AP U.s. history Chapter 2

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What was the Great Migration?

5 ships sailed in 1629 and by 1642 21,000 Puritans had emigrated to Massuchussets. The flow of population represented less than 1/3rd of ENglish emigration in the 1630s. Far more English settlers arrived in Ireland, Chesapeake, and the Carribean. The Great Migration established the basis for a stable and thriving society.

Describe the House of Burgesses.

!st elected assembly in colonial america Hardly a democracy- only landowners could vote; company/governor could veto anything the body accepted

What were distinctive features of Maryland? (what is a proprietary colony)

- It was a proprietary colony whcih a grant of land and governemental authority to a single individual

Describe the economy in the New England colonies.

- Lacking a marketable staple they turned to fishing and timber for exports. - Family based agriculture with a small marketable surplus ; relied on labor of their own members - per capita equally distrubuted - role within the British empire based on trade - powerful class of merchants who challenged puritan polices

What were central beliefs of Puritans?

- Sermon was a central of Puritan Practice and believers should seek the truth by reading the bible - FOllowed the beliefs of John Calvin. He taught the world was divided into the elect and damned and those who are going to be saved was already determined by God. There was no guarentees of salvation but world success indicated God's grace and immoral behavior were signs of damnation. - Puritanism was a state of mind, a zealousness, in pursuing the true faith that alienated many who held different religious views.

What were 2 reasons for england's late entry in the new world?

1.) Pope had refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Argon. Henry the 7th severed the nation from the Catholic Church and established the Church of England (Anglican Church) headed by him. As a result religious strife had followed. 2.) England long struggle to conquer Ireland absorbed money and energy that could have been used for the New world. Because of Ireland's CAtholic threat to Protestant rule in England, the government employed a variety of approaches including military conquest, slaughter of civilians, seizure of trade, introduction of English economic practices, and dispatch of a large number of settlers.

WHat was the dower rights?

1/3 of husband's property was passed down to wife in the event that he died

What was the Halfway Covenant of 1662?

A document that addressed the problem of children by allowing the baptism and a kind of subordinate or "halfway" membership for grandchiildren of those who emigrated during the Great migration.

Who was Anne Hutchinson and what did she do?

A large influencial figure who threatened Puritian establishment. She challened Puritan leadership in which ministers were guilty of faulty preaching. She as well challenged gender norms by holding her positon as a "public woman". In 1637 she was put on trial where she held her own in the trial. She spoke of divine revelations of Puritan doctirine which colony's leaders felt she threatened churches and authority. She was banished and made her way to New York City.

What effects did tobacco have on the Virigina colony/

A new influx of immigrants with ample financial resources had taken advantage of the headright system and goverment connections to acquire large estates. This established the colony's social and political elite. THe exapnison of tobacco led ot a demand of field labor by young indentured servants. - spread of settler agriculture - insurance of tobaco colony

WHo were the Puritanism?

A new social order that emerged in the 17th century. The term was coined by opponents to riducule those not satisfied with the progress of the Protestant Reformation in England. They don't call themselves Puritans but "godly/ true Protestants". THey came to define a set religious principals and a new way of how society should be organized

Why did people come to English North America?

A place where entrepreneurs sought to make fortunes, religious minorites hoped to worship without government interference and to create societies based on biblical teachings, and aristocats dreamed of recreatinga vanished world of feudalism

What is the headright system?

A system created by the Virginia Company where it award 50 acres of land to colonists who paided for their own or someone else is passage

What did natural liberty mean to Puritans?

Acting without restrainants suggested "a liberty to do evil." False freedom

What was the mayflower compact?

Agreement before landing in which the adult men going ashore agreed to obey "just and equal" enacted by represtnatives of their own choosing. It was the 1st frame of government in United States

What was the Magna Carta and why was it important?

Agreement that limited the power of the king john by declaring certain rights to "all freemen of our realm." - THe liberiteis mentioned in it included protection agrainst arbitrary imprisonment and seizer of one's property without due proces of law. - Document was seen as embodying the idea of "english freedom" that the king was subject to the rule of law and al persons should enjoy security of person and property - rights were embodied in common law which applied to all free subjects by english crown such as harbeas corpus ( protection against imprisonment)/ right to face one's accuser/ trail by jury

Describe Humphrey Gilbert and RAleigh adventure in the north america

B/c of his brutal reputation in the Irish wars he established a short lives settlement on newfoundland in 1582 (gilbert) Raleigh went with ships to roandre island to continue raids on spanish shipping but because the colonist were young men they abandoned the venture in 1586 and returned to England

Why was land important to English?

