AP1 Prac3 lab 9(14&15) mastering questions

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Both the Psoas major muscle and iliacus muscle insert on the __________. lesser trochanter of the femur linea alba of the femur intertrochanteric crest greater trochanter of the femur


Movement of the shoulder laterally away from the body is called __________. abduction extension adduction flexion


Of all the flexor muscles of the forearm, the __________ is the shortest. pronator teres flexor digitorum superficialis flexor carpi radialis longus flexor ulnaris


The actions of the internal intercostals are most important during __________. forced expiration normal inspiration forced inspiration normal expiration


The actions of the rhomboid major on the scapula do not include __________. lateral rotation elevation adduction medial rotation


The insertion of the pectineus muscle is __________ and on the __________. posterior; femur anterior; pubis anterior; femur posterior; pubis


The main action of the fibularis longus is to __________. evert the foot invert the foot plantar flexes the foot dorsiflexes the foot


The muscle that generates the most power during elbow flexion is the __________. brachialis biceps brachii brachioradialis triceps brachii


The origin of the external obliques includes ribs __________. five through twelve six through twelve seven through twelve eight through twelve


The origin of the serratus anterior includes __________ ribs. eight ten seven six


The origins of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle are the __________. lateral condyle and posterior surface of the femur medial condyle and posterior surface of the femur patellar surface and posterior surface of the femur patellar surface and anterior surface of the femur


The semitendinosus muscle lies ______________ to the semimembranosus muscle. posterior lateral anterior deep


The teres major adducts the arm but does not __________ the arm. abduct medially rotate or extend extend medially rotates


The transversus abdominus muscle is innervated by the __________. intercostals nerves thoracic nerve inguinal nerve left scapular nerve


This large, fan-shaped muscle of the upper chest is the prime mover of arm flexion. pectoralis major serratus anterior external oblique deltoid


This muscle is named for the direction of its fibers. external oblique sartorius gluteus maximus tibialis anterior


To allow for flexion, the __________ unlocks the knee joint. popliteus biceps femoris sartorius semimembranosus


All fibers of the pectoralis major muscle converge on the lateral edge of the__________. greater tuberosity intertubercular sulcus deltoid tuberosity radial tuberosity


All fibers of the semimembranosus muscle converge to insert on the __________. posterior femur posterior tibia anterior tibia anterior femur


Muscles are named based on all the criteria below except ________. direction of muscle fibers color of the muscle action of the muscle number of origins


The __________ is the largest and most superficial of the gluteal muscles. gluteus medius gluteus maximus gluteus minimus gluteus internus


The actions of the internal obliques include __________. compression of the rib cage to assist in forced inspiration compression of the abdomen to assist in forced expiration compression of the rib cage to assist in forced expiration compression of the abdomen to assist in forced inspiration


The infraspinatus inserts on the ____________ of the humerus. coranoid process of the scapula greater tubercle of the humerus acromial process of the scapula lesser tubercle of the humerus


The origin of the rectus femoris is the ____________. linea aspera anterior inferior iliac spine anterior femur greater trochanter


The origin that the vastus medialis muscle shares with the vastus lateralis is the __________. patellar tendon linea aspera of the femor greater trochanter lesser trochanter


The origins of the levator scapula are from the ___________ of four cervical vertebrae. spinous processes transverse processes fascia bodies


The posterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the __________. pectoralis major latissimus dorsi brachioradialis trapezius


The shape of this muscle gives it its name. vastus lateralis trapezius scalenes brachialis


The space between the axon terminal and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber is called the ________. aponeurosis cleft synaptic cleft nerve gap muscle gap


The subscapularis muscle inserts on the __________. greater tubercle of the humerus lesser tubercle of the humerus intertubercular groove of the humerus deltoid tuberosity of the humerus


The tensor fasciae latae stabilizes the hip joint and the __________ joint. sacral knee elbow ankle


The tibialis anterior muscle dorsiflexes the foot at the ankle and also assists in __________ of the foot. eversion inversion extension plantar flexion


The tibialis posterior muscle originates at which three locations? tibia, femur, and interosseous membrane tibia, fibula, and interosseous membrane tibia, patellar surface, and interosseous membrane fibula, patellar surface, and interosseous membrane


The trapezius muscle may be separated into all of the following groups, except __________. inferior lateral middle superior


The two heads of the biceps brachii combine to insert on the __________. olecranon process radial tuberosity radial notch ulnar notch


