AP world midterm review

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The name Renaissance describes a. A reawakening of interests in the classical Greek and Roman path b. A focus on the individual rather than collective society c. Literature written in the vernacular rather than in Latin d. Artists who focus on new themes and styles

a. A reawakening of interests in the classical Greek and Roman path

The atlas above, produced in 14th century Spain, provides evidence that a. Islam remained the dominant religion in Spain b. Word of Mansa Musa's wealth in gold had reached Europe c. Spain was part of the camel caravan trade d. Europeans viewed Africans with disdain

b. Word of Mansa Musa's wealth in gold had reached Europe

Which of the following words would characterize the author's overall opinion of Timbuktu a. Barbarian b. Uncivilized c. Prosperous d. Utopia

c. Prosperous

According to the map, what percentage of the population died of the Black Death in area A a. Under 15% b. 15-50% c. It was unaffected d. Over 50%

d. Over 50%

Aztec merchants a. Administered and collected the tribute from allies and defeated enemies. b. Rarely journeyed far from their homes. c. Worked part-time in trade and part-time in fields producing food. d. Were traditionally priests and temple employees

a. Administered and collected the tribute from allies and defeated enemies.

After the expansion of Islam into Africa, an organized Christian presence remained in a. Egypt and Ethiopia b. Morocco c. Mauritania and Tunisia d. Algeria

a. Egypt and Ethiopia

What was the function of cowrie shells in Timbuktu a. Money b. Jewelry c. Building material d. Medicine

a. Money

The Crusades launched by European Christians at the end of the eleventh century were motivated primarily by a. Papal efforts to unite western European rulers and nobles in support of the papacy b. The desire to demonstrate Europe's new technological supremacy over Islam c. Resentment toward Islamic missionaries seeking to spread their faith along the Mediterranean d. Western European fears that Byzantium and the Muslim kings would launch a military attack against western Europe

a. Papal efforts to unite western European rulers and nobles in support of the papacy

Why does Islamic art usually feature geometric patterns and shapes rather than depictions of living things a. The Qu'ran forbids the worship of graven images. b. The Bible forbids the worship of graven images. c. Artists were not yet properly skilled to draw human figures. d. Geometric shapes were seen to be more godlike.

a. The Qu'ran forbids the worship of graven images.

How did the Abbasids "overextend" themselves as rulers a. They failed to govern vast and ethnically diverse lands effectively. b. They sold off too many parcels of land to feed their financial reserves. c. They became a caliphate. d. They forced Christianity on their occupied territories.

a. They failed to govern vast and ethnically diverse lands effectively

Footnote two (line 36) points out a mistake by the author, why might the author have made this mistake a. It was intentional, the author did not care for the real king so refused to acknowledge his existence b. As a foreigner, the author was unfamiliar with the government's organization and the people filling positions in it c. The author uneducated and illiterate and as a result he did not know any better d. As a local the author understood that the real king was only a figurehead and that Omar ben Mohammed Naddi really made all the decisions

b. As a foreigner, the author was unfamiliar with the government's organization and the people filling positions in it

What was NOT a result of the plague a. Servant's wages increased. b. Families made every effort to save their loved ones. c. People who survived spent their inheritance on rich clothing. d. Prices for goods went up.

b. Families made every effort to save their loved ones.

Which do historians consider the major achievements during the golden era of Islamic culture I. They invented the wheel at this time. II. The use of Arabic numerals became widespread. III. Muslims contributed to human understanding of astronomy and mathematics. IV. Several pieces of Islamic literature, including the Rubaiyat, are considered world masterpieces. a. I, II, III b. II, III, IV c. I and III only d. II and IV only

b. II, III, IV

Which of the following lines from the reading provides evidence that Timbuktu was frequently visited by outsiders a. Lines 7 & 8 b. Lines 8 thru 10 c. Line 25 d. Lines 22 thru 24

b. Lines 8 thru 10

Which of the following characterized the trans-Saharan trade by 1250 C.E. a. The bulk of trade consisted of low-priced commodities b. Muslim merchants dominated the trade c. European Christians became directly involved in the trade d. Most trade was carried by horse rather than by people

b. Muslim merchants dominated the trade

African literature of the 600- 1450 period was preserved through a. Manuscripts kept in pyramid-shaped archives b. Oral tradition c. Scroll painting d. Writings on large slabs of stone

b. Oral tradition

The photograph above of a mosque (first erected in the fourteenth century) in the modern-day West African country of Mali best exemplifies which of the following historical processes a. Imposition of religion through military conquest b. Spread of religion along trade routes c. Abandonment of indigenous cultural styles in the face of colonization d. Conflict between local and universalizing religions

b. Spread of religion along trade routes

The conversion to Islam of rulers of the kingdom of Ghana and the Mali empire a. Transformed the role of women in those cultures. b. Stimulated commercial relations with Muslim merchants. c. Meant that Islamic faith was forcibly imposed on their entire societies d. Facilitated the export of Muslim African slaves by these two states to other Islamic countries.

b. Stimulated commercial relations with Muslim merchants.