Basis of liberty Owning land gave men control over their own labor and in most colonies the right to vote Land in America also became a way the king to reward relatives and allies Land was a source of wealth and power for colonials officials

How did they stablize maryland?

CAlvert appointed a Protestant governor who offered refuge to Protestant dissenters being persecuted in Virigna where Anglicanism was the main relgion. Maryland adopted an act concerning religon which institutionalized the principle of toleration that had prevailed from the colony's beginning. All christians were guareented "free exericise" of religion.

What was conflicts in Maryland that aggravated the instability of the colony?

Calvart was Catholic and envisioned Maryland as a refuge for his persecuted coreligionists in England. HE hoped that Catholics/Protestants could live in Harmony. However most colonists were catholic and most appointed officials were Catholics while Protestants formed a majority of settlers.

Describe the proprietary colony in Maryland

Cecilium CAlvart (son on King Charles 1) was made propietor of the colony and was granted "full, free, and absolute power" including contorl of trade and right to initate all legislation with elected assembly. - He imagined the colony as a feudal domain. Land was laid out in manors with owners paying "quitrents" to the propietor. He didn't believe in repsentative instituions and that ordinary colony people meddling in governmental affairs. - colonists were guaranteed all privelages and liberities of englishmen (was not followed by charter brougth conflict)

What is the principle of consent?

Church government was decentralized- each congregation had "complete liberty to stand alone." CHurhces were formed by voluntary agreement among members who elected the minister. NO important church decision was made without the agreement of the male members.

Describe women and the Family in Virigina

Colony lacked women but most came as indentured servants. The high death rate, unequal ratio of sexes,late age of marriage caused a backward growth of the population and produced a population of mainly single males, widows, and orphans. Women who were married possessed certain rights like the doer right. However single women took advantage of legal status and to make and conduct business. SInce most women wre servants they look forward to death fromhard labor and sexual abuse.

What effects did the civil war have in maryland?

Conflict between Protestant settlers and Catholics and anti-proprietary feelings produced a violent war within the colony later recalled as the "plundering time"

What was the concern with the society growing in commericialization?

Declining piety or "declension. By 1650 half of the population had full church membership. Churches had to dela with a growing population and children of elcet who couldn't demonstate religous commitment and testify to conversion experience to receive full membership.

Who set charts to Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Walter Releigh authorizing them to establish colonies in north america?

ELizabeth the 1st

Describe the Plymouth Colony at the beginning

Established colony on a site of abandoned INdian villages who fields had been cleared before epidemic and were ready for culitvation. However settlers arrived 6 weeks before winter without food or animals. 1/2 died in the 1st winter Colonist who surivied were helped by local INdians.

Describe the relationship between Puritans and coastal Indians

European settlement colonists outnumber native populations. - they saw them as savage (natural liberty); they were a temptation to colonists who lacked proper moral fiber; obstacle that needed to be removed. - INdians lacked a central political structure.

Who were the Quakers and what were their beliefs?

Followers of Anne Hathway who believed that the spirit of God dwelled in every individual and not just the elect, and that this "inner light" offered guidance in spritual manners. They were one of the sects that sprung up in England during civil war.

Describe the relationship between church and state in Massachussets

Forbade ministers from holding office for it interfered with the spiritual responsibilites. Church and state was interconnected. THe law required each town to establish a church and pay tax to support the minister. No sepertae church courts but the state enforced religious devotion.

Who were the Separatists?

Group of puritans who abandoned the Church of England entirely to from their own independant churches

Describe the creation of Rhode Island as a result of Roger William banishment

HE was banished in 1636 and established the colony of Rhode Island. The colony became a beacon of religious freedom. IT had no established church, religious qualifications for voting, and no requirement that citizens attend church. It became a haven for dissenters and Jews. It's frame of government was more democratic; assembly was elected twice a year, governor annually, and town meetings held frequently.

WHat did freedom mean to the Puritans?

IT was a spiritual affair where the opportunity and responsibilty to obey God''s will through self goverment and self denial. - natural liberty - moral liberty True freedom meant subjection to authority both relgious and secular. Liberty meant that the elect had a right to establish churches and govern society and no one could challenge their beliefs of authority.

Who was Squanto and what did he do?

Indian who was captured by Spain in 1614 to be sold as slaves. He rescued local priests and made his way to London where he learned English. He then returned to MAssachussetts in 1619 to find his people succumbed to disease. He served as an interpreter to the Pilgrims, taught them where to fish and how to plant corn, and formed an alliance with Massachussetts colonial chief.

