AP US History Period 4 (1800-1844), AP US History Period 4

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Monroe Doctrine

An 1823 statement by President James Monroe, warning European powers to refrain from seeking any new territories in the Americas.

Eli Whitney

An American inventor who developed the cotton gin. Also contributed to the concept of interchangeable parts that were exactly alike and easily assembled or exchanged

American System

An economic regime pioneered by Henry Clay which created a high tariff to support internal improvements such as road-building.

Louisiana Purchase

In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million. The purchase more that doubled the size of the United States.

War Hawks

Led by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun; argued that war with Britain was the only way to defend American honor, gain Canada, and destroy American Indian resistance on the frontier.

Louisiana Purchase

Made by Jefferson, this doubled the size of the US.

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819):

the Supreme Court upheld the power of the national government and denied the right of a state to tax the federal bank using the Constitution's supremacy clause. The Court's broad interpretation of the necessary and proper clause paved the way for later rulings upholding expansive federal powers

Seneca Falls Convention

the first organized public meeting about women's rights held in the United States

wha timprotant foreign policy precedents were establsihed during the washington and adams administrations

u.s would recognize the oppointed representative of any foreign gov. the executive branch established relationships with foreign governments

the changed in american attitude towards the french revolution and how they affected domestic politics

was the fact they were going to remain nuetral, this affected domestic politics becasue it created a division with people who wanted to help the french , while others didn't

what was impressment and how did i tcontribute to rising tenstions between the G.B and the u.S during the jefferson and madision adminitrations

when british took american sailors and forced them to serve int he british navy , the process of impressment got more violent which contributed tenstion between them

Sectionalism: The West

Largely trapping and hunting, citizens lived a secluded life away from others.

Sectionalism: The North

Largely urban population that worked in factories.

Results of the War of 1812

-American Nationalism -War Heroes -Death of the Federalist Party

Jackson and the Bank

1816- second bank of the us given a 20 year charder by congress Charter granted power to the bank to act as the government's financial agent. It held the country's deposits, it made loans and regulated the currency, transferred funds between states, and issued bank notes as well handled payments and receipts for the gov. 80 percent of the bank was privately owned and its profits benefited a large number of wealthy Americans and forgen stockholders Bank was only for the wealthy

Worcester v. Georgia (1832):

A Supreme Court ruling that declared a state did not have the power to enforce laws on lands that were not under state jurisdiction; John Marshall wrote that the state of Georgia did not have the power to remove Indians; this ruling was largely ignored by President Andrew Jackson

Sojourner Truth

A United States abolitionist and feminist who was freed from slavery and became a leading advocate for the abolition of slavery and the rights of women.

Worcester v Georgia

A case in which the United States Supreme Court vacated the conviction of Samuel Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Indians from being present on Indian lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional; led to the removal of Cherokee from their native lands.

Henry David Thoreau

A pioneer ecologist and conservationist. He was an advocate of nonviolent protest against unjust laws.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

A women's rights reformer who was not allowed to speak at an anti slavery convention.

William Lloyd Garrison

Advocated the immediate emancipation of slaves without compensation to their owners. He was also the writer of the "Liberator."

Republican Motherhood/Cult of Domesticity

After industrialization occurred women became the moral leaders in the home and educators of children. Men were responsible for economic and political affairs.

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state, Maine to enter the union as a free state, prohibited slavery north of latitude 36˚ 30' within the Louisiana Territory

Macon's Bill no. 2

Allowed the US to trade with either Great Britain or France depending on who recognized American sovereignty and neutrality first.

Erie Canal

Allowed western farmers to ship surplus crops to sell in the North and allowed northern manufacturers to ship finished goods to sell in the West.

Missouri Compromise

An 1820 compromise crafted by Henry Clay; prohibited slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36 30.

Martin Van Buren

Became President after Andrew Jackson, won the election because of Jackson's popularity. Was faced with economic troubles.

What was the War of 1812?

Conflict between the United States and Britian that lasted from 1812 and 1815.

Nullification Crisis

Conflict that resulted when South Carolina voided federal tariffs and threatened to secede

Henry Clay

Created the Tariff of 1833 to solve the Nullification Crisis, developed the American System, Speaker of the House, Secretary of State under JQA, Whig leaders, leader of the War Hawks.

Embargo Act

Cut off all US trade with the world, attempting to maintain American neutrality.