The conversion to Islam of rulers of the kingdom of Ghana and the Mali empire a. Transformed the role of women in those cultures. b. Stimulated commercial relations with Muslim merchants. c. Meant that Islamic faith was imposed forcibly on their entire societies. d. Facilitated the export of Muslim African slaves by these two states to other Islamic countries.

b. Stimulated commercial relations with Muslim merchants.

The Five Pillars are to Muslims as a. The hadith is to Muslims. b. The Noble Eightfold Path is to Buddhists. c. The four Vedas are to the Aryans. d. The book of Genesis is to Christians.

b. The Noble Eightfold Path is to Buddhists.

Which of the following did not contribute to the decline of the Umayyad Dynasty a. New converts to Islam felt that they deserved equal status with the privileged Arab warriors b. The Umayyad ban on trade caused economic hardship c. Pious Muslims felt that the Umayyad family behaved immorally d. The Shi'ites and the Kharijites contested the Umayyad Family's claim to rule on religious grounds

b. The Umayyad ban on trade caused economic hardship

The most significant characteristic of the period 1450-1750 the differentiates it from previous periods in history is a. The major role played by nomadic people in trade b. The organization of a trade network that encompassed the globe c. The rise of China as the world ' s most urbanized civilization d. The industrialization of the production of goods

b. The organization of a trade network that encompassed the globe

One reason Islam facilitated trade in the Dar al-Islam was that a. They adopted Roman techniques of building roads and taxation b. The use of credit was less risky due to a common system of law and courts c. Islamic merchants invented paper to better record financial transaction d. Their peaceful relations with Byzantine civilization

b. The use of credit was less risky due to a common system of law and courts

Which of the following was the primary goal of Zheng He's expeditions a. To establish diplomatic relations with the Muslim states trading on the Indian Ocean. b. To impress foreign people with the power and might of the Ming dynasty. c. To eliminate foreign trade with China. d. To establish Chinese trading cities on the Indian Ocean

b. To impress foreign people with the power and might of the Ming dynasty.

Based on your knowledge (and the image above) the best analysis of CCOT regarding trade from 600 - 1450 includes which of the following a. Complex trade routes developed to transport necessities and luxury goods were secondary opportunities traded along these routes b. Trade in this area developed the region known as Afro-Eurasia c. Conquerors' networks began to develop at the conclusion of this period d. Trade growth began at the end of the periodization.

b. Trade in this area developed the region known as Afro-Eurasia

The new camel saddles actually evolved in response to the need for? a. Global warming caused the desert to expand and the trip was longer b. There was a shortage of horses and the nomadic peoples turned to camels c. An increased carrying capacity and thus the profitability of the overland trade d. Crossing the desert was faster and people wanted to be more comfortable

c. An increased carrying capacity and thus the profitability of the overland trade

The map above illustrates what significant changes and continuities in Indian Ocean trade between the tenth and sixteenth centuries CE a. The continuing dominance of trade by Indonesian sailors even after the arrival of the Portuguese. b. The Portuguese gradually replaced Arab, Indian, and Chinese traders. c. Arab, Indian, and Chinese traders continued to have a large share of Indian Ocean trade after the arrival of the Portuguese. d. The Chinese continued to dominate trade in the northern Indian Ocean and the Portuguese dominated trade in the southern Indian Ocean.

c. Arab, Indian, and Chinese traders continued to have a large share of Indian Ocean trade after the arrival of the Portuguese.

During the Abbasid period, women a. Were the center of the Shia opposition to Abbasid rule b. Acquired rights town land and engage in business c. Became increasingly isolated in the harem and behind the veil d. Exercised no influence in palace and harem politics

c. Became increasingly isolated in the harem and behind the veil

The above is most likely an excerpt from the writings of a. Marco Polo b. Vasco Da Gama c. Ibn Battuta d. Ahmed Ibn Fahdlan

c. Ibn Battuta

Islam in India had a strong appeal to members of lower castes because a. Islam was less dependent on the written word than other religions were. b. Conversion to Islam made them equal with other caste members. c. Islam promised the spiritual equality of all believers. d. Allah was more competent than Shiva and Vishnu in terms of salvation

c. Islam promised the spiritual equality of all believers.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about East African cities during the post-classical era a. East African city-states were all under the rule of a single Arab sheik. b. The area was not ethnically diverse. c. The most widely used language was Swahili d. The area unfortunately never enjoyed a booming economy.

c. The most widely used language was Swahili

Which of the following was a major reason for the rapid expansion of Islam during the 7th and the 8th centuries a. The economic growth of the Mughal Empire b. The advanced military technology of the Islamic forces c. The political divisions within the Persian and Byzantine empires d. The political unity of the North African peoples

c. The political divisions within the Persian and Byzantine empires

Why didn't looters take the belongings left in a house when someone died or fled the village a. They believed the air was pestilent. b. Neighbors would not steal from the dead. c. They believed the belongings were poisoned. d. The neighbors were too sick themselves to steal

c. They believed the belongings were poisoned.