How did the Englishmen feel towards Indians land?

Indians had no real claim to their land since they did not cultivate or improve it. They acquired their land by purchase by treaties enforced by Indians after military defeat This brought constant warfare with colonists and indians in 17th century. This brought a strong feeling of superiority among the colonists and left them intent on leaving imaginative boundaries between the 2 people.

Describe the founding MAssachussets Bay Company

In 1629, Massachussets Bay Company was founded by a group of London merchants who hoped to further the Puritan cause and turn a profit through trade with the Indians

What was the Pequot War?

In 1637 a fur trader was killed by a Pequots. A force of Connecticut and Massachussets soildrs , augumented by Narrangansett allies surrouned the main Pequot fortified village at Mystic and set it to blaze killing 500 people. After the war the remaining pequots were exterminated or sold in slavery. THe treat that restored peace decleared that name to be wiped from historical records.

Describe their the Pilgrams arrival in Plymouth

In september 1620, the Mayflower carried 150 settlers and crew from England. They landed not in Virginia but on Cape God and established colony of plymjouth

How was tobacco introduced to Virginia and how did it spread?

Introduced by west indies by John Rolfe Became a commodity which mass market in Europe; a substitute for gold. IT enriched the emerging class of tobacco planters and members of colonial government. The spread of tobacco farming produced a dispersed society and frenzied scrambled for land and labor.

Describe the 1st Thanksgiving at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

It was in Autumn of 1621 and the pilgrims invited their Indian allies to a harvest feast celebrating their survival.

Describe the beginning of Jamestown in Virginia

It was rocky - leadership changed frequently/ inhabitants suffered a high death rate/ hopes of locating riches quickly faded/ inadequate labor and supplies - first settlers were a quarrelsome bunch - Nearby swamp contained malaria and dumped garbage bred germs that caused dysentery and typhoid fever - disease and lack of food took a heavy toll (80% of population died in 1st decade)

What does Jamestown and Virigina named after?

Jamestown named for the King of England Virgina named for predeccessor Elizabeth 1 the "virgin queen"

Describe the interaction between Indians and Jamestown settlers

Jamestown settlers encountered about 15000-25000 Indians living in numerous small agriculture villages. They had a forceful leader who consolidated his authority over the region but they did trade with newcomers.

When was Jamestown established?

May 14, 1607

Describe the unique features of New England Settlement

Most settlers came in families. They came for many reasons such as escape from religious persecution, anxiety about the future of England, and prospects of economic betterment. Settlers were older and more prosperous. A number of men and women were more equally balance. It had a healthier climate, population grew rapidly, and double every 27 yrs.

WHat were the motivations for north america colonization for the english?

NATIONAL RIVALRY: Opposition to Spain's catholicism as a result of the reformation movement and an atttack of Spanish on British Isles SPREADING PROTESTANTISM: The idea that the Catholic spain empire was murderous enabled the english to describe their imperial ambitions in the language of freedom TRADE BASE EMPIRE and SOLUTION TO SURPLUS POPULATION in NEW ENGLAND Image of north america as a place where settlers could escape economic inequalities of english madde many view it as a place of opportunity for english laboring classes could regain economic independance..

What challenges did English emigrants face in coming to n.a,?

North america was unstable and a dangerous environment. Disease decimated Indian and settler populations. Colonies were racked by religious, political, economic tensions, drawn into wars, and had conflict with Indians. AS a result, colonies depended on mother country for protection and economic assistance.

Describe the Uprising of 1622

Once the English want a permanent settlement, peaceful relation with the Indians ended in 1622 when Powhatten brother Opechancagh led a suprise attack that wiped out 1/4th of Virginia's settler population. The surviving colonists organized military bands which massacred Indians and devastated villages. The attack shifted the power in the colony where settler's had supremecy up to 1644. They forced the remaining Indians to move west and not enter European settlement without permission. However this uprising ended the Virginia Company charter and it was ruled by an elite which grew in wealth and power as a result of tobacco.

What is an indentured servant?

People who voluntarily surrended their freedom for a specfic amount of time in exchange for passage to america

What were more rights that settlers of English america enjoyed?

Power to choose members of elected assemblies Protections of common law (right to trial by jury/ access to land/ key to economic independance_)

Who was Roger Williams and what did he do?

