AP Test Study Guide (2/17/22)

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Which of the following was the most direct effect of commercial rivalries among France, Spain, England, and other European powers in the 1700s?

An increase in warfare between European states over possession of overseas colonies

Which of the following best explains the contemporary development of the theory of absolutism in France, which contrasted sharply with Locke's views on popular sovereignty?

The lack of any successful challenges to monarchical power in seventeenth-century France

Which of the following would best support Pinson's claim that ordinary Germans were eager to reject French influence?

The mass uprisings against Napoleonic rule across Germany, which contributed to Napoleon's defeat

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two authors' views of liberty?

Both authors see their ideas as encouraging a form of liberty.

Which of the following best describes the trend in England's total trade with the world shown in the table?

Both imports and exports increased in the period 1700 to 1773.

The following question refers to the topic of the rise of global markets in the 1700s. Which of the following best explains why the trade rivalry between European states resulted in Britain becoming the dominant power by the end of the 1700s?

Britain's access to resources and improvements in finance and industry allowed its economy to grow more rapidly than other countries.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by Pitt's speech?

British leaders saw their country as the strongest opponent of the French Revolution.

Taken as a whole, Addington's report provides most direct evidence for which of the following trends in eighteenth-century England?

Controversy over the commercialization of agriculture

Which of the following best describes the overall trends in English trade shown in the table?

England's overall trade increased, and the Atlantic trade made up a greater share.

The following question refers to the topic of crisis, upheaval, and revolution in the eighteenth century. Which of the following best describes a continuity in the political relationships between European states at the end of the seventeenth century and at the beginning of the nineteenth?

European states came together to restrain French attempts to dominate Continental Europe.

The following question refers to the topic of the rise of global markets in the 1700s. Which of the following best explains why the major European sea powers vied for control over the Atlantic in the 1700s?

European states increasingly imported luxury goods such as sugar and coffee from the Americas.

Which of the following conclusions is best supported by Pitt's description of France's goals with regard to Great Britain?

France wished to export its radical revolutionary ideas to Great Britain.

The artist's portrayal of Maria Theresa was most likely a response to which of the following circumstances?

Growing rivalries among European powers

The following question refers to the topic of Romanticism. Which of the following best explains why Romanticism is seen as a challenge to Enlightenment thought?

Romanticism was characterized by an emphasis on emotion as a source of truth.

The following question refers to the topic of crisis, upheaval, and revolution in the eighteenth century. Which of the following contributed most strongly to the outbreak of the French Revolution?

The Enlightenment

Which of the following best supports Jardine's argument that increased international trade influenced the Scientific Revolution?

The European discovery of lands and peoples not mentioned in ancient and classical sources undermined those sources' authority.

Which of the following is the most likely explanation for the way in which the artist chose to portray Empress Maria Theresa?

The artist wished to show her as an absolutist ruler of her diverse empire.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would most directly challenge Pinson's claim that the bourgeoisie accepted its status after the Congress of Vienna?

The continued influence of French revolutionary thought in Germany, which led to new radical ideologies

Which of the following pieces of evidence would best support Pinson's claim regarding the "universalist dreams" associated with the Holy Roman Empire?

The continued influence of German nationalism in calls for the unification of the German states

Which of the following best describes the trend in the percentage portion of English trade conducted with Atlantic ports as shown in the table?

The overall portion of Atlantic trade increased, with imports making up a larger share than exports.

Voltaire's ability to publish the ideas presented in the "Treatise on Toleration" best reflects which of the following?

The spread of print media that popularized Enlightenment ideas

The following question refers to the topic of Napoleon. Great Britain's ability to play a leading role in the allied coalition that eventually defeated Napoleon is best explained by its earlier

establishment of a global maritime empire

The following question refers to the topic of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte's encouragement of a national education system and a merit-based civil service as well as his issuance of a rationalized legal code are best explained by his desire to

implement Enlightenment principles

The following question refers to the topic of Napoleon. Napoleon's preservation of theoretically representative institutions such as the Senate, Tribunal, and Legislative Assembly under his monarchical rule is best explained by his aim to

present himself as fulfilling the principle of popular sovereignty established during the French Revolution

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two authors' views of the "rights of man"?

Burke is skeptical of the concept, while Robespierre claims to support them.

Addington's information about Leicester and Northampton in the second paragraph provides most direct evidence for which of the following in eighteenth-century England?

Demographic shifts associated with changes in agricultural practices

The following question refers to the topic of Romanticism. Which of the following best explains Rousseau's importance to the development of Romanticism?

He emphasized the role of emotions in moral improvement.

Pitt's speech regarding the possibility of peace with France was most likely influenced by which of the following developments?

Napoleon's military victories over rival continental powers and assumption of political leadership in France

Voltaire's plea for tolerance is best understood in the context of which of the following developments?

New concepts of faith resulting from rational analysis of religious practices

Which of the following pieces of evidence most directly challenges Jardine's implied claim that the Scientific Revolution was characterized by a universal change in outlook?

Newton's investigations into alchemy

Enlightenment philosophes such as Voltaire primarily drew on which of the following to advocate for changing human institutions?

Principles of the Scientific Revolution, such as rationalism and empirical observation

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the two authors' views of traditional authority?

Robespierre rejects traditional forms of authority, while Burke respects them.

Which of the following best explains why Empress Maria Theresa presented her son to the Hungarian nobility as shown in the engraving?

She wanted to legitimize her rule through demonstrating the continuance of the Habsburg line.

Which of the following pieces of evidence best supports Jardine's argument regarding the changes in intellectual outlook in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

The new ideas in astronomy and anatomy that led intellectuals to challenge the authority of ancient and classical sources of knowledge

Voltaire's description of different societies in the second paragraph best reflects which of the following Enlightenment concepts?

The use of skepticism to challenge institutions of government and faith

The following question refers to the topic of crisis, upheaval, and revolution in the eighteenth century. Which of the following best describes the impact of the wars of the French Revolution and of Napoleon on Europe?

The wars led to the spread of nationalist and liberal thought across Europe.

The following question refers to the topic of Romanticism. Which of the following best explains why the religious revival of the late eighteenth century is seen as consistent with the development of Romanticism?

They both rejected the Enlightenment emphasis on empiricism and Enlightenment beliefs that nature was knowable and predictable.

The engraving and its inscription provide most direct evidence for which of the following conclusions about the attitude of wealthy landowners toward agricultural improvements in the eighteenth century?

They saw such improvements as a source of pride and prestige.

The influence of the Scientific Revolution on Locke's reasoning regarding the right of people to establish new forms of government is most clearly reflected in his

appeal to universal principles that supposedly define the function of government

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