AP U.S. History Part 2

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What does an examination of American voters in the late nineteenth century reveal?

Voter turnout for both presidential and nonpresidential elections was very high.

Which factor most explains why new conservative Republicans in the later twentieth century failed to balance the federal budget?

Voters opposed the elimination or reform of federal entitlement programs.

What happened during the election of 1920?

Voters turned away from idealism and toward "normalcy."

What happened in the election of 1896?

William Jennings Bryan was the nominee of two different political parties.

Which of these was a result of the 1912 presidential election?

Woodrow Wilson did not win a majority of the popular vote.

In 1942 and 1943, what did the British and American war effort against Nazi Germany concentrate on?

fighting in North Africa and southern Europe

American agriculture at the turn of the century benefited from which of these?

foreign crop failures

What most permitted the rise of the developments illustrated by the above maps?

great industrial growth due to innovations in technology and business management

What did Richard Nixon call for in the 1968 presidential campaign?

greater stability and national law and order

The Scopes Trial of 1925 was a legal battle most immediately concerning the conflict between which of these?

creationism and evolution

In his 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald did which of the following?

criticized the American obsession with material wealth

After the Gulf War, President George H. W. Bush's high popularity quickly faded because of which issue?

his inability to contain a worsening recession

The Cuban Missile Crisis ended after President John Kennedy agreed to ________.

remove missiles from Turkey and not invade Cuba

According to the philosophy of pragmatism, society should be guided by which of these?

scientific inquiry

In 1986, the Reagan administration suffered a serious political scandal after the White House admitted it had ________.

secretly sold weapons to the revolutionary government of Iran

Which of these federal policies most increased the size of the deficits in the 1980s?

substantial increases in military expenditures on missiles and defense programs

As president, Ronald Reagan ________.

succeeded in making his personality a central feature of his presidency

The issue of business monopolies in the late 1800s made the United States decide between which of these concepts?

success or competition

Which of the following best describes a major issue for the Progressive movement, as reflected in the above excerpt?

the growth and corruption of corporate America

In Wilson's Fourteen Points, what does "freedom of the seas" mean?

the idea that neutral nations should be able to trade with any other nation, even if that nation is at war

What was the policy idea behind Dollar Diplomacy?

to extend investments and influence of the United States in less-developed regions

What was the intent of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934?

to give Indian tribes the right to own land collectively and to elect tribal governments

What was President Theodore Roosevelt's goal in the Square Deal?

to mediate conflict by putting the interest of the public above the interests of business owners

Why was the American Liberty League formed in 1933?

to organize wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal.

What was the purpose of the Platt Amendment that was passed in 1901?

to pressure Cuba into including pro-United States policies and stipulations into its constitution

What was the basic goal of President Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy"?

to pursue American interests by giving loans to developing countries

What did the Supreme Court rule that President Nixon must do in the case United States v. Richard M. Nixon (1974)?

turn over evidence to the special prosecutor

By the early 1990s, gay men and lesbians in the United States ________.

were experiencing a powerful backlash from within American society

When did President Harry S. Truman initially decide to "get tough" with the Soviet Union?

when he had been in office for only a few days

When did the political decline of Senator Joseph McCarthy begin?

when he investigated the United States Army

Which of these was a consequence of the Korean War?

Close to 10 percent of Korea's population was killed.

Which of the following best describes how globalization affected labor in the United States from the 1980s through the turn of the twenty-first century, leading to rallies such as that in the photo?

Corporations moved jobs overseas where wages and benefits were lower.

What happened in the 1948 presidential election?

Early polls seemed to indicate that Harry S. Truman would lose.

Which of these thinkers is correctly matched with his thought?

Edward Bellamy thought that one large trust should be formed under the government to distribute profits more equally.

During the 1920s, the National Woman's Party campaigned primarily for which of these?

Equal Rights Amendment

What was needed for President McKinley's Open Door policy to work in China?

European powers needed to refrain from claiming exclusive zones of trade in China.

What happened during the recession of 1937?

FDR called for a committee to investigate big business and antitrust laws.

What was the public's perceived cause of the recession of 1937, known as the "Roosevelt Recession"?

FDR cut some government programs in his efforts to balance the federal budget, which resulted in unemployment for many people.

Which is NOT a form of entertainment that grew in popularity with the increase of leisure time during the Industrial Age? a) spectator sports b) theater and movies c) horseback riding d) radio

horseback riding

What did Franklin D. Roosevelt do between his election in 1932 and the inauguration in 1933?

He made no public statements that committed him to a specific policy.

Which statement is true regarding President George H. W. Bush in the foreign affairs of the late 1980s?

He moved toward far-reaching arms reduction agreements with the former Soviet Union.

Which of the following was true of Warren Harding as president?

He never abandoned the party loyalists who had brought him to success.

President Woodrow Wilson did which of the following in his dealings with Mexico?

He ordered a military expedition into Mexico to capture Pancho Villa.

What did President Nixon do after the 1972 election to try to prompt a peace settlement in Vietnam?

He ordered an enormous increase in the aerial bombing of North Vietnam.

President Theodore Roosevelt did which of these in his dealings with Latin America?

He quietly supported a revolution by Panama against Colombia.

In the 1890s, Jacob Riis did which of the following?

He reported on the living conditions of the urban poor to encourage improvements.

What had Franklin D. Roosevelt done by 1937?

He shot down international cooperation by abandoning the gold standard.

As the Depression deepened, what action did President Herbert Hoover take?

He supported greater intervention by the federal government.

What happened during FDR's first weeks in office in 1933?

He tried to balance the federal budget by cutting government employees' salaries.

What did Lyndon B. Johnson do in his first two years as president?

He was able to pass a program that provides federal medical care for the elderly through Congress.

Which of these statements is true of John F. Kennedy?

He was the first Catholic to become President of the United States.

Which statement is true regarding Franklin D. Roosevelt?

He won the election of 1932 by a wide margin over the unpopular Herbert Hoover.

The nominee of the Democratic Party in 1968 was ________.

Hubert Humphrey

As supported by the information in this table, what is an overall conclusion regarding the Great Depression?

Huge amounts of productivity and income were lost due to the failing economy.

Which statement is accurate regarding the development of the personal computer?

IBM hired Microsoft in the late 1970s to design an operating system for its computers.

Many conservatives during the Gilded Age supported the idea of social Darwinism. Which statement fits this ideology?

If your business didn't succeed, you were unfit for success.

What was the reason Theodore Roosevelt did not run for another term as president in 1908?

In 1904, he had promised not to run for another term in office.

Which of these was true of local and state political progressive reforms?

Initiatives and referendums were instituted in some states to get around machine-controlled state legislatures.

What was one of the major effects the New Deal had on the United States?

It allowed a wider variety of groups to challenge the power of business.

What effect did the lend-lease plan have in 1940 and 1941?

It allowed the United States to give unlimited aid to England.

During World War I, what was true regarding the new technology of warfare?