Puritan Minister who criticized the status quo. He insisted that its congregations withdraw from the Church of England and that church/state be separated. William believed individuals should follow conscience wherever they led and citizens should practice whatever form of religion he chose. He felt that the government to "molest any person . . . for professing doctrine or practicing worship" violated the principal that genuine religious faith is voluntary. Embracing the government corrupted the purity of Christian Faith and drew believers into endless religous wars like Europe. He rejected that Puritans were an elect people and that God had special favorite groups.

Who was Roger Williams and what did he do?

Puritan Minister who was a critque of the status quo. He insisted that its congregations withdraw from the Chruch of england and that church/state be seperated. William believed individuals should follow conscience wherever they led. He believed citizens should practice whatever from of religion he chose. He felt that the government to "molest any person . . . for preofessing doctrine or practicing worship" violated the principal that geninune religous faith is voluntary. Embracing the government corrupted the purity of Christian Faither and drew believers into endless religous wars like Europe. He rejected that Puritans were an elect people and that God had special favorite groups. HE was banished in 1636 and established the colony of Rhode Island. The colony became a beacon of religious freedom. IT had no established church, religious qualifications for voting, and no requirement that citizens attend church. It became a haven for dissenters and Jews. It's frame of goverment was more democractic; assembly was elected twice a year, govenor annualy, and town meetings held frequently.

Describe the place of women in Massuchussets Bay colony

Puritans deemed women to be spritual equals of men and allowed them to be members of the church. They allowed them to hold postions of religious leadreship. However, the husband's authority was virtually absolute. Their responsibilities as wives and mothers defined women's lives. They devoted their adult life to bearing and rearing children.

Describe the government in Massachussets

Puritans feared excessive individualism and lack of social unity Leaders organizer the colony in self governing towns (civic and religious). Residents had lots and land for farming and rest was for collective use, later settlers, or sons of town settlers. Each town had a congregational church and a school so they could learn how to read the Bible. The government reflected its religious and social visions. RUled the colony without outsdie interference and prevanted non-Puritans from influencing decision making by forming charter into a commercial form of government. THe principal of consent was central to Purantism. Anyone could worhsip at church but to be a full member required demonstrating one had experienced divine grace and could be considered a "visible saint"

Describe Patriarchal familes in New England.

Puritans shared a belief in male authority in households as real as adherence to the common law traditon that limited married women's legal and economic rights. The obedience of women, children and servant's to men's will was the foundation of the social society. A father's authority was vital because in a farming soicety without a large number of slaves or servants, control over the labor of one's family was essential to a man's economic success.l

Describe the government of Plymouth

Restedon the principal of consent and voting was not limited to church members

What were the economic motives behind new england settlment?

Settlers sought a "competancy" the economic independence that came with secure landownership or craft status. plus. WHile religious divisions spawned new settlements the desire for land among younger families newcomers was a major motive for new england's expansion.

How were Indian lives changed in land?

Settlers spread over the land and threatened the Indian's way of life. They fenced more and more of their land, introduced new crops and livestock, the natural enviroment changed in many ways. - Pigs and cattle roamed freely trampling Indian cornfields and gardens - Wood to build homes depleted forests which Indians relied on for farming - RApid expansion of fur trade diminished population of beavers and other animals

Describe the lines of hierarchy in Massachussets

Socially prominent familes were assigned the best land and most desirable seats in Church Ordinary settlers were adressed as "goodman/ goodwoman" while the better sort were called "gentlewoman/ lady/ master/ mistress"

What was the English Civil War?

Struggle for political supremacy between parliament and the Stuart monarchs James 1 and Charles 1 - battle arose from religious disputes about how fully the church of England should distance itself from doctrines and forms of worhsip from Catholicism - leaders of house of common saccused Stuart kings of endangering liberty by imposing taxes without parliamentary consent, imprisoning political foes, and leading then nation back to Catholicism - Battle was won by Pariament in 1642 and Charles 1 was beheaded, monarchy abolished, and England declared a "commonwealth and free state"; nation governed by the people

what did liberty mean to the levelers and diggers between?

THe levellers (1st democratic political movement) proposed a werrite constitution, the agreement of the people. IT propesed to abolish the monarchy, HOuse of Lords, and expaned the right to vote. THe diggers hoped to give freedom on economic underplannning through the common ownership fo land.

What does moral liberty mean to Puritans?

The Christian liberty which meant "a liberty that only which is good." It has severe restraints on speech, religion and personal behavior.

How did they stabilized Jamestown in Virginia?