Which one of the following factors was NOT one of the foundations of Mali's power a. Control over trans-Saharan trade. b. A series of powerful kings. c. Use of Arabian scholars and bureaucrats. d. A devout religious devotion to Christianity

d. A devout religious devotion to Christianity

The nature of the society into which the prophet Muhammad was born was a. An urban-based culture with small manufacturing. b. A pastoral society with many camels. c. An agricultural society dominated by warriors. d. A society made up largely of nomads and merchants.

d. A society made up largely of nomads and merchants.

As Islam developed a. untouched by outside influences b. Evolved but remained untouched by outside influences c. Was changed dramatically by local traditions d. Absorbed many "little traditions", which it to be more flexible

d. Absorbed many "little traditions", which it to be more flexible

Based on the information given in the passage, what material was most likely used to make clothes in Timbuktu a. Polyester b. Rayon c. Silk d. Cotton

d. Cotton

This statement best supports which of the following pillars of the Islamic faith a. Hajj b. Giving to the poor c. Praying five times a day d. Declaration of faith: "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is His Prophet."

d. Declaration of faith: "There is no God but God, and Muhammad is His Prophet."

Based on your knowledge of history, and the image above, identify the trade network that continued to grow in importance into the next periodization: 1450-1750 a. Silk Roads b. Trans-Saharan c. Turquoise Road d. Indian Ocean

d. Indian Ocean

The author of this paragraph would most likely agree with which of the following comparative statements a. The Islamic Empire and the Chinese Empires had roughly similar impacts on the Afro-Eurasian world. b. The Chinese had a significantly larger impact on the Afro-Eurasian world than did the Islamic empire. c. Both the Chinese and the Islamic Empires had very little impact on surrounding territories. d. The Islamic Empire had a larger immediate impact than did the Chinese Empires.

d. The Islamic Empire had a larger immediate impact than did the Chinese Empires.

What does Stefani say is causing the illness a. He says it is caused by a "bubo". b. People believed it was caused by poison. c. Most people believed it was caused by being in close contact. d. The cause was unknown

d. The cause was unknown

The migration depicted in the map above was made possible by a. The discovery and use of bronze for weapons and agricultural tools b. The presence of many large beasts of burden and wheeled vehicles c. The rise of global temperatures after about 950 C.E. d. The cultivation of a food crop well suited to Africa's interior

d. The cultivation of a food crop well suited to Africa's interior

Scholasticism is most associated with a. Charlemagne b. Bernard of Clairvaux c. Aristotle d. Thomas Aquinas

d. Thomas Aquinas

In 1215, King John of England signed the Magna Carta, which a. Affirmed that monarchs are subject to established law. b. Stripped the nobles of their hereditary rights. c. Confirmed the control of the church by the monarchy. d. Provided that the king had free reign in tax matters

a. Affirmed that monarchs are subject to established law.

Which artifact would best support the syncretism portrayed in the painting above a. An Arab coin found in Kievan Rus b. A Byzantine coin found in Egypt c. A baptism record indicating that a Kievan Rus chieftain had converted to Christianity d. A flag symbolizing a Kievan victory over Mongol invaders

a. An Arab coin found in Kievan Rus

Andean and Mesoamerican civilizations differed because a. Andean societies had no form of writing b. Inca priests did not make astronomical observations c. The Andean region could not engage in long-distance trade because of harsh climate d. Cuzco was much larger than Tenochtitlan in terms of population

a. Andean societies had no form of writing

Although the Mayas developed similarly to other civilizations, they never a. Developed complex religions. b. Progressed much past Neolithic technologies. c. Produced complex mathematics, sciences, and calendrical traditions. d. Invented written languages

c. Produced complex mathematics, sciences, and calendrical traditions.

In the second half of the seventeenth century, which of the following countries dominated European culture, politics, and diplomacy a. England b. Spain c. Russia d. France

c. Russia

If peoples surrendered or were subdued without resistance, the Mongol a. Exacted tribute but generally left the inhabitants alone. b. Destroyed the towns and resettled the people on farmlands. c. Settled Mongols amongst the sedentary peoples. d. Forced the inhabitants to migrate to new lands

a. Exacted tribute but generally left the inhabitants alone.

Catherine the Great was attracted to the ideas of the a. French Enlightenment. b. Protestant Reformation. c. Renaissance. d. Scientific Revolution.

a. French Enlightenment.