It allowed the attack of the enemy without direct combat by infantry on the ground.

Which group had the fewest restrictions on voting in the late 1800s?

immigrants from Europe

Where were most women employed during World War II?

in the service sector

Between 1939 and 1945, the federal budget of the United States ________.

increased more than tenfold

In the United States during World War I, the Committee on Public Information (CPI) did which of the following?

It became increasingly sensationalist in its information campaign.

After World War I, which statement was true of the new Ku Klux Klan?

It became primarily concerned about Catholics, Jews, and foreigners.

Which of these did the U.S. military do concerning racial issues during World War II?

It began to relax its practices of racial segregation.

What was the purpose of the Agricultural Marketing Act?

It created a Farm Board that would make loans to national marketing cooperatives to purchase surplus crops from farmers so farmers could raise crop prices.

Which statement is true regarding the Battle of the Bulge?

It ended serious German resistance in the west.

What was the purpose of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938?

It established a national minimum wage for the first time.

During World War II, what happened with the War Production Board?

It favored large over small contractors.

Which statement is true regarding the Human Genome Project?

It had identified and classified over 100,000 human genes by 2003.

By 1910, which of these was true of college education for American women?

It had significant effects on marriage.

How successful was the organized labor movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

It had some small successes, usually on a case-by-case basis.

What happened with the Supreme Court after President Nixon had appointed four new justices?

It increased its commitment to social reform in some areas.

Which of these is true regarding the election of 1888?

It involved clear differences on the tariff issue between the major parties.

Which statement is true regarding the hostage crisis in Iran?

It lasted for over a year and made the United States appear weak.

Which of these is true regarding the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955-1956?

It marked the emergence of an effective form of protest against racism.

What did the Federal Trade Commission do?

It monitored, investigated, and prosecuted businesses that were suspected of breaking fair business practices.

Which of these was true of the youth counterculture in the 1960s?

It openly questioned the values and conventions of middle-class society.

What happened in the election of 1936?

It produced a new and enduring coalition of voters for the Democratic Party.

Throughout the 1920s, which of the following was true of the federal government?

It put business leaders in prominent government positions.

The severity of the Depression increased in 1931 when the Federal Reserve Board did which of the following?

It raised interest rates.

How did Prohibition reflect Progressive values?

It reflected the idea that society could be improved through wise government action.

In the late nineteenth century, which statement was true of industry in the United States?

It saw the federal government eager to assist in its growth.

Which of the following was a consequence of President Johnson's Great Society?

It significantly lowered the poverty rate in the country.

What was the purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933?

It sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant crops.

Which statement is true regarding the stock market crash in October 1929?

It started a long slide in stock prices over the next several years.

Which of these is true about the Treaty of Paris that concluded the Spanish-American War?

It transferred the Philippines and Puerto Rico to the United States

What was early television programming like in the 1950s?

It usually depicted white, middle-class, suburban families.

What was the purpose of forming Students for a Democratic Society?

It was a political organization primarily for college students.

What was the purpose of the America First Committee?

It was a powerful lobby against U.S. involvement in the war.

Which of the following was true of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s?

It was a product of changing environmental conditions.

The Gulf War of 1991 had its origins in an Iraqi decision to do which of these?

invade Kuwait

What was the primary purpose of hiring a city manager during the Progressive era?

It was a type of municipal reform that attempted to eliminate political corruption.

What was the purpose of the 1969 Woodstock music festival?

It was an enduring symbol of the ideals of the counterculture philosophy.

Which statement is true of Earth Day in 1970?

It was an example of the popularization of environmentalism.

During World War II, what was the purpose of the National Defense Research Committee?

It was at the forefront of spending over $100 million in government money on research.

What was the result of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proposal to expand the Supreme Court?

It was eventually defeated in Congress.

Which statement is true regarding Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech?

It was given during the largest civil rights demonstration in the nation's history.

What was the New Deal policy toward Native Americans, as led by John Collier?

It was grounded in the belief that Native American cultures should be respected.

Which of these is true regarding the Great Railroad Strike of 1877?

It was launched in response to a wage cut.

What was the purpose of President Nixon's visit to China in 1972?

It was made possible partially by his previous hardline anti-Communism.

During the 1920s, which statement was true of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters?

It was one of the few unions led by African Americans.

What happened to the American economy during the mid-1940s?

It was plagued by serious inflation.

Which of these is true regarding the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890?

It was rarely enforced and was weakened by the courts.

Which of these is true of the American "pacification" strategy in Vietnam?

It was replaced by the more heavy-handed "relocation" strategy.

Which of these was true of industrial unionism in the 1930s?

It was strengthened, partly, by New Deal legislation.

Which of these is true regarding the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1970s?

It was strongly opposed by some women.

Which statement is most accurate regarding the Selective Service Act in the United States?

It was supported by President Woodrow Wilson.

Which of the following was true of the national temperance crusade?

It was supported by business employers.

What happened regarding the overthrow of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem in 1963?

It was supported by the Kennedy administration.

Which statement accurately describes the theory of Social Darwinism?

It was used to justify the social consequences of industrial capitalism.

During President Ronald Reagan's first term, what happened with the course of the American economy?

It went through a severe recession that gave way to a strong recovery.

During World War II, what happened with organized labor in the United States?

It won automatic union memberships for new defense plant workers.

Which of these took place in the 1980 presidential campaign?

Jimmy Carter had to hold off a strong challenge to his renomination.

Which of the following happened in the two years following World War I?

Labor unions were restless and supported many major strikes.

Based on the above excerpt, with which of the following would Falwell most disagree?

Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs

Why did President Harry S. Truman relieve General Douglas MacArthur of command in 1951?

MacArthur publicly criticized President Truman's policy in Korea.

What was the significance of the service of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, which was primarily made up of Japanese American men?

Many of their families were forced into internment camps in the United States while the regiment was fighting to free families who were living in internment camps in Europe.

What happened during Joseph McCarthy's investigation into alleged subversion in the government in the early 1950s?

McCarthy never produced conclusive evidence that any federal employee was a Communist.

Which of the following socioeconomic developments in the United States during the early 1900s is most clearly suggested by the changes illustrated in the maps above?

More Americans could afford to purchase consumer goods.

Which of the following is most directly an effect of the changes illustrated by the maps?

More suburbs began to develop on the fringes of major cities.

Which of these happened as a result of the Vietnam War?

More than 1.2 million Vietnamese soldiers died.

What happened in the years preceding the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

NAWSA argued that women should vote as a consequence of their "separate sphere."

What was the immediate cause of the Korean War in 1950?

North Korea's military invasion of South Korea

The heaviest troop casualties in the Pacific Theater occurred at which battle?


Which of these was Jack Kerouac's account of his rootless wandering across the country?

On the Road

In the American business community at the end of the nineteenth century, which description was accurate?

One percent of corporations controlled one-third of all manufacturing.

