AP World Chapter 33: The Great War: The World in Upheaval

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Two local wars that raised tensions

-1905: French-Germany confrontation over Morocco -Balkan wars: States of the Balkan peninsula fought for possession of European territories held by the Ottoman empire

Timeline of the Armenians relations with Ottoman rulers

-Abuses persisted to non Muslim subjects so Armenians were left with confrontation, government was convinced Armenians were seeking independence -Ottoman state adopted new policy of Turkish nationalism but that stressed Turkish culture and traditions which only aggravated tensions between rulers and subjects of the empire

Triple Entente

-Also known as the Allies -Originated in a series of agreements between Britain and France and Britain and Russia -1914: Leaders of Britain, Russia, and signed military pact

Changes brought to the home front

-As war progressed society was given more control to military leaders -Government assumed control of the home front -War created demand for raw materials and manufactured goods -> compelled governments to abandon long cherished ideals of a laissez faire capitalist market economy and to institute tight control over economic life -Unemployment, a persistent feature of all prewar economies, vanished virtually overnight

Underlying causes for the war of 1914-1918

-Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand -Intense nationalism -Frustrated national ambitions -Ethnic resentments -Economic interests -Colonial rivalries -Balance of power -European government adopting foreign policies -Establishment and maintenance on Europe of Allies and Central Powers helped spread war

Eastern Europe and the Balkans

-Austrian and German forces overran Serbia, Albania, and Romania -1914: Russia invaded Prussia -Summer of 1915: German and Austrian forces drove Russian armies out of East Prussia and established defensive line -1916 and 1917: Russian counterattacks failed which undermined popularity of the tsar

Technology and military devolpments

-Barbed wire and machine guns -Poisonous gas -> mustard gas -Mustard gas: Rotted the body from both within and without, took four to five weeks, meanwhile victims experienced sever pain -Tanks, airplanes, and submarines

Update in Russia

-Bolsheviks gained control of Petrograd soviet, mostly due to the soviets wanting to continue war -Lenin persuaded the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party to seize power in the name of the All Russian National Congress of Soviets (Bolsheviks wanted to attack provisional government). Power did pass from the provisional government into hands of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party

Timeline of the naval race

-Both Britain and Germany thought powerful navies was critical to success -Germany announced program to build new fleet of ships -That sparked Britain to make dreadnoughts -Dreadnoughts: A very fast ship -This then triggered Germany to build their own dreadnoughts

Treaty of Brest Litovsk

-Ended Russia's involvement in the Great War by signing treaty with Germany -Gave German possession of much of Russia's land and one quarter of Russia's population -Let Russia now deal with internal problems -Now Germany could focus resources on the western front

Reasons for the war's expansion into Asia and Africa

-European governments brought their hostility with them to colonies which led to the involvement of their societies in war -Europe's human reserves were not enough, so they brought in men from their colonies -Desires and objectives of Japan, the US, and the Ottoman empire had little to do with the issues that drove Europeans to battle


-French revolution and Napoleonic conquests spread nationalism throughout parts of Europe -Self determination: People with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states -Powers that dominated Europe ignored self determination principal, therefore denying national autonomy to Germans, Italians, and Belgians -But, a combo of movements and wars allowed for autonomy of Germany, Italy, and Belgian -End of the 19th century: Nationalist wishes from subject minorities threatened to tear apart Ottoman, Habsburg, and Russian dynasties -Russian's support of Serbia, which supported Slav nationalism, and Germany's backing of Austria-Hungary which tried to counter the threat of national independence, helped set the stage for international conflict

August 15, 1914

-Japan wanted peace in eastern Asia, so they sent a ultimatum to Germany demanding the handover of territory and the withdrawal of German navy from Japanese and Chinese waters -Germany refused -Japan then entered war on the side of the Allies and took territory from Germany New Zealand and Australia soon joined Japan in taking land from Germany

Twenty one demands

-Japanese presented the Chinese government with 21 secret demands -China submitted to most of the demands but rejected others -Chinese diplomats also leaked the note to British authorities who spoke up for China -The demands reflect Japan's determination to dominate east Asia

