearths: Sub-Saharan Africa

Sorghum domesticated 8,000 years ago. Yam, Watermelon, Coffee.

Ethnicities in the U.S.

Hispanic-American: A person who has migrated from a Spanish-speaking country. Most are Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban. Asian-American: A person who has migrated from an Asian country. Most are Chinese, Filipino, and Indian. African-American: Most can trace back their ancestry to West Africa. Most ancestors arrived to the U.S. 300-400 years ago. Indigenous: Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians in the U.S.. First Nations, Inuits, and Metis in Canada.

Distribution of Ethnicities in the US

Hispanics- Southwest and South Florida African Americans- Southeast Asian Americans- West Coast Indigenous- Southwest, Alaska, Hawaii, and Great Plains.

Long Lots

Houses erected on narrow lots perpendicular along a river, so that each original settler had equal river access.


How a feature spreads from one place to another.


How states interact and compete with each other.

Fish Consumption

Human consumption of fish & seafood increased from 27 million tons in 1960s to 132 million in 2012. Fish consumption has increased faster than the population growth.

Forced Migration

Human migration flows in which the movers have no choice but to relocate.


Human personality exists after death and communicate with the living. Mostly in Brazil.

D.R. Congo

Hutu-Tutsi conflict has spread into D.R. Congo. Congo is considered to have suffered from the worst wars in the past 70 years. 5 million dead from Malaria, starvation, pneumonia, etc.


Iconic symbol of a city. Ex. Paris and the Eiffel Tower


Identity with a group of people that share cultural traditions of a homeland or hearth.


Identity with a group of people that share legal attachment to a particular country.


Identity with a group of people who are perceived to share a physiological trait such as skin color.

The Third Agriculture Revolution (Green Revolution) cont.

In Asia, Rice production increased 66% by 1985. India was able to supply its own wheat and rice by the 80s. Famine was averted in India and China. Entire Western Hemisphere was impacted. E.U. was barely affected as GMOs are illegal. Revolution never impacted Sub-Saharan Africa as the seed cost too much to buy and maintain.


In MDCs, the main source of protein is meat. LDCs want to start eating meat.

Where do more than 50% of people live

In Urban areas

Columbian Exchange

In the Early 1800s, crops were moved between the Old (Eastern Hem) and New World (Western Hem). *Western Hemisphere*: Maize, Cayenne Pepper, Bell Peppers, Potato, Tomato, Manioc (Yuca), Tobacco, Rubber, Peanuts, Cacao, and Turkeys. *Eastern Hemisphere*: Wheat, Rice, Coffee, Apples, Citrus, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Chickens, Sheep, and Goats.


Increase in spending, which produces an increase in the national income, which increases consumer consumption, and the economy grown in that cycle.

Asian Pop Clusters

India, East Coast of China, and Japan from Tokyo to Osaka

Ubiquitous Industries

Industries found everywhere near a market. relates to perishable-products companies.

Diffusion of Social Media

Initially the U.S. dominated social media. Facebook is the most popular social media platform around the world.

Fair Trade

International trade that provides greater equity to workers and small businesses in developing countries. Moves products made in LDCs to MDCs. Fair trade promotes the usage of organic farming.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Investment of a TNC into the economy of another country. FDIs often go to MDCs.


Iron ore & Coal are heavy thus factories are placed near the materials. Steel production has now shifted closer to markets as steel is being reused. U.S. used to be the biggest producers of steel; now it's China. China makes so much steel that they sell it for cheap. They dominate the steel market.

Industrial Revolution (cont.)

Iron, Transporting, Textiles, Chemical, and Food processing industries were hugely impacted.


Isolation results in different words for the same thing. Ex. Chips in America are Crisps in England.

Global Food Trade

Japan is the leading importer of food, followed by the U.K., and Russia. The U.S. is the world's biggest exporter, including half the world's maize exports.

Peripheral Cities/ Galactic Cities Model (Chauncey Harris

Modified Nuclei Model An urban area consists of an inner city surrounded by large suburban residential and service nodes or nuclei tied by a beltway, highway, or ringroad. People go to work in the central city. (ex. Tyson's Corner, Virginia)

Shatterbelt Theory (Saul Cohen)

Modified heartland to be the "Pivot Area" and the rimland to "Inner Crescent". Everything else is "Outer Crescent". Conflicts will happen in the Inner and Outer Crescent. Predicted Cold War.

Venture Capital

Money to start up companies. Usually capitalist risk investing money into a new company in hopes of making lots of money. Most famous location where this has happened is Silicon Valley. Unicorn start-ups are unique and rare because the company reaches a value $1 billion in a quick amount of time. Ex. Uber, Lyft, AirBnB, Pinterest.

Assumptions of the Least Cost Theory

More distance and weight means higher transportation costs. Industries are all competitive and aim to minimize costs while maximizing profits. Markets are in fixed locations. Labor only exists in certain areas and are not mobile. Assuming land and political landscape are uniform.