Which of the following statements about Central American societies between 1000 and 1450 C.E. are accurate I. Many of them built pyramids for religious rituals. II. There was a significant degree of cultural and religious continuity among them. III. They often were politically disunited. IV. There was a high level of trade and economic interaction among the various peoples. a. I, II, and III b. II, III, and IV c. II and III only d. I and II only

a. I, II, and III

l Orthodox Europe was generally more advanced culturally and economically ll Both civilizations spread at times through conquests lll After 500 C.E. the east had a more sophisticated and standardized system of laws lv The east was more unified politically while the west was divided up into separate kingdoms Which of the following are/is true of Orthodox and Catholic Europe before 1400 C.E. a. II, III, and IV b. II and III c. II and IV d. I, II, and III

a. II, III, and IV

Economically, early modern Russia was a. Largely agricultural and dependent on Western trade b. Largely industrialized c. Poor and backward with few items to export and unable to feed itself d. Self-sufficient enough to be uninterested in trade

a. Largely agricultural and dependent on Western trade

The most effective Mongol troops were a. Light cavalry archers b. Heavy cavalry lancers c. Heavy infantry pikesmen d. Infantry armed with muskets

a. Light cavalry archers

This man is considered to be the "Father of Early Humanism" because of his commitment to collecting and translating classical works a. Petrarch b. Botticelli c. Leonardo da Vinci d. Michelangelo

a. Petrarch

The first European country be begin exploration and conquest at the end of the 15th century was a. Portugal b. Spain c. France d. Sicily

a. Portugal

A sixteenth-century traveler would have been most likely to encounter this type of architecture in which of the following European countries a. Spain b. France c. Germany d. England

a. Spain

The map above shows which of the following empires at its greatest extent a. The Mongol Empire b. The Russian Empire c. The Byzantine Empire d. The Ottoman Empire

a. The Mongol Empire

What was the significance of the Frankish victory over Arab and Berber armies at Tours in 732 a. The Muslim advance into Europe was halted b. The Delhi Sultanate ended c. Islamic art became a permanent influence on the Franks d. Arabic numbers became a part of European scholarship

a. The Muslim advance into Europe was halted

What were the most important features of Italian city-states, as depicted in the above painting of Florence a. The city walls indicate that city-states were independent of the power of regional states. b. Due to increased urbanization, city-states were outgrowing their original boundaries. c. City-states were heavily under the influence of the Catholic Church. d. City-states depended on agriculture and fishing more than crafts for prosperity

a. The city walls indicate that city-states were independent of the power of regional states.

Which of the following statements about the Mongol Empire of the thirteenth century is true a. The invasion of Japan was attempted but was unsuccessful b. The number of Buddhist and Muslims in Asia dropped significantly as a result of Mongol persecution c. In China the Mongols eliminated the Chinese scholar-official class d. The Mongols conquered Constantinople

a. The invasion of Japan was attempted but was unsuccessful

"As soon as a coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs." This quote refers to what practice by the Catholic Church a. The practice of selling indulgences b.Extracting money from patrons for Christian paintings and sculptures c. Catholic Church positions on releasing criminals d. Simony

a. The practice of selling indulgences

The best explanation of Europe ' s rise to become trade giants in global maritime trade after 1450 was a. Their improvement of navigation and military technologies b. Better relations between Western Europe and the Byzantine Empire c. A weakening of the Ottoman Empire d. The collapse of the Mongol Empire

a. Their improvement of navigation and military technologies

What was a major reason Britain and Holland were ultimately more profitable in trade than Spain a. They were primarily funded by private investors and would not tolerate inefficient practices b. Spain chose only to get involved in the trade of precious metals and their economy suffered because of this. c. Spain was a Catholic nation and its ventures into the New World were not supported by the Pope or other Catholic nations d. Spain practiced pure capitalism; Britain and Holland did not

a. They were primarily funded by private investors and would not tolerate inefficient practices

The Bishop seems to be very surprised that.... a. This hot-tempered, uneducated man is the leader of such a large country as Russia b. Peter is interested in learning about other countries ways c. The Tsar is an experienced ship's architect d. Peter's sister is plotting against him.

a. This hot-tempered, uneducated man is the leader of such a large country as Russia

Which structure would have most closely served the same purpose as the large structure rising far above ground in the middle of the painting a. Tikal in Guatemala b. The pyramid of Giza in Egypt c. Machu Picchu in Peru d. The wall around Great Zimbabwe in Africa

a. Tikal in Guatemala

Which is the most likely reason that rulers during the 17th century built elaborate palaces, such as the one at Versailles, France, shown above a. To demonstrate their wealth and power b. To provide jobs for artists, architects, and builders c. To create fortresses as a defense against invading armies d. To glorify and demonstrate the power of the official state religion

a. To demonstrate their wealth and power

According to the theory of mercantilism, colonies should be a. Granted independence as soon as possible b. Acquired as markets and sources of raw materials c. Considered an economic burden for the colonial power d. Used as settlement areas for surplus populations

b. Acquired as markets and sources of raw materials

The Dominican friar Bartolome de Las Casas, a conquistador-turned-priest a. Was responsible for the brutal laws oppressing the Indians. b. Became an ardent supporter of conversion of Indians and an advocate of Indian rights. c. Was responsible for the bloody annihilation of the Indian population of Tenochtitlan in 1520. d. Was named head of the Council of the Indies in 1518.

b. Became an ardent supporter of conversion of Indians and an advocate of Indian rights.