Lowell System

Developed in textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the 1820s, where few skilled workers were needed, labor was done mostly by single young farm women, who worked for a few years and then returned home to be housewives.


Different parts of the country developing unique and separate cultures (as the North, South and West).

Market Revolution

Dramatic increase between 1820 and 1850 in the exchange of goods and services in market transactions. Resulted from the increased output of farms and factories, the entrepreneurial activities of traders and merchants, and the development of a transportation network of roads, canals and railroads.

Lucretia Mott

Early feminist who advocated for women's rights and against slavery.

John Q. Adams

Elected in 1824 as a result of a bargain struck by Henry Clay.

Treaty of Ghent

Ended the War of 1812, establish status quo antebellum.

Marbury v. Madison (1803):

Established judicial review which made it posstible for the supreme court to declare laws uncosntitutional which increased the power of the court

Marbury v. Madison

Established the Supreme Court's policy of judicial review.

Democracy and the Common Man

Expansion on voting rights to only white male citizens No roles on property "Corrupt bargain" was undemocratic U.s.a takes big steps towards expansion


Favored the common man, weak central government, hated the National Bank, was pro-immigration, wanted slow and cautious westward expansion.


Favored the wealthy and educated, strong central government, supported the National Bank and Internal Improvements, limited immigration, slow/against westward expansion; above all else HATED Andrew Jackson.

National Republicans

Favored the wealthy and educated, strong central government, supported the National Bank, favored internal improvements.


Favored the wealthy and educated, strong central government, supported the National Bank, limited immigration, slow/against westward expansion.

National Road

First national road building project funded by Congress. It made travel and transportation of goods much easier because it was one continuous road that was in good condition.

American Colonization Society

Founded in 1817, this organization transported free Black people to an African colony. This appealed to moderates, racists, and politicians. However, only 12,000 people were actually settled in Africa.

Battle of New Orleans

General Andrew Jackson won this in 1815. The War of 1812 had officially ended two weeks earlier, but word had not yet reached the United States.


He said, "They have pushed us from the seas to the lakes, we can go no further." Advocated fighting Americans to stop westward progression and renew British alliances.

John C. Calhoun

He was Andrew Jackson's vice president, but he opposed Jackson on nullification theory. He advanced the theory that a state had the right to declare a federal law null and void.

American System

Henry Clay proposed this to advance the nation's economy. It consisted of: * Protective Tariffs: * National Bank * Internal Improvements

Lewis and Clark Expedition

In 1804, Captain Meriweather Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark left St. Louis, Missouri on an expedition to the Pacific Coast. They traveled up the Missouri River to the Great Divide, and then down the Columbia River to the Pacific Ocean. The expedition provided greater scientific knowledge of the region, stronger claims to the Oregon Territory, better relationships with the Native Americans, and more accurate maps.

William Henry Harrison

In 1811, this governor of the Indiana Territory, destroyed Shanee headquarters and put an end to Tecumseh's efforts to form an American Indian confederacy. He would become the 9th president of the U.S.

Nat Turner Rebellion

In 1831, this Virginia slave led a revolt in which 55 whites were killed. In retaliation, whites killed hundreds of African American and put down the revolt.

Second Bank of the United States

In 1832, President Andrew Jackson vetoed this bank's recharter bill, denouncing the bank as a private monopoly that enriched the wealthy and foreigners.

Nullification Crisis

In 1832, South Carolina passed a resolution forbidding the collection of tariffs in the state. Jackson threatened use of federal troops against South Carolina.

Trail of Tears

In 1838 the U.S. Army forced 15,000 Cherokees to leave Georgia and move to Oklahoma. 4,000 Cherokees died on the march.

Frederick Douglass

In 1847, this former slave started the antislavery journal, "The North Star"

Seneca Falls Convention

In 1848 women's rights movement wrote a "Declaration of Sentiments", which declared all men and women equal and listed grievances.

universal white male suffrage

In the 1810s, new Western states adopted state constitutions that allowed all white males to vote and hold office. Most Eastern states soon followed suit. Voting for president rose from about 350,000 in 1824 to 2.4 million in 1840.


In the 1820s, this party was led by President Andrew Jackson. It harked back to the old Republican party of Thomas Jefferson.

public school movement

In the 1840s, this movement to provide free education for all children spread rapidly throughout the nation.