Education and Health Care for Women

More education= More economic control, chances for employment, and understanding of family planning for women. Better Health Care= Better understanding of taking care of babies, learn about STDs, and better survival rates for babies.

Sahrawi Republic/Western Sahara Sovereignty Issues

Morocco and Sahrawi Arab Republic both have claims to the area. Morocco controls the western side of the territory near the coast and the Polisario Front controls the east.

Dividing Ethnicities in Iran

Most are Persians and Shiites. Also, Azeri and Baluchi. Iran became a Theocracy after the previous leader left the country. Ayatollah took power.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Most ethnically diverse of the nations formed from Yugoslavia. 44% Muslim Bosniaks, 31% Serbs, 17% Croat. Bosniaks were cleansed by Croats and Serbs. Serbs and Croats gained land after the ethnic cleansing, but some were charged for war crimes.

Cereal Grains

Most humans derive most of their KiloCalories from cereal grains. Wheat- Principal grain consumed in MDCs; Mostly in Europe and North America. Rice- Principal grain consumed in developing regions of East, South, and SE Asia. Maize- Leading crop in the world. Mostly eaten in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Used as Animal Feed.

North-South Gap/ Brandt Line

Most of the world's developed countries are in the northern hemisphere. LDCs are southern of all the developed countries.


Movement of individuals into a population

Islam in Europe and North America

Muslims account for 5% of Europe's population. Up to 5 million Muslims in North America.

Ethnicity and Nationality in the U.S. & Canada

Nationality and Ethnicity are usually seen as separate in the U.S. Quebecois in Canada are seen as a Nationality and Ethnicity.

Origin and Diffusion of English

Native Celts in British Isles were invaded by Germanic Tribes (A.D. 450), Vikings from Scandinavia (9th Century), and the Normans (A.D. 1066). English Colonize the U.S. Colonies. U.S. took control of the Philippines in 1899.

Backwash effect

Negative consequences of agglomeration that can occur when out-migration occurs. aka, Brain Drain.

Early Urban Settlements

Neolithic Revolution allowed the first settlements because farming gave a stable food supply. Start of government & religious practices Mesopotamia; Fertile Crescent

U.S. Dialects

New England, Texas South, New York, West, Midwest.

World/ Global Cities

New York, London, Tokyo Share these traits: *Headquarters for big TNCs. (ex. U.N. is in New York, Tokyo has Sony, etc.)* All have stock exchanges *High-end, luxury shopping. (5th Ave. in New York)* Some of the best museums *Airline hubs; can take you anywhere in the world* Big hubs for entertainment. (Broadway in New York, West End in London).


Noah Webster created the first dictionary and intentionally changed the spelling of words and grammar rules to differentiate American English from British English.

Luxury Crops

Non-subsistence crops such as tea, cacao, coffee, and tobacco

Water Pollution

Nonconsumptive Water Usage- Use of water that is returned to nature as a liquid. (Ex. Electric Dams). Consumptive Water Usage- The use of water evaporates rather than being returned. (Ex. Agriculture).

Problems with U.S. Census

Nonparticipation- Many homeless and undocumented immigrants don't participate. Sampling- More accurate count; especially in rural areas.


North Atlantic Treaty Organization; an alliance made to defend one another from the Warsaw Pact. Started with 14 members; now has 29 members, with many in Eastern Europe.


North is African Muslim Arabs; South is either Christian or Folk. Sudan's government sent the Janjaweed, a group of marauding Arab nomads, to ethnically cleanse and commit genocide against the revolting Darfur people.

Cardinal Directions

North, South, East, West


North-Korean ideology in which it remains completely independent from other nations. Made by Kim-Il Sung

Intraregional Migration of Industries in the U.S.

Northeast has lost jobs while the South and West have gained jobs. South ahas a lot of right-to-work laws and no unions.


Not In My Backyard attitude. People don't want things like landfills to be put where they live.


Not in my backyard. Nevada's Yucca Mountains was home to radioactive waste and the citizens said, "NOT IN MY BACKYARD" and got rid of the radioactive material from the area.

Plantation Farming

Occurs in LDCs for Commercial Purposes Cash Crops exported to MDCs TNCs run commercial agriculture in in LDCs for exportation to MDCs. Found in tropical or subtropical climates. Most important crops grown are: Bananas, Sugar Cane, Rubber, Coffee, Palm Oil, Cacao, and Tea.

Agglomeration (Alfred Marshall)

Occurs when companies cluster together. They agglomerate to share the costs of infrastructure.

Language Replacement

Occurs when invaders replace with their own language the language of the people whom they conquer.

Agglomeration Economy

Occurs when the positive effects of agglomeration (like lower costs for industry) results in lower cost for customers. Ex. Sawgrass, any mall

India Policy

Offered free family planning, clinics, contraceptives, and abortions. Emergency Period (1970s) saw millions of men and women forcibly sterilized by the government.