Which of the following states stood apart from the trend toward absolute monarchy in the seventeenth century and retained a parliamentary regime a. France b. Britain c. Spain d. Austria-Hungary

b. Britain

he map above depicts the imports which would have been brought into the a. Roman Empire b. Byzantine Empire c. Crusader States d. Ottoman Empire

b. Byzantine Empire

One reason offered for the expansion of the Inca state was a. Overpopulation and the need for new crop land. b. Each new Inca ruler had to secure new land and wealth for himself. c. Changing environment and climate drove the Incas from their homeland. d. Superior technologies made it easy for the Incas to conquer other peoples

b. Each new Inca ruler had to secure new land and wealth for himself.

What was a direct result of the Viking raids of Europe from the 8th to the 10th centuries a. Christianity spread to the northern Scandinavian lands b. Europeans organized into regional societies for protection c. Trade routes were established between Denmark and northern Europe d. The power of monarchs was weakened

b. Europeans organized into regional societies for protection

Based on the context, which of the following words could best be substituted for "Idols" on line a. Singers b. Gods c. Priests d. Role models

b. Gods

Russia's defeat by the Mongols a. Had little effect on Russian development b. Led to 250 years of Mongol dominance c. Was meaningless because the Mongols abandoned the area for their homeland d. Left Poland and Sweden the dominant powers in Eastern Europe

b. Led to 250 years of Mongol dominance

The most important relationship in feudalism was between a. King and archbishop. b. Lord and vassal. c. King and pope. d. Serf and pope

b. Lord and vassal.

The excerpt above from The Secret History of the Mongols illustrates the Mongols' central value of a. Conquest b. Loyalty ties c. Hierarchical deference d. Feasting and celebration

b. Loyalty ties

Ivan III was responsible for the a. Abolition of serfdom in Russia. b. Military campaigns that freed much of Russia from the Mongols. c. Policies of Westernization that required changes in dress among the Russian elite. d. Conversion of Russia to Roman Catholicism.

b. Military campaigns that freed much of Russia from the Mongols.

What was one of the primary differences between the Northern and Italian Renaissances a. The Northern Renaissance occurred a century earlier than the Italian Renaissance. b. Northern humanists focused more on religion than their Italian counterparts. c. There were no major literary figures in the Northern Renaissance. d. The Northern Renaissance did not make use of the classical languages typical of the Italian Renaissance.

b. Northern humanists focused more on religion than their Italian counterparts.

Who did the Aztecs use for human sacrifice a. Common criminals b. Prisoners of war c. Volunteers d. Local lunatics

b. Prisoners of war

Because of their level of technological development, Aztec work and production a. Relied heavily on tools and machines b. Relied heavily on the physical labor of humans c. Richly rewarded intellectual invention and innovation d. Were performed by slaves and conquered or tributary states

b. Relied heavily on the physical labor of humans

According to the passage, which technology did the Incan civilization employ throughout their empire a. Astrolabe b. Road construction c. Harness d. Irrigation techniques

b. Road construction

The picture above depicts which type of architectural style in the middle ages a. Muslim or Moorish b. Romanesque c. Gothic d. Vaulted

b. Romanesque

"It is most evident that kings, queens, and other princes...are ordained or God, are to be obeyed and honored by their subjects; that such subjects as are disobedient or rebellious against their princes, disobey God" An Homily Against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion, Church of England, 1570 What could most reasonably be concluded from the sermon above a. The clergy generally appointed kings, queens, and princes b. Rulers often used religious ideas and institutions to justify their rule c. Rulers were most often chosen from members of their clergy d. The clergy believed in the separation of church and state

b. Rulers often used religious ideas and institutions to justify their rule

The migration of the Polynesian peoples brought with it the a. Transmission of iron technologies b. Spread of domesticated animals c. Growth of large-scale water-based empires d. Decline of major trade routes

b. Spread of domesticated animals

The description of the peasant revolt best supports which of the following conclusions a. Peasant revolts were more frequent in England than elsewhere in this period. b. Peasants were hostile to the idea of wage labor c. Peasants used religious beliefs to justify their resistance. d. Peasant demands for equality were supported by the highest levels of religious leaders.

c. Peasants used religious beliefs to justify their resistance.

The point of view of the author can best be described as a. Indifferent to the peasants' grievances b. Sympathetic to the leaders of the revolt c. Sympathetic to the peasants d. Hostile to the peasants

c. Sympathetic to the peasants

"Without doubt there is in these lands a very large quantity of gold . . . And also there are stones, and there are precious pearls and infinite spicery . . . And also here there is probably a great quantity of cotton; and I think that it would sell very well here without taking it to Spain but to the big cities belonging to the Grand [Mongol] Khan." --Christopher Columbus What does the quote above reveal about Columbus a. That he was partially loyal to the Mongol Khans. b. That his beliefs, both about the resources and location of the Caribbean Islands, were grossly inaccurate. c. That he was concerned more about material wealth than about spreading Christianity d. That he placed a high priority on establishing friendship with the natives over trading with them.

b. That his beliefs, both about the resources and location of the Caribbean Islands, were grossly inaccurate.