Women's Christian Temperance Union

In the 1870s, this women's organization was part of the temperance movement.

Tariff of Abominations

Increased taxes on imported goods to almost 50%; which positively effected American manufacturing.

Summarize the key technological, political, and geographic factors that contributed to the Market Revolution in the United States

It was characterized by a shift away from local or regional markets to national ones. For the South and West the agriculture exploded, and there was a textile boom in the North which in complementary ways strengthened the economy. It also talked about the cotton gin by Eli whitney's which contributed to industrialization. It decreased depended on foreign imports but in an increase in wage labor. During the Henry Clay's American System the federal government power grew which led to improvements in the form of expanded roadways and canal system. The development and westward expansion during the market revolution resulted in land speculation which cause even more of an economic boom

compare hamiltion and jeffersons visons for the u.s

J- kind as farmers, prime market lead to finance, agri. goods, H- u.s grow on manufacturing with help from a strong central gov. trading partners with britain

Sectionalism: The South

Largely agricultural, mostly cotton from 1830-1850.

King Andrew

Nickname given to President Andrew Jackson when his opponents did not like his use of the veto power.

Free Soil Party

Political party formed to oppose extending slavery in the territories

Know-Nothing Party

Political party of the 1850s that was anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant


Practice of the British navy of stealing Americans and forcing them into service in the British Navy.

Indian Removal Act

President Andrew Jackson supported this. By 1835 most of the eastern tribes had reluctantly moved to an area in today's Oklahoma.

Identify two central components in the nineteenth century's communications revolution

Prior to the development of the penny press, newspapers primarily serviced the business community and served as tolls for political propaganda. In 1833, the sun (first penny paper) was founded in NY. penny papers were the first papers to target working and middle class audiences. The penny papers were known for their sensational journalism, which was politically independent. Improved communication systems fostered the development of business,economics, and politics by allowing for dissemination of news at a speed previously unknown. Not soon after in 1838 samuel morse and alfred vail invented the electrical telegraph and morse code, allowing for the wired communication of messages using electrical signals.

Dorothea Dix

Reformer who was a pioneer in the movement for better treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill

Second Great Awakenings

Religious movement that began in the early decades of the 19th century. Reaction against the rationalism of the Enlightenment. In the northern states it touched off social reform.

Utopian Societies

Small societies dedicated to perfection in social and political conditions

Worcester v. Georgia

Supreme Court case regarding Cherokee rights to land in the United States.

American Indian Removal

Taken from their homes and never were able to go back According to jackson he stated that they didn't intelligence, moral habits or the desire of improvement They were looked down as they were called names like fierce savages, they were sold and bought as property but soon they started to die due to starvation. Indians tried giving everything to the u.s but they were always seen as the problem The removal act was known as the center piece for jackson, it was debated, and spoke against it but it was stated that they can keep their sovarty but not your own land and no, you can't have both

Nullification Crisis

Tariffs destroy states Tariff of 1832 was created to act as a remedy for the conflict created by the tariff of 1828 Yet the tariff of 1832 led to nullification crisis If tariff was no repealed south carolina was threatening to secede from the union November of 1832 a convention in south carolina passed an armaments of which forbid the collection duties in the same state. The force bill was passed by congress due to jackson wanting to authorize the US military to use force against south carolina in order to enforce federal laws. 1833- compromise tariff- by Sen. Henry Clay gradually reduced rate by 10 percent over the course of 8 years, addressing the SC demands Callhoun became the first vice president to resign .

Tariff of "Abominations"

Tax designed to protect industry in the northern United States.

Era of Good Feelings

Term to describe James Monroe's period as president (1817-1825). The Democratic-Republicans party dominated politics.

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831):

The Supreme Court ruled that Indians were not independent nations but dependent domestic nations which could be regulated by the federal government. From then until 1871, treaties were formalities with the terms dictated by the federal government.

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824):

The Supreme Court upheld broad congressional power to regulate interstate commerce. The Court's broad interpretation of the Constitution's commerce clause paved the way for later rulings upholding expansive federal powers.

