AP Psych Chapter 1

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Which of the following is not an acceptable p-value?


Sarah scores a 145 on an IQ test, which has a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. What is her z score?


Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the strongest relationship between two sets of variables?


Which of the following correlation coefficients indicates the weakest relationship between two variables?


During the last high school basketball game, the starting five players scored 11, 7, 21, 14, and 7 points, respectively. For this distribution of scores, the range is


Calkins is to _______ as Washburn is to ________.

1st female APA president; 2nd female APA president

In a data set containing the following {3,3,6,6,9,9,2,2,4,4,3,4,8,4,8}, identify the mean, median, and mode, respectively.


On a 10-item test, three students in Professor Heinz's advanced chemistry seminar received scores of 2, 5, and 8, respectively. For this distribution of test scores, the variance would be


During the past month, Henry and Sylvia each ate 10 candy bars, Jerry ate 8, Kate ate 6, and Tori ate only 1. The mean number of candy bars eaten by these individuals was


In a normal distribution, approximately what percentage of people's scores fall between the z scores of -2 and +2?


Which of the following are requirements for psychological studies that include animal testing?

All of these are necessary requirements for psychological studies that include animal testing (clear scientific purpose, acquired legally, treated in humane manner, best-suited for purposes of study)

John Watson relied on the pioneering experiments of ___________ in establishing behaviorism as a paradigm of psychology

B.F. Skinner

Overconfidence is different from hindsight bias; which scenario below demonstrates overconfidence?

Caitlin thought she outperformed most of her classmates on their psychology test; she was then surprised when she received just an average grade on the test

_______ focuses on reflexive behavior.

Classical conditioning

Innate ideas is to ______ as tabula rasa is to ______.

Descartes; Locke

Which of the following hypotheses would be most difficult to test experimentally?

Divorce makes children more independent

The early school of psychology known as functionalism was developed by

Edward B. Titchener

Glenn believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference enhanced the survival of our ancestor's genes. This viewpoint best illustrates the _______ perspective.


The philosopher most closely tied to empiricism was named

Francis Bacon

The first president of the APA (and one of its founders) was

G. Stanley Hall

Who established the first psychology laboratory in the United States at John's Hopkins University?

G. Stanley Hall

Who among the following would most likely study the interaction between people and technological applications?

Human-factors psychologist

The study of the importance of having physical and psychological needs met best describes which perspective of psychology?


Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between reliability and validity?

If a test is valid, then it is inherently reliable

Benjamin helps design cars that are easy to drive and intuitive to use. It is most likely that Benjamin is engaged in which of the following fields of psychology?


The early school of psychology known as functionalism was developed by


Of the following, who was a developmental psychologist?

Jean Piaget

Cognitive dissonance is a term that was coined by

Leon Festinger

The concept of "Tabula rasa" or "blank slate" (the idea that human beings come into the world knowing nothing, and thereafter acquire all of their knowledge through experience) is most closely associated with


Who was the second woman to become the president of the American Psychological Association?

Margaret Floy Washburn

The founder of the positive psychology movement is named

Martin Seligman

Who was the first female president of the APA?

Mary Whiton Calkins

Can there be involuntary participants in a psychological study according to APA guidelines?

No, and under no exception

In human research, what qualifies as informed consent?

Participants must know they are involved in a study and give written consent

Regarding conditioning experiments, dogs are to _____ as Little Albert is to ________

Pavlov; Watson

Of the following, who was/is a social psychologist?

Philip Zimbardo

Dorothea Dix vied for American prison reform, and was most clearly influenced by

Philippe Pinel

Which of the following professionals must have a medical degree?


Which of the following is a key difference between the experimental method and naturalistic observation?

Researchers can exercise greater control over experiments than in naturalistic observation

________ is to humanism as ________ is to psychoanalysis

Rogers; Freud

_________ is to classical conditioning as ___________ is to operant conditioning

Skinner; Watson

Which perspective would be most useful to explain how people from different countries express anger?


Which is typical of a positively skewed distribution?

The mean is higher than the median

Which of the following is an example of basic research?

The naturalistic observation of toddlers with their mothers

Which of the following best describes the concept of self-actualization?

The need to fully develop one's potential

Which of the following is an APA guideline for human participation in a study?

The participant cannot be placed under significant mental or physical risk

In a study regarding the effect of alcohol consumption on cognition, which of the following is an appropriate operational definition for cognition?

The speed and accuracy with which an individual can complete a series of predetermined tasks

On what premise was Gestalt psychology founded?

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

How would a psychometrician interpret an individual's score of 145 on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale?

This score is three standard deviations above the average score of 100

_______ is to the law of effect as ________ is to free association

Thorndike; Freud

The early school of psychology known as structuralism was developed by


_________ is to structuralism as ___________ is to functionalism

Titchener; James

Which of the following measures provides the most information about how scores are distributed in one's data collection?