Which of the following statements about Mongol rule in China is most accurate a. The Mongols scorned the Chinese subjects so much that they removed farmland from cultivation and used it for grazing Mongol livestock. b. The Mongols did not use the Chinese administration, preferring imported administrators. c. The Mongols persecuted Confucian scholar-officials by incarcerating prominent administrators. d. The Mongol leaders of China preferred the steppes and ruled from the Mongol capital of Karakorum

b. The Mongols did not use the Chinese administration, preferring imported administrators.

The historian's assertion that "the plague spread from caravanserai to caravanserai across Asia and eastern Europe" is best understood in the context of which of the following developments a. The spread of disease pathogens contributed to the decline of the Mongol empire b. The expansion of the Mongol empire facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication c. The expansion and intensification of long-distance trade routes in Central Asia was dependent upon the use of horses by pastoral nomads d. In key places along the Silk Roads, like the caravanserai, Mongol merchants set up diasporic communities

b. The expansion of the Mongol empire facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication

What is meant by the saying: "If the horse dies, I die; if it lives, I survive? a. If the horse was strong enough, so was the rider. b. The horse provided food as well as transportation. c. The horse symbolized the life of the rider. d. The only way for a Mongol to return safely after a raid was on his horse

b. The horse provided food as well as transportation.

Saint Thomas Aquinas, author of such important works as Summe Theologica, is important in European history because he a. Worked out the theory of papal supremacy in his writings b. Compiled the writings of Jesus into a new testament c. Assimilated/aligned Greco-Roman thought into Christianity through his writings d. Was the first bishop of Rome

c. Assimilated/aligned Greco-Roman thought into Christianity through his writings

The Byzantine Corpus Juris Civilis (Justinian's Code) was important to later civilizations because it a. Tried to spread Byzantine influence more broadly. b. Reintroduced Roman law in Byzantium. c. Became the basis for civil law in the West. d. Separated the Byzantine church and state

c. Became the basis for civil law in the West.

Prior to the Protestant Reformation, the medieval church in Western Europe was criticized for a. Sponsoring explorations to the Middle East b. Allowing the Bible to be printed and distributed to the people c. Being too concerned with worldly power and riches d. Refusing to sell indulgences to peasant

c. Being too concerned with worldly power and riches

Locke's political philosophy is best demonstrated in a modern government in which citizens a. Expect their government to take any necessary action to keep order b. Have little chance to influence decisions by their government c. Can keep or replace elected representatives in regular elections d. Care little about politics, so they rarely participate in government

c. Can keep or replace elected representatives in regular elections

Which institution served as the primary unifying force in medieval western Europe a. Legislature b. Monarchy c. Church d. Military

c. Church

The excerpt above supports all of the following EXCEPT. a. Many economic interactions in Samarqand are numerous. b. Forced assimilations might have occurred c. Currency was easy to exchange in Samarkand d. Trade fostered cultural tolerance

c. Currency was easy to exchange in Samarkand

The discoveries of Isaac Newton had a major influence on Enlightenment thinkers. In what way was this influence so significant a. Enlightenment thinkers attempted to base their philosophies on religious tradition b. Enlightenment thinkers studied Newton's writings about the freedom of human beings and the proper role of kings and governments c. Enlightenment thinkers employed Newton's scientific method when exploring questions about human nature and the responsibilities of the citizen d. Enlightenment thinkers looked to the works of Copernicus and Galileo, as Newton had, when seeking answers about the nature of art and religion

c. Enlightenment thinkers employed Newton's scientific method when exploring questions about human nature and the responsibilities of the citizen

What was the religious policy of the Mongol empire under Genghis Khan a. He was converted to Islam late in his life b. He practiced no religious beliefs himself and therefore did not allow any overt religious practices c. He followed the shamanistic beliefs of his ancestors but all religions were tolerated in his empire d. Under the influence of his wife Buddhism became the state religion of the Mongol empire

c. He followed the shamanistic beliefs of his ancestors but all religions were tolerated in his empire

When the Mongols divided their empire, the only region that did not become a center for one of their khanates was a. Iran and Mesopotamia b. Central Asia c. India d. East Asia

c. India

The trade networks in this map were: a. More densely woven than trade networks in Eurasia due to the ease of passing through the Mesoamerican climate. b. About equally as active as trade routes in Eurasia. c. Less densely woven due to a variety of reasons including north/south axis and a lack of domestic animals suitable for travel. d. Primarily for the purpose of moving Andean goods into Cahokia

c. Less densely woven due to a variety of reasons including north/south axis and a lack of domestic animals suitable for travel.