Which of these happened in the first decade of the twenty-first century?

Over half of all African Americans were members of the middle class.

What characteristics of national politics in late 1800s merited the name "the politics of mobilization"?

People identified so strongly with their parties that they were moved to take action in politics.

What was at the core of the Ballinger-Pinchot Dispute?

Pinchot accused Ballinger of giving away public lands to a private corporation for personal profit.

What happened in the aftermath of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist fire in New York City?

Pioneering labor laws and strict regulations on factory owners were passed and enforced.

What happened before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor?

President Franklin D. Roosevelt froze all Japanese financial assets in the United States.

Which of these is an accurate summary of the Teapot Dome Scandal?

President Harding transferred control of rich naval oil reserves from the Navy Department to the Interior Department so the secretary of the interior could secretly lease out the land for personal gain.

Which territories did Spain cede to the United States at the end of the Spanish-American War?

Puerto Rico and Guam

The above excerpt best demonstrates which of the following key Progressive beliefs about reform?

Purposeful government intervention was essential to improving and advancing the nation.

What was the major shift in political parties that occurred with the New Deal?

Republicans wanted less government involvement and Democrats wanted more.

What happened as a result of the 1994 election?

Republicans won majorities in both houses of Congress.

Which of these best explains how globalization influenced the growth of world terrorism?

Resentment of capitalist and Western incursions into traditional cultures and religions caused fundamentalists to react violently.

Which of these happened in the 1972 presidential election?

Richard Nixon won over 60 percent of the popular vote.

Whose policy was referred to as "Large Policy," and why was it called that?

Roosevelt; because it required a large U.S. presence internationally

Which of the following was true before 1898?

Samoa was divided into a three-part protectorate.

The memo best supports which of the following statements regarding U.S. success in World War II?

Science and technology research was a key part of U.S. strategy.

What was a distinctive characteristic of women in professional work during the Progressive Era?

Teaching provided more jobs for women than the other professions.

Which of the following is true of the campaign of 1952?

Television played a role in shaping public perception of the candidates.

Which statement is true of the United States before 9/11/2001?

Terrorism seemed like a distant problem to most Americans.

Aside from the factor alluded to in the memo, which one of the following factors also contributed to victory for the United States and its allies in World War II?

The Allies had better political and military cooperation than the Axis powers did.

What happened as a result of the Korean War?

The American public worried something was wrong with their country.

What was the U.S. policy in the Middle East between 1945 and 1959?

The CIA engineered a coup that supported the shah of Iran.

Who would mostly likely use the unemployment figures of 1936 and for what purpose?

The Democratic Party would show voters that they were better off than they were four years before.

What was the Dust Bowl?

The Dust Bowl was a geographic area spanning from Texas into the Dakotas that experienced a terrible drought during the Great Depression.

Franklin D. Roosevelt helped to alleviate panic in the country, in part with his strong, positive personality. What was the famous phrase from his inaugural address that inspired hope in homes across America?

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

What happened when President Woodrow Wilson presented the Treaty of Versailles to the Senate?

A majority of the American public clearly supported its ratification.

Which of the following provides the best rationale for the policy being supported in the above speech?

A swift economic recovery of the war-devastated countries would provide political stability against Communism.

Which of these happened during the late 1960s?

Affirmative action programs spread.

Which of these was true about transportation by 1905?

Airplanes could fly over twenty miles and carry passengers.

Which of these is a result of the economic crisis that ensued after the stock market crash of 1929?

All of these are results of the economic crisis that ensued after the stock market crash of 1929.

In what ways did Americans demonstrate the imperialist and expansionist mindsets in Hawaii?

All of these are ways that Americans demonstrated the imperialist and expansionist mindsets in Hawaii.

Which of these is a style of music that influenced jazz, a new phenomenon in the 1920s?

All of these styles of music influenced jazz

What idea does Twain disagree with in this passage?

America should govern another unrepresented people.

What happened as a result of the Great Depression?

American Communists coordinated more with the Soviet Union.

Which of these was true of the U.S. fight against Japan by 1943?

American forces finally managed to drive the Japanese from Guadalcanal.

While progressivism has many meanings, in this period it tended to be based on what central assumption?

American society was capable of improvement.

Which of these happened before 2016?

American troops killed Osama bin Laden, the head of Al Qaeda.

Aside from Twain's reason, what was another major argument made against U.S. imperialism in the Pacific at the turn of the twentieth century?

American workers would be undercut by cheap labor from the new colonies.

The maps above most directly support which of the following conclusions about changes in American society in the early twentieth century?

Americans experienced increased opportunity for personal mobility, or travel.

What was the main concern of the Red Scare after World War I?

Americans were concerned with the growth of Communism.

What was the basic message of Horatio Alger's novels?

Anyone could work hard and become rich. It could happen to you!

Choose the correct chronological order of the following events that happened during the Kennedy administration.

Bay of Pigs invasion, Vienna Conference, construction of the Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile Crisis

What was the response when Roosevelt tried to expand the number of Supreme Court Justices with the Judicial Reorganization Act?

Both Congress and the public generally felt that it violated the separation of powers.

Which of the following best describes a commonality between the protestors in this image and those of agrarian populist movements of the late 1800s?

Both argued that big business concerns hampered individual success.

Which of the following best expresses how the origin of the movement captured in the above excerpt is similar to the origin of the Second Great Awakening?

Both were reactions by religious leaders to a sense of a loss of religion and morals in American culture and politics.

World War I started with a conflict that should have been fairly small and localized, but was made into a larger global war because of alliances. Which combination accurately describes the two main groups of alliances during this time?

France, Russia, and Great Britain; Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Italy

What happened at the Tehran Conference in late 1943?

Franklin D. Roosevelt promised an Anglo-American second front within six months.

Over 25 percent of the European immigrants in the late nineteenth century were from which country?


What happened in the aftermath of the sinking of the British passenger liner Lusitania?

Germany pledged to the United States that it would not repeat such an action.

Despite Reagan's stance, as reflected in the above speech, which of the following eventually led Reagan to negotiate a significant nuclear arms control agreement with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev?

Gorbachev's sincerity in desiring to reform the Soviet political and economic systems

The above excerpt best supports which of the following viewpoints within the Progressive movement of the early nineteenth and late twentieth centuries regarding how "big business" should be regulated?

Government should regulate in such a way as to encourage competition by preventing the emergence of large corporate combinations.

Which of the following is true of President Theodore Roosevelt as an environmental conservationist?

He added extensive areas of land to the national forest system.

What did President Woodrow Wilson do in the fall of 1915 and during 1916?

He began to support a rapid increase of the nation's armed forces.

As president, Calvin Coolidge did which of the following?

He believed the federal government should not burden business with many regulations.

How did Henry Ford contribute to the mass production of weapons and vehicles for World War II?

He converted his auto factory into an assembly line that created B-25 bombers.

In the 1920s, what did Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon succeed in doing?