Timeline of the startup to European war

-July 23: Austrians issued a nearly unacceptable ultimatum to the government of Siberia -Serbian government excepted all but one -After declaring Serbian reply to be unsatisfactory, Austria- Hungary declared war on Siberia -War was determined by two factors: Complex mobilization plans and the alliance system -Russia mobilized troops to defend Siberia from Austria Russia also mobilized troops against Germany, who defended Austria -The Russian mobilization against Germany led to a ultimatum to Russia that demanded them to cease -Another ultimatum was sent to France to know what their intentions were, France never responded -August 1: German government declared war on Russia and France started to mobilize -August 3: German government declared war on France -August 3: German troops invaded -Belgium in accordance with the Schlieffen plan but Belgian called on the treaty of 1839, which guaranteed Belgium's neutrality -August 4: The British government, who was one of the signatures on the treaty, sent a ultimatum to Germany demanding that Belgium's neutrality be respected. Germany wartime leaders refused, British immediately declared war -A local conflict became a general European war

All women

-Most governments promised equal pay for equal work, but many promises remained unfulfilled -Gaps between incomes of men and women still remained -The Great War only briefly suspended traditional patterns of work outside the home -Extension of voting rights to women shortly after the war was in part due to the role women assumed during the Great War

Update on the war

-Ottoman empire was aligned with the Central Powers at the end of 1914 -British navy suggested to strike against the Ottomans, who were a weak ally of the Central Powers, which would hurt the Germans -British and French wanted to seize straight to get warm water supply line to Russia, but was controlled by the Ottomans, Allies lost

Timeline towards the end of the war

-Russian government yielded power to Bolshevik revolutionaries who took Russia out of the war -Although Russia left, the entry of the US in 1917 turned the tide of the war because the resources of the US compelled the Central Powers to sue for peace -1919: Victorious Allies made peace settlement, but few of the parties involved were satisfied -War of 1914-1918 undermined Europe's power and promoted nationalist aspirations among colonized people

Germany's military strategy

-The Schlieffen plan: Called for knockout of France followed by defensive action against Russia -Plan did not factor in transportation of soldiers and wagons -Plan also did not seek peace, Germany leaders would feel compelled to stick to their war plans

Most crucial work performed by women during the war

-The making of shells: This work exposed them to severe dangers and many died perished in this fashion -TNT explosives: Exposure to TNT caused severe poisoning depending on the length of exposure

Political power in Russia shifted to two new agencies...

-The provisional government -Petrograd soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies

*After seizing important land from Germany, Japan exploited Allied support to advance their own imperial interest on China


*All major powers engaged in the scramble for empire, but competition between Britain and Germany and France and Germany were the most intense


*Allies targeted German colonies in Africa; while all of sub Saharan Africa consisted of European colonies (besides Ethiopia and Liberia), Germany only had four. But, the conquest of German colonies in Africa was difficult. Germs were also more deadly then Germans; many Allied soldiers and workers succumbed to deadly tropical diseases


*Austrian investigators linked assignation to a terrorist group known as the Black Hand, which was dedicated to the unification of all south Slavs to form a greater Serbia; the principle obstacle to Slavic unity was the Austro-Hungarian empire


*Bolsheviks became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and founded the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist's Republic


*Deaths were extremely high (assault of the French fort of Verdun by the Germans)


*Each nation viewed its fulfillment of treaty obligations as crucial to self preservation; countries would go to war to support one another


*Economic competition and colonial conflicts fueled dangerous rivalries among major European powers, especially between Great Britain and Germany


*Many nations thought the war was to be brief and they were all to gain great victories


*People who criticized nation's war efforts were prosecuted as traitors *Public disbelief of wartime propaganda led to an inability to believe in the hatred during the wars


*Public pressure also contributed to national rivalries *Public pressure from citizens who identified strongly with the state called for national greatness led to leaders getting short victories but long lasting hostility form other countries


*Soldiers were not the only ones who die, citizens were targeted too through air war against civilians and naval blockades to starve the citizens