The empires through which most of the trade routes depicted on this map passed were governed by a. Greeks b. Han Chinese c. Mongols d. Muslims

c. Mongols

Which sentence below would be an accurate summary of the Bishop's opinion of Tsar Peter a. According to the Bishop, Peter is an accomplished naval architect and firm leader. b. Bishop Burnet considers Peter to be a vicious dictator c. The Bishop finds Peter to be a savage, relatively unsophisticated man d. Bishop Burnet is impressed with the wide ranging interests and knowledge of the Tsar

c. The Bishop finds Peter to be a savage, relatively unsophisticated man

Which conclusion about life in Cahokia is best supported by the painting a. No one lived inside the mound complex b. Few people in Cahokia engaged in agriculture c. The mound complex was the political and religious center of society d. Cahokia decline due to a lack of fresh water

c. The mound complex was the political and religious center of society

Abelard's views would most directly support which development in Europe a. European universities that allowed for research on human cadavers b. The founding of the Benedictine, Dominican, and Franciscan orders of the Catholic Church c. The opening of the way for secularism and Christian humanism in the Renaissance d. Increased rights for women to become guild members, own property, and gain divorce rights

c. The opening of the way for secularism and Christian humanism in the Renaissance

Which best explains why the Portuguese were able to control trade in Asian waters during the early 16th century a. They had a massive supply of gold and silver to buy goods b. States in the area granted them a trade monopoly c. They used coercion through superior weapons and ships d. The Chinese had withdrawn from trade in Asia

c. They used coercion through superior weapons and ships

Which individual would likely agree most with the ideas of this passage a. Hugh Capet b. Otto I c. Thomas Aquinas d. William the Conqueror

c. Thomas Aquinas

By taking part in the Church's seven sacraments, medieval Christians hoped: a. To gain the approval of the feudal monarchs b. To achieve a sense of social peace with one another c. To achieve spiritual salvation and eternal life d. To gain the attention of the priests and ultimately the Pope

c. To achieve spiritual salvation and eternal life

Which of the following world history processes was most responsible for the eighteenth-century cityscape of St. Petersburg, Russia, shown above a. Disease diffusion b. World climate changes c. Westernization d. Democratization

c. Westernization

Louis XIV of France was associated with the style of government called a. Enlightened despotism. b. Corporatism. c.Feudal monarchy. d. Absolute monarchy.

d. Absolute monarchy.

What was the Incan practice of split-inheritance a. On the death of a previous ruler, the throne passed to two descendants from the ruler's family b. On the death of the previous ruler, the family's wealth was equally divided between all male heirs. c. On the death of the previous ruler, the inheritance passed through the family of the senior wife to her oldest brother. d. All political power and titles when to the ruler's successor, but his wealth was kept in the hands of his male descendants to support the cult of the dead Inca's mummy

d. All political power and titles when to the ruler's successor, but his wealth was kept in the hands of his male descendants to support the cult of the dead Inca's mummy

Demographic evidence of the Aztec Empire around 1500 CE indicates a. A falling population base when the Europeans arrived b. Women outnumbered men due to the loses during the frequent wars c. Most Aztecs lived in cities d. An extremely high population density

d. An extremely high population density

Which geographical barrier hindered the process described in the passage above a. Deccan Plateau b. Rio Grande c. Amazon Basin d. Andes Mountains

d. Andes Mountains

This passage best supports the conclusion that Abelard a. Strongly supported all writings of Church officials past and present b. Accepted teachings in the Bible but rejected the pope's authority c. Left the Church because he disagreed with its teachings d. Believed that debating Church writings was beneficial

d. Believed that debating Church writings was beneficial

Which sentence shows Mongolian horses to be related to the Mongol's spiritual beliefs a. "Horses were sacrificed to provide 'transport' to heaven". b. "Before combat, leather coverings were placed on the head of each horse and its body was covered with armor." c. "Before setting forth on military expeditions for example, commanders would scatter mare's milk on the earth to ensure victory." d. Both A and C show a spiritual connection.

d. Both A and C show a spiritual connection.

Which of the following statements describes a similarity between the Byzantine Empire and Chinese civilization a. Both drew richly from Hellenistic traditions b. Both were able to hold back the Mongol invasions until the mid-15th century c. Both were characterized by warring regions and factions d. Both had centralized bureaucratic states

d. Both had centralized bureaucratic states

In order to supply food to Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs a. Obtained food through tribute from conquered city states b. Relied largely on trade for foodstuffs c. Used slave labor d. Built floating agricultural islands on the lake

d. Built floating agricultural islands on the lake

The most important factor in the revival of learning in medieval Europe was a. The popular literacy promoted by the Roman Catholic Church b. The preservation of Aristotle's works by Muslim scholars c. The widespread knowledge of Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire d. Charlemagne's attempt to reform education

d. Charlemagne's attempt to reform education

The illustration above depicts the a. Burial rites of the Taino on the island of Hispaniola b. Mummification rituals performed on deceased Incan kings. c. Conversion of native Americans to Christianity by Jesuit missionaries. d. Death of an Aztec citizen by smallpox

d. Death of an Aztec citizen by smallpox

Montesquieu believed that to prevent tyranny in government there should be a separation of powers. Which of the following best illustrates this idea a. Absolute power in the executive branch b. Splitting power among three or more countries c. Total power in the legislative branch d. Dividing power among three branches of government

d. Dividing power among three branches of government

Women in medieval Europe a. Could enter religious life only in Orthodox Byzantium b. All lacked property rights c. Had equality before the law, especially in matters of reproductive rights d. Had some legal protections, but their rights often depended on where they lived and which class they belonged

d. Had some legal protections, but their rights often depended on where they lived and which class they belonged

Which of the following was one thing done by Charlemagne a. He wrote an important book on the art of statecraft. b. He rejected coronation by the pope. c. He established a large bureaucracy to rule his empire. d. He built an impressive, if relatively short lived, empire in Western Europe.

d. He built an impressive, if relatively short lived, empire in Western Europe.