He cut taxes on corporate profits and personal incomes.

Following the outbreak of war in Europe in 1939, what action was taken by President Franklin D. Roosevelt?

He declared the United States would remain neutral.

What happened during Theodore Roosevelt's first three years as president?

He desired to win the power for government to investigate corporate activities.

Which of these was true of George W. Bush by the end of his presidency?

He had passed a very large tax cut and added a very large amount to the national debt.

How did President Johnson get involved in Vietnam?

He increased the amount of combat American forces conducted there.

Which statement is true regarding President Barack Obama?

He largely continued the antirecession policies initiated by the Bush administration.

How did FDR respond to criticisms that the New Deal was not doing enough?

He listened to their concerns and met them partway where he could.

What did President Dwight D. Eisenhower do as part of his economic agenda?

He lowered federal support for farm prices from New Deal levels.

Which argument offered by some imperialists at the time is most opposite Twain's ideal for U.S. action in the Philippines?

The Filipinos were uncivilized and, therefore, inherently incapable of self-government.

Which of the following happened in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

The Immigration Restriction League tried to filter out "undesirable" immigrants.

Why was the League of Nations unsuccessful in preventing aggression internationally?

The League as a whole was unprepared to take meaningful actions against the aggressors.

What happened by the end of 1938?

The New Deal had largely come to an end.

What did traditional historians of the Cold War generally believe?

The Soviet Union was primarily responsible for the start of the rivalry.

By mid-2015, which statement was true regarding the gay community?

The Supreme Court had ruled that gay marriage was a constitutional right.

What happened because of the Bonus Army in 1932?

The U.S. Army fought against war veterans.

What began the naval war against Germany in World War II?

The United States moved to arm all its merchant vessels and extended where they could sail after the Nazi attack on an American submarine.

Which of these happened during the Harding administration?

The United States proposed a dramatic reduction in the size of naval fleets of major powers.

Which of these is NOT a reason the United States decided to enter the Spanish-American War? a) American businesses had invested in Cuba and their money was in danger because of the unrest there. b) The United States wanted to support a free Cuba. c) The United States wanted to extend the Open Door policy to Latin America. d) Many Americans felt that more developed nations should help those that were less developed.

The United States wanted to extend the Open Door policy to Latin America.

Which of these is one of the major positive contributions of the United States to World War I?

The arrival of American troops was well timed, and they brought the hope of an inexhaustible potential supply of future reinforcements.

Which of these happened in the early twentieth century?

The brutal Philippine War continued on.

What was the main result of William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech at the Democratic Convention of 1896?

The convention voted to adopt a pro-silver platform and nominated Bryan to run for president.

Which of these happened during the Ford administration?

The cost of oil rose dramatically.

Which of the following conclusions do the data in the table best support?

The early Great Depression cut the country's production almost in half.

Which of these is true of Bill Clinton's second term in office?

The federal budget saw its first surpluses in thirty years.

Which of these statements fits within a conservative belief system during the Industrial Age?

The government should leave business alone.

Which statement accurately summarizes the criticisms of the left and the right regarding the New Deal?

The left felt that Roosevelt and the New Deal did not do enough to help people, while the right felt that he was far too involved and that the New Deal should do less.

Which of these was true by 1915?

The moving assembly line was the most important change in industrial technology.

Which of the following statements best characterizes the larger effect of the policy stated in this speech on reshaping the role of the United States in global affairs?

The nation became the political and economic leader of the Western world in the following years.

What was one long-term consequence of the New Deal?

The national government assumed responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

Why was Upton Sinclair 's The Jungle an example of muckraking?

The novel described the terrible conditions of meatpacking industry in a way that made people care.

Which statement is true regarding the Pullman Strike of 1894?

The president of the United States ordered federal troops to break the strike.

According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Carnegie in "The Gospel of Wealth," which statement is true?

The rich had great responsibilities to use their resources for society.

Which of these trends happened during the 1950s?

The unemployment and inflation rates stayed low.

What happened with Native Americans during World War II?

The war undermined their efforts to revitalize tribal traditions.

What almost prevented the D-Day invasion from happening?

The weather over the English Channel was stormy and forbidding.

Which of these statements was true in 1942 when the United States interned Japanese Americans in "relocation centers"?

There was no evidence that the Japanese Americans were a domestic security risk.

After 1929, what did American banks do in the face of the worsening global economic crisis?

They called in the debts owed to them by European nations.

During the 1930s, what happened with southern rural blacks who moved to northern urban areas?

They experienced unemployment rates around 50 percent in major cities.

In the late nineteenth century, which of the following was true of many immigrants to the United States?

They formed close-knit ethnic communities and neighborhoods within cities.

How were African Americans treated under the New Deal?

They had an advocate in the first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt.

How did New Deal programs affect the American West?

They helped the region more than they helped any other part of the country.

The technological and industrial developments of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries generally affected the average American's life of that time period in which of the following ways?

They improved living standards and increased access to information.

Which of these is true about the actions of the United States in the early Cold War?

They kept the country in a position of global leadership after its intervention in World War II.

Which of these was true of the Farmers' Alliances?

They largely replaced the fading Granger societies and organizations.

During the progressive era, which of these was true of political interest groups?

They rose to replace the declining power centers of the parties.

What was the general result of the economic pressures caused by the Great Depression?

They strengthened the idea that a woman's proper place was in the home.

American literature and art in the late 1800s and early 1900s were characterized by which of these?

They tried to show things as they were even when unpleasant.

In the 1950s, which of these was true of suburban families in the United States?

They usually had fewer minority neighbors than they would have had in cities.

What did the Christian right do in the late 1970s?

They were alarmed by many Supreme Court rulings.

What was the main reason that some people were against child labor laws at the turn of the twentieth century?

They were families who needed the money that their children made.

At the turn of the twentieth century, which of the following was true of the leaders of the settlement house movement?

They were members of the Salvation Army and believers in the social gospel.

Which of these is true of the Knights of Labor?

They were more radical in their aims than the AFL.

Which of these places events in the correct chronological order?

Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, McCarthyism

The internet grew out of ________.

a federal government program called ARPA

The largest and most significant public works project of the federal government under President Dwight D. Eisenhower involved which of these?

a federal highway system

What did the People's Party call for in 1892?

a government network of crop warehouses

President Nixon believed U.S. foreign policy should work toward ________.

a multipolar international structure for power and diplomacy

What did the "supply-side" economic theory call for during the Reagan administration?

a reduction of personal and corporate taxes

During the 1920s, the agricultural economy of the United States experienced which of these?

a significant decline in farmers' incomes

Who were the Molly Maguires?

a violent secret society of Irish immigrants

All of the following are true of the Iraq War EXCEPT which one? a) Iraq's supply of weapons of mass destruction was uncovered by American troops in 2005. b) George W. Bush declared victory in the Iraq War about two months after it began. c) Most American soldiers who died in Iraq did so after Bush's "mission accomplished" speech. d) The leader of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, was captured and later executed after his trial.

a) Iraq's supply of weapons of mass destruction was uncovered by American troops in 2005.

