AP Human Geography Unit 5 Review

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The Columbian Exchange exposed the New World to diseases that they didn't have a resistance to, new crops were introduced to the new world, which diversified the meals of the people in the New World, and the life of the Europeans, and their culture were introduced which changed the culture of the New World to almost replicate the Old World. It also changed the modes of transportation available to the New World.

How did the Columbian Exchange impact life in the New World?


genetically modified organism


no use of herbicides, pesticides, growth hormones, or other synthetic inputs in the agricultural process

Commercial agriculture

the production of food for profit

Subsistence agriculture

the production of food for the family

LDCs (least developed countries)

What type of countries have a higher percentage of women working in Agriculture?

Long lot

a long, narrow land division often lined up along a waterway

Community-supported agriculture

a network between agricultural producers and consumers whereby consumers pledge support to a farming operation in order to receive a share of the output from the farming operation


a pattern of regular seasonal movement by human groups

Von Thunen Model

a representation of the best use of land based on land cost, transportation costs, and perishability

Terrace farming

a type of farming where the make terraces so that farming can be possible on hills and mountains

Machines started to be used for agricultural purposes due to the industrial revolution

What happened during the second agricultural revolution?

Everywhere around 1950

When and where did the green revolution occur?


the practice of only growing a single crop every year on the same land

Intensive farming focuses and getting the highest yield while extensive farming focuses more on the quality of the food and the way it is produced

Explain the difference between intensive and extensive agriculture

Subsistence agriculture is the production of food for only the family, while commercial farming is the production of food for profit

Explain the difference between subsistence agriculture and commercial farming (agribusiness)

The Columbian exchanged changed the Europeans diets by the new crops like corn that were from the Old World. The Columbian exchange also changed the culture in parts of Europe upon the discovery of tobacco from the New World. The Columbian exchange also changed the food that was prepared in countries. For Example, the Columbian exchange brought tomatoes to the old world and made pizza and tomato pasta sauce possible. Syphilis was also brought to the old world which caused tension between European countries because they blamed each other for the disease.

How did the Columbian Exchange impact life in the Old World?

Globalization changed the foods that we have access to and how expensive they are, this changed the foods that we eat because most people will eat the cheapest and most available food

How has globalization changed how we eat food?

large farms, moderate amount of machinery, and a low return per area

What are three characteristics of extensive farming?

high-yield crops, fertilizers and pesticides, animals being kept indoors, high amount of machinery

What are three characteristics of intensive farming practices?

Societies switched from hunters and gathers to farmers

What happened during the first agricultural revolution?

The spread of using fertilizers in agriculture to produce the highest yield, and the spread of agricultural machinery

What happened during the green revolution?

People became less physically active

What impact did the first agricultural revolution have on people's health?

Extremely reduced the people affected by hunger

What impact did the green revolution have on people's health?

Higher life expectancy due to a better food supply

What impact did the second agricultural revolution have on people's health?

People spent more time working and less time spend improving themselves

What social impacts did the first agricultural revolution leave?

Very few people must work in agriculture to feed the entire population and still have a surplus

What social impacts did the green revolution leave?

Less people must work in agriculture to feed the population

What social impacts did the second agricultural revolution leave?

Everywhere around 10,000-2,000 B.C.E.

When and where did the first agricultural revolution occur?

England in the 1800s

When and where did the second agricultural revolution occur?

Some states don't have enough land to feed their population on their own (New York), therefore they are dependent on other states to feed their population

Why would some states be more dependent on agricultural imports compared to other states?

Intensive farming

a form of farming that uses heavy pesticides and fertilizers as well as machinery in order to get the highest yield from their crops

Extensive farming

a form of farming that uses small inputs of labor, fertilizers, and capital relative to the land area being farmed


areas of land that are plowed and harrowed but left unsown for a period of time to restore its fertility

Value added specialty crops

crops that are produced in some way that the value of it increased and the product stands out from its competitors

Bid-rent theory

land value and rent increase the closer you get to the market

Commodity chains

series of links connecting many places of production and distribution

Carrying capacity

the amount of people an area can support


the practice of only growing one species or variety in an area

Supply chain

the sequence of processes involved in the production and distribution of the commodity

Fair trade

trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries where fair prices are paid to the producers


when lands are overcultivated and overgrazed so the soil gets striped of its nutrients and can no longer produce crops

Soil salinization

when soils in arid areas are brought under cultivation through irrigation

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