China Population Policy

One Child Policy; Permit needed to have a child; Couples got financial subsidies, long maternity leave, better housing, and (rural) more land if only one kid; Free contraceptives, abortions, and sterilizations. 33 Million more males than females in China today.


One way to scale a feature on earth's surface. A written relationship.


One way to scale a feature on earth's surface. Ex. I:250


One way to scale a feature on earth's surface. Usually a bar line on a map.

Dividing Ethnicities in Syria

Ongoing Civil War 90% Arabs, 9% Kurds 64% Sunni, 4% Alawi, and 10% Christians.

Migration Selectivity

Only people exhibiting certain characteristics in a population choosing to migrate

International Trade Path

Opening up to trade with other countries. Comparative Advantage- Identifying a country's distinctive or unique economic asset. Something that the country can produce cheaply at a higher quality than other countries. Ex. Cheap Labor in SE Asia.

Supranational Organization

Organization of three or more states to promote shared objectives. When countries join a supranational organization, they give up some sovereignty. (ex. U.N.)

Mediterranean Agriculture

Originates from the Med. Climate. Places like Chile, California, South Africa, and Australia. Mild Rainy winters and hot dry summers. In proximity of a water source to be cooled down by a breeze. Biggest crops grown are grapes, olives, and citrus.

Off-Shore Outsourcing

Outsourcing to a far away country.

Onshore Outsourcing

Outsourcing to a firm located in the same country.

Near Shore Outsourcing

Outsourcing to a neighboring country.

Dividing Ethnicities in Afghanistan

Pashtun, Tajik, and Hazara are the biggest ethnicities. Taliban is Pashtun.

Solar Energy

Passive energy systems- capture energy without using special devices. Ex. windows that absorb heat. Active energy systems- Collecting energy and converting it either to heat energy or electricity. Photo voltaic cells are used to capture the sun's rays. Used majorly in Japan, Israel, SW U.S, and SW Asia


Patch of land cleared for planting through slashing and burning.

China with Gender Preference

Patriarchal Society where males are preferred as they honor the family and take care of elderly. 118 Million Girls are Missing.

Brazilian Migration

People are moving in land as the capital was moved to more inside the country.

Human Capital Theory

People from LDCs move to MDCs for better jobs

Sedentary Farmer Theory

People in Turkey diffused into Europe and Asia spreading Proto-Indo-European language

Interregional Migration

Permanent movement from one region to another region.

Voluntary Migration

Permanent movement undertaken by choice.

Intraregional Migration

Permanent movement within one region of a country. More common than Interregional.

Environmental Downsides

Pesticides and Fertilizers cause soil and water pollution and contamination. Workers exposed to chemicals like Roundup-Ready have health issues. GMO seeds require more water. Genetic diversity declines. Pollution from high-tech machinery.

Cultural Landscape/Built Landscape

Physical imprint a culture makes on the environment. Ex. Buildings, Architecture, and Landscaping

Food Security

Physical, social, and economic access at all times to safe and nutritious food sufficient to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Culture Region

Places and People that have similar cultural systems.


Plant and animal material. An issue is that this biomass could be used as food, clothing, etc.

Winter Wheat

Planted in Fall and harvested in the early summer. States include Kansas, Oklahoma, and Colorado.

Spring Wheat

Planted in the spring and harvested in late summer. States include the Dakotas, Montana, and Southern Saskatchwen, Canada.

Net Out:

South Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa

YUK (Comparative Advantages of the U.K.

Plentiful natural resources, ports, and navigable rivers. Built canals in the rivers. The U.K has ocean and water access at nearly every point. Big supply of coal. Iron industry benefited. Lots of skilled workers and population boomed. Lots of trade with its overseas territories. Stable government that were pro-business.

Segregation Policies

Plessy vs. Ferguson- Ruled segregation was legal as the supreme court saw that everything was "separate but equal". Brown vs. Board of Education- Ruled segregation was illegal as the supreme court saw everything was separate and not equal.


Political and Economic dominance in a region or throughout the world

Canadian Migration

Pop Moving from East to West. Net in: B.C. and Alberta Net out: Ontario and Quebec

Unitary State

Power all in the Central Government. (Ex. France) Used in countries that are compact and small.

Animate Power

Power supplied by animals or by people themselves.

Shifting Cultivation

Practiced in Tropical Conditions. Practiced by 250 million people. Found in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and SE Asia. Farmers grow crops on cleared land for only a few years. Soil's nutrients are depleted and left fallow. Can grow crops for 3 years. Takes up 1/4th of the world's land area.

Health Care

Present in MDCs and especially in Scandinavia. U.S. doesn't have a national health care.


Primary purpose is economic and political cooperation* Euro is used by 19 of the 26 countries.* Subsides are given to farmers in bad seasons.* Travel is easy with open borders.**


Process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities

Ethnic Cleansing

Process in which more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region.