The United States was involved in World War II battles in countries across the Atlantic EXCEPT which one? a) Japan b) Tunisia c) Morocco d) Egypt

a) Japan

President Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war in April 1917 for all of these reasons EXCEPT which one? a) a desire to create a League of Nations to uphold international ideals b) German overtures to Mexico about seizing American land c) the German resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare d) a desire to make the world "safe for democracy" and protect rights

a) a desire to create a League of Nations to uphold international ideals

During the 1920s, most American industrial workers experienced all of the following EXCEPT which one? a) almost no opportunities to join a company union b) a rise in wages and in the quantity of products to buy c) income levels at the "minimum comfort level" d) employers trying to keep their labor costs low

a) almost no opportunities to join a company union

Which of these is NOT an area where changes were made to improve standards of living in American cities in the late 1800s? a) community recreation centers b) law enforcement c) public health d) city planning

a) community recreation centers

Factors in the rise of the civil rights movement included all of these EXCEPT which one? a) rulings of state supreme courts in the South b) events that happened during World War II c) the rapid spread of television and other media d) the growth of the black urban middle class

a) rulings of state supreme courts in the South

Which person or group was LEAST likely to question or criticize U.S. efforts in Vietnam? a) the "silent majority" of Nixon voters b) various rock and folk-revival musicians c) the congressional Fulbright Committee d) Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

a) the "silent majority" of Nixon voters

All of the following actions were initiated by President John F. Kennedy EXCEPT which one? a) the CIA plan to overthrow Fidel Castro b) the creation of the Alliance for Progress c) the creation of the Peace Corps d) an expansion of the Green Berets

a) the CIA plan to overthrow Fidel Castro

All of the following were factors in rising poverty rates in inner cities in the 1950s EXCEPT which one? a) the growth of unskilled industrial jobs in these areas b) persistent racial discrimination in hiring and housing c) the movement of factories and mills to new locations d) large numbers of poor people migrating into these areas

a) the growth of unskilled industrial jobs in these areas

Which of these was NOT a cause of the Spanish-American War? a) the sinking of the Lusitania b) a desire to help Cuban independence c) growing American imperialism d) yellow journalism by leading newspapers

a) the sinking of the Lusitania

Which of these was NOT accurate about cities in the late 1800s and early 1900s? a) Cities showed little interest in art or culture in this age of industrial growth. b) A "city beautiful" movement tried to impose more order on chaotic urban life. c) More cities built parks to allow residents to escape urban life at times. d) Transportation allowed increasing numbers to move to suburban communities.

a)Cities showed little interest in art or culture in this age of industrial growth.

In the 1980s and 1990s, what was the most divisive cultural issue in the United States?


In 1949, President Harry S. Truman succeeded in getting Congress to pass ________.

aid for public housing

President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points included which of these?

an end to secret treaties

What was one of the surprising results of the Red Scare following World War I?

an increased defense of civil liberties, including the creation of the National Civil Liberties Bureau

After World War II, what did the Soviet Union seem to want?

an international order in which the great powers controlled spheres of influence

During the early decades of the twentieth century, how did most Americans begin to view leisure time?

as increasingly desirable and available

All of the following statements regarding the Allied development of an atomic bomb during World War II are true EXCEPT which one? a) The government secretly poured nearly $2 billion into the project. b) Albert Einstein was in charge of the development program. c) Plutonium was a practical fuel for the bomb. d) The program was code-named the Manhattan Project.

b) Albert Einstein was in charge of the development program.

Which of these was NOT a cause of the Great Depression? a) a lack of diversification in the American economy b) American banks recklessly giving out loans because they were confident in America's superior position in international trade c) crop prices being too low for farmers to be able to pay off debt d) the uneven distribution of purchasing power

b) American banks recklessly giving out loans because they were confident in America's superior position in international trade

In which Caribbean country did the United States NOT stage a major intervention during President Wilson's time in office? a) the Danish West Indies b) Colombia c) Haiti d) Nicaragua

b) Colombia

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, all of the following occurred in connection with Native Americans EXCEPT which one? a) Native Americans occupying Alcatraz Island in California and Wounded Knee in South Dakota b) Congress granting reservations "independent nation" status within the United States c) the discontinuation of the policy of termination that the government pursued in the 1950s d) the creation of the American Indian Movement that carried out many protests

b) Congress granting reservations "independent nation" status within the United States

All of the following statements regarding Latinos in the United States are true EXCEPT which one? a) By the late 1960s, Mexican Americans were one of the largest population groups in the West. b) Cuban immigrants in the 1980s were more well-to-do than their counterparts in the 1960s. c) Large numbers of Central American immigrants arrived in the United States in the 1980s. d) Puerto Rican migrants established a large community in New York City.

b) Cuban immigrants in the 1980s were more well-to-do than their counterparts in the 1960s.

Who was NOT one of the "captains of industry" during the Gilded Age? a) Cornelius Vanderbilt b) Eugene Debs c) John D. Rockefeller d) Andrew Carnegie

b) Eugene Debs

Which statement about education in the late nineteenth century is false? a) By 1900, most states had compulsory school attendance. b) Funding for public education was highest in rural areas. c) Educational opportunities extended to Native American tribes. d) The number of state universities grew, thanks to the Morrill Act.

b) Funding for public education was highest in rural areas.

Which of these is NOT true of the radio during the Great Depression? a) It was a way that people could escape the realities of the difficult times and be carried into another world. b) It illustrated the social divisions in the nation because only the wealthy could afford to buy radios. c) The radio provided Americans with direct access to breaking news and public events. d) Listening to the radio was a community experience; it was a way people gathered and connected with each other.

b) It illustrated the social divisions in the nation because only the wealthy could afford to buy radios.

Which of these is NOT a way that women substantially contributed to World War II? a) Women participated in USOs to increase morale and raise the spirits of soldiers. b) Many women served as prominent officers in the military. c) Many women served in the military as WACs and WAVEs doing clerical work. d) Women made up a significant percentage of industrial workers.

b) Many women served as prominent officers in the military.

Which of these is NOT a way that the Coolidge administration changed policy to benefit business and industry? a) Congress trimmed the federal budget and significantly decreased the nation's debt following World War I. b) New legislation significantly increased the number of tax deductions that businesses could claim. c) The federal government maintained its close relationship with the private sector that began during World War I. d)

b) New legislation significantly increased the number of tax deductions that businesses could claim.

All the following statements regarding the New Deal and women are true EXCEPT which one? a) Women were encouraged to leave the workplace to help men get jobs. b) No women held high positions or had significant influence in the government. c) The New Deal allowed sexually discriminatory wage rates. d) Many occupations dominated by women were excluded from Social Security.

b) No women held high positions or had significant influence in the government.