The vastus lateralis is innervated by the __________. sacral nerve femoral nerve tibial nerve fibular nerve


This muscle works as a fixator of the shoulder when you attempt to lift a heavy table with your forearm. serratus anterior deltoid external oblique platysma


This superficial muscle covers a large part of the posterior thorax. rectus abdominis trapezius pectoralis major rhomboids


A neuron and all the muscle fibers it stimulates is called a ________. synaptic cleft myoneural junction motor unit fascicle


A reduction in the lateral angle of the glenohumeral joint in relation to the anatomical position would be called __________. extension flexion adduction abduction


All fibers of the triceps brachii are innervated by the __________. humeral nerve ulnar nerve radial nerve axillary nerve


An aponeurosis is ________. a disease of the neuromuscular junctiona covering of the myoneural region similar to a tendon in function a structural part of the interior of muscle cells


Both heads of the biceps femoris muscle __________. flex the hip extend the leg at the knee flex the leg at the knee extend the hip


Brachioradialis and sternocleidomastoid are named for ________. their shape their relative size the location of their origin and insertion the direction of their muscle fibers


Of the nine muscles that cross the shoulder joint and insert on the humerus, which muscle is considered to be a prime mover? supraspinatus pectoralis minor deltoid coracobrachialis


The __________ musculature includes muscles that move the vertebral column and muscles that move the ribs. head and neck lower limb trunk


The action of the extensor digitorum longus muscle is to __________. plantar flex the foot flex the digits extend digits invert the foot


The brachialis muscle is located __________ to the biceps brachii muscle. laterally superiorly deep superficially


The brachioradialis is a strong forearm __________. extensor pronator flexor supinator


The deltoid muscle fibers are separated into __________. lateral, medial, and proximal superior, middle, and inferior anterior, middle, and posterior superficial and deep


The gluteus medius muscle is innervated by the __________. inferior coxial nerve inferior gluteal nerve superior gluteal nerve superior coxial nerve


The insertion of the supraspinatus muscle is on the __________. spinous process of the scapula lesser tubercle of the humerus greater tubercle of the humerus intertubercular groove of the humerus


The insertion of the teres minor is on the __________. intertubercular groove of the humerus lesser tubercle of the humerus greater tubercle of the humerus lateral border of the scapula


The latissimus dorsi inserts __________. on the lesser tubercle of the humerus on the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus on the intertubercular groove of the humerus on the greater tubercle of the humerus


The majority of the fibers of the gluteus maximus insert onto the __________. gluteal tuberosity inferior border of the os coxae iliotibial tract superior border of the os coxae


The origin of the flexor carpi radialis is on the __________. radius metacarpals humerus ulna


The pectoralis major muscle can be divided into groups of fibers superior, or __________, and inferior, or __________. humeral; scapular scapular; humeral clavicular; sternocostal sternocostal; clavicular


The rhomboid minor muscle sits __________. deep to the rhomboid major inferior to the rhomboid major superior to the rhomboid major superficial to the rhomboid major


The soleus muscle shares an insertion with the __________. flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus gastrocnemius muscle fibularis longus muscle


The vastus intermedius __________ the leg at the knee. laterally rotates flexes extends medially rotates


This name reveals the number of the muscle's origins. pectoralis major adductor longus triceps brachii temporalis


Each of the elements that make up a skeletal muscle is surrounded by connective tissue. Which words below correctly pair the connective tissue layer with the corresponding muscle structure? entire muscle: epimysium functional group of muscles: endomysium muscle fiber: deep fascia fascicle: perimysium


The external intercostals elevate the rib cage during __________. both expiration and inspiration expiration neither inspiration nor expiration inspiration


The origin of the Sartorius muscle is from the __________ spine. posterior superior iliac anterior inferior iliac posterior inferior iliac anterior superior iliac


The origins of the rectus abdominus muscle are on the __________. sacral bone ischial bone ileum bone pubic bone


The pectoralis minor muscle is innervated by the __________. clavicular nerves ulnar nerves sternal nerve pectoral nerves


When both muscles of this pair are contracted simultaneously, they flex the neck forward. platysma semispinalis trapezius sternocleidomastoid


True or False: The anterior axial muscle that crosses the glenohumeral joint is the pectoralis major muscle.


Each muscle cell is surrounded by thin connective tissue called the __________.


true or false: The biceps femoris is located in the anterior compartment of the thigh.


This strong, cord-like structure attaches muscles to bones.


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