Process of giving up some traditional values to conform to a dominant culture.


Process of giving up traditional values to conform to a dominant culture.


Process of redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting the party in power. Wasted Vote: Opposition supporters are spread across many districts as a minority. Excess Vote: Opposition Supporters are concentrated into a few districts. Stacked Vote: Distant areas are connected in weird patterns.

Robinson Projection

Projection that attempts to balance several possible projection errors. It does not maintain completely accurate area, shape, distance, or direction, but it minimizes errors in each.

Following WWII and the disarmament of their military, Japan did what

Promote industrial development through direct investment.

Proven Reserves

Proven Reserve- The supply of energy in deposits that have been discovered. *Coal*- Approx. 1 trillion metric tons (23,000 BTUs) of coal. Current coal reserves would last 130 years. *Natural Gas*- Approx. 200 trillion cubic meters (7,000 quad BTUs). Current natural gas reserves would last 56 years. *Petroleum*- Approx. 1.6 trillion barrels (10,000 BTUs). Current petroleum reserves would last 55 years.

Public Services

Provide security and protection for citizens and businesses 10% of all U.S. Jobs

Ancillary Services

Provide support to the major industries. Ex. Food, parts, gas, etc.

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)

Provides loans to countries for infrastructure development. Lends money from sales of bonds to private investors.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Provides loans to countries having issues with balance-of-payments threatening the expansion of international trade. Helps a country rebuild international reserves, stabilize currency, exchange rates, and pay for harsh imports. Christine Lagarde is the leader of the IMF and is the most powerful woman in the world.

International Development Association (IDA)

Provides money to countries too risky to be given a loan from the IBRD. Lends money from government contributes.

International Sanctions

Punishments in the form of economic and/or diplomatic limits or even isolation. Given when rules of a supranational organization is violated. Current states under sanction include Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

Dividing Ethnicities in Pakistan

Punjabi is the biggest ethnicity, but there are also Pashtun and Balawi.

Hunters and Gatherers

Quarter Million people, less than .005% of the world's pop, still hunt.

Livestock Ranching

Ranching- the commercial grazing of livestock over an extensive area. The entire interior of Australia is ranching. Mostly Sheep. Pampas produces the best beef in the planet. China produces a lot of pork.


Reaps, threshes, and cleans the grain.

Economic Downsides

Reduction in human labor leading to job losses. GMO seeds are prone to crop failure. Less than 5% of African farmers use GMOs. rBGh (recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone) mimic growth hormones in animals.

Wet-Rice Dominant

Regions include SE China, East India, and SE India. Rice is planted on dry land and then seedlings to a flooded field to promote growth. Terrace Farming is used to farm rice as every segmented area needs to remain flooded.


Relating to Agriculture

Unconventional Resources

Resources are considered unconventional if we lack economically feasible or environmentally sound technology. *Oil Sands*- Saturated with thick petroleum and is referred to as tar. Dark color and foul odor. *Fracking*- Pumping water of high pressure to break apart rocks to find oil. Damaging to the environment as sediment is destroyed and water is wasted.

Agricultural Hearths: East Asia

Rice was domesticated 10,000 years ago along the Yangtze River. Millet along the Yellow River. Soybeans.

Public Transport

Rush Hour- 4 Consecutive 15-minute periods that have the heaviest traffic.

"New Cold War"

Russia is being gangsta by taking Ukrainian territory, interfering in elections in western countries, and Putin's actions in Syria. U.S. and Russia aren't signing a missile treaty.

Largest State and Smallest State (In Landmass)

Russia is the largest Vatican is the smallest

World Oil Trade

Russia to Europe, Sw Asia to Europe and Japan. The U.S. and Europe import over 50% of their petroleum. Before Trump, the government supported more fuel-efficient vehicles.

Russians in Ukraine

Russians invaded Crimea in 2014 and has annexed (forcible acquisition of land) it. Crimea is 60% ethnically Russian.

Rwanda and Burundi

Rwanda and Burundi have suffered from genocide between the Hutus, who make up the majority of the population, and the Tutsis, who historically have had more power. Peace Treaty in 1993 ended in 1994 as a helicopter carrying Hutu presidents was shot down. Hutus killed 800,000 Tutsis in Rwanda and 300,000 in Burundi.

Small Scale and Large Scale

SS- view of large area LS- view of small area

Solid Waste Pollution

Sanitary Landfill- A place to deposit sold waste. Hazardous Waste- disposing of dangerous waste with extra care.

Satellite and Buffer State

Satellite States- Communist allies in Eastern Europe. Buffer States- States between two opposing countries.

Samual Huntington

Says Democratization happened in 3 waves. 1) Pre-WWII 2) Post WWII to the 1960s 3) From 1970s to now. Can be argued that the third wave has ended or is ending with new authoritarians emerging.