Little Albert is to _______ as Rat Park is to _________

Watson; Skinner

Edward Titchener would agree with which of the following statements?

We can use the process of introspection by asking people about their conscious experience to specific stimuli

The first psychological laboratory was established by

Wilhelm Wundt

Structuralism was a school of thought proposed by

William James

The first formal psychological laboratory was founded in 1879 by


Which of the following is true of a case study?

You can study an anomaly in depth

Which psychologist would most likely use naturalistic observation as their method of research?

a comparative psychologist

In an experiment regarding how sleep patterns differ based on caffeine consumption, the experimenters did not specify at what time during the day the caffeine should be consumed. This lack of specification may be referred to as

a confounding variable

The third variable problem refers to

a confounding variable

Which of the following is the best example of basic research?

a developmental psychologist explores how children's use of language changes as they age

An individual who helps design technology so that it is comfortable and easy for people to use refers to

a human factors psychologist

Dr. Luxe conducts research on the behavioral differences and attitudes between introverted and extraverted people. Dr. Luxe is most likely which type of psychologist?

a personality psychologist

Kaeli collects survey data that indicate that students who spend more time preparing for the AP exam tend to score better than other students. From this data, we can now conclude that

a relationship exists between studying and exam grades

To ensure that your sample most accurately represents the population you wish to study based on particular criteria, you want to use

a representative sample

Developmental psychologists study the effect of _________ on behavior


Which psychologist is most likely to suggest that males tend to find women with youthful physical characteristics more attractive in mate selection?

an evolutionary psychologist

Which of the following is a study that should use animal instead of human subjects?

an initial study analyzing the side effects of a new kind of psychotropic drug intended to treat anxiety

Which of the following is necessary for informed consent in psychological research a. the subject is informed of purpose and expected duration of the study b. all of these are necessary for a subject to give informed consent c. the subject is allowed to withdraw from the study at any time d. the subject is told of any potential research benefits of the study e. the subject is told of any potential limits to confidentiality

b. All of these are necessary for a subject to give informed consent

An individual with a psychoanalytic perspective

believes behavior is directed by forces within one's personality, which are often unconscious

Which of the following types of psychologists focuses their work on the attempt to explain all behavior in terms o internal physical mechanisms?


Which of the following is NOT one of Hippocrates' four humors? a. blood b. yellow bile c. saliva d. black bile e. phlegm

c. Saliva

A psychologist who works with a client who has an eating disorder is most likely a _______ psychologist.


"Abnormal" psychology most closely aligns with

clinical psychology

Memory would be a topic of interest to a(n) _______ psychologist/


The Sanada cult member's reactions and behaviors most accurately demonstrated

cognitive dissonance

The feeling of discomfort that arises from holding two opposing or conflicting beliefs is called

cognitive dissonance

Which field of psychology is most interested in studying the link between mental activity and brain activity?

cognitive neuroscience

Animal behaviors are studied primarily by _______ psychologists.


Individuals who study animals to gain insights into human behavior are most likely

comparative psychologists

Behavioral perspective

conditioning, reinforcement, learning

In an experiment regarding how sleep patterns differ based on caffeine consumption, the experimenters specified the varying amounts of caffeine to be consumed and at what time during the day. These specifications may be referred to as

controlled variables

A study being conducted with high school students regarding their eating habits and grades attained. This is most indicative of a(n)

correlational study

Locke is to _____ as Descartes is to ________.

d. tabula rasa; innate ideas

"Stages versus continuity" is a debate that is most relevant to _______ psychology.


An experimenter conducts an experiment on the effects of a drug to control hallucinations. He declares the results to be "statistically significant," which usually means that

differences between experimental and control groups of this size occur by chance only 5 times out of 100 or less

A school guidance counselor would most likely have some background in

educational psychology

the eclectic approach in psychology

embraces and draws upon a multitude of psychological perspectives

Darwin's expansion of the theory of "survival of the fittest" has had the most influence on which field of psychology?


Psychologists generally prefer the experimental method to other research methods because

experiments can show cause-effect relationships

A type II error involves

failing to reject the null (choosing the null over your own hypothesis incorrectly)

humanistic perspective

free will, hierarchy of needs, self-actualization

Darwin's theory most clearly influenced


Biopsychological perspective

genetics, neurotransmitters, hormones, nervous system

Humanistic psychologists focused attention on the importance of

healthy growth potential

Dr. Kay told Section 1 of her psych class that alcohol consumptions has been found to increase sexual drives. She informed section 2 of her psych class that alcohol consumptions has been found to reduce sexual drives. The fact that neither class was surprised by the information that they received best illustrates the power of

hindsight bias

Formulating testable hypotheses before conducting research is most directly useful to restraining a thinking error known as

hindsight bias

Cognitive perspective

human development, memory, thinking

Knowing the difference between an experimental condition and a control condition is most relevant to understanding the nature of