*Turkish troops were unable to defend the empire against invading British armies, also with the support of an Arab revolt against the Turks who were promised independence from the Ottoman empire by the Britain, was not able to keep promise


*War came to Europe during harvest time; ordinary people reacted with shock and fear while intellectuals and city dwellers expected this to come and were celebrating the announcement of official war. One result of war, besides death and the drainage of supplies, was the increased participation of women in the labor force. Japan, the US, and the Ottoman empire were nations whose leaders professed little direct interest in European affairs


*War soon began to involve fighting between entire societies, not just between armies, and total victory was the only acceptable outcome that might justify the terrible sacrifices made by all sides. The nature of total war created a military front and a home front


*Women went to replace the male jobs for the men went off to fight in war *Women also worked behind the battle lines


Armenian Massacres


Battles in Africa and Southwest Asia




Colonial Disputes


Conflict in East Asia and the Pacific


Declarations of War




Global War


Japan's Entry into the War




Mutual Butchery


National Rivalries


Nationalist Aspirations


New Rules of Engagement


No Man's Land








Public Opinion


Stalemate and New Weapons


The Allies


The Central Power


The Drift Toward War


The Easter Front


The End of the War


The February Revolution


The Guns of August


The Home Front


The National Race


The October Revolution


The Ottoman Empire


The Struggle for Power


The Twenty One Demands


The Western Front


Total War: The Home Front


Treaty of Brest Litovsk


Understanding and Alliances


War Plans


Women at War


Dual Alliance

A defensive pack that ensured protection for both Germany and Austria-Hungary from a Russian attack an neutrality in case of a attack from any other power. Italy later joined in 1882 in fear of France, making it the Triple Alliance


Battle for the straight helped launch the political career of the commander of the Turkish division that defended Gallipoli

Western front

Battle lines remained stationary for about three years

Balfour Declaration

British government publicly declared its support for the "establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people"

Spring of 1917

Chaos within Russia led to the persuasion of Tsar Nicholas ll to abdicate the throne which left Russia a monarchy, and the Romanov dynasty disappeared

No man's land

Deadly territory between opposing trenches

Sykes Picot Treaty

Defined their future spheres of influence and control in southwest Asia and divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of British and French control

Armenian genocide

During the Great War, the Ottoman government branded Armenians as a internal enemy -> massacres and forced evacuation

Home front

Expressed the important reality that the outcome of the war hinged on how effectively each nation mobilized its economy and activated it noncombatant citizens to support the war effort

Total war

Fought between entire societies, not just between armies

Lenin and his party

German High Command transported Lenin and other revolutionaries to Russia hoping that this would stir up trouble and bring about Russia's withdrawal from the war. Lenin called for the transfer of legal authority to the soviets and succeeded in converting Bolsheviks to his proposals

The Triple Alliance/The Central Powers

Grew out of the close relationship that developed between leaders of Germany and Austria-Hungary

Working class women during the war

Impact of the war was relatively minor, working class women were used to earning wages and working

Update on Italy

Italy left Triple Alliance in favor of neutrality but entered the war on the side of the Allies

Italy's rivalry

Italy's rivalry with Italy threatened to wreck the alliance -> the Italian drive to annex region of northern Africa strained alliance because the German government worked to make friendly relations with the Turks

Vladimir Ilich Lenin

Revolutionary Marxist, viewed the industrial working class as incapable of developing the proper revolutionary consciousness that would lead to effective political action

Petrograd soviet

Revolutionary councils organized by socialists and called for a immediate peace

Central Powers goal

Sought to protect political status quo in Europe which made leaders of other nations suspicious, especially French leaders due to loss at Franco Prussian War, French government was determined to curb growing Germany

March revolution

The first of two revolutions in 1917 within Russian (actually March and November in our calendar)


The last major non Muslim ethnic group under Ottoman rule seeking autonomy and eventual independence

Middle and upper class women during the war

Thought of the war as a liberating experience that freed them from older attitudes that had limited their work and their personal lives

France's military strategy

To attack everywhere

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