Scientific study of human populations.


Seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pastures.

Hydroelectric Power

Second most popular source of electricity after coal. 2/3 of this power is made in developing countries. 80% of Brazil's power; 60% of Canada's power. Three Gorges Dam in China is the biggest in the world.

Central Place Theory (Walter Christaller)

Settlements exist as "central places" to provide services to the hinterlands. Model is a hexagon shape as it is the happy medium between circles and squares. Circles tend to overlap and leave gaps; Squares tend to have a big difference in the distance of the center to a side and the distance of the center to a corner.

Folk Religions

Shamanism- Shaymans are people that have special powers in their community. Shaymans are often called with doctors. Animism- A belief that spirits live within doctors. Ex. Shintoism in Japan

What are the ways that a projection can affect a map?

Shape, Distance, Size, and Direction can all be distorted by different types of projections.

Pop Clothing

Shows occupation Examples: Lawyers wear suits and Doctors wear scrubs.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

Shows the worth of money in one country compared to another. Ex. A gallon of milk can cost $2 in the U.S., but it can cost $6 in the U.K., thus the U.S. has stronger purchasing power as they can buy more gallons of milk than the U.K.

Which industrial region contains an exceptionally varied collection of minerals valuable in the mining industry?

Silesia in Central Europe; primarily Poland

Offshore Financial Services

Small countries, usually islands or microstates, offer off-shore financial centers. Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains are usually low or nonexistent *Privacy*- Bank secrecy allows companies to evade taxes in other countries Ex. Caiman Islands

Environmental Determinism

Social and Cultural development is caused by the physical environment.

Federal State

Some degree of power is given to local governments. Used in countries that are big and ethnically diverse. (Ex. U.S.)

Post Colonial Dependency/ Neo Colonialism

Some political and economic structures in former colonies were built to benefit European Colonizers. Roads, Healthcare, Schools, and more weren't set up. In order to build infrastructure, countries have to borrow from their ex-mother country.

Conclusions of Central Place Theory

Some small amount of competition between merchants in central place. No area isn't served; everywhere is served

Internally Displaced Person (IDP)

Someone who has been forced to migrate for similar political reasons as a refugee but has not migrated across an international border

Asylum Seeker

Someone who has migrated to another country in the hope of being recognized as a refugee

Per Capita

means per person or per head.

DTM Model

Stage 1: Very High CBR, Very High CDR, Low NIR Stage 2 (Less Developed Countries): Very High CBR, Low CDR, Very High NIR Stage 3 (Newly Developed Countries): Declining CBR, Low CDR, Moderate NIR Stage 4 (More Developed Countries): Low CBR, Low CDR, Very Low to Zero NIR Stage 5: Very Low CBR, Increasing CDR, Declining NIR

The Third Agriculture Revolution (Green Revolution)

Starts in the 1950s, but really started going in the 70s. Two main practices: Higher yield seeds and expanded use of fertilizers. Agricultural productivity at a global scale has increased more rapidly than population growth. Grain production has increased 45% globally. Higher yield seeds require more nitrogen and pesticides.

Multinational State

State that contains two or more ethnic groups with traditions of self-determination that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities. (Ex. U.K. with England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.)


Steps: 1) Competitive and fair elections. 2) Civil Liberties- Freedom of Speech, etc. 3) Rule of Law- No one is above the law. 4) Neutral Judiciaries- Unbiased judges and courts. Provides Checks and Balances. 5) Open Civil Society- Let people do what they want without government ties. 6) Mass Media is separate from government 7) Civilian control of the military prevents Coup d'Etats

Boundary Creation

Steps: 1) Definition: Going to the exact location that is claimed and either negotiating the boundary or being gangsta and taking it forcefully. 2) Delimitation: Ready to draw the Boundary 3) Demarcation: Physical mark on the Boundary 4) Administration: Enforcing the Boundary

Mixed Crop & Livestock

Stereotypical Farm. Crops grown are fed to animals. 3/4 of income are the sell of animal products. Animals require year-round attention; field don't.

U.S. and Great Britain invested in Asian Tigers to_____

Stop communism from spreading into these areas.

Political Geography

Study of human political organization of the earth at various geographic levels. (ex. Mayor, Governor, President)


Study of the earth


Sub-Saharan African Women grow the crops, which is the opposite to the rest of the world.

Acid Precipitation (Acid Rain)

Sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides to acids return to Earth as rain, snow, or fog.

Two Branches of Islam

Sunni- 88% of all Muslims Shiites (Shias)- Largest branches in Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen.

Multilingual Places

Switzerland- speak German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Canada- English and French Nigeria- Has 529 distinct languages. Belgium- Flemish in the North, French in the South.

Chinese Logograms

Symbols represent words or part of words. Minimal Literacy: 2,000 symbols Educated Chinese: 4,000 symbols

Chinese Traditional Religions

Syncretic Religions- Religions can be combined with others. Confucianism and Taoism.