What was the Tsar's purpose in coming to England a. He wanted to observe the shipbuilding methods of the English b. Peter hoped to mend relations between the Russians and the English c. There were plots against him in Russia so he came to England to plan a defense d. He hoped to learn about the methods of government and the religions in other countries.

d. He hoped to learn about the methods of government and the religions in other countries.

Based on the reading, which part of the body can we presume the Aztecs considered most sacred a. Brain b. Blood c. Liver d. Heart

d. Heart

The Renaissance brought about a renewed interest in art and culture in Europe after the horrors of the Middle Ages. What philosophy dominated this era, stressing the idea of human potential and using your gifts for the betterment of all mankind a. Imperialism b. Militarism c. Nationalism d. Humanism

d. Humanism

Which conclusion about Kievan Rus can most clearly be drawn from the painting above a. It was a highly stratified society, with the leaders holding most of the wealth b. It borrowed shipbuilding technology from the Chinese world c. It carried on a thriving slave trade with the Middle East d. It was heavily influenced by the culture of the Vikings

d. It was heavily influenced by the culture of the Vikings

According to the author, how did the Mongols horses help them become successful conquerors a. The Mongols were proficient horsemen b. No other country used horses in combat. c. Mongolian horses were better trained than the horses in other countries. d. Mongol horses had speed, endurance and spiritual significance.

d. Mongol horses had speed, endurance and spiritual significance.

Which of the following was characteristic of the commercial revolution of the sixteenth century a. European nations progressively adopted free trade and dropped tariff systems. b. The establishment of colonies led to increased foreign competition and a decline in European manufacturing. c. The commercial revolution saw the formation of great trading companies that purchased cash crops for re-export. d. Monopolies of trade with specific regions or over specific commodities were established.

d. Monopolies of trade with specific regions or over specific commodities were established.

In anatomy and biology, a major 17th century breakthrough was made by William Harvey who a. Explained the function of the brain b. Suggested that diseases were caused by microscopic organisms in the blood c. Speculated about genetic inheritance d. Postulated the circulation of blood on the basis of studying the heart and lungs of animals

d. Postulated the circulation of blood on the basis of studying the heart and lungs of animals

Which of the following represents an impact of the Mongol control of Russia a. Urbanization b. Increasing significance of Roman Catholicism c. Mass conversion from Eastern Orthodoxy to Islam d. Rise of Moscow's power

d. Rise of Moscow's power

What was the primary difference between the Western and Russian empires a. Russia's government was weak and incapable of establishing strong control over the nobles. b. The Russian empire lacked the new military technology, particularly the use of gunpowder. c. The Russian empire stayed outside the Western-dominated world economy. d. Russia's expansion involved only limited commercial exchange

d. Russia's expansion involved only limited commercial exchange

Which element of civilization is most clearly shown in this Maya artwork a. Urbanization b. A system of education c. A code of laws d. Social classes

d. Social classes

European strategies to benefit from Indian Ocean trade after 1498 can best be described a a. Defeating and controlling the political powers that traded there b. Earning profits by introducing superior European goods c. Making tributary states out of Chinese, South Asian, and East African civilizations d. Taxing and controlling the movement of trade through ports

d. Taxing and controlling the movement of trade through ports

What people provided the most serious challenge to Byzantine authority in the Balkan peninsula a. The Magyars b. The Huns c. The Russians d. The Arab Muslims

d. The Arab Muslims

After 1492, the development in the New World most responsible for the increase of African slavery was a. The rampant death of native Americans because of disease b. The spread of Catholicism to the Spanish colonies c. The rise of a Portuguese trading post empire d. The introduction of sugarcane as a cash crop

d. The introduction of sugarcane as a cash crop

The success of the Byzantine theme system was most dependent upon a. Keeping each area free from military entanglements b. The lack of Islamic pressure on the border regions c. The practice of rural agriculture with few imperial restrictions d. The loyalty of local aristocrats

d. The loyalty of local aristocrats

Which person most clearly expressed ideas that were consistent with Locke's political philosophy a. James I, who wrote True Law od Free Monarchy b. Cardinal Richelieu, who developed the system of intendants c. Charles I, who refused to honor the Petition of Right d. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence

d. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence

All land in the Inca state a. Was owned by merchants and traders. b. Belonged to the oldest woman of the family. c. Was owned by those who worked the land. d. Was owned by the state but assigned and redistributed to others

d. Was owned by the state but assigned and redistributed to others

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