AP Quiz Ch. 5

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Agriculture was the leading industry, involving about ___ percent of the people

90 (A)

The South held about ___ percent of the slaves in the thirteen colonies of North America

90 (B)

By 1775, the ___ were the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America

Africans (A)

During the colonial era, all of the following people created new societies out of diverse ethnic groups in America except

Asians (C)

The person most often called the "first civilized American" was

Benjamin Franklin (E)

Which of the following was not considered to be a naval store

Glass (E)

In 1760, colonial legislatures were so concerned about the dangers present in a heavy concentration of resentful slaves that they tried passing legislation that would half the further importation of slaves to their colony. However, this measure was blocked by the British authorities, who sought to continue to provide cheap labor. Which of the following colonial legislatures sought this measure

South Carolina (A)

The Great Awakening

all of these (E)

By 1775, most governors of American colonies were

appointed by the king (B)

By the eighteenth century, the various colonial regions had distinct economic identities; the northern colonies relied on ___, the Chesapeake colonies relied on ___, and the southern colonies relied on ___.

cattle and grain, tobacco, rice and indigo (A)

Colonial legislatures were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will because

colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors salaries (D)

One of the surest avenues to speedy wealth in the American colonies was

commercial ventures (A)

The New Light preachers of the Great Awakening

delivered intensely emotional sermons (A)

All of the following are reasons the thirteen Atlantic seaboard colonies sought independence except

distinctive ethnic or racial structures (D)

Colonial American taverns were all of the following except

frequented mainly by the lower class (A)

One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the

growing desire of Americans to trade with other nations in addition to Britain (B)

In contrast to the seventeenth century, by 1775, colonial Americans

had become more stratified into social classes and has less social mobility (A)

The religious doctrine of the Armenians held that

individual free will determined a person's eternal fate (E)

All of the following are achievements of Benjamin Franklin except

influential poetry (B)

When the British Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733, it intended the act to

inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies (C)

The triangular trade of the colonial American shipping industry

involved the trading of rum for African slaves (E)

The jury's decision in the case of John Peter Zenger, a newspaper printer, was significant because

it pointed the way to open public discussion (C)

All of the following contributed to the lack of development of art and artists in the early colonial America except

lack of talent among the Americans (C)

By the early eighteenth century, religion in colonial America was

less fervid than when the colonies were established (D)

The most important manufacturing enterprise in colonial America in the eighteenth century was

lumbering (C)

The least honored profession in early colonial society was

medicine (A)

The Scots-Irish can be best described as

pugnacious, lawless, and individualistic (A)

One feature common to all of the eventually rebellious colonies was their

rapidly growing populations (D)

In North Carolina, spearheaded by the Scotch-Irish, a small insurrection against eastern domination of the colony's affair was known as

regulator movement (C)

Colonial schools and colleges placed their main emphasis on

religion (E)

The time honored English ideal, which Americans accepted for some time, regarded education as

reserved for the aristocratic few (C)

One political principle that colonial Americans came to cherish above most others was

self taxation through representation (D)

Transportation in colonial America was

slow by any of the means available (C)

On the eve of the American Revolution, social and economic mobility decreased, partly because

some merchants made huge profits as military suppliers (A)

The first American college free from denominational control was

the University of Pennsylvania (E)

The most honored profession in early colonial society was

the ministry (C)

In colonial elections

the right to vote was reserved for property holders (B)

American colonists sought trade with countries other than Great Britain

to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain (E)

Culture in colonial America

was generally ignored and unappreciated (B)

The riches created by the growing slave population in the American South

were not distributed evenly among whites (D)

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