Which of these is NOT a major change that occurred within the U.S. workforce during World War II? a) Union membership increased, largely because new workers at unionized defense plants were automatically enrolled. b) There was an increase of white men into the civilian workforce, because many of them chose not to join the armed forces. c) There was a severe labor shortage because of the draft and armed forces, which created employment opportunities for minorities and women. d) The unemployment rate decreased dramatically.

b) There was an increase of white men into the civilian workforce, because many of them chose not to join the armed forces.

Which of the following statements regarding the Spanish-American War is FALSE? a) Most Americans shared the opinion that it was a "splendid little war." b) U.S. Army soldiers were well-equipped with adequate food, weapons, and uniforms. c) The war lasted only a few months, with fewer than five hundred American battle casualties. d) More than five thousand U.S. soldiers died from disease during the war.

b) U.S. Army soldiers were well-equipped with adequate food, weapons, and uniforms.

Which of these is NOT a conservationist policy that President Theodore Roosevelt supported? a) projects that would open lands for cultivation and later provide cheap electric power b) a ban on the construction of dams, reservoirs, and canals in the West c) public reclamation and irrigation projects d) restriction of private development on millions of acres of undeveloped government land

b) a ban on the construction of dams, reservoirs, and canals in the West

Which of these is NOT one of the three immediate reasons Wilson used to justify the American entrance into World War I? a) Germany declaring unrestricted submarine warfare, along with the subsequent crimes committed against American lives and ships b) a desire for open diplomacy and unrestricted international travel c) Germany's offer of alliance to Mexico d) the war posed threats to American commerce

b) a desire for open diplomacy and unrestricted international travel

Who did not eventually accept the theory of evolution? a) scientists b) fundamentalist Protestants c) pragmatists d) liberal Protestants

b) fundamentalist Protestants

Which of these was NOT a part of the drive for voting rights? a) demonstrations and marches for voting rights in Selma, Alabama b) overriding President Johnson's veto of the Voting Rights Act c) the Freedom Summer campaign across the South in 1964 d) the creation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

b) overriding President Johnson's veto of the Voting Rights Act

All the following factors contributed to the Great Depression EXCEPT which one? a) an unstable European economy partly due to World War I b) the conservative investment policies of the largest banks c) a lack of diversification in the United States economy d) the unequal distribution of purchasing power

b) the conservative investment policies of the largest banks

What did antiwar protesters do at the Democratic convention in Chicago in 1968?

battle with the city's police in a bloody riot

What would the United States do under John Foster Dulles's policy of "massive retaliation," as announced in 1954?

be more likely to use nuclear weapons against Communist aggression

Why did Al Smith lose the 1928 presidential election?

because he failed to carry the "Solid South"

By the fall of 1914, President Woodrow Wilson ________.

believed his reform program had largely been accomplished

As president, how did Gerald Ford anger many right-wing conservatives?

by appointing Nelson Rockefeller as vice president

How did farmers hope to create a better economy for themselves in the 1890s?

by expanding the money supply and lowering tariffs

How did President Nixon respond to mounting economic problems in 1971?

by imposing a freeze on all wages and prices

In 1947, how did the Truman administration respond to Republican attacks that it was "soft on Communism"?

by launching a program to investigate the loyalty of federal employees

Arguably, America's greatest contribution to World War I was sending money and supplies to the Allied Forces. How did the United States raise this money?

by selling Liberty Bonds and collecting taxes

In April 1970, how was the antiwar movement recharged?

by the revelation of the U.S. invasion of Cambodia

As part of his domestic agenda, President Nixon did all of these EXCEPT which one? a) He tried to end the forced busing of students to desegregate schools. b) He abolished the Office of Economic Opportunity. c) He dismantled all of LBJ's Great Society programs. d) He tried to change welfare by creating a guaranteed annual income.

c) He dismantled all of LBJ's Great Society programs.

How did Richard Nixon leave the presidency in 1974?

through resignation

During the first two years of his presidency, Woodrow Wilson did all of the following EXCEPT which of these? a) During the first two years of his presidency, Woodrow Wilson did all of the following EXCEPT which of these? b) He monitored business for unfair trade practices with the Federal Trade Commission. c) He prosecuted every trust above a certain size, consistent with his New Freedom ideals. d) He countered the money trust and the uneven economy with the Federal Reserve System.

c) He prosecuted every trust above a certain size, consistent with his New Freedom ideals.

Which of these people was NOT an early rock 'n' roll star? a) Chuck Berry b) Elvis Presley c) James Dean d) Bill Haley

c) James Dean

Which of these does NOT reflect the changing standards for women in the 1920s? a) The ideal of the "new professional woman" became more prominent as more women received a college education than ever before. b) Women grew more interested in birth control. c) Mothers started to disregard the advice on motherhood and parenting from professionals and followed their own instincts instead. d) The liberated lifestyles of flappers challenged traditional expectations through very distinct forms of expression in dress, hair, speech, and behavior. d)

c) Mothers started to disregard the advice on motherhood and parenting from professionals and followed their own instincts instead.

Which of these is NOT an argument supporting the isolationist attitude of the United States during the 1920s and 1930s? a) The League of Nations would take care of anything that got out of hand. b) American participation in World War I had been a result of Wall Street greed and was not beneficial for the country as a whole. c) The United States was the only country with the resources to keep the world safe for democracy and prevent dictators from taking over entire countries. d) All of these answers support the isolationist attitude of the United States.

c) The United States was the only country with the resources to keep the world safe for democracy and prevent dictators from taking over entire countries.

All of the following statements regarding the Allied D-Day invasion of France in June 1944 are true EXCEPT which one? a) Within a week, German forces had been dislodged from most of the Normandy coast. b) The Allied naval and air forces bombarded German positions on the beaches. c) The landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channel. d) Allied paratroopers were dropped behind German lines before the beach landings.

c) The landing was made across the narrowest part of the English Channel.

Which of these was NOT an effect of consumerism on American women during the Gilded Age? a)The increasing consumer economy created new employment opportunities for women as clerks and waitresses. b) Changing fashion trends encouraged women to purchase more clothes, more often. c) Women turned a blind eye to the plight of factory workers because of their desire to purchase more and more new products. d) New food products changed how women shopped and cooked.

c) Women turned a blind eye to the plight of factory workers because of their desire to purchase more and more new products.