independent variables

sociocultural perspective

individualistic, collectivist, Western, interaction

Dr. McCarthy develops a test to accurately identify the most qualified applicants for a large manufacturing firm. Dr. McCarthy most likely works as a(n)

industrial/organizational psychologist

Jane hypothesizes that a new drug she invented will enhance mice's memories. She administers the drug to the experimental group and gives the control group a placebo. She then times the mice as they learn to run through a maze. IN order to know whether her hypothesis has been supported, Jane would need to use

inferential statistics

Being conscious of your consciousness is a phenomenon known as


The concept of being aware of one's awareness refers to


The research methodology used by Wilhelm Wundt is called


which of the following is true regarding a theory

it is impossible to prove a theory

Research involving studying a group of individuals over a long period of time refers to a(n)

longitudinal study

Theoretically, random assignment should eliminate

many confounding variables

The most commonly reported measure of central tendency is the


If a distribution of scores includes one or more outliers, which of the following measures of central tendency should be used?


Seven members of a club reported the following individual earnings from their sale of raffle tickets: $5, $9, $4, $11, $4, and $3. In this distribution of individual earnings, the

median is less than the mean and greater than the mode

evolutionary perspective

natural selection, hereditary, adaptation

The method of research that is unobtrusive and can be used when experimentation is deemed unethical refers to

naturalistic observation

biopsychosocial perspective

nature, nurture, genetics, social factors

Your mom took your phone away so you would stop texting at dinner. This is an example of

negative punishment

According to the behaviorist perspective, psychological science should be rooted in what?


the process of replication is most likely facilitated by

operational definitions

Mr. Kit gives a test to his class of 25 students. All but three students score between an 82 and 94. The other three students score 47., 55, and 62. These scores are potential


Behaviorists explain human thought and behavior as a result of

past conditioning

Claire finds a strong, negative correlation between hours spent meditating and reported stress levels. Her findings indicate that

people with lower stress levels meditate more than people with higher stress levels

A psychologist who studies and evaluates traits and characteristics of individuals is most likely a

personality psychologist

Concepts like "well-being" and "flow" are studied in

positive psychology

Well-being and quality of life are topics most closely related to

positive psychology

You baked your friend cookies because she helped you study for a big test, and you now have another big test coming up. This is an example of

positive reinforcement

Dr. Lapiz wants to reduce her students' perceptions that psychological experiments merely document the obvious. Her best strategy would be to ask the students to

predict the outcomes of experiments before they are told the actual results

Hypothesis are best described as


The specialist most likely to have a medical degree is a(n)


Modern psychologists who emphasize the importance of repressed memories and childhood experiences subscribe to which of the following perspectives?


Variation is to central tendency as ________ is to __________

range; median

One of the main constructs in operant conditioning is



repression, unconscious, defense mechanisms

The scientific attitude of humility is based on the idea that

researchers must be prepared to reject their own ideas in the face of conflicting research

Confidentiality in human research refers to

researchers not revealing the identity of the participants to outside parties if that information is obtained

Lauren scores a perfect 100 on a test that everyone else fails. If this distribution were graphed, it would look

right skewed

Stanley Milgram (who conducted studies on obedience to authority) was a(n)

social psychologist

Psychologists who study cults and cult members' behavior are most likely

social psychologists

Dr. Hammond conducts research on why individuals conform to the behaviors and opinions of others. Which specialty area does this research best represent?

social psychology

Which are in psychology would be most likely to study the phenomenon of "peer influence"?

social psychology

Wording effects are most relevant to


A phenomenon in which participants in a study perform tasks better due to the knowledge of being included in a study is called

the Hawthorne effect

In an experiment concerning caffeine consumption affecting sleep patters, sleep patterns would be

the dependent variable

Instead of studying for his spelling test like everyone else, Scott copies from other people's papers when the teacher gives spelling tests. B.F Skinner would likely attribute Scott's cheating to:

the fact that he received an A when cheating on a test in the past.

In an experiment concerning how the color of a room affects mood, color would be

the independent variable

In a normal distribution,

the mean, median, and mode are all equal

The healing power of optimistic expectations is best illustrated by

the placebo effect

An educational psychologist is administering a basic skills exam to second-graders of two different schools in order to compare the students' performance. The researcher administers the exam to the students of the Antrim School on a Wednesday morning and then administers the same exam in exactly the same fashion on that same Wednesday afternoon to the second-graders of the Barton School. Which of the following best identifies a confounding variable in the psychologist's research?

the psychologist is testing the students in the two schools at two different times

Participants are said to be assigned randomly when

they each have an equal chance of being assigned to either the experimental or control group

Strict behaviorists were criticized for overlooking the role that ______ plays in human functioning


Psychoanalytic theory has been criticized for being

unscientific and unverifiable

Margaret Floy Washburn

was the first female to earn a Ph.D. in psychology

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