Describe the economic and political effects of Eli Whitney's cotton gin

The cotton gin became a profitable industry, which created fortunes for white plantation owners in antebellum south. Basically the cotton gin was a machine that quickly and easily separated cotton fibers from their seeds, which before had to be performed by most often, slaves. It quickly became the primary export in the U.S. Textile boom in N.W. created an important domestic market for cotton producers. Because cotton plantations depended on slave labor, and the boom of this industry, slavery increased trastically in the early nineteenth century. Because of the effect on American Slavery, the cotton gin industry is cited das one of the causes of the American Civil War.

Describe the revolution in transportation in the nineteenth century and its contribution to economic growth

The first highway was built (National Road/ Cumberland Road). The Erie Canal which extended from New York State to the Great Lakes, cut a lot of cost of freight transport and contributed to the wealth and stature of NYC. The Canals as well offered advantaged over land shipment which couldn't be done by the railroads. With the revolution in transportation the concept of Manifest Destiny rose, where land developers, railroad magnates, and many other investors capitalized on westward settlement into American Indian land.

Nat Turner's Rebellion

The largest and deadliest slave uprising in U.S. history..

Trail of Tears

The removal of Cherokee Indians from Georgia to Indian Territory in 1838 and 1839

Jacksonian Democracy

The time period 1829 to 1837, also known as the Age of the Common Man.


They questioned the doctrines of established churches and business practices of the merchant class. Mystical and intuitive way of thinking to discover inner self and look for essence of God in nature.

John Marshall

This Federalist Chief Justice of the Supreme Court served in the position for 34 years. His decisions in landmark cases generally strengthened the federal government, often at the expense of states rights.

cotton gin

This machine was invented by Eli Whitney in 1793. It removed seeds from plant fibers.

Describe the early years of industrialization in the American Northeast

Wage labor began to replace family labor and apprenticeship became the dominant form of labor in the U.S The boston manufacturing company popularized the reliance on wage labor, where it involved a laborer selling their land to an employer under contract. The same company became the leading textile manufacture in the U.S. young women and children were employed at the mills. Then in the 1830's the lowell mill girls had organized strikes in protest to wage reductions, eventually these women were some of the earliest examples of labor-reform movements

Thomas Jefferson

Washington's first secretary of state. A Democrat-Republican, he was the nation's third president from 1801 to 1809.

"Corrupt Bargain"

What Jackson and followers called the Clay/Adams deal that kept him from election in 1824.

Frances Scott Key

Wrote the Star Spangled banner at the Battle of Fort McHenry.

Cult of Domesticity/Cult of True Womanhood

a belief that married women should restrict their activities to their home and family

Steam Power

an efficient power source for machines in factories and trains

Jacksonian Democracy

an expansion of voting rights to ensure majority rule during 1820's/30s

what was the general american reaction to the jay treaty, and what caused this reaction

anger- it was caused by the threats failure to address the issues of neutral trading rights and the impressment of sailors. it as well only granted the britains open ports for two years, britains fur trade remained in america

did changing coditions at home or abroad play a greater role in americas decision to declare war in 1812 ,

at played palyed greater role because of the push for war came from "war hawts" such as henry clay who had many people just like him who pushed war as well as the moevement they elected for congress

Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819):

case in which the Supreme Court prevented the New Hampshire from changing Dartmouth's charter to make it a public institution; the Court held that the contract clause of the Constitution extended to charters and that contracts could not be invalidated by state law. The case was one of a series of Court decisions that limited states' power and promoted business interests

what were the casues and the consequences of the quasi-war with france

causes- jay treaty, the detrotiating relationship betweens adams and france consequences- alien and secdition acts

what were the ocsts of jeffersons attempts to avoid armed conflic with G.B and France

he ended up harming the u.s economy , people were jobless

key ideas about the marshall court

supreme court helped incerease the power of the federal gov. Decisions helped promote business and the economy. Economy prospered as well. When the federal government became more powerful it was at the expense of the state governments.

what was the most important achievement of jeffersons first administration? why was it controversal

lousiana pruchase- controversal because it would doom the federalist party to western farmrs which is a subordinate role. it as well brought up questions if there will be slaves in these states or not

how did jefferson attempt to avid armed conflic with G.B and France

ordered ships out of american waters and demanded britain to apologize for opening fire on an american ship. jefferson stopped the trade with britain adn france ( peachable coercion" he as well demadnded impressment to stop

Second Great Awakening

religious revival that swept the country and helped inspire reform movements, especially the abolitionist movement

What was the War of 1812 about?

subject hood v. citizenship, impressment and trade restrictions

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