All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT which one? a) flooding being almost entirely eliminated in the affected region b) improvements to water transportation in the affected rivers c) a significant reduction in poverty in the region d) a decline in the cost of power from what private companies charged

c) a significant reduction in poverty in the region

By the early 1960s, civil rights activists had expanded their activities to include all of these EXCEPT which one? a) sit-ins at lunch counters b) demonstrations in Birmingham c) barricading universities d) sending freedom riders on buses

c) barricading universities

Which of these contains something that was NOT popular in America by the 1910s? a) professional baseball, college football, early basketball b) amusement parks and dime novels c) daily newspapers, telephone, radio d) vaudeville and silent films

c) daily newspapers, telephone, radio

The National Recovery Administration of 1933 did all of the following EXCEPT which one? a) established a minimum wage for labor b) made child industrial labor illegal c) increased competition between companies d) set maximum hours for the work week

c) increased competition between companies

All of the following foreign policy events occurred during the Carter administration EXCEPT which one? a) establishment of formal diplomatic relations with Communist China b) approval of the treaties to return the Canal Zone to Panama c) ratification of a new SALT II arms agreement with the Soviet Union d) signing of a formal peace treaty between Egypt and Israel

c) ratification of a new SALT II arms agreement with the Soviet Union

During the late nineteenth century, all of the following innovations occurred in consumer goods EXCEPT which of these? a) the ability to refrigerate foods artificially b) the opening of large department stores the formation of credit card companies d) the formation of credit card companies

c) the formation of credit card companies

The United States Senate voted to do which of these in 1954?

censure Joseph McCarthy for "conduct unbecoming a senator"

Which of these did NOT occur in the Pacific? a) the attack on Pearl harbor b) Battle of the Coral Sea c) Battle of Midway d) Battle of the Bulge

d) Battle of the Bulge

Which of these was NOT a sign of the strong consumerism of the 1920s? a) KDKA began broadcasting from Pittsburgh in 1920. b) Over 100 million people saw movies in the year 1930. c) Thirty million cars were on the roads by the end of the decade. d) Bruce Barton's book criticized the quantity of advertising.

d) Bruce Barton's book criticized the quantity of advertising.

During World War II, FDR eventually decided to aid the British in the fight against Germany by loaning and selling weapons to the British military, much to the chagrin of many Americans. Which of these was NOT an argument that FDR used to justify his actions? a) If England fell, America would be sitting with a direct threat of danger and war. b) If your neighbors' house was on fire, you wouldn't argue about cost; you would immediately let them borrow your hose. c) England was broke and coming close to losing its part of the war. d) England would undoubtedly find success, and the United States was just helping it along in small ways without getting fully involved.

d) England would undoubtedly find success, and the United States was just helping it along in small ways without getting fully involved.

As part of his Asian diplomacy, President Theodore Roosevelt did all of these EXCEPT which one? a) He pressured Russia into recognizing Japan's territorial gains in the Russo-Japanese War. b) He signed a secret agreement with Japan to ensure continued American trade in Asia. c) He sent a fleet of battleships around the world as a show of American military power. d) He generally improved relations and trade between the United States and both Japan and Russia.

d) He generally improved relations and trade between the United States and both Japan and Russia.

Which of these minority groups did NOT have a large presence in the workforce during the 1920s? a) Mexican immigrants b) African Americans c) Japanese immigrants d) Irish immigrants

d) Irish immigrants

All of the following statements regarding the 1968 Tet offensive are true EXCEPT which one? a) American troops eventually inflicted enormous casualties on the Viet Cong forces. b) It began on a Vietnamese holiday celebrating the beginning of the new year. c) Viet Cong forces fought on the grounds of the American embassy in Saigon. d) It led to the eventual demolition of the Ho Chi Minh Trail by U.S. and ARVN troops.

d) It led to the eventual demolition of the Ho Chi Minh Trail by U.S. and ARVN troops.

Which U.S. president is incorrectly matched with his description? a) Benjamin Harrison: raised rates of the McKinley Tariff b) Grover Cleveland: first Democrat elected since the Civil War c) Rutherford B. Hayes: election ended Reconstruction d) James A. Garfield: opposed national civil service reform

d) James A. Garfield: opposed national civil service reform

Which of these is NOT a difference between the beliefs of fundamentalists and modernists, the major division in American Protestantism in the 1920s? a) Fundamentalists were generally rural people, while modernists were generally urban, middle-class people. b) Modernists tried to adapt their religion to align with modern science, while fundamentalists focused on preserving traditional faith. c) Fundamentalists felt that the Bible must always be interpreted literally, while modernists felt that religion could be adapted to fit with modern society. d) Modernists emphasized the importance of being connected in cities, while fundamentalists focused on the importance of humble lives and farming.

d) Modernists emphasized the importance of being connected in cities, while fundamentalists focused on the importance of humble lives and farming.

Which of these is NOT a way the United States prepared to stay out of future foreign wars after World War I? a) The Neutrality Act was passed, which protected American ships from being sunk and citizens from being killed by warring nations. b) Congress passed the Johnson Debt Default Act, which said that the United States would not lend money to nations at war. c) The Nye Committee investigations created doubt about U.S. motives in previous wars. d) President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the Atlantic Charter to proclaim that America would continue to trade with all nations, even those who were at war.

d) President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued the Atlantic Charter to proclaim that America would continue to trade with all nations, even those who were at war.

Which of these was NOT an attempt to create more universal schooling in the late nineteenth century? a) Efforts were made to help Native American tribes assimilate to white society through education. b) Many states adopted policies that made school attendance mandatory. c) The spread of free primary and secondary education allowed more families to send their children to school. d) Public schools were desegregated in order to provide universal educational opportunities to children.

d) Public schools were desegregated in order to provide universal educational opportunities to children.

Which of these ideas is not in line with Progressive ideals? a) Social Darwinism and laissez-faire were not enough to take care of individuals and society. b) Deliberate intervention is necessary to improve society. c) The well-being of individuals is strongly influenced by the well-being of society. d) The government does not need to play a role in improving society, and reform efforts should come instead from private businesses and charities.

d) The government does not need to play a role in improving society, and reform efforts should come instead from private businesses and charities.

All of the following statements regarding poverty in America between 1950 and 1960 are true EXCEPT which one? a) Most of the poor experienced poverty only temporarily and intermittently. b) Native Americans were the single poorest group in the country. c) More than thirty million Americans lived in poverty at any given time during the year 1960. d) The percentage of the population living in poverty rose during the decade.

d) The percentage of the population living in poverty rose during the decade.

Which of these was NOT a major development of the Gilded Age? a) oil drilling b) the automobile c) railroad expansion d) meatpacking factories

d) meatpacking factories

Which of these acts was NOT passed by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 to bolster the economy and solve some of the crises of the Great Depression? a) the Federal Emergency Relief Act b) the Emergency Banking Act c) the Glass-Steagall Act d) the Social Security Act

d) the Social Security Act

Which of these is NOT a way that President Hoover tried to tackle the Great Depression? a) He supported the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in their efforts to help troubled businesses. b)He encouraged Americans to do their best to weather the storm, and he encouraged businesses and workers to work together to keep production and employment up. c) He increased government spending to support state and local public works programs. d)All of these are ways that President Hoover tried to address the Great Depression.

d)All of these are ways that President Hoover tried to address the Great Depression.