Syncretic religion founded by Guru Nanak (1469-1538) that blended Islamic and Hindu beliefs.

Vegetative Planting

Taking a root or leaf and planting it.

Material Components

Tangible artifacts are the imprints of a culture. Ex. Hieroglyphics, Jewelry, and coffins.

Indentured Servant

Temporary unpaid workers who gain freedom after they work over a certain amount of time.


Textiles & Apparel Less-Skilled, Low-Cost Workers. Three Steps: *1) Spinning of fibers to make yarn* 2) weaving and knitting of yarn into fabrics. *3) Assembly of fabric into products* 1/2 of the world's cotton yarn is spun in China & India. Other countries include Brazil, the U.S., Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc.

Shotgun House

The "shotgun house" is a narrow rectangular house

Cuban Missile Crisis

The 1962 confrontation between US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba. John F. Kennedy exposed the soviet union.

The trigger for deindustrialization for Asian countries such as Japan and Korea

The Asian economic crisis.


The British Exit from the European Union. U.K. referendum voted for an exit by a 2% majority.

Median Line Principle

The EEZ for maritime countries located closer to each other than 200 miles is located halfway in between.

remote sensing

The acquisition of data about Earth's surface from a satellite orbiting the planet or other long-distance methods.


The actual or potential relationship between two places, usually referring to economic interactions.

Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)

The annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births.

Market Area (Hinterland)

The area surrounding a central place, from which people are attracted to use the place's goods and services.

Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

The average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years.


The belief that a race is superior to another race.

Tipping Point

The charter group in a neighborhood and an influx of a minority and once the influx is too much, the charter group leaves.

Sequent Occupancy

The concept that successive societies leave their cultural imprints on a place, each contributing to the cumulative cultural landscape

New International Division of Labor

Transfer of some types of jobs, especially those requiring low-paid less skilled workers, from more developed to less developed countries.

Central Asian Countries

Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are stable countries. Tajikistan has suffered from civil war. Kazakhstan is peaceful and multhiethnic. Kyrgyzstan is multhiethnic and has issues between these ethnicities.

8 car makers account for 70% of the world's sales.

Two based in North America: Ford and GM Three based in Europe: Germany's Volkswagen, France's Renault (Nissan), and Italy's Fiat Chrysler. Three based in East Asia: Japan's Toyota & Honda and Korea's Hyundai.

HDI: Education Factors

U.N. assumes more years of schooling = more knowledge. *Years of Schooling for today's adults*: measures the number of years that the average person aged 25 or older. *Pupil/ Teacher ratio*: The fewer students, the more likely that each student will receive effective instruction. *Expected Years of Schooling*: U.N. forecasts a 5 y/o to spend 16.3 years in school in MDCs, 9.3 years in Sub-Saharan Africa, and 10.2 years in South Asia. *Literacy Rate*: Close to 100% in MDCs. Low in Sub-Saharan Africa & South Asia.

Human Development Index (HDI)

U.N. measurement to measure the level of development for a country based on standard of living, a long lifespan, and Access to knowledge. High HDI: Western Europe Low HDI: Sub-Saharan Africa.


U.S. has a high HDI rank but a low GII for an MDC. Reasons: Teen Pregnancy, higher maternal mortality rate, and less women in the U.S. legislative when compared to other high HDI countries. In the recent election, 23% of members of the house are women.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

U.S., Canada, Mexico. Mexico is benefiting as they have cheap labor and proximity to the U.S. Maquiladora- A factory along the U.S.-Mexican Border that takes advantage of the lower labor costs in Mexico and tax breaks.

Net In:

U.S., Russia, Canada, Western Europe, Oceania, and Middle East

Blocked Content

U.S., U.K., and Japan dominate the world's T.V. programming. This leads to countries blocking them because they spread western values. Iran block content because they are a theocracy. China are communists and have firewalls on the internet. Russia block LTGBQ content and other political issues. Turkey shuts down journalists opposed to the government.

Connotations with Unauthorized Immigrants

Unauthorized Immigrants- Used by Academic Observers Undocumented Immigrants- Term used by Immigrant Advocates Illegal Aliens- Term used by people against Immigrants

Site Factors

Unique characteristics of a location


United Nations Primary purpose is peacekeeping. Started in 1945 with 51 original members. Grew in three waves: 1) 16 countries after WWII 2) 17 countries in 1960; former African colonies 3) 26 countries after the falls of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.

Territorial Waters

Up to 12 Nautical Miles from the shore. State can regulate ships from other countries here.

Exclusive Economic Zone

Up to 200 Nautical Miles out. Countries can get resources and fish.

Urbanization Economy

Urban city area where companies cluster together to share infrastructure costs. Ex. Wall Street.

Loss of farmland to urbanization

Urban growth results in less farmland The BOSNYWASH area used to be land for farming.

