AP World History Test 3-14-22

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On a global scale, which of the following most directly led to the expansion of the trade between Europe and Asia in the time period reflected in the chart?

The shifting balance of trade as a result of the circulation of American silver

Which of the following is best concluded about slavery in British North America from the graph above and knowledge of the period?

The increase in the number of slaves reflected a probable increase in the demand for plantation laborers

The actions of the Maroons that forced British colonial authorities to conclude a treaty with them are best explained as evidence of reactions against which of the following global trends in the period 1450-1750 ?

The increasing expansion and centralization of state power

The expansion of trade routes along the coast of Africa as shown on Map 2 was most directly facilitated by which of the following?

Improved ship designs and navigational technologies

The establishment of Dutch economic and political influence in Southeast Asia as shown in Map 1 was most directly a result of which of the following?

Joint-stock trading companies

Bolivar was describing the effects of which of the following economic policies?


The judge's decision in the case is best understood in the context of colonial authorities' policy of

ensuring that intercommunal conflicts were brought under control before they could disrupt public order

The columbian exchange involved which of the following new connections in the era 1450-1750?

African population to the Western Hemisphere; Western Hemisphere food to Europe and Africa; African and European diseases to the Western Hemisphere

Which of the following best illustrates the argument described in the passage above?

Amerindians were killed in large numbers by diseases such as smallpox and measles

Which of the following was an important continuity in the global economy from 1500 C.E. to 1700 C.E.?

Asian societies produced most of the world's manufactured goods

The passage could best be used to explain which of the following developments in the Americas in the period 1500-1750 ?

Enslaved peoples and their descendants used violent means to escape oppression and maintain their freedom

Which of the following characterized economic systems in Latin America and in Southeast Asia during the sixteenth century?

Both incorporated forced labor

Which of the following best explains why the painting was seen as a challenge to social conventions when it was painted?

Caribbean society was built on racial hierarchies that generally reserved elite status for people of European ancestry

In the period 1450-1750, which of the following, produced on large plantations by slave labor, were significant commodities in the growing world market?

Cash crops such as sugar and tobacco

Which of the following consequences of the Columbian Exchange most affected Amerindians in the sixteenth century?

Diseases caused pandemics

For the period circa 1650-1790, the differences between clove prices in Southeast Asia and those in Amsterdam best support which of the following conclusions?

Imperialism economically benefited European merchants and governments while leading to the economic decline or stagnation of Asian producers

Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following can be inferred about the economic hierarchy in San Juan Periban?

Mulatto and mestizo communities had some economic resources, but creoles were still economically dominant

Which of the following historical developments most strongly contributed to the mapmaker's depiction of West Africa and the southern half of the world in Map 2?

Portugal's development of maritime technology and navigational skills

A likely purpose for including the religious figure in the plaque was to show that

Portuguese naval activities in the Indian Ocean region were favored by divine forces

The map above illustrates which of the following?

Predominant areas of origin and destinations of African slaves in the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries

The use of objects such as the one shown in the image best illustrates which of the following historical processes from 1450 to 1750?

Some Asian states sought to limit foreign encroachment in their internal affairs

Which of the following factors would contribute most to future revisions of Map 2?

Spanish sponsorship of trans-Atlantic and trans-Pacific maritime exploration

Which of the following was the most important factor in the development of new long-distance maritime commercial patterns in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

The European settlement and exploitation of natural resources in the Americas

Muslim maritime activities in the Indian Ocean were most disrupted by which of the following sixteenth-century developments?

The arrival of Portuguese and other Europeans

The production of the plaque in Goa is best understood in the immediate context of which of the following?

The development of trading-post empires

The two interpretations of economic history of the early modern period differ most strongly concerning

the relative importance of Europe in the global economy

The ethnic makeup of Zacatecas, as described in the passage, can be best be used as evidence of which of the following?

The dependence of colonial economies on coerced labor

Which of the following was a major motivation for European maritime expansion starting in the fifteenth century?

The desire to trade directly with Africans and Asians

Based on the chart and your knowledge of world history, which of the following most directly enabled the Dutch to establish and enforce a monopoly on the Southeast Asian clove trade in the seventeenth century?

The development of powerful joint-stock commercial companies

Which of the following most directly led to the arrival of substantial numbers of Africans in the Americas at the time of the painting?

The expansion of the plantation system for growing sugarcane and other crops

The dispute described in the court case is most directly an effect of which of the following processes in colonial American societies?

The formation of new identities as part of the restructuring of social hierarchies

The object shown in the image is best understood in the context of which of the following developments between 1450 and 1750?

The influence of European merchants and missionaries along Asian maritime trade routes

For the period circa 1580-1650, which of the following most directly caused the price fluctuations shown in the chart?

The intensification of competition among European states over the control of profitable maritime trade routes

Which of the following describes the most important cause of the demographic changes associated with the Columbian Exchange?

The introduction of New World food crops to Afro-Eurasia and the spread of epidemic diseases to the Americas

The author's claim that the Spanish inhabitants of Manila act as agents for the inhabitants of Mexico can best be described as a reference to which of the following?

The mercantilist trade regulations enforced by Spanish colonial authorites

A historian would most likely use Map 1 to research which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750?

The ways that European cartography drew on earlier knowledge from the Islamic world and merchant activity in the Mediterranean

Which of the following describes the effect of skin color, ethnicity, and former slave status in Latin America in the late nineteenth century?

There continued to be discrimination on the basis of all three factors

Which of the following best explains an effect of Spanish voyages across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in Europe in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries?

They greatly increased interest in transoceanic travel and trade in other European countries

The material used to create the plaque best reflects which of the following historical situations in the Indian Ocean region in the period 1450-1750?

Trade networks continued to flourish and gave Europeans direct access to precious luxury goods

The trend shown on the graph above is best explained by

increased production of cash crops like sugar

During the period 1600-1800, the leaders of China, Korea, and Japan all had policies that

regulated interactions with foreigners

In the period 1500 to 1750, the population of the Portuguese colony of Brazil grew rapidly and became predominantly African. Which of the following best explains these demographic changes?

the increase in global demand for cash crops such as sugar

The main arguments of the two sources are most similar in their emphasis on the

significance of European access to precious metals from the Americas

Article 4 of the treaty is best explained as evidence of how states in the period 1450-1750 sought to

suppress resistance to their rule by co-opting local groups

During the seventeenth century, one of the reasons Africans participated in the Atlantic slave trade was

the demand for weapons among African elites

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