In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ________.

declared that an attack on one member nation was an attack on all

The Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ________.

declared that separate educational facilities were unlawful

In which of the following anti-integration actions in the South did federal executives interfere most forcefully in the late 1950s and early 1960s?

defiance of federal court orders at the state and local levels and violent actions carrying out that defiance

By the end of their first year in office, Nixon and Kissinger had concluded that the most effective way to tip the military balance in America's favor was to ________.

destroy military bases and support networks in Cambodia

The Social Security Act of 1935 ________.

did not begin making payments to participants until 1937

Which action of earlier administrations was most rejected by the policy goals supported in this speech?

détente and normalization of relations with Communist nations

The broader coalition movement that would support Falwell's quote met its goals in which policy arena?

economic, such as a reduction in taxes and corporate regulation

Which of these did President Johnson think was most important and desirable in getting people out of poverty, judging by the number of Great Society programs devoted to it?


Who often had the advantage in disputes between employers and workers in the 1920s?


In keeping with the spirit of his Cold War stance reflected in the above excerpt, Reagan pursued which of the following foreign policies?

employing military action and aid in developing countries against any internal Communist-leaning forces

Which of the following best explains the central goal of the African American civil rights movement in the late 1950s and then its main goal by 1965?

ending legal segregation and then achieving voting rights

Early in his presidency, Jimmy Carter gave priority attention to which of these?

energy and the economy

During the 1980s and 1990s, American corporations sought to become more competitive by reducing ________.

labor costs

During the 1950s, the American Federation of Labor in the United States ________.

merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations

Which of these was the most important cultural export of the United States in the 1920s?


Throughout the 1920s, the U.S. economy experienced which of these?

nearly uninterrupted prosperity coupled with severe inequalities

Which of these did the United States do in Vietnam during the Eisenhower presidency?

paid most of France's costs in France's campaign to retake its former colony

What were among the earliest actions taken by the federal government in response to the environmentalism embodied in this excerpt?

passage of legislation to clean up the nation's air and water

A feature of the movement which Falwell's message reflects is most like which of the following features of the religious revivalism of the Second Great Awakening?

personal conversion leading to wider crusades for moral reforms in society

Which of the following enduring debates in U.S. history does this editorial most reflect?

personal liberty vs. social order

In 1954, the American scientist Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for the prevention of which illness?


Which broad U.S. policy goal of the mid-twentieth century was supported by the implementation of the policy proposed in this speech?

political and economic resistance to the spread of Soviet Communist influence abroad

Michael Harrington's 1962 book, The Other America, focused on the problems of ________.


In the 1890s, Florence Kelley and the National Consumers League sought to do which of these?

pressure manufacturers to improve wages and working conditions for laborers

In the late 1970s, members of the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion ________.

protested excessive federal government control of land in the West

Regarding European Jewish refugees, between 1939 and 1945, the United States ________.

refused to accept large numbers of refugees but accepted more than usual

In 2001, President George W. Bush ________.

refused to participate in the Kyoto Protocol

Which of the following most represents a fundamental change in American foreign policy in the years immediately following the 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks on the United States?

rejection of the tradition of constraint in favor of a policy of preemptive attacks

Al Capone was a notorious gangster who fought with other mobsters for control of the alcohol industry in the "Beer Wars." For what crime was he eventually convicted?

tax evasion

What did President Franklin D. Roosevelt decide in 1937?

that he should try to balance the federal budget

What did the Stimson Doctrine of 1932 declare?

that the United States would not recognize territories seized by force

Despite what they claimed, the political battle between Stalwarts and Half-Breeds was a contest ________.

that ultimately redefined national political practices

What was the Manhattan Project?

the Allied effort to catch up with German research and create an atomic bomb

Which of these was NOT a significant factor in ending World War II in the Pacific?

the Battle of the Bulge

In 1972, two Washington Post reporters uncovered evidence linking the Watergate break-in to which of these?

the Committee for the Reelection of the President

Strong believers in the effectiveness of the New Deal and FDR's administration would be most likely to use which statistics?

the GNP from 1933 to 1937

In 1943, which country pressed for an immediate Allied invasion of France against Germany?

the Soviet Union

Which of the following federal measures most directly led to the protest depicted in the above photo?

the Supreme Court decision overturning the precedent set by Plessy v. Ferguson

Aside from publications like Carson's, which of the following was the strongest force giving traction to the environmental movement of the later twentieth century?

the actual and obviously damaged condition of the environment

Which of the following twentieth-century developments most seems to be in the mind of the editorial writer in suggesting caution?

the anti-Communist hysteria of the mid-twentieth century

What was the immediate spark for hostilities in Europe in 1914?

the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the Bosnian city of Sarajevo

Beginning in 1947, the United States' policy of containment was ________.

the basis for its foreign policy for more than forty years

What did President Harry S. Truman's Fair Deal call for?

the creation of national health insurance

Which of the following provided the most significant basis for the promotion of environmentalism in the late twentieth century, as exemplified in the above excerpt?

the development of the scientific field of ecology

By 1900, many Americans had come to blame many economic problems on which of these issues?

the existence of monopolies

What was Thomas Edison's greatest success?

the invention of the ongoing process of invention

During the 1950s, what was the U.S. government's primary motive for the development of rocket and missile technology?

the long-range delivery of weapons

Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel, The Jungle, encouraged the federal government to regulate which industry?

the meatpacking industry

President Dwight Eisenhower warned against ________ in his farewell address to the nation.

the military-industrial complex

What was the first target of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947?

the movie industry

Henry Ford introduced which major concept that revolutionized industrial technology?

the moving assembly line

Which of these happened in rural America in the 1950s?

the population living on farms decreased dramatically

At the conclusion of the Yalta Conference in 1945, what basic disagreements remained?

the postwar government of Poland

Which of the following best represents a recurring constitutional debate since the founding of the nation that most underlies the controversy depicted in the above photo?

the power of the federal government over that of states on certain issues

In 1957, the effort to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, required ________.

the presence of federal troops to enforce court orders and protect black students

In the 1920s, the "noble experiment" referred to which of these?

the prohibition of alcohol

In the 1920s, what new technology allowed people to participate in entertainment more readily and simultaneously throughout the nation?

the radio and motion pictures

The "Saturday Night Massacre" refers to an event that included which of these?

the resignation of two key Nixon administration officials

In 1964, a dispute broke out at the University of California at Berkeley. What was the dispute over?

the rights of students to engage in free speech

What aspect of Progressivism opened the way for Elizabeth Cady Stanton's call for women's right to vote?

the shift to a more individualistic view of society

Germany began World War II in Europe just days after which event?

the signing of a nonaggression pact between Germany and Russia

Which of these was a sign that relations between the United States and the Soviet Union improved after the Cuban Missile Crisis?

the signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

The Second New Deal was launched partly in response to which of the following?

the stubborn persistence of high unemployment and low production in the economy

What was one of the biggest changes from the New Deal in the Second New Deal of 1935?

the symbolic attack on big business and corporate interests

During World War I, how did the United States government primarily finance the war?

through public bond sales and new taxes

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