The Virginia Company soon began to realize that for the colony to grow they needed to stop looking for gold and grow its own food and find a marketable commodity. - Created new polices that shaped Virginia's development as a functioning society (Forced Labor) - Created a headright system which awarded 50 acres of land to any colonist who paid for his own or someone else is passage and those who brought servants got a larger estate - Replaced the government's miltaristic regime with a "charter of grants of liberities" which established the House of Burgesses which was the 1st elected assembly in colonial america.

Who were the piligrims?

The first Puritans to emigrate to Amreeica. - fled Netherlands in 1608 believing Satan had begun "to sow errors, heresis, and discords" in England. 10 yrs later they believed their children were being corrupted by surroundings.

What were variations in Puritans?

They all shared the conviction that the church of England retained too many elements to Catholicism in its religious rituals and doctrines. They saw church ceremonies and ornate church decorations as "popery". Many rejected the Catholic structure of religious authority. All Puritans shared the beliefs of the Church of England and society including a hatred of Catholicism, pride in England's greatness as champion of liberty. Only independant local congregations believed that they should choose clergymen and determine modes of worship (call congregrationalist).

How was Indian lives transformed by Englishmen interaction?

They became intergrated in the Atlantic economy. Changes took place in their societies where european metall goods changed farming, hunting, and cooking practices. Men hunted beaver for fur hunting. Older skills deterioated as European products expanded. The use of alcohol increased in societies as well.

How was an indentured servant similar and different to a slave?

They could be bought, sold, could not marry without permission of owner, subject to physical punishment, and obligated to labor. They were different from slave in which they could look forawrd to release from bondage, receive payment known as "freedom dues", and become a free member of the society

How did Puritans view individual judgement?

They emphasized men should vote according to their "own conscience". Modern ideas of individualism, privacy and personal freedom was strange to Puritans. Residents monitored one another's behavior and expelled those hwo violated communal norms. The main freedom possessed by dissenters was the "liberty to keep away from us". Towns banished indivduals who critized the church or government.

Why did Puritans Seperatists leave England?

They feared "popist" practices had grown so much that they could no longer bear them. They blamed many of england's problems on the wandering poor who were seen as ungodly and indolent. They emigrated to escape the religious and worldly corruption of English society. They came in search of liberty especially the right to worship and govern themselves in a Christian manner.

Why did the English not call themselves "conquerors"?

They wanted land, not dominion over the existing population.

Describe how Indians reacted with contact with Englishmen

They welcomed the Newcomers for their goods for their practical advantages. Items like woven cloth, metal kettles, iron axes, fishhooks, hoes, guns were integrated into Indian life. They incorporated glass beads and copper ornaments into religious ceremonies.

Describe the relationship between the Indians and Englishmen

They were interested in displacing them and settling on their land. They were not interested in marrying them, organizing labor or making them subjects of the crown. However they did exchange goods with the Indians

How was Maryland similar to Virginia colony?

Tobacco dominated the economy and the planters were the society

What was Jamestown the capital of?


Key figures in Jamestown (interaction between indians and jamestown setlers)

Wahon Sonacok (Powhatten) forceful leader who consolidated his authority in the reigon and collected tribute fromt he tribes. He traded with newcomers John smith stop settlers from seizing Indian villages and encouraged trade with Indians/ used rigorous military discipline to hold colony together Pocahontas was an intermeditary between the 2 peoples

Describe the social class of Virginia

White society -wealthy at the top; small farmers and former indentured servants who acquired land in the middle; poor laborers like servants and former indentured servants at the bottom

How did the government of Massachusetts promote economic development?

build roads/ bridges offered bounties to economic enterprises abandoned laws limiting prices

Why was their diminshing prospects for the landles?

death rate was high and 70% of settlers died before reaching the age of 50 yrs

WHat were other colonies that formed from religious disagreements in Massachussets.

in 1636 THomas Hooker established Hartford. It's system of government embodied int he Fundamental orddres of 1639 which was model of Massuchussets. colony of new haven founded in 1638 by emigrants who wnated a closer connection between state and church in 1662 these 2 colonies combined to become Connecticut

Where did English migrants travel to when they came to n.a.? And why did they choose to travel there?

ireland/west indies where the introduction of sugar cultivation promised riches to those who could obtain land Chesapeke area (tobacco producing colonies of Virgina/ maryland) developed constant demand for cheap labor Middle colonies attracted 23,000 settlers

Describe most english emigrants

young single men from the bottom rungs of English society who had little to lose by emigration

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