Folk Music

Used to convey a story or information. Examples: Country, Blue Grass, Blues, Tijano, French Acadians, and Polka.

Pop Music

Used to sold and make money. Originated in the U.K. in the Music Hall and in the U.S. in Vaudeville.

Township and Range

Using latitude & longitude to divide land.

Agricultural Biotechnology

Using living organisms to produce or change plant or animal products.

Variable Rate Application

Using water only when and where it's needed.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Value of the output of goods and services produced in a country in a year. Goods+Services

Carl Sauer believes that ______ originated in Southeast Asia.

Vegetative Planting

Urban Realms Model (James E. Vance)

Very little interaction with the CBD because people are working and living in the edge cities. Very little interaction with the CBD because people are working and living in the edge cities. Each edge city has a smaller CBD.

Belarus and Ukraine

Very similar to Russians, yet distinct. Same roots and language.

New Asian Tigers

Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh.

4 Kinds of Villages

Walled Village- A literal walled village that is walled for protection. *Grid Village*- Grid Pattern Village Linear Village- One road village *Cluster Village*- Everyone Close together.


Wanted to unite with Romania, but Romania didn't want to as Moldova now had Russians and Ukrainians in the country.

South Sudan

War between 1983 to 2005 1.9 mil deaths; 700,000 ethnically cleansed. South Sudan became a country in 2011, but has seen internal issues since.

Global Trade Patterns

Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere. Latin America is led by Brazil and Argentina. SE Asia and South Pacific export to the rest of the Eastern Hem. Agricultural exports in the U.S. has increased rapidly, but Latin America, SE Asia, and South Pacific are growing quicker.

Grain Farming

Wheat, Corn, Barley, Rice, and Millet. For human consumption. Highly mechanized. The U.S. is the largest producer of Wheat in developed countries, but China and India still produce more.


When a company transfers much of the responsibility for production to independent suppliers.


When an immigrant worker sends money back to their home country. $613 Mil worth of Remittance money in 2017. Some governments depend on this money.

Negative NIR

When the CDR is higher than the CBR


When there is too much agglomeration, it can lead to the unclustering of companies because of higher costs & overpopulation.


When two cultures of just about equal power meet and exchange ideas and traits; one is not dominant over the other

Theory of Agricultural Intensification (Esther Boseup)

With increased population, there is agriculture and agricultural advancements. *Stage 1: Forest Fallow*- 20-25 years of letting fields stay fallow after 1-2 years of cultivation. *Stage 2: Bush Fallow*- Farmers cultivate from 2-8 years and leaving the land fallow for 6-10 years. *Stage 3: Short Fallow*- Fallow period is shortened to 1-2 years. *Stage 4: Annual Cropping*- leaving the land fallow for only months at a time. *Stage 5: Multicropping*- Several crops are planted through the year and little to no fallow time. With each stage, more food is made but the nutrients in the soil is lost quicker.

Biomass Fuel

Wood, plant material, and animal waste burned for fuel.

Guest Workers

Workers who migrate to the more developed countries of Northern and Western Europe, usually from Southern of Eastern Europe or from North Africa, in search of higher-paying jobs. They eventually stayed.

Balance of Power

World dominance was split between the U.S. and Soviet Union


Written text of a religion.

Multiethnic Yugoslavia

Yugoslavia was made to unite the Slavic states and was held together by Josip Broz Tito for a long time because he was a respected leader. Once he died, everything fell apart.

Migration Transition Model

Zelinsky, migration between countries depends on level of development. Stage 1: Migration for Food Stage 2: Migration from Rural to Urban Stage 3 & 4: Lots of Immigration and Urban to Suburban.

Goode Homolosine Projection

a 20th century map of Earth with equal area of landmasses but interruptions of the oceans to more accurately represent a "flattened" sphere.


a communal farm or settlement in Israel

Vertical Integration

a company controls all phases of a highly complex production process

Food Insecurity

a condition in which people do not have adequate access to food or nutritious food.

MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction)

a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender

Centrifugal Force

a force that divides people and countries. (Louis' way of remembering: centrifugal has FU in it.)


a group of people assembled for religious worship

Vigorous Language

a language that is spoken in daily use but that lacks a literary tradition

Ayer's Rock (Uluru)

a large sandstone rock formation in central Australia that serves as a sacred place for the Aborigines


a map that overlays data from one source on top of a map provided by a mapping service. Simple: Google Maps


a member of a political party seeking to represent the interests of ordinary people. Ex. Trump and Modi (India)

Cognitive Map

a mental representation of the layout of one's environment. For example, after exploring a maze, rats act as if they have learned a cognitive map of it.


a permanent collection of buildings where people reside, work, and obtain services

Hi-Tech Corridor

a place where tech and computer companies agglomerate. Another name is technopole. Ex. Silicon Valley.


a religion emphasizing the unity of all religions and peoples, teaching that all founders of the world's religions have been God's divine messengers. Universalizing language.


distance north or south from the equator measured in degrees. Aka the horizontal lines on the map.

Unchanging Language

doesn't change due to isolation, but is part of a language family

Cultural Determinism

emphasizes human culture as ultimately more important than physical environment in shaping human actions

Environmental Perception

emphasizes the importance of human perception of the environment, rather than the actual character of the land


farming strategy in which large fields are planted with a single crop, year after year

Ethnic Religions

focus on one ethnic group and generally have not spread into other cultures

Sierra Leone is a _____

fourth-world country.

Corn Belt

from Ohio, to the Dakotas, and the center of Iowa.

Italy and Kuwait are examples of countries with

high GNP and low gender equity

Land-Rent Curve

higher land cost=closer to town's center


human centered


identification and storage of a piece of information by its precise latitude and longitude coordinates

Life Course Theory of Migration

interaction of life course events with migration


invisible line that marks the extent of a state's territory

Situation Factors

involve transporting materials to and from a factory


jargon; a regional dialect. Often called broken English, French, or Spanish.

Newly Industrialized Country (NIC)

less developed country that has shown significant improvement in the measures of development. Ex. Mexico, Brazil, Dominican Republic, China, India, & more.

Food Desert

limited access to fresh nutritious foods. More than 1/2 a mile from a grocery store. Connects to low-income areas & higher rates of diabetes, obesity, etc.

US Quota Laws

maximum limit on the number of people who can immigrate to the US (not including refugees.) 1924- The government stopped immigration because of different cultures coming in. 1965- A resume in immigration by the government.

Pop Culture

modern popular culture transmitted via mass media.

Gender of Migrants

more males than females migrating, but now there is currently more females than males

International/Transnational Migration

movement across country borders

Interregional Migration

movement from one region of a country to another


movement of individuals out of a population

Intraregional Migration

movement within one region

Language Divergence

new languages are formed when a language breaks into dialects to conform to the new environment(s).

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

nonprofit groups that provide charitable services or promote social and environmental causes. Are not connected to any government. Ex. Red Cross

Dairy Farm

one that specializes in milk and other dairy products

Level of Development

people in developed countries tend to consume more food and from different sources than do people in developing countries.


plowed but no cultivation of crops on land

Center of Population

point where the country would balance if it were flat and everyone weighed the same. U.S. Pop Center has been moving Southwest since the start of colonization.

Cao Dai

religious and political movement in Vietnam, 1920s; taught a mixture of Buddhism & Taoism


second most important crop in the U.S. mixed commercial farming region. Exported to China and Taiwan.

Tragedy of the Commons

situation in which people acting individually and in their own interest use up commonly available but limited resources, creating disaster for the entire community


speaking or writing only one language. *Ex. Japan only speaks Japanese


speaking several languages *Ex. Switzerland speak German, French, Italian, and Romansh.

Single-Market Manufacturers

specialized manufacturers with only one or two customers. Ex, YKK makes only zippers in 68 countries. Single-Market Manufacturers supply 70% of the parts for a car.

Relocation Diffusion

spread of an idea through physical movement of people


support for the concerns of ordinary people


system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century B.C. Monotheistic Could've influenced Judaism.

Acid Deposition

the accumulation of acids on Earth's surface


the action of changing from colonial to independent status


the arrangement of a feature in space


the belief that God's existence cannot be known

Cultural Synthesis/Syncretism

the blending together of two or more cultural influences

First Effective Settlement

the culture that first moves into an area has a tremendous influence on the area. Wilbur Zelinsky says that the English are the charter group for the U.S.


the directness of routes linking pairs of places


the expansion of economic, political, and cultural processes to the point that they become global in scale and impact.


the extent of a feature's spread over space


the geometric arrangement of objects in space

Creative Destruction

the hypothesis that the creation of new products and production methods simultaneously destroys the market power of existing monopolies.

Replacement Level

the level of fertility at which populations replace themselves


the location of a place relative to other places.

Brain Drain

the loss of highly educated and skilled workers to other countries


the loss of uniqueness of place in the cultural landscape so that one place looks like the next. Ex. All gas stations have the same layout; The gas pumps underneath a roof and a convenience store to the side.

Prime Agricultural Land

the most productive farmland


the official count of a population


the oldest of the existing New Religions in Japan, founded in 1838. Syncretic. Became a separate religion from Shinto by Nakayama Miki (1798-1887)


the opportunity for contact or interaction from a given point or location, in relation to other locations.


the outside limit of an object, area, or surface


the practice and business of recreational travel based on concern for the environment

Cultural Relativism

the practice of evaluating a culture by its own standards

Criticisms of the DTM

• Doesn't account for migration • Based on UK experiences and assumes all countries will pass through a similar rate of development. • Does not account for the effect of government policies or natural events. • Some countries develop at different rates and may not